What would you call yourself if you were a magic user?

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  • Shaman

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[X] Combine a satchel and rocket each for a makeshift bomb. Use each bomb on a separate tower, then flee the immediate area. If necessary, ensure the towers collapse with another rocket.
[X] Combine a satchel and rocket each for a makeshift bomb. Use each bomb on a separate tower, then flee the immediate area. If necessary, ensure the towers collapse with another rocket.
[X] Combine a satchel and rocket each for a makeshift bomb. Use each bomb on a separate tower, then flee the immediate area. If necessary, ensure the towers collapse with another rocket.
Chapter 8.2
[X] Combine a satchel and rocket each for a makeshift bomb. Use each bomb on a separate tower, then flee the immediate area. If necessary, ensure the towers collapse with another rocket.

Rolled 47, Failure

You try combining a satchel and rocket to make a working IDE. A part of your mind is outright yelling at you, saying that you're wasting a perfectly good HEAT warhead, if it could be shot out your bazooka. If I could just... fuck I don't have enough time.

There's an explosion way off in the distance. You decide to scrap the bomb idea and sprint off across the field. Nothing shoots at you and you make it into some bushes. From your location, you see the area more clearly. At their motor pool they have Panzers, infantry and some other stuff in the shadows behind some snowy plants.

Too bad for them they don't have any patrols in your area, must be because of the fighting farther back. The 'tower' is made up of 6, 4 legged Neuroi spiders bending over to make a platform for the red thing. Around it are some panels going around in a circle. You don't know what they're made of but if you can guess it's the cause of the jamming.

The spiders are pretty thin all things considered. They're rectangular in shape so maybe 25 feet in length, 30 feet in height. Of course that's not taking in account of what they're made of. If it's solid Neuroi metal then fuck the world, you'll need a lot of penetration power for that. Well good thing that's rare, instead they just use steel or iron.

You do your best at running quietly to the nearest spider. You make it and see up close that the legs are the only thing holding it above ground. That's bad news for them. You place a satchel on the farthest leg outside their circle and do the same on the next one. Hopefully, the two would fall outward and collapse the structure. Well, that's if they don't do some alien bullshit first.

You set the fuses to explode at roughly the same time, roughly a minute to 45 seconds apart because you have to manually pull each one. After you pull each one, you get the fuck outta there.

Even when you hear the detonation and see the bright lights reflect off the surface of the snow, you continue to backtrack. It leads you to see distant muzzle flashes in front of you.

A tracer flies overhead and you feel the violent air pressure change because of it. It's not the only one, as many other soon fly and you hear the projectiles crack the air around you.

You're almost deafened by the large amount of incoming fire. It's only made worse when behind you, there's the sound of counter batteries opening up. Again, more rounds fly above you, this time heading in your direction. Being in the middle of a shootout is not good for ones health.

You rush over a bridge, well that would have been helpful earlier. You make it across as several illumination flares start to shine light over your position. A ways off, you notice something is heading towards you, kicking up snow and firing it's cannon and what appears to be a machine gun.

Then you see it.

On top.

She waves over to you even as incoming shells start hitting the ground around her Tiger, kicking up dirt and snow all over. The fire from her heavy tank subsides, allowing you to jump onto the tank's turret. Wait, did I just do a single leap onto a Tiger?

The look on her face is complete surprise but no time for you to think about that. You...

[] Order a full retreat
[] Order an all out attack
[] Write-in
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[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.

John doesn't exactly have the authority to order them around, does he?

And it's OOC for John to know that this particular tank commander is related to Miho, but I'm thinking given a bit of time, John can piece together "a lone tank without any reinforcements around" and "why the hell is a tank being commanded by what seems to be a high school girl" into "hey, isn't she similar to Miho"?

Oh, and "why the hell is a German tank being commanded by a Japanese?". :V
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hm.. a lone tank against the entire base is effectivly suicide. once the element of stealth was lost we lost any chance of blowing up the enemy device sadly so..

