(Twi)Light Dragon (Warcraft/WoW)

Nzaria can do what Chromie do: become a gnome.

I wonder if the Bronze Dragonflight will see Nzaria defecting and helping Azeroth as a change to their Sacred Timeline which is a no-no to them.
Oh, right, like the Dragonflight questline where, in various steps, you have to make sure Alexstrasza stays in the Dragonmaws' forced breeding pits by giving them back the Dragon Soul, since apparently they lost it due to their own bloody incompetence and would have been incapable of finding it on their own, assassinate that woman carrying the message that starts off the Rogue class storyline from Legion, and the like.

And then Alexstrasza shows up to be mad at you for making sure she stayed in Dragonmaw captivity for a bit until she instantly forgives you because it was for the ~greater good~ or whatever. Never mind that needing to actively interfere in these scenarios means that the 'natural state' of the timeline includes 'Alexstrasza frees herself because the Dragonmaw are idiots who lost the only thing letting them control her' or 'the woman from the Rogue storyline delivers the message in person rather than the player finding it on her body.'

Seriously, Blizzard, at what point did anyone think this was a good idea, especially in the wake of the leak about the massive amount of sexual harassment going on?

Edit: Yes, I abandoned WoW long before this questline, but there's some things that are so bad you can't help hearing about them if you stay even mildly tuned in to news on the subject.
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And then Alexstrasza shows up to be mad at you for making sure she stayed in Dragonmaw captivity for a bit until she instantly forgives you because it was for the ~greater good~ or whatever. Never mind that needing to actively interfere in these scenarios means that the 'natural state' of the timeline includes 'Alexstrasza frees herself because the Dragonmaw are idiots who lost the only thing letting them control her' or 'the woman from the Rogue storyline delivers the message in person rather than the player finding it on her body.'
There are reasons some people say the dragon flights are just as mind controlled as the twilight are supposed to be. I don't know WoW lore other than some stuff from a couple fanfics, but that's just not natural.
Nzaria can do what Chromie do: become a gnome.

I wonder if the Bronze Dragonflight will see Nzaria defecting and helping Azeroth as a change to their Sacred Timeline which is a no-no to them.
The 'golden timeline' bullshit falls squarely under the "stupid writing from later expansions which is to be ignored" clause that I mentioned at the very beginning of the thread.

The Bronze Dragonflight do not prune alternative timelines that diverge from their vision, they're Time Cops that beat up Time Criminals for driving a Time Machine without a license. The mission given to them by Aman'Thul was to safeguard the integrity of the timestream, which doesn't mean any set future outcome, but rather protecting it from being turned into swiss cheese by careless and/or malicious temporal tampering. Which yes, means that sometimes they have to do some unsavoury stuff like protect Arthas and Medivh from Infinite Dragonflight assassins, because using time travel to change the past causes cataclysmic temporal anomalies. But they don't go around executing people for diverging from the 'sacred timeline', if you didn't use time travel they don't care (as long as it doesn't interfere with their general duty of defending Azeroth).

The Bronze Dragonflight are not the Time Variance Authority, they're the Testicle Monsters from Rick and Morty.
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Ohhh loving the story! Cannot wait for the next update haha. Very well written and liking the progression so far.

As for what's next well, 3 options really, return for revenge, run away toward twilight, or betray them to the alliance for revenge.

Personally, I hope she starts her own twilight cult, one that follows its own rules as a true believer of the old gods. *kneel*

My aim and hope is to portray factions and characters as they should be, rather than the clownshoes act Blizzard's... let's call it inconsistent writing sometimes has them perform

Cool thing about fanfiction is that you are only really adopting the world of the fiction and you can do whatever with it as you like. Which is great since its almost always an improvement for wow writing. Loving this so far btw if I haven't said it already lol
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... Y'know, I've been wondering this for a long time now, ever since the game started making Void-empowered people on the player side a thing:
If the Light is based in self-confidence, faith, and the belief you're doing the right thing, and the Void is - according to the Six Fundamental Forces metaphysics model Blizzard came up with some time around Legion releasing - the diametric opposite of Light, how the hell do Void users function? Seriously, if they're going to do this powerset-requires-mindset thing for the force supposedly in direct opposition to the Void, and whatever the Alleria-gets-Void-powers questline on Argus was pushing at seemed to indicate the Void also requires its users be in an appropriate state of mind....
... Wouldn't the 'opposite' state of mind to 'being confident and believing that you're doing the right thing' be 'being constantly plagued by doubt and indecision,' a mental state not entirely conducive to the incredibly self-assured cult leaders that basically every major Void-affiliated character have been or become?

