Turn, Turn and Turn [A]gain! (Turn A Gundam Quest)

[x] "Then…who were you?"

[x] "Limiters? What are you talking about?"

[x] "Why were you just a cloud of Pressure Shards?"

[x] "D-do you know Corin andArisa?"

Oh no, things just got more dangerous
Week 16 Result Part 3
[X] "Then…who were you?"
[X] "Limiters? What are you talking about?"
[X] "Why were you just a cloud of Pressure Shards?"
[X] "D-do you know Corin and Arisa?"

"Then…" You carefully ask the spirit. "who where you?"

It preens at the question.

I am the Vestiges of Kreis Kreuz, last of the First Humans and the creator of the Turn Units.

It falters a little, embarrassment radiating off its Pressure.

Or rather, he was the project lead during the construction of the Turn A. Here, have a picture:

A holoscreen pops up, displaying the picture of a man with his back turned to the camera. He is looking over his shoulder at whomever is taking the picture, glaring at them through his white bangs.

You can't get a good look at his face though. "Er-"

I know, but he was not really in the business of taking pictures of himself. He tried to stay hidden for the most part.

"That still doesn't tell me much about him."

It shrugs.

Maybe I will tell you one day. But enough about me. To whom may I be speaking?

Frowning, you introduce yourself. "Loran. My name is Loran Cehack."

It flickers.

Nice to meet you, Loran. As we discussed earlier, you may refer to me as Vestige.

Deciding to change the subject, you bring up another thing that was bothering you: "You mentioned Limiters? What are you talking about?"

Vestige smiles wider, the motion threatening to horizontally bisect its head, before it pokes your Pressure with its own.

For the past million and change years the human species has been physically and spiritually crippled thanks to a feature of the Turn Nanites applied by the Turn A. These nanomachines retard human development, making you weak and powerless. The one thing those idiots at Second Moon got right was that people developing 'psychic powers' were a step back.

Realization hits you. "The mist that appeared when Sochie and I first entered the White Doll!" You thought that using the Priority Repair on the White Doll itself created a similar-looking mist. "That was when we first developed these powers."

Vestige leans in, interested.

Likely. Hold on, let me check.

Faster than you can think it slips straight through your instinctive defenses and applies its Pressure directly to your brain. With that done it leans back and assumes a thoughtful position.

Yep. You are lucky that you and that Sochie girl survived. The limiter nanites were experimental and as such extremely volatile, and even if they did not kill you through destructive malfunction or their killswitch you could look forward to a life of some fun impairments.

"Like what?" You dread the answer.

Bipolar episodes, unreasoning mistrust of older authority figures, loss of self-awareness, obsessiveness, inability to dress oneself, tendency to change one's worldview at the drop of a hat, partial or episodic organ failure, chronic egocentrism, learning difficulties, paranoia, siege mentality, frequent epileptic attacks, fetishistic fixation on parenthood, loss of impulse control, sociopathy, and unusual hair pigmentation.

Vestige waits for a moment for the information to settle in.

Like I said, the limiter nanites were an experimental feature. As such they tended to fail in spectacular ways in the first few applications. See the Advanced Generation and late Universal Century cycles.

It turns away to stare at the world displayed on the walls of the White Doll's panoramic cockpit.

Motorcycle battleships, I swear…

"Er," You interrupt, eager to rerail the conversation. "Limiters?"

Hm? Ah, yes. That however, is just the ones suppressing the 'psychic powers' that all humans possess. The ones weakening their bodies had a lot fewer problems, to the point where humankind was reduced to its current baseline in just two applications of the Moonlight Butterfly.

"And if I were to have those removed?"

Vestige blinks, then chuckles as it points at a nearby boulder.

Maybe some other time, they are a lot harder to remove without killing you. But to give you a hint: Do you see that rock over there?

"Yes?" You confirm only for Vestige to smile even wider.

With the Limiters on your body removed you would be able to simply rip it out of the ground.

