[Touhou/Exalted] The Tourist

I am curious what they will think of her 'Visiting' a old friend, and on Vacation.

Did any of them know such a friend that long ago?
Hey everyone, here's the latest snip for the Tourist. Hopefully I got Remi and Meiling's voices down correctly. Anyway, the real chaos starts here. Cheers!


Remilia Scarlet was an evening person.

Her preference for being active during the night was part and parcel of her nature as a vampire. The sun was anathema to her, weakening her and sapping away her powers. It followed on from that that Remilia would have little choice but to be nocturnal, inverting her hours of activity from that of a normal person. Morning for a regular person would be evening for her, and vice versa.

That was to say that Remilia didn't like this arrangement. Quite the contrary in fact, seeing as how all her friends from outside the mansion were asleep during the hours she was awake. This made for one lonely vampire noble. Lonely and bored.

"Oh, the plans I am going to have for you, my little tourist." Remilia mused as she regarded her mental image of the stranger in her household, a mischievous smirk gracing her lips.

It was a proven fact that bored people, particularly bored people well over five centuries of life who happened to have the power to control fate, tended to do stuff to others expense for their own amusement. Unfortunately for her unsuspecting guests, Remilia Scarlet was very bored indeed.

It was in early hours of the morning when Remilia, in her private sitting room drinking her cup of 'morning' earl grey tea decided to take some time out of her day to contemplate on what to do with her new playthings now she was certain that the both of them were asleep. The childlike vampire noble couldn't help but delight in the feeling that she was once again up to nefarious plotting, just like the good old days back when she was the scourge of Europe.

"I am going to have to tread very carefully, won't I Sakuya?" Remilia said as she gently placed her empty tea cup down on the tea table before her.

"Yes, you will mistress." Her ever faithful servant agreed as she elegantly refilled the empty cup with perfectly brewed tea from the side. Once filled, Remilia picked up the cup and brought it to her lips.


"While I do hope I can win more of Yakumo's favour by showing Miss Usami around, it would be remiss of me to let this opportunity to let an opportunity like this slip by." Remilia noted aloud.

Indeed, Remilia had every intent in turning Usami's visit to her mansion to her advantage. Yukari Yakumo was one of the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo. More powerful than Remilia herself, as much as it pained the vampire to admit it. To have such a golden opportunity to get one over the Youkai of Borders and not do anything would be criminal. While it would be so easy to simply let have Renko have such a good time in the mansion that Yukari would owe her a favour, Remilia was thinking about how she could gain a more permanent means of leverage.

There were risks though.

"Usami is Yakumo's guest, after all. There will be a limit to how much I can manipulate her before the boundary witch steps in," Remilia continued, stirring the tea in her cup absent mindedly, "Not to mention that Reimu is protecting her."

"Reimu seems quite protective of her charge. It wouldn't be a good idea to challenge her." Sakuya agreed heartily. Remilia couldn't help but feel slightly miffed by the fact that Reimu's presence complicated her plans so much. As the Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu was one of the most powerful individuals in the land, so much so that there were youkai who could be sent running at the mere mention of her name.

Yakumo couldn't have picked a better bodyguard for Usami.

"Hm, I can't do anything too disruptive then." Remilia noted dourly.

Granted she hadn't been planning on laying a curse or a geass on Usami, because that would have been unbecoming of a noble in her treatment of an honoured guest, but she had been thinking about 'luring' that thief Marisa into starting a fight in the library. Having Sakuya swoop in to save the vulnerable human from death would incur a life debt that even Yakumo would have to acknowledge, not to mention any possible reparations for property damage.

Unfortunately, Reimu's presence complicated that plan, for there was no way Renko would come to harm under the shine maiden's protection. Remilia would have to think of something else. "Perhaps we could convince Patchy to part with one of her books? Trick Usami into making a purchase that we can hold over Yakumo? Usami wouldn't think of the importance of such a souvenir, but Yakumo would be all too aware of it."

"I think Patchouli would sooner chop off her right arm than part with one of her books, Mistress. They are priceless for a reason, after all."

"Hm, I guess that is out of the question as well. Perhaps have her accidentally break the china in the west wing? As expensive as they are, they really clash with the recent renovations we did after Kirisame's last break in."