Quick Edit: Like, the simple solution here would be to drop the Metaphysics Hexagon, but Blizzard has doubled down on it harder and harder every time they've had the chance to ignore it, so the problem's only gonna get worse.
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... Y'know, I've been wondering this for a long time now, ever since the game started making Void-empowered people on the player side a thing:
If the Light is based in self-confidence, faith, and the belief you're doing the right thing, and the Void is - according to the Six Fundamental Forces metaphysics model Blizzard came up with some time around Legion releasing - the diametric opposite of Light, how the hell do Void users function? Seriously, if they're going to do this powerset-requires-mindset thing for the force supposedly in direct opposition to the Void, and whatever the Alleria-gets-Void-powers questline on Argus was pushing at seemed to indicate the Void also requires its users be in an appropriate state of mind....
... Wouldn't the 'opposite' state of mind to 'being confident and believing that you're doing the right thing' be 'being constantly plagued by doubt and indecision,' a mental state not entirely conducive to the incredibly self-assured cult leaders that basically every major Void-affiliated character have been or become?
By all standards of metrics they don't. Cho'gall is half raving lunatic half devious mastermind that tends to flip depending on what day of the week it is.

Every Void user is either one or the other whenever they're encountered in the game, even in lore when it came to the Previous empress of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Some that serve the Old Gods seem to get some sort of protection from the madness bit, but those who serve the Old Gods tend to be pretty insane to start with.

Those who actually manage to get things done, which is pretty rarely all things considered the amount of people who try in the first place, tend to be those who actually mange to stand upright on a tower of sand, stark raving mad, or have a strong enough force of will to bend the void to their ways ala Garrosh. Alternative Ner'zhul is a notable exception considering some of the things he did, but he didn't seem to be using the void all that long before he died.
By all standards of metrics they don't. Cho'gall is half raving lunatic half devious mastermind that tends to flip depending on what day of the week it is.

Every Void user is either one or the other whenever they're encountered in the game, even in lore when it came to the Previous empress of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Some that serve the Old Gods seem to get some sort of protection from the madness bit, but those who serve the Old Gods tend to be pretty insane to start with.

Those who actually manage to get things done, which is pretty rarely all things considered the amount of people who try in the first place, tend to be those who actually mange to stand upright on a tower of sand, stark raving mad, or have a strong enough force of will to bend the void to their ways ala Garrosh. Alternative Ner'zhul is a notable exception considering some of the things he did, but he didn't seem to be using the void all that long before he died.
I said self-assured, not self-controlled, to be fair. The Void cult leaders might lack in moderation or composure, but not in confidence.
It's also possible that while the void is diametricly opposed to the light in nature it's use doesn't require a diametricly opposed mentality. A mentality that's different sure, but not literally the opposite. One could be logic and the other emotional for example. The void could require being empty in some way, a void that must be filled you could say. This could be something that most people just can't handle and that's why they go insane. Insanity itself could also be considered a void of stability.
To be honest, I've never liked the Cosmic Hexagon, because it's painfully obvious that Blizzard retconned it in. I mean sure, the Cosmic Forces clearly can and do exist in some form, I'm not contesting that.

But the Elements kind of just awkwardly being their own thing because they don't fit into a neat chart? Eonar, Freya and the Red Dragons using Life despite being Titans/Titan-empowered? Void Lords being blatantly shoehorned into the setting because Blizzard killed off the Old Gods too quickly and needed new antagonists for endless expansions? Arcane being made into Order Magic despite not being orderly in any way and not having had any special connection to the Titans before because they needed to give them something and it was the only one left? The cosmic bothsideism trying to pretend that they're all just natural, neutral cosmic forces equivalent to one another? Light being the opposite and counterpart of Void despite it being well-established that it has special properties against demons and undead?

I don't consider myself bound by Blizzard's decision to try to just kind of ignore all of those issues in favour of condensing the setting into a neat little chart. As I have said, I will happily ignore newer lore when it's clear that Blizzard just came up with some nonsense to justify churning out yet another expansion or they changed writers and the new ones retconned the old lore to make room for their own ideas, no matter how little sense it made in context.

