To Bring Hope and Glory: No SV, You are the Headmaster of a Hero Academy (Canceled)

[x] Plan Invincible Under Heaven
-[X] Drew Milos
-[X] Don't mess with grandpa
-[X]Diplomacy: 22 0
-[X]Martial: 35 + 4 + 4 = 43
-[X]Stewardship: 25
-[X]Intrigue: 33
-[X]Learning: 32
-[X]Personal Combat: 40 + 7 + 16 = 63
-[X]Shwazen: (+7 To Personal Combat, +4 to Martial. Rival to the Tallian and Romain culture.)
-[X]Blademaster: You are a master with every weapon known to man, your body honed to be ready for battle at any moment.
-[X]Kingslayer: You were once a great hero Serving one of the kinds of the Continent. You were his closest Advisor, confidant, and friend. Until you learned of his plans to sacrifice you, your friends, your students, your home, to a dark mage promising immortality. You murdered him, with tears in your eyes. But the gods do not care for reasons. You stained your hands with the blood of kings. (Diplomacy set to 0. One of the kingdoms of the Iaban will be sending assassins after you. The other kingdoms view you as a hero and will pay triple the usual mission reward. A Dark Mage wants revenge for ruining his plans.)
-[X]Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)
-[X]Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)

I had vague ideas for a backstory with this character, but now I don't know how to make it all work. It was something like our protag became a legendary Bladesmaster who was nigh-unbeatable, but is getting old, so is opening an academy to teach his skills and knowledge to others as his legacy. Not sure how that rolls into Kingslayer though (or any of the other special traits, frankly), so I'll just leave that out there.
I had vague ideas for a backstory with this character, but now I don't know how to make it all work. It was something like our protag became a legendary Bladesmaster who was nigh-unbeatable, but is getting old, so is opening an academy to teach his skills and knowledge to others as his legacy. Not sure how that rolls into Kingslayer though (or any of the other special traits, frankly), so I'll just leave that out there.
Considering the option mentions having had students at the time, it could be that was his first attempt at passing on his skills which went to hell when the King went off the deep end for immortality, with this being his second attempt.
Considering the option mentions having had students at the time, it could be that was his first attempt at passing on his skills which went to hell when the King went off the deep end for immortality, with this being his second attempt.
I should also say that one of your classes will be at the fledgling level if you choose that option, with the rest being at novice.

By the way, Class Rankings are as follows:

Novice, Fledgling, Trained, Journymem, Master.

At Trained or above, you will get an action to graduate your students for prestige and money, along with a chance to recruit more students.
[X] Plan: Eminence Vérde
-[X] Name: Uaine Feargatch
-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Diplomacy: 32
-[X] Martial: 33
-[X] Stewardship: 25
-[X] Intrigue: 40
-[X] Learning: 35
-[X] Personal Combat: 22
-[X] Culture: Angshire (Animal Tongue Trait unlocked, +2 to diplomacy. Food Expenditure halved. Rival to the Hantzu)
-[X] Spy: You have always been a person who gets the information you want, at any cost.
-[X] The Lightbringer: You are a warrior of the Light, a person who has only brought the light to the world. You will save this world, even if you have to drag it kicking and screaming. (+10 to diplomacy. You are blessed by the god of light. Dark Mages/Knights will try to kill you even if you save them.)
-[X] Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats)
-[X]Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)

I actually don't like any of the special traits, or at least as far as this character is concerned. Lightbringer is simply the one I dislike the least.
@Magoose are we allowed to try to come up with one of our own? Nothing extravagant, just something along the line of having contacts near everywhere and a lot of people owe us favors, but on the flip side, people tend to always question our motives and morales.
@Magoose are we allowed to try to come up with one of our own? Nothing extravagant, just something along the line of having contacts near everywhere and a lot of people owe us favors, but on the flip side, people tend to always question our motives and morales.
I would have to see what you have in mind, but the point of these traits are that although you are a hero, that does not mean people see you as such... It's more like a way of saying, there are people that have problems with you, but that can change with times.

