Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread


(Verified GM)
Dear god, this has gotten so out of hand.

If you're reading this thread, then you're likely already familiar with my monster of a child. Especially with the way it has something like... 12 spin offs. (Holy shit.) And how the worldbuilding for the setting as a whole has been spread all over the place.

Well, one of the big things that my readers like doing is making home-baked Magical Girls, and other sheets for things like demons, angels, and a few human magic users have been seen. So I decided to make this thread so everyone has a place they can just release their creativity for that, with occasional worldbuilding information dumps made by me or @LostDeviljho in my stead.

Useful stuff:

LDj's Bible of Abilities
Divine Beings
Overwhelming Pressense and You~
LDj's Explanation Corner: False Abilities
Souls, Magic, and Physics? What's the difference?
Starting stats for average Magical Girls by growth Affinity (Warning, Epic is bias.)
Existence Bonuses
On Gaia
The Discord: Warning - Insanity is contagious.

Side Quests and Spin-Offs By Your Fellow Questers:
Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Sidequest)
Digging Up Problems (CMGQ Spinoff) (OOC Thread)

Crystalwatcher's Base Commander Quest (CMGQ Spinoff)
A Journey Through Hell (CWMGQ Spinoff) (Found over on Questionable Questing, same username)
The Fall of Hope: Hellfire Run (CWMGQ Spinoff)

Libra's Lament, a Magical Girl Quest (Complete)
Chasing Dreams (CWMGQ-Spinoff) (Co-Written With @Battleship_Fusou)

Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

CMGQ: Parallel
The Quest For Earth (CWMGQ spinoff)

(And Others)
Flowers in the Sun (Another CWMGQ Spin-off) (Reboot in Development Hell)
God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

Fantasy Imitating Fantasy(Yet Another CWMGQ Spin-Off; Provisional Name)

Behind the Lines (CWMGQ Spinoff)
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Have a few initial sheets as examples:

(Counter Force) SC William "Pink" Snickerdoodle


Health: 666
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 50

The Orphan Maker

Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Armor Pierce | Collateral Damage

Human? Yeah Right
-Reduce physical damage by 55%. All opposing 'Overwhelming Presence' abilities are negated. All Allied 'Overwhelming Presence' abilities are doubled in effectiveness. Negate enemy synchronization bonuses. All synchronization bonuses for allied forces are tripled in effectiveness.

-Reduce all non-human magical damage by 99.9%.

Flack Cannon
-Causes 10% extra damage to any target more than ten feet of the ground, regardless of velocity or direction.

Bullet Time
-William is able to track objects moving up to 90mph.

The Insurmountable Gap
-If Final End Damage dealt to an opponent exceeds 50% of their health, double the damage dealt.

'Open Fire', and 'I Need To Reload'
-If an enemy combatant is killed during William's combat turn, reset his actions.

(????) Magical Girl War Chaser

Mary Reed
Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 2,500
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 2,500
Affinity: Conquest | Justice | Epic
Godlight Starbow
Level 1
Attack Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Justice
Ability: Trans Smasher
Memory In Amber
Level 1
Base Damage: 20,000
Magic Modifier: 20,000
Affinity: Conquest
Ability: Double Cast
The Final Rendition
-Once per battle, War Chaser may resurrect at 50% of her max health.

A Promise to Keep: Champion of War
Level 1
-All enemies on the battlefield take 1% of their Max health in damage per action taken.

(Unaligned Front) Shiva and Sil

The Twin Gods of the End

Health: ????
Base Damage: ????
Base Resilience: ????
Magic Modifier: 33,222,111
Affinity: Beginning | End | Life | Death | Annihilation | Creation | Magic | Despair | Hope | World

Level ??
Attacks Per Turn: ??
Affinity: End | Death | Annihilation | Despair
Ability: Crush | Danmaku

Maidens of the Apocalypse
Level 300
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Annihilation | Despair | End | Death | World
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Instant Recovery
Beginning of the End
Level ??
Base Damage: ??
Magic Modifier: ??
Affinity: Death | ???? | ????
Ability: ????


Beyond Good and Evil
-Neither Shiva nor Sil can be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change. Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored.

Celestial Combat
-Shiva and Sil are capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.



