Voting is open
Is that a Rags to Ithilmar reference I spy?

Fantastic update as always. I continue to be impressed with how well you write an extremely introspective character. Vardanis's tale, in the hands of another, could easily become a bit too mired from a narrative perspective. I really appreciate how efficient you are in handling him - it doesn't matter what's being written, the words ooze personality - for both the character and the setting he finds himself in.

Also I loved the little scene with Vardanis looking out for the daughter of someone working for his family and helping to secure her a good career. It was cute.
It might be.

And thank you very much!

(Another update coming this weekend, Vaul be blessed!)
In spite of a growing reputation he is fully clothed,
Also, more minor point, but I forgot to mention how hilarious this is. Chrace is in the middle of major political manoeuverings and Vardanis is a relevant factor amidst that... aaaaaaand there was that time when he was blessed by Asuryan and ended up wandering through Tor Achare in ruined clothes and with a hastily appropriated stick which has clearly really stuck in terms of gossip. :lol:

I bet Tethia thinks these rumous are hilarious. That or she's disappointed that she doesn't get to opportunities to ogle Vardanis as often as his reputation implies she should. Maybe both? Both seems good.
Turn 11 (VIII 98-107)
Turn 11

VIII 98-107

You grumble as the servants, distant relations, and your own nearer more immediate kin stare at you as you drag one of the mutated carcasses through the halls of the manor, hoping to further examine. Cadai's Compassion, you need your own space, one better than a commandeered forged in the basement of one of the far off buildings, before you end up blowing somebody to bits.

Actually, why shouldn't you? Your mind, as ever, immediately runs with the premise, examining it from many angles. You would hardly be the first wizard to build a tower to get out of the bonfire, of course. Would it be a tower, however? If you were to dedicate it to Hoeth, that would be traditional, usual, the most normal, so on and so forth. But He is not the only god that has interwoven Himself into your affairs, nor is He the god that you most seek to serve and to emulate and to echo on this plane, for all you have cast your profession in His image.

Isha's gifts are the first, and simplest, magic any mage will learn as they begin their journey. Simple things, to make crops flourish, to make animals heal, to cause slight fires good for illuminating, so on and so forth, and a tower dedicated to Her would reflect that. A great hanging garden, filled with healing herbs, healthy incense, and song. But small torches, to…inflame the heart, as it were, and whose light would rebuke the darkness, while encouraging courage and growth. Be not deceived by Her gentle appearance however, there is a reason the Handmaidens are the most famous and feared archers on Ulthuan. She is a gentle, loving goddess, but that love takes many forms, and some of them include a bow.

Then there is Lileath, Goddess of the Moon, Dreams, and Fortune. Her blessing is a boon upon those who attempt the dangerous wielding of High Magic, but also all that seek the future, and upon herbalists, and through them on Alchemists (and by that, battles with Hekarti for control of all potions). A great observatory you would build, one fit for studying Her moon and the bright stars and, perhaps, to gather herbs and to experiment with them. They say the Cinderseers of Ellyrion also gain Aqshy and Ghur by Her, and through Her steed, Cindermane, though you doubt the heterodox would dare consider spreading that knowledge outside of their Kingdom.

Then there is Asuryan. What even needs to be said? A boon to the study of Qhaysh in its purest form as the Keeper of the Balance and the Emperor of the Heavens, thereby granted authority over all the domains of the gods and through them, magic, the Breath of the Gods. You would not seek to create simply a pyramid to reflect the creator, for that has already been done and you are proud and able, of course, but you do not expect you could hold a candle to the Shrine, or for that matter to the temple in the foothills. Both were created by intellects vast and guided by the gods and you will be lucky if you can manage one to even a thousandth of their ability (Also you just kind of don't have the money for that amount of diamond, yet). A great aerie instead you shall make, one fit for…whatever comes out of the egg.

A tower to Hoeth would also be fine. It's not the most novel, but you do not live for novelty, you live for the study of magic. It would be a pure thing of Magery and study, one dedicated to growing your intellect and understanding of the mystic forces of the world. And also swordplay, of course, and perhaps some naturalism if you're feeling spicy.

Or of course, you could make your theological menagerie even more of a mess by dedicating it to one of the other gods, to strengthen another portion of your magic. Likely Cadai; as amusing and tempting as the idea of dragooning Tethia into helping construct a tower to the Hydra Queen is, you happen to enjoy remaining not exploded or having to answer very awkward questions for Swordmasters looking for an excuse to give you grief.

(Your focus is Calmed, 5 AP available)

Requests & Commissions

[] Arming the March: The Long March always, always, always needs more weapons, more armor, more everything for its soldiers: not everyone can march to war armed with Wyraza Drengul, after all. It would please all of Chrace to show your wealth and power by sending yet more enchanted weapons out, though you lack the supplies for more advanced construction as yet. (Requires at least 1 AP, Chrace Standing, Favors)

[] Bits and Bobs: There are treasures lurking within the forests of Chrace, oddities and rarities and so on. You doubt anything too special, short of things going very awry, but you could use whatever you find the next time you are called on to create something special. (Requires at least 1 AP, Gain Craft Materials)

[] Avelorn Remembers: Few Asur have anything but disdain for the Haclad; but the searing contempt, the burning vitriol, the sheer, unmatched loathing that pours out like a tide every time one so much as breathes the word beard around the Avelornians is unmatched. The reason is as simple as it is enraging, even for you: after you left the Colonies, the Dwarfs burned every forest they could get their hands on, killed every spirit that did not return to slumber, and sullied the rivers with their industry, all for the sake of naked spite. And the Avelornians, ever attached to the natural world, felt it all. To say there is bad blood is to say "water is wet," "fire burns," and "the sky is blue."

