[Touhou/Exalted] The Tourist

Creation has the Wyld. Yukkuri living bean-pastry heads are not impossible over there, and a 700 year old Twilight scholar with a curiosity-flaw has likely seen things just as strange.

Gensokyo doesn't have the Wyld, but doesn't really need it since youkai can spring into being from fears and popular imagination. Which may make it something of a Bordermarch, actually.
Just curious, but what would happen if a Youkai were to come into existence that was based upon the fears of several Exalted?

Oh wait, that's Yuuka.
Glorious Solar Interpretative Dance!
Glorious Solar Fashion Design!
Glorious Solar Shipping! (pick a definition of shipping, any fit)
Glorious Solar Getting the Fuck Out of Here!

Probably hasn't seen much use since her youth, but it's not like she'll have forgotten how.
Glorious Solar Shifting the Blame!
Considering her virtue flaw (Insatiable Curiosity) that trick has probably gotten a good workout over the years.
It should be noted that most of those things can be described as First <ability> Excellency. With the right excellency charms you can basically do anything better.
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Huzzah, it's good to have you back!

If I could suggest an activity, I would suggest stargazing. No shenanigans or anything like that. Just watching the stars and reminiscing about the past; a chance to see how much -- or how little -- she has changed. Is she still the stargazer, looking towards the heavens for mysteries that lay beyond it?
Glorious Solar Procrastination

I'm not sure how that will work, but it would be rather silly.
Glorious Solar Landscaping
Glorious Solar Ice Skating
Glorious Solar Chiropracty (and other medicine, natch)
On a more productive note, was rereading the entire story, caught a couple more typos

Thanks to Yukari's gaps, it didn't take very long for Renko to get settled down in a in the Hakurei shrine.
Missing word between a and the

"Why I think that's a splendid idea!" Thankfully, Renko's quick reply drew Remilia's attention before punishment could be doled out. "What do you think, Remiu?"
Hey guys, quick update. After comicon and the XCOM ONLINE snip, I'm too tired to do the planned Tourist snip. I'll try and fit that in tomorrow, but I might have a problem with that because I need to give my kid cousin a tour of Griffiths Uni and QUT. Sorry about the delays. I'll having something by Monday evening, I promise!
Hey guys quick update about how I'm going on hiatus ag-pfft! Naw, couldn't resist. Sorry!

This isn't exactly the continuation I promised, but a very interesting comment by Unlucky Bibliophile over in the SV thread made a good point that I want to explore.

If I could suggest an activity, I would suggest stargazing. No shenanigans or anything like that. Just watching the stars and reminiscing about the past; a chance to see how much -- or how little -- she has changed. Is she still the stargazer, looking towards the heavens for mysteries that lay beyond it?

So I thought I'd write this.


Omake: Stargazing


"I thought I'd find you up here. Stilling looking up at the stars after so long? Now I know for sure that you're my Renko."

"What can I say, old habits die hard." Renko said without taking her eyes away from the carpet of stars that hung overhead above her.

It had been barely a day since Renko's unexpected arrival in the land of Gensokyo. The Solar was still trying to wrap her head around the events that had just transpired. She had always wanted to came back to the world of her birth, but to have do so with so little forewarning, let alone meeting a friend she never thought she'd see again, had shaken her more than the Copper Spider care to admit.

Even a woman of her age and experience could get caught off guard once in a while, and she had fallen back on old habits to try and clear her head. Sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest on the roof of Maribel's mansion Renko fell back of her old hobby of stargazing. It was an attempt to use the familiar to regain her footing, but it wasn't one that was working out too well.

"Heh, this is one heck of a nostalgia trip," Renko said as she scanned her eyes across the nightscape from horizon to horizon taking in all the stars and constellations of the magnificent vista, "I never thought I'd see that star again. It was… Antares I think? My memory's a little hazy on that one."

"Wow, I take what I just said back. My Renko would never have forgotten about Polaris." Maribel sat down beside Renko, the youkai mirroring the Exalt's posture.