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(???)MG Dream Star

Stella Galilei


Health: 500
Base Damage: 10
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Star | Dream | Story Maker

Wish Star
Level 1
ApT: 1
Affinities: Star
Ability: Levitate | Hypersonic 1

-Dream Star opens a hole to another dimension in (front of) her mouth and sucks the target in.

Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Star | Dream
Ability: Lockdown | Channel | Vacuum

-Dream Star spits out something from her "Oubliette" at velocity.

Level 10
Base Damage: 10
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Dream
Ability: Knockback | Boost By Modifier

-Dream Star drains power from everything locked in her "Oubliette".

Level 1
Base Damage: 20% Target HP
Magic Modifier: 100% Target Resilience
Affinity: Dream
Ability: Consume | Assimilate | Scale To Target

Iron Stomach Level 1
A strong stomach for a feast
-Govern Resilience

Bottomless Stomach: Level 3
-Dream Star's "Oubliette" is a pocket dimension filled with dark, damp heat and lined with squishy, slimy walls, which are impervious to damage from within. Within this space all personal abilities are negated. The "Oubliette" is always just large enough to contain whatever is captured, while being ever so slightly cramped. It may contain a number of targets equal to this ability's level.

You Are What You Eat
-If there's a victim locked in her "Oubliette", Dream Star can copy some or all of their sheet and use it in place of her own.

Rumbly in the Tumbly
-Every turn, if there is anyone/thing in her "Oubliette", Dream Star gains a free cast of Nomnom that applies to everything within the "Oubliette".

Vitaevore: Level 10
-If Dream Star kills someone/thing with Nomnom, she permanently absorbs a portion of their stats (1%/ability level) to add to her own, and add one ability from their sheet to hers. Also governs health.

Star Road
-Dream Star can use Wish Star as a vehicle.

High Speed Combat (lvl 1)
-Dream Star can react to objects moving at up to 90 mph

-Dream Star cannot level up abilities gained from Vitaevore normally.
-You are what you eat grants Dream Star a hat/head accessory symbolizing the thing she copied, if applicable, it changes her costume instead.
-In some cases, she would still not get a costume and just accessories.
-If Dream Star hits anything her size or larger while riding on Wish Star, she will be dismounted.
-Receiving a solid hit will also do the same.
-Lost won't let me take Kirby making a helper and use it as a spell/ability
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Alright then, time to share.
Recently, I have been wanting to fill up the spots for the greatest MGs of their respective growth Affinity. So far, set are the greatest Story Maker (spoiler), the greatest Legend Maker (spoiler), the greatest Legend (kind of, still in contention), and the greatest Epic (Goddess Gold)

Here is my attempt for the greatest Myth Maker:

(Independent / Unified Light) Magical Girl Eternal Carnival

Hailey Pratt
A.K.A. Guardian of Vegas

Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 150
Magic Modifier: 500

Affinity: Success | Failure | Myth Maker

Cutting Cardstorm
Level 25
Attacks Per Turn: 7 (+1 on each fourth level)
Affinities: Success | Failure
Ability: Limitless | Juggernaut | Levitate | Telepathy

Hand of Fate
Throw a handful of chips at your opponent; maybe they are lucky enough to only get a little hurt.
Level 25
Base Damage: 2,500
Magic Modifier: 125
Affinity: Success | Myth Maker
Ability: Hypersonic 3 | Boost by Modifier | Echo

Russian Roulette
Only that you can not win~ (afflicts the target with the numbered debuff) (Downgrade reduces all weapons and Spells by 5 levels)
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 6
Affinity: Failure
Ability: Echo | 1: Dazzle | 2: Stun | 3: Freeze | 4: Poison | 5: Downgrade | 6: Damage Cut (2,000)

Roll, Roll, Roll the Dice
-Enemies have to pass a DC 75 check on a d100 to attack Eternal Carnival, or to activate an Ability in regard to her. Upon failing, an attack fails and an Ability is nullified.

You win, the House Wins
-If an opponent succeeds a difficulty check, Eternal Carnival's stats are increased by 25% of their base value and she gains an additional ApT. All stats reset at the end of battle.

