Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Exorcism 6.9
Exorcism 6.9

April 28th, 2011. 9:00PM

Amy Dallon

I tripped over a rock, and I let out a scream. Where the fuck even was I? Had I seriously lost my way in this insane place?

"Stupid mushroom…" I roared incoherently and was rewarded with a slap from a chitinous arm.

"Not stupid." It talked in a soft toned voice and I groaned. This place was insane and I had met at least half a dozen talking spirits including a cellphone and a damn stripper pole. I was at least getting closer to where the Lord River was, so maybe this would work out if I just kept moving.

It was a good thing that wherever I was let bending work or I'd be screwed. At least a few of the spirits had tried to talk me into killing myself, and another wanted to ride me around like a meat puppet. I managed to convince some type of healing spirit to launch him into the ocean. Apparently I had street cred from a lot of the nicer spirits because of how much I heal people.

So my impact was a lot bigger than I thought it was. Because there were a ton of spirits like that, hundreds at least and they all recognized me. I had pretty much been following my guts, as well as the instructions of the local spirits who didn't want to eat my mortal soul.

Why the hell hadn't Basilia done this before? Maybe she didn't have all the time in the world to talk to giant ancient spirits but why couldn't she have done more?

Paper crumpled, and I felt my hand wrap around a sheet of loose paper put inside the pockets hidden away in. I pulled out the paper and read…

Was too dangerous.

Ancient spirits are capricious and unpredictable.

Didn't want you to do this, but had no choice.

She'll get you whatever you want.

She trusts you.

That…wasn't Basilia or Dinah's handwriting…it was Charlotte's…how did she know?

The note crumpled in my hands, and I closed my eyes. I was angry, and I knew why I was angry. I had thought that they didn't trust me, that they thought I was too unstable and too…messed up to help them. But none of this was about me, it was about saving the city from someone who could take everything from us if we let them.

"Then I have to keep going." I wasn't going to let a bunch of stupid crazy spirits get in my way. I had to find that other spirit's brother and convince him to help us, convince him to fight that monster.

I stopped and looked around.

Where was I now?

The weird cityscape had vanished, and I was surrounded by fog, shadowy boats spread all around me in the humid air. I was on the shore of the Lord River and I could feel dread crawl up my spine like horrible thoughts used to crawl up into my brain. I had to take careful steps, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach when I noticed that I was being held up by two large stones and nothing else. One wrong step would be a dip into the frigid waters and I'd probably drown even with waterbending.

I could hear whispers, and more thoughts about how Basilia would suffer for making me do this came to the forefront. I hoped all of this was worth it, because I'm not sure how long Vicky could hold out against a god. She might be my sister and I might love her…but I had no illusions on how long she could last against something like that thing.

I sighed. "Who's there?" The whispers grew louder and more ferocious, and I had to keep calm even as it felt like some wild animal was going to go for my throat.

The river current roared in my ear, and I could see the marks of glaciers that didn't exist in reality. I remember that Taylor had talked about it, that the Lord River had carved out an inlet when the ice age ended. It made Brockton Bay a good place for shipping and harbors until the tanker had been sunk into the ocean. So this was a glimpse of the past, and it was…awe inspiring.

I started to walk, deciding that my airbending should be good enough protection. I hopped from stone to stone and ice floe to ice floe. That caused a chuckle that made me falter and I nearly slipped into the dark waters below. I didn't stop, and I buried the primal fear deep down. If a total dork like Basilia could deal with this nonsense so could I.

I felt Shaper's touch, her power and influence wrapping around me like a cloak. The river turned harsher, and there was something like curiosity(?) in the air. A pressure like my sister's aura but far, far stronger. It was like the weight of the river was pressing down on my shoulders, like I had the entire world looking at me.

I scowled.

I had felt like this before, had felt and put pressure on my shoulders that should never have been mine to take. So a little intimidation wouldn't do jack.

The fog cleared as I made it to the other side of the river on gusts of wind. My bending felt sluggish here but I could still use it. It was a lot better than the Library. The spirit that had thrown us into Basilia's whole deal months ago didn't tolerate fighting in his domain. I had…talked to him a few times, since he had a lot of books on biology and chemistry. He was nice when you weren't a bitch to him, and he was apparently compelled to help provide knowledge since he was the spirit of the library.

But he was just a ripple in comparison to the whirlpool I was going towards like an idiot.

When I stepped away from the bank the fog had cleared completely, and I saw someone sitting down on a block of ice in the shape of a chair. My eyebrows twitched at the loud and obnoxious sipping from a clay cup.

"Well?" The man raised an eyebrow and I found a seat had been prepared in a blink of an eye. I sat down, my eyes burning as reality took a hike. I took a look at the person who had asked me to sit without saying more than one word. I hadn't understood, but Shaper had.

He was a tall man, and looked Native American, like some of the tribes that had lived in Brockton Bay before European settlers had made their homes here. It was hard to see his appearance, and at times I thought he was a she. I was going to stick with male for now…since that felt right at least most of the time.

He offered a drink, and I felt like saying no. The thought didn't last, there wasn't any need to be rude and bitchy. That was for later when I chuck Basilia and Dinah into the bay.

I took the clay cup and without a second thought I took the plunge. It tasted like the best damn coffee in my life, and I very much appreciated the caffeine boost from the cup.

"Thank you." The man smiled, swirling his cup of…juice(?) and exposing teeth that were oddly and disturbingly uniform.

"Good. It seems the shaman has chosen well with her representative, you are attuned to the ways of spirits though lack the grit to commune with us in the way that the Vyasa does." That took me for a loop, and I gulped once I realized who and what was speaking to me.


"The Twisting One, The Riverine Guardian." The list was short and just as melodramatic. "But you may simply call me Lord River." I blinked and I gaped when I saw that his teeth were made out of ice. His clothing was actually a whirling stream of water, and I was having a hard time looking at him.

"Okay." I bowed my head a little like I had seen Basilia do a hundred times over with any spirit that she befriended. "I'm Amy Dallon." I offered a hand, not expecting the spirit to…shake my hand?!

My eyes crossed as contradictory sensory information clouded my thoughts. He was human, he was a fish, he was an assembly of algae, and he was…splashy?

The fuck?

The spirit laughed, and I sighed as I became the entertainment of an ancient spirit.

"Indeed you are. I know you well, your father often brought you to my shores, and many of my court speak fondly of you." I blushed and blanched at the same time. He had known my father? "I did…he often cleaned my shores of his own accord, quite a nice fellow."

He…was a murderous criminal. Then again spirits aren't really very big on having human mindsets.

"That's good isn't it?" I cursed at my lack of confidence, and tried to pretend that I hadn't been too unconfident. That was important for spirits wasn't it?

"Yes. It means that the Shaman knows enough of my temperament to send someone she considers a friend, as well as savvy enough to send a friend to my court to commence our little meeting. You are here to form a pact in Vyasa's place, to seek the aid of the guardians of this land."

"Yes." I went with the blunt approach. "The Mother of Miseries is a threat to us all."

"Is she though?" He tilted his head and I felt cold all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?" His teeth were more like jagged icicles now, and I felt like either running or shoving a blast of cutting air into his chest.

"I have been around for a long time, human. I remember the pressure of the Great Glaciers before they retreated." That was at least 11,000 years ago. "My sister is far older, she sang of life, currents and storms when your ancestors were merely naked apes still learning the ways of fire. If the Mother of Miseries destroys your race what difference does it make? All your kind has done for us is poisoning our land and our children, weakening us with your stupidity, and marking us with your failure to destroy the Leviathan. Tell me then…what do we gain from helping your sick and weak kind?"

"We'll change…" He looked at me intently, and I wondered why I had said that.

"Could you elaborate?" His voice was much more alien and unknowable, and I didn't even blink as wings of water materialized from his back.

"We don't have to pollute your waters, we can find better ways…and if this is about the Boat Graveyard, that's going to be cleared up soon. The inlet will be free to flow again."

"What ways?" He sounded curious and I talked fast.

"Erudition has the tech to clean up pollution, and she was planning to clear the river once she got permission from the city. I can probably make some organisms that could clear everything too." Maybe some type of living net to catch garbage, or pollution eating algae, or little tadpoles that soak up contaminants in their body to be processed?

"Truly? Then perhaps I may reconsider…" There was a but in there. "However even if that is true…it will leave me vulnerable. If you fail to defeat this Interloper I will certainly be destroyed for my actions. Do you have a response for that is well…?"

"I…do." I cleared my throat, my heart hammering in my chest as the spirit tilted his head. "The Mother of Miseries won't leave you alone even if you do nothing or help her. She'll destroy the river, and repurpose you like what she did to a ton of spirits. She isn't out to kill humanity, she's out to kill the Earth. And if you idiots don't recognize how bad this is I'll make you." I felt pissed at the nerve of these spirits that would just leave us to ro—

"I'm convinced."

"What?" I croaked. He cracked a mischievous smile and there was a feeling of being played.

"You're not a shaman little one, but you would have made a fine one. We were simply testing your resolve."

"We?" The sky turned dark and the other spirit appeared with an oddly sad Eidolon in tow.


They…were giving me the runaround the entire time?!

"May I have permission to speak freely?" Lord River nodded and the other unnamed spirit rolled her reptilian eyes.

"YOU MAY." I couldn't stop myself.

"You're all assholes." The river guardian barked out laughter, and his sister rumbled with annoyance.

"BRAVE. BUT I WILL ALLOW IT…SPIRITS AND HUMANS ARE AFTER ALL QUITE DIFFERENT." Soon after she had said that, we were pushed through a rift right back to where we had started. The city was…starting to shimmer with a certain pattern, like a timer set off to blow.

Not yet.

"Panacea." I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder, and I looked up at Eidolon. There was a certain sadness and pressure to him as he talked. "You did a good job, now it's my turn to play my role. I'll pay her back…" Huh?

He floated upwards into the air, and the Rachni Queen flared biotically, her singing getting louder and more directed. I felt reality shift around Eidolon, some type of Shaker power letting him fly, which also generated some form of shield. His hands glowed emerald, and before I could say a thing he unleashed a beam of light at the bubble. Instead of popping, it seemed to lighten my sister's burden…and one hand diverted out into a flashlight that left a shimmer along the island and started to cover the bay itself. There was a third power but I didn't know what it was.

The bubble rippled, and I knew the clock was ticking.

I drifted close to my sister and to Labyrinth and Vista…and flinched.

My sister was pale, her tiara broken and light shining from her skin. Her hands were quivering, and it…looked like she was in pain. Vista and Labyrinth were even worse off, their eyes bloodshot and spittle dripping from their lips. And it looked…crystalline. Biotics surged from Vista, mingling with her power.

Shaper…are you there?

'Oh gods make it stop…WHAT…is this?!'
I flinched at her babbling, she didn't seem okay. 'It hurts…it hurts…those poor shards…IT HURTS!' I stumbled at how much pain she seemed to be in, and I tried…to project some sympathy. Was it because she could see biology more clearly? Did…looking at the Mother of Miseries hurt her?

"Don't look at her…don't look at her." I repeated my words like a mantra, and I could feel the power Shaper gave me get weaker. "Don't look at her…look at me." I found a weed growing in the soil and against my better judgement touched it. "Look at this weed…and don't look at her…look at me…and look at this plant." It was hard to convince her, with the shards in the background screaming as they were broken down for energy and matter and quintessence.

The plant grew a flower that bloomed into a fruit with cancer killing properties, and was made sterile without a supply of a specific chemical. Her babbling calmed and I spoke softly, like the way that Basilia or Vicky talked around little kids. I could barely hear anything over the pain that seemingly looking at the bubble caused.

They need to finish up their business…and they need to do it soon.

"I'm not sure how much longer they can hold."

April 28th, 2011. 9:10PM

Basilia Rubio

I blasted fire at a long tendril that had attempted to block us, and wreathed my hand in warp energies. The tendril was reduced to red liquid upon contact with my fists. Legend flew past us, bouncing and searing through dozens of tendrils before coming to a stop. He looked disoriented but managed to stop himself from blasting us with enough firepower to wipe out a building from existence.

"Legend." Alexandria placed a hand on his shoulder, her expression uncertain. He took deep breaths, and I felt uncomfortable at the expressions of almost everyone here. They had all suffered from the machinations of the dark god, and while personally what I had seen would stick with me for life I…wasn't affected in the same way.

I'm not sure I wanted to know why that was, but I doubt I would have a choice once it came to light. There were only a few people remaining, and I could already see Dauntless pulling Myrddin away from another mental prison. The wizard cape formed a dark sigil with his fingers, and a concussive blast broke apart a mass of coagulated mud when it attempted to swallow up Miss Militia. I could hear the loud ominous rumbles and groans as the bubble started to crack.

Almost everyone except for the Wards and the Rachni were here, but I could sense the first group only a few meters short of our final destination. There was something there, something I needed to see for myself.

I leapt in front of everyone and out of my seat, dodging Lisa as she rubbed her arms with uncharacteristic melancholy. She pulled on my arm, her dim expression turning into a glare.

"You knew that we were going to be sealed in here." There was another murmur in the crowds and I grimaced. She had been rather uppity lately, and I wondered if she just didn't like me or if she had been going through a bad day.

I didn't much care though…I just felt sad.

"If I had then I would have done better than this." I simply waved my arms around this place of depression, nihilism and suffering. "All the strategies on how we would pair up capes, and what needed to be done were based on Dinah's Precog. Problem with it is evaluating why those calculations are correct. With some things it's obvious, Echidna's minions would be vulnerable to the machinations of the dark god. Lung has very powerful regeneration, and his power is more resilient to her weapon."

"Erudition." I pulled away from Taylor, and I started to sympathize marginally with Contessa. Precognition was bullshit to both its victims and its users.

"First question was trying to probe for an appropriate container for The Mother of Miseries. I thought we'd get a wall of some kind, but a bubble of nightmares was all that we had time to sort. The second question involved whether obtaining help from two certain spirits would elevate our chances of success."

"Did it?" Miss Militia asked, rubbing her eyes with a slight groan.

"Yes. But the trouble with Precog is that it can be a black box, the sheer amount of data crunching required to make Precognition even possible makes getting an exact list of what causes a specific prediction hard to parse. Hell we only got as far as we did because we pushed her power too far." I rubbed my whole face, pacing quickly as the stress got to me. "The third question was simply whether there was a weakness we could exploit. It's hard to get much with how well the Mother of Miseries fucks with Thinker powers."

"Sorry…" Tattletale looked apologetic to my surprise. "I'm just…tired." I grimaced at what she must have seen even under the protection of Bitch's shamanistic items and Grue's fog. Hallucinations were commonplace here, and while I was immune, the same didn't apply to everyone else. I was already mulling the acquirement of a company therapist both for our normal workers, our engineers and scientists as well as our Parahumans.