"Hey, gimme a break here. From my perspective that was centuries ago!" Renko huffed in mock indignation.

"Okay, I forgive you. Renko-chan's become an old woman. She's bound to forget a few things!" Maribel laughed teasingly, causing Renko to pout.

The woman, or youkai as she had become, who seemed so familiar yet so strange at the same time was one of the things that was plaguing the Solar's mind. The better part of Renko's youth had been spent worrying about what fate had befallen her missing friend in her absence, but Merry had understandably fallen out of her mind when more pressing issues drew the lawgiver's attention.

Much like the stars above her, this 'new' Maribel was so familiar, yet completely unrecognisable.

"Can you still tell the time just by looking?" Yukari asked curiously.

"Not at the moment," Renko grudgingly admitted, "I've been working off an entirely different set of stars for the last seven centuries. I have to 'recalibrate' before I can be a walking clock again. I have a procedure for this sort of thing."

"You actually have a procedure?"

"Got bored in between the whole Nexus fiasco and giving the Mask the Boot, so I went and worked out a process to recalibrate my inner clock so I wouldn't embarrass myself again."

The first time she got stranded in creation though… heh, now that was cute. Not so fun for the young Renko at the time who went shrieking through the streets of Chiaroscuro about who the stars had changed and how all hell was breaking loose, but certainly an amusing memory for an aged Solar about the follies of her youth.

"So, you managed to find the strange and wonderful after all," Maribel confided softly,, "You know, if I'm honest, I was so happy to see you stargazing, Renko. Even after all these years, I can still remember you looking up at the stars with such wonder and curiosity. It was the most endearing thing about you, and I'm glad to see it hadn't changed."

"It's a hobby," Renko grinned, "Besides, there was even an entire association of stargazing hobbyists back in Creation. We called them Sidereals. They'd be great to hang around if half of them didn't have sticks up their asses…"

"I was talking more about the sense of wonder, Renko." Maribel stated flatly.


"It's not something that I like to admit, but I've lived for a very long time and have seen a lot over that time," Maribel confessed grudgingly, "Many people my, our, age become jaded and lose our sense of adventure. I've seen so many people my age just stop looking for new things and stay around the familiar. It's gotten to the point that I have to poke and prod people from time to time to keep things fresh around here."

Renko nodded in agreement. It was a sentiment that she sadly agreed with given that many of her contemporaries had been experiencing something similar. In fact, it was an unfortunate truth that many people not even half her age, mortals even, would lose their sense of wonder with the world upon being faced with its cynical realities.

"The sheer joy I saw on your face when I told you where you were really went a long way to convincing me who you were," Maribel continued, "That childish glee at seeing something unexpected, that insatiable curiosity… that is the Renko Usami I remember."

"Aw, thanks Merry."

"I'm surprised that you still have it after everything you've seen in your 'Creation'. The glass towers of Chiaroscuro, the Hundred Kingdoms, Ghedaran the City of Clocks, the Blessed Isle, Yu-Shan the 'world of the bureaucrats', Cyberton… I know Gensokyo has some unique places, but I was still surprised to see you're so eager to see what my home has to offer after you've been to 'speam-cyber-punk robot land'."

"Creation may have some wondrous sights, but there's always something different out there. Always something new to learn." Renko stated confidently, although it occurred to her that perhaps she should have been a little more accurate with her descriptions of the places she'd been to.

Sun forbid that her friend one day visit the Celestial City and think the entire place was home to nothing but to paper pushing squares!

"Besides, from what your little cat girl was telling me earlier hear this place has some crazy stuff that would put some of the stuff I've seen to shame. Some of the stories she was telling me gives me the impression that this place is a circus. If nothing else, I'll have a good laugh."

"…it kind of is sometimes." Maribel giggled before she too turned her head to the stars. "I never told anyone this before, but part of the reason I went to the moon was because-"

"Wait hold up. You went to the moon? Damn girl, what happened up there? Did you meet any aliens? Was the moon landing a hoax? Spill!"