Naturally the Seneschals of the Everqueen have a number of games and activities to prepare for the next time you must face the murderers (they have always been evasive about who they see as starting the war) so that you do not need to abandon your allies ever again. These same games do not please Cothique and Eataine, for it makes the already tense happenings that come to pass when Haclad and Asur merchants interact in Araby and Ind even worse, but the prize is rather substantial: a power stone and according to rumor knowledge in how to construct them to Avelornian standards, friends among the oldest kingdom of Ulthuan, and for you in particular, a good word given by an Archmage, which could be helpful in growing your abilities. (Requires at least 1 AP, gain Avelorn and Archmage favors, definitely Avelorn standing and possibly Archmage standing, Power Stone and Power Stone research bonuses, Lose Eataine and Cothique standing and favors)

[] A Gift for the Prince: As the daughter of Prince Firemane, Tethia could help you present a gift to her father the Prince of Chrace though there are certain standards expected of who he will accept gifts from in turn. Your immediate family is of course supportive of the idea; however the broader House will need to be brought around. It will, however, certainly increase your standings with the higher levels of Chracian society at least. (Requires at least 1 AP, Chrace Favors and Standing, opened)

[] Facing the Lions: Conveniently, there is a lion currently prowling about eating the cattle of farmers and other such troublesome behavior. You hardly intend to race into the affair, that being a good way to die, but you can face one, somewhat stubborn, animal, and see it brought down. (0/4, Gain 1 White Lion Pelt to either wear as is or use in construction, +1 Chrace Standing, no Favors, Procs Beatly Heart)

[] Elliriad's Will: Prince Elliriad of Avelorn, one of the Everprincess' consorts, makes ready an army to ravage Naggaroth and finish what Tethlis the slayer started. He intends many things to become ready. To gain the Heartsword of Avelorn, a magical blade of astounding potency. To tame a mighty griffon. All so he can stand against his own brother, Vengril. Ulthuan is split. There are those who would let the Druchii dwindle on their own time and in their own way, and those who support him to the end. Nagarythe, Chrace, Eataine, Cothique, and of course, Avelorn, support him by and large. Caledor, Ellyrion, Saphery, Tiranoc, and Yvresse, by and large, do not, though then if you take ten elves you will find eleven opinions, of course. You could make him something…if you had the stronger magic you need for it. It will be a battle with the traitors after all. (At least 1 AP, gain favors and opinion from Nagarythe, Chrace, Eataine, Cothique, and Avelorn, lose favors and opinion from Caledor, Ellyrion, Saphery, Tiranoc, and Yvresse, Currently locked—Your wares can not yet compete with the magical items produced by the artists of other lands and ages long past. Your magic must be refined before you can, Note: You are starting to approach an age where it would be somewhat undignified to participate as an outsider, so if you want to participate, sooner would be better)

[] Druchii Hunting: Enough. Such simpering, treacherous, deceitful move as the stalking, and the hiding, and the lurking in the form of beasts, such is fit for the traitorous Blackfangs, not for a true son of Ulthuan, a loyal servant of the Phoenix King and a loyal servant of the Emperor of the Heavens. Ythil was right, has been right, was always right. You shall move to find out whether Antheus truly is Druchii or Asur once and for all, and let that be the end of it, by examining her retinue. Khaine is not a subtle god, after all. A false fire may deceive even the righteous; but you shall know the tell-tale sign. (0/ 5 AP, Proc Heaven Servant, Procc Primeval Fire, Soothe Focus)

[] Spreading and Codifying: You did a pretty damn good job creating Rebuke of the Warp; honestly you could just about just write it down and get plenty of credit, for there is not a mage alive who would not like to strike at corruption and for all it draws on the Emperor of the Heavens it is not so bound to it that it cannot be modified further. You could do some of said refinement yourself, of course, and make your job even easier. (Requires at least 1AP, Gain Standing and favors from Saphery, Loremasters, Archmages, further AP will increase the number of Kingdoms providing Favors and Standing rather than the amount of favors and standing provided for any single group, is high T1 as not battlemagic but still very useful)

[] The Guard Calls: A message has arrived in the manor, intended for you, from Eataine—or more specifically, from the temple. It seems that the Phoenix Guard was somewhat impressed by the blade you forged for Methelian, and so they have requested you forge some halberds (and armor, if you felt like it) for the guard. Nothing too fancy however, for none of them are intended for the Anointed, the truly blessed of Asuryan, so apparently not that impressed. There is also a small chance they may want to discuss what you saw in the temple, for all you have not really revealed it as yet. (0/2 AP required, Proc Heaven Servant, gain Eataine, Cult of Asuryan Favors, Standing)