"So all of this is…" Dauntless trailed off, looking just as mentally exhausted as everyone else.

"A gigantic clusterfuck due to insufficient information and the clever machinations of an alien demon god yes." I wasn't sure if that could be considered a quip but I didn't care right then.

"You should move on ahead of us." Charlotte tapped into our conversation, her usual shy smile twisted into a grimace. The floor of flesh was writhing, spitting out puppets that moved in jerky but aggressive fashions. There was a hint of intuition, a certain knowledge that she had gained from somewhere.

"I…" I didn't want to leave them, I had already made a mess of things. I…

Taylor was the one who pushed me, her expression unreadable due to her mask. "Go…we need this weakness or this will all have been for nothing. Go."

"O-Okay." The song of the Rachni grew louder, a second energy allowing them to pierce more deeply into the void. I turned to Levantar, softly smiling as I rubbed his front. "Keep them safe…and keep it safe too, I still owe you some scrap metal buddy." He whirred happily, and I leapt past then in a series of biotically and bending enhanced jumps.

I shuddered as the puppets of flesh and broken souls attacked with what little power was directed towards them by their master. There was definitely something there, and I began to pick up the signatures of the Wards, a distinct scent in the air. The closest was Flechette, a distinct tangy orange mixed with spices made out of fragments of reality alteration. That was followed up by Aegis, smelling like a combination of leather and uncooked beef, as a well as a hint of shifting muscles.

Gallant was the most interesting, an upwelling of sweet and sour emotions and the flash of spice and wildness inherent in those who understood the spirits. It wasn't exactly that, but it's like trying to describe color to someone blind, or asking someone with synesthesia what color music was. Which…actually fit very well with how shamans(and Rachni) view the world.

I ran faster when I noticed they were huddled around something small. My mind screamed that this was it, that this was what I was looking for.

My speed alerted the Wards, and I screamed as I narrowly dodged a Sting infused projectile flying at 500+ feet per second. When it landed on the ground, the three foot long arbalest left a twenty meter furrow in the flesh, shredding through all the matter it touched.

I gulped.

"Hi?" I waved awkwardly and I could feel the embarrassment and horror coming off of Flechette in waves.

"Oh god I'm so sorry it's just in this place…"

"It's fine." I waved off her concerns even as I felt jitters shake my legs. "This place is a nightmare, I can understand how it'll leave someone paranoid." It didn't make nearly getting shredded any less traumatizing. I leaned over to what they were crowding around. "We've managed to find everyone except the Rachni…" Their songs pervaded the bubble, and I think they had scattered themselves across several corners. I don't think we needed to find them, they had their own role to play.

Gallant nodded. "Right…well it seems like someone else got caught in the bubble." My heart froze in my chest as they moved. It was a relatively nondescript child, and my shock had broken whatever spell they had been under. They backed away, and I stared at the supposed child.

She was tall and skinny, looking surprisingly like a small Taylor though with a shade of dark blue hair instead of black. Her human skin was peeling away to reveal inky blackness and scales…but I felt no ill intent.

Her dark eyes looked up at me, blank and empty and full of a despair beyond human comparison. The bubble was rippling, and I knew we had between twenty and forty minutes before all hell breaks loose.

"Are you Kala?" I asked directly and I could see the confusion and fear and curiosity in the Wards faces. They were afraid of this supposed child that had been found in this place, in this monument to suffering.

"I was. I suppose you search for answers here little sister?" I stepped back, fear curdling in my stomach. "Yes…a child that has bathed in the blood of dead gods, an attempt to recover the light lost so long ago. In this new age of living gods and limitless potential." The Wards stared at me, and I felt uncomfortable at the strange sympathy and contempt that Kala displayed on her sad youthful face.

"I…yes I am. This is the final option we have left." She hummed quietly, singing a song that felt almost familiar. Yet it was a song I had never heard in any of my days past or present.

"Yes I will tell you…but perhaps you should first protect yourself?" I rapidly comprehended her comment, and ducked my head as a tendril lashed out where I had been. The fighting had followed us, and I could see the capes fighting limited versions of the Parahumans that the Mother of Miseries had consumed.

I grit my teeth, and when I tried to lower into a stance I felt my body protest against the movement. Fuck…I wasn't at a 100% was I?

I circled my arms, and shot out a rapid fire flurry of fire projectiles. There was no water to bend, as the fluid isn't water, there was no earth, and air wouldn't cut it in this bubble. Only fire and biotics had the power to do damage and I was running on empty for biotics. So fire it is…

I managed a lightning bolt, ripping one of the demonic beasts in half with the blast of energy. But there were far too many of the things, and Lung and his kid were not transforming. The capes missed often, and the hallucinations were coming back to bite everyone but me in the ass. Well…Echidna was an exception…barely.

Taylor was moving slowly, and was reduced to mostly using her swarm to great effect. Even so, she only only had so many bugs and for every creature she killed three more popped up in their place.


"Perhaps I can help you?" I glanced over to the girl, her skin cracking further and her expression turning more sad.

"What do you want?" I asked, and she answered bluntly.

"I want this to end. I'm so tired." Her whisper expressed an agony millions of years in the making. "You humans can bring this all to an end…and for that to happen you must learn our history. And that can't happen if you all die so…" Reality bent and instead of being in the prison of corrupted mud and broken minds, we were in a white void as far as the eye could see.

What the fuck?

"What is this place?" Lung growled and I felt horror once I realized how badly he had been injured. The details had gone unnoticed in the dark, and I swallowed bile.

His shirt was long since destroyed, and his skin was anemic and discolored, bruises and poison and bile and blood soaking his broken down body. He was barely holding up as is, and I could see his ribs…and not just through his skin. He seemed to be healing…but incredibly slowly, holding himself together with hopes, dreams and sickly metallic scales.

Kala stared at him and the sickly dragon appeared uneasy. "This place was only possible due to the insects' intervention, she heard the echoes of the songs of my era. Will you care to listen? Will you care to listen to the last of the Makara?"

"Will that help us destroy The Mother of Miseries?" Alexandria was the pragmatic one here, demanding of Kala.

"It is the only way to make this unnatural place between life and death end." Left unsaid was what would happen to her once the end came.

"Then yes…we'll listen." The bitter child smiled, and vanished from sight. The void became a place, a city that I had never seen in my life, with the drone of Machine gods raining down from beyond the darkness.

April 28th, 2011. 9:15PM

Basilia Rubio

The song of a past age played, the final memory of a dead race.

We were standing as the void swirled around us, a city made both out of flesh and metal and spirit spanning for hundreds of miles in every direction. The Makara were everywhere, and in this place I saw what they had once been before their end.

They were scaly skinned but had enough human features to be less than unsettling. Their eyes had a soft glow to them, and feathery hair was braided and combed in many styles.

"What is this…?" Dragon was the only one who spoke, and I could hear the singing grow more intense as they showed us this image of a past long forgotten.

"This is the heyday of the Makara, they who held the bequest of Raava, the holders of the Avatar Spirit." I choked, stumbling into an exhausted Taylor. "The heyday of They Who Were The Makara before the Servants of the Harbinger came for us." The place of beauty turned to one of horror and death and destruction, as the sky filled with the shadows cast by hundreds of god machines some two kilometers tall if not more. Thousands of lesser Reapers escorted them, and I gulped.

Beams of red death shattered city wide kinetic barriers, Slaughterships landing and expelling cybernetic monsters and dark spirits who would bring in more victims. Loud sirens of physical sound and spirit quintessence echoed across the planet, as machines as tall as mountains landed and bent physics over their knees.

"My god…" Miss Militia gasped, and the youngest capes looked away from the sight of a war on a scale that spanned the entire galaxy. New Wave seemed particularly perturbed, and I grimaced at the rope burns on Carol's arms. Lung was silent, eyes distant as later cities were drowned, one Reaper bending an appendage and unleashing a tsunami. Others uplifted volcanoes, or created hurricanes with but a thought.

"These are some of the last echoes of a very old war, a war that birthed countless miracles and countless horrors throughout the ages." Kala's voice spoke from nowhere and everywhere. "An echo so powerful that it birthed every bender, every shaman, and every spirit you will ever see." There was a collective shudder that passed through the group of capes.

It was a realization of how small and how young we were in the greater scheme of things. We were but minnows in a vast cosmic ocean, full of things that were infinitely our greater.

"Why is this important? What even is the Avatar?" Alexandria growled and every cape in the vicinity leaned back. She was angry.

"This is the origin of your enemy." That silenced her. "Her creation was a direct consequence of the Bequest that the Makara had inherited from the many thousands of races that came before them." Why did I feel like I had seen this before? Why didn't I remember why?

"This Avatar right?" Tattletale was the one asking, a brittle grin on her face.

"Yes. The Avatar was the sole enemy that could fight on par with the Servants of the Harbinger, those who proceeded the god machines known as Reapers in the very last cycle. The very greatest of the Ascended held an Indoctrinated Avatar at its core, surrounded and empowered by the souls of their entire race. Each a nation, free of all weakness." The images changed as millions upon millions upon billions of Makara were melted down into genetic slurry, forming the core of a solitary god machine as they were exposed to the Truth, minds molded and shattered into the single will of a Greater Reaper. Lesser races were converted into simpler war platforms, servants to the strongest of the Reapers.

I felt sick.

I blinked as a Makara came on screen, eyes glowing a brilliant unearthly white. All the elements came together as one as she fought against an army of cybernetic abominations. Mountains fell and rose, rivers were diverted with terrifying ease, drowning divisions. Blasts of flame scorched even the exotic hull of a lesser Reaper, and it took a dozen hits from a Dreadnought before falling.

A hurricane shredded all in its path, localized around the most powerful being I had ever seen. A biotic aura exploded around her, and a flare of biotic plasma engulfed thousands in an instant.

I ignored the eyes on me, shaking my head at the sheer power displayed here. It was like a walking god on Earth, destroying the enemy that came from the stars beyond their reach.

It didn't last though…as three High Reapers made their wrath known, one of them lashing out and simply crushing a flagging Dreadnought with a biotic singularity. Three dots fell from the Reapers, and the Avatar's smile disappeared as three individuals landed. They were each different and yet the same, members of other races as well as her own taken and changed and used as vessels for a greater power.

How did I know that?

"But what was one Avatar against the power of thousands?" Their eyes glowed in different colors, but they all felt wrong. Burning sigils…no mandalas burned behind them, energy made manifest as power flooded the drones. They beckoned the elements to their command and I felt horror.

They struck with ferocity and power, beating her down to within an inch of her life. Even the power suffusing her body couldn't protect her, and I winced as limbs snapped like twigs under the strain, healing at horrific rates with potent forceful waterbending. Again and again she healed and fought until her power began to falter and she was left a broken mess.

But as the Reapers reached for her, she shattered one of her own teeth. Uncovered in the fighting, a shielded bomb detonated. Everything within a hundred miles was covered in a wave of plasma, gravitic distortion and hard radiation. The old High Reapers came out unscathed from the enormous blast…but they had lost their precious target.

"The Enemy was born in the final death throes of the Makara, a war of extinction that had lasted a thousand years. Their greatest machines and technologies were destroyed by the hand of a God. Their great fleets were scattered and broken. " The images of cosmic horror and destruction shifted to something smaller. It was a tall lanky teenage Makara, long messy dark blue hair tied back into a ponytail. She lived in a place of rank poverty, a place of such desperation and fear that it sickened even Lung.

None of the capes could speak a word, not even Alexandria could. Echidna had simply bowed her head, bangs covering her eyes.

"What happened to her?" I spoke, my voice shaky as this place of despair surrounded me.

"The Reapers happened." Shards of memories flitted by like butterflies, showing different stages of her life. Her mother crushed under the weight of a freighter being torn asunder by a Lesser Reaper, her father fading away due to depression and then Indoctrinated. "She was the last Avatar of her age, and despite the despair of her life she had hope for the future, hope that with allies from all backgrounds she could combat the Reapers." The girl wore a dark form fitting outfit, a hood and mask obscuring her features.

She was surrounded by friends, a tall handsome male example of her race, a smug pretty girl, a rougher and more wild woman with a harsh smirk. As well as a pretty boy with an easygoing grin. The taller boy loomed over what had to be his sister, a sassy woman that hid in the shadows with a bemused grin.

A moment later the tall man was broken and twisted by the servants of the Reapers. The pretty boy died next, incinerated in the red beam of a Greater Reaper. The smug girl had her mind cracked open by another race fighting the Reapers, and was never found. The youngest member of her team simply vanished without a trace to the point it was like she had never existed.

Kala's voice was twisted and angry. "And she failed, again and again and again. She tried to fight an army that had known victory for more than two billion years. For every Reaper she killed, they killed a million more. She failed like no Avatar had failed before, broken under the weight of her sins made for the 'Greater Good" Alexandria was the most stricken, and I could feel the hate that Kala directed at both her and…Taylor?

I stepped in front of her, and didn't say a thing.

"How did it end?" I spoke numbly, and the world shifted once more. There I could see the woman, hair raggedy and dirty and the strength of her body lost in old age. Around her I could see thousands of maddened soldiers, Shamans and benders and even non benders coming together as one hundred Greater Reapers descended. It would do them little good as their minds shattered under the onslaught of the Reapers.

Her sobs were ugly, and she screamed curses and spoke vehemently against the spirits that had made their empire powerful, demanding of them why her life had been nothing but despair and fear and terror and pain. Demanding of her people on why they had been so weak, so unable to work together at the very end of things. The Wards were looking away, and Kaida had cupped her own ears unable to bear the pain in the alien's voice.

Her expression then shifted and she looked down at her own chest, whispering in the tongue of born shamans and high spirits.

"The last Makara to bear the Avatar Spirit wanted what her inborn power could not give her. Control." Her sobs turned to laughter, and with little fanfare I witnessed the woman beginning to crack, expelling her own spirit.

"It won't end like this! I refuse. I WILL BECOME ALL THE MISERIES IN THIS WORLD TO KILL THEM!" Raava fled but not before giving her a final taste of her light, one final power that she would use for a terrible, terrible final gambit. A mistake in her haste to find a new species to hold her spirit. So that the Reapers would never take her power in full.

Light flooded out from cracks in her skin, the pure white light turning a sickly black as it was tainted with a hatred I hoped I would never get to feel. It spread from the cracks until her entire body was engulfed in energy and light. Her maddened soldiers were dozens of miles away, and they were engulfed in the burning light like she had been.

We flew up from the mountainous base of the final resistance, where perhaps a few million Makara still remained. The mountain range…disappeared as the following deadly explosion swallowed up the continent. The entire world was scoured away, the very fabric of reality vibrating as the Makara's oversoul was snapped in two.

Five Greater Reapers were shredded, and two hundred Lesser Reaper platforms were torn apart by waves of errant dark energy deranging reality into a swirl of rapid spacetime eddies and proton decay.

