Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

I would say adhering more to fantasy would work for the genre you're writing in, considering that noir is basically a batman who exchanged money for magic super powers in how he prefers to operate...
Chapter 53
Read through the latest Spider-Gwen, and it just show more of Earth-65's craziness - Wolverine's a Japanese samurai 'cursed' with an extra year of immortality for every person he kills (they really gotta redefine what curse means...); X-23's counterpart in Earth-65 is Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde rather than Laura Kinney; Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson still seem to work together, at least in a 'better the devil you know' capacity; and SHIELD apparently employs both Wolverines as bounty hunters.

One thing I do love is that they actually acknowledge that elephant in the room: When Gwen proposes going to SHIELD for help cause 'they're the good guys', Harry actually tells her that SHIELD is also after him because he, and I quote, 'betrayed his country and tried to kill Gwen'. That and they refuse to let him run amok with the serum in his system. Bizzarely this leads Gwen to think that SHIELD might be wrong solely on the basis that they hire people like Wolverine and Shadowcat, which makes her look painfully naive.

Another character note is that Murdock again re-affirms what the fear toxin Peter insinuated; despite her words, Gwen craves being Spider-Woman and will do anything to get her powers back. Why she'd want them back considering how miserable they make her is unknown, but it should prove interesting to explore here since it implies she's either so guilty that she keeps wanting to be punished or she actually just likes the idea of being powerful and special, which fits the theme with people in Earth-65 like Vulture and Peter Parker/Lizard. What do you guys think is the reason she wants it so badly?

On a side-note, I watched the Red Hood trailer and it's definitely giving me ideas. Given that Peter gets his teeth kicked in during melee a lot, it might be better if I made him focus much more on weapons and gadgets: Pistols, tazers, knives, throwing knives and bombs. Would at least differentiate him from Gwen and would help with writing fight scenes since I find shootouts easier to write compared to fisticuffs - Red Hood trailer


Chapter 53: Introduction to Madness

The first time she had a guy over at her place in about a decade and he was bleeding all over her carpet...about what she expected, really.

Cindy sighed and adjusted the surgical mask strapped over her mouth, trying to ignore the smell of blood wafting up her nostrils. Not too long ago the worst thing she faced was the crippling thought of dying alone in the bunker, and after that it was her evil twin's mad science lab. Honestly, it was weird to her how numbed to it she'd become. Nowadays she almost forgot that she was in another dimension and that her family was lost to her probably forever.


Then again, what else was new?

"I should start charging for all these rescues..." She narrowed her eyes and stabbed the needle through the reddened skin. Thankfully Peter didn't so much as twitch in response, letting her work in relative peace with her new amateur sewing dummy, "You're lucky I had these with me..." She licked her lower lip and cut the line of thread. Just half a dozen more to go...

She let out another sigh and stood, taking off her gloves and tossing them into the nearby bin. She wasn't exactly a doctor in the making - much to her mother's eternal disappointment - but she'd learned to patch herself up. Hockey wasn't what someone would call a soft touch sport and while she was lucky enough not to lose any of her teeth, she'd come home with bruises and sore limbs more often than she'd liked.

Cindy stretched her arms above her head and looked outside the window. The sun had barely risen over the horizon, but already she felt completely wired. Then again there wasn't much she could do about that; between the bunker, the mad science lab and the S.H.I.E.L.D training facility, time had kinda lost meaning for her besides as a number on the clock. She didn't want to tell Pete, but she did kinda want to break down crying - just a little bit - when she finally saw the sun again yesterday.

Hey, so sue her; she had emotions.

She looked back at Peter worriedly. She'd managed to stitch up his wounds and he was sleeping soundly...well, as soundly as someone who looked like they got the shit kicked out of them could be, 'Pete really needs to be more careful.' She made her way to her room and rummaged through her luggage. Technically she hadn't finished unpacking everything S.H.I.E.L.D gave her, and with Peter on her couch she couldn't exactly take her well-deserved ice cream break, so...

Oh well, at least the view was nice...well, what little of it that wasn't covered in bloody bandages and stitches.

The hours passed by quicker than she thought they would have. Peter slept like a rock, and by the time noon hit it almost felt like she'd made a dent into unloading all the crap her new bosses gave her...though she wondered whose bright idea it was to give her an entire box of tazers, tranquilizers and pepper spray. Did someone not get the memo about her having superpowers or something?