[] The Noble's Request: The Noble of Tiranoc, Ultha, has apparently discovered an appreciably old, if not truly ancient, enchant suit of armor and would request aid from a mage not seeking to swindle her of her meager fortunes to restore it to function, in the hopes that it might allow her to claim the title of Princess. Though she is not truly rich, she is respectable and esteemable in Tiranoc, and her word supporting you as an honorable man, would not go awry. (0/5 AP, Gain Tiranoc Standing, Favors)

[] A Request For Aid: The Norscans have been attacking the coast not massively more than usual, but somewhat; an extra attack every other week. Where? Well just about everywhere. So you will let Asuryan guide you where you need to go. (1AP, tutorial campaign to work out kinks ideally, Proc Primeval Fire, gain standing and favors with random Kingdom, possibility to Network)

Research & Development

[] The Art of the Armor: All Loremasters prepare armor for themselves. It is uniquely balanced between all eight Winds of magic; not properly enchanted per se, any more than you might call a leaf enchanted because it is full of Ghyran. Only just…prepared, made ready to be what it is and fit for one who would bear the full power of the Winds within themselves. And of course there is the matter of making it fit for the wearer. You could learn it yourself…or you could simply ask the Loremasters for their assistance in such training. It is necessary, and prudent, if you would truly surpass the Sorcesses of Ghrond, of Morathi; that or the true secrets of Qhaysh. (0/5, -20 Loremaster favors, create generic suit of heavy armor which still allows you to cast spells, further progress along the path of the Loremaster though you still are not "stuck" as it were, unlock option to forge a proper suit, Proc Primeval Fire)

[] The Mastery of Four: One may not simply mingle four Winds. It requires the truest clarity, the greatest focus, comprehension and understanding to perform successfully. It also, however, allows one to turn their magic even more precisely to absolute skill and ability. Advancing along this path will allow you to surpass the Sorcesses of Ghrond, for you will throw yourself into it. (0/5, Unlocked thanks to gaining standing and favors, does not lock you onto the path of the Archmage, is however a step on it, -20 Archmage Favors, Proc Primeval Fire)

[] The Runestone: The Shadowlanders keep a tight grip on their Runestones but even they cannot fault you for examining what was taken from the Druchii. Strange, arcane stones bearing symbols of power in Eltharin, they are most notably used by Nagarythian mages, Shadow Weavers, to help them dispel the magic of the enemy and that is something you are not uninterested in. (0/3, Procs Primeval Fire, may overflow)

[] Elemental Puissance: The material manifestation of magical energy, Elemental Magic is simple and straightforward and powerful for it. How difficult can it be to understand, truly? You understood Lightning before you understood the Heavens, after all. (Pick one Wind, begin project to learn Elemental form of that Wind, 0/4, may only begin one such project a time)

[] The Metaphor, the Mystic: The Winds Mystical are that which holds the metaphor of the Winds. It is regarded as a more sophisticated and truer expression of magic by many in Ulthuan, though not to a foolish extent. You are well acquainted with it, many of the spells the White Tower teaches regarding Ghur rely on it and it is near to Cardinal in some ways.

(Pick one Wind, begin project to learn Mystical form of that Wind, 0/4, may only learn one such Wind at a time, currently working on no Winds)

[] Mastering the Beast Within: You already know Wyssan's Wildform; but there are other, more, spells of war, spells of battle, locked within the Wind of Ghur. It is dangerous, but you may learn them, work to study them, and then unleash them when the time is right, like a bolt released from a thrower. (Will begin project to learn Battle Magic Spell from Lore of Beasts, will enter Learning Turn to decide precisely which spell, Procs Beastly Heart. Only one may be worked on at a time. May overflow

Possible Spells:

-Flock of Doom, 0/4 AP
-Pann's Impenetrable Pelt, 0/6 AP
-The Amber Spear, 0/8 AP
-Curse of Anraheir, 0/8 AP
-Savage Beast of Horros, 0/8 AP
-Transformation of Kadon, 0/12 AP)

[] Beastwalker Business: The Beastwalkers do not really like the wielders of Ghur within the White Tower. They regard you as too civilized, too touched by the trappings of society, too attached to the ephemeral matters of mortal civilization. Because soap is bad, apparently. The fact remains, however, that not only did you manage to stop the mutated beasts pouring out of the Annuliis when they either did not care or could not do so, you are the only one who has really advanced notes on them if they should return. Perhaps you could speak to them of such matters? If nothing else the Loremasters are always happy to gain new lore for the tower. (0/5, Gain ??? Loremaster Favors, Gain ??? Loremaster Standing, Who knows where interacting with the other magical traditions of Ulthuan might lead, procs Beastly Heart, may overflow)

[] Cardinal Heavens: You now understand the fullness of the heavens; now is only the time to master that understanding, and truly master yet more spells.. (2/3, Procs Heaven Servant, gain missing portion of Cardinal Spell List in Azyr)

[] A Remedy: Rebuke of the Warp is a strong thing, a relatively simple spell for anyone capable of wielding Hysh and Ghur for a task otherwise difficult if not impossible. But by that same token it hardly turns you into the next everqueen: aye, you can heal discolored fur and extra horns, but the truly deep damage, the major kind, extra "true" limbs or a second head or something mad like that, are beyond you. For now. But with sufficient advancement as a mage, is it truly beyond you? (0/5 AP, reduced by the massive Overflow from last turn, Procs Beastly Heart, Procs Primeval Fire, Soothes Focus, currently locked, requires advancement along either Archmage or Loremaster Path, Produces T2 Battlemagic Spell, Overflow will make it easier)

