(Twi)Light Dragon (Warcraft/WoW)

How close are the Horde and the Alliance in term of military capabilities?
Broadly comparable, with each side having their own advantages that mostly cancel each other out.

Perhaps the Alliance is somewhat stronger overall, but currently one of its most important member states is paralyzed due to the Council of Three Hammers issue that is touched upon in Chapter 6, so the Horde has the advantage right now.

What are their strengths and weaknesses?
The Alliance is richer, more industrious, and has access to more resources. They have better and more well-developed infrastructure, institutions, bureaucracy, logistics, and so on. Their forces are trained better, are led better, and are more disciplined.

The Horde makes up for those deficiencies by generally being much stronger individually and/or reproducing faster. The Horde's average foot soldier is a 7ft+ berserking slab of muscles strong enough to pull a human's limbs off. They also mature very quickly, being the size of an adult human at six, and reaching adulthood at twelve years of age.

And that's just Orcs, Trolls are even bigger (though not as bulky and muscular) and can regenerate wounds mid-battle very quickly. Tauren are 10-12ft tall Minotaur people with horns and enough strength to pop people like water balloons when they hit you. Ogres are comparable although dumber. Forsaken are human-adjacent but can take a lot of punishment and be raised from the dead very quickly compared to other races' replenishment rate, and use a lot of biological weapons.

Blood Elves and Goblins are the odd ones out, but they bring magic/discipline/institutions and technology to the table, respectively.

And are they more like cordial enemies (with some kind of Geneva convention) or do they engage in outright extermination warfare when they clash?
Depends on the time period and who's in charge. Under Thrall's leadership it was the first, but with Garrosh Hellscream it's slowly tipping towards the latter. Not all the way there, just trending that way.

Straight for the jugular, huh.

I respect that xD.
Absolutely not, like I said I enjoy answering questions.

More seriously @Blackout If I'm too obnoxious with my questions just say so:)
They were not, but if they were I would say so.
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The Horde's average foot soldier is 7ft+ berserker slab of muscles strong enough to pull a human's limbs off.
Aren't the Humans of Azeroth tougher and stronger since they're actually descendants of the Vrykul, creations of the Titans that were originally metal but became flesh due to the Curse of Flesh like their cousins the Earthern and their descendants Dwarves?

The Warcraft live action movie did the Humans disservice with how they were portrayed as small and weak to Orcs when they're really big and tough in their own right like in the game.
Aren't the Humans of Azeroth tougher and stronger since they're actually descendants of the Vrykul, creations of the Titans that were originally metal but became flesh due to the Curse of Flesh like their cousins the Earthern and their descendants Dwarves?
No, that's fanon. Not the part about humans being descendants of Vrykul, but the part where that makes them stronger and tougher than IRL humans is just a theory that the fans came up with to explain why a Human Warrior is equivalent to an Orc or Tauren ingame (The real reason for which is of course that it wouldn't be very fun to play Human Warriors if they weren't). I, however, am not required to adhere to the same limitations of gameplay logic as the game itself is.

Or, I guess they could be stronger and tougher than IRL humans, but if we define other races as being X times stronger than humans, then it doesn't really matter for the sake of the argument exactly how strong humans are compared to IRL humans because the difference stays the same. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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No, that's fanon. Not the part about humans being descendants of Vrykul, but the part where that makes them stronger and tougher than IRL humans is just a theory that the fans came up with to explain why a Human Warrior is equivalent to an Orc or Tauren ingame (The real reason for which is of course that it wouldn't be very fun to play Human Warriors if they weren't). I, however, am not required to adhere to the same limitations of gameplay logic as the game itself is.

Or, I guess they could be stronger and tougher than IRL humans, but if we define other races as being X times stronger than humans, then it doesn't really matter for the sake of the argument exactly how strong humans are compared to IRL humans because the difference stays the same. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fair enough. The Humans of Azeroth were described as small and weak descendants of the Vrykul (they all look like Viking Giants of One Piece for reference) who were supposed to be purged but their Vrykul parents, refusing to obey the order of their tyrant king, smuggled the Humans away from Northrend to the south where they taught their kids their ways so they can handle on their own and forge their own lives whatever they choose.

Hence the existence of the Arathi Empire (Lothar was the last of the bloodline there before his death by Doomhammer's hand in the Second War) and later the nations of Lordaeron and their neighbors and Stormwind.
We could maaaaybe get an idea of how strong the 'average' human is compared to the average orc by comparing the WC3 stats of the human peasant/militia unit with the orc peon and then comparing that against the human footmen (dudes in what looks to be plate armor with swords and shields) and orc grunt (orcs with big axes wearing exactly one shoulderplate and a bunch of leather straps), since that compares the basic civilian builder units and the basic magicless infantry dudes, but I honesty can't be bothered to put in that much effort so I'll just go with 'human dudes with sword-and-shield in plate armor are roughly equivalent to orcs wearing Mad Max biker gear' and leave it at that.
Or, I guess they could be stronger and tougher than IRL humans, but if we define other races as being X times stronger than humans, then it doesn't really matter for the sake of the argument exactly how strong humans are compared to IRL humans because the difference stays the same. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To be fair, my headcanon is that their base stats are more important (Base attributes) and they just make up the difference in other ways, such as humans having +3 agility/intelligence on orcs with things like rage(supernatural)/light/magic working as multipliers.

I also love the particular culture and racial differences like the strict gender roles that night elves had at some point or orcish pyremasters/blademasters and things like that. I just like to assume that since World of Warcraft gamifies it, they're been glossed over for the sake of balance since it gives their cultures and racial differences more depth. Love it when a setting starts going into details on cultures and how they develop uniquely.
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I had suspected Lanya was a raider, the gear made me think she had the caster legendary, Dragonwrath(?) Iirc it was called, but the image had a Quiraji staff, so close enough. So she is at least a veteran of that, and probably quite a bit more like Black Temple and Icecrown.

So being a raider, I wonder if she has picked up on anything being off with Nzaria, her scent must be off to Lanya in animal form.

Does Nzarias well of Light replenish or is it going to run out unless she can chug down more elsewhere? Maybe find a lost N'aru to chow on?
Does Nzarias well of Light replenish or is it going to run out unless she can chug down more elsewhere? Maybe find a lost N'aru to chow on?
I suspect Nzaria hasn't realized the Light is actively assisting her and is restoring itself, because it's unlikely she ate enough of it to fuel what she has already done with it, given she only ate the one paladin.

Aka the light is actively working on redeeming her and she hasn't noticed because it doesn't occur to her the light can be subtle if it wants to be.
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it doesn't occur to her the light can be subtle if it wants to be.
The Light can be pretty insidious tbh. Which is interesting since it's just the opposite side of the same coin/creature. What with what happens to N'aru. Technically she's connected to something even more primordial than the Old Gods now, if it's an active connection poking around her brain meats.

(My knowledge is probably a few years out of date, with the void lords and the whatever the light version was called using the old gods as virus vectors or whatever)
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I will note that, as mentioned in the second post of the thread, I reserve the right to ignore some of the stupider lore from the later expansions, and I don't necessarily agree with how Blizzard has handled the Cosmic Forces.