She was into her 5th box (no, she wasn't going to ask why they thought fireworks were a good idea either) when Peter finally woke up, "Mmmh...where am I?" His eyes parted open slowly, groping at the air blindly with his uninjured hand before he finally managed to grasp the edge of the couch and pull himself up, "I...Cindy?" He grimaced and let out a pained breath, "Is that you?"

"Yep. Your knight in shining spider silk to the rescue...again." She stood up and wiped her hands on her sweatpants, making her way to the couch before Peter could try to do a handstand, "Look, just relax, would you? Not mincing words, you looked pretty fucked up when you got here last night...and trust me, I've seen fucked up." She clicked her tongue and sat on the chair next to him, "Your wounds-"

"Will heal..." He held onto his side and grit his teeth, his breaths soft, "You patched me up, I should be fine for now..." He swung his legs over the edge, "Pain'll pass...just need some painkillers and I'll be good to go."

"Right..." She leaned forward and poked the (weirdly almost faded) bruise on his chest, getting a pained hiss in response, "You look 'good to go' straight to the emergency room." She rolled her eyes at the annoyed glare he gave her, "Come on, Pete; no need for the tough guy act. Need I remind you that I saved your ass, what does that make it, 3 times now? That lone wolf BS was old even before I got trapped in the bunker."

"So you say..." He let out an exhausted breath and brought his hand over his face, "...What time is it?"

"20 minutes past 12." Cindy gestured to the clock lazily, "Honestly, I was expecting you to burst into flames when the sun came up...or is it sparkle? I dunno, I guess some things stay the same no matter what. I mean when I checked online there was this show called the Fantastic 4, and even back in my place those guys were already famous before I got put in the sinkhole. Hell, where are the X-Men? Maybe I could pull of the Mutant thing."

"Dunno what you're talking about..." Peter shook his head and stood up shakily, Cindy reaching a hand out to steady him, "I'm fine, Cin...just kinda dizzy. It'll pass." He shook his head again and let out a breath through his mouth, "I heal fast...only reason I'm not a 100 percent right now is cause...well, let's just say I got into a fight again."

"I'll say. You looked like you lost a fight with a lawnmower." She guided him to the dining room table and set him down on one of the chairs, "Now, relax, would you? Gwen and Harry haven't called yet, but I bet the second they get a clue they'll tell us right away. Till then why not try taking it easy? The city's not gonna blow up just cause Spider-Man decides to take some R and R."

"Somehow I doubt that. This madhouse seems like it's determined to kill itself...feels like death by a thousand papercuts..." He traced a hand through the bandaged arm and frowned, "...Sorry for just barging in like I did. Didn't know who else to turn to."

"Well, there's Gwen, but it's good to know you think that way." She gave him a cheeky smile and clapped his uninjured soldier, "Well, I'll get lunch started. Dunno about you, but I'm starving."

"...You can cook?"

She was torn between being annoyed and snorting in agreement at the doubtful look her gave her, "Yep. I can fry a mean can of Spam...though in this place they call it Cram for some reason. Weird." She shook her head, "If you're expecting 5 star cooking, then no, sorry. Being in a bunker means that you stick with all the canned stuff that they tell you will kill you if you eat too much of it." She laughed and flexed her arms, "I missed the worst of it. Guess these powers are good for something, at least."

Lunch was...nice, if she had to use a word to describe it. Back in the bunker she was always alone except for a few CD's she managed to take with her, and that got boring after a year of constant re-runs. Back in S.I.L.K she was fed slop through her cell and even in the S.H.I.E.L.D facility there was always a certain distance between her and the other agents in training. No one wanted to hang out with the girl who could shoot web out of her fingers, after all.

Peter wasn't much of a conversationalist like Gwen was, but his presence was comforting all the same. He was a good listener, to use the cliche. It was nice to talk to someone who was just as weirded out about this dimension as she was. Granted he had a good 70 years of difference on her, but she'd take what she could get...though she wondered why he kept calling the place a 'Madhouse'. She didn't think he was the nickname type.

"So you wanna explain why you came in here looking like something out of Manhunt?" she asked, washing the dishes almost absentmindedly. The first thing she'd get when she started getting paid was definitely one of those fancy automatic dishwashers, "I mean last I checked we were supposed to go do our raids then come back with our info. Was a mauling scheduled and I just missed it?"

"You could say that..." Peter stood up from the table and made his way to the nearby bathroom, leaving the door open so they could keep talking, "Got in over my head, I guess. Guess there are still things in this asylum that I haven't gotten used to." He opened the cabinet above the sink and picked up a bottle of painkillers, "...Hey, I gotta ask you something: You worked with Osborn last night. Did anything to you?"