That and I have storylines for all the traits i made. so the potential storyline you make for the trait must be simple enough for me to elaborate on.
[X] Plan Demon King
-[X] Byleth
-[X] Diplomacy: 40-10+1-2=29
-[X] Martial: 35+4+2=41
-[X] Stewardship: 25+4+2=31
-[X] Intrigue: 22+2=24
-[X] Learning: 32+2=34
-[X] Personal Combat: 33+7+20=60
-[X] Shwazen: Great soldiers have always been produced in the harsh lands of March and Schland, where men are trained at birth to wield the spear, the sword, and the shield. From the age of 6 to when they are 18, they are drilled in soldiery, discipline, and strategy, along with agriculture, carpentry, blacksmithing, and architecture so that they can expand their empire across the continent, as to complete the Dream of their first Schwarzen king: Freidrik the Unifier, to unify the continent, so that they may live the rest of their days in peace.
-[X] Blademaster: You are a master with every weapon known to man, your body honed to be ready for battle at any moment.
-[X] Homunculus: You are a creature that was born out of suffering and death of war, by a rogue alchemist trying to play god. Innocent lives were snuffed to fuel your heart, the stone that has caused you so much grief. And when the war was over, you wandered... scared and alone until the man who gave you a name took you in and gave you purpose. You are something both far better than humanity could ever hope to be... and also far inferior then they could possibly imagine. (Your body is fueled by a philosopher's stone, making you immortal in many respects. -10 to diplomacy, +20 to personal Combat, +2 to all other stats. You are viewed as a monster by all kingdoms, and even though you are a hero, they view you with fear.)
-[X] Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to stewardship, +1 to diplomacy)
-[X] Wroth: You are quick to anger, especially with your children involved. (-2 diplomacy, +2 to personal combat)
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@Magoose: Since a major appeal of Nurturer of Life is the variety in abnormal student & staff options... Could you provide an Informational or something to let us know what is everything intelligent running around? Like, having some Dragon students would be pretty cool.
@Magoose: Since a major appeal of Nurturer of Life is the variety in abnormal student & staff options... Could you provide an Informational or something to let us know what is everything intelligent running around? Like, having some Dragon students would be pretty cool.
will do. But after I finish the episode of stuff i'm watching.

I need to take a break every now and then.:)
I would have to see what you have in mind, but the point of these traits are that although you are a hero, that does not mean people see you as such... It's more like a way of saying, there are people that have problems with you, but that can change with times.

That and I have storylines for all the traits i made. so the potential storyline you make for the trait must be simple enough for me to elaborate on.

I have one!

Black Mark: Your family has long been people who disliked the great power, with your most famous ancestor, Nemesis, lead a failed rebellion. Althiugh your father has become a great hero, the black mark still stains your family. (IDK what stats it will give).

As you can probably tell my character is based on the avatar of Fire Emblem Three Houses.
A few notes Subspecies, ages, and training level that may appear in your Academy, along with a few other things:
A few notes Subspecies, ages, and training level that may appear in your Academy, along with a few other things:

A Note on the classes age range and specialties.

The Classes will typically range from ages 10- 19, with the older students being more trained than others, with a few exceptions.

Students will not get a character sheet unless they prove themselves on hard missions, which will not be very often.

Younger students will also need to be cared for if things go wrong at the academy, like making sure they are being well fed, clean, defended if you are in a hostile area, especially if they are not trained.

Missions will provide classes experience, which will raise their rank, which will allow them to take more dangerous missions, or defend the Academy if it is attacked better.

Note: As the Headmaster you and the teachers are the first and last line of defense to the students if the academy is attacked by a hostile force. if you fail, your students will fight for their own survival, and if they lose, they will be killed and its game over.
Human Subspecies That may be your students, and other oddities.

Homunculus: Children made by alchemy, using the souls of their parents to be created. Due to their unique nature, they are much stronger then a normal human and are much more magically inclined than an average human as well. However, due to their artificial nature, they have strange appearances, like strange multicolored hair, different color eyes, and being able to regenerate from injuries if minor enough.

The stigma comes from a few mad alchemists destroying the city of Winterwilde five hundred years ago, with almost two million people being absorbed into a seven homunculus and causing the Schwarzen Waltz. All homonculus who are born must hide their identities (Which is a usually a mark on their body, of a dragon eating a sun) or are forced to hide in the woods or wilderness around their birthplace. if they are found, they will be tortured to death.

The parents of said children are usually barren parents who want a child and are willing to risk everything to protect them.
Dragoniod/ Human Dragon Hybrids

Dragons are shapechangers, spending much of their time in the wilds to remain in their true forms, resting in their horde. But sometimes they... take the form of a human and.... engage in activities of the sexual nature.

A few months later, a scaly baby, potentially with a tail, or wings, is born. A baby that may turn invisible, breath fire, or fly. Most of the time in most other era's, they can live normal lives, with the added appendage being just something that they need to live with. However, with the looming wars and xenophobia, these children are brought before the local leadership.

