UNIVEEEEERSE!!! (-al Gundam idea and discussion thread)

Another idea that's been running in my head ever since I finished Worm:

What if Celestial Being's Quantum operating system VEDA, which managed to fumble up and was compromised even before the start of the series, was replaced by a system similar to Dragon? ( possibly with E. A. Ray replacing A. Richter as the 'creator')
Erm... bumping this thread for good reason. I need some help with a story I'm co-writing, mainly, on a section where Char's testing Haman (the story's a Time Travel AU sort of story... Char's not one of the people to literally find themselves in the past).

Here's the context of the situation... Cima (who got cleared of being responsible for the gassing of the colony during the opening of the One Year War by Char) is being an instructor for recruits hoping to pilot Mobile Suits, and Char got roped into helping her, while Haman's one of the recruits (she's a Newtype this early). The scene?


Simulated Battlefield


The field of combat was in outer space, in a situation that was deemed a likely future. The location was Solomon, one of the two gateways before A Baoa Qu. Before any Mobile Weapons could be launched on either side, everyone was given a clear explanation of their objectives, and a clear design of the weapons being used on their individual units.

For Char, he was piloting his customized Zaku II Commander Type, which had a lot of power behind it. Cima was piloting a prototype Mobile Suit model, the MS-08 Efreet, which had an experimental beam rifle equipped alongside a Mobile Suit-sized katana. As for everyone else…

They were all piloting regular Zaku IIs.

"Well, this might not suck…" one of the other recruits remarked. "I mean, there's about 48 of us, and even though our instructors are aces, there's only two of… them… What the hell?!?"

The reason for the exclamation was simple - there were a whole lot of other Mobile Suits materializing around Cima and Char's units, which did not look at all like Zeon units.

"First rule of the battlefield," Char said over the comm channels. "If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know your enemy, but not yourself, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will never know victory."

"Hence, to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence," Cima said, to finish the rule of the battlefield. "Supreme excellence is breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

"Huh?" Another student asked. "Break their resistance without fighting…?"

"Second rule of the battlefield," Char said. "All warfare is based on deception." With that, he brought his machine gun to bear, waiting for the countdown to reach 0.

Once the countdown reached 0, most of the recruits charged ahead, while a few of the smarter ones (including Haman) hung back, waiting to observe the situation a bit.

The first of the recruits to lose their unit in the simulators was recklessly charging a Federation unit, machine gun blazing, only for it to dodge the bullets and pull out its rifle and fire off a beam shot that packed the punch of a battleship's cannon through the reactor of the unit.

The second of the recruits fared slightly better than the first one, actually taking off one of the arms of the enemy Mobile Suits, before discarding its spent machine gun and charging forward with its heat axe raised to cleave downward. The Feddie unit brought its remaining arm up to grab a thin cylinder from the shoulder rack and removed it, bringing out a saber made out of a beam of energy and an I-Field, while swinging it at the recruit's unit through the cockpit… bisecting the Zaku II.

Two of the recruits double-teamed one of the Feddie machines, one distracting it with high-speed maneuvering and machine gun fire while the other snuck up and gutted the machine with their Heat Axe. Of course, both were promptly destroyed.

As more and more of the reckless recruits got themselves defeated in the simulators, Haman and her fellow smart recruits were observing the situation, hoping to figure out how to best exploit the weaknesses involved in the new model Mobile Suits employed by the Federation. The initial numbers involved on the side of the recruits was about 48, while the Federation units numbered in the upper hundreds… the Federation still had the numerical advantage of being around 850, while the recruits were now cut down to a third… the smarter recruits.

At this point, Haman started forth, the rest of the smarter recruits behind her, dodging fire from the enemy machines as they drew close. Unlike the more reckless recruits, they worked as a unit, primarily in teams of four, but they would combine teams into larger forces as necessary, as the number of Federation machines began reducing more and more quickly.