[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.

we aren't their commanding officer, find their objective and assist
You try combining a satchel and rocket to make a working IED.
1. it's Improvised Explosive Device. 2. That term doesn't get made until the 1970's IRA Troubles, unless there's an AUWWII reason. If there isn't, how about "Make some sort of larger explosive."
If I could just... fuck I don't have enough time.
And he doesn't have a workshop.
The 'tower' is made up of 6, 4 legged Neuroi spiders bending over to make a platform for the red thing.
Shit. Those are probably Neuroi Tanks, Real Neuroi Tanks.
The spiders are pretty thin all things considered. They're rectangular in shape so maybe 25 feet in length, 30 feet in height. Of course that's not taking in account of what they're made of since it could range is a whole slew of things. If it's solid Neuroi metal then fuck the world, you'll need a lot of penetration power for that. Well good thing that's rare, instead they just use steel or iron.
That whole jumble of words is tripping over itself. "since there is a whole slew of possible materials."Also, The Neuroi are running out of their special Alien bullshit? Interesting.
You place a satchel on the farthest leg outside their circle and do the same on the next one. Hopefully, the two would fall outward and collapse the structure, but you know, they can do some alien bullshit.

You set the fuses to explode at roughly the same time, a minute to 45 seconds apart because you have to manually pull each one. After you pull each one, you get the fuck outta there.
A tracer flies overhead and you feel the violent air pressure change because of it. It's not the only one, as many other soon fly, and you hear the projectiles crack the air around you.
You're almost deafened by the large amount of incoming fire. It's only made worse when behind you, there's the sound of counter batteries opening up. Again, more rounds fly above you, this time heading in your direction.

Yeeeeeees! Tigers to the Front!
Gutten Abend, beste TigerKommandant.
The fire from her heavy tank subsides, allowing you to jump onto the tank's turret. Wait, did I just did a single leap onto a Tiger?
It's Magic, John.
EDIT: doubling of 'did' makes no sense. An alternative would be "Did I just make a single leap onto a Tiger?". Or, if you want to make another 40's throwback, "Did I just leap atop a Tiger in a single bound?"

[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.

They've probably got the same as us, linking up with the Home Guard.
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[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.

If their gunner is any good, would it be possible to get off a shot or two at the towers? Not necessarily to destroy them, but if the satchels weakened the legs it should be possible to just push them over. Or are we at the wrong angle for that?
If their gunner is any good, would it be possible to get off a shot or two at the towers? Not necessarily to destroy them, but if the satchels weakened the legs it should be possible to just push them over. Or are we at the wrong angle for that?
I doubt it. This is a night-time engagement, there are no NV equipment available for at least another year, and the Neuroi are shelling the tank while mobilizing for a counter-strike. Even if Maho's gunner can somehow make out the tower through the gun flashes, sticking around for a shot means we're probably going to face a bunch of very angry aliens with armor and artillery in a tank that's slow as dirt in the reverse.
Well, I know that it is a lot easier to hit an immobile target, so I figure that it is less hitting the tower and more hitting the location. It also shouldn't be impossible to fire a round then move while reloading before firing a second. Difficult to be sure, which is why I prefaced it with 'If their gunner is any good', where in 'any good' was an understatement for 'really good'.
1. it's Improvised Explosive Device. 2. That term doesn't get made until the 1970's IRA Troubles, unless there's an AUWWII reason. If there isn't, how about "Make some sort of larger explosive."

Do you remember the dream about quests?;)

Do you remember your magic dreams?:o

Add them together what do you get?

Browning may never remember, but you do.

Side note for everyone else. What happens if they don't have orders? What do you do then?
Do you remember the dream about quests?;)

Do you remember your magic dreams?:o

Add them together what do you get?
Gotcha. Consider the issue dropped.
Side note for everyone else. What happens if they don't have orders? What do you do then?
Immediately, have them evade the Neuroi Arty and reinforcements, then sneak up to kill the jamming tower.
Afterwards I'd ask, since John doesn't have the authority to order Maho, if they wanted to help him deliver the radio to the Home Guard Units and give them support. An eighty-eight's going to be a welcome hand in the fight, no doubt.
[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.
Yeah, if they don't have orders, let's rope them into helping with ours. Politely of course. No need to anger the woman with the tank.
[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot
Chapter 8.3
[X] Ask what are their standing orders.
-[X] Thank them for the save, hitch a ride and be prepared to help out in their objectives, even on foot.

"How goes the fighting?" When you turn to look at her, she's still astounded by you. That makes two of us. "Hey, what are your orders?"

You shake her shoulder and she snaps out of it. "We don't have any orders!" That's not good. Wait, did they just moved because of me? You try to see if there's any markings to see what rank she is but it's too dark. Around you, more snow and dirt is sent into the air by enemy fire, New plan needed.