Their existence proves a dragon lives nearby, and that it may begin to attack them. The fear always wins. The baby sometimes is killed, sometimes used as bait, or abandoned in the wilds to fend for themselves.

While armed men go to kill their parents.

Most do not survive those few months alone.

A few do, however, rushed away to the lair of their father and flown to an ally who owes them a favor, or to a member of their family who does not care about the stigmatization their family now has.

There are good people in this world, and they are shown that good, with many of those same scaly children wanting to show that good as well.

The Forest Spirits that populate the woods and other natural habitats have only a few things they care for, the protection of their homes, the safeguarding of their young, and maintaining the balance of nature.

They do not reproduce like humans, with spirits being born through the planting, sprouting, and growth of trees and bushes, their populations fluctuating on any given year.

However, with the growth of civilizations, there is a worry that they will be lost, and the fear turns to violence against lumberjacks, hunters and other traveling folks traveling through the woods.
THe civilized Monster Tribes:

There are Two civilized monster Tribes that have friendly relations with Humans. The Orcs and Goblins.

Orcs are tall primal beasts who lack intelligence in the way of literacy, and magic but make up for it in strength and cleverness on the battlefield.

Most orcs live in fortified strongholds in the mountains and do not do much trading other than getting food and other supplies for the winter, in exchange for steel from their well made weapons.

Goblins are more of the mages and rangers, and the more socially acceptable group of monsters.

They are very intelligent but are weaker physically then every other species on the mainland, so they are constantly trying to improve their crossbows, magic and fighting ability.

Goblins live in small villages and cities, nominally falling under human rule, though they do suffer from a little bit of racism from their overlords.
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@Magoose: Hmm... As the Lifebringer, could we create unconventional Homunculi and Dragonoids? Specifically, instead of doing soul magics, could we create Homunculi from their parents' biology?

Regarding Dragonoid, could we manage to have them born looking like normal humans, with them inheriting limited Draconic shapeshifting? These seem like two obvious examples for why the Lifebringer is so beloved.

Though I'll admit, I was also hoping for some information on Dryads and the Civilized Monster Tribes. Partially for the interesting student/staff options, but also because Lifebringer is "beloved by all the continent".
@Magoose: Hmm... As the Lifebringer, could we create unconventional Homunculi and Dragonoids? Specifically, instead of doing soul magics, could we create Homunculi from their parents' biology?
Regarding Dragonoid, could we manage to have them born looking like normal humans, with them inheriting limited Draconic shapeshifting? These seem like two obvious examples for why the Lifebringer is so beloved.
No, at least not fully, there ain't no way you can hide the tail of the wings without amputating them, and that is not how that would roll.
I was also hoping for some information on Dryads and the Civilized Monster Tribes. Partially for the interesting student/staff options, but also because Lifebringer is "beloved by all the continent".
Later, I left that line for later tomorrow, when I'm not at work.
Hmm... What about the ability to "scale up", with their bodies being fleshly by default? Improve upon their Draconic shapeshifting to let them physically hide their tails and/or wings.

Like, something similar to Big Chill regarding wings: they can wrap themselves with their wings and look pretty normal even then. So their wings are always present, just easily hidden in plain sight.

