Trouble In Cretaceous Park (Mafia)

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Something is wrong in the park! Ever since the Glorious Dinosaur Revolution forced out all the...


Flame Dragon Princess
The glorious Pacific Northwest
Something is wrong in the park! Ever since the Glorious Dinosaur Revolution forced out all the humans, the island housing Cretaceous Park has been peaceful. But no longer! There have been death's popping up all over the place, more than there should be!

The denizens of the park gather this day to determine who amongst their number is the culprit...

This game will have 11 players, no more, no less. Slots are first come first served, but I reserve the right to reject an application.

  • All roles will be randomly assigned.
  • The game will be separated into Day and Night phases. Each Day phase is 72 hours, each Night phase is 48 hours or when I get all the Night Actions. If you have an extremely good reason, I may give an extension.
    • The day may be ended early in the case of a 100% unanimous vote.
  • Always always always post at least once per Day Phase! It'd be nice if you did it once every 24 hours.
  • Lynches happen at the end of the Day and are determined by the plurality of votes, not majority hammer.
    • Ties will result in a tiebreaker. The exact form of the tiebreaker is a mystery, but I guarantee you won't like it.
  • When you vote for someone, vote for them by like so: [x] Lynch [player name]. To rescind your vote, vote [x] Null.
  • Do not write illegible, hidden, or coded messages. Invisitext isn't as cute as you think it is.
  • DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME WITH OTHER PLAYERS OUTSIDE THIS THREAD. Only talk to another player elsewhere if there is something in your role that allows it. If you're talking elsewhere, impersonating other players is not allowed.
  • DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS. If you gotta fix something, doublepost.
  • DO NOT DIRECTLY QUOTE YOUR ROLE PM'S. If you gotta mention it, paraphrase.
  • When you die, you stop posting. The only exception is if you are lynched, in which case you get one final post.
  • If you've got a question, or you're confused about something, ask me.
  • Finally, do not act against the spirit of the game. This is a nebulous term, but includes such things as "Taking your ball and going home". Always keep fighting for yourself, always be trying to win. Don't give up, basically.

Player List
  1. @Terrabrand Lynched D3
  2. @atk50 [Put Down] N1
  3. @Rikimaru Lynched D1
  4. @Nanimani
  5. @Joebobjoe
  6. @TheMaskedReader [Torn To Shreds] N2
  7. @Derpmind
  8. @Megaolix
  9. @ComiTurtle Lynched D2
  10. @Threnodist [Put Down] N2
  11. @Cakestepid
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I'm in. Let's hope this goes better.
I'll throw my hat in.

Edit: If we have more than 11 people who want to play, you can still apply and I'll be willing to let drop my place so you can learn the game if you are a new player.
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*rawr* *nuzzles you with my prehensile tail* good how are you?
I'd like to join please!

Edit: Posted this without even reading OP. Totally not fast enough, lol. :p Have a good game and stuff!
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