"Hey! Have your gunner engage that tower!" You position yourself behind the Tiger's turret and take your binocs out. Even with the thick smoke covering that area, you see the tower itself is barely holding together even with 2 of the spiders are no longer supporting it. Worse, there's infantry and Neuroi tanks cresting over the hill top. The smart ones pop over and fire before returning back to their side of the hill. The dumb ones impractically charge down the hill towards you.

"What?" You take out your compass and start doing some calculations.

"GUNNER 22 DEGREES!" When others doubt, yell louder.

"GUNNER 22 DEGREES!" The Commander yells into her tank. The turret's motor moves its heavy cannon towards your direction.

"RANGE 800!"

"RANGE 800!" The cannon angles upwards.


"FIRE!" The 88 roars out and you see the round land right on top of the hill with hostiles grouped up. Not the target but at least it helped a bit.

Rolled 7

(I could not find a Tiger's 88 firing, at least a good one. Really internet, I expected better.)

"Add one hundred up!" The flares over the enemy's position are going out, making it harder for the other units to engage the enemy.

"Add one Hundred up!" The turret moves up once more.

"FIRE AT WILL!" You ready your B.A.R. against the turret. You hear the cannon being reloaded, That's going to take a while.

You start engaging the charging infantryman running down the hill. You pick them off one by one with only single shots, In the zone. 23 kills, 23 rounds.

Rolled 100 without modifiers

"Fire!" This time the 88mm hits the target and it probably went through whatever the red thing was. The moment it does, there's static coming from your radio. There's voices coming from the receiver but there's no time for you to deal with it.

Rolled 81

"Get us out of here." You calmly state while continuing to fire the encroaching hostiles.

"Full Reverse! We're leaving!" You hear the gears being worked and the engines thunder to life. The Tiger reverses course back to friendly lines.

Then there's a tracer heading right towards the Tiger. Your shield automatically deploys against the round but it pierces it. You see the round tumble right at the Tiger's hull but it didn't penetrate it. Instead, it ricochets off and lands somewhere in front of the tank. Inside you can hear the panicking screams from the crew.

The Commander clutches her ears and has her eyes closed. Eventually, she opens her eyes and scans the inside of her tank. "Keep moving! We're still up!" The tank promptly resumes it's slow reverse back to friendly positions.

Too slow. You reach for your smoke grenade and prepare it to be thrown. You shout through the blaze of fire coming from everywhere. "Smoke out!" Hold the lever, pull the pin, throw. And off it goes towards the front of the Tiger.

"Smoke out! Get ready!" It takes a few seconds for the smoke to form, which doesn't stop the driver from turning around and showing it's rear to the enemy. Luckily nothing comes from it and the tank makes a speed exit while you aimlessly fire off your magazine at the enemy.

You finally had enough of the radio so you grab the phone to yell at it. "This is Mickey Pete. I'm fucking busy!" You don't bother to put back on the carrier and instead you put it on an empty pouch.



The trek back was smooth. The link up with friendlies allowed you to see their forces. They're made up of 2 Tigers, 2 British Tetrarch, 1 Harry Hopkins, 1 Panzer II, and 2 Panzer IIIs.

During the travel, you try to make some talk with the tank Commander.

"Who's in charge?"

"No one." That's it?

"Where's the Home Guard?"

"I don't know." Okay...

"How's your ammo?"


"Is this everyone?"

"We had more." You look over at the other tanks to see some male and females are riding on top of them. Most look fine but some are definitely injured. Hell, killed in action.

You look back at the Commander to see her shivering like crazy. If it's so cold go back into your tank. You force her back into her tank, pretty easily considering she's really light. You make sure she stays in by closing the hatch and using your arm as weight. You feel some bumping underneath the hatch but it stop soon enough.

Another hatch opens up, Oh right, gunner's. Out comes another girl.

She has this scowl on her face but she doesn't say anything. Instead she just holds a thermos in her hands while staring at you.

'Do you want some?' Is that what she means?

You shake your head so she goes back into her spot and closes the hatch. You move your arm away from the CO's hatch and hug your weapon while scanning the darkness.



You finally arrive at what looks like their base of operations, which consists of a barn house, a shed, and a two story house. The Commander, looking better than before, leads you to the house. You are led into the living room, you think, and are asked to stay there. She then goes off to do something.

You set the radio on top of a desk and look around the room. It's maybe 30 square feet, without the furniture. In one spot you see...

I don't even have a comment ready.