…But you can already do that? "I could just use the White Doll to-"

Using only muscle power.


"And this was something everyone…"

Vestige nods.


"…I have to think about this." You say, inwardly boggling at the idea of humankind being a species of psychic supermen in the distant past.

Take your time.

"But why were you just a cloud of Pressure Shards?" You ask after thinking about the superman issue for a few minutes and filing it away for later.

Pressure Shards? Do you mean my previous state?

Vestige quickly slips into lecture mode when you answer the affirmative.

That was just me after a millennium of entropy ground me down into fragments. I may have a piece or two of Kreis Kreuz' actual soul, but they are not enough to actually power my continued existence as a sapient, unified whole.

It looks up and smiles.

That is where you come in. Do not be alarmed, the heavy drain you just suffered through was a one-time thing. In my current state I can easily sustain myself on the vestiges that your own power is trying to carve into the Turn X.

Vestige's smile becomes sheepish.

Though I will admit that if I am forced to expend a lot of effort I might become a bit more…demanding. But in return I will gladly help you get the most out of the Turn X.

"The White Doll's real name." You say out of a need to fill the silence.

Quite. In addition, I will help you and your girlfriend over there-

"We're not-"

Hush you, do not pretend you cannot sense it. Anyway, I will help the two of you learn how to use your powers.

"Just like that?" Surely there is something Vestige wants.

Just like that. I do not really care about this conflict, my relationship-

Vestige visibly shudders.

Kreis' relationship with the Kingdom of the Moon was strictly business. All I ask is that you follow my instructions on how to destroy the Turn X once it is done with.

You blink. "But if I do that…won't that kill you?"

Vestige nods, its Pressure utterly unconcerned.

It disturbs you. "You shouldn't be so alright with that."

Perhaps not, but I am still running on Kreis' victory high after he beat the Turn A. Besides, those pieces of the real Kreis within me I mentioned? Until those are freed from Turn X he can never really pass on.

Oh. "Vestige…"

Vestige's Pressure rubs reassuringly against yours.

None of that, Loran. I knew this to be the case the moment I became capable of thought. If the Turn X is not destroyed I will simply fade into nothing within ten thousand years if nobody is sustaining me. I have long since accepted my fate.

It pats you on the head, a weak pulse of telekinesis ruffling your white locks.

But enough about such dreary matters, was there something else you wanted?

You close your eyes, exhaustion starting to catch up with you. "D-do you know Corin and Arisa?"

Of course. Kreis resurrected them. Why-

Vestige pauses.

Wait. How do you know Corin and Arisa?

You tell Vestige the story of being attacked by Corin and Arisa before they defected to your side out of loyalty to the White Doll's former pilot. And out of a desire to avoid your mother's wrath. The 'Psychoframe Ghost' listens intently, and flickers intensely during the tale of the defection.

I need to speak to them. Can we go back? The girl wants to get in here anyway.

"Her name is Sochie." You correct it before looking past it to see that Sochie is indeed standing impatiently in the White Doll's hand waiting to be let up.


The next day you head towards the White Doll after inspecting the New Donkey Bakery Trucks, meeting Corin and Arisa on the way. The two pilots, your nominal subordinates, are stumbling from their lack of sleep. They must have been talking to Vestige all night.

The Psychoframe Ghost is there when you sit down in the White Doll to bid it good day.

Hello, Loran. What is the plan today?

[] "I was thinking on how to use my powers."

[] "I want to check out a place called the New Donkey Bakery."

[] "I wondered how you could help me get more out of the White Doll."

[] "We'll be patrolling the border today."

[] "I'm just saying hello. We'll be helping out here for the foreseeable future."


The First Humans were a species consisting of trillions of Awakened Newtype Master Asias.
Um. What.

How fucking powerful is the Turn A if it could take down THAT!

