Untitled Superhero Quest (No SV Be the Hero)

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Introduction and Era Select
Introduction and Era Select

"A Hero is someone who gives his or her life to something bigger than himself." -Joseph Cambell.

With the End of the 19th Century, the age of Adventurers and Daring that defined the Heroes of the Old Ways of personal Honor and Glory, wealth and fame, had passed into history. A Century worth of dime heroes, mystics, madmen and idealists that became common in the last 100 years of Modern Society.

They were not often successful, or at all beneficial for the rest of mankind. These early heroes were defined by the empires and causes that they fought for.

The Blue Legion of France, the first recognized group of superheroes that dressed in masks to bring law and order to the streets of Paris during the downfall of Napoleon, rose to the occasion several times in 1848 and in 1871 long after their forebears turned to dust is a shining symbol of French duty, even if they never revealed their names.

Captain Nero of Italia, or the Legendary Fearless Franklin Longswan of Brazil.

But the age of glory and fame has passed, now comes the new age, a better age.

One of Heroism for the common good, and the many shapes and forms it takes.


What Era did you arise? Young Hero?:

[]The Golden Dawn (1900-1912): It was a glorious century that the world had entered in the Year of our Lord 1900, the British Empire was near its zenith, the Concert of Europe was reaching its climax as the storm clouds of a great and terrible crisis lingered over this time of prosperity, exploitation and modernity.
--[]The Edwardian Era (1901): Queen Victoria has passed away at the age of 81, King Edward the 7th, has ascended, Brittanna rules over the Largest Empire the world has ever seen, eclipsing the MIGHT of Rome, The Sun...Never sets on the British Empire. And with the work of his loyal subjects, it never will.
--[]The Midsummer Night (1908):The Olympics of 1908, a triumph of Brotherhood and Sportsmanship, but be warned, it is a hotbed of intrigue, rivalries and worse, nationalists and independence movements trying to get backers for their...Free Nations.
--[]The Twilight's Last Gleaming (1912):With the Sinking of the Titanic, many knew deep down it was the end of an age, The Agadir Crisis had been the sign that many needed to see that War was inevitable, though the war had been avoided for now many knew that it was only a matter of time.

[]The Hopeless Night (1914-1919):The "War to End all Wars" had begun, the Death of the Archduke, had been the excuse many needed to finally settle the matter of national honor.To the detriment of the Millions of Lives lost in its pride. The Concert had reached its climax, a bloody crescendo under the howl of the dying.
--[]In Flander Field (December 24th 1914):They said the war was supposed to be over by now...but alas the peace would not be won so easily. The World has gone mad, insane in the depth of pride and blood. The only thing besides your life to fight for was that semblance of good that exists in all men. That hope was all you have...Hope was all you needed.
--[]The Poppy Grows (1918):On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, in the year of our Lord 1918, the guns fell silent and the World knew peace. A world devastated and devoid of hope. It matters little any more about what was fought, and why. The Flower of European youth was dead. Hope was gone. the only thing left to do was to survive... and rebuild. To grow again.
--[]The Lost Generation (1919): How does a man live, when he is is apart of the Lost Generation, one who's future and innocence was snuffed out in the Trenches of the Somme, of Verdun and of Tannenberg, what good can remain after all that pain ALL THAT SUFFERING..no. You will not be lost forever, you will lead this Generation out of the Darkness and into the Light again, or die trying.

[]The Golden Age of Superheroes (1930-1950): It is the Dawn of what is to be known as a golden age, as common people, heroics and masked vigilantes prowl the cities and states as the birth cries of the Ideal was born in this trying time.
--[]The Darkest Time (1930):The Depression had broken the World, The West is in shambles. America is in the Great Depression, The After Effect of Prohibition led to Organized Crime to all but own the streets. The Weimar Republic is failing. This cannot stand, You must stand up and put on the mask and symbol, and be the Hero the World needs.
--[]The Second World War (1940): The Lights of Europe have gone out for the second time, the Fascist regimes have taken flight against the world and none know how to stop them. You Must fight for your country, for the ideals that will shape the world...but first you must save it from an Axis of Darkness.
--[]The Cold Morning(1945): The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war. The Peace would come, but it would not last without protectors, champions to make sure it remains that way.

[]The Silver Age (1960-1975): The Childhood of Superheroes, where people start to show strange superpowers, silly gimmicks and...The Cold War, with the threat of Nuclear War and other situations even the elders could not predict.
--[]Camelot (1960): While the Era of JFK brought a new sense of optimism in the Cold War, it was not without its tensions, in this era of peace and relative stability one force came to light that threatened the Peace long-held: Supervillains.
--[]Good Morning Vietnam (1965):When the United States went to war in Southeast Asia, it took its best son's and left its worse behind. You must rise to the Occasion as Supervillains rise to change the status quo.
--[]Feet of Bronze (1970): The End of the Vietnam War destroyed the reputation of many Heroes and the Government of the US and other nations hoped to help their image, declaring war on drugs and narcotics seems to be a good idea, let's do it!! What Heroes and the Government are growing more Corrupt, surely you Jest.