"I believe that would work, mistress."

Well it wasn't a grand nefarious plan to take over the world, but Remilia figured that it would have to do. She would forgive Usami of course. Generous host with a generous heart Remilia, in her bottomless compassion would never think to hold Usami responsible for the loss of her property.

Instead of demanding rightful reparations out of the clueless human tourist, Remilia would forgive her… and thus put Yakumo in her debt for sparing the girl's life.

Even if Remilia never intended to harm the girl anyway, such was how Youkai of their age played the game. Reaching out with her power, the power to manipulate fate itself, Remilia seized the fate of Renko Usami.

She was of course mildly surprised to discover that her guest was not in fact asleep as she had believed, but in fact running around Patchouli's library, but Remilia put that out of her mind. She had other concerns. Seizing the thread of Usami's fate, Remilia twisted…
"Denied, bitch!"

Hong Meiling was a morning person.

That wasn't to say she wasn't a 'day person' (although she was most definitely not an afternoon person), but it was the undeniable truth that Meiling loved it when the sun was up. A curious thing for a person who worked for a vampire to be sure, but one that was true nonetheless.

Meiling loved the sun. It brought life and warmth to the world, two of the things she loved most. More than that, as the groundskeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the sun being up meant sun for the garden.

To her, the sun brought growth to her plants.

As such, Meiling always made it a point to wake up early to greet the sun as it dawned each day, to thank it for all its hard work. Maybe it was a little childish of her, but it made her feel good to do so. It also did help that the sight of the bright ball of light breaking over the horizon, illuminating the waters Misty Lake as it did, was simply breath taking. In all her time in Gensokyo, she had never once gotten tired of it.

Hence she was a morning person.

Of course to greet the sun would mean getting up before it actually dawned, so it was in the darkness before daybreak that Hong Meiling stepped out of the mansion proper into the darkness of the mansion grounds. Cold, dark and colorless… until the light of the sun began to shine that is.

Humming to herself, Meiling skipped down the familiar paths towards the main gate, intent on greeting the new day with a smile. Along the path that she was taking was her favourite flower, which she would always greet with a 'good morning' as she went past.

"Good morning!" She cheerily greeted as she went past.

"Mama-Meiling, it's too early to wake up. Lemme sleep."

Meiling stopped skipping.

"Denied, bitch!"
Seizing the thread of Usami's fate, Remilia twisted… just in time for the sensation of every other thread of fate in her house-hold coming undone to slam into her like a freight train. The sensation, one that Remilia had never experienced in all her centuries of being alive, was so utterly jarring that the vampire fell out of her chair in shock.
"Ah, sorry about shouting in the Library, Patches. Yes, it is a nickname.
"Mistress!" Sakuya rushed to Remilia's side, quickly helping the smaller woman to her feet.
" Just thought I had to say it… in case the ninjas were listening, you know?"
"What was that?!" Remilia said, still trying to figure out what had just transpired "What the hell just happ-"
"Hm, actually what DID trip all my anti-Sidereal countermeasures?"
What Remilia was about to say was rudely interrupted when a loud shriek tore through the air from outside, so loud that even the mansion's windows couldn't hold it back.
"No Siddies around here."
"Huh. Not as if Ivory is going to ambush me from a teacup again… actually better not jinx m'self"

"Ah well, I'm sure it's nothing too important. Back to reading!"
"…what." Remilia said.


A/N – Just so you know, I indicated that the only thing holding back the flower from going fairy/youkai last chapter was the fact that Patchy has put dozens of spells on it to keep it as it was. Now that Renko gave it a jump start (by accident), stuff's happened.

Also, Flan heard that scream by the way (and so did that little ice fairy friend Meiling has on the lake… and a certain passing tengu reporter… and maybe sunflower lady coming to visit a fellow gardener). In fact, just about the only people who didn't hear it were the three bookworms in the underground library. The Mansion's about to get more visitors.