I mean, Master Asia kills mobile suits with his bare hands while in the late stages of a terminal illness. Master Asia with Newtype hax (and I'm assuming you don't mean Newtype God Mode Unicorn here), meep. Trillions of that ... jesus, why did they need mobile suits, their kung fu is already tac nuke level. Why would they even have guns or weapons technology, better than RL tech is required to make anything man-portable that's better than punches and materials science would be sorely pressed to make melee weapons strong enough to withstand use.

Somehow hating the ELS to death seems tame now.

[x] "I wondered how you could help me get more out of the White Doll."
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Week 16 Result Part 4
[X] "I wondered how you could help me get more out of the White Doll."

"I wondered how you could help me get more out of the White Doll."

Vestige looks you up and down. Then it starts stroking the walls of the cockpit.

Now then. The main propulsion is shot, so that is no good. Same for the Bloody Siege Cannons. How about the Destruction Manipulator?

"The right hand?" You parrot. "What about it?"

Do you want me to show you how to alter the emitter's output? The inbuilt Beam Rifle/Saber is extremely versatile that way. In fact-

It taps your forehead, giving you chills as its Pressure digs through your mind.

I know how to make things a lot easier for you.

Vestige's Pressure ruses through the White Doll, and suddenly the indecipherable symbols on the holoscreens are replaced with perfect Amerian. One such a panel pops up in front of you, displaying the White Doll's stubby right hand. Vestige floats so that it is hovering beside you.

Let us begin.


An hour later and you are fairly confident that you can use the more specialized versions of the right hand's weapons on your own.

Destruction Manipulator Buster Rifle. (Beam)
Attacks: 1d2
Damage: 8
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 2: +2 to Target Armor Save DC.
-All Range Weapon: No Long Range Penalty.
-Wave Surge 1/4: Deals 1/4 Damage on a successful Target Armor Save.
-Flyswatter: Gains Merciless when used against Small Targets.
-Integrated Weapon: Does not count towards the carried weapon cap.

Destruction Manipulator Beam Machinegun. (Beam)
Attacks: 4d2
Damage: 2
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 1: +1 to Target Armor Save DC.
-Integrated Weapon: Does not count towards the carried weapon cap.

Destruction Manipulator Beam Cutter. (Melee/Beam)
Attacks: 1d2
Damage: 8
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 2: +2 to Target Armor Save DC.
-Anti Large: Hits one more time for half damage per successful Hit when used against Large Targets.
-Flyswatter: Gains Merciless when used against Small Targets.
-Cleave: Is considered an AoE weapon when used against Group Targets (Flying, Evasive and Small Targets notwithstanding).
-Long Reach: Can Hit Targets within Close Range.
-Integrated Weapon: Does not count towards the carried weapon cap.

These are just custom presets, mind. Once you are good enough you should be able to adjust the output on the fly to unleash an ever-changing flurry of attacks. But that is neither here nor there.

You can probably find a use for these.


Later that day you find your dinner disturbed by a harried lieutenant "Captain Laura!"

You swallow your mouthful of bread and cheese. "Yes?"

"Our scouts spotted a SUMO-Class entering our border." The lieutenant whispers. "It is armed to the teeth and headed straight for us."

That's not good. "Just the one?" You ask as you rise from your seat. Why would only one SUMO-

"Yes, ma'am. It is the golden one."

Oh. That's not good at all.

[] Wait for it here.

[] Take up a position south of Kingsley Valley.

[] Fly out and meet it.
--[] Alone.
--[] With the rest of the LRAMDC.
--[] Go ahead while the others slowboat behind.

It might not end in a battle, but if it does your plan is-

[] Mobility.
--[] Stay on the ground with the Landskimmers.
--[] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
--[] Take to the air with the Flight Mode and risk using the Voiture Lumiere.

[] Initial Left Hand Weapon.
--[] Dober Gun.
--[] Leo Beam Rifle.
--[] Type-TX Beam Pistol.
--[] Dainsleif Spear.
--[] None.

[] Destruction Manipulator Melee Weapon.
--[] Beam Saber.
--[] Beam Cutter.
--[] Shining Finger.