You lose, the House Wins
-If an opponent fails a difficulty check, they lose 5% of their maximum Health and Eternal Carnival gets a free attack against them.

All In, I Win
Level 30
-Double EXP-gains from all sources and flip a coin for each separate gain; on heads, the gain is tripled instead of doubled. Governs Health and Base Resilience.

Credit Favours
-Eternal Carnival may reduce her ApT by 2 until the end of battle to cast an additional Spell in a turn, or to nullify an incoming attack or Spell.

No Winning Move
You don't get the option not to play.
-Every opponent on the field that has not attacked Eternal Carnival in a turn automatically triggers You win, the House Wins and You lose, the House Wins. Eternal Carnival's, resets her Health to full each turn. All of her free attacks are Unblockable.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 3)
-Eternal Carnival may track and react to opponents moving at up to 180mph.

-Weapon is a fluttering storm of cards.
--imagine the ray of blades that act like one cohesive unit, just with tons of playing cards instead

-the upper four Abilities are her starter kit

-If a roll fails, then a given attack simply... fails
--magic fizzles out, combatants stumble and miss their swing, a gust of wind knocks projectiles to the side, firearms jam, and so on
--every personal Ability that wants to act against Carnival needs to roll; this includes Damage Reduction, Damage Negation, Skilled, Skillful Dodge, and more

-her basic strategy is a quick rise in stats, and preferably fighting many opponents at the same time to trigger the effect as often as possible
--she also gets a free kill on every mook that is not close enough to hit her on turn 1
--Scale To Target is her archenemy
--action economy is really important for her, seeing that she can burn ApT for bonus effects.

I am still waiting on Lost/Crys telling me whether she actually makes the cut, or if she already left the thin line between regular MG and Too Stronk To Be Canon where the top is supposed to be.
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Recently, I have been wanting to fill up the spots for the greatest MGs of their respective growth Affinity. So far, set are the greatest Story Maker (spoiler), the greatest Legend Maker (spoiler), the greatest Legend (kind of, still in contention), and the greatest Epic (Goddess Gold)
I'm pretty sure none of my creations belong anywhere near these slots. That's by design, but it's still kinda sad for some reason.

Also, reminds me of this quarter-finished design: (Not all parts included.)
Level 6
Base Damage: 600
Magic Modifier: 6
Affinity: Puzzle
Ability: Boost by Modifier

Level 8
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 3,200
Affinity: Puzzle

Heads I Win

-If ?'s magic modifier roll is higher than her enemy's, negate their string.

Tails You Lose
-If ?'s magic modifier roll is lower than her enemy's, invert their magic modifier.
Just posting this character from Discord for now

Magical Girl Triskaidekaphobia

I swear I'll find a good image for her actual form at some point. For now, have this!


Health: 130
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 26
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Evil | Obsession | Myth Maker
Army of the Damned
-Conjured undead.
Level 1
Health: 130
Base Damage: 13
Base Resilience: 13
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Evil
Ability: Autonomous Combat | Anti-Structure
Damnation Act
-Immaterial pang.
Level 1
Base Damage: 130
Magic Modifier: 13
Affinity: Evil
Ability: Omnipresent

Army of the Damned
-Create roll's worth of summons. Rip out of the ground or walls.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 13
Affinity: Evil
Ability: Summoning | Legion
Cataclysm Numeral
-At the start of the turn, if there are exactly 13 other creatures present, Auto-Kill any number of them as an Epic existence.

-At the start of the turn, if there are more than 13 other creatures present, cast Damnation Act. If the Army of the Damned are present, this is recursive.

Death Comes Knocking
-At the start of the turn, if there are less than 13 other creatures present, cast Army of the Damned

Count Everything
Level 1
-Controls Health and Resilience.

Anti-Structure is from Kell's quest. It's like Anti-air - it gives x6 damage against structures and bypasses their defenses when appropriate.

...and her friend.

Magical Girl Night Terrors


Health: 130
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 30
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Exhaustion | Fear | Myth Maker
Haunting Phantom
-Grasping Ghost
Level 1
Health: 50
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 15
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Fear
Ability: Autonomous Combat | Intangibility
Waking Nightmare
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Fear
Ability: Spellbook Lockdown | Phantasm
Startled Awake
-Whenever Waking Nightmare ends, including through dispels, the victim loses half their health for each stack removed.