[] The Scroll of Challenge: Ythil has given you a scroll protected by potent magics that promises much, gained by your great ability. To understand it will be difficult, but the potential rewards are not to be denied, nor ignored. (1/5 AP, gain Archmage favors and Standing, overflow unknown)

[] A Worthy Staff: Your walking stick keeps exploding because you keep sticking magic into it. It is starting get annoying, dangerous, and worst of all, expensive (it is, after all, fine work you do.) So why not build your own staff, out of something a bit more substantial than mere oak? If nothing else you could soak it in magic so it is a bit more used to it. (Requires at least 1 AP, enter crafting turn)

[] Writing It Down: You managed to get to the heart of what had been done to the beasts of the Annuliis, but your results were sloppy and unfocused, as perhaps is to be expected of one who had not even mastered wielding two magics at the same time yet. Now that you have, at least, that you could go back and reexamine them and write what you see; the farmers of Chrace have what they need, after all, but the Archmages may be interested. If nothing else it will be further data for the effects of Warpstone on flesh. (Requires at least 1AP, Will Proc Beastly Heart, Will Proc Primeval Fire, Will gain Archmage Opinion and Favors)

[] An Order: You have an order you would like to make for a reagent. (Cost: 0 AP, TX X 5 Snowmane Favors, 1-3 Turns depending on reagent rarity, may not order T-5s, Ithilmar however is available as are Power Stones (Both T2), Currently Locked since you are waiting for Starwood)

[] Creating A Spell: You really wanted to wait until you had mastered your magic further but it seems that if you keep waiting you will never do this. Two Winds can make a fine enough spell anyway. Creating a spell, a good spell--hell, even a merely acceptable one--is an excellent way to make friends with both the Loremasters and the Archmages. For the Chief Archivist has powerful friends, and it looks good for him to expand the archives. (Cost: 1 AP to Begin, Gain Favors from both Archmages and Loremasters, Will begin Spell Creation Tutorial)

[] Preliminary Results: A secret, Golden Age temple to Asuryan? Recording what you can of that will make you many friends with both the Loremasters, the Archmages…and the Priesthood of Asuryan. Though the Priests in Eataine do have an aesthetic focus on His Fire, they recognize each of His aspects, and are likely to be interested in, if nothing else, a story describing His nature they do not otherwise have, as well as, potentially, another source of objects or entities blessed by Him. Of His magic. All will be happy with you, and that is a rare thing indeed. This will also include writing down what little you have discerned of the Anoqeyån that coats the walls and doors, the floors and ceilings, of that place. (Cost: at least 1 AP, more AP will result in a better end product, gain favors and Standing from Loremaster, Archmages, and Cult of Asuryan, this will reveal it properly to everybody rather than the current rumors that are floating around)

[] The Inner Chambers: The deeper parts of the Temple no doubt hold secrets of their own. More magic, deeper magic, secrets long since forgotten. The things of ancient days, the things that lie unknown. What is it? (-LOCKED, 1 / 8 AP Invested, must further advance magic through Loremaster or Archmage training, will proc Heaven Servant)

[] The Oddity: Something has happened to your windsight, but what? Only practice and effort can show you; but even that may not be enough. (0/5 AP, Grow to understand what has happened to your Windsight to at least some extent, Procs Heaven Servant)

[] The Egg: You have discovered an odd egg in the temple. Its physical shell is prismatic, as it is in your Windsight; but etched into the magic of it is yet more of the odd Anoqeyån, in particular a looping sentence, simple, indeed almost childlike, but potent:

Bajneth Alu Kuryin.


Oathlord denies __.

But then, you always did enjoy spending time among the birds more than you did studying linguistics. Your Anoqeyån is not subpar, but it is not that impressive, either. In any case, you may as well study it. And you have no idea what the devil Kuryin could be.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

(1 / 8 AP, Procs Heaven Servant, Proc Beastly Heart)

[] The Towers of the Winds: You worship and belove Asuryan, but Hoeth has proven Himself a worthy patron as well, insofar as you are a mage. It would behoove you, therefore, to make pilgrimage to the towers of the Winds: fortresses, yes, but also great repositories of lore of the Winds of Magic as separate things that serve a greater whole, as well as fine ritual sites, reinforced to banish the Daemons. They are sacred to Hoeth, and bear a spark of His presence as well. (1AP Required, Proc Heaven Servant on account of Cadai, Proc Beastly Heart since there are towers dedicated to both Ghur and Azyr, make pilgrimage to a sacred place of Hoeth)

[] A Fit Tower: You merit a place to call your own, where you can study the Winds of Magic to your heart's content, without either interruption or the worry that you are about to blast yourself and half the town into the Aethyr because someone bursts in at the most delicate moment. Magic being what it is, it would only be sensible to also mildly consecrate it to a god, though as a home you would not call it a real temple. Also, you are not wealthy enough to pay for everything, nor do you have the magic to consecrate the thing yourself, and so you will require backings and favors; at the least you will have to speak to your parents and the rest of house Snowmane (0/10 AP, Proc Beastly Heart, Proc Heaven Servant, one invested AP requires the investment of 10 Favors as well)