"Uh...define 'off'." She looked back and found him swallowing a handful of pills. If it was anyone else she would've wondered if they had a deathwish, "He was...I dunno how to describe it; paranoid, maybe? He was looking over his shoulder the entire time we were together. Kinda felt like he was expecting me to shoot him or something the second his back was turned."

"Probably not far from the truth..." He pocketed the painkillers before picking up another bottle from the shelves, "...Hair dye? You planning to go undercover, Moon?" he asked, giving her a wary look.

"Kinda." She shook her head and laughed, "My evil twin's the head of a terrorist organization, remember? Even if it's not public knowledge, running around with the same exact look might not be such a good idea, you know? Bobby figured I needed to change my face up a bit; dye my hair...maybe get a little plastic surgery, the works." She shrugged, "Sooner the better, he said. I dunno, you think I could pull off the redhead look?"

"I've seen worse. Maybe you could change your name to Mary Jane Watson, try to blend in better." He returned the previous dye and picked up a bottle of blonde coloring, "...Hey, you mind if I use this?"

"Thinking of pulling off a new look, too?" she asked back with a light smirk.

"Parker's face has been getting me into trouble ever since I got here. Might be a good start, at least." He turned the container around and stared at the instruction, "...Says here it'll take only 5 minutes. Guess this madhouse is good for something, at least." He set it down on the sink and looked back at her with a sigh, " mind if-"

"Knock yourself out, Pete." She waved a hand through the air lazily and plopped down on the couch, Peter closing the bathroom door without another word. The entire apartment as quiet, and even though the remote was at arm's reach she didn't feel like turning on the TV to add some noise into the place. If there was one thing she missed about the bunker, it was the quiet. Here everything was loud; blaring horns, people running down the hallway or even a freaking parade marching down the street. 10 years of isolation meant loud noises were definitely up there on her 'do not want' list.

Which made the scratching at her door almost deafening when she heard it, "What the...?" She stood up and made her way to the door carefully. Her spinnerette-sense was quiet, which was pretty rare all things considered. She distinctly recalled having it tingle a few hours ago only to find a college girl bawling her eyes out after she'd been ditched by her friends. Mean to be sure, but hardly 'danger to your life' material.

She'd barely opened the door before a tiny pug zipped past her legs and ran to the bathroom door, "Hey, what the-" Her words were cut off when Peter opened the door, looking down at the puppy for only a second before he gave a light smile and petted its head, "Uh..." She looked at the scene in confusion before speaking up again, " wanna introduce me to your friend here?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He stood up and brought a hand through his now-blond hair. She had to say, it fit him better than she thought it would have, "This is my dog...Dog." He could only shrug at the exasperated look she gave him, "I'm not good with names...anyway, don't mind him. He's trained, and he doesn't do his business in the carpet like some other animals I've seen."

", I was more wondering how he found you. Did you post something on myspace and he decided to follow up?"

"I'm...not really sure." He sat back down on the couch and picked up one of the guns lying on the table, "He's been following me around ever since I got him...honestly, I stopped trying to make logic out of this place months ago. Maybe he's a freak like I am." He petted its head again before he focused back on the side-arm, "...My wounds aren't fully healed yet, but we don't have time to waste. I called Summers before I passed out and she narrowed down an address."

"You sure that's a good idea?" She asked, gesturing to the still-healing wounds on his upper body, "I already saved your ass 3 times, Pete. Really not looking forward to make it an even 4."

"A good idea? Probably not, but it's not like I've had one of those ever since I got here." He ejected the magazine and replaced it with another carrying rubber bullets, "This'll be a stretch, but with the 2 of us we should be able to pull it off."

"2 of us? Aren't you forgetting a couple?" she asked, "Gwen and Harry are gonna want in on this." Especially the former. She didn't know what the deal between the two was, but it was clear Gwen was extremely protective; kind of odd considering how Peter usually was, but considering he was apparently her best friend a few years ago she supposed she shouldn't have been too surprised.

"...That's not gonna work. I'll...tell you when we're going over there." He mussed up his hair and groaned softly, "...Look, I need your help. If you don't want to then it's fine, I'll make do on my own."