And when I say 'later expansions' I mean 'Warlords of Draenor and onwards'. That doesn't mean I'm going to just ignore them either (except probably Shadowlands), but I consider Mists of Pandaria to be the last good expansion that Blizzard produced.
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RIP the Expansion that never was. You were deeply missed.

In all seriousness, the only reason I have found to actually follow the Hexagon is because the art looks really really nice. There's so much overlap, which could be feasible assuming blizzard ever did anything with it but they didn't, it brings up so many theological ideas and questions surrounding so many things already pre-established its just super wild. Blizzard never did anything with the Hexagon that justified it being made, its one of those decisions that just makes you scratch your head in confusion.
RIP the Expansion that never was. You were deeply missed.
Warlords of Draenor had some of the best worldbuilding Blizzard has ever written, breathing so much life into pre-Dark Portal Draenor it's unreal.

But at the same time, the plot of the expansion itself was such contrived bullshit I cannot believe it was written by the same people. Wrathion helps Garrosh escape justice and into an alternative timeline where he saves the Orcs from drinking demon blood but they become genocidal conquerors anyway, try to invade Azeroth, get their asses kicked and counterinvaded, they start drinking demon blood, get their asses kicked anyway, and then alt!Grommash says "Draenor is free!" and everyone claps. Except alt!Gul'Dan escapes to Azeroth and opens a portal for the Burning Legion. Whoops.

And let us not even mention 'One Legion across all timelines', for the sake of my blood pressure.

But all of the expansions except for Shadowlands do have at least some redeeming qualities. Legion brought us Ebyssian, Suramar, Argus, the Artefacts, and tons of cool worldbuilding, but also Vol'Jin dying to a Felguard after doing nothing as Warchief, Illidan whitewashing, yet another Dragon Aspect being corrupted and killed because that's definitely not an overused plot point, the Emerald Nightmare being dealt with in an expansion supposedly about the Legion, the rest of the dragons sitting out the war, particularly Wrathion when the entire invasion is his fault, and of course the Burning Legion having fleets of spaceships but still needing portals to invade Azeroth.

The BFA cinematic was baller, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Naszjatar and Nya'lotha were cool, and I liked some of the faction war setpieces. Plus Zandalari druids are the coolest thing Blizzard has ever made playable. That being said the execution of the faction war was awful, with Sylvanas becoming another Garrosh after Blizzard explicitly said she wouldn't be another Garrosh, the Alliance became bystanders in the Horde's story, and the Horde proved that they had learned nothing from Garrosh. Azshara and N'zoth were great villains (Warbringers Azshara is the best cinematic that Blizzard has ever made) but had no business being single patches in a faction war expansion. Also I'm mad that Lightforged Draenei are a playable race and Broken are still not.

The less said of Shadowlands, the better.

Dragonflight brought back the focus on the dragons and more lore about them which is cool because dragons are cool, Sabellian returned after 20 years, the Primal Incarnates are decent enough villains, and the Drac'thyr are interesting in concept even if in practice they look goofy (Why couldn't they just use the Drakonid model?). But also you had people considering Wrathion for a position of leadership for longer than half a second despite him causing not one not two but THREE expansions and then not doing shit to fix any of it, Primalists using visage forms because they're easier to animate despite it making no sense in regards to their lore, all of the retcons to make the Titans and Titanforged look worse like Tyr ordering Alexstrasza to forcibly convert protodragon eggs, Alexstrasza following said order, everybody talking about Order and Void like they were reading off of Wowpedia, and Shamans and the Earthen Ring not having any role in an expansion where the main antagonists were evil shamans.

I await how they're going to fuck up War Within, but they seem to have already forgotten that Dagran is the heir to the Bronzebeards and the Dark Irons, he has no authority over the Wildhammers. At least the Earthen and Nerubian lore seems cool.
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Honestly i love how much you seemingly know about wow lore. Always loved the world but never really followed the specific lore because of how bad of a rep it has gotten. So having your take on it sounds super fun haha.
But at the same time, the plot of the expansion itself was such contrived bullshit I cannot believe it was written by the same people. Wrathion helps Garrosh escape justice and into an alternative timeline where he saves the Orcs from drinking demon blood but they become genocidal conquerors anyway, try to invade Azeroth, get their asses kicked and counterinvaded, they start drinking demon blood, get their asses kicked anyway, and then alt!Grommash says "Draenor is free!" and everyone claps. Except alt!Gul'Dan escapes to Azeroth and opens a portal for the Burning Legion. Whoops.
Hold on, I thought it was a renegade Bronze dragon that helped Garrosh escape justice and get to that alternate timeline. Wrathion's a Black; he's got no time-travel capabilities.