Hundreds of Reapers came together, and thousands of shapes freed themselves from the boiling atmosphere. Thousands of soldiers were Imbued against their will by the creature that was neither woman nor spirit…simply a wrath embodying all the miseries in the world. An army commanded and mentally dominated by the natural abilities as well as the biosciences of her race. One of the Reapers seemed to be possessed by the hand of something greater, shining down with a golden light as it flew to meet the army in battle that had taken place some eleven billion and two hundred fifty million years ago.

This was it. Finally, everyone was working together.

The words swirled in my mind, and I felt my hand wrap around Taylor's wrist. She looked surprised, and I only felt fleeting terror as I realized the true face of our enemy.

"The story of a broken woman attempting to fight what was unfightable, throwing away everything that she was to kill a God. And she failed utterly and completely." Days of battle were skipped as the hand of the Harbinger killed her race, and the last of Raava's light left her. The twisted half of her broken soul fled to the farthest corners of her galaxy, flooding a black pillar with her own mind and the minds of millions of insane Makara. All the while, a city grew and prospered above her. "And became the very thing she wished to destroy."

"You're her other half aren't you?" There was silence and the Parahumans looked appalled.

"I was…" The ghost answered.

"How do we fight something like that?" Kala reappeared, eyes sad and tired.

"We are not like we once were, our connection has been severed with the end of the Cycle…and she burns through her meager supply of power far too quickly. If she had the power of a dark god she would have long since destroyed this world. She simply needs one final push to end it. My assistance will guarantee a high chance of victory."

"What do you get out of this?" Tattletale asked, voice quivering.

Kala's expression was horrifically happy. "If you win I can finally die, and finally see what lies for me in the hereafter." Tattletale scooted away, and I remembered her Trigger Event. Jesus…this needed to end.

The bubble rippled. The container for the Mother of Miseries…for the former Avatar was starting to come down, and we had maybe ten minutes or more before it popped.

"Do you know how to end this…to stop her?"

"You have all the pieces right here." She gestured to us all and beyond.

Her intervention bought us time and breathing room, and we set up a rough outline. As we did so I felt the metaphysical space slowly losing steam, the bubble popping right as we finished our…plan.

"I will do what I can…and so shall you…" Were the last words I heard as we were freed, the smell of fresh air refreshing.
AN: Okay, I've had this chapter ready for a while now, though I made some small changes here and there. Honesty this chapter and the next are the ones I'm most worried about since 6.11 is basically filler. I've had this background(?) in my head for a long, long time. It does feel highly derivative with what fics inspired me to write this down. Honestly most of the trouble was not wanting it to feel too…edgy? While I'm fine with dabbling in some dark themes, I don't want to go too far to the other end. There's also the feeling of it being too much at once.

There's a general theme I've sorta been trying out. About living in a world of cosmic horror, but also about overcoming those horrors, of learning from the mistakes of the past and moving forward, of going right up to Cthulhu and punching him in the face. I'm not sure I have the skills to getting that down into writing but I'll try.

I could always come back and rewrite this Arc…in a year. Either way 6.11 should be finished up today, and I've worked on both Interludes before it. So once the Interludes are posted I should have a modest buffer, and will return to a three day spacing or 4 if I'm feeling unsure about a chapter.

So enjoy.
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Has some serious connotations with Khepri, which I suspect is intentional. An optimistic and hopeful girl broken and broken and broken again until she threw away everything that made her "her" in a final bid to end it. A heavy reminder of what could have been, and that sometimes you just can't win the way you want to.
Has some serious connotations with Khepri, which I suspect is intentional. An optimistic and hopeful girl broken and broken and broken again until she threw away everything that made her "her" in a final bid to end it. A heavy reminder of what could have been, and that sometimes you just can't win the way you want to.
Essentially yes, it's essentially a dark mirror of the trains of thought that led to Earth Bet, that led to Cauldron, that led to and crystallized into the being known as Khepri.
"This is what you almost reaped. All for the 'Greater Good'. Sure, you didn't expect to live past it, but you didn't even think to prepare for the after effects of trying to unite everyone to kill one thing. How is that throne of ash and bone feel?"
That took me for a loop, and I gulped once I realized who and what I was speaking to me.
what was speaking
I shuddered as the puppets of flesh and broken souls attacked with what little power directed towards them by their master.
power was directed

She was surrounded by friends, a tall handsome male example of her race, a smug pretty girl, a rougher and more wild woman with a harsh smirk. As well as a pretty boy with an easygoing grin. The taller boy loomed over what had to be his sister, a sassy woman that hid in the shadows with a bemused grin.
...That sounds really familiar... :p
"The story of a broken woman attempting to fight what was unfightable, throwing away everything that she was to kill a God. And she failed utterly and completely." Days of battle were skipped as the hand of the Harbinger killed her race, and the last of Raava's light left her. The twisted half of her broken soul fled to the farthest corners of her galaxy, flooding a black pillar with her own mind and the minds of millions of insane Makara. All the while, a city grew and prospered above her. "And became the very thing she wished to destroy."
So, it's basically Khepri, but worse, she failed. Yeah, I can see how she'd react badly.
I don't think I've seen this sort of thing more than maybe twice before, and those too were the more memorable of the stories I have read. Having Alexandria there is a nice touch. Shame she can't be aware of the full degree of similarity that has...
what was speaking

power was directed

...That sounds really familiar... :p

So, it's basically Khepri, but worse, she failed. Yeah, I can see how she'd react badly.
I don't think I've seen this sort of thing more than maybe twice before, and those too were the more memorable of the stories I have read. Having Alexandria there is a nice touch. Shame she can't be aware of the full degree of similarity that has...
Yup, history does tend to rhyme after all. And there's billions of years of history for such things to occur. And I'm actually curious on what stories you've read that have that kind of premise. They seem like they would be an interesting read. Yeah and Alexandria really does have no idea how closely their world would have mirrored this one.
Yup, history does tend to rhyme after all. And there's billions of years of history for such things to occur. And I'm actually curious on what stories you've read that have that kind of premise. They seem like they would be an interesting read. Yeah and Alexandria really does have no idea how closely their world would have mirrored this one.
Kinda sad at least this Taylor doesn't have to suffer this fate
Edit: on a side note I wonder how rich therapists in worm would be if they were used more
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Exorcism 6.10
Exorcism 6.10

April 28th, 2011. 9:40PM

Basilia Rubio

I rolled painfully, slamming into Panacea at full force. She squawked as she was crushed under 165 kilograms of armor and busty college-age woman. Instead of the mud bursting out into the city, it slammed into a brick wall of emotions erected by…Eidolon?

"MTTFUCKEER!" She cursed under my weight, hands clamoring for purchase. I stepped back, apologizing rapidly even as she turned a bright red. I wasn't sure if it was anger or embarrassment.

I pulled her up to her feet, brushing off some dust as the air blew back. The island has seemingly grown, and I marveled as I realized that Golem had generated hundreds if not thousands of tons of mass as a platform for us to make a final stand. The flood had receded back, slowly swirling up like a fountain as The Mother of Miseries spread her wings. The waters below were darkened and poisoned and Eidolon seemed to realize that, a flick of his finger unleashing a wave of cleansing energy. The corruption wasted away in an instant, and I could feel the barrier between worlds grow thin.

That…was not a power from his slot.

The entire bay was moving, waters rising and falling with the ferocity of a storm as the sludge rolled into a compact spherical mass. There was something building up, and I saw that the gathered Rachni had teleported to our side with my Gates. I felt my suit reconnect with my drones, and I got a good picture of the city as a whole.

The Lord River was vibrating ominously, in tune with the major salt water body of our little coastal city. The sky was still dark, but the rift into the Genus Loci had been strangled in the crib, the iron will of something old shutting down the gate with sheer power. The orb of darkness compressed itself, but it was a slow steady process which bought us some minutes. Apparently the phase alterations to space had slowed…Amelia?

The biokinetic was down on the floor, gripping her face and bit her lip so hard it drew blood.

"Amy?" Wild eyes opened to look at me, and I could see how much she struggled to even talk without a slur.

"Herr…it…hurts." I glanced over to the Parahumans that were still standing, with a good number of them seemingly collapsing once the bubble had been dropped. Armsmaster was still standing as was Dragon, and Lung wasn't as bad as he had been. His daughter was recovering much faster though, gold scales and blue light covering her body.

Echidna had already exploded in size, her hybrid flesh surging until she was every bit the equal of Behemoth. Without the weight of a Genius Loci pressing down on her, her flesh regained its great and terrible strength. I grimaced at how reality lensed around her corpus, red crystalline fragments lining her outer shell. The amount of mass she had to draw upon to rebuild herself was vast, and she was certainly capable of willing herself back from a state of nearly total incineration.

"Lung." Oni Lee emerged from the shadows, rushing to his master's side with reasonable concern. Lung ignored him, eyes distant as he stared at the broken thing trying to bring ruin to humanity.

I could see Purity…sorry Beacon flying in the sky, the fading corpus of a giant dark spirit telling in how things continued even in the mortal plane. Her other former Nazi friends stayed put, and I sighed.

I took a good long look at the Parahumans still able to fight. Legend, Alexandria, Dauntless, Chevalier and Myrddin seemed okay. Tattletale was down, passing out soon after we had escaped, and Grue and…and…Imp are wavering. My team seemed okay but shaky. Assault was down, and Battery was shimmering as the electromagnetic force was phase altered into submission by her shard.

New Wave was okay, though there were lingering injuries along Carol's arms. Menja was down, and Othala was currently granting regeneration to some of the heroes. Aegis was lifting up water, and I blinked at the spurt of bending. He healed the injuries of his fellow Wards and Protectorate heroes.

"Golem…" Poor old Theo jumped at my voice.

"Y-Yes…?" He said with a slight stutter.

"Make a bigger wall, I'll deal with them…" I pointed to our saviors, and he nodded with uncertainty.

Vicky wasn't doing so hot, her body was steaming and her hands were visibly shaking. Her layers of shielding were cracked, and in my mind's eye I saw that the Fragile One was busy feeding off of solar energy, geothermal heat, nuclear fusion and spirit quintessence. But the kids…

Vista was throwing up, biotic flares sparking off from her skin and giving an unearthly hue to her skin. Blood dripped from her mouth, liquid red crystal accumulating on the ground.

Oh shit.

Labyrinth was the same story, though she wasn't throwing up and insted her mask was cracked and distorted as it was phased out of sync with our reality. Red liquid crystal stained her cheeks, and I felt horrified.

"Get them out of here now!" Vista tried to protest but her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell backwards. Labyrinth quietly slumped into dream time and I could hear their shards groaning under the pressure of having held back a god. They had very nearly buckled, their Bans on melding with their Hosts nearly shattering under the strain.

Any longer and they would likely have fused with their Hosts.

Two Rachni grabbed them, and they hopped quickly away from us through a portal. Vista was probably taken to the Protectorate, while Labyrinth was escorted by Gregor to the automated medical machinery of a base on another Earth I hadn't named yet.


"Can you hear me?" I grabbed her by her armpits, holding her up like a dog and checking up on her.

"Shaper…is hurting…it's too much." Amy explained even under the excruciating pain.

"If it's hurting Shaper why isn't it affecting other shards?" I projected my whisper into her ear with some psychic airbending.

"Not…specialized with biology, and…they get used more by their Hosts…I'm sorry." There was a murmur of guilt and self hatred from Shaper and I slumped.

This was a gigantic mess…something like a third of our capes were down for the count, and we had maybe a few more minutes before the Mother of Miseries manifested with what little power she still had left. Even so it was more than enough to destroy the city.

"Are…are you going to be okay?" I hesitantly placed my hand on her shoulders, she nodded and shrugged off my hand.

"Just…give me time." I nodded at her reply. I saw more clearly into what Eidolon was doing, he was forcefully channeling the authority of a powerful spirit, freeing up a spot for a potent Blaster power. Which meant he had made a trade with a low deity. That was going to be either terrifying or completely mundane with well…how unpredictable spirits are.

I left that alone and moved on to Victoria, and I waved my arms to make use of some water. I pressed a globule of water to her body, and I let life energy follow the flow of water. The steam started to fade, and oddly enough her shield began to recover, cracks healing away.

"T-Thanks…" Vicky coughed, and a deep breath unleashed golden flames from her nostrils. She rolled her shoulders, and my eyes crossed as I caught a glimpse at the Fragile One's multidimensional fractal corpus.

The world was folding in on itself, and I scowled. The Mother of Miseries exploded out from her cocoon, eyes burning with an unholy light. She began circling her arms, making use of the last remnants of her legacy…of what she had once been. There was a rending of soul and pain and agony, the unnatural thing burning away at her victims' souls to keep herself in existence.

Lightning flashed into existence, following her spirals like a malevolent beast. The Rachni Queen stepped in front of me, a biotic aura flaring up with enough light to outmatch the sun. The conduit of soul, of pure unadulterated energy made biotics the most esoteric of the elemental martial arts, and it showed.

The electrical arc crossed the distance between us in the blink of an eye, the Queen already raising her limbs as they were surrounded in blue-white. The Asari technique of Channel kicked in, and the blast of electricity was batted aside in an uncontrolled hurl of electron flow.

The broken one let out a psychic scream, and the Rachni screamed back in a chorus made up of hundreds of minds. The wall that Eidolon had set up cracked and then healed in the instant, blocking the maddening screams of the damned. The host of the High Priest used his third slot, and fired a beam of gravity distortion capable of shredding nuclear bonds on impact. The false god shrieked and a wave of her arms caused Charlotte to react.

A wave of rock and stone and sand easily a hundred meters high was diverted out into the sea, and Golem and I helped out once we got our bearings.

"Guess we can actually talk then huh!" Bakuda screamed in my ear, and I began to set up the BattleNet since the interference was gone.

"What do you want?" I asked as I kept the wall of stone at bay, hundreds of tons thrown to the wayside to keep us from being crushed.

I was suddenly grabbed by Dauntless, with every other cape pushed back with the use of his shield. A compressed beam of fire incinerated the ground, leaving a magma filled crater behind.

The phantasm reared back, her vertebrae popping at the action. "This is the price of fighting the unfightable!" Eidolon generated a shield, and Shielder popped up out of nowhere with some of his own. I plopped down multiple vehicle shield generators, hoping for the best. "Nothing has changed, the End will come regardless, there is no Hope, there is no fighting the hand of Fate. There is only the silence of the grave and nothing more!" She attempted to summon a wave of ocean water to drown us and she was denied. "ENTROPY will not be denied, Suffering is all that is to be known." For some reason any lingering fear toward the Mother of Miseries had vanished right then and there.

"No…I refuse to accept it, to accept such a bleak future." I wasn't made to accept a future full of despair and horror, even if I could be cynical enough to think of such futures.

It wasn't what I was made to do.