Before the time of the Federation units drew to an end, Char's machine gun opened fire on Haman's unit, forcing her to bank backwards with her wingmates to avoid getting hit.

As the other three teams continued to work on the Federation Mobile Suits, Haman's team split up, all focusing on Char, but coming at him from different directions all at once. Haman fired her machine gun at him from below, while another Zaku charged in with its heat hawk, a third fired a bazooka from his right, and the last threw a grenade at him.

Char dodged to the back upper left, avoiding the weapons fire of all the recruits, before shooting at the one that threw the Cracker Grenade at him. One bullet was all it took to disable the Zaku II, leaving the recruit dead in the battlefield, while the other three units did what they could to beat Char.

At this point another machine appeared - similar to the Feddie machines before, only with a more advanced-looking beam rifle, and primarily white with a blue torso.

"W-what the hell is that?!" one of Haman's wingmates questioned Char.

"That is supposedly the most advanced of the Mobile Suit Prototypes currently under development by the Federation," Char replied. "The RX-78-2 'Gundam'. It's armed with two Beam Sabers, 60mm Head-Mounted Machine Guns, and a Beam Rifle as powerful as a battleship's main gun. Let's see how well you do against it…"




"ACHOO!!" Amuro sneezed, wondering who was talking about his original Mobile Suit behind his back, before getting to work on the Nu Gundam.


Back to the simulated battle


As soon as Char said those words, the Gundam raised its beam rifle at Haman's unit, prompting her to dodge or 'die'.

She chose dodge by the time the beam rifle started firing.

She dodged to the right, narrowly missing the shot, and she and her remaining two wingmates began closing in, her wingmates firing machine gun rounds to box it in while she fired off a bazooka round then closed in with her Heat Hawk.

The Gundam moved to dodge the bullets, only to be hit by the bazooka round, with Haman charging right at it from in front. However, the Mobile Suit proved to be immune to even a bazooka's round, as there wasn't even a scratch on the Gundam. Moving its Beam Rifle into position, it was about to fire on Haman when she felt a jolt on her senses, forcing her to bank to the left.

The Beam Rifle fired, though Haman's dodge had carried her out of the line of fire. She continued closing in, even as her wingmates distracted it, and sliced into the cockpit area with her Heat Hawk.

Protip: it failed.

I'm especially looking for help on what to do to replace the last line with (something that would make sense).

Oh, right, the Federation decided to feed Zeon false info (as per the details behind the AU)... by letting them steal outdated information.
Can we have Haman go back in time?

She died with a TON of regrets. I really advise you to read the Char's Deleted Affairs manga at some point to get Haman's back-story.
Oh, I plan on getting more insight in the character of Haman Karn, but I also don't plan on her going back in time... it's complicated enough, having Kamille and Amuro back in time (and in each other's bodies), but adding Haman?

...then again, the idea of her memories from the future going to the past might work, though... it'll take some doing.
She's gonna nab herself a Judeau, I think... And I will be MOST displeased if she doesn't save the Puru's while she's at it.
Yeah, as of right now, Judau's about nine, I think?

Also, I'm not sure if there are any Purus to save :(. Well, at least they won't suffer.

BTW, if General Revil stays alive, Scirocco will join him and not betray him-according to the video games.
Apparently, he thinks that Revil has true justice or something. I'm just repeating what happens in Gihren's Greed.

Picture it.

Scirocco, Amuro, and Haman all fighting together.
Still working on my ISOT fic in the Gundam SEED verse -Dawn of War, Dawn of Change- is still being worked on, albiet slowly since I can't raise my beta. :(

Also, Tiberium: The Fires of Terra is still being worked on, albeit slowly.

I don't find it all that silly.

If you need enemies, have Glemy, Rakan Dhakaran, Yazan Gable, Anaval Gato, and Enzo Bernini running around.

I don't find it all that silly.