[] Destruction Manipulator Ranged Weapon.
--[] Beam Rifle.
--[] Buster Rifle.
--[] Beam Machinegun.

[] Defenses.
--[] Activate the Lightwave Shield.
--[] Activate the I-Field.
--[] Activate both of them.

[] NT Systems.
--[] Stick to the Psychoframe.
--[] Risk using the NT-D Mode.

[] NT Power.
--[] Telekinetic Strike.
--[] Telepathic Strike.
--[] Telekinetic Barrier.
--[] NT Empathy.
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Are the front page skill levels correct?

I'm fairly sure we're at Pilot 4 NT 3, not the other way around.

Edit: Nope, should be 4/4 with a temp debuff to NT, I think.

Edit: Also you forgot to update it with the Beam Saber's attack increase when we got the Destruction Manipulator running.
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[X] Fly out and meet it.
--[x] Go ahead while the others slowboat behind.

[X] Mobility.
--[x] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.

[X] Initial Left Hand Weapon.
--[x] Dober gun.

[X] Destruction Manipulator Melee Weapon.
--[x] Beam Saber.

[X] Destruction Manipulator Ranged Weapon.
--[x] Beam rifle.

[X] Defenses.
--[x] Activate both of them.

[X] NT Systems.
--[x] Stick to the Psychoframe.

[X] NT Power.
--[x] NT Empathy.
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[x] Fly out and meet it.
--[x] Go ahead while the others slowboat behind.

Our odds of talking are probably better solo, but backup would be nice. Harry's GOOD and a Sumo is a damn fine unit.

[x] Mobility.
--[x] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.

[x] Initial Left Hand Weapon.
--[x] Dober Gun.

He's got an I-field.

[x] Destruction Manipulator Ranged Weapon.
--[x] Beam Rifle.

No desire at all to fire Buster Rifles at people I don't want to kill, and Harry's SUMO might actually have good enough defenses to reduce MG's damage, and definitely can stop its Penetration.

[x] Destruction Manipulator Melee Weapon.
--[x] Beam Saber.

Not trying the new toy against Harry TYVM.

[x] Defenses.
--[x] Activate both of them.


[x] NT Systems.
--[x] Stick to the Psychoframe.

We're not at effective level four right now, and Harry can probably drag this out.

[x] NT Power.
--[x] NT Empathy.

I THINK we have two powers available.
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[X] Fly out and meet it.
--[x] Go ahead while the others slowboat behind.

[X] Mobility.
--[x] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.

[X] Initial Left Hand Weapon.
--[x] Dober gun.

[X] Destruction Manipulator Melee Weapon.
--[x] Beam Saber.

[X] Destruction Manipulator Ranged Weapon.
--[x] Beam rifle.

[X] Defenses.
--[x] Activate both of them.

[X] NT Systems.
--[x] Stick to the Psychoframe.

[X] NT Power.
--[x] NT Empathy.
Week 16 Result Part 5
[X] Fly out and meet it.
--[X] Go ahead while the others slowboat behind.

[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left Hand Weapon.
--[X] Dober gun.
[X] Destruction Manipulator Melee Weapon.
--[X] Beam Saber.
[X] Destruction Manipulator Ranged Weapon.
--[X] Beam rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] NT Empathy.

After telling the lieutenant that you will handle it, you hurry to gather your crew. Dianna-as-Kihel, Sochie and your other pilots are easy since you are eating together, but half the Militiamen crewing the Gallop are enjoying their downtime all over Kingsley Valley.

No matter, you were planning on going on ahead anyway.

"Here is the situation." You explain to your inner circle of Sochie, Corin, Arisa and Dianna while Lieutenant Dana is out rounding up the crew. "Lieutenant Harry crossed the border some time ago, alone in his SUMO. He is headed here."

"But why?" Ask Arisa. "Queen Dianna wants this ceasefire, right? And Mr. Sunglasses seemed the type to ask her permission to breathe." She pauses. "Is it the spaceship?"

