'Grandfather! Tell me you didn't do this all for a pun!' Liara complained.
He totally did.
'Grandfather... You have a complete primary source of every single broadcast ever transmitted in the Galaxy since the Krogan Rebellions.' Liara explained to me slowly. As if I were some sort of idiot.
Krell would 'accidentally' be the cause for the mass 'suicide' of the Salarian Race if they learned of this.
They would all die bleeding from their eyes and nostrils.
It should be surprisingly nimble for a moon.' I explained.
'Not hard. Moons aren't known for their nimbleness.
Like boasting about how my Snorlax is the fastest and best dancer.
'Grandfather there's no difference between this and a flagship.' Liara insisted, wrongly.
'A dedicated flagship would have more guns, and be more maneuverable.' Grunt corrected. He really was my best student.
Come on Liara! You are the granddaughter to a Krogan! You should know this already!
'If you knew that the Reapers were coming, why didn't you build a dedicated flagship?' Liara asked, reasonably.
'Well, because of the pun, obviously.'
SEE! Fucking knew it!
The madlad!
Liara groaned and held her head in her hands for a few minutes. We all politely stared at her in silence as she did it.
It was at this moment that Liara truly realized the level of Crazy that came with being among the 'Best'.
She had seen shades of this in Shepard and her dedicated team, but only now is she realizing the extent that it will get for all of them as time goes on.
'Right. Right. How could I have missed that? It's so obvious.' Liara finally admitted before taking an unusually deep breath.
'So then... What next?' Liara asked, finally.
Thankfully, she has also learned to 'Let it go', and 'Go with the flow'. Eventually she might even manage to 'If you can't beat them, join them.'... or rather, she will accept that she is part of the list of 'Best' that all go crazy in their own ways.
Maybe she will be the crazy that keeps lashing out and pointing out the obvious crazy of the others and keeps denying that their is any crazy in her even as sulks in the corner with rain clouds forming over her head.
If we want a peaceful post-Reaper galaxy we can't let Javik start setting foreign policy.
'Shots fired!'
'Dammit Javik, no!'
We need laws and a functioning government. Aria and the Humans have given me the perfect idea of just how to do that.'
...It really says a lot that Aria is included in the list.
Bet she can't wait to rub into her ex's face.
'Well, your plans have worked so far Grandfather. So, let's run a few errands.'
The scary thing is that she is entirely correct.
Even the situation with Ashley will eventually lead to her being in the right place at the right time to catch and stop Udina's crazy.
'Krell, you apparently revived a dead empire with just a couple words and knowing where to dig.' Charr reminded me.
'That is not dead which can eternal lie.'
'Dammit Krell! Enough with the Lovecraft!'
'That was Garrus! Not me!'
'Oh. Sorry. Force of habit.'
'Charr, there are two important elements of any plan. The first is setting up the situation so that no matter what the outcome you win, and the second is remembering to smile the exact same way no matter what the outcome. Having a chief engineer around in case something goes wrong is the first, and I've been practicing my smile for centuries.'
That is damn deep and useful knowledge, especially for a long lived race like the Krogans.
It also paints Krell as having always been several steps ahead of everyone, and everyone was merely playing a role in his script, written millennia ago.
...Holy shit I just realized that Krell actually IS a lot like Otto Apocalypse!
Charr nodded as if I had dispensed some great manner of wisdom.
...But it was?
'I didn't expect you to need me for my engineering when you told me to; come with you if I wanted to live, back on Tuchanka.' Charr admitted.
Hah! Great use of the line.
'I don't know? Coach me for a poetry death match?' Charr asked, uncertain.
'Is that a thing? No one told me that was a thing...' I grumbled.
'It could be?' Charr said.
...Damn Krogans. Of course they would want something like that.
Though to be fair, it would be a great way to weed out people we want removed from the Gene Pool...
Hmmm. Maybe they are onto somthing.
'Look Charr, a Krogan needs to be open to learning new things all the time. You never know when some bit of arcane knowledge locked in your head will be the key to saving the galaxy.' I admitted.
'Does that happen... often?' Charr asked worried.
Shepard, Krell, Javik, Geth... It happens more often than you might think...
Honestly it was true. Though what I saw in Charr had less to do with his skills at... anything, and more to do with his willingness to recite terrible poetry in public without an ounce of shame in order to achieve his goals. That was a useful mentality, after all.
Nurture can teach anyone any skill, and lead anyone anywhere of their choosing.
Nature though tells you the kind of character they are at their core, and is much harder to modify.
Good kid. Hopefully he'd learn something.
There Krell goes leaning into Kakashi's style of 'teaching'.
Though to be fair, Krell is much more eloquent and wise. XD