Fun times for everybody!
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oh man! a Fate manipulator's first encounter with soloroid "Fate? FUCK fate!" fields?
the impending trainwreck Meiling's scream just started?
not to mention Youkai "squishy human" assumptions....
I eagerly await the inevitable dropped jaws and flat 'what.'s once someone manages to get Renko to bust out the Glorious Solar Bullshit. That'll be awesome. may also involve teacup ninjas.
Seizing the thread of Usami's fate, Remilia twisted… just in time for the sensation of every other fate of in her house hold coming undone to slap into her like a freight train. The sensation, one that Remilia had never experienced in all her centuries of being alive, was so utterly jarring that the vampires fell out of her chair in shock.
Attempting to f**k with a Solar's fate? Renko probably has a ton and a half protections against that sort of attack considering she has to deal with Sidereals along with her innate Solar-ness.
"I'M A MOTHER?!" Meiling cried out. "I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN MARRIED YET!"

Also, Flan heard that scream by the way (and so did that little ice fairy friend Meiling has on the lake… and a certain passing tengu reporter… and maybe sunflower lady coming to visit a fellow gardener). In fact, just about the only people who didn't hear it were the three bookworms in the underground library. The Mansion's about to get more visitors.
Random insanity, madness, rumor-mongering, misunderstandings and random plants and/or animals becoming sentient. In Gensokyo...
Huh, must be a Tuesday.

After all Monday is when Marisa goes to 'borrow' stuff from Patchy while inanimate household objects become motile and start forming unions.
Heh. Meiling's exclamation is funny if only because of various interpretations/deeper readings to what she said--"haven't been married" vs "never did anything" vs "used protection" and implications of knowledge vis a vis marriage being a requirement (in her mind) and so on.


Indeed, Remilia had every intent in turning Usami's visit to her mansion to her advantage. Yukari yaumo was one of the most powerful youkai Gensokyo.

"I think Patchouli would sooner loose her right arm than part with one of her books, Mistress. They are priceless for a reason, after all."
And once again I find editing your snippets to be strangely stress relieving. :confused:

Her preference for being active during the hours was part and parcel of her nature as a vampire.
Incomplete sentence. So "during the hours of the night" or maybe "during the moonlit hours".

It followed on from that that Remilia would have little choice but to be nocturnal, inverting her hours of activity to that of a normal person.
Might be better to use "with/from". First time I read this I though that all humans had suddenly became nocturnal.

"Oh, the plans I am going to have you, little tourist."
Incomplete sentence, or maybe too many words. "Oh, the plans I have for you" could work.

It was a proven fact that bored people, particularly bored people well over five centuries old who happened to have the power to control fate, tended to do stuff at others expense for their own amusement.
Not sure on this, but I think it should be "at the expense of others"?

It was in early hours of the morning when Remilia, in her private sitting room drinking her cup of 'morning' earl grey tea, decided to take some time out of her day to contemplate on what to do with [her] new playthings now she was certain that the both of them were asleep.

"While I do hope I can win more of Yakumo's favour by showing Miss Usami around, it would be remiss of me to let this opportunity to let an opportunity like this slip by," Remilia noted aloud, "I wonder if I could use this to leverage myself over her somehow."
Choose one or the other please. You can't have both. :p
I had a hilarious mental image of Remilia (attempting to) pole-vault over Yukari. Maybe "gain some leverage over her." or "gain leverage over her somehow."

Yukari yaumo was one of the most powerful youkai [of] Gensokyo. More powerful than Remilia herself, as much as it pained Remilia to admit it.
Did you intend to use 'Remilia' twice in that sentence? It kinda works, but I thought I'd point it out anyway.

While it would be so easy to let simply have Renko have such a good time in the mansion that Yukari would owe her a favour, Remilia was thinking about how she could gain a more permanent means of leverage.
"simply let"

"Usami is Yukumo's guest, after all. There will be a limit to how much I can manipulate her before the boundary witch steps in," Remilia continued, stirring the tea in her cup absent mindedly, "Not to mention that Reimu is protecting her."
Apparently 'absent mindedly' either needs to be one word or connected with a dash...who knew?

"Reimu seems quite protective of her charge. It wouldn't be a good idea to challenge her." Sakuya agreed heartily. Remilia couldn't help but feel slightly miffed by the fact [that?] Reimu's presence complicated her [plans?] so much.

As the Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu was one of the most powerful individuals in the land, so much so [that] youkai could be sent running at the mere mention of her name.

