Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Yes, I've been waiting for this! :D

[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.

Called it that the obvious amulet wasn't his antimagic one. Going for that would could have been fatal, given how even when we bought a few seconds talking, he still managed to get a hit on us before Asya curbstomped him.

The amulet was a quick fix for his injuries; taking it would have stunned him and the reason he caught us off guard was because we didn't go in expecting a fight.
Yes, I've been waiting for this! :D

[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.

The amulet was a quick fix for his injuries; taking it would have stunned him and the reason he caught us off guard was because we didn't go in expecting a fight.

Except that even when we were aware that he was an assassin, he still managed to stab us when we were on our guard? How much worse would it have been if we had entered his killzone first rather than him having to talk his way into it?

Plus, this way, he struck the first blow--which means that we don't look like a lunatic who waved her hand and made his body explode with injuries in the event of a crit-train. We have a perfectly solid causus-belli at this point to purge his branch of the Dynasty by catching him red-handed with a witness.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.

[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.

[X] The Armored Dress: You're not entirely sure how Asya managed to get this made, or how she even managed to get it here without you noticing. It is a dress that is armored. Rather impractical to wear, it however does offer some modicum of protection. And it certainly casts a=striking image, though one distinctly outside the norm here in Ahervare.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
[X] Sit in amongst the Landrics - Breaks tradition, but may foster better feelings among the groom's family.
[X] The Armored Dress: You're not entirely sure how Asya managed to get this made, or how she even managed to get it here without you noticing. It is a dress that is armored. Rather impractical to wear, it however does offer some modicum of protection. And it certainly casts a=striking image, though one distinctly outside the norm here in Ahervare.
You blink slowly, then you plaster a smile on your face. Asya is just a few yards behind you, all you have to do is keep him in the dark until then. "Charmed to meet you ." You bow slightly, "Alina tells me you've been quite interested in me." You see his eyes narrow, or at least you think you do because the tension in his brow disappears.
He ORIGINALLY expected us to recognize him. But we passed the intrigue check to bullshit and pretend we didn't.
"Your highness, someone-" He shoots a glare at Alina, who blushes, "neglected to inform me I would be meeting you tonight. So forgive me for not presenting you with something befitting your status."

"No worries, it was quite a surprise to me as well to learn I had a suitor, but I am happy at least it is a handsome one." That's it Illona, keep it up.

He gives a small laugh, you do note he has a nice laugh, too bad it is attached to such a thoroughly despicable man. "Your flattery is noted your highness, but I assure you, none can compare to a rose such as you." The ease with which he says that, and the warm twinkle in his eye makes you doubt, just for a second, that this is actually the assassin. You let your guard down just a hair too much, and when he takes a step forward you are slightly too slow in backing up.
Unsurprisingly, he would have attacked us anyway. This is a fanatical assassin after all. So tactically, trying to delay for Asya wasn't very good. Strategically it was VERY good(but nobody brought that up during the debate and vote itself :V) that he struck us first, in front of witnesses, with medical evidence of injury.

Illona, where even failing checks gets you what you need anyway :p

A weak groan interrupts the both of you, and you see Hans shift slightly and shakily get to his feet. Shards of stone and dust swirling as he tries to stand, but Asya is already on top of him.
Earth magic at work. The wound canceling amulet I presume.
Something glints in his other hand, and you notice the crutch is gone.
The amulet has limited power. Normally he suppresses SOME wounds, but for combat he suppresses all wounds.
The dust quickly clears to reveal Hans standing upright, one hand pressed against his upper neck. Though you notice his other arm hangs limp by his side, and he's favoring his left leg.
And past a certain point it doesn't suppress any further wounds.
So this is in D&D terms a False Life amulet. Adds temporary hp, and conceals injuries, but it's just an extra hp bar.
Though as you do so you spot on of the assassin's hand worming under his body.

You shout a warning but it is already too late. An explosion sends Asya skidding backwards, though she manages to keep her balance.
Blast amulet

Unfortunately for him, Asya is used to fighting someone who can create explosions.
The finale comes when her hand lashes out and you see a small glinting object fly away. The amulet is gone, and Hans screams. You see bruises blossom across his face and blood begins leaking from his mouth. He stumbles backwards, fighting to keep his balance as his leg is twisted at an odd angle.
So the amulet we would have grabbed is the wound hiding amulet. It's suppressing a broken leg from the fall and a sword thrust to the chest. It also tells us he has no actual healing magic.