[] "Possibly."

[] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
--[] If Dianna is fine with it.
--[] Just tell them.


You leave the Gallop in the hands of your capable subordinates-


"Stop that."

-and speed south above the treetops. Assuming that the Lieutenant is headed directly for Kingsley Valley you should be able to intercept him.

Lieutenant Harry did, in fact, head straight towards Kingsley Valley. You meet him at the edge of a forest after less than an hour of flight. He slows down at the approach of the White Doll, allowing you to touch down in front of his custom SUMO without incident.

You take care not to land too close. Even if you aren't expecting a fight you want to be able to get one volley off before the Lieutenant engages you in melee.

Vestige stirs as the White Doll's sensors scan the SUMO.

Curious. It looks familiar somehow. What was this called again?

"A SUMO. The Royal Guard uses them. They're very old, but still outclass any other Dianna Counter Mobile Suit."

They must be a development of the suits I-

Vestige shudders.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! That Kreis, that Kreis designed for Junno in return for her help-! G-grahg!


Nothing. Just a momentary loss of identity. There isn't much to me beyond Kreis' memories and being trapped in here as entropy grinds me into nothing, so it happens.

Vestige has been acting weird since Corin and Arisa talked to it, but further questioning must wait. For Lieutenant Harry certainly won't.

A holographic screen appears in front of you as the golden SUMO hails you. A tap of a finger accepts the transmission, making the screen display the Lieutenant's face.

"Loran Cehack." He states grimly. "I knew you-what the hell is that!?"

His eyes are wide behind his glasses and his face is twisted in surprise. Even from where you sit you can clearly feel Harry Ord's confusion and distress with your powers. Keeping calm, you quickly work out where he is looking and-

I think he can see me.

"I think you are right." You mumble as the Lieutenant regains his composure.

"We can discuss…that thing later." He grinds out, adjusting his glasses before returning his hands to the SUMO's controls. "Our communications are private, I hope?"

You take a moment to make sure. "Yes."

The Lieutenant nods. "Good. Let me make myself brief: Miss Kihel has told me everything."

His Pressure tells you that he is telling the truth. "Then you know that her and Queen Dianna have traded places."

"I do." He raises the left arm of his SUMO so that a rectangular object mounted tonfa-style on it is pointed at you. "And I am here to retrieve Her Majesty. This charade has gone on for long enough."

[] "Alright. She is on her way now."

[] "Not without bringing Kihel here."

[] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.

[] "No."

[] Write in.


SUMO Gold Stats:

Armor Grade 3
Armor Save 4+
Integrity 8
-Beam Resistant Armor: -1 to the Penetration of Beam Attacks striking this unit.
-Mindshield: +1 NT Level when defending against Mental Attacks.
-High Mobility: +10 to Target Hit DC against this unit. -10 to Speed DCs.
-Flight: Can fly. Gains Flight+ by attaching a Booster Skirt.

SUMO I-Field
I-Field Grade: 3
I-Field Save 4+
I-Field Integrity: 4
-Hyper I-Field: Blocks all Non-Laser Attacks.
-Unidirectional I-Field: Does not apply its defense to attacks from directions other than that of the targeted enemy.

SUMO Beam Pistol (Beam).
Attacks: 2d3
Damage: 2
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 1: +1 to Target Armor Save DC.

Beam Magnum Tonfa.
Attacks: 1d1
Damage: 5
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 3: +3 to Target Armor Save.
-All Range Weapon: No Long-Range Penalty.
-Gun Kata: May be used as a melee weapon.
-Dual Wield: One goes in each hand.

Custom Heat Fan (Melee)
Attacks: 2d3
Damage: 2
Base AP: 4
Critical Hit: On Critical Success.
-Penetration 1: +1 to Target Armor Save DC.
-Universe!: Major Successes gain Penetration 2 and hit for double Damage. Critical Successes gain Massive Criticals.

