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Thirion seems cool he's blessed by Kurnous pretty deeply and regardless of the politics and religion of the situation he seems to respect Vardanis and understand his position. Vardanis isn't really impressed which is telling both of how Vardanis has changed and his opinion of Thirion, but he doesn't feel negatively towards Thirion.

Vardanis has been changed a lot by his experience in the Temple, physically through the cool tattoo, mentally he seems a lot more refined, and mystically his Windsight has changed.

[] Plan A Cure, the Heavens, and an Order
-[] A Cure - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[] Cardinal Heavens - 2 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP
-[] An Order -
--[] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[] Ithilmar (T2) (x3) - 30 Snowmane Favor
I like this plan, the soothing focus action is good, filling in the gaps in Azyr will be great, and the idea for the Staff is pretty cool and hopefully we'll end up with a Tier 4 Staff.
Heaven Servant: You have been touched by the heavens, in both the religious and more literal sense of the term. (3 AP invested into actions involving things linked to Azyr and/or the sky gain one extra AP, +25% chance for one extra AP to be invested into options involving the Heavens, in either sense, Cadai or the Skies))
Looking at the wording for this trait, I think it might be better to slowroll Cardinal Heavens: put 1AP in this turn, and 1AP in next turn.
Then this turn spend 3AP proccing one of our traits (e.g. The Cure) and 1AP on something that doesn't proc any traits like Spell Creation or Ythil's test.
Looking at the wording for this trait, I think it might be better to slowroll Cardinal Heavens: put 1AP in this turn, and 1AP in next turn.
Then this turn spend 3AP proccing one of our traits (e.g. The Cure) and 1AP on something that doesn't proc any traits like Spell Creation or Ythil's test.
I hadn't caught that. I think you're right.

So if I'm understanding this correctly the optimal way to use Heaven Servant is either to invest 3 AP in a action; to gain an extra 1 progress and roll for the 1/4 chance for an extra 1 progress, or the slow and steady route by investing 1 AP per turn and roll each turn for the 1/4 chance to get 1 extra progress.

Altered my plan.

[] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order
-[] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[] An Order -
--[] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

It does make me somewhat wary that it's 1 AP to Begin Crafting A Spell, it makes you wonder what is required to finish it, but I suspect we won't know until we go through the Spell Creation Tutorial. Changed it to The Scroll of Challenge. Spell Creation seems like it might require more AP invested next turn and I'm chomping at the bit to build our staff.

And keeping that in mind this is sorta what I would want to do next turn (if nothing dramatically changes).

[] Plan Windsight and Staff
-[] The Oddity 0/5 - 3 AP + 1 AP (Heaven Servant) + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[] A Worthy Staff - 2 AP

I really think we should figure out how our most fundamental arcane sense has been changed.

20 (Starwood, T2) + 20 (Ithilmar, T2) + 40 (Arcane Phoenix Feather, T4) + 30 (2 AP Invested) = +110 to our crafting

Now that's going to be a good staff.

Edit: Based on new WOG The Art of the Armor will only allow us to make a T1 set of heavy armour. So the 2 extra bars of Ithilmar which going to be made into armour won't be needed. So only 1 bar of Ithilmar (for the staff) in this plan now.
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[] The Scroll of Challenge: Ythil has given you a scroll protected by potent magics that promises much, gained by your great ability. To understand it will be difficult, but the potential rewards are not to be denied, nor ignored. (0/5 AP, gain Archmage favors and Standing, overflow unknown)
I'd be tempted to put the 1 AP into this instead and slow roll it given we've got no bonuses, and unless my memory is faulty I think we got this option from a critical with Ythil. Hopefully by slowrolling it well also get information about whether it overflows too.
I like your updated plan a lot LysanderArgent.

When it comes to writing up our preliminary reports on the Temple I honestly think it'd be great to just go all in with our AP that turn. Getting favour from three of the most important institutions to how we live our life (Loremasters, Archmages, Priesthood of Asuryan) all with the same action seems like an excellent use of our time when we have a little more breathing room.
Isnt the phoenix feather T4? Also, why limit ourselves to T2 material? Cant we get anything T3 for the base material of the staff?
You are correct it is T4 I misremembered.

As for using other materials?... What materials? Starwood is the only staff wood I'm aware of. I'm unaware of any superior metal that elves make than Ithilmar. That and higher tier material jack up the favor cost. My plan already uses up 40 of our 50 Snowmane favor. Higher tier materials also take longer to obtain. And my plan already accrues a +110 bonus to our crafting for the staff; at least as far as we can predict based upon are last crafting turn.