[] Study the Power Stone: Even the most simpering human wizard, running to their Dhar Daddy for aid rather than standing on their own two feet, could tell you about Power Stones: Magic folded in on itself until it becomes solid, a physical entity that can be touched and held and worked with and so on like a gem, a jewel. Good for crafting, nice and simple, a good way to hold power together. Having purchased one, you could study it: they might be basic, but you doubt they are useless. (0/3 AP, proc Primeval Fire for it will help you in your war against both Ghrond and the Druchii, Proc Heaven Servant since it is Azyr, can still be studied even if you use it in construction)

[] Study Ithilmar: Sky-Silver, it holds enchantments and magic like no other metal. You do not have a large supply of it, on account of not being in Caledor; further you are no true metallurgist, having instead chosen to study the Bestial and Heavenly magic. You are, however, Vardanis of Chrace, and so you do not surrender. (0/5 AP, Procs Heaven Servant)

[] Knowledge of Blackfang 2: You feel there are more secrets within the Book of Blackfang, ones just waiting to be learned… (0/12 AP, Procs Heaven Servant, Procs Primeval Fire, Proc Beastly Heart)


Independent of Plan and requiring no AP, lest Vardanis should lose his mind​

[] You speak to Tethia about your suspicions, and your worries about how it seems you are noticing what others do not. She has also suggested there is a matter she would like to speak to you about, not right this second urgent but important

[] Your parents, because they are your parents and do you really need a reason?

[] Your siblings, because they are your siblings and again, do you really need a reason?

[] The Beastwalkers are apparently having a gathering soon, and for all there is some tension between the White Tower and the Old Magics, they do not really hate you; at worse they are condescending elders convinced that the youth and all things new are worthless. And you are a wielder of Ghur. Therefore you have the permission to go.

Vote will open in 24 Hours. Please tell me if the formatting is fucked, the transition from Gdocs to the forum is sort of rough, and for all I hope I got everything I'm not that naive. Front page should be up to date, but let me know if I missed anything
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Given that Starwood won't be coming for two more turns we will have to wait to build our staff. @Ashmaker I'm not actually against using 2 powerstones on the staff. I'm actually the only other person to vote for your plan. I don't agree with you that using the feather would be a waste, but we can hold off on the feather for the future if thread agrees. But now that we have to wait we could order a ghur powerstone in the next plan and more than likely it will show up in time for staff building. So... *shrug*

I really want to do The Oddity next turn, but what else to do is really up in the air for me. I also really want to do Druchii Hunting asap as well so this is what I'm thinking...

[] Plan Windsight and Hunting
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 3 AP + 1 AP (Heaven Servant) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[] Druchii Hunting 0/5 - 2 AP + 1 AP (Primeval Fire) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)

This plan has the chance of completing The Oddity, and will do a majority of Druchii Hunting this turn, but won't complete it this turn, which allow us to complete it next turn or even the next turn after that if we feel we can prepare more. Alternatively we could invest that 2 AP into The Runestone to get a guaranteed completion, but in order to guarantee completing Druchii Hunting next turn we would need to invest a full 4 AP which feels like such a waste.

Oh and Voik just updated so that might throw everything I just said for a loop...
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Wait, couldn't we instantly complete the egg with both Beastly heart and Heaven's servant applying to it? Since our focus is soothed so far, I'm pretty tempted by it, considering it was in the Temple.
Wait, couldn't we instantly complete the egg with both Beastly heart and Heaven's servant applying to it? Since our focus is soothed so far, I'm pretty tempted by it, considering it was in the Temple.
Only if Heaven Servant extra 1 AP procs this turn. Which 1/4 chance. But yes we could complete the majority of it in one turn (with the chance for full completion) for 3 AP invested. That's a great return-on-investment. I just really want to deal with our Windsight and the Druchii first.
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Only if Heaven Servant extra 1 AP procs this turn. Which 1/4 chance. But yes we could complete the majority of it in one turn (with the chance for full completion) for 3 AP invested. That's a great investment. I just really want to deal with our Windsight and the Druchii first.

I'm thinking we go with your plan first, and then next turn, we finish up on the druuchi hunt and the oddity (if the 25% doesn't proc), while putting the rest into the egg.

Edit: I'm thinking it's a Phoenix egg of some sort, with it's association with Asuryan, but who knows? It's probably very, VERY good considering it's steep action cost.
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It will stick around for a while.

Ok, with this clarified, I totally agree with @LysanderArgent's plans, but from next turn onwards, i think we should start some of the 'Report-writing' missions to gather some more Loremaster and Archmage favors. We once again have a number of locked projects gathering up in the task list.

And I think before launching Druchii Hunting, we should prolly talk with our parents, as they could be useful in cleaning up any problems our actions could cause.

Finally, I think we should reverse the AP allocation, that is, 3 AP to Druchi Hunting and 2 AP to Oddity, because I'd say a murderous Druchi spy is a bit more concerning.
I think we should finish off Cardinal Heavens, put 3AP into something to take advantage of our traits, and then spend the last AP on A Request For Aid or continuing to pick away at The Scroll of Challenge. Not sure what we should try to focus on though, we have a lot of important stuff going on.
Ok, with this clarified, I totally agree with @LysanderArgent's plans, but from next turn onwards, i think we should start some of the 'Report-writing' missions to gather some more Loremaster and Archmage favors. We once again have a number of locked projects gathering up in the task list.