It would have left him crippled for us to fight if we grabbed it, but it would have looked more like WE did it to him with magic than a failed assassination.

You try and light him on fire, but it just fizzles, "Asya!" you yell, "He still has something that's cancelling the magic!" Asya nods and suddenly she's clutching Hans by the throat. She lifts him up and slams him into the ground. You make it over to see her pulling away the robes to reveal two more amulets which she unceremoniously snaps off.
Magic canceler amulet, blast amulet.
"D-don't be so sure, monster." He spits blood to the side, and you note the robes over his chest darkening with blood. "I will be free in d-death. And w-with it, your tyranny will burn." Though his face is rapidly paling you note fire in his eyes.
Hmm, this links to:
"Well, from what I hear, you're planning on arresting the entirety of House Landric. But, from what I've managed to discover, it seems like just the Streylitz branch are to blame." You stop. "Oh, and the assassin was the heir-presumptive of House Streylitz by the way."

Elita collapses onto the edge of her bed across the room from you. "Oh my god...you didn't kill him did you?"

"What?! No! Of course not!"

She breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh thank the Flame. That would have been...bad" But then you see her expression harden. "Though after what he did to you by the time I'm done with him he'll probably wish he died."
Some politics here. If he died it'd have done some rather spectacular damage.

"How did you find out about that?!" She yells. At full volume. Right in your ears.

When you're done recovering from your newly-shattered eardrums you wince again. "By the flame Sis, I'm right here."

"How did you find out?" She hisses.

You walk further into the chambers and marvel at the sheer scale of them, "Oh, Asya overheard you."

"And why, might I ask, was she following me closely enough to hear me talking about...that?"

You groan softly as you lower yourself down onto one of the many seating areas around the chambers. "I don't know, she was practicing her wall-climbing skills near where you happened to be?" Elita narrows her eyes at you, silence reigns between the two of you, before you finally get too uncomfortable. "Fine, I asked her to follow you. But it was too protect you, I swear."
Illona: "Don't worry, this sort of things just...happen around here."
"Elita, One, I'm not dying and Two, I'm pretty sure it was only part of the most powerful house in the realm. The part you aren't marrying." You try and put a bit of cheer into your voice, "But wait back up, this entire wedding was one big trap? And you didn't tell me."

Elita at least has the presence of mind to look guilty, "Yes, I'm sorry about that but...I couldn't risk you giving it away. Not that it matters now I suppose. Your bodyguard killed most of them from what I've gathered. If you're mad at me, I'll accept that?"
Elita: "Killstealer :("
Illona gains trait. [Lightly Wounded]: -5 to combat skill. Disappears next turn.
Gain Amulet of ??? from Grandmaster of the Seven Knives (New Research Actions)
Gain Amulet of Nullification from Grandmaster of the Seven Knives (New Research Actions)
Grandmaster of the Seven Knives captured (Affects outcome of Scarlet Wedding)

Didn't we loot THREE amulets?
-Wound canceler
-Spell canceler

If my guess is right, counterspells should be water magic, the blaster is fire magic and the wound canceler earth magic, judging by the secondary effects observed.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The White Dress: A simple white dress. It is easy to move in and very comfortable, however it will do little to show off your status. Though the white is traditionally the color of...*ahem* eligibility.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Armored Dress: You're not entirely sure how Asya managed to get this made, or how she even managed to get it here without you noticing. It is a dress that is armored. Rather impractical to wear, it however does offer some modicum of protection. And it certainly casts a=striking image, though one distinctly outside the norm here in Ahervare.

At this point I pretty severely question Elita's competence, so I expect shit to still go down at the wedding, so yes wear the armor especially while already injured. Beyond that, Illona is a queen, fuck optics.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Armored Dress: You're not entirely sure how Asya managed to get this made, or how she even managed to get it here without you noticing. It is a dress that is armored. Rather impractical to wear, it however does offer some modicum of protection. And it certainly casts a=striking image, though one distinctly outside the norm here in Ahervare.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Armored Dress: You're not entirely sure how Asya managed to get this made, or how she even managed to get it here without you noticing. It is a dress that is armored. Rather impractical to wear, it however does offer some modicum of protection. And it certainly casts a=striking image, though one distinctly outside the norm here in Ahervare.

I am not one to be cowed by common sense or decorum. I want a battledress, so a battledress I shall vote for.
Of course, us wearing armour might tip off the Strelitz' that we expect combat and that we therefore plan to do something that would spark violence.

