Discordant Noise Marines - Minor Slaaneshi Astartes Sect - Majoris Threat
This is a Sect greatly feared. Originally, a number of apparently 'normal' members of the Noise Marines Sect, and they have retained much of the culture and norms therein, they were not content with merely being able to kill with sound. No, they wanted more. They delved deep into the lore of sound and Chaos alike. They went so far as to make deals with the Thousand Sons, mostly Ahriman, the Plague Marines, the World Eaters, and even Abaddon himself, with rumors swirling of some manner of accord being reached with the Sons of Malice, though no proof that any such meeting even took place. Serving alongside them and aiding them in disputes in exchange for secrets of weaving Chaos into sound. In pursuit of the instruments and the physical sound itself being made Chaotic, they began making agreements with the Dark Mechanicus, a few Dark Forgeworlds bearing interest in sound themselves. They even went so far as to assist in the founding of a Dark Forgeworld, one Trazom, with a specific interest in sound, forming a research agreement with them.
It took centuries of research, experimentation disguised as more normal raiding by the Noise Marines, though Inquisition eventually began to suspect something was off, as what was left behind did not quite match with the main body of Noise Marines, even accounting for the fact that they were clearly trying new songs in an effort to please their god. While this was technically accurate, the Inquisition was barely able to obtain enough evidence to gather appropriate resources for what the Discordant Noise Marines, as they revealed themselves to be during their scheme, had been preparing for.
Attacking a Hive World, they unleashed a Discordant Symphony that was one part plague, one part mutation, one part enhancement, and one part music, which consumed every citizen still on the planet within three weeks, with similar reports coming from all over the Sub-Sector a week in. It turned mortals into a horde not unlike Nurgle's Plague Zombies. From what the Inquisition has uncovered, the plague was in part based on it, and has somewhat similar effects on the infected, save that, rather than a yellow-green pallor and fluid, they were consumed by some kind of black ooze, with pink fluid leaking from the eyes and mouth, coloring them the same way, and with the odd pink accent making itself known, their alignment with Slaanesh, forcing them to truncate any stealth capabilities the Discordant, as the mortals were called, might have. The Discordant would gain increased physical attributes, enough to overwhelm a first Realm with relative ease given their numbers, and significant musical ability, either to a set floor if they possessed no talent for it beforehand, or a significant improvement of them. This made the Discordant Noise Marines target artists and institutions dedicated to them, recruiting shock troops to begin spreading the plague among the rest of the populace.
The Discordant Symphony can spread in two ways, direct contact, or it's preferred method, sound. While the Discordant often struggle to string sentences together when not singing, simply talking to them is hazardous, and they will have Discordant Noise Marine support if they should encounter resistance, for reasons discussed later. Regardless, the Discordant will make music, both in terms of playing music and writing new music, at a low but constant level as one part worship of Slaanesh, though it's a topic of some debate whether the Discordant themselves count or whether this branch of the Noise Marines are simply using them as fixtures in planet-sized temples to Slaanesh, and one part defense mechanism, ramping up a great deal if they receive any hint of the presence of the uninfected.
It should be noted that being any higher in terms of Cultivation Realm than the Discordant will grant resistance, however, how loud the music is will also factor into one's resistance, so as a general rule, the closer you are to a Discordant individual, the faster they can in turn infect you. Provided you can move away, partial infection can be fought off without much trouble, though you will see a loss of fine motor control in afflicted areas. If it achieves full coverage, however, a person's consciousness is chained to the Symphony, at which point they have their consciousness driven into the depths, their body piloted by the Song. This apparently qualifies as dangling the souls right in front of Slaanesh' mouth or something along those lines.
It should also be noted that some Discordant Noise Marines will allow themselves to be consumed by Symphony in a manner similar to Possessed Astartes, and these are some of the most common of the Special Lyrics. This is where the mutation really comes into play. Special Lyrics are those afflicted with the Discordant Song who have shown an unusual affinity for it, gaining mutations or special Arts from their bond with it, allowing just about anything within Slaanesh' wheelhouse to be gifted to them. Given Slaanesh' ties to Perfection and Obsession, this can be almost anything so long as it was important before they were swallowed by the Song. A florist gaining control over plants, forming a chorus to aid them or engaging in more direct combat, for example. The longer the Symphony is present in an individual, the more likely they'll become a Special Lyric. It is a sign that the Symphony has sunk deep into them, and is generally regarded as the point a person becomes a lost cause without the personal intervention of a Saint.
You see, because of the nature of the Discordant Symphony, the infected can in theory be saved, which often serves to compromise the defenses. Were it a Nurglish plague and the only recourse was to kill the infected and burn the bodies, then it would merely be a grim necessity, but by dangling a bit of doubt disguised as hope, the locals will clash with the Discordant, attempting to rescue people. Every now and then, they even succeed. This is a trap. While being of a higher Realm grants resistance to the Symphony, resistance is not immunity, and since it's not a conventional illness even by Nurglite standards, and with the backing of a completely different patron to boot, anti-Nurgle Arts are usually of little use, while this is different enough from Slaanesh' usual work to limit the effects of anti-Slaanesh Arts. This has proven a costly surprise to many, an advantage the Symphony will press.