And I think before launching Druchii Hunting, we should prolly talk with our parents, as they could be useful in cleaning up any problems our actions could cause.

Finally, I think we should reverse the AP allocation, that is, 3 AP to Druchi Hunting and 2 AP to Oddity, because I'd say a murderous Druchi spy is a bit more concerning.
[] Plan Hunting and Windsight
-[] Druchii Hunting 0/5 - 3 AP + 1 AP (Primeval Fire) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 2 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)

So like this? I'm alright with that. Nevermind screwed up the math. Switching the AP around won't proc Heaven Servant's other component for The Oddity; so there is no chance if that succeeding this turn. I'm not okay with that.
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Ok, with this clarified, I totally agree with @LysanderArgent's plans, but from next turn onwards, i think we should start some of the 'Report-writing' missions to gather some more Loremaster and Archmage favors. We once again have a number of locked projects gathering up in the task list.
Yes, I agree. Otherwise I also think LysanderArgent's plans seem fine.
Building a Mage Tower being available as an option is great, though it'll probably take a while since we have so much stuff to do first. It's also a huge AP cost to get done.

Okay so there's lots of new options, I'm going to do a summary of them.

[] Spreading and Codifying: You did a pretty damn good job creating Rebuke of the Warp; honestly you could just about just write it down and get plenty of credit, for there is not a mage alive who would not like to strike at corruption and for all it draws on the Emperor of the Heavens it is not so bound to it that it cannot be modified further. You could do some of said refinement yourself, of course, and make your job even easier. (Requires at least 1AP, Gain Standing and favors from Saphery, Loremasters, Archmages, further AP will increase the number of Kingdoms providing Favors and Standing rather than the amount of favors and standing provided for any single group, is high T1 as not battlemagic but still very useful)
Publishing our spell and result in others learning how to do the healing stuff and a lot of Standing and Favor Gain. But I think we should finish A Remedy first to prevent needing to redo codifying the work which will save AP.

[] A Remedy: Rebuke of the Warp is a strong thing, a relatively simple spell for anyone capable of wielding Hysh and Ghur for a task otherwise difficult if not impossible. But by that same token it hardly turns you into the next everqueen: aye, you can heal discolored fur and extra horns, but the truly deep damage, the major kind, extra "true" limbs or a second head or something mad like that, are beyond you. For now. But with sufficient advancement as a mage, is it truly beyond you? (0/5 AP, reduced by the massive Overflow from last turn, Procs Beastly Heart, Procs Primeval Fire, Soothes Focus, currently locked, requires advancement along either Archmage or Loremaster Path, Produces T2 Battlemagic Spell, Overflow will make it easier)
Looks lice Overflow really came in clutch since this is only 5 AP and it triggers of a lot of Varadnis's traits. It's also only available due to Vardanis's level of progression on the Loremaster and Archmage paths, which I'm suspecting with a common issue with many projects.

[] The Guard Calls: A message has arrived in the manor, intended for you, from Eataine—or more specifically, from the temple. It seems that the Phoenix Guard was somewhat impressed by the blade you forged for Methelian, and so they have requested you forge some halberds (and armor, if you felt like it) for the guard. Nothing too fancy however, for none of them are intended for the Anointed, the truly blessed of Asuryan, so apparently not that impressed. There is also a small chance they may want to discuss what you saw in the temple, for all you have not really revealed it as yet. (0/2 AP required, Proc Heaven Servant, gain Eataine, Cult of Asuryan Favors, Standing)
We could finish this by spending a single AP. It'll also make the Cult of Asuryan like us more.

[] The Noble's Request: The Noble of Tiranoc, Ultha, has apparently discovered an appreciably old, if not truly ancient, enchant suit of armor and would request aid from a mage not seeking to swindle her of her meager fortunes to restore it to function, in the hopes that it might allow her to claim the title of Princess. Though she is not truly rich, she is respectable and esteemable in Tiranoc, and her word supporting you as an honorable man, would not go awry. (0/5 AP, Gain Tiranoc Standing, Favors)
Neat, but not something that really catches my attention personally.

[] A Request For Aid: The Norscans have been attacking the coast not massively more than usual, but somewhat; an extra attack every other week. Where? Well just about everywhere. So you will let Asuryan guide you where you need to go. (1AP, tutorial campaign to work out kinks ideally, Proc Primeval Fire, gain standing and favors with random Kingdom, possibility to Network)
Seeing how campaigns work would be neat.

[] Beastwalker Business: The Beastwalkers do not really like the wielders of Ghur within the White Tower. They regard you as too civilized, too touched by the trappings of society, too attached to the ephemeral matters of mortal civilization. Because soap is bad, apparently. The fact remains, however, that not only did you manage to stop the mutated beasts pouring out of the Annuliis when they either did not care or could not do so, you are the only one who has really advanced notes on them if they should return. Perhaps you could speak to them of such matters? If nothing else the Loremasters are always happy to gain new lore for the tower. (0/5, Gain ??? Loremaster Favors, Gain ??? Loremaster Standing, Who knows where interacting with the other magical traditions of Ulthuan might lead, procs Beastly Heart, may overflow)
[] The Beastwalkers are apparently having a gathering soon, and for all there is some tension between the White Tower and the Old Magics, they do not really hate you; at worse they are condescending elders convinced that the youth and all things new are worthless. And you are a wielder of Ghur. Therefore you have the permission to go.
We should do these actions together for thematic appropriateness since that's an actual thing that buffs results. Also it will involve Vardanis delving deeper into Ghur and dealing with another magical tradition.