Hyper I-Field Spike (Melee)
Attacks: 2d1
Damage: 1
Base AP: 1
Critical Hit: No.
-Hyper I-Field Spike: Successful hit with this weapon instantly breaks Target's I-Field
-Fist Weapon: No Unarmed Penalty.
-Inbuilt Weapon: Does not take up the hand that fires it.
[X] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
-[X] If Dianna is fine with it.
[X] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.
[X] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
-[X] If Dianna is fine with it.
[X] "Not without bringing Kihel here."
[x] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
--[x] If Dianna is fine with it.

[x] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.

Wow. That's one hell of a mobile suit.

Dual Beam Magnums. MEEP!

And they have higher Penetration than our buster rifle. WHAT.

It has almost as much ranged firepower as we do. And the I-Field shield is Hyper all the time, and that Heat Fan is disgusting.
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[x] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
--[x] If Dianna is fine with it.

[x] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.
[X] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
-[X] If Dianna is fine with it.
[X] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.

Yep let's get their opinions first
Week 16 Result Part 6
[X] Reveal the Secret to Corin and Arisa.
--[X] If Dianna is fine with it.

You look over to Dianna, who meets your gaze, with the obvious question glittering in your eyes. Her Pressure, as is that of Sochie, if filled with trepidation and embarrassment, but she nods in response.

"The truth is…" You mumble as you motion for everyone to lean in closer. "Queen Dianna and Kihel Heim traded places as a joke back in Inglessa. The situation spiraled out of control after that, and we have been trying to reverse it since then."

Sochie, Dianna and yourself shrug with varying degrees of helplessness. "We haven't had much in the way of luck so far."

Corin and Arisa do not say anything for a few seconds before the turquoise-haired woman speaks. "That's messed up."

"Quite." Mutters Queen Dianna.


[X] You really should ask Sochie and Dianna what they think first.

"My opinion is not the only one that matters here." You tell the Lieutenant. "They should be within radio range shortly."

Harry doesn't like it, but he agrees to wait. Closing the comm-link, you turn to Vestige. "What?"

Could you please fill me in? Who are we talking about?

You give Vestige the short version of the story.

So the Junno lookalike I saw by the Gallop is actually her daughter. Huh.

You leave Vestige to mull over the story as the Gallop comes closer, and when it does you open a three-way channel to include Lieutenant Harry.

"Loran?" Exclaims Dianna from her seat at the Gallop's bridge. "What is wrong? Did you find the-" She notices the Lieutenant. "…Lieutenant Ord. I didn't see you there."

Before he can say anything incriminating you cut in to address the rest of the bridge crew. "This is Captain Laura. Bring the Gallop to a halt and leave the bridge, only Miss Kihel may stay. Ladderum?"

Your helmsman stands up straighter. "Yes, captain?"

"Please bring the Mechanical Doll pilots to the bridge. They are not to launch."

He salutes and brings the Gallop to a complete stop, before leaving the bridge along with the other militiamen. Sochie and the others arrive a few minutes later, during which Lieutenant Harry is exchanging pleasantries with the Queen. Once they have settled in you explain the situation. "I wanted to get your opinion before I made a decision. what do you thi-"

"No." Sochie declares with an air of finality. "Not if Kihel isn't here."

"Sochie." Dianna admonishes. "I must return to the Soleil if we are to bring this war to an end-"

"Kihel is doing that just fine! All you did was to start this war!" Sochie hotly interrupts. "Without you there is no guarantee of getting my sister back!"

"Just what are you implying?" Replies the disguised queen, her voice low and dangerous. "Kihel is my friend, I would do my utmost to return her to you." She sighs. "I will admit, of course, that there might be some time before she can be returned, even if Lieutenant Harry can take this route again. In addition, you will have to cover for my absence in the meantime. But is it not worth it to bring this conflict to a swift end?"

Sochie's Pressure flares dangerously, black darts manifesting in the space between her and Dianna. "I'll bring you to swift end if-"

This is getting out of hand…

[] Side with Sochie.

[] Side with Dianna.
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