Besides Ithilmar, Starwood, and the Arcane Phoenix Feather has some serious thematic synergy. "Starwood ... is anathema to all things unclean; no truer weapon can there be against corruption", "Ithilmar (lit. 'sky-silver' in Eltharin) ... is said to hold uncanny magical power - in fact, some Vampires are known to burst into flames upon being cut by ithilmar", and the arcane phoenix feather we got from the defender of Asuryan's temple seems to fit a staff made to wield Qhaysh and by extension be the antithesis to Dhar; as the thread seemingly intends to do by going fully down the Archmage's path eventually.

I also feel we will eventually outgrow this staff and get or make a superior one so investing absolutely everything is not necessary.

That doesn't mean we can't/shouldn't do it what your saying, but I'd need more to go before deciding to do so.
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As a note I feel I should share, the way I'm thinking learning to make armor is going to go is that on completion you'll make a set of T1 High Elf heavy armor as an interim thing, and unlock an option to craft armor, rather than building the armor with that, just for the sake of being more straightforward and less confusing.
[x] Beasts In and Out
-[x] Mastering the Beast Within: You already know Wyssan's Wildform; but there are other, more, spells of war, spells of battle, locked within the Wind of Ghur. It is dangerous, but you may learn them, work to study them, and then unleash them when the time is right, like a bolt released from a thrower. (Will begin project to learn Battle Magic Spell from Lore of Beasts, will enter Learning Turn to decide precisely which spell, Procs Beastly Mind. Only one may be worked on at a time. May overflow. 3 AP
-[x] The Egg: You have discovered an odd egg in the temple. Its physical shell is prismatic, as it is in your Windsight; but etched into the magic of it is yet more of the odd Anoqeyån, in particular a looping sentence, simple, indeed almost childlike, but potent. 2 AP
-[x] An Order -
--[x] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[x] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Azyr Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

@LysanderArgent 's plan seems great. It deals with Focus, saves AP for learning Azyr in the long term, and it gets a bit of the challenge done. It also prepares for crafting a Staff.
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[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

[X] Plan A Cure and a Report.
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Preliminary Results - 2 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

The second plan I am recommending is because I think for a basic action like reporting our preliminary results, the AP invested would start seeing diminishing returns very soon. So putting 2 AP in and getting some of that Archmage/Loremaster favour for unlocking the next training level and getting deeper into the temple is a good idea.
If the plan is to get materials for crafting a staff, shouldn't the order include a Powerstone? Presumably Ghyr and/or Azyr.
If the plan is to get materials for crafting a staff, shouldn't the order include a Powerstone? Presumably Ghyr and/or Azyr.
My thought was to use the arcane phoenix feather and Ithilmar instead... but I've slept on it and looked up powerstones again and I think that probably won't work or at least not worth gambling on. So to be safe I've made second version of my plan with a Azyr powerstone. Whether we use it for the staff or something else doesn't really matter, better to have it and not need it.

[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Azyr Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

[X] You speak with Methelian. A part of you is still angered about how he spoke about your friend, but another part would like a fellow paranoiac around for a bevy of reasons

[X] Gee Vardanis, how come your mom lets you have TWO Powerstones?
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[x] An Order -
--[x] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[x] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Azyr Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ghur Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

This works as well.

@Voikirium Do Qhyash Powerstones exist? Or neutral powerstones? I'm assuming not, but just felt I should check.
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[] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2

[X] Gee Vardanis, how come your mom lets you have TWO Powerstones?
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Azyr Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ghur Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

I'm still not convinced about using the Phoenix Feather for the staff, so it's good to have some alternatives. It also gave me the chance to use a meme.

Edit: @Voikirium, just checking, is there anything that says we couldn't or shouldn't put two Powerstones on a staff?

[X] You speak with Methelian. A part of you is still angered about how he spoke about your friend, but another part would like a fellow paranoiac around for a bevy of reasons
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[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2
-[X] A Cure 0/3 - 3 AP + 2 AP (Beastly Heart) + 1 AP (Ancient Embers)
-[X] Cardinal Heavens 0/3 - 1 AP + 25% chance for 1 AP (Heaven Servant)
-[X] The Scroll of Challenge 0/5 - 1 AP
-[X] An Order -
--[X] Starwood (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Ithilmar (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor
--[X] Azyr Powerstone (T2) - 10 Snowmane Favor

[X] You speak to Tethia about your suspicions, and your worries about how it seems you are noticing what others do not
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[X] Plan A Cure and a Report.
[X] You speak with Methelian. A part of you is still angered about how he spoke about your friend, but another part would like a fellow paranoiac around for a bevy of reasons
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[X] You speak with Methelian. A part of you is still angered about how he spoke about your friend, but another part would like a fellow paranoiac around for a bevy of reasons
[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2
[X] Your parents, because they are your parents and do you really need a reason?
[X] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2

[X] You speak with Methelian. A part of you is still angered about how he spoke about your friend, but another part would like a fellow paranoiac around for a bevy of reasons
[x] Plan A Cure, Heavens, Challange, and an Order V2
[X] You speak to Tethia about your suspicions, and your worries about how it seems you are noticing what others do not
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