Browsing some more, there's several weapons and ammo boxes lined up against a wall, books are littered the ground, and there's a door way to leads to the kitchen.

Current Choices
[] Stay in this room
[] Look the building some more
[] Wake up the girl
[] Write-in

Questions for the Commander/other people (Limit to 4 people.)
[] Write-in

After all of that what do you do.
[] Sleep
[] Sentry duty
[] Radio
-[] Write-in (What do you say/main topic of discussion. You do not know who's on the other side but you can request to speak to someone.)
[] Write-in
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[X] Look the building some more
-[X]Looking for somewhere to sleep.

[X]"Ok, so the jamming is out, thanks to you girls. You should work out who's in charge, get a plan up and working."

[X] Sleep
"How goes the fighting?" When you turn to look at her, she's still astounded by you. That makes two of us. "Hey, what are your orders?"

You shake her shoulder and she snaps out of it. "We don't have any orders!"
Maho's central character theme is that she's the pinnacle of the Nishizumi style of command: Rigid, steely, methodical, unshakable. I get Maho's initial confusion, since a heterochromatic American packing an entire squad's worth of firepower just landed on her tank, but if she's still shaken, thing must have really been brutal.
That's not good. Wait, did they just moved because of me? You try to see if there's any markings to see what rank she is, but it's too dark.
Operating on their own, huh.
Around you, more snow and dirt is sent into the air by enemy fire, New plan needed.
More artillery, great.
"Hey! Have your gunner engage that tower!" You position yourself behind the Tiger's turret and take your binocs out. Even with the thick smoke covering that area, you see the tower itself is barely holding together even with 2 of the spiders are no longer supporting it.
Well, we blew them up at least.
Worse, there's infantry and Neuroi tanks cresting over the hill top. The smart ones pop over and fire before returning back to their side of the hill. The dumb ones impractically charge down the hill towards you.
Art, infantry, and legit Neuroi tanks? Shit, we can't stay here.
"What?" You take out your compass and start doing some calculations.
John's got excellent night vision if all these gun flashes haven't blinded him yet.
"GUNNER 22 DEGREES!" When others doubt, yell louder.
Trigger the instincts from basic: do exactly what the screaming guy next to you says to do.
"GUNNER 22 DEGREES!" The Commander yells into her tank. The turret's motor moves its high velocity gun towards your direction.
The gunner is pointing the 88 at the target, not the tank itself.
"RANGE 800!"

"RANGE 800!" The cannon angles upwards.


"FIRE!" The 88 roars out and you see the round land right on top of the hill with hostiles grouped up. Not the target but at least it helped a bit.
That's lucky.
And everyone but John is blinded for sure.
"Add one hundred up!" The flares over the enemy's position are going out, making it harder for the other units to engage the enemy.

"Add one Hundred up!" The turret moves up once more.
Rolled 100 without modifiers
Whoo Wee!
"Fire!" This time the 88mm hits the target and it probably went through whatever the red thing was. The moment it does, there's static coming from your radio. There's voices coming from the receiver but there's no time for you to deal with it.
HAHAHA! That's German technical superiority, Xeno scum! Best guns in the world.
Good, good.
"Get us out of here." You calmly state while continuing to fire the encroaching hostiles.

"Full Reverse! We're leaving!" You hear the gears being worked and the engines thunder to life. The Tiger reverses course back to friendly lines.
That's right, make this fat tabby run!
Then there's a tracer heading right towards the Tiger. Your shield automatically deploys against the round but it pierces it. You see the round tumble right at the Tiger's hull but it didn't penetrate it. Instead, it ricochets off and lands somewhere in front of the tank. Inside you can hear the panicking screams from the crew.
John manifested a Witch shield on instinct. That's something Maho will comment on. Also, panicking crew means green, heavy losses, or both.
The Commander clutches her ears and has her eyes closed. Eventually, she opens her eyes and scans the inside of her tank. "Keep moving! We're still up!" The tank promptly resumes it's slow reverse back to friendly positions.
Maho flinched and panicked? This needs to be investigates.
"Smoke out! Get ready!" It takes a few seconds for the smoke to form, which doesn't stop the driver from turning around and showing it's rear to the enemy. Luckily nothing comes from it and the tank makes a speed exit while you aimlessly fire off your magazine at the enemy.
Suppressing fire, good show.
You finally had enough of the radio so you grab the phone to yell at it. "This is Mickey Pete. I'm fucking busy!" You don't bother to put back on the carrier and instead you put it on an empty pouch.
Yep. Basically that
The trek back was smooth. The link up with friendlies allowed you to see their forces. They're made up of 2 Tigers, 2 British Tetrarch, 1 Harry Hopkins, 1 Panzer II, and 2 Panzer IIIs.
Tetrarchs? Harry Hopkins A25 light tanks? Must be remnants of a Brit airborne unit and its RAF airfield defense. And the Germans are clearly a shattered Panzer Division.
During the travel, you try to make some talk with the tank Commander.