"I'll tell you about it later," Maribel rolled her eyes at Renko's excited outburst, "But as I was saying, part of the reason I went to the moon was because… well, because I wanted to honour you. You were always looking up at the sky trying to find new mysteries to solve, and since you were… gone, I figured I'd go to the moon in your name."

"Aw thanks." Renko blushed. She'd discovered that Maribel had believed her dead for the longest time. To know that her old friend would have done something so important in her memory was touching. "So did you find anything interesting up there?"

"Well my little jaunt ended up sparking a war between the youkai and the Lunarians not ten years after I first took a peek around, so that was a thing."


"Like I said, long story." Maribel said cryptically with a smile. "I'll tell it to you some other time, preferably when I have some alcohol."

"Heh, sounds like a hell of a story."

"It is, but we'll nee sake though."

At that, the two friends turned back to gaze at the stars again in silence, merely enjoying the simple comfort of each other's company after such a long period of separation.

As they looked up at the stars in silence, the sight of a distant star that was a slight shade of blue, she stray thought passed through her mind. It was a fleeting one, but one that caused a mischievous smirk to appear on the Copper Spider's lips.

"Heh, someone must have realized I'm missing by now. Siddies must be freaking the fuck out."


A/N – It just occurred to me that back in Creation an Essence 5 and fairly influential Solar suddenly dropped off the face of the planet after performing a completely untested Solar Circle spell, and the first people who would know about it are her Sidereal 'friends'. Knowing how the Fivescore Fellowship usually go about these things, shit's going to be hilarious.

That aside, I hope this makes up for the delay in the chapter. Hopefully, I'll have something more concrete soon though. Cheers!
"Heh, someone must have realized I'm missing by now. Siddies must be freaking the fuck out."
"Find Her!"

"But sir, you've often said you wanted the Copper Spider out of your hair and now she is. Why the worry?"

"Because from the analysis, that spell did not kill the Copper Spider but sent her somewhere we don't know. And since she's alive, she's plotting something. And since we don't know where she is, she is plotting something we don't know about! Such a thing is completely unacceptable. Find her, find her now."
I like this omake, but I do wish we get to see more Youkai-side Yukari, though. So far, she's been acting quite humane, and not the terrifying but mostly unreadable Youkai who can scheme as good if not better than the Brain of the Moon, have a questionable morality but generally loves Gensokyo, and hinted to export humans for food Youkai Yukari Yakumo. I mean, pretty much ALL of the Printed Works paints her as an ominous and inhumane Youkai.

I get that this is Maribel we are seeing, not Yukari, finally resurfacing her old self or manipulating the boundary between Marib Hearn and Yukari Yakumo, but I do want to see Yukari being the usual "most Youkai-like out of all youkais," the Yukari that made a scheme spanning several months just to say "DO NOT FUCK WITH US!" to the Lunarian, but mainly just being mysterious, whimful, and lazy whilr always ominous Yukari Yakumo.

Really, I can't help but wonder how will Renko reacts when she find out how different Yukari is from Maribel. That, would be an interesting conversation. Still love the omake though, it's really simple, but I find the simple things in live are the ones most beautiful.
Perhaps Renko, being the good Twilight that she is, wrote down her spell and where she is going on a nearby peice of paper.

Naturally, a pair of Sidreals try and follow her using this info, and land in diffirent parts of Gensoukyo.

You know, Gensoukyo is closely connected to Earth.
Perhaps after the 3 weeks are up, Renko makes a quick jaunt to earth to visit, and get a hold of a lot of textbooks and personal computing devices as gifts for people in creation.
Perhaps Renko, being the good Twilight that she is, wrote down her spell and where she is going on a nearby peice of paper.

Naturally, a pair of Sidreals try and follow her using this info, and land in diffirent parts of Gensoukyo.
Didn't Sass say that it was Solar-circle? Sidereals can only get up to Celestial-circle sorcery.