[] The Towers of the Winds: You worship and belove Asuryan, but Hoeth has proven Himself a worthy patron as well, insofar as you are a mage. It would behoove you, therefore, to make pilgrimage to the towers of the Winds: fortresses, yes, but also great repositories of lore of the Winds of Magic as separate things that serve a greater whole, as well as fine ritual sites, reinforced to banish the Daemons. They are sacred to Hoeth, and bear a spark of His presence as well. (1AP Required, Proc Heaven Servant on account of Cadai, Proc Beastly Heart since there are towers dedicated to both Ghur and Azyr, make pilgrimage to a sacred place of Hoeth)

[] A Fit Tower: You merit a place to call your own, where you can study the Winds of Magic to your heart's content, without either interruption or the worry that you are about to blast yourself and half the town into the Aethyr because someone bursts in at the most delicate moment. Magic being what it is, it would only be sensible to also mildly consecrate it to a god, though as a home you would not call it a real temple. Also, you are not wealthy enough to pay for everything, nor do you have the magic to consecrate the thing yourself, and so you will require backings and favors; at the least you will have to speak to your parents and the rest of house Snowmane (0/10 AP, Proc Beastly Heart, Proc Heaven Servant, one invested AP requires the investment of 10 Favors as well)
This will probably take a while to happen but it will be so cool when it does.

[] Study the Power Stone: Even the most simpering human wizard, running to their Dhar Daddy for aid rather than standing on their own two feet, could tell you about Power Stones: Magic folded in on itself until it becomes solid, a physical entity that can be touched and held and worked with and so on like a gem, a jewel. Good for crafting, nice and simple, a good way to hold power together. Having purchased one, you could study it: they might be basic, but you doubt they are useless. (0/3 AP, proc Primeval Fire for it will help you in your war against both Ghrond and the Druchii, Proc Heaven Servant since it is Azyr, can still be studied even if you use it in construction)
Good to know it can still be studied even if used in crafting.

[] Study Ithilmar: Sky-Silver, it holds enchantments and magic like no other metal. You do not have a large supply of it, on account of not being in Caledor; further you are no true metallurgist, having instead chosen to study the Bestial and Heavenly magic. You are, however, Vardanis of Chrace, and so you do not surrender. (0/5 AP, Procs Heaven Servant)
Not Vardanis's usual speciality but he's still a Mage.

[] Knowledge of Blackfang 2: You feel there are more secrets within the Book of Blackfang, ones just waiting to be learned… (0/12 AP, Procs Heaven Servant, Procs Primeval Fire, Proc Beastly Heart)
My guess is that unlocking Primeval Fire unlocked this since that's when we got it, while we have a lot of traits that mesh with it the AP cost means we'll have to wait a while to finish it.
[] Plan Hunting and Windsight
-[] Druchii Hunting 0/5 - 3 AP + 1 AP (Primeval Fire) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 2 AP + 1 AP (Heaven Servant) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)

So like this? I'm alright with that.
Bear in mind Heaven Servant gives 1 bonus AP for every 3 invested, so 3AP completes Druchii Hunting with a 25% chance of getting 1 overflow (which ends up wasted, but that's hardly the end of the world).

I'd rather spend 3AP on the Oddity to give us 3+1+(25% chance of another +1), then 2AP on the Runestone.
Then next turn we can put 3AP on Druchii Hunting to complete it, the have 2AP spare to put on whatever (Oddity if that didn't complete, completing Cardinal Heavens, the Norscan campaign, 1AP on the Guard Calls to try and trigger Heaven Servant etc).

Edit: Something like this-
[] Plan Preparation: Hunting and Countermeasures
-[] The Runestone 0/3 - 2AP + 1AP (Primeval Fire)
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 3AP + 1AP (Heaven Servant) + 25% chance for 1AP (Heaven Servant)
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I will continue to wave my flag in the direction of our lack of Battle Magic. The Druchii we're hunting may not be in numbers large enough to need it... But to an extent it depends on how big that retinue is, and it's certainly something we'd want eventually.
Bear in mind Heaven Servant gives 1 bonus AP for every 3 invested, so 3AP completes Druchii Hunting with a 25% chance of getting 1 overflow (which ends up wasted, but that's hardly the end of the world).
So here's the thing...
Turn 10 said:
[] Druchii Hunting ... (0/ 5 AP, Chance of Proccing Heaven Servant, Procc Ancient Embers, Soothe Focus)
I was basing my plan on what I remembered it saying. I assumed it only had the chance of proccing...
Heaven Servant ... (3 AP invested into actions involving things linked to Azyr and/or the sky gain one extra AP, +25% chance for one extra AP to be invested into options involving the Heavens, in either sense, Cadai or the Skies))
... because it was related to 'Heavens' aka Gods. So only the +25% chance of Heaven Servant adding an extra AP was applicable. But when I went back to look at this turns version...
Turn 11 said:
[] Druchii Hunting ... (0/ 5 AP, Proc Heaven Servant, Procc Primeval Fire, Soothe Focus
So... @Voikirium Would you mind clarifying this for me? Was I reading it wrong in the first place? Did things change between turns? Or is this a mistake in the wording for this turn?
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Bear in mind Heaven Servant gives 1 bonus AP for every 3 invested, so 3AP completes Druchii Hunting with a 25% chance of getting 1 overflow (which ends up wasted, but that's hardly the end of the world).