[]The Crisis of Terra SOL (1979-1986): Arthur C. Clarke said that we were either alone in the Universe, or we were not...it seems we were not alone, and it was terrifying to witness the might Mankind battled to maintain its existence as a species.
--[]First Contact (1979): It came on a cold spring Morning, it arrived over the City of Los Angeles, looking for a lost probe that was destroyed in 1942. They figured out that it was destroyed by Humans...and they took exception to that, you are part of the First Responders on that fateful day.
--[]The Broken Ones (1983): It has been almost Five years of near constant fighting against the Alien Menace, early successes and defections grew confidence but then the Dakota Incident happened and you were one of the few survivors of that fateful event, and you must continue to inspire the battered Human Race, no matter the cost.
--[]The Final Crisis (1985): The Leader of the Alien Threat is coming, even if you had driven the menace from earth, You had to cut off the head of the Serpent, no matter what happens it must be done, for mankind...For your future.

[] The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999): An alien invasion had shaken the world. All the Superheroes of the Silver Age are either dead or too injured to keep on going, while Supervillains still live to keep on committing crimes. Now comes a new breed of heroes and Superheroes: one that doesn't hesitate to kill. Now they fight among one another and kill criminals left and right. Are you from the same kind of cloth, or do you wish to bring back the idealism of old?
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Dark Times (1990): The new Anti-Heroes are everywhere, fighting and killing criminals, fighting each other over territories and rights to kill criminals. Can you thrive in this new era?
--[] The Light in the Dark (1995): There is a new wave of Superheroes, one that wants to bring back the old kind of Super heroics, the ideologies of the Gold and Silver ages of heroes, in order to stop the madness of the Anti-Heroes. Are you one of those idealistic youths?

[] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The New First Generation (2000): You are one of the first heroes who represents and defines this new era of Superheroes, alongside others with incredible powers, as mutants are now greater in numbers than any other time in history.
--[] The Second Generation (2010): You are in the same generation as many of the sidekicks of famous Superheroes who crafted themselves a reputation for the last decade, and you want to set yourself apart from everyone else.
--[] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.

AN: Its an idea, Thank you @Magoose for allowing me to take the base of the intro and add my own flair to it.

Also its only the 20th and 21st century because its simpler this way for me.
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
[X]The Golden Dawn (1900-1912): It was a glorious century that the world had entered in the Year of our Lord 1900, the British Empire was near its zenith, the Concert of Europe was reaching its climax as the storm clouds of a great and terrible crisis lingered over this time of prosperity, exploitation and modernity.
--[X]The Edwardian Era (1901): Queen Victoria has passed away at the age of 81, King Edward the 7th, has ascended, Brittanna rules over the Largest Empire the world has ever seen, eclipsing the MIGHT of Rome, The Sun...Never sets on the British Empire. And with the work of his loyal subjects, it never will.
[x] The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999): An alien invasion had shaken the world. All the Superheroes of the Silver Age are either dead or too injured to keep on going, while Supervillains still live to keep on committing crimes. Now comes a new breed of heroes and Superheroes: one that doesn't hesitate to kill. Now they fight among one another and kill criminals left and right. Are you from the same kind of cloth, or do you wish to bring back the idealism of old?
-When did you emerge?
--[x] The Dark Times (1990): The new Anti-Heroes are everywhere, fighting and killing criminals, fighting each other over territories and rights to kill criminals. Can you thrive in this new era?

edit: changed my vote. let's be the one to bring back justice. if this loses to the others that's fine too
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[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.

Either this or one of the earlier points possible, though earlier more because of the ripple effects that could have.
[X]The Golden Dawn (1900-1912): It was a glorious century that the world had entered in the Year of our Lord 1900, the British Empire was near its zenith, the Concert of Europe was reaching its climax as the storm clouds of a great and terrible crisis lingered over this time of prosperity, exploitation and modernity.
--[X]The Edwardian Era (1901): Queen Victoria has passed away at the age of 81, King Edward the 7th, has ascended, Brittanna rules over the Largest Empire the world has ever seen, eclipsing the MIGHT of Rome, The Sun...Never sets on the British Empire. And with the work of his loyal subjects, it never will.
More impact if we get a super scientist.
[X] The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999): An alien invasion had shaken the world. All the Superheroes of the Silver Age are either dead or too injured to keep on going, while Supervillains still live to keep on committing crimes. Now comes a new breed of heroes and Superheroes: one that doesn't hesitate to kill. Now they fight among one another and kill criminals left and right. Are you from the same kind of cloth, or do you wish to bring back the idealism of old?
-When did you emerge?
--[x] The Dark Times (1990): The new Anti-Heroes are everywhere, fighting and killing criminals, fighting each other over territories and rights to kill criminals. Can you thrive in this new era?
[X]The Golden Dawn (1900-1912): It was a glorious century that the world had entered in the Year of our Lord 1900, the British Empire was near its zenith, the Concert of Europe was reaching its climax as the storm clouds of a great and terrible crisis lingered over this time of prosperity, exploitation and modernity.
--[X]The Edwardian Era (1901): Queen Victoria has passed away at the age of 81, King Edward the 7th, has ascended, Brittanna rules over the Largest Empire the world has ever seen, eclipsing the MIGHT of Rome, The Sun...Never sets on the British Empire. And with the work of his loyal subjects, it never will.
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
A 6 month period, Turns are divided into 2 parts, Hero Persona and Secret Identity time.