"Basilia?" Taylor looked at me, and there must have been something showing on my face since my visor was down. She nodded, and the air vibrated as she lifted her arms. Millions of insects gathered, until the sheer mass dwarfed every cape who wasn't Lung or Echidna. The swarm was met with a firestorm but instead of dying, it was surrounded in an unearthly black aura. The blast was absorbed, and I made my way to Levantar. I pulled out a final weapon, one that I had been unable to use without compromising everyone.

"Is that…?" I nearly fell on my face at the weight of the super heavy weapon. From the corner of my eye I saw Bakuda dismantling her mech and using her cannon as the core of a high yield bomb.

"Yes, I'll be frank…I'm absolutely up to fucking here with all this nihilistic bullshit. We're pulling every trump card we have on this…and we're going to put down a monster that should have been dust ages ago!" Taylor stared at me, and I hefted up the weapon for a better firing position.

"Every Trump card?" Someone whispered from my left ear with a pop and I didn't react as Rhizome appeared. The biotinker smirked and snapped his fingers.

Multiple creatures appeared in an instant of folded space, and I recognized them as biological vessels for shard buds. Three Sundancers weaved solar plasma in their hands, controlled by a single bud that commanded them as a fourth larger unit. Two Ballistics stood together, and neither of the shard-spirit creations resembled their donors in the slightest. The Sundancers were like humanoid flower mantises, like a Pokémon essentially. The Ballistics were two meters tall, and covered in metallic plating that made them look like robots…though in fact they were biological constructs like the rest, the outer plating was an organic composite made largely out of metal.

"So these are the safe ones from her?" Echidna's voice boomed as four feathered wings emerged from her back.

Rhizome chuffed. "What do you take me for?" The giant monstrous cape only raised an eyebrow.

"A criminal I intimidated into using his powers for good?" I swore that Collin snorted, and I decided to keep that in memory to check later.

"So who's going to get up and personal wit—" Alexandria, Dauntless, Echidna, and multiple Dragon suits responded readily. The ocean was swirling and rising as the spirit world invaded the material world.

The Mother of Miseries opened her mouth, emitting a high pitched scream that spoke of misery and hatred and fear, and was promptly scrambled by Eidolon and Gallant…the young shaman calling upon various spirits to deflect the screams of the dark entity.

"This is it." Taylor spoke, a part of her swarm gathering to form QA. The construct gave a thumbs up and displaced the air with her speed as she lashed out at Kala.

"Yes…it is." I moved over to Panacea, my hands briefly unsure of where to go until Taylor whispered a suggestion. I placed my hand on her back and she startled, though her power didn't react to the scare.

I began to rub circles on her back and the biokinetic visibly relaxed under my touch. Taylor nodded, and I continued the action.

"W-What?" Amy really sounded out of it.

"We're gonna need you at 100% for two reasons Amelia." She glanced at me with bloodshot eyes. "We have something for you to do with your power, and because you're our friend. God that sounds cheesy." My whisper was obviously not quiet at all if Amy's light chuckle was any indication.

"To do what?"

I felt my lips perk up into a smirk. "Today we're going to punch out a nihilistic demon god." I could hear Bakuda's cackles, another Dragon suit and Armsmaster helping her with the assembly of her final gambit.

Amy's mouth formed an O shape. "Ok." I pointed out to what she was going to make and she nodded.

April 28th, 2011. 9:55PM

Basilia Rubio

I moved on autopilot, listening to whatever strange instinct had been dumped into my head as well as the voices and wisdom of all objects in this world.

The Mother of Miseries let out a warble, jaws breaking to scream out her defiance against death and reality. She flew through the sky on air and biotic thrust, and Legend rose to meet her. He peppered her with hazardous vicious beams of light, each of them capable of collapsing a building with a single hit.

She turned to flee, and Dauntless smashed his helmet into her skull with the force of a crashing aircraft carrier. She was engulfed in an explosion of light, and her biotics warped gravity to the point of lensing light. Metal smashed against her impossible barriers like bullets, two Ballistics making for some rather considerable firepower. Five bus sized suns orbited around her, crashing and flooding against her body like waves of magma.

A biotic shockwave followed, disrupting the suns and forcing her attackers back.

Except for one.

Kaida slammed into her wreathed in golden-blue flames, electricity and light. She grasped fire to her will, keeping the dark god from drowning us in a firestorm. Our remaining Blasters bombarded her relentlessly, and she took hits from another Kodiak shuttle I had built.

The Makara phantasm howled, and slashed open the Changer's chest creating rivulets of blood and gore. It healed in moments, the young inexperienced cape turning everything her shields absorbed into fuel for her powers. Echidna took her place, her enormous fist launching the former Makara like a bullet.

She created a black hole, and her biotics were detonated by Singer-of-Rebirth demonstrating the true limits of the void. The queen of the Rachni danced around the firebending, earthbending, and airbending of the Makara, throwing out flares like they were candy instead of biotic attacks capable of destroying buildings and melting through starship armor. She blinked out of reality and with a war song created a storm of unstable mass effect field shunts right in Kala's face.

The god was ripped straight in half, the Disrupt doing exactly that to her body. She simply rebuilt herself, willing her body back into existence with her stolen spirit quintessence.

"When the hell are those damn spirits going to show up!?" Amy growled, her body shaking as she grew food for the young Queen to eat. She had healed multiple capes at this point, with other shards keeping an eye out for Shaper. She got really messed up by the Mother of Miseries, apparently it was like a memetic hazard. Hell Amy's power was only functioning on a shoestring budget now, at best she could only induce her plant to make fruit and heal people.

There was a constant scream in the air, and it was constantly disrupted by different people at different times. It was a song like the sound that had broken the Makara, and it was being countered by the guardian spirits authority over the waters.


"Probably whenever the most dramatic moment happens." I dryly replied to her, trying to pick the right spot to brace my secret weapon. The four foot long barrel was incredibly hard to even pick up, and I had spent a good amount of time setting up a platform that would keep the thing from shattering my bones. The inertial compensators were complex mass effect field effectors, dark energy fields kept the immense recoil from being a problem.

The Mother of Miseries was beyond powerful, her titanic barriers easily taking several hits from Alexandria and even bodily destruction didn't put her down for long. That the Rachni Queen had damaged her at all was a testament to her power as well as luck since her barriers had been low then.

Most of our long range combatants had to move quickly, because even a single hit would kill them. But at the very least it didn't seem like she was expressing anywhere near the power she once had.

"Erudition?" I blinked back into reality, stopping my delicate placement work at Collin's voice. The tinker didn't look in the best condition, his blue armor scuffed and damaged. "That weapon…what is it?" I scratched the back of my head, feeling a little worried about how he would react.

"It's the most powerful weapon I've created so far." I spoke quickly as I continued to eye the battle. "A mass effect augmented electromagnetic cannon, powered by an enormous element zero core. It'll accelerate a half kilogram kinetic slug to just over 15,000 kilometers a second." The tinker hero stared.

"That would be equivalent to a small nuclear bomb in output." His tone was dry, and I fidgeted under his gaze. "I imagine it's a weapon of last resort?"

"Of course it is! I'm not insane, I only built the one to prove that that I could but it's not exactly practical unless you're String Theory." He twitched and I wondered if I had said too much. Wait did people even know how crazy she was? Would it be suspicious if I knew or par for the course with my tinkering. "Honestly I had plans to dismantle the thing for the Eezo but…it might serve a use if we can push her further out into the ocean." I didn't want to take a single chance on a miss that didn't involve hitting the ocean or flying off into space.

"Is that so?" Dragon spoke up from her suit as they welded up the outer structure of the makeshift bomb. I nodded, and there was a moment of speech between the Brutes holding her back. Kaida whipped her serpentine body, and the banshee was flung back with a sonic boom. The others followed, all the while our more fragile Blasters and my automated shuttle bombarded her relentlessly.

"Are you sure you want to let me hit her? The consequences of failure are…grim."

"Director Piggot has authorized any means to destroy the Mother of Miseries." Armsmaster helpfully added, and with a shrug of my shoulders I got into position.

There was no real complexity to what our strategy really was, we simply needed to burn out our opponent's reserves, and keep her from entering the city so she could gorge herself on the souls of everyone in the city. At that point it would be like trying to run down Scion's battery. Developing counters against her mental insanity were all underway.

We needed to show her a better way…

"Dragon…could you put her on the line?" The AI nodded with her suit, and a few slow seconds passed.

"What is it?"

"Hello again Director Piggot." I was quick and polite as I set up the Adroit cannon. "How are the gifts I've given you?" I was casual, creating an air of being calm and orderly even as raw terror was buried in my gullet.

"You made a lot of waves when you created an Anti-Master device, though I have a feeling I know what you're about to ask."

"Has its second functionality been tested?" I asked.

"We've already set up numerous vans all across the city as needed, why?" There was an undercurrent of something in Piggot's voice.

"I've got a bad feeling in my gut…and I would prefer as many defenses as possible being set up." I confessed to my misgivings.

"Hmm…" The Director shut off the connection, and I saw movement among the numerous PRT vans doing their thing. My machines were built to counter Masters, and were able to detect the unique pathways and wavelengths of more esoteric cognitive hazards.

"Erudition…we're running out of time here." Dragon stated the obvious as the various heroes were pushed back by the sheer ferocity and skill of the Mother of Miseries. "Can you take the shot?"


"Then do it now." Her voice was made of as much steel as her body.

"Are you absolutely sure?" I had to ask.


I positioned the Adroit carefully, hydraulics salvaged from some of my Golems holding the weight. My hand dropped down to the trigger(sort of…) for the weapon, and I guided the cannon as I looked for an opening.

Kaida flipped in midair, bending her body into an S shape right as I needed her to do so.

I fired.

Blueshifted light followed, air pushed aside as matter was rendered down by conditions found nowhere on Earth. The heroes had already been warned, and the relativistic impactor struck head on. Her titanic barriers shattered and splintered, holding for a terrifying tenth of a second. The atmosphere turned to plasma, and I picked up hints of nuclear fusion of nitrogen in the air. Her entire body flash heated into steam, and a sonic boom followed from a good three kilometers away.

The heroes and Kaida returned, and I could see the little dragon circling around us in a pacing fashion. The oceans hadn't calmed, and the river was rising and shaking.

why won't you let us die/it's not finished…so be ready

It was a split second of inattention, and blood splashed on my armor and visor as a spear like claw caught on Lung's chest, piercing him all the way through and slicing the Adroit cannon in two. When had he…?

I froze, and felt claws rake along my armor, and then I spun in the air as I was thrown into one of Golem's walls. I felt something crack, and I wheezed at the pain…it was…make it stop…

With a quiet slorp the claw retracted from Lung's eviscerated heart, and I saw that she had survived.

The ghastly woman laughed. "I am a God you weak and useless imitation, nothing has changed. Now watch as I bring upon the despair that you all deserve." For a lack of better words she unfolded, losing all aspects of being a person. Scaly skin mummified, a pert female bust became sagging and rotting, and her muscles and shape bubbled with the crimson red crystal that made up the lives she had stolen.

Glory Girl managed to stand up, her aura expanding out to encompass everyone in her range. Eidolon spread his slotted power around, and the ocean was close to bursting. The gifts for the PRT activated their second function just in time, and I smiled.

Even so the song that The Mother of Miseries weaved was one of despair and horror.

April 28th, 2011. 10:00PM

Basilia Rubio

Brockton Bay shimmered brightly, a near invisible shield crackling at the seams as the song that the broken one screamed pressed against it. The Undersiders were down for the count, with Rachel keeping them safe with her dogs, howling in pain but forcing herself to move past it.

Eidolon was stalwart, but I could see how his hands shook as he tried to strike down the bleeding god.

Palanquin was down, covering their ears as the echo of a trillion dying souls hit the open air. Golem and Charlotte had passed out, and I let Levantar keep watch. Alexandria wasn't stoic by even the slimmest of margins, snarling openly in a way that was frankly terrifying. Oni Lee was teleporting rapidly, barely pausing to launch rocks and form thick walls of protective earth to cover us from the flames.

The Tinkers were all up, still working with the bomb…we simply needed to find and destroy the core. The Adroit had overpenetrated but the shockwave was enough to crack it if the rivulets of blood flowing from her wounds said anything. Even so it made the song that the dying god weaved no less painful and agonizing. Lung was being tended to by a hesitant Amy, and I could see that it was doing little to staunch his wounds. The only reason he was alive was because his power was keeping him so, staunching the catastrophic injuries he had been inflicted with.

Surprisingly enough Menja was up, jaws clenched as she took hits from the Mother of Miseries as she weaved her song of madness. We had some additional help, and I kept my eyes up as Narwhal commanded a storm of telekinetic force-fields.

Gallant was shaking but standing, and Flechette was up and about. Aegis was bloodied but standing as well. We were out of capes and running out of time.

My entire body was stiff but it was much better than broken bones due to Panacea, and Taylor and I had been force fed a nutritious food of Rachni origin. Taylor had been key to keeping us along, her clouds keeping the attention of the dark one from us. More than a second of her wrath would kill us.

We were lucky that Legend was even still up, but I could see him beginning to lag under the pressure.

"Basilia." Taylor spoke with an exhausted tone and I didn't rebuke her for saying my name. No one could hear her anyway…and I was just as tired.

"What…is something wrong?" She stared at me for some time, her body stilling as her swarm continued to swell, portals in the city expelling insects gathered from Earth Lotus.

"I wanted to…to…" There was a hint of nerves, and I saw her fidget. That was pretty rare coming from Taylor. "No…I'll tell you later."

"Okay?" I could hear how loud her heartbeat was, and I did my best to focus on rebuilding the Bakuda-Bot into a makeshift bomb. One of Dragon's suits, a newly built teleporting one would deliver the package. It would destroy her flesh, and reveal her core, buying an opening for Flechette to hit the core with Sting.

"How much longer will it be for the bomb to be ready?" The movement of my hands slowed, as did the movements of Dragon, Bakuda, and Armsmaster.

"About now actually…" Taylor straightened her posture, and I removed my shaking hands from the machine. The bomb was built to destroy matter on contact, and even energy was dissipated.

"Then does that mean…?" She sounded relieved and I didn't relax an inch.


"I will deliver the bomb then." Dragon spoke from the sleek human sized suit, voice shaky as the screams kept elevating. I looked up to the battle of titans in the sky.

The Makara lifted a hand, a firestorm compressed around her fists until it was shot out as an energetic explosive beam. Alexandria was thrown aside by the feat of firebending, and Kaida took her place, burning eyes trailing light as the dragon child's jaw released a vortex of rainbow fire. The air shook and rushed out as the two titans clashed, and Legend rose to greet the Geist with a hundred odd beams. Eidolon lashed out with a Shaker power, gravity manipulation weaponized to distort matter around its maelstrom of altered spacetime.

All the while Flechette had been diverted into a shuttle, one that would blink using dimensional shenanigans to get the Ward into position.