I'd rather spend 3AP on the Oddity to give us 3+1+(25% chance of another +1), then 2AP on the Runestone.
Then next turn we can put 3AP on Druchii Hunting to complete it, the have 2AP spare to put on whatever (Oddity if that didn't complete, completing Cardinal Heavens, the Norscan campaign, 1AP on the Guard Calls to try and trigger Heaven Servant etc).

Edit: Something like this-
[] Plan Preparation: Hunting and Countermeasures
-[] The Runestone 0/3 - 2AP + 1AP (Primeval Fire)
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 3AP + 1AP (Heaven Servant) + 25% chance for 1AP (Heaven Servant)
I am not seeing the Runestones actually give us an edge against the Druchii, in our next engagement, but if that's what you feel.

And given that we will be depending on a DC 75 chance to complete stuff when we are using 2AP, vs a guarantee when using 3 AP, we should better try and get it done in a single turn, no?
So here's the thing...

I was basing my plan on what I remembered it saying. I assumed it only had the chance of proccing...

... because it was related to 'Heavens' aka Gods. So only the +25% chance of Heaven Servant adding an extra AP was applicable. But when I went back to look at this turns version...

So... @Voikirium Would you mind clarifying this for me? Was I reading it wrong in the first place? Did things change between turns? Or is this a mistake in the wording for this turn?
The 3 AP invested-> 1 extra AP always applies, and then there is also a 25% for a further extra AP.
[] The Noble's Request: The Noble of Tiranoc, Ultha, has apparently discovered an appreciably old, if not truly ancient, enchant suit of armor and would request aid from a mage not seeking to swindle her of her meager fortunes to restore it to function, in the hopes that it might allow her to claim the title of Princess. Though she is not truly rich, she is respectable and esteemable in Tiranoc, and her word supporting you as an honorable man, would not go awry. (0/5 AP, Gain Tiranoc Standing, Favors)
A note that this will also serve as the tutorial turn for Enchantment and its differences with crafting. Just an FYI, sorry I forgot to actually put it in the description.
Publishing our spell and result in others learning how to do the healing stuff and a lot of Standing and Favor Gain. But I think we should finish A Remedy first to prevent needing to redo codifying the work which will save AP.
I don't think it'll end up working like that. Cure got us a Tier 1 spell, and Remedy will get us a Tier 2 Battlemagic spell, so it seems more likely that publishing them would instead be split into two parts, once for the former and once for the latter.
I am not seeing the Runestones actually give us an edge against the Druchii, in our next engagement, but if that's what you feel.

And given that we will be depending on a DC 75 chance to complete stuff when we are using 2AP, vs a guarantee when using 3 AP, we should better try and get it done in a single turn, no?
I don't see how studying a method of dispelling the magic of the Druchii wouldn't help when fighting a Druchii mage. It's certainly more likely to be relevant than any of our other research barring actual battle magic.

And I'm not sure what you're referring to for the latter, I think both Oddity and Hunting should have 3AP invested in them.
[] The Noble's Request: The Noble of Tiranoc, Ultha, has apparently discovered an appreciably old, if not truly ancient, enchant suit of armor and would request aid from a mage not seeking to swindle her of her meager fortunes to restore it to function, in the hopes that it might allow her to claim the title of Princess. Though she is not truly rich, she is respectable and esteemable in Tiranoc, and her word supporting you as an honorable man, would not go awry. (0/5 AP, Gain Tiranoc Standing, Favors)
Research & Development

[] The Art of the Armor: All Loremasters prepare armor for themselves. It is uniquely balanced between all eight Winds of magic; not properly enchanted per se, any more than you might call a leaf enchanted because it is full of Ghyran. Only just…prepared, made ready to be what it is and fit for one who would bear the full power of the Winds within themselves. And of course there is the matter of making it fit for the wearer. You could learn it yourself…or you could simply ask the Loremasters for their assistance in such training. It is necessary, and prudent, if you would truly surpass the Sorcesses of Ghrond, of Morathi; that or the true secrets of Qhaysh. (0/5, -20 Loremaster favors, create generic suit of heavy armor which still allows you to cast spells, further progress along the path of the Loremaster though you still are not "stuck" as it were, unlock option to forge a proper suit, Proc Primeval Fire)

I think we should do these two are the same time because they would complement each other and I think studying a ancient suit of Armor enchanted with magic would help us forge our own suit of Armor that works with and not against our magic. It rare even for elves outside of Loremaster to be able to wear armor while casting.

Looking at the Armor will also as the QM said give us a run down of the basic of enchanting which would be useful for all. Of our creations going forward.
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