The less said of Shadowlands, the better.
At least it got rid of Garrosh once and for all.
Hold on, I thought it was a renegade Bronze dragon that helped Garrosh escape justice and get to that alternate timeline. Wrathion's a Black; he's got no time-travel capabilities.
Kairoz is the one that facilitated the time-travelling/dimension-hopping, but Wrathion is the one that enabled it, IIRC.
Hold on, I thought it was a renegade Bronze dragon that helped Garrosh escape justice and get to that alternate timeline. Wrathion's a Black; he's got no time-travel capabilities.
Kairozdormu was working with Wrathion to abduct Garrosh from his trial. I skipped over him because he's just a way to get Garrosh into the alternate timeline and is murdered by him immediately afterward.
Warlords of Draenor had some of the best worldbuilding Blizzard has ever written, breathing so much life into pre-Dark Portal Draenor it's unreal.

But at the same time, the plot of the expansion itself was such contrived bullshit I cannot believe it was written by the same people. Wrathion helps Garrosh escape justice and into an alternative timeline where he saves the Orcs from drinking demon blood but they become genocidal conquerors anyway, try to invade Azeroth, get their asses kicked and counterinvaded, they start drinking demon blood, get their asses kicked anyway, and then alt!Grommash says "Draenor is free!" and everyone claps. Except alt!Gul'Dan escapes to Azeroth and opens a portal for the Burning Legion. Whoops.

Or as I have learned to describe it; The Most Blizzard Expansion Blizzard could have ever produced! WIth one of the greatest raids of all time, the story of a literally child, the best questing out of almost any other expansion Blizzard has ever done, amazing world design, great NPC allies that really got you to enjoy what was going on with them (Until they became worthless), super solid work up until it got smashed with a hammer because it was just fodder until Blizzard could release legion.

The BFA cinematic was baller, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Naszjatar and Nya'lotha were cool, and I liked some of the faction war setpieces. Plus Zandalari druids are the coolest thing Blizzard has ever made playable. That being said the execution of the faction war was awful, with Sylvanas becoming another Garrosh after Blizzard explicitly said she wouldn't be another Garrosh, the Alliance became bystanders in the Horde's story, and the Horde proved that they had learned nothing from Garrosh. Azshara and N'zoth were great villains (Warbringers Azshara is the best cinematic that Blizzard has ever made) but had no business being single patches in a faction war expansion. Also I'm mad that Lightforged Draenei are a playable race and Broken are still not.
God BFA was so promising, it makes me so sad to think about.

BFA was so god damn promising, and it kept promising until Blizzard did Blizzard things and couldn't follow through.

Azshara should have been an entire part of the expansion alone, Alliance tensions should have been happening around Genn because he's so fucking BAD and abandoned the Alliance once before- FUCK MAN!

The worst part is they made Sylvanas AN INTERESTING CHARACTER! Sylvanas and Saurfang's exchanges in War of the Thorn (the short story) was honestly so damn good and fun, it made Sylvanas set up as this really pragmatic and ruthless warchief who was actually willing to bend to the will of the rest of the horde to play politics because she UNDERSTOOD she needs the Horde! AND THEN THEY PISSED IT ALL AWAY! GOD, its still so fucking upsetting.

I'm not going to even TOUCH the subject of Vol'jin, because I get so fucking furious he got relegated to 'trolls only guy' once again! I was slightly mollified that it was clear they were trying to go into some sort of direction with Sylvanas that at least was interesting, but god nope! Wasted!

But, apologies. I think I'm feeding the fire of the bash blizzard direction instead of talking about the story.
talking about the story.
Speaking of which, I do want to see what Nzaria is gonna do after being thrown away by her own Dragonflight and the Old Gods all because she wanted to get the job done as a professional which they don't like.

