Unbound (Homeworld/Mass Effect)

Amazing Chapter.

Kinda hope the Turians get their teeth royally kicked-in some more before this is settled... Also kinda wish that Tela had freaked at least some about the comment of the Hiigarans traveling Galaxies.
Well, let's just say this fic will be operating more on cutscene capability rather than in-game effectiveness.
Lots of games makes weapons less effective in game for game balance. Even ones based on real weapons. I can accept that ships might have ECMs or jamners, but seriously! How in hell does a professional soldier missed someone four feet in front of him with an SMG?
Amazing Chapter.

Kinda hope the Turians get their teeth royally kicked-in some more before this is settled... Also kinda wish that Tela had freaked at least some about the comment of the Hiigarans traveling Galaxies.

I think she's still processing the Exodus Armada, really. And there's a lot of Armada to process, so she'll be working on that for the foreseeable future.

Like the whole galaxies thing will be probably creep up on her later, but her only source of information is a young woman who speaks a bit of Turian. We've already seen Kanya stumble over "executioner" so Tela might chalk it up to Kanya using the wrong word.

Until the actual diplomats find out that she really isn't.
Faegan is my new favorite character. Amazonian super-booby gun fan? That amuses me far more than it should.

What can I say other than she definitely ate her Eezo Wheaties growing up every morning, especially those days when she got to go camping on Tuchanka with her Krogan grandfather and her Krogan cousins. Yep, just her, her grumpy-yet-doting sourpuss of a grandpa, and her favorite non-Asari cousins, trekking through the semi-radioactive wilderness of a death world in search of childhood adventure with shotguns.

And bandages. Lots of bandages, because let's be honest, it's Tuchanka. You're gonna need bandages.
What can I say other than she definitely ate her Eezo Wheaties growing up every morning, especially those days when she got to go camping on Tuchanka with her Krogan grandfather and her Krogan cousins. Yep, just her, her grumpy-yet-doting sourpuss of a grandpa, and her favorite non-Asari cousins, trekking through the semi-radioactive wilderness of a death world in search of childhood adventure with shotguns.

And bandages. Lots of bandages, because let's be honest, it's Tuchanka. You're gonna need bandages.
I keep laughing at the panicked Turian that she was distracting. This story's going to be so much fun to read. :rofl:
I think she's still processing the Exodus Armada, really. And there's a lot of Armada to process, so she'll be working on that for the foreseeable future.

Like the whole galaxies thing will be probably creep up on her later, but her only source of information is a young woman who speaks a bit of Turian. We've already seen Kanya stumble over "executioner" so Tela might chalk it up to Kanya using the wrong word.
Yeah. I mean, look at how the lady talks:

"Too late," Kanya continued somewhat breathlessly, but she met the Spectre's eyes without flinching. "Ecks… Exec... Slayer Benyamin Somtaaw, already reported to all Kiith-sa and One-Who-Speaks-For-Sajuuk. Sajuuk - He Whose Hand Shapes What Is, come, very soon now."
It's both clear that her grasp on the language is shaky, and that Hiigarans are not exactly averse to using dramatic phrases to describe things. Calling a ship "He Whose Hand Shapes What Is" isn't the action of somebody who would have any problem with technically using "galaxies" incorrectly if they thought it sounded cool.
So wait. Lets see here.

The Somtaaw are in the process of pulling a Dead Space and cracking open a local moon for resourcing operations while the Thrians muster up five fleets because obviously more guns is better. The fleet is simply Allowing the Somtaaw to do this because hey, if the enemy wants to waste time on resourcing rather than coming over here while we build up, let them. No realization that allowing a Hiigaran mining operation to actually be given the Time to harvest a quarter of a moon for raw resources is the worst possible thing to do.

All of this happening while the Somtaaw have put out a call for help, and were told that the Sajuuk would be rolling up with it's own personal attendant fleet.

Given the loss of Two homeworlds, and likely having fucked off across the intergalactic void to escape the Whirlpool galaxy and leave the sadness behind, i bet that the Sajuuk while it is the Biggest hellfire ship around, is not the Only one of its kind. The Hiigarans likely still have the other Gatekeeper around somewhere if not part of this fleet, and that thing's anti fighter weapon system is Hilariously lethal. Hell, its anti fighter system can nuke damn near every ship under dreadnought tonnage if it can get in range, and it has a smaller version of the Sajuuk's main gun.