"Quit the guilt trip, Pete." She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Look, I'll help you out, but you might wanna do something about...well, all of that." She gestured to his upper body, "I mean, not that I'm not enjoying the gun show here, but you really need a change of clothes." She crossed her arms, "Look, I can patch up that costume for you-"

"It's fine..." He picked up the dark shirt and jacket, grimacing slightly at the torn up right sleeves, "Lana's gonna kill me if I try to modify this thing after she spent so much time sewing it back on. I can deal..." He put the shirt on quickly and bit back a hiss, "...I do need help with a new mask, though. The old one got torn up..." He picked up the barely-there mask and tossed it into the bin, "...Again."

"Yeesh, how'd you ever manage to keep a mask before I got here?" She gave an exaggerated sigh and nodded, "Alright, let's wait till nighttime, then we can crash the Ogre's castle...just, one thing." She stared at the cheery pug warily, "What are we gonna do about your dog? You know any sitters?"

"He doesn't need one. Considering he went all the way from Hell's Kitchen to here, I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself." He picked up the pug and placed it on the couch, the puppy immediately curling in on himself and taking a nap on the soft cushions, "Come on, we have some time to kill...I should probably tell you what happened with Osborn."


Ogre's 'castle' was so obvious that Peter had to wonder how he never saw it before.

After the nightclubs and warehouses he thought that whoever the Negro - wait, that was offensive now... - was he might have had a touch more subtlety compared to the average crime bosses. The idea was that they were supposed to keep themselves hidden, hide in plain sight as it were. In practice not so much; anyone who was greedy enough to trample people just for a bit more long green was more often than not too egotistical to keep their blood money hidden. Fancy suits, fast cars and even faster dames...women. They wanted to show just how better off they were because of the innocent blood on their hands.

Ogre wasn't any different. Even from the high rooftop across the street Peter was getting a headache from the opulent mansion that stood out like a sore thumb compared to the other buildings and houses in the place. Calling it a 'castle' felt more accurate than it should have been - It was missing a carriage and knights wearing armor, but the mansion dwarfed everything else in the area in sheer width and impracticality alone. That and it was lit up brighter than a star on Christmas eve.

"Yeesh, someone's overcompensating," Cindy said next to him, her expression hard to make out underneath the gray scarf she wore, "I don't see any guards. How do you wanna play this, Pete? Full assault or you gonna turn invisible and do the ninja thing again?"

"Hard to say..." He narrowed his eyes and focused. No guards at the front, and he couldn't see much in the way of alarms. Either Ogre was overconfident or he was smarter than he looked and had a card up his sleeve, "I don't know anything about this guy, Cin. We didn't exactly have much time for chit-chat before he tried to gas me and Connors. For all I know he could be hiding a nuclear device under that house of his."

"A nuke? Come on, he can't be that rich."

"Who knows." He scoffed, "All I'm saying is that-"


...Oh, damn it.

Without even trying to suppress his annoyed sigh, he looked back and scowled when he saw Gwen and Osborn land on the roof, the former holding a thin line of black webbing in her free hand. He should've expected it - a part of him almost did - but for once he hoped that luck would stop taking it's daily dump on him and maybe let him go through the night without wanting to bash his head against the wall...well, more than he already did, anyway.

He was tempted to disappear into smoke and jump off the roof then and there, but something held him back. Ever since that night at the Frankenstein's lab, he'd been...different. Not enough that he was unrecognizable, but the second bite wasn't just a scratch. While his new 'gifts' came at a cost, they were still there...and right now they made Gwen seem almost alien from how she usually was.

Body language was something he paid attention to even before he got his powers, but afterwards it was almost trivial. It was easy enough to gauge someone's intentions when his spider-sense decided to warn him - Blaring if someone wanted to put a bullet between his eyes, nothing if they didn't. Gwen was different; ever since they'd met his sixth sense never worked on her, so he lost his crutch.

Not that reading her was difficult. In the short time he'd known her the other Spider was remarkably open about her feelings, secret identity aside. Despite the full body costume she wore her heart on her sleeve and it was clear as day whenever she changed her mood.

Which made the show she was trying to put on even weirder.

Gwen separated from Osborn without a word, her movements stiff. Normally her movements were unrestrained - something that became more obvious ever since that night in the butcher shop - but right now it looked like she was trying to play the silent joe. Every step, every move of the hands down to the smallest twitch were measured; trying to show no cracks on the surface.

Of course, the same couldn't be said about the...thing latched onto her. He doubted Osborn and Cindy noticed, but the damn thing was practically shivering and convulsing the closer its host got to him. Whether the blonde was aware of it or not he had no clue, but she seemed determined to act like nothing was wrong.

"Peter." Her voice was soft, barely heard over the space between them. He would've found it somewhat pitiable if his face still didn't feel like it was burning.