Having Sakuya swoop in to say the vulnerable human from death would incur a life debt that even Yakumo would have to acknowledge, not to mention any possible reparations for property damage.

She would forgive Usami of course, as a generous host with a generous heart Remilia, in her bottomless compassion, would never think to hold Usami responsible for the loss of her property.
Might be better to separate this into two sentences. Something like, "She would forgive Usmai of course. As a generous host with a generous heart, Remilia, in her bottomless compassion, would never think to hold..."

As such, Meiling always made it a point to wake up early to greet the sun as [it] dawned each day, [as a way of thanking it?] for all its hard work.

Of course to greet the sun that would mean getting up before it actually dawned, so it was in the darkness before daybreak that Hong Meiling stepped out of the mansion proper into the darkness of the mansion grounds.

Seizing the thread of Usami's fate, Remilia twisted… just in time for the sensation of every other fate of in her house hold coming undone to slap into her like a freight train.

The sensation, one that Remilia had never experienced in all her centuries of being alive, was so utterly jarring that the vampires fell out of her chair in shock.
"vampire" no 's'. Unless you were going for "vampiress" of course, but apparently that sorta counts as slang or something?
Silly Remi... Trying to screw with the most powerful being in Gensokyo will get you screwed yourself.
Silly Remi... Trying to screw with the most powerful being in Gensokyo will get you screwed yourself.
She probably would have tried it even if she had an idea that her manipulations wouldn't have a 100% chance of success messing with Renko. Remi is BoredBoredBored and Renko is something new in Gensokyo. The idea of not going after her most likely never crossed Remilia's mind.
Just a couple of quick replies before I head out to dinner
Did any of them know such a friend that long ago?
Well, most of Renko's Exalted friends know about her 'old friend' in passing, but they treat it as just one of the things that is nice to know about here that isn't too relevant in their day to day lives. Kinda like how you know your old buddy once owned a Aston Martin but crashed it into a tree, and that's why he now drives a Prius.

Besides, her friend is probably long dead anyway - that was over 700 years ago!

Speaking of which, I'd like to see how Remilia's fate manipulation would stack up against Sidereal Astrology.
Actually I haven't given this much thought myself. How WOULD they match up? Given that Remi tripped all over Renko's early warning safeguards in the snip, I probably should give this more though. Hm...

I'll, get back to you on this point.

Thanks again to Pensive and Spectrum for the corrections!
Fate is just a suggestion to high level Solars. Even if she is better than a Sidereal, I find it unlikely that she can do much other than give nudges.
Given that Remi tripped all over Renko's early warning safeguards in the snip, I probably should give this more thought.

I'm pretty sure Remi has never actually gone up against anyone that could resist fate manipulation before. Even if Remi could potentially stomp all over Sidereals, she's never had to deal with other people who can manipulate fate back, or who can prevent her from manipulating fate. She doesn't know how to compete on that level because she's always won by default. Remi, just like the rest of Gensokyo, is facing a totally Outside Context Problem.
I'm pretty sure Remi has never actually gone up against anyone that could resist fate manipulation before. Even if Remi could potentially stomp all over Sidereals, she's never had to deal with other people who can manipulate fate back, or who can prevent her from manipulating fate. She doesn't know how to compete on that level because she's always won by default. Remi, just like the rest of Gensokyo, is facing a totally Outside Context Problem.
Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if Reimu could 'float outside fate' as ridiculously powerful as her abilities get.
Quick reply before I go to bed:
Fate is just a suggestion to high level Solars. Even if she is better than a Sidereal, I find it unlikely that she can do much other than give nudges.
Hm, probably should check my current plan with you guys then:

Renko isn't good at manipulating fate. In fact she can't. At all. She can tell it's being manipulated around her (kinda important from her best frenemy is Ahn Aru). All she knows is that someone is playing with fate around her, and she doesn't like it since it might mean that someone (Ahn Aru) might be setting up a plot to kill her (a hundred years ago, this was kinda true).

Her solution is to immediately 'bomb' the area with her specially developed time-delayed sorceries (she designed a whole bunch based off her experiences back in her old world with D&D), screw up everything in the immediate area... so much so that the Siddie has no choice BUT to deal with the matter at hand instead of her, and escape the ensuring confusion.