And to top it all off, they brought an Ark with them. The mobile homeworld they have built with there own hands, as the only possibility for a safe haven they can even conceive of now is eternally being mobile to avoid losing another homeworld.

Heres a thought. If they've come to the Milky Way, did they follow the Bentusi who fled during the Beast War? Did they decide to go the long way to check up on the remnants of there greatest ally, and make sure they didn't end up getting infected by Beast particles while doing there trans galactic jump?

Heres hoping the Bentusi trade vessels are found. In this if nothing else, if the Bentusi show up to try and calm things down may well be the Only thing that could save this mess.

Then again the Bentusi are likely hiding out somewhere, building up potentially full on Warship forms out of fear for the Beast following them. It took Somtaaw Captain one hell of a fight to smack the fear out of the Bentusi's minds, and he did not manage to get to those who ran. So who knows where they are anyway.

Mostly i am just happy to see Tela not being a shit heel for the Broker here. Always good to see that. And the near identical biology pretty much gaurantee's Asari arean offshoot descendant race of the Progenitors, so thats a common tongue there.
ah the turians are getting what they deserve
think the specter best deal is keep the other council races out of it and give the turians on a silver plate
The Somtaaw are in the process of pulling a Dead Space and cracking open a local moon for resourcing operations while the Thrians muster up five fleets because obviously more guns is better. The fleet is simply Allowing the Somtaaw to do this because hey, if the enemy wants to waste time on resourcing rather than coming over here while we build up, let them. No realization that allowing a Hiigaran mining operation to actually be given the Time to harvest a quarter of a moon for raw resources is the worst possible thing to do.
It's an out of context problem for them; the Citadel races simply can't do things like that. If a Turian fleet started mining operations it would be military irrelevant for a long time; whereas for the Hiigarans it's a tactical issue since they can actually, rapidly make use of those resources on the spot.

o I do not think he was panicking I think he was hypnotized by the muscles and the breasts bigger then his head
I'm pretty sure that panic is a not inconsiderable part of that.
Just noticed a typo, maybe two.

Swallowing. Iolus's eyes slowly tracked upwards until he was gazing

That period after swallowing should be a comma. The Turian listed here- is the first letter in his name a capital I (eye) or a lower case l (ell)? If the second, it needs capitalization, otherwise ignore me please.
Oh my~! This party is shaping up quite well. Very much an event to simply die for!
Each chapter just keeps giving me more hype. Loved our token treacherous specter being much more relatable here. And I wouldn't mind seeing more of her team. And lady abs mcshootgun is an instant fav
She was big enough - and more importantly strong enough - to literally bounce a Krogan in a fist fight.
Heh. This character sounds rather endearing already...

Has she invented the sport of Kroganball yet? It's like basketball, but heavier, and the "ball" tends to fight back.
The Spectre only cared that the Turian was effective, and being ex-Cabal made her very effective indeed, not only as a biotic, but also as one hell of a gifted markswoman.
I somehow quoted this in reverse order... ignore that bit.
Anyway, I see that you're setting up what are probably going to be some main characters and taking the best of the best while you're at it...
a Turian Rear-Echelon Matron Fucker royally fucked
Well, that should be a surprise to no one.

I wonder if that term really has the same connotations here, though, given Asari... well, you know what Asari do.
Just know that we'd be doing the Hierarchy a favor if he somehow slipped and suffered a fatal fall down an elevator shaft and onto several kilos of pressure-sensitive high explosives.
That seems mildly unsafe, right there.

I think you should have more than several kilos.
by Athame's eternally perky tits
The euphemisms are always fun. Will Athame be recovered at some point (like Javik) just so she can see what the Asari have done to her name? :D
Absentmindedly, a part of Tela kind of hoped that Faegan wasn't going to get that young Turian in trouble. Or worse, leave him heartbroken. The maiden could get excitable when it came to rare and hard-to-obtain guns, to put it mildly.
He's screwed. Possibly literally. I feel bad for him, though, because he apparently keeps ending up in proximity to things that will be bad for his career. Aside from the muscular Asari distraction, apparently they were torturing prisoners on his new transfer...
"It is! Goddess, I've been wanting to get my hands on one of these for years," chirped the gigantic Asari.
Aaaannnd she's a collector of impractical weaponry. Please stop this, I should not be this attracted to a fictional character.
Naturally, Tela threw her head back and cackled, which was when they finally reached the entrance of the prison ship's cell block.
I love the dynamics of these characters. :)
It was then that Tela realized that she was more pissed than she thought. Despite being a different species, the bruised and bloodied face looking up at her didn't look all that different from a face that she used to see in the mirror when she was just a few decades old.
Oh hell. Hello, traumatized Tela. This is going to end in exploding idiots, isn't it...