An infection will generally go something like this. The Discordant Noise Marines will infiltrate a Sector, and begin going after singers and musicians, and to a lesser degree, various forms of electrician and engineer who might make sound equipment. Forcibly recruiting those best suited to rescuing those fallen under the Song's sway, who are also the best suited to spread the Song even in the face of similar opposition. From there, the the Song will spread through mortals like wildfire, a few minutes of direct exposure enough to overwhelm the weak-willed, and a half hour something iron-willed veterans of Imperial campaigns would struggle with. Any resistance will naturally form around those of the higher Realms present on the world, both as the most resistant, and because that's what always happens. The Discordant Noise Marines, Discordant Adepts, and Special Lyrics will assassinate or 'assassinate' these leaders, killing or converting them as the opportunity presents itself. A Material Realm Mechanicus Adept is largely immune to mortals possessed by the Symphony, but a group of Runic tech-priests are another story, especially if the Material Adept in question knew them, as the Song can more easily slip inside if it's intended victim is emotionally compromised, though this usually goes both ways, making rescuing the fallen easier as well. By this point, organized resistance will have collapsed, and any remaining unaffected will either be trying to flee or bunkering down for the long haul, if not outright signaling for Exterminatus like an infestation of Plague Zombies have hit critical mass. Without a Saint cleansing the world, or a Holy Artifact of the Mechanicus specifically designed to fight the Song, Exterminatus or quarantine until one of those can come to pass are really the only options. Combat is a drawn out way of feeding hordes of Discordant like this more bodies, and bombardment of sufficient magnitude to clear them all out to a sufficient degree the rest could be dealt with conventionally would scour the planet's surface anyway, and at that point you're just carrying out Exterminatus more slowly and expensively than a dedicated Exterminatus weapon would allow.
The good news is, the signs of the Song's influence are very obvious if you know what to look for, and there's no incubation period. Some Special Lyrics can cast illusions to appear as if they've been cured, but this deception never lasts long. They grow impatient and strike within minutes, if not moments. There's no risk of someone abruptly being consumed by the Symphony without apparent explanation because they listened to an infected tune a few weeks ago, for example.
As for the original Sub-Sector, it was saved by the efforts of an at-the-time new Saint who turned the music the Ministorum, if not focused on, then possessed as a part of it's repertoire. Having been one of the singers originally targeted on the Hive World, his body was piloted as one of the prime carriers of the Symphony across his home planet and Sub-Sector. Unusually, he managed to break free from the Symphony, with a little help from the God-Emperor, who caused him to manifest an aspect of his personality separately to influence him within the depths of his own mind. Something those who have studied other Saints may find familiar.
Regardless, once he broke free, with some further aid from said personality fragment in getting past the Special Lyrics, he was able to restore his social circle, including his Noble paramour and her family, and together, they managed to push back the Symphony long enough for the Inquisition to bring over some specialized artifacts to amplify the Counter-Symphony the Mechanicus had been making at their behest, and counter-deploy Loyalist Astartes to fend off the incensed Discordant Noise Marines. Having allied users of sound backing them against the Noise Marines was strange, but not unwelcome, was the general sentiment according to their Captain.
While the Discordant Noise Marines were forced to retreat as the Sub-Sector was won back, they split into a number of smaller warbands and scattered across the galaxy. Their Symphony affects humans and xenos alike, so long as they are vulnerable to Akasha. Thus, they would be found in locales from Ork Roks battle Goff Rockerz, which led to a bizarre instance of common cause with Orks not serving as mercenaries for humans against other xenos or Chaos, to apparent acts of revenge against Shrine Worlds with any strong elements of music in their worship of the Emperor, to seemingly random strikes to test the Symphony on various other worlds. The Saint and his paramour have joined the Inquisition's efforts to quell these, with a select few of their social circle, an assassin to handle the Symphony's attempts on their lives, among others, serving as a retinue. Still, they can only be in one place at a time, and even the Inquisition's fastest ships can only go so fast, especially when it takes time to cleanse a given world. A more widespread solution will be needed sooner or later.
AN: Yes, this is based on FNF Corruption. Can you really tell me you don't think the Noise Marines would turn the world into a series of musical battles if they could? Whether the new Saint is in fact a Saint or just somebody with immense willpower with some vague similarities to how Celestine's resurrection works in terms of how he broke out is intentionally vague. It might be true, but the Inquisition isn't going to want the idea people might eventually break out on their own to spread around when the Symphony already takes advantage of people trying to save the victims of the explicitly curable Symphony. They also aren't going to be telling just anyone that said paramour has non-human heritage that grants her abnormal abilities that just so happen to match really well with the supposed Saint's. That would be the sort of bizarre coincidence that turns out to not be a coincidence in the 40K-verse. They don't object to the idea of the Emperor foreseeing the shape of a threat and arranging a counter, as an idea, but they would politely ignore the exact shape that took if it was inconvenient.
Nurgle and Tzeentch can both mess with your biology quite a bit, but they don't duopolize such effects, so I don't see why Slaanesh can't take a page from them among her fanatics. It's not quite Chaos corruption-ing people as in normal 40K, but when their bodies and abilities serve your cause anyway, truncated mental abilities only matter for the most cerebral of Sects, like the Mechanicus, and normal tech-priests can still set up sound systems just fine.
They managed to make a plague that turns entire worlds to Slaanesh in body if not in spirit, and to constant making of music in Slaanesh' name. Though admittedly a lot of the appeal for Slaanesh is that it's like being teased but with souls. I think I'll dump any xp from this into Temple Body again. Should have another Omake or two today or tomorrow, which will be focused on actual techniques.
2200+ words, if it matters.