I was having a brain-bug for a moment due to my inability to sleep. Well some things I've watched SEED again and again and from the looks of it if the First Bloody Valentine ended within the first year things would have been far more peaceful due to certain individuals like George Allster being alive.
Now hear me out this is all what my sleep hating mind is thinking of right now.
Zala during the first year of the Bloody Valentine War has his emotional baggage due to the loss of his wife, but from my perspective he took Clyne's opposite because of people that are in Rau's camp (i.e. the CoordiNAZIS) are scaring both of them. He is essentially the Rasa Massoud Rachmadi in SEED, but in a sad take of it. Thanks to Rau's poisonous influence and the toll of keeping essentially the CoordiNAZIS/CoordiTEAPERs in line made him slowly join into his camp and turning into the monster we all know and 'love'.
Now about 9 months into the Bloody Valentine, a 'fourth' force shows up (and for the sake of argument ORB and other neutral countries are effectively a 'third' force) and decides to help end this conflict. The 'United Terran Federation' is quite willing to send it's best diplomats to a neutral location for a peace conference. While the first one that started shortly before the Bloody Valentine ended in a 'Muslim Uprising' killing many of the Coordinator and Eurasian Federation diplomats, this one is at ORB's orbital colony of Heliopolis. In response to this the G-Weapon project was moved off-colony before the diplomats arrived.
The date is January 25th, CE 0071 and the peace conference is just ending it's second week. The Earth Alliance delegation is led by George Allster, one of the few high-level officials not completely controlled one way or another by Blue COSMOS*. Pre-Nazification Zala leads the PLANTS delegation and most of them are part of the moderate or radical-moderate faction. The various neutral states are represented by a team of ORB and other neutral-nation aligned diplomats while the United Terran Federation had sent in their own team of diplomats led by Otto Neumann who is actually a renowned diplomat of the UTF.
Now The United Terran Federation just got out of the devastating 6th Unification War five decades ago (rebuilding various planets across a rough 2000 light-year sphere is hard work as it is) and is somewhat stretched in terms of stregnth and one of the big kickers is that the UTF has draconian anti-augmentation discrimination laws in place due to the horrific 'Genocide Wars'. When Zala read about those conflicts, let's just say he drank a few bottles of hard vodka within a night.
Anyway, Otto Neumann discovers from the three Terran Navy ships stationed as the protection detail that the Vesalius, Curry, and Gamow are coming towards the colony. Otto is worried, and properly so when Rau's personal ship is in a group. His ruthlessness and brutality is his calling card, and the Terran spooks state that he's trying to play everyone like a violin for some greater goal. What this goal is, not even the spooks know, but caution is the precaution of the day.
So begins the Terran's entry into the Bloody Valentine War... to save a peace that should be hammered down happen across the Earth Sphere even though it would end up being helped about by a literal bunch of civilians and officers from all sides, being hunted down like rats between Rau and Blue COSMOS who want to bring the war to it's inevitable conclusion.
* From what I can tell, most of the organization is filled with blood thirty monsters (the usual for grunts), willing to sit back and throw nukes at the problem (many OMNI officers that are implied/identified as Blue COSMOS), or completely and utterly psychotic (Azrael being our picture perfect example). George Allster is none of these things and doesn't fit in the Blue COSMOS profile. So I am assuming that he isn't a Blue COSMOS member or associate.
However, I believe he sent Flay to Heliopolis to protect her from Blue COSMOS as we never hear about George's wife. I assume that George is being pressured to follow the Blue COSMOS script but his resistance got his wife killed. George sent Flay out to ORB's remote habitat so they couldn't get her... and due to it's remote location Blue COSMOS couldn't get a hit on her. With this he tries to keep Blue COSMOS from ruining everything.