If you need enemies, have Glemy, Rakan Dhakaran, Yazan Gable, Anaval Gato, and Enzo Bernini running around.

Well, unfortunately, I do find it that silly.

Anyway, I posted that snippet for an opinion, so... if you could please say what needs to be written to replace "Protip: it failed", I'd appreciate it, everyone.
What do you guys think, if CCA!Amuro were to Peggy Sue back to the One Year War, would he repaint the RX-78 into the Nu Gundam's less-cartoony color scheme, complete with Londo Bell symbol (considering that some real-life aces used such things, like the red tails of the Tuskegee Airmen)?
I'm doing something remotely similar to that, @amitakartok. My idea, however, revolves around Kamille Bidan (post the end of the Zeta Gundam novelization) taking over Amuro's body during the One Year War, and Amuro (post Beltorchika's Children) in Kamille's body.
Well was reading the Legends of the Joker's Wild series (made by CSS-Stravag on Fanfiction) and the latest of the series has the Earth Alliance pretty much go on a nuclear temper tantrum. :\

Anyway, now I've been wondering on how to specifically classify Blue COSMOS. On one hand it's essentially Bio-conservative, on another they feel like fucking Nazis, and on another they're just psychopaths... that would volley launch nukes with glee and apparently get off on genocide.

Apparently they make every terrorist group we have today look like idiots and have at least one super-power literally under their thumb (Atlantic Federation)... what does that tell you guys?
Admittedly, I always want to write SEED rewrite but it's difficult to please angry crowd.

The basic concept of "mostly transhumans in space, mostly baselines on the grounds, conflict viewed through the eyes of a first generation transhuman" is actually really interesting. The giant robots are just icing on the cake.
For those who are interested, MSG Alpha just updated. It's "shit gets real" time.

Amuro is freaking out like crazy over what happened and almost offs himself. Kai fleeces Eledore in poker for date money. Sleggar and Astonaige find a psycoframe in the Gundam but have no idea what it is, so Sleggar wants to call in the Professor from Lowe Guele's gang.

Yes, you read that last part right: MSGA has revealed itself as a mass-crossover of all Gundam verses, with Bright recounting all the various factions that have seceded from the Federation at various points. There are quite a few of them, from Cosmo Babylonia to Orb to Diana Counter.

And Zeon is waging war against all of them. Simultaneously. And it is winning.:o

Arian is among the factions too - and Reiji is the king, having just taken Aila as royal consort.:D

Even during the recounting, Bright hears a news report about what sounds suspiciously like an UE attack. Officially, it's brushed off as a pirate raid and AEUG is mentioned to operate in those regions.

And if that still wasn't crazy enough, Diana's faction have found a mysterious statue when they colonized their world. A statue they call the White Doll...

Gentlemen, I think we have a serious contender for the title of Best Gundam Fanfic Ever. Time will tell whether it proves worthy of that title.
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(the images that influenced this idea, from the defunct Empire Earth mod 'Tales from Soviet America')

Essentially the Gundam-verse of your choosing (recommended: UC/SEED/AD) gets an IOST event... of a very interesting polity called the Union of Centralized Socialist Nations (UCSN for short). These guys have some ridiculous (in some ways) tech behind them, tech that changes things. Tech like nano-fabbers, borehole mines that reach to the moho discontinuity, hydrogen-hydrogen fusion plants, even interplanetary FTL and FTL communications.

However, despite this these guys are initially underestimated and not thought as an actual threat due to the stigma of socialist nations being literal paper tigers and failed states.

However one or both sides anger the UCSN over the Earth-side borehole mine, a vital location due to it's resource production... and the UCSN will retaliate and carry out warfare across the Earth Sphere.

If it's SEED, then total war will come to the front lawn of either the Earth Alliance and/or ZAFT.

If it's UC, then conventions will be uprooted at best.

If AD, then Celestial Being is going to be hurting very soon, more so than the Union, Human Reform League, and the AEU with their client states.