Totally a Fire Ferret.
- Location
- Central Park
- Pronouns
- He/Him/They/Them
In theory, sure. But giant eezo rich moons are kind of a limiting factor. If you find one anyone else knows about they already have their eyes on it and want to exploit it (and will thus notice it is missing) and finding one no one else knows about is pretty much a crap shoot with extremely terrible odds.The amusing thing is; if you can build one moon-sized library with an FTL drive using heavy automation over a thousand odd years; why shouldn't you build two of them?
Don't know that series, but yeah, that's the general vibe. I wanted a character that comes off like David Xanatos while actually being more Indiana Jones in terms of planning.
Why does Krell have a moon sized Library? He remembered what the Geth did and was like "that's a neat idea! But there's no way I can pull that off in the open. So he makes a giant library and builds it in dark space with the expectation that the next cycle will find it, not expecting to live long enough to meet Shepard.
Why the sorting algorithm he used? Well, aside from being relatively easy to implement; chronological sorting has another benefit, it makes it a lot easier for future milky way residents to locate the time the Reapers showed up and focus decoding on that bit.
Why does it have engines? Well the middle of dark space is super inconvenient. Engines let it move away from scrutiny and back.
Why does it have weapons? Well, why not? It's a Krogan library after all! And if he's leaving it to future generations, having working examples of potential reaper killing weapons is a necessity.
Why does it have a full range of educational, strategy and living facilities? Because future generations will need those to study and decode the Reaper threat.
Why does it have a homing beacon to send it to Tuchanka a millenia after the Reapers vanish? To make it easier to discover.
And well, it might as well have a name that shows how great Krell is for thinking of this. That's just common sense!
Why did Krell not mention all this sooner? Because the more people that know about it the more likely the just in case plan gets fucked up and Krell gets assasinated. And anyway, the whole thing has been set up by a team of VIs. You'd need a huge team if trained engineers to run trouble shooting on the systems. It'd be the work of basically a statistically significant portion of the entire population of engineers in the galaxy. Not necessarily a big portion, but a large enough one that there's no way the Krogan could pull it off by themselves, and no one else could be trusted with it not to fuck everything up.
So as Krell aged his priorities changed and the library became a sort of costly potential white elephant which Krell was like "If we survive the Reaper war, I guess I'll give it to the University I plan to found? But there's no way to get it running and serviceable in time for the Reapers. It just takes too much crew to do more than just fly it."
And then Javik is like "Look! My shiny new empire!" And Krell is like "Shit. Wait, Empire? How big is your empire? You have how many species in this? ... I think I may have something that'll work now."
It went from "cool Krogan time capsule: break in case mass extinctions happened" to "Capitol of interstellar empire" real quick because Krell saw a way to actually use it and his priorities changed cause he was still alive when the Reapers came.
EDIT: Of course everyone else thinks that this was all planned from the beginning, empire and all.
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