...They're totally going to bond. 4th member of the party GET! :D
"... Fuck it," Tela found herself saying, and in a single smooth motion she drew her pistol one last time, took aim, and squeezed the trigger. The officer's eye burst in a blue spray and the back of his head exploded, showering the floor behind him with gore as he collapsed to the floor one final time.
Okay, that's perhaps a bit questionable, but fortunately she's a specter and while the guy didn't (possibly) deserve it...
Hell, Faegan once accidentally broke someone's hip during a one-night stand. The maiden was many things but gentle was not one of them.
Wow. I've heard that expression used before, but never in the literal sense.
"Ecks… Exec... Slayer Benyamin Somtaaw, already reported to all Kiith-sa and One-Who-Speaks-For-Sajuuk. Sajuuk - He Whose Hand Shapes What Is, come, very soon now."
Uh oh. I think it might be a bit late to surrender now...
There were hundreds of ships as big as dreadnoughts or bigger disgorging from those fields.
I wonder if Licinius has finally realized that he walked pencil first into an organ sharpener yet? Surely he can't be that dense, or still in command... right?

(Also, I propose that we just call him "Pencilward" for future reference, because his name is hard to spell and this one's funnier anyway. :D)
"Sajuuk has come," she heard Kanya reverently whisper at her side.
Fuck fuck fuckity...
Oh, wonderful. They DO still have it. 😅

I'm not sure if it even matters whether they've reverse-engineered it or not in the time since it was discovered. That ship just laughs at anything else.

I wonder if the Council races will end up surrendering to the Hiigarans. Also, given the showing they've made... I think the rest of the council might just work a bit harder to integrate and suck up to them, given just how much worse the battle was, how much more it was the Turians' fault, and how outmatched they are. That might end up butterflying... was it Mindoir? Of course, the Hiigarans are also probably living on their ships like the Quarians - will they even want another world?

(Suddenly, I hope the Batarians do try something. "This is our third f**king planet. Which of you miserable bastards wants to screw THIS one up for us?!")
"That is Kharos," Kanya said in the same soft tone. "Named for the lost world. Kharos shelters the children of Hiigara, as it did when its builders first carried the children across galaxies to Hiigara."
Did they just bring their entire population to a battle?
Time for me to go back to work on my other stories
I will hunt you down and put salt in your sugar bowl. Do not test me. :rofl:
"Hi, yes. Our leader is an idiot. We'd like to surrender please."
Do they even have any other options?
Taiidan mothership, the mega toaster.
Excuse me the what?! :rofl:
I was looking at some footage, and the graphics/models aren't the clearest, but... that seems more unusual than I was expecting.
...I want Faegan to step on me.
That's an odd co--
Faegan death by snu snu cackles
This is a worrying trend...
Faegan is my new favorite character. Amazonian super-booby gun fan? That amuses me far more than it should.
Houston, this forum apparently has a type.
trekking through the semi-radioactive wilderness of a death world in search of childhood adventure with shotguns.
I have this sudden mental image of them hunting Thresher Maws for sport... and handily winning.
No realization that allowing a Hiigaran mining operation to actually be given the Time to harvest a quarter of a moon for raw resources is the worst possible thing to do.
I know this isn't how it works, but it would be hilarious if, like those animations of how virii work, the moon just explodes into ships after a while. In practice, their build rate isn't that far off though. :rofl:
Just noticed a typo, maybe two.
How many people did we have looking at this, and there's still a typo?! Argh...!
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The Original Mothership had all of 4 point defence guns.

The 'Pride of Banana' had all of 8.

The Kuun-lan had 8 Ultra-heavy Mass drivers retrofit to semi-homing plasma bursts based on a combination of plasma bomb and energy weapon techs, and could easily demolish enemy strikecraft or even frigates in a scrap.

Neither Banana could functionally kill a single strikecraft without help.

It's kinda sad.