I glanced over at Amy as she stepped away from Lung. I looked at her, and her eyes expressed her answer.


The Dragonflight suit blinked out of reality, and entered it again within striking distance of the entity. The capes keeping her back, moved back as they had before and she was engulfed in a flash of searing golden light.

From the clearing darkness I saw it, the outer layer of corpses had been broken, exposing the empty interior that the shell hid away. The shuttle popped into reality, a door opening to give Flechette space. Right as Flechette readied herself, I saw the reaction of the Makara.

"A foolish attempt." The entity raked its limbs at a wide angle, and I choked as my joints locked up, as the water in my own body rebelled against me. Every remaining cape dropped, and Legend was struggling, accelerating as he became more and more like light. Even a tiny shift downward would place her under the bloodbending invocation of the sad monster. Stasis froze Kaida in place, and I already knew what was happening.

"You…were toying with us this entire time weren't you?" I struggled past the psychic waterbending of the echo. Every other cape that was already done was left alone, and I could see Singer-of-Dawn struggling, keeping herself up by her eezo.

Wait…she was bending the Eezo in her body?

I remembered certain tidbits about how waterbending affected biotics, mutually exclusive martial arts in some respects. Biotics was a form of bending, the element of soul. Which meant…

There was a snap of power, and I managed to break free from the blood bending hold. Even so I felt the torsion within my own body, of my own cells being slaved to the will of the other.

"Oh? You think yourself strong enough to fight me? YOU ARE IRRELEVANT." The Mother declared, and I pulsed biotically, bypassing nerves and simply using my own soul. I began to summon up my biotics, and blinked.

I popped behind the monstrous entity, using an attack that I had only succeeded with on a small scale. God…that made me a hypocrite didn't it?


The air grew dark, hissing as it's quantum energy states were torn apart. The sound of air ceasing to exist around me was hard to comprehend, and the corpus of the geist burned under the field of destruction. Flesh boiled, rotted and splintered beneath me, and the woman shrieked with outrage.

But it was too solid even now, it's corpus resisting against the biotic invocation. The entity was too strong…


A flash of emerald passed, and I threw a punch. A bone snapped where I hit, and I blinked at the impossible result.

What was th—

I was backhanded, and the field was broken as I lost my metaphysical footing. I had to keep all my focus on deceleration, and even then I felt my leg give way at my violent landing. It wasn't broken, but the pain in my ankle wasn't a good sign.

Her metaphysical grip stopped even Eidolon and I saw him cycling through powers to overcome her bloodbending.

"Enough." I fell to my knees, and I could barely muster my biotics, the pain slowly washing over me. The world faded around me, and I saw just how much everyone was fighting even as my vision darkened.

The entity's shell of flesh sloughed off in drips of liquid, and I saw the core wrapped within spinning arcs of bone and black metal. Methodical steps echoed as the dark god approached. I could barely see its face, her face reflecting within empty sockets as a faint promise.

"There is no one who can help you child." I felt chills at the voice. "There is only tragedy for you, and only extinction for your people." Outrage poured into my veins and heart. I didn't want to die, I didn't want Taylor to die, or Amy, or Vicky, or Charlotte or Dinah…or…or my family.

"…" I couldn't even speak, and I didn't have the experience that the Rachni had with biotics.

"These people will be the seeds of my army, and they will sow the seeds of despair across a trillion worlds. Until every world understands the universal truth. I am the gestalt reality of existence, I am the end state of creation. And you will understand that same truth." Her hand reached for my head, and I was blinded.

Victoria appeared in a flash of raging fire, a hundred invisible fists crashing into the Mother with the force of a train wreck. The entity reached for her blood and was denied, layers of force-field holding her body together while her flight did the rest. Blood trickled down the side of her head from a burst blood vessel. That bought the time we needed.

"THERE HAS BEEN ENOUGH WAITING. THIS SORRY POISONED CHORUS MUST END." The ocean…exploded, a massive reptilian hand rising from the depths. My eyes crossed as the waters swelled, taking the shape of the spirit fully manifesting into the material plane.

An iguana-like head was held over a quarter of a kilometer in the air, a body of both flesh, marine metal and twisting waves bending reality like a pretzel. A tail extended for more than a half kilometer, a fluke slicing through the air. The ocean calmed under her guidance, and from the Lord River a 20 meter high apparition cut an intimidating figure.

Light and water came together into the shape of a seraphim, a dozen spiraling wings of reflective ice and water forming kaleidoscopic rays of scattered colors. Eyes colored white swirled with over ten thousand years of history.

"Indeed it is. I invoke denial, denial of this foul creature's existence." Lord River spoke with conviction.

"I CONCUR. I AM THE LADY OF THE BAY, I AM THE ENSHADOWED ONE." The vast and ancient spirit shaped reality with its words, the sea rising and lowering with its power. "THE GUARDIAN OF THE BRINE INVOKES DENIAL!"

The Mother raked her arms, attempting to rip out the very blood in our bodies with her raw power.

It failed.

As I fell to the ground, one by one every fallen cape had awoken, tiny hidden patches falling off of their skin. Creations of Panacea that could be used to project her power, using her knowledge of biology to heal and wake everyone up. They were basically water bags, and they fell under hee sway as a waterbender.

The spirit world here was strong enough to make bending irrelevant, and I smirked. Nearly fifty something capes, and the expression of the eldritch abomination shifted.

"No…this is not how it ends, the laws deny it!" She attempted to create a psychic shriek so powerful it would have driven us insane.

And the last Rachni Queen denied it.

I felt hands lift me up, and I blinked into the eyes of Brandish. She didn't say a word, hauling me away from the erratic dying god as it lashed out with waves of psychic energy and biotics.

"We…need you to do something for us." Brandish's expresion twisted, and I hoped my pleading expression got through my helmet. "One good memory, any good memory. Is there any bit of light in your life at all?" Her expression was so confused, almost afraid.


"The Rachni Queen needs a song to compose, to end this nightmare." The cape was silent for so long, and I felt fear. Carol nodded yes, and I whispered to her. Telling her where to leave me. I was placed at the side of the Queen as she sparred mentally with the dying god.

"We must overwhelm the notes of the Mother with our own, to stop this madness." The young queen spoke of her own accord and I nodded.

So I did something that I was usually embarrassed about.

I sang.

The dark mother lunged with the ferocity of a demi-god and tendrils of water gripped onto its rotting form, the Riverine Guardian adding his own song.

Taylor sang.

The Queen sang, her body held aloft by an aura of biotics.

Rachel sang.

The city vibrated in unison.

Four voices became ten, ten became a hundred, a hundred became a thousand, and a thousand became a hundred thousand. A creature made out of suffering was inundated in something beautiful.

Every declaration of love.

Every little positive tic and compliment.

Every star struck romance and the birth of a child who would be loved and cherished. The pride and hard work of a generation flooding the air with hope and dreams.

The echo of the Makara faltered.

The Rachni sang of the warm memories of its ancestors and of the egg, sang of the warbles and antics of her wondrous children.

I sang of my closest friends in this world, the little things I enjoyed in this one and the life before my arrival, every little thing about my family that made them who they are. I sang of the best and most positive parts of my life in this universe. I sang of my joy in doing what I wanted to do.

For a brief instance the voices of thousands became one.

The River told the tale of hundreds of generations of humans, every little addition of positivity, from the smallest act of kindness to a love that transcends boundaries and tradition. It appeared like an angelic savior, countless wings of ice and water slowly flapping in midair. Eyes forming beacons of light.

Taylor sang of a childhood before her descent, of a time of learning and innocence and the humming of mother's and the laughter of a time that was no more. Yet there was a hope for a future in her voice, in this song of the boundless soul.

Hundreds of thousands of living songs paved the way for millions of faded ones, echoes of countless lives that none but those like I could see. Those traces of connection from the most distant past to the infinite future.

The Guardian of the Brine opened her jaw, revealing an inner body of pure energy and water, and my vision blurred as the connection was made. The spirit radiated the echoes of all humanity, and I was humbled as the sky thundered, as the ocean shook and rumbled, the mountain sized entity leaving a mark on the world itself.

I saw the beginning.

The city faded, and the skies changed to an alien one. Of a world without humans, or without any life at all. I saw that world change, each age birthing a new world, a new stage and new actors, but the roles changed little over the eons. A true ancestral memory of genesis, and of the crucible that birthed humanity, of the crucible that birthed all life on this planet.

World after world was shown to me, of a hot jungle dominated by enormous insects. Of a dry desert inhabited by semi-mammalian creatures. Of a burning comet striking down and making way for the age of man in the everdistant future.

The past was another planet…and it showed.

The Makara screeched back, attempting to overwhelm us with the echoes of their horrible fate. Of the suffering and death of trillions, of a song that had faded with the eons. And it was crushed beneath the solid weight of history, the weight of an entire world bearing down on the remnants of a dead one. The Enshadowed One loomed over the broken soul, a titan of the seas, a lesser goddess of the ocean, a servant of the planet.

The Makara unleashed storms of biotics, and was crushed under the claws of the lesser goddess of the waters, tendrils holding her down. Limbs splintered, and damage was taken as the River cut through her corpus with a blast of hypercompressed water.

Her song was sad, desperate and alone, the last evidence of a race that had suffered a terrible fate.

I wouldn't forget.

Their memories would live on.

Light flickered from the false titan, and a small feeble note whispered from the cracks. Of a girl who never deserved the hand that fate had given her, and of a girl who should have been buried a long time ago.

The screams still resounded, attempting to crush us under the weight of the failures of an entire race. I could feel it's corpus pulsing, energy building to destroy our victory with a burst of explosive spirit energy.

But it was too late.

The core of the Geist's soul was speared by dozens of rapidly fired Sting projectiles, a panting Flechette falling to her knees as her weapon fell from her grip. At that moment everything stopped.

It was like time had frozen, and I stared at the vision of an old woman, her smile bright even as she was led away by a cloaked figure, a glimmer of metal held up high. I caught a glimpse of multicolored orbs and when I blinked they were gone.

Thank you.

Time started, and the skeletal alien figure began to fall apart, bone crumbling to powder, and flesh breaking up into motes of darkness. A stream of red fled from the core, splitting apart and fleeing to places unknown. To a place that only the dead could find.

There was a feeling of something deep within being unlocked, and I collapsed completely. Panacea's eyes rolled and she fell flat on her face, her sister following her soon after.

"Basilia we…" I heard Taylor, but she sounded far away. There was a little bit of pain, but it was muted. The world pitched sideways, and I fell into the Rachni Queen's chitinous side. I could hear Taylor's panic, but I didn't really care.

It was over.

When I wake up from this I'm going to take the longest fucking shower in the world.

Darkness claimed me.

AN; So I finally put this out since I felt unsatisfied with some parts. I still feel that way, though I'm not sure what else to do there. 6.11 is basically filler, and by the time I send it out I'll be working on Arc 7.

It'll probably be about six chapters plus about two Interludes. It should be a pretty calm break Arc, and there will probably be a few Arcs later on that'll be like that, some escalation is fine, but I'm not going to follow the same formula of Worm. That would get tiring.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.
Nice work but what is that black aura around Taylor bugs, what is wrong with Amy and the shaper shard and who is this new God
Nice work but what is that black aura around Taylor bugs, what is wrong with Amy and the shaper shard and who is this new God
That's just a lot of heat absorption using her powers, and Amy/Shaper took a mental bomb to the face due to the Mother of Miseries. As for the new god, that's just Basilia's description of one of the spirits. With spirits there's sort of a point where they're pretty much gods anyway, The Enshadowed One is simply a very powerful water spirit.
That's just a lot of heat absorption using her powers, and Amy/Shaper took a mental bomb to the face due to the Mother of Miseries. As for the new god, that's just Basilia's description of one of the spirits. With spirits there's sort of a point where they're pretty much gods anyway, The Enshadowed One is simply a very powerful water spirit.
Ah is it a new power or did she have it before hmm also nice to see everything is coming together and basilla is being pretty brave
Hmm interesting looks like she was going to confess her love for Basilia.
Anyway great chapter.
Not surprising really while this Taylor has a lot more confidence than her early canon Skitter self and is a decent leader she's still not really that good with feelings or emotions and not to mention she's really attached to basilla so she's probably scared of driving her away
That ending is literally just how Herald Vanyel got the title of shadow stalker in the valdemar series by Mercedes lackey

Edit: if anyone wants more info on the books feel free to pm me
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Huh…that is scarily similar, and I hadn't even heard of that song before. Interesting.
It's actually a song based on events from the book
Edit: theres an entire album based on the Vanyel trilogy set in the world of valdemar, which has like, a dozen different sets of books based in that same world
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Exorcism 6.11
Exorcism 6.11

April 29th, 2011 12:50AM

Basilia Rubio

I woke up with a deep ache from strained muscles, and I smacked dry lips as I stared up at the ceiling of my good old house for the first time almost two weeks. I could feel the distant whiff and flashes of nightmares, and I felt terribly, terribly unsure of myself in that moment.

We had won, we had defeated that monster…and gave her the peace of oblivion, the sweet release of death that should have been given to her some eleven billion years ago.

I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling cold. We had won, and I wasn't sure how to feel. After the battle there had been a lot of shit to go through, and the entire PRT was currently on lockdown. My suspicions were that they were under M/S protocols, just like I had placed my own team under my protocols. While Kala was gone, I didn't want to take any chances that there wouldn't be any trouble.

Though the mental and emotional trauma she had inflicted wouldn't be going away for quite a while at least…and…I…don't think I can begrudge them that.

The door opened suddenly and I felt my heart leap out of my chest, a strangled scream escaped from my throat, and I looked up into the concerned eyes of Taylor. She looked as exhausted as I felt, and I felt like there hives beneath my skin.

Why was I scared? It was over wasn't it?

"Basilia." I heard my name on Taylor's lips, her relief practically palpable as she hopped on pockets of air. I lifted my blanket, feeling a little exposed since I was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers. I had woken up like this, which meant I had been healed, gotten my armor taken off and then been left in this while I was sleeping.

I ignored the heat in my cheeks and replied back. "H-Hey Taylor." I waited for the shoe to drop, and I felt like I was short of breath, my heart hammering in my chest.

She didn't say anything, and I sunk into the warmth of the blanket, not really understanding why I didn't feel any better about Kala being gone. I could still see her grateful face when she had faded into oblivion, at the joy she exuded as her existence came to an end. How much had she suffered to be happy at her death?

How twisted had the years made her? Why did she need to be so much like Taylor?

"Basilia?" Her tone had changed, and I figured out that I was shivering, my gut twisting and aching. I didn't feel good but I didn't feel like I was coming down with something, I just felt…a lot of anxiety.