It amuses me that we have the three different dress choices. (Political) Maneuvering, Shipping, and Combat, as it were.

I'm just sad we can't wear the Armored Dress and rig for shipping simultaneously. The lines are just all wrong, I guess.
No see, you misjudge this. The Armoured Dress is what Asya prepared and wants us to wear, and thus is it is the Asya Shipping option.

Nevermind that said ship has had a huge leaking hole in since before it left port and now at most has a mast above water, that's no challenge for a dedicated shipper.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.

[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.

[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.

[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.

[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
It would have left him crippled for us to fight if we grabbed it, but it would have looked more like WE did it to him with magic than a failed assassination.
Would have looked... to whom? This was a supposedly romantic date on a secluded terrace. At midnight. We were alone, and the guards who showed up, showed up late.

The only witnessed were Asya and Alina.

We just gave away the initiative and the advantage of surprise and got stabbed, only to be saved by Asya... instead of crippling him with a pre-emptive strike. Any wounds he would have could be nullified with the amulet later once he got subdued.

I am not sure of the strategical importance of our choice, but as far as tactics go, it was indeed sub-par.

Ah, well.

[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The White Dress: A simple white dress. It is easy to move in and very comfortable, however it will do little to show off your status. Though the white is traditionally the color of...*ahem* eligibility.

The white dress also doubles as a combat dress, since we are a mage and it does not constrict our movements. Perhaps less so than an Armored one, but it also does not broadcast our intentions.

It's suppressing a broken leg from the fall and a sword thrust to the chest.
I am pretty sure Asya just broke it herself:
Her leg blurs downward and he is slammed into the floor. You hear another snap and a groan.
The dust quickly clears to reveal Hans standing upright, one hand pressed against his upper neck. Though you notice his other arm hangs limp by his side, and he's favoring his left leg.
I read it as if he didn't favor the leg before... but there is a matter of the crutch he had on him since the beginning. Though it is interesting how wearing the amilet allowed him to basically ignore it. That's some really powerful magic.

At end of event then? Assuming he gets the wounds treated at some point
Assuming he does not flee during a commotion. Since his house is still one of the major power players, and they are unlikely to ignore the heir going AWOL.
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We are not the one guarding him either, so...

And it's just a matter of bringing another amulet, though Ihave no doubt that they are rather rare.

Hm, we need to test if the anti-magic amulet interferes with our own magic. It does not appear to block other amulets from functioning, so there are limits to its powers...
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.

[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.

[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
[x] The White Dress

I'm not long for here and evaluating all the other stuff, I just don't want us wearing a suit of armor to a wedding. It's tacky, looks suspicious, and ought to be totally unnecessary. The assassin ring is in ruins now, and we can fairly reliably torch those without the anti-magic protections anyway. This dress will allow us to move the most freely if there does enter a reason for us to run around and get to somewhere else, anyway.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.

I don't think we actually have any witnesses that he attacked first, aside from our two flunkies. Unless they have some kind of lie-detecting magic, it's preposterous that they would believe their testimony as unbiased.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.

I don't think we actually have any witnesses that he attacked first, aside from our two flunkies. Unless they have some kind of lie-detecting magic, it's preposterous that they would believe their testimony as unbiased.

We do have the wounds backing us up.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.
[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.
[X] The Red Dress: A brilliant red dress, the color of fire. Eminently regal and perfect for showing off your position in society as a Queen as well as your relationship with the bride. However it is impractically ornate and very cumbersome to wear.
[X] Just take out the Streylitz members of House Landric (Inform Brice before hand)
-[X] At least, provided she is still personally or politically interested in the marriage, while you don't like Brice's attitude, he has been noticed to be actually devout and a fairly effective way to stabilize her political power by joining with the strongest house.

[X] Sit in your own section, all by yourself - Keeps tradition, but also may insult some members of the grooms family given the disparty in space alotted to each of you.

[X] The White Dress: A simple white dress. It is easy to move in and very comfortable, however it will do little to show off your status. Though the white is traditionally the color of...*ahem* eligibility.

The White Dress sounds best. It doesn't telegraph our intentions, allows to get away if things get ugly, and we want to get a hubby soon anyway, don't we.
We do have the wounds backing us up.
I do not believe it is possible to tell by the wounds who attacked whom first.

Not that it matters, though. It's not like the guy is going to be given a public trial before his entire house is either slaughtered or behind bars. So who saw what is rendered moot. For all everyone knows, he just disappeared for two days, and after that, no one would care.