Just a Dream
-When Night Terrors is attacked, if she has no Haunting Phantom, negate the attack and summon one.

Sleep Paralysis
-If all of a creature's spells are locked down, they are paralyzed. Continually apply terror while paralyzed. The terror lasts until removed normally.

Layered Dream
-Waking Nightmare can stack indefinitely. Whenever a Haunting Phantasm hits, sacrifice it and cast Waking Nightmare on their target.

Guardian Lamp
Level 1
-Controls Resilience

A Good Night's Sleep
Level 1
-Controls Health

EDIT: Oops, double post...
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What happens in the theoretical situation of there's more than 13 other creatures present but it's impossible for Damnation Act to actually hurt anything?

Like if Army of the Damnned is level 11 and Damnation Act is level 1?
I think it gets cast an infinite number of times and anything it is capable of damaging dies, then the turn moves on. Not sure though. Anyone else know?
Have a young, low-level, "Normal" Dragon.

His name if Varfer.

Everyone calls him Puff the Magic Dragon.

(Unaligned Front) Varfer "Puff" Varga


Health: 666,666
Base Damage: 66,666
Base Resilience: N/A
Magic Modifier: Current Health
Affinity: Dragon | Magic | Love

Dragon Claws
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Juggernaut | Collateral Damage

Mana Scale Varga
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Invoke: Thunderfall

Level 11
Base Damage: Current Health x 33
Magic Modifier: Mana Scale Varga Level x33
Affinity: Dragon | Magic
Ability: Perpetual Caster | Cast by Modifier | Mana Pierce

Mana Beast Varga
-Attacks that carry a magic modifier roll heal Varfer. If Varfer is attacked while Thunderfall is active, he automatically casts Thunderfall.

Level 40
-Varfer can fly at a max speed of 390 mph.

Claws That Catch
-At the start of each turn, Varfer may make a free attack at any opponent within melee range with his Dragon Claws.

Labyrinth of Mana
-Each turn after the start of battle, Varfer may throw an additional Modifier Roll during each of his actions, be they either offense or defense.
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Might as well toss a contribution in

(Unaligned Front) Magical Girl Endless Winter

Real Name: Yuki Rin​


Health: 500
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 150
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Winter | Inevitability | Legend


Winter's Grasp
Level 1
Targeting: Ranged | Single Target
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Winter | Inevitability
Ability: Chill


Can only be used on Frozen targets
Level N/A
Targeting: Ranged | Single Target
Base Damage: 50% of target's missing Health
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Winter
Ability: Scale to Target | Shred


Armor of Ice
Level 1
-Controls Resilience. Reduces damage received by 10% for each Chilled or Frozen enemy nearby, to a maximum of 50% reduction.

Body of Snow
Level 1
-Controls Health. Endless Winter is immune to the effects of extreme cold.

Polar Vortex
Level 1
-The temperature of the area around Endless Winter is reduced by 5 degrees Celsius. Foes in the area reduce the levels of their movement-related abilities by 1.

Have a young, low-level, "Normal" Dragon.
So a few other questions.
  1. Intentional or accidental that it has level 40 Flight but no High-Speed Combat?
  2. Do dragons use mortal or god stat/damage values?
  3. Are Mana Beast Varga and/or Claws That Catch effects of the World Sphere type effect that dragons have?
  4. Is it correct to assume that it really does not like being hit by attacks that have both "Magic Modifier: N/A" and "Ability: Smite", such as Sega's Sword Beam spell?
Have a young, low-level, "Normal" Dragon.

His name if Varfer.

Everyone calls him Puff the Magic Dragon.

(Unaligned Front) Varfer "Puff" Varga


Health: 666,666
Base Damage: 66,666
Base Resilience: N/A
Magic Modifier: Current Health
Affinity: Dragon | Magic | Love

Dragon Claws
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Dragon
Ability: Juggernaut | Collateral Damage

Mana Scale Varga
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Auto Cast: Thunderfall

Level 11
Base Damage: Current Health x 33
Magic Modifier: Mana Scale Varga Level x33
Affinity: Dragon | Magic
Ability: Perpetual Caster | Cast by Modifier | Mana Pierce

Mana Beast Varga
-Attacks that carry a magic modifier roll heal Varfer. If an opponent attacks Varfer while Thunderfall is active, he automatically casts Thunderfall.