I don't need to really explain that...its just it explains things easily.
Okay, that does change my vote a bit. Going for the dark times. Won't be staying in the dark times for long enough for me to be unhappy, and won't be too short to not affect the time period either.

About twenty turns before hitting the modern era, and I gotta say, a time when heroes play tyrant of the hill fascinates me.

[x] The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999): An alien invasion had shaken the world. All the Superheroes of the Silver Age are either dead or too injured to keep on going, while Supervillains still live to keep on committing crimes. Now comes a new breed of heroes and Superheroes: one that doesn't hesitate to kill. Now they fight among one another and kill criminals left and right. Are you from the same kind of cloth, or do you wish to bring back the idealism of old?
-When did you emerge?
--[x] The Dark Times (1990): The new Anti-Heroes are everywhere, fighting and killing criminals, fighting each other over territories and rights to kill criminals. Can you thrive in this new era?
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About twenty turns before hitting the modern era, and I gotta say, a time when heroes play tyrant of the hill fascinates me.
All Era's give a special trait that is ingrained into the charecter.

In the Dark Age era, You get "The Child of The Crisis" AKA you are a survivor of the Alien Invasion Arc (Like literally all of Humanity has this trait. So do some robots and a few of the Aliens.)
All Era's give a special trait that is ingrained into the charecter.

In the Dark Age era, You get "The Child of The Crisis" AKA you are a survivor of the Alien Invasion Arc (Like literally all of Humanity has this trait. So do some robots and a few of the Aliens.)
Without seeing a list of traits related to which era, and the benefits each trait brings. I don't see how the special trait is relevant as a voting factor.

Neat trivia, though.
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Without seeing a list of traits related to which era, and the benefits each trait brings. I don't see how the special trait is relevant as a voting factor.

Neat trivia, though.
Its a flavor/ Event trait that shows how the world has evolved since the beginning of the Quest.

If you all want a list, It's going to have to wait a little bit, having to look over the notes and all that. So...I will give you a list before the end of the day if you ask.
Its a flavor/ Event trait that shows how the world has evolved since the beginning of the Quest.

If you all want a list, It's going to have to wait a little bit, having to look over the notes and all that. So...I will give you a list before the end of the day if you ask.
Yes, I would like to see a list. Please show it?
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
Traits for Each Era: Since you all want to know might as well.

The Golden Dawn (1900-1912):

The Masters of Destiny: You are what the Victorian Era calls a master of fate, someone with complete and utter control over their own life. A Rarity these days. (+3 to all stats, -5 to certain rolls, +5 to others, the chance to spark the first world war is in your hands.)

The Hopeless Night (1914-1919):

A Lost Generation: You are a lost one, someone who was directly affected by the Great War and its terror. (+5 Martial and Personal Combat, +2 Intrigue, +2 learning, -3 Diplomacy and stewardship)

The Golden Age of Superheroes (1930-1950):

The Greatest Generation:You are one of the best we ever produced. In terms of force of Will, spirit, courage...even in your darkest moments of fear, you never give up. (+4 All stats, +20 to saving rolls, combat rolls and diplomacy rolls)

The Silver Age (1960-1975):

The Living Moment: Superheroism in the modern age is akin to handling fire, and given the advent of villains and superpowers, one slip up may cause a nuke war. (+4 Intrigue, +20 to investigation rolls and espionage, the Chance of starting a Nuclear war is in your hands. )

The Crisis of Terra SOL (1979-1986):

The Icon of the Spirit: You are one of the few remaining hero's of authority in the current invasion, your men and women look up to you for leadership. You can't fail...too much is at stake to fail. (+5 Diplomacy, +20 to combat and Diplomacy rolls, start with the leadership of a small anti Invasion cell. You die its game over...unless you passed the torch.)

The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999):

The Child of The Crisis: Like almost everyone else that breaths on this planet, you survived the invasion of '79, and it shows...everywhere in your mind. (-5 Diplomacy, +5 Rest of stats, +20 to combat rolls against aliens and humans

The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present):

The First of the New: No baggage, no scars...just simple ideas to strive for. (One stat set at 15, +1 rest, no greater destriments or boons.)