She could definitely take human form and either appear as a wandering Priestess or a Paladin of the Silver Order (the remnants are a thing and it can be easy for her to appear as one) so she can gradually feed on the power of the Light while helping out some mortals to blend in and kick ass of some Twilight Hammer cultists out of spite.
She could definitely take human form and either appear as a wandering Priestess or a Paladin of the Silver Order
I mean, she could. Or she could use the original infiltration setup, just somewhere else.
All the advantages of being Draenei (no one to question cover, excuses for knowledge gaps) are still valid after all.
And she could far more easily learn about things like using the Light if she didn't pretend to already know anything beyond her "inborn" abilities.
All the advantages of being Draenei (no one to question cover, excuses for knowledge gaps) are still valid after all.
Fair enough. I guess the Alliance would be keeping track on the Paladins that were scattered around any part of Azeroth. Especially with the Argent Dawn under Tirion Fordring where they make sure if a new Paladin discovered is geniune of righteously fighting for the Light or not like those Scarlet Crusade lunatics.
Or as I have learned to describe it; The Most Blizzard Expansion Blizzard could have ever produced! WIth one of the greatest raids of all time, the story of a literally child, the best questing out of almost any other expansion Blizzard has ever done, amazing world design, great NPC allies that really got you to enjoy what was going on with them (Until they became worthless), super solid work up until it got smashed with a hammer because it was just fodder until Blizzard could release legion.

God BFA was so promising, it makes me so sad to think about.

BFA was so god damn promising, and it kept promising until Blizzard did Blizzard things and couldn't follow through.

Azshara should have been an entire part of the expansion alone, Alliance tensions should have been happening around Genn because he's so fucking BAD and abandoned the Alliance once before- FUCK MAN!

The worst part is they made Sylvanas AN INTERESTING CHARACTER! Sylvanas and Saurfang's exchanges in War of the Thorn (the short story) was honestly so damn good and fun, it made Sylvanas set up as this really pragmatic and ruthless warchief who was actually willing to bend to the will of the rest of the horde to play politics because she UNDERSTOOD she needs the Horde! AND THEN THEY PISSED IT ALL AWAY! GOD, its still so fucking upsetting.

I'm not going to even TOUCH the subject of Vol'jin, because I get so fucking furious he got relegated to 'trolls only guy' once again! I was slightly mollified that it was clear they were trying to go into some sort of direction with Sylvanas that at least was interesting, but god nope! Wasted!

But, apologies. I think I'm feeding the fire of the bash blizzard direction instead of talking about the story.
I don't mind discussing wider WoW lore, it is the setting of the story after all.

I will say that I will never forgive Blizzard for what they did to my boy Vol'jin, Shadows of the Horde is my favorite Warcraft novel and the physical version is sitting right next to me on my shelf as I write this. I have plans for him when he appears in this story.

Fair enough. I guess the Alliance would be keeping track on the Paladins that were scattered around any part of Azeroth. Especially with the Argent Dawn under Tirion Fordring where they make sure if a new Paladin discovered is geniune of righteously fighting for the Light or not like those Scarlet Crusade lunatics.
The Argent Dawn don't police the actions of all Paladins across Azeroth, but the Knights of the Silver Hand and its successor organizations are a small enough of a circle that everyone largely knows everyone, or at worst are within two degrees of separation from one another.

All it would take is for someone to ask Nzaria "Okay, so who trained you and initiated you into the Silver Hand?" for her cover to be blown.
I will say that I will never forgive Blizzard for what they did to my boy Vol'jin, Shadows of the Horde is my favorite Warcraft novel and the physical version is sitting right next to me on my shelf as I write this. I have plans for him when he appears in this story.
There is so many little details in that that make you turn your head when it comes to troll culture that I really want to dig into one day. That shit is flat out amazing. Shadow of the Horde is an amazing book
Looking forward to the future adventures of Mary McDragon, Draenei Paladin (or Priestess, but more likely Paladin because invul bubble).

NGL, whe I saw the title of this I half expected her to absorb a Naruu or something and become like that Light Nathrezim that existed… for some reason…
Light Nathrezim that existed… for some reason…
Yeah that one was weird and should be ignored as Blackout would say regarding the expansions of World of Warcraft.

As for Nzaria eating a Naaru, well there's that one Liadrin and her Blood Knights had captured and drained off for their Light powers they forcibly acquired.

Then there's the Sunwell's avatar who took a human form named Aveena Teague.

She'd be a walking source of Light for Nzaria to protect and absorb power from.

@Blackout , what do you think about Aveena Teague?
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