"Sorry I'm a little out of sorts." I rubbed my forehead, chewing on my lip at the same time. I suddenly developed a keen interest in the firm muscle that had built up on my arms. An artifact of months of physical exertion that I would have been too lazy to commit to back home. I guess having fear for your life is a good motivator. "It's just hard to believe that this shitshow has come to a total end. God we're lucky to even be alive…" I felt the urge to curl up into a ball at the thought, as the idea sank in that I could have died. We could have all died, and it would have been a violent and painful and horrible death.

Oh god it felt like I was going to throw up.

Taylor rushed forward, and I bundled up further as she sat on my bed. She crossed her long legs, and I was distracted for a moment. Taylor had very nice legs, which I rarely got to appreciate during the whole dark god incident. Actually in general I had suppressed a lot of old habits and urges, unsure of how to adapt them to what I looked like now.

I was a girl and that was okay, I didn't have a real attachment to my gender, or sex or whatever. That was something that had been building up for a while even before my change had confirmed it. Same thing had happened with my bisexuality, though I liked girls a lot more than boys. But certain types of people just did it for me regardless of gender, and honestly if someone was willing to spend time with my cranky ass I'd get a liking towards them easily enough.

Girls were more…aesthetically pleasing, softer I guess? Now that everything was quiet I guessed I could appreciate them more. Guys too…though again I prefer women. Especially when I've made friends with a ton of them.

Hmm…I guess most of them were cute in some ways, though Vicky was far too peppy and taken. Charlotte and Grace were both pretty, but Grace scared me and Charlotte was very clearly straight. Golem(or Theo?) was cute too, but a bit too shy, and while he had accepted teaming up and borrowing equipment he was a bit too stiff still. Amy was…complicated. She was mousy and cute, and probably deserved a few hugs but…she was still rather scary.

Taylor was…also attractive though some of it was her personality more than just her looks. I had no idea where the idea of her being weird looking came from, not that she isn't weird. She was a little too bug crazy, which I was okay with since I sort of liked bugs. Sometimes…and preferably not touching any part of me, unless they're butterflies, jumping spiders, and hermit crabs. Wasps and some predatory insects were cool…from a distance of either ten miles if they're not controlled by Taylor, a distance of twenty feet if they are, or from the other side of a TV screen.

She had the nicest legs though, and she had gotten pretty slim from her routine. Taylor wasn't some stunning one in a million beauty, but that didn't mean she wasn't at least above average. Though…to be fair a lot of that came from the fact I had a thing for height differences, and altitude was what Tay had in spades. She had a figure but I honestly had a fuller figure than literally anyone I know.

Which was…weird.

She was…just nice to look at after weeks of fear, violence and paranoia.

"Are you looking at my legs?" Reality made itself known, and I coughed at Taylor's question. The bug controller was smiling, bemusement dancing in her hazel eyes.

"No?" I denied it, hiding my face under my blanket.

"Suure…" She drawled out her words deliberately, and I pouted. "I believe you…but have some things we have to talk about. I made someth—" I threw off my blanket, and jumped three feet onto the ground.

"Okay! Let me get changed and we can talk." I was starving and there were a lot of things to unpack. Taylor hid a chuckle behind her fist, and I shook my head.


April 29th, 2011. 12:55AM

Basilia Rubio

I wiggled in my seat, resting my arms on the table and tapping my fingers on them. I had changed into a pair of black biker shorts and exchanged my shirt for a white shirt with a Lotus symbol on the chest. Not that it was easy to tell with how my chest distorted the image.

I poked at the symbol for a second, thinking about some other things I had missed out on since I had arrived here.

A plate was placed down, and I moved my arms away as I broke the train of thought that was going to go in a very weird direction. It was simple chicken fettuccine, my stomach rumbling in response to the meal. Taylor seamlessly sat down with her own plate, the glow of biotics signaling the use of her powers.

"So you wanted to talk?" I asked aloud, still feeling like there was something important I needed to do. But that will be left for later.

Taylor nodded, flicking one of her hands out to pull on the handle of the fridge. A single carton of orange juice was grabbed biotically, and placed on the table. She started pouring, tilting the carton into a glass cup. I took the carton from her with my own biotics, and poured into a second cup.

"There's been a lot going on since you passed out yesterday."

My eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Bad things?" I hoped not, I was getting run ragged by all this crap, and I don't think I could take much more of it.

"No actually, but some of them are a little weird." She shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Like what?" I was dying to know, and a sip of sugar rich orange juice was giving me a rush of energy.

"All the gangs are effectively gone, even the ABB." I blinked at that, I was pretty sure that Lung and Oni Lee were still alive last I checked. Even if the dragon was crippled and all with his shard nearly being murdered…

"I understand how the Empire is dead and the…Merchants were always small." It didn't make Taylor's beat down of the cape gang any less noteworthy though. "But what happened to the ABB?"

"Lung left, and Oni Lee disbanded the gang."


"Wait what?"

Taylor didn't look any less surprised. "Lung just up and vanished, the only thing I know was what he told me." I felt my lips flap, not sure what was happening.

"I…" Taylor crosses her arms, tilting her head to the side in bashful fashion.

"He told it to my swarm. He said he was going home." But wasn't Kyushu at the bottom of the ocean?

"Huh." I jabbed a fork into my pasta, and began to shovel away some of the delectable food. "So all the gangs are gone…what about Gesellschaft? The Empire did have some ties with them, and other white supremacy groups in the US too."

"Gesellschaft is gone, The Meisters took them all down just a few hours ago." I didn't spit out orange juice, but I was shocked at the turn of events. I think I vaguely recall them being taken down in Canon, I guess they were brought down early then. "From what I've heard no white supremacist wants to touch Brockton Bay with a ten foot pole."

"I guess the Empire going down in flames and body mutilation tends to put a big damper on one's enthusiasm to commit hate crimes." My reply was dry, and a weak snort from Taylor made me smile. "So does that mean Othala and Menja left the city or did they get picked up by the PRT."

"The first one…I managed to track them, though with a truce still on…all I could was just inform the PRT on their status. And…maybe had them get bitten a few times." Her cheeky half grin did wonders for my own mood.

"They're not going to go very far are they?" Her expression sold it, and I laughed.

"No they are not." That brought me to some more questions.

"What about some of the smaller gangs? We made some estimates, there should be at least eight or nine thousand people with bending potential in the city. That's a substantial amount of manpower for criminals."

Taylor lifted a delicate brow. "Do you really think I haven't been dealing with normal gangs either? Hell, I've already tied up a few people about two miles to the northwest."

"What is your range now?" Her eyes unfocused before she replied.

"About five miles or 40 blocks, and…" An insect shimmered from her skin, fresh and healthy and fairly normal. "I can do that now, they're basically like army commanders for my swarm. Stronger, tougher, a little smarter too, but I can make normal bugs too." I glanced down at the spider that she had spawned. It was a Tarantula, about the size of a dinner plate. It tilted at me with an almost curious air, and I became fascinated at the biology of the organism.

How did it work…?

"Where do you get the mass from? Do you need to eat more or…?" Taylor seemed to unfocus again. She patted the spider, expression pinching.

"Not really, though I think Queen Administrator borrows little snippets of what I eat for energy. Through…direct energy conversion?" I paled. That meant that even a gram would supply 90 terajoules of energy, more than enough to fuel the construction of shard made superbugs.

"So you're basically a bug based Trump then…" A jumping spider hopped on my hand, and I felt his little legs tickling my palm. I always thought jumping spiders were cute little guys.

"It's not exactly an easy power to manage though…I'm not like Legend with his intuitive powers, I need to workshop and build specific effects from scratch."

"How does that work?" I took another bite out of my pasta, bouncing a leg as I got into the power talk. A few hundred flies gathered, and formed shapes in the air.

"It's a lot like programming actually, I have to create new effects with my bugs by creating different functions and linking them together." One group of bugs formed a series of symbols that I recognized as hyperdimensional math. "A basic rote would have a start node, a function that absorbs heat, a function that transfers kinetic energy, and a function for making it a continuous loop. Or it can have an end node for a short blast. As well as a ton of variables for aiming, speed, and other characteristics of the rote."

"That sounds really complicated…" God it was like studying hyperdimensional math all over again, and I already had some idea on how QA was making this work. As a high spirit she had her own court of spirits living in and around her Genius Loci. And as a shard she would have her own knowledge of warping reality in specific ways. It was certainly a power that would require creativity, as well as learning of a ton of math, and a lot of experimenting to form a basic database of standard rotes.

Taylor had gotten it down to a few variations on kinetic transfer beams and auras, the equivalent of a biotic throw. Freezing beams worked like pull did, naturally draining surrounding heat for power. Electron beams were…basically short bursts of controlled lightning. Heat beams made heat, powered by QA's spirit essence. She could also project her airbending through her swarm as needed.

Her gaze sharpened. "You're right it is complicated and it's also not what I wanted to talk about with you."

"Okay. Go on." I didn't have a problem, though I wonder what was making Taylor like this.

"Did you know about the whole deal with Avatar? Not the Reaper thing…but you know…" I nodded freely, blinking rapidly. "So why didn't you tell me?" I opened my mouth, and then closed it.

"Maybe because I didn't feel like it was relevant? But honestly I wasn't even sure it was real to begin with. I've…honestly just been…really distracted lately." I rubbed my neck, a hand touching a light scar where there had been a cut at some point.

Maybe from when my rib cage was almost caved in.

"Is there anything else you haven't told me…besides the future?" Taylor preempted my question to clarify her query.

"There's not a lot I think? Just bits and pieces that are either too weird for me to tell you, or too fragmented for me to answer with 100% certainty." The obvious fictionality of this world was one of them, an existential question that I had put in the vault for all the fucked up shit screwing with my head. Besides private topics about my life that I wasn't ready to talk about, I had only a few secrets left. Then there's the mysteries about how I got here, about what I even was at this point.

"Are you okay?" Her sternness had broken down into concern, and I realized I was shivering. Why was I shivering?

It's not like I was thinking about the home I had lost to the vastness of the multiverse. Or about the many times I had almost been killed or worse, or that we had to put down the last echo of an entire race, or that the this world was a hundred times more dangerous than h—

A hand placed itself over my shaking ones, and I took a few breaths to try to calm down. Taylor's brows were low, and her lips had dropped down into a frown. Her grip tightened until her fingers became interlaced with my own.

She was warm…

I didn't meet her eyes, still looking down at our hands as I tried to keep my head. Her touch calmed me down, but I didn't feel any less stressed, or any less afraid. So much had happened in a timescale of only about four months, and I had left no room for thinking about what was happening. Moving on from situation to situation whether small or big, and doing my best to just keep moving forward without stopping.

I wanted a hug.

My head lowered until it hit the table, and not once did I let go of Taylor, still feeling like crap. I chewed on my lip, eyes watering for the first time in a long while. Back home I rarely ever cried even when I was sad, it just wasn't something I did. Not for any macho bullshit, though there were a few times I was proud of it until I stopped caring about things like masculinity. It was a little too much work really.

But then I had never been kidnapped and forced into life or death situations due to my own actions as well as the shittiness of this city. I'm not even sure what I was thinking in turning hero, it was one thing to start up a business and another thing to get into fights with murderers and psychos. Hell…I was a Latina woman beating up racist Nazis. There were so many ways that could have gone wrong.

"Can I hug you…please?" My voice broke, and I didn't feel okay, I didn't feel okay at all. Had I ever been okay to begin with?

Her eyes widened and she stood up from her seat, pulling me to my feet. I was pulled into her chest, and I started to shake. I shut my eyes, and I could feel a whimper building up in my throat. I lost all strength in my legs at the realization that it was over.

But it wasn't over…was it? Hundreds of people had died a horrible death, with the gangs gone and the way that Parahumans worked we'd have The Teeth, and maybe the Elite showing up, then there was Leviathan if that went unchanged. Or maybe Behemoth would take his place instead? Or maybe they would all show up at the same time, or a fourth one would show instead? Or maybe Scion would take notice and kill us all?

And I had at least a few aliens in my head, and I had no idea how much influence they had on me with Veda going dormant. I could still hear her whispers, but whether due to our increased synchronization or whatever she was doing with the shards…she rarely spoke outside of spurts of concepts and thought. And that was honestly a little discomforting.

I firmly wrapped my arms around Taylor, taking comfort in my friend.

"Basilia…what's wrong?" I didn't reply, and I felt like I was acting like a wimp. Even if it wasn't true…I wasn't built for this kind of life, all of this…I never cared about having some magical destiny. There was so much I didn't know or understand, questions beyond my ability to answer.

Kala had called me an attempt to recover the light, and Balaam had said as much to my face. I was someone's failed experiment, someone had done this to me and no matter how much I could dress it up as it being to possibly save my life it didn't make it okay. It didn't make any of this okay…I wanted to go home, and I actually had the ability to do so. I just needed to find the right dimensional signature…

But that would only make a trail for the Entities I know roam the vastness of the cosmos. Because my Earth resided in a different multiversal set, and was thus not placed under the restrictions of the breadcrumbs left by Zion and Eden. And it was six orders of magnitude larger than their cluster.

And nothing I had on hand would be able to fight something on the scale of a full blown Entity. An individual Entity would be as large as ten suns, and supposedly even larger Entities existed that could eat them like a snack.

I had a spirit, a former Administrator shard fused with my soul, and I had no idea what the consequences of that were in the long term. The only other example was Noelle, and her body was a complete hybrid of shard, spirit, and human. She had some 100 exatons of mass packed away into the metaphysical plane, and I'm honestly not even sure destroying her body would even kill her. The soul was the only thing that mattered in the end, the body was just the meat that held the soul.

It was why Oni Lee had regained his sense of self, because the soul could reach back through the gulf of time itself. Even metal and crystal could meet the qualifications under the right circumstances, which was why Shards were so strange. They were only just short of being souls themselves, and they were not quite spirit, and not quite biological super organisms. They were of the Void, conduits of the supernatural and of the metaphysical, and my shard was apparently modified to function much like Raava once had before whatever had ended the cycle of reincarnation billions of years ago.

Then there were the questions on humans being around billions of years ago. The Alliance was my first tech tree after all…

I could bend air, water, earth, fire and void, and could speak to the spirits in their tongue and in their metaphysical language, though my shamanism was mine. It was simply refined by Veda.

"I…think I might need some time." I managed to speak, and found my way up to Taylor's neck, laying my head on her shoulder. That didn't last since I had to stand on the tips of my toes but I tried.

"I think you need to talk about it…" Taylor muttered lowly, her eyes showing actual sympathy.

"I'm just tired of having to deal with…and sorry for this…I'm tired of this shitshow of a planet. I'm just tired…" Taylor brushes back my hair, and I wanted to just curl up to her side and feel…safe.

"Okay. Is there anything I can do to help?" I wanted to say that just being here was enough, but my mind had latched onto the memory of eyes darkened by horror and despair.

"Yes there is."