Level 40
-Varfer can fly at a max speed of 390 mph.

Claws That Catch
-At the start of each turn, Varfer may make a free attack at any opponent within melee range with his Dragon Claws.

Labyrinth of Mana
-Each turn after the start of battle, Varfer may throw an additional Modifier Roll during each of his actions, be they either offense or defense.
Wow that is a lot of damage. 21,999,978 (or less if damaged) per "cast"; (turn number)d198 "casts" per cast, 3 casts per turn, and 2 turns per cast. That's an average of...6,566,993,433 on turn one, 19,700,980,299 on turn two, 32,834,967,165 on turn 3, 45,968,954,031 on turn 4, etc. Not counting Claws or Mana Beast triggers. Or whatever Mana Pierce does. Or damage taken, to be fair.

This is a weak "Normal"? I have no clue how people managed to kill the "flightless" ones. (Not even going to think about the Grand Gaia somehow killed.) I guess it is squishy by comparison to its damage.

Is the Dragon's health, like, the integrity of their world sphere-thing? Is that why Puff's effectiveness varies by current health?

Also, considering how dragons work, I don't know if I'm glad or disappointed that I went with MM rolls for Unwalked Path. (One Some of her iterations had an auto-win in world spheres, for people who don't remember random design trivia on discord.)
Lil Puff is too young to use his World Sphere powers properly, so he relies pretty much entirely on his Thunderfall.

Did mean Invoke, my bad.

Mana Pierce I could have sword is already in the bible, but it allows spells and attacks to pierce through buffs and protections. Meaning if you're not naturally durable enough, then it'll just plow on through.

And yes, as Puff takes damage, then his World Sphere Weakens. As that weakens the "weaker" he becomes. It's the same for all Dragons in a sense, but don't underestimate the older ones. There are some that have figured out how to use their weakening to their advantage to make themselves even more dangerous when not at full strength.
Have another Dragon

(Unknown) The White God Eater


Health: 3,000,000
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: N/A
Magic Modifier: Current Health
Affinity: Dragon | Light | Destruction

Body of White Scale
Level N/A
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Dragon | Light
Ability: Auto Counter

White Lightning
Level N/A
Base Damage: Twice Target's Damage Line
Magic Modifier: Twice Own Defense Line
Affinity: Dragon | Destruction
Ability: Overwhelm | Triple Cast | Undodgeable

The White Dragon, Equal to Gods
-Kisara may act immediately before and after any action her enemy takes. This Ability cannot be sealed.

Armor of Destruction
-Kisara's Base Resilience is equal to three times her enemy's Base Damage at any time. This ability cannot be sealed.

-Should Kisara cause damage to an enemy, auto-kill that enemy.

Engine of Destruction
-When combat starts, set Kisara's damage equal to the lowest Base Damage on the field of battle. Every three attacks, Kisara's base Damage triples. At any point if the lowest damage on the battle field increases, set her original Base Damage to the new lowest before re-applying any increases she has garnered during the battle. This ability cannot be sealed.

Level 40
-Kisara can fly at a max speed of 390 mph.

For anyone who can't see:

She can attack right before you attack her. Attacking her allows her to attack you right back. Then she can attack you immediately afterwards while you're still recovering from your attack and are likely open.

And if she damages you at any time, you die. While steadily causing more and more damage as the fight progresses.
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White Lightning
Level N/A
Base Damage: Twice Target's Damage Line
Magic Modifier: Twice Own Defense Line
Affinity: Dragon | Destruction
Ability: Overwhelm | Triple Cast | Undodgeable
By this do you mean the Offensive String and Defensive String?

And shouldn't this have Scale to Target as well?
-Should Kisara cause damage to an enemy, auto-kill that enemy.
This begs the question of how different types of 'more than mortal' beings stack up to each other in regards to Auto Kill. What Growth Affinities does this work against?

Does White Lightning crap out in regards to its Base Damage when the opponent uses an attack with an ability that forbids interception?
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