Regarding tails... Perhaps something similar? Have their tail wrap around one of their legs. Overall, they could wear clothing on top to further hide their nature.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Jun 13, 2019 at 8:23 PM, finished with 100 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Nurturer of Life
    -[X] Vita Lux (Life Light)
    -[X] The Hero
    -[X]Diplomacy: 40 + 7 + 4 - 2 (49)
    -[X]Martial: 22 - 10 (12)
    -[X]Stewardship: 33
    -[X]Intrigue: 32 - 2 (30)
    -[X]Learning: 35 + 20 (55)
    -[X]Personal Combat: 25 - 10 (15)
    -[X]Tallian: (+7 to diplomacy, -50% to diplomatic action cost. Rival to the Shwazen culture.)
    -[X]White Mage: You are a mage of Healing and Light. Protector of the innocent and the vanquisher of evil demons.
    -[X]The Lifebringer: You have a gift. To create life. The nobles, the peasants, the merchants and the nobles of the world alike see you as a miracle worker. Even the great dragons bow to you as you heal their hatchlings, bringing them to this world. You have created hundreds of children for those willing to pay you, and even when they would not. (+20 to learning. You are beloved by all the continent for your work. -10 to marital and personal Combat.)
    -[X]Kind: You always try to brighten up someone's day, even when it costs you. (+4 to diplomacy, -2 to intrigue)
    -[X]Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)
    [X]Plan I Can't Think Of A Name
    -[X]Name: Caspian Vestinus
    -[X]Image: I have no idea, help.
    -[X]Diplomacy: 22
    -[X]Martial: 25
    -[X]Stewardship: 33
    -[X]Intrigue: 35
    -[X]Learning: 40
    -[X]Personal Combat: 32
    -[X]Romian: The Great Minds of the Romain only set their sights on greatness in all things construction. Through the great coastal cities of the Romain Confederation, Halnor, Raven helm, and Dragon's Tooth, great monuments and structures of stone, marble, and even the great redwoods of the Fangshire forests.
    -[X]Alchemist: You are a scientist of the noble art of Alchemy.
    -[X]Kingslayer: You were once a great hero Serving one of the kinds of the Continent. You were his closest Advisor, confidant, and friend. Until you learned of his plans to sacrifice you, your friends, your students, your home, to a dark mage promising immortality. You murdered him, with tears in your eyes. But the gods do not care for reasons. You stained your hands with the blood of kings. (Diplomacy set to 0. One of the kingdoms of the Iaban will be sending assassins after you. The other kingdoms view you as a hero and will pay triple the usual mission reward. A Dark Mage wants revenge for ruining his plans.)
    -[X]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to stewardship, +1 to diplomacy)
    -[X]Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)
    [X] Plan: What Do You Mean They Don't Want My Help?
    -[X][Name] Kun
    -[X][Appearance] Androgynous but female, wears the following sort of robes (maybe?)
    -[X][Diplomacy] 32
    -[X][Martial] 25
    -[X][Stewardship] 35
    -[X][Intrigue] 33
    -[X][Learning] 40
    -[X][Personal Combat] 22
    -[X][Culture] Hantzu: The Refugees from the east, they landed in Xunzhou, where they built their home. But the shadows across the sea, are where they come from, and in the shadows, they will always remember. And they will never be slaves to it again.
    -[X][Class] Nature Mage: You are the Authority when it comes to nature magic, from plants, to whether to planets lifeforce itself.
    -[X][Special] Homunculus: You are a creature that was born out of suffering and death of war, by a rogue alchemist trying to play god. Innocent lives were snuffed to fuel your heart, the stone that has caused you so much grief. And when the war was over, you wandered... scared and alone until the man who gave you a name took you in and gave you purpose. You are something both far better than humanity could ever hope to be... and also far inferior then they could possibly imagine. (Your body is fueled by a philosopher's stone, making you immortal in many respects. -10 to diplomacy, +20 to personal Combat, +2 to all other stats. You are viewed as a monster by all kingdoms, and even though you are a hero, they view you with fear.)
    -[X][Good] Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)
    -[X][Bad] Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)
    [x] Plan Invincible Under Heaven
    -[X] Drew Milos
    -[X] Don't mess with grandpa
    -[X]Diplomacy: 22 0
    -[X]Martial: 35 + 4 + 4 = 43
    -[X]Stewardship: 25​
    -[X]Intrigue: 33
    -[X]Learning: 32
    -[X]Personal Combat: 40 + 7 + 16 = 63
    -[X]Shwazen: (+7 To Personal Combat, +4 to Martial. Rival to the Tallian and Romain culture.)
    -[X] Blademaster: You are a master with every weapon known to man, your body honed to be ready for battle at any moment.​
    -[X]Kingslayer: You were once a great hero Serving one of the kinds of the Continent. You were his closest Advisor, confidant, and friend. Until you learned of his plans to sacrifice you, your friends, your students, your home, to a dark mage promising immortality. You murdered him, with tears in your eyes. But the gods do not care for reasons. You stained your hands with the blood of kings. (Diplomacy set to 0. One of the kingdoms of the Iaban will be sending assassins after you. The other kingdoms view you as a hero and will pay triple the usual mission reward. A Dark Mage wants revenge for ruining his plans.)
    -[X]Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)
    -[X]Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)
    [X] Plan: Eminence Vérde