We have to remember that the first mothership wasn't 100% completed when they had to flee Kharak. They were doing a shake-down of the hyperdrive (jump to the system edge and back) when they ran into the Turanic raiders. In the cutscene where they go back it's mentioned that 'final outfit of the Mothership must be accelerated in order to defend against possible future attacks'.
Not to mention that the Pride was not fully outfitted either. The Vagyr attacked their shipyard during the initial systems tests and they had to install important systems and Rendezvous with the crew along the way.

I was playing the first mission over again and it made me laugh that the first system the Pride tested after the core was installed was the sunlight engines. Which was one of the most important systems that the first mothership needed, but didn't have.

I imagine guns were just slightly down on their list of priorities, because it doesn't need guns to fight.
Houston, this forum apparently has a type.

Not gonna lie, I honestly thought it'd be the petite little fat-bottomed Turian pixie that people would get thirsty over. Clearly, I have failed to read my audience.

I have this sudden mental image of them hunting Thresher Maws for sport... and handily winning.

No doubt that that was one hell of a 20th birthday party for Not-So-Lil' Faegan and her cousins, one that still gets talked up every family reunion.
Not gonna lie, I honestly thought it'd be the petite little fat-bottomed Turian pixie that people would get thirsty over. Clearly, I have failed to read my audience.
Honestly I was imagining in my head Cookie McThunderthighs from Callsign: Owl when Faegan was introduced.
Given the name "Kharos" and the size, I'm guessing the Super Gigantic Ship of Shock and Awe is the Progenitor Mothership. Appropriate choice for an intergalactic migration.

I'm a bit unclear regarding how the landscape (space-scape?) is described in the chapter. Is Kharos the ship that's been snacking on moon chunks, or is it part of the fleet that just jumped in and the planet-eater is some other megaship?

As for Sajuuk and the somewhat weaker Progenitor Dreadnoughts... Well, let's just say this fic will be operating more on cutscene capability rather than in-game effectiveness.

Oh, I am all aboard for this! The Dreadnought was such a disappointment in practice after seeing what it could pull off in the cinematics.

Did they just bring their entire population to a battle?

I mean... this is the Kushan we're talking about. It's practically a tradition by this point.
Not gonna lie, I honestly thought it'd be the petite little fat-bottomed Turian pixie that people would get thirsty over. Clearly, I have failed to read my audience.
Hey now, some of us do enjoy the bottom-heavy ex-Cabal Turian who could break seats with dem hips... But Faegan kinda takes up most of the room with her swole-ness. ;)
Not gonna lie, I honestly thought it'd be the petite little fat-bottomed Turian pixie that people would get thirsty over. Clearly, I have failed to read my audience.
There's something indescribable about having to look UP at the crazy hot chick who's inside your personal space. Mind you, a smol Turian with junk in the trunk isn't something I've ever seen before. I really hope this squad are the main characters, or that we at least get to see them on occasion. :oops:
I'm a bit unclear regarding how the landscape (space-scape?) is described in the chapter. Is Kharos the ship that's been snacking on moon chunks, or is it part of the fleet that just jumped in and the planet-eater is some other megaship?
the pride of Hiigara or a similar ship is coordinating a fleet to snack on the moon chunks
Lots of games makes weapons less effective in game for game balance. Even ones based on real weapons. I can accept that ships might have ECMs or jamners, but seriously! How in hell does a professional soldier missed someone four feet in front of him with an SMG?

You'd be surprised, really. Just using historical examples, you have truly impressive feats like a sniper - who doesn't use a scope - who's able to score enough kills that SOP turns into "just drop artillery on his potential grid coordinates. And maybe the ones around those just to be safe." Then you have moments where two soldiers stumble across one another, dump their mags at one another, and then stare dumbfounded as neither party is so much as nicked.

Humans, and presumably any other organic sapients, are capable of extreme things. Both good and bad.

Well, let's just say this fic will be operating more on cutscene capability rather than in-game effectiveness.

Best way to do it, honestly. If you're going purely by game mechanics... Well, we don't really have any stats on the ship side of things, but for weapons you have the silliness that is the I - X weapon classes from ME1. The same game where you can make a laser-accurate, recoilless AR that also produces zero heat. Though, even going with cutscene effects, you do also have the weirdness where a kinetic barrier will stop a sniper shot in one scene, but later both a heavy combat suit and the barrier will do nothing to the space equivalent of a holdout derringer.

Admittedly, that's probably more because of lazy writing than anything else.