"Who's in charge?"

"No one." That's it?
Maho's uncharacteristic fragility makes more sense. The Nishizumi style is all about steady, constant advance, not adaptability. The surprise attack plus so many of her comrades dying would shake even her.
"Where's the Home Guard?"

"I don't know." Okay...
We'll have to find them.
You look back at the Commander to see her shivering like crazy. If it's so cold go back into your tank.
That's not cold she's shivering from John. Not everyone walks away from death a stone-cold robot like you did. Ironic, considering who we're talking to.
You force her back into her tank, pretty easily considering she's really light. You make sure she stays in by closing the hatch and using your arm as weight. You feel some bumping underneath the hatch but it stop soon enough.
OK, that was funny. Miho's going to freak when she hears about that.
Another hatch opens up, Oh right, gunner's. Out comes another girl.

Oh. What do you want, schlimmste Mädchen?
She has this scowl on her face but she doesn't say anything.
You set the radio on top of a desk and look around the room. It's maybe 30 square feet, without the furniture. In one spot you see...
New character?
Well, at least Germany's highest scoring Witch ace is wearing a shirt this time. Just... don't look down.
You finally arrive at what looks like their base of operations, which consists of a barn house, a shed, and a two story house. The Commander, looking better than before, leads you to the house.
Bracing hot chocolate.

Browsing some more, there's several weapons and ammo boxes lined up against a wall, books are littered the ground, and there's a door way to leads to the kitchen.
At least they're well supplied.

[X] Take a few minutes and take stock.

Questions for the Commander/other people (Limit to 4 people.)
[X] Tiger Commander (Maho)
-[X] What's your name and rank?
-[X] Oh, are you Miho's sister?
-[X] *after explaining mission, to find Home Guard* You and your tankers willing to help me help some Limeys?
[X] Not-so-sleepy girl (Erica Hartmann)
-[X] We've got mission. You in?

[X] Sleep
-[X]Radio: Try to at least identify who ever is on the other end. Maybe it's the Home Guard, maybe it's another group to link up with.
Short of a Neuroi attack, we should be able to move out to find the Home Guard at first light.
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[X] Spend a few minutes restocking if possible

Questions for the Commander/other people (Limit to 4 people.)
[X] Tiger Commander (Maho)
-[X] What's your name and rank?
-[X] Oh, are you Miho's sister?
-[X] *after explaining mission, to find Home Guard* You and your tankers willing to help me help some Limeys?
[X] Not-so-sleepy girl (Erica Hartmann)
-[X] We've got mission. You in?

[X] Sleep
-[X] Radio: Try to at least identify who ever is on the other end. Maybe it's the Home Guard, maybe it's another group to link up with.

A pretty good plan, but I figure that we should at least give the radio a shot. Fifteen or twenty minutes talking could save us hours of searching. Worst case, we are no worse off than we were before. Also, there's no reason to wake the girl up if we are going to sleep shortly after. It is incredibly rude, and for all we know this may be the first solid break she's had in days.
A pretty good plan, but I figure that we should at least give the radio a shot. Fifteen or twenty minutes talking could save us hours of searching. Worst case, we are no worse off than we were before. Also, there's no reason to wake the girl up if we are going to sleep shortly after. It is incredibly rude, and for all we know this may be the first solid break she's had in days.
While I doubt it's the home Guard, since we're delivering a radio to them, I concede the point about waking up Frau Hartmann and at least finding out who's on the other end.
[X] Spend a few minutes restocking if possible

The only things you've lost were 2 satchel charges and 1 magazine. You really don't need to.
It sounded like we used more than a magazine on the retreat. And we did use a smoke grenade, though that's mostly nit picking. Still, maybe replace it with

[X] Take a few minutes and take stock.

I don't know if we were actually being shot at or just towards, but the last thing we want is a wound we don't know about. If that's still pointless, then I guess we can just relax while we wait.