April 29th, 2011. 1:10PM

Basilia Rubio

We had taken a trip into the city in costume, and fortunately the island where we had fought Kala had been cleared by the PRT by now. It was also about then that I had noticed that the atmosphere of the city had visibly changed. Before there had always been an air of hopelessness and despair and resignment that made me recoil back.

Now…there was a steady sense of peace, not a place of utter joy or one of sorrow but…neutral, though leaning toward a buzz of excitement and a whiff of sugar. The ocean looked a little less turbulent, and the river shined brighter in the sun. From here I could see that people were working on the container ship that had been sunk in the harbor, a growing DWA was finally taking on dismantling the Graveyard with Athena machinery.

I also remembered that I had a few prospective meetings, mostly for licensing involving advanced 5 and 3 nanometer silicon architectures. I had been slightly misinformed on how advanced Earth Bet computers were. Most computers were still at 14 and 10 nanometers but smaller architecture was around due to tinker intervention. Athena's machines and licensing had gotten Bet to get down to about seven to six within a month, and the money was flowing if the way our lawyer was blowing me up was any indication. Thank god I delegated tax things to the legal department that would soon be growing. We're talking billions a year…

But that's not important.

"Taylor…are Vista and Labyrinth okay? And Vicky?" I finally remembered that they existed, and felt like an asshole for forgetting about them.

"They're fine…they might have a scar or too but they're fine." I slowed my walk as I found the perfect spot. Taylor looked at me from behind her mask, and in pulse she was curious. "Why are we back here again? I don't think you'd like to be back so soon."

"You'd be right. But I have something to do here." I lowered into a stance, and with a grunt I lifted a pillar of broken concrete. I stabbed it into the ground, compacting it and shaping it into a smooth four meter pillar. She looked uneasy, and I could see why myself. The rift into the spirit world carved out first by Kala, and then by the guardian spirits had caused an abnormal radiation of plantlife.

They were obviously spirit plants of some sort, and fortunately they seemed to be an isolated incident. The other rifts had been shut down, though there might be a couple left out of sight.

Again it wasn't important.

I used my fingers to carve the letters, following instinct. First I placed the name in English, and then I carved out the language my soul had translated. It was the least that I could do for them, for the race that had been lost to time and war.

"Is this for…her?" I nodded, answering Taylor's question as I pulled back up to my feet.

"I just didn't feel right leaving her forgotten, she was a monster, but that was never what she wanted. I don't feel bad about putting her out of her misery, but even if I'm not the best at interacting with people…it seems like the right thing to do." I had been given a sliver of the history behind what was happening to our reality, and found that monsters hid in the darkness of the ancient past. There was an old history that pointed to the heart of everything.

The Makara were gone, their minds broken, their bodies faded to dust, and their souls had gone to a place that none could follow. The least they deserved was to be remembered in the best light before their fall, before their broken minds had created gods of horror and despair.

I think Kala deserved that too…even if she was going to be in my nightmares for the rest of my life.

A shadow was cast over us, and I blinked when I saw Eidolon floating over us. Taylor had been the first to notice, and I had been a little too distracted to realize he was there. Even so I looked past him, and at his shard.

The High Priest was much like the High Theurgist, an enormous monster of a shard that had subsumed about four worlds, and had been compactified with far more density. Unlike Dauntless, Eidolon had access to the whole shard cluster, and that was about half the mass of the Earth. The entity was in flux, transitioning into a spirit at a steady rate. My eyes saw the connections it drew upon from other shards, and for a moment there was a flash of three very active clusters, pulsing steadily away.


"Eidolon? You're still here?" I would have expected the guy to be off…I don't know, saving people from burning cities?

"I still have to meet my end of the deal." The Trump cape floated freely, clearly having switched his flight power for an alternative one. Some form of telekinesis, exchanging force carriers to create a repulsive force.

Hmm…I wonder if I could mimic that in some way?

"End of the deal?" Taylor replied warily, and the concern spread to me. Eidolon had talked and made a deal with a Euclid-class spirit, maybe only three or four levels of power off from Keter.

"That large spirit, the Enshadowed One…it offered me a gift, a power to help fight off the Mother of Miseries." The purification beam he had used had probably been what he had been given. "But I had to do something for her in exchange for the power."

"What was it?" I asked.

He scratched his chin. "I have to complete a few small tasks…just some clean up locally…" I snorted once I realized the subtext.

"She made you into her errand boy didn't she?" He actually looked sheepish, and I could feel the frustration of both the man and his shard. "So what you'll be cleaning up trash from the ocean, picking up some litter? Punching illegal fishers in the face?" I actually had a full on grin on my face

"Yes…" The somber atmosphere had broken, and I had a good laugh at Eidolon's expense. Though to be frank I had my own obligations to the water spirits of the city. The DWA was simply my vessel for completing my obligations.

"That's hilarious." Normally I'd be more concerned about making fun of one of the most powerful beings on the planet but at this point I had no fucks to give.

"Did you want something?" Taylor got us back on track with her blunt question.

"I was simply curious about what you were doing here…" I glanced at the grave pillar.

"I was making…a memorial of sorts. I'm not sure you understand why but…"

"I've seen the footage." Eidolon's voice was hollow, and I got it. It would have to be buried deep, because this was something big. A galactic war of terrible scale, that had created monsters of horrible power.

"Then you'll understand."

"I'll be on my way then." He started, and I stared as he flew into the distance.

I touched the grave I had built, and had plans to imbed special materials to make it hard to bend.

I didn't have a prayer to say…besides hoping that an afterlife existed for the Makara.

April 29th, 2011. 1:35PM

Basilia Rubio

I laid down on the grass in only a white tank-top and a blue pair of biker shorts, watching the clouds go by. Taylor was off in the distance, giving me some space as she practiced with her powers. She was practicing new shard invocations, arranging sequences of functions to form a coherent effect. She was practicing on creating a new form of telekinesis, to improve the natural flight capabilities of her swarm. As her swarm grew, it got harder and harder for her airbending to propel her swarm, and Queen Administrator compensated for a lot of that.

As I watched the clouds go by, I started to think I had problems hidden under the surface of a relatively calm demeanor. Especially with who knows what on the horizon, and Taylor probably knew the same thing since I had told her the possibilities of an Endbringer attack. I had covered everything up to a few weeks from now, and had warned her about the possibility of the Slaughterhouse Nine showing up, as well as The Teeth.

But I hadn't told her about the specifics of Khepri.

I had been less than explicit with the details of that outside of it involving her, because telling her how she had fucked up her brain and mass controlled people into bullying a god to death and then received a 9mm lobotomy for the trouble isn't exactly an easy conversation to start. It was the first few months that were currently relevant, and the clock was running down.

The next Endbringer attack would hit between two and four weeks from now, and while I had knowledge on it being Leviathan, the differences between the situation of the city here and in the 'standard' timeline made that future uncertain unless other factors came into play.

I could also have told Eidolon about his role in their summoning, but one I had no idea how he would take it and two that wouldn't help fix the situation. Checking in with Queen Administrator and a few Eden shards had made it clear that Eidolon can't gain any conscious control of an Endbringer. He had commandeered the shard that made them, and they were pulling on his supply for more than a decade.

Each Endbringer was a shard cluster, and their bodies were similar to the Avatars of shards, but heavily specialized for their roles to the point of not existing directly in Shardspace. Which was likely why they hadn't been immediately affected by the rapid subsumption of Shardspace into the Abstract Spirit. Or at all really.

That was probably a good thing to be frank…because at that point we'd be beyond screwed. I'd have to find a Keter-class spirit willing to kill one of them, and then hope the battle doesn't wipe out a continent.

Their bodies were so tough that it required intense space-time metric manipulation to damage their physical bodies, and my experiments with warping space were bearing some fruit. I could build wormholes between universes just fine, shifting matter between dimensions to cause immense damage.

So making a miniaturized Scrub cannon should be within my ability…and now that I'm thinking about it, if I can form a stable connection between realities, I could shift energy between them to power my weapons. Build a nuclear fusion power plant and funnel the energy through wormholes into a compact device.

Which…was what I already did for the Dimensional Paths Network.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Then again this is science that's beyond the scope of the Citadel races, though it was certainly in the purview of the Thranx and their neighbors.

I paused.

Did…did I get something new in my brain? I just did didn't I? Only a few flashes of associated species, and memories of some form of…power that their era had?

No bending apparently…but they had dark energy and dark matter.

…I'm not liking these implications of the amount of history between now and then. There was a lot I was missing, and I didn't like that ignorance.

But for now I would take this as a gift, especially since I was getting a more clear picture of Thranx weaponry as well as the tech of a partner species.

"It's time to get started!" Taylor startled as I floated back up in a vortex of air, my eyes narrowing in agitation.

Taylor blinked. "Huh?" I threw a few punches, throwing out a few fire blasts to get the heart pumping.

I had technology to build, bases and companies to expand, money to make and use, and anti-Endbringer weapons to build.

Maybe it wasn't possible to kill one with what I had, but making a weapon that could push them back was at least a possibility. Something to punch through the outer layers, so that Flechette's Sting could give the final blow. I didn't like to say it, but Damsel of Distress, Vista, and Labyrinth all had methods of warping space and dimensions…if they use their powers in the right way…

But that was a question for later, and I couldn't force them to fight murder monsters, not after yesterday.

"Gate to Base Alpha." A door opened, and I quickly jotted down on finding a therapist for what were certainly going to be growing mental health issues.

But for now…it would be back to work until I could check up on my friend's health.

I…really hope there are good therapists around here.

AN: So here's 6.11, ending off this Arc. Two Interludes should follow, and I'll probably clean up a few PRT Case Files I've had for a while. I'm currently working on 7.1, a little over half the length of this chapter. This chapter feels alright to me, and is more or less a start for the transition between previous arcs and the next arcs. A lot of it relates to thing that I feel are important, something that a lot of SI's fail to address, and even I don't feethat I'm the best at it.

How does one react to being taken away from their friends and family? How does someone used to peace adapt to a world on the brink, to a world full of existential threats? Most people aren't going to come out unscathed unless that's a part of their power or they're naturally resilient. Realistically, most people will either break or find an outlet for their feelings. Especially since unlike some SI's she can go home if she puts work into it.

But…I have my doubts that Earth Prime would deal well with the trouble that Earth Bet inherently brings.

So that's something that I feel like it need some addressing, if without an insane amount of angst.

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Good, cute, and with undertones of cosmic horror slowly building once more. Also a very nice setup with how much a weakened Mother of Miseries was capable of throwing the cast around, very much sets the scale for future conflicts.
Good, cute, and with undertones of cosmic horror slowly building once more. Also a very nice setup with how much a weakened Mother of Miseries was capable of throwing the cast around, very much sets the scale for future conflicts.
Yep, I've always had a taste for a dose of cosmic horror, so that fits well into my writing. I also like the uncovering of ancient history, so that plays a part in what I want to work with in Victories of the Soul.
Well basilla the reason for all your embarrassing moments is because your Author who is similar to you has the same sexuality and likes to put you in embarrassing situations hmm also still don't get what you see in Taylor
Exorcism 6.a
Exorcism 6.a

April 29th, 2011. 1:00PM

Roy Christner

While I would never have called being the mayor of Brockton Bay simple, the past few months had been far more exciting than they needed to be. It had started with that new tinker, her meetings involving cleaning up the city were brilliant with her technology and the labor backing of the DWA.

Then she had proceeded to save and then recruit my niece into her corporate team. That had put her even more on my radar, and for a time I had considered her suspicious, potentially even a threat to my family. As the situation in the city started to fall apart, my fear only grew.

Strange whispers and screams in the night, Tinkertech drugs and monsters hiding in the shadows. Waves that were each more horrifying than the last, and my niece had even gone out to fight them.

And had then proceeded to receive a scolding from every adult including her. That had alleviated many of my worries. I still worried though, especially with how they had overused her Precognition over the past week. Though the fact she had been allowed to return home to rest had been another relief. Even if she had come back with an enormous headache from overuse of her powers.

But…this was a step too far even for Brockton Bay.

"I see you've invited two guests Dinah." I spoke hesitantly, my eyes darting back and forth across the faces of the…people that my niece had brought to our home. The first guest was almost normal, a blonde girl about a year younger than her though quite tall for her age. But her foggy eyes shimmered, and I noticed the red crystalline splotches forming tracks down her cheeks. She wore a plain green cloak which seemingly had a life of its own, flaring up periodically. She was obviously a cape like my niece, though fairly normal otherwise.

Her other guest though…

"Hello little humans, how do you do?" The giant purple lobster-shrimp-mantis spoke with a friendly echoing tone, waving a long appendage in greeting. My daughter's Kyla and Marie both giggled, and I had no idea how they handled the strangeness of our guest.

"Hi." Kyla smiled, even as she was dwarfed by the six foot tall giant insect. Dear god I let in a beetle the size of a bear into my house.

"Are you really aliens?" Marie asked aloud, brushing back her blonde hair as she craned her neck to meet our guest in his…eyes.

"We are Rachni, so yes we are alien, but then again…you would be alien to us as well. Your music is different…colorless but no less alive." I…was not prepared for this at all was I? Dinah's parents had wanted me to keep an eye on her, but I didn't expect this.

"Does that mean you have a planet where you came from? Can you take us there?" Marie's comment made the alien(dear god what am I saying) wilt, and the low music in its voice seemed to die.

"Suen. The singing planet…is no more, it has been silent since our own song was cut away countless eons ago." There was a sadness that actually pulled at my heart, there was a story there to be told.

"Your song…that's your signature for being alive right?" I blinked when my own wife had spoken up. She must have been listening more to them than I had.

"Our song has been silent for longer than your star has been singing its melody of plasma and fusion."

"But the sun is like a billion years old!" Kyla replied, and I felt a little numb. There had been aliens traveling across the stars billions of years before us, and someone had revived them.

"Yes, it has been a long time since we the Rachni have scurried on the ground of a living world. Mankind saved us…so we wished to return the favor."

I sighed. "And that's why you want to set up an embassy in Brockton Bay, to set up a line of communication?" That would bring an incredible amount of attention to our city, and I'm not sure that all of it would be good.

"Indeed, while our hive is outside of human influence we do wish to commune with your people. There is much we can offer one another…"

"Like what?" I was curious so I asked.

"Faster than light travel, understanding of more sophisticated technology, and perhaps labor…our Workers are skilled in the mechanical arts."


Of course.

Dinah beamed.

April 29th, 2011. 5:00PM

Sakura Kobayashi

"Shit!" I let out a scream as the ship bumped over something in the water below us. The various crewmen got to their stations, and I held on as the waters got choppy and violent.

I was a diver, one of many who had been hired over the years to dive down into the ruins of Kyushu, with some more wealthy survivors wanting to get back as much as they could find after Leviathan had destroyed the island. My father had lived in Kyushu, though I was raised mostly overseas in America. He had gone down with the island, sinking beneath the waves. Ok

So I was perfectly fine with retrieving stuff for the people who had lost their homes and families to Leviathan.