It's the 'unsubtle as a sledgehammer, completely over the top' Solar approach to things, but that's why it works.

The problem of course is this learned habit has persisted until this day, even if Ahn Aru isn't gunning for her anymore. Whenever Renko enters into a new place she sets up a spell in the place she instinctively feels will cause the most chaos (almost by reflex she doesn't even realize she's doing it most of the time) and the second she feels something is off...

The whole 'Denied Bitch' became part of the reflex too.

it was a good precaution back when there was a bronze faction ninja trying to kill her, but now that reflex is kinda annoying for everyone involved.
Most Sidereals have learned to keep their plans well away from Renko for this reason, because the last time a rookie Sidereal made that mistake about five hundred people woke up with hangovers the next day wearing wedding rings.

That's my current plan anyway.

If it's too convoluted I can always use by fallback plan:

Renko planned this in advance: since she already knew about Remilia's fate powers and, from meeting Remilia, figured that the other girl would try to 'play her'. Since just wanted to read without being bothered, she gave the flower a little 'push', knowing the resulting fiasco would distract virtually everyone else in the mansion, leaving Renko to read in peace.

Not quite as interesting, but it works too.

So, anyone have any thoughts?
I personally prefer the reflex plan than the other, is it a known fact for the population of Gensokyo that Remilia can manipulate fate ?
I personally prefer the reflex plan than the other, is it a known fact for the population of Gensokyo that Remilia can manipulate fate ?
I think it's known (Perfect Memento in Strict Sense mentions it, and it's written as an in-universe guide), but it's certainly not her most famous ability. When you think "Remilia Scarlet," you think "Vampire who blotted out the sun with scarlet clouds," not "Vampire whose enemies have surprisingly bad luck."

On the other hand, since "manipulate fate" means something very specific to Renko, I can certainly see her reading a guide to the local youkai, seeing that note in Remilia's file, and going into full paranoia mode.
On a side note - the general rule about Exalted crossovers is, you can't overcome their defenses, but their offenses are fair game.

Yukari's manipulation will make her immune to basically anything anyone throws at her, but that doesn't mean she can penetrate a perfect defense, and most of her best effects are Shaping.

... which is probably irrelevant, because I doubt anyone's going to so much as Join Debate with her in this story. Well, maybe Renko...
Renko actually gets along with some of the sidereals, so she shouldn't be against fatehax
I just had to note

Meiling loved the sun. It brought life and warmth to the world, two of the things she loved most. More than that, as the groundskeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the sun being up meant sun for the garden.

To her, the sun brought growth to her plants.

So, the possibility of more than one Flower fairy newborn calling her mommy?
Some quick replies before I go to bed. As a general reply, it seems that the 'reflex' option won out on both threads, so I'm going with that.

Heh, man Creation must have had a hell of a time with her.

Anyway, specific replies (mirrored on SV and SB so that everyone can see).
Renko actually gets along with some of the sidereals, so she shouldn't be against fatehax
Well she gets along with them now, but back in the Age of Sorrows she had to worry about the Bronze Faction stabbing her in the back and the Gold Faction trying to manipulate her into doing their dirty work and Gracious Shaia trying to set her up with Ahn Aru because she thought the two of them were perfect together
Well, to be honest it hasn't really changed all that much. The former Bronze Faction still doesn't like her and the former Gold Faction still try to get her to do stuff for them and Gracious Shaia is still trying to set her up with Ahn Aru
But hey, the more things change...

So, the possibility of more than one Flower fairy newborn calling her mommy?
This is genius. I am going with this.

I had only planned on one kid, but y'know this gives me an idea for the ending of the arc. After all, if Remilia was a nice host it might be good for a gracious guest to give her host a thank you present on the way out right?

On a side note - the general rule about Exalted crossovers is, you can't overcome their defenses, but their offenses are fair game.

Yukari's manipulation will make her immune to basically anything anyone throws at her, but that doesn't mean she can penetrate a perfect defense, and most of her best effects are Shaping.
Hm, sounds like a good way to keep things balanced. On the off-chance a fight does happen, I'll go with this.

Thanks for the support everyone!