    -[X] Name: Uaine Feargatch
    -[X] Appearance:
    -[X] Diplomacy: 32
    -[X]Martial: 33​
    -[X]Stewardship: 25​
    -[X] Intrigue: 40
    -[X]Learning: 35​
    -[X] Personal Combat: 22
    -[X] Culture: Angshire (Animal Tongue Trait unlocked, +2 to diplomacy. Food Expenditure halved. Rival to the Hantzu)
    -[X] Spy: You have always been a person who gets the information you want, at any cost.
    -[X] The Lightbringer: You are a warrior of the Light, a person who has only brought the light to the world. You will save this world, even if you have to drag it kicking and screaming. (+10 to diplomacy. You are blessed by the god of light. Dark Mages/Knights will try to kill you even if you save them.)
    -[X] Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats)
    -[X]Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)
    [X] Plan Demon King
    -[X] Byleth
    -[X] Diplomacy: 40-10+1-2=29
    -[X] Martial: 35+4+2=41
    -[X] Stewardship: 25+4+2=31
    -[X] Intrigue: 22+2=24
    -[X] Learning: 32+2=34
    -[X] Personal Combat: 33+7+20=60
    -[X] Shwazen: Great soldiers have always been produced in the harsh lands of March and Schland, where men are trained at birth to wield the spear, the sword, and the shield. From the age of 6 to when they are 18, they are drilled in soldiery, discipline, and strategy, along with agriculture, carpentry, blacksmithing, and architecture so that they can expand their empire across the continent, as to complete the Dream of their first Schwarzen king: Freidrik the Unifier, to unify the continent, so that they may live the rest of their days in peace.
    -[X] Blademaster: You are a master with every weapon known to man, your body honed to be ready for battle at any moment.​
    -[X]Homunculus: You are a creature that was born out of suffering and death of war, by a rogue alchemist trying to play god. Innocent lives were snuffed to fuel your heart, the stone that has caused you so much grief. And when the war was over, you wandered... scared and alone until the man who gave you a name took you in and gave you purpose. You are something both far better than humanity could ever hope to be... and also far inferior then they could possibly imagine. (Your body is fueled by a philosopher's stone, making you immortal in many respects. -10 to diplomacy, +20 to personal Combat, +2 to all other stats. You are viewed as a monster by all kingdoms, and even though you are a hero, they view you with fear.)​
    -[X]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to stewardship, +1 to diplomacy)
    -[X] Wroth: You are quick to anger, especially with your children involved. (-2 diplomacy, +2 to personal combat)
    [X] Plan: What Do You Mean They Don't Want My Help?
    -[X][Name] Kun
    -[X][Appearance] Androgynous but female, wears the following sort of robes (maybe?)
    -[X][Diplomacy] 32
    -[X][Martial] 25
    -[X][Stewardship] 35
    -[X][Intrigue] 33
    -[X][Learning] 40
    -[X][Personal Combat] 22
    -[X][Culture] Hantzu: The Refugees from the east, they landed in Xunzhou, where they built their home. But the shadows across the sea, are where they come from, and in the shadows, they will always remember. And they will never be slaves to it again.
    -[X][Class] Nature Mage: You are the Authority when it comes to nature magic, from plants, to whether to planets lifeforce itself.
    -[X][Special] Homunculus: You are a creature that was born out of suffering and death of war, by a rogue alchemist trying to play god. Innocent lives were snuffed to fuel your heart, the stone that has caused you so much grief. And when the war was over, you wandered... scared and alone until the man who gave you a name took you in and gave you purpose. You are something both far better than humanity could ever hope to be... and also far inferior then they could possibly imagine. (Your body is fueled by a philosopher's stone, making you immortal in many respects. -10 to diplomacy, +20 to personal Combat, +2 to all other stats. You are viewed as a monster by all kingdoms, and even though you are a hero, they view you with fear.)
    -[X][Good] Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)
    -[X][Bad] Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)
Hmm... What about the ability to "scale up", with their bodies being fleshly by default? Improve upon their Draconic shapeshifting to let them physically hide their tails and/or wings.

Like, something similar to Big Chill regarding wings: they can wrap themselves with their wings and look pretty normal even then. So their wings are always present, just easily hidden in plain sight.

Regarding tails... Perhaps something similar? Have their tail wrap around one of their legs. Overall, they could wear clothing on top to further hide their nature.
Again, a lot of that stuff can be done by the kids themselves if they are clever enough or have even the most basic knowledge of magic to cast an illusion spell over themselves to hide their scales.

We don't need to teach them that stuff unless they are children who are just beginning their magical training. which is very possible.
While I'm not going to change my vote, could being a Dragonoid be added as one of the special options?
THat is a negative.

Only because there is a plot i planned that involves our funding... having a dragon we can call on for a bailout with gold and jewels would take that plan away, cause dragons love their kids...

Edit: and their all cut throat bankers. The lot of them.
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[X] Plan: What Do You Mean They Don't Want My Help?
Homunculus Headmaster!