"What's going on?" But that didn't mean that I wouldn't want an explanation for almost being knocked overboard.

"We hit something." My eyes narrowed at the unhelpful response of one of the crew, a Mexican man who was hardworking…but frankly a gigantic asshole. I shook my head and then looked twice at what I saw from the corner of my eye.

There was a piece of land above the water, the rubble of a waterlogged building completely out of place with the rest of the mostly empty ocean.

"Turn…now." The captain noticed my whispered words, and the ship moved. A wave hit where we had been before, and I saw other areas where land was starting to reach above the waves. The last time I was here was only a month ago, and it had been an open ocean with the highest point for the ruins being about twenty meters below sea level. Now I could see that small islands dotted the seascape, like they were thrust back into the air like magic.

I could see the skeletons of rotten buildings, and there was a taste to the air like sunlight and vanilla. The sun was shining down a lot more than usual, and I could see the shapes of the city below us in the crystal clear waters. Strange shapes passed and swam through the inundated streets, and I shuddered.

"Perhaps we should leave?" The captain said the smartest thing I had heard on this ship tonight.

"I believe we should." He snorted, and the boat lurched violently. In an instant I was thrown overboard before I could even scream. A strong current pulled me away from the surface, my lungs burning and my arms clawing for purchase in the waves. I nearly slammed into unforgiving rock, but I missed the pillars of twisted stone by inches as the currents pulled me along.

I nearly blacked out in the process, and with another sudden lurch I was shot out of the water, falling into a harsh beach face first. I sputtered, spitting out gross as hell sand as I dropped to my knees.

Where was I?

This place wasn't familiar, and I didn't even see the boat as a dot on the horizon. Somehow I had been moved miles and hadn't drowned in the process. There was a pressure in the air, a taste on my tongue and a scent in the air that felt old and wild. It reminded me of when I was little and my mother would take me out to see the forest close to my home in America.

Minnesota had a lot of wolves and I always found them to be beautiful animals. My mother loves them just as much as I did, and she always wanted to get a good glimpse of them.

I heard the sound of something walking, and when I turned around I found myself staring into the eyes of a giant white wolf. It was bigger than a bear, and I let out a strangled scream as it approached me.

Do not be afraid.

I calmed, noticing the friendly behavior of the strange wolf. It was far too big and fluffy to be dangerous, and my intuition told me it would help me. The wolf pointed in the direction of a forest that I had seen only in pictures from my father.

This was the island of Yakushima. Which had been drowned alongside the rest of Kyushu when I was still a small child. When I blinked I found myself in the interior of the island, a dense mossy forest that was breathtaking. The strange thing was the unreality of it, like I was standing on glass, and the trees were faded, almost see through.

Beautiful isn't it?

I kept moving, spurred forward by the excited pants of the giant wolf against my better judgement. I hopped over mossy roots, and I heard the muttering and whispering in the air, even from the plants themselves. Like the whole forest was alive in more ways than one. Eventually I found myself at a wizened tree, a jomon sugi that held only two people. A muscular Japanese man wearing a worn dragon mask, and a man made out of the plants and the land, marks and tears revealing sparks of broken essence.

"Who…are you?" There was something about the strange creature, something I couldn't see. So I tried…and when I opened my eyes again I saw everything.

No…it couldn't be…?

"I am a spirit yes…I am…was Yakushima, and I have called you here for a purpose. Will you accept that power brimming within you, will you accept it and restore our land." I swallowed heavily, and I could see the dragon masked man staring at me.

"I…don't understand."

The…spirit raised a metaphorical eyebrow. "Do you want to?"

I opened my mouth and replied.

April 29th, 2011. 5:35PM

Desiree Amaya

My name is Desiree. And I'm a fairly new cop, with a strong interest in capes and their powers.

Naturally my breaks consisted of watching videos of capes either beating the ever living shit out of each other, or watching them use their powers in a more constructive fashion. Both were pretty cool, even if the fighting was more exciting.

I'd prefer more of the latter than the former though, as a cop I saw what the real consequences of a cape fight were. All it was, was a fight that ended in a stalemate with huge collateral damage in both lives and property. Especially with how little money we had before the recent budget increase. That had only been a thing because of that Athena company a cape had set up. It didn't supply a lot of jobs, but it made so much money because of licensing and patents it was starting to lift up the city's economy from taxes alone.

I had heard some big rumors that she was planning to hire a ton more people, wanted to start up a real engineering firm, so she was buying up buildings both for facilities and employee housing. I heard from my brother that he had gotten hired for the material engineering department. He had been babbling on the phone about the possibilities of working with two tinkers who could more easily explain their tech.

I had also heard other rumors, like how people swore they saw creatures floating in and around the city, popping in and out of existence. But honestly…just yesterday I had seen a giant seraphim and the love child of Godzilla, a salamander and a whale some 300 meters tall kill that thing that had been screaming out from where the old lighthouse had been. So I wasn't ruling anything out.

I was on break, watching a few videos of Alexandria throwing fireballs. Which made no sense since that wasn't how powers worked. But I had been hearing a lot of rumors about how things were changing, and there were rumors of there being a second wave of superpowers.

Who knows…maybe I'll get my own superpowers now?

Alexandria was twisting in a certain fashion, taking some type of stance and throwing and using certain techniques that were a little familiar to me. I had seen my brother do those stances for his martial arts tournaments.

I wonder.

I glanced around the police station, since I still hadn't left to get a coffee from a donut shop nearby. I lowered into a stance, and for fun I—


Holy fuck!

I slipped as a blast of magic fucking fire emerged from my hands. I fell to the ground, rolling as the flames billowed outwards from where I had standing. The flames winked out, and I saw a pair of boots from my angle on the ground.

Wait…I know those boots…oh hell.

"Officer Amaya…I believe we should have a talk." The police captain replied, and I felt the blood drain from my face. She offered a hand, and I was pulled up to my feet. We moved quickly, and I ducked my head at the curious gazes of my fellow police officers. We stepped into her office, and I was told to shut the door behind me.

Once that happened the floodgates broke loose.

"Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to hap—" She cut me off.

"I imagine you'll be happy to be a volunteer for demonstrations?" I stopped.

"What?" The police captain smiled lightly, pulling out a few sheets of paper. She passed them to me, and my eyebrows rose as I read the papers.

"As you can see officer Amaya, a new program created by the PRT has opened up numerous opportunities for local police officers. Your…prompt discovery of your power is an opportunity here." Her light smile turned into an amused smirk. "And I am well aware of your interest in powers…so this should be good for you."

Oh god kill me now. My superior knows I'm a nerdy dork.

But I also started to feel giddy at the implications of what I had just read, the rumors had been true about a second wave of powers. And I was one of them, I could bend fire with my mind! And the PRT was building a program to teach people how to use their powers, and if what they were saying was true, we might be able to get superpowers for the entire department. It would have been nice if it happened when the gangs hadn't all disappeared or collapsed. Then again if the gangs could get their own powered people maybe it was a good thing they had vanished into the wind.

But that didn't mean getting powers was any less amazing, I just needed to think things through on what I wanted though. But there was a lot I could do now…

I wanted to try…to see how far I could go.

April 30th, 2011. 12:30AM

Kurt Wynn

I turned away from the screen, eyes burning from watching hours upon hours of footage. It had been more than simple to acquire footage of the battle that had taken place in Brockton Bay. Numbers and equations danced before my eyes as I analyzed the footage. Everything about what I had seen had given me much data to analyze.

That battle had been a close one, succeeding by margins that should have been impossible. The numbers didn't lie, and I calculated the number of casualties of a failed containment of the Mother of Miseries.

Trillions. At the bare minimum it would be trillions of lives extinguished, with Earth Bet being the primary area of infection. A virus that would spread to all Earths, and not even Scion would have survived the end state.

"Stop playing that footage…please." I paused the video with a grumble, leaving it at the white void created by the being that had been a part of the Mother of Miseries. I was surprised at the tone of voice from Alexandria, she was typically more stoic than she had been over the past two days.

The door to the conference room opened, and Fortuna appeared with light steps. She held a large egg to her chest, expression shifting rapidly to the point I could use my power to map out the pattern. It eventually settled on a very slightly happy one, and I wondered what she was doing recently. Her paths had become erratic, and she seemed to be listening less to Doctor Mother's own advice. Even so I had seen the numbers improving, the number of disasters decreasing by number but in some cases increasing in the scale of the threat.

Eidolon was currently rather busy cleaning up local water sources around New England, apparently the price that he had paid for his use of the spirit's own power. Though Alexandria and Doctor Mother disagreed with his pact with the otherworldly entity, I was not of the same mind. The numbers didn't lie on how much he had bought us with the gamble. The psychic scream from the Mother of Miseries would likely have shattered the minds of every human within a three hundred mile radius without suppression from multiple anti-Master counters operating in unison.

"I see you've found something of interest, Contessa." She didn't speak, placing the egg on a blanket she had laid on her shoulder.

"It's a part of the Path." I wasn't too sure about that myself with the way she had been acting, but then again perhaps it was a part of her Path as she said. "I see that Alexandria was affected…by the encounter with the creature." Contessa moved silently, and with a whisper she opened a door and pulled a burrito from what had to be Earth Aleph. She passed the hot meal into Alexandria's hands.

"Why didn't you try to intervene…?" Alexandria muttered caustically, eye burning with a passion that had been burned out of her over our years working together. Yet was still holding the gifted meal.

Fortuna shook her head. "There were no steps I could follow to stop the creature, it had blinded me specifically. What little I could evaluate was that my death would catalyze a world-ending event. My…agent would likely be consumed or even destroyed."

"But there was a young Precog involved in her defeat, what makes her so different?" That was an excellent question Alexandria.

Fortune frowned, eyes lingering on the large golden hued egg. "The child has had more time to model the phenomena that has spread across the world. Even so her predictions were only barely functional with wide margins of error." Her expression was far more human than I expected, and I wonder what had changed about her power. Mine had grown little, but there was a sense of underlying emotion when I tapped into it, a joy that was not my own. Eidolon's steady power loss seemed to be stagnating, and the signs of mutation from vials had dropped down to nearly zero.

Alexandria didn't stick around long, and I modeled the numbers on how long it would likely take her to recover. Not long, but it would likely be a factor to take into account.

"How well can you Path Athena?" Was the first question out of my mouth once Rebecca had made her heated leave.

"Not perfectly in most cases, and in some…not impossible but difficult." She admitted freely, rubbing her eyes and keeping an eye on the strange giant egg. "As a whole I can ignore them as a factor if my steps do not directly interfere with them. Most of their employees are simply human…and largely ignored." The fact she said largely and not completely said something important. "Their actions are predictable, in line with their stated goal of advancement. But their access to portals and space means a confrontation would likely end…poorly."

"Any actions involving those would act as blind spots…" Contessa was indeed the most powerful Thinker I had ever seen, but her limit to areas around Earth meant trouble. She nodded.

"Athena…or more specifically the White Lotus is made up of a number of powerful capes." She moves slowly, tapping a finger on my desk as she shuffles her feet. "A Precog, and a very powerful one at that, the second strongest on the planet ignoring the Simurgh. And she's seemingly growing stronger, any actions she takes will interfere with the Path…though I would still defeat her. Monarch is another potent cape, and while she is not a blindspot…"

"She is more difficult to Path?" I watched Contessa saunter smoothly, the Precog pouring a cup of coffee from my machine. I ignored her smirk as she waited.

"She has an unusually close relationship with her Agent, and that creates interference even with the improvements we've seen with my power. Their bomb tinker is easier to manipulate…but it's still a waste of effort that can be put to other uses."

"And Erudition?" Her easy smirk faded, eyes dulling.

"She is the most difficult, I can predict her behavior based on the ripples she leaves behind, and even ask for steps but they are…inconsistent." That was worrying if the tinker could act as a blindspot for Fortuna. "I would likely need to model her personally to account for her in the Path. At this point Brockton Bay no longer viable as a continued experiment, and is becoming a gathering ground for aberrant Agents."

"What about their allies, or their less prominent members?" What I learned here would pass on to the rest of Cauldron, and we would create a plan on how to account for this new variable.

"Golem is a fairly standard Parahuman, a second generation Trigger stronger than either of his parents. Terra is a far more pertinent threat…her powers have applications behind the projection of energy."

"Do you know what that application is?" She shook her head. There were many unknowns, and without knowing those unknowns my power wouldn't be able to calculate exactly what I required of it.

It would be best to leave them alone.

"As for allies, the range of beneficial improvements to one's power seems to be widening. Amy Dallon and Victoria Dallon are both examples of that." Her eyes were faraway, and she stopped midway.

"What is…" She pushed past me, and I heard the egg. It seemed to be stirring, and I began to wonder.

"Fortuna. Have you been pulling back from your Agent?" I had to ask. She didn't reply, gently pulling the golden egg into her chest.


"Necessary. It's necessary." There was a fear there, one that I didn't understand. "The Path can't continue if I'm subsumed by it…it's necessary." What had she seen

"Is there a reason for that?" She nodded. "Will you tell me?"

"No." I turned away, and looked at my monitor. Numbers danced as I examined the world economy, and I looked at Japan.

"Do what you can for them." Contessa muttered out as she cradled the large egg, and I knew then that it was part of her Path.

The world had become far more complicated, thought it at least meant far more math to analyze and make use of. So not a complete loss.
AN: So here is the first Interlude, and I'll probably post the PRT Case files shortly unless I feel they need a little refinement. There's certain aspects I'm willing to change, though it's unlikely I will. This chapter is mostly me taking into account some advice since I have a hard time trying to formulate a PHO chapter. It seems…annoying.

There's certain things here that are revealed that I hope aren't much. Since I think there's been gripes with SI's being Blindspots…not many but I want to preempt that anyway. There are reasons that Basilia messes with Precognition, and the effects are usually quite…small? Honestly Contessa is a bit of a gigantic plot device, but I do want to find a way to use her even if only in the background doing her own thing and figuring herself out. I'm also not too sure if I got Numberman's personality right…I doubt I did since I couldn't get past Arc 13.

Honestly with Worm it's not really the dark storyline that gets me, the ATLA fanfiction that inspired this one has some equally cosmic horror dark shit going down that wouldn't be out of place in Worm or the SCP files. But…it had more moments to break up the bad things…so that's probably it. Especially since it's longer than Worm is, so I should be able to finish it.

I'll probably get to it eventually. But for now enjoy.
I prefer this kind of interlude far more then PHO, which in most cases is pretty random and some writers make it more annoying then it needs to be, just to 'mimic' properly how 'internet trolls' would act.

In this one we received pretty good amount of important information, while it was enjoyable to read.

And I think Number Man here is fine. Nothing stands out to me that would be off with this character.