"...What do you want, Stacy?" Cindy gave him a wary look and didn't say a word. She knew what happened now, knew why Osborn looked at her like he was expecting a stab in the back, but she didn't exactly have a personal horse in this race.

"We're here to stop this Ogre bastard," Gwen replied, voice rising to become more even, "...We pooled the clues we got, and it looks like we were right. The mansion's his evil lair, so..." She took deep, slow breath and stepped closer to him, "Peter...I know you're angry, and I don't blame you, but this...this is too important for us to just start fighting one another, alright? And your need our help."

"If you say so." Peter scoffed. Funny how she was trying to play diplomat now that the other shoe finally dropped, "You wanna be a superhero, fine by me. Me and Cin'll find our own way around; just stay out of our way and it'll be fine."

Now would've been a good time to finally leave, but then Osborn had to open his damn mouth, "Peter, wait!" He rushed forward and grabbed his shoulder, keeping him in place, "I...I know you hate me, but this..." He shook his head and sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth, "Look...we need to work together and make sure this poison doesn't spread again. I want the same thing as you do, trust me."

Trust him? Images of what happened to Connors sprang back in his mind. He remembered claws cutting through his face, the blood of Martha Connors and his own mixing together; he remembered razor sharp teeth chewing through his arm, ripping through muscle and tendon like they were tissue paper; and then there was Connors' son who looked at his dad like he was nothing more than a monster.

All Osborn's fault...and now he was trying to play hero.

Peter's hands clenched tightly for a brief moment before he lashed out, the fist smashing against Osborn's jaw and making the fallen prince stumble back near Gwen, "You got a lot of nerve, Osborn..." He could hear the voice at the back of his skull trying to claw it's way out, but he managed to shut it down, "All of this is your fault! Because of you're a damn idiot Ogre is turning people into monsters!"

The mask on Gwen's eyes widened, but before she could do anything Osborn held up a hand and shook his head, "No, Gwen...he's right." He wiped his bloody lip and grimaced. The wound looked painful, but considering how good the bastard looked considering what happened between them last Peter was pretty damn sure that he was getting a kickback from the serum, "The serum died with him...I was the one who dug it up and gave it to S.I.L.K."

"Harry, it's-"

"Don't say it's not his fault!" Peter snarled, rounding on Gwen now, "You didn't...Gwen, if you saw what happened with Connors then you wouldn't..." Wouldn't what? Wouldn't let him go? Wouldn't excuse his actions with barely more than a slap on the wrist? He wanted to believe that was true, but apparently she knew all along and thought he deserved his freedom.

"He's trying to make up for it!" Gwen practically shouted back, "Peter...Harry made a mistake, all of us have. This...I'm not saying he's innocent, but S.I.L.K has the serum and it's better that he's out here trying to fix this mess than rotting in some jail cell."

"That's rich coming from you." He sneered, though it was unseen from under his mask, "Tell me something, Stacy: If it wasn't Osborn who spread this poison around, if it was just another delusional nutjob, would he have gotten a second chance? Or does it being him somehow make it okay? You've put people in prison for less; I've seen you do it. Why does he get a second chance when no one else did?"


"You know, I thought you actually put your money where your mouth is." Peter continued, ignoring the way the other Spider's fists shook, "2 months, Gwen...2 months you dragged me around like a dog on a leash. 'Don't do this, don't do that. It's wrong, Peter'." He laughed bitterly, "I was frustrated with you, but at least you practiced what you preached. Well..." He threw a venomous glare at Osborn, "Apparently not."

"...I didn't treat you like a-"

"Dog?" he interrupted again, resisting the urge to let out another bitter laugh, "Really? I remember things differently, Stacy. I remember you setting the rules, remember you dragging me around and forcing me to act how you wanted. Weeks I had to do what you wanted, and if you didn't like something you'd stomp your foot and I couldn't say no. After all, who could refuse the great and famous Spider-Woman? It was her way or the highway."

"That's..." She clenched her hands into tight fists and steadied her shoulders, " were killing people, acting like a maniac. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Leave me alone, maybe? The only reason you ever cared was because I had a dead kid's face." He let out a soft, frustrated noise from the back of his throat, "Like I said, I could accept it because you seemed to honestly believe that tripe. So riddle me this, then - Why does Osborn get a second chance? Why isn't he paraded around on a leash with you hovering over his shoulder telling him right from wrong? Tell me that."

She couldn't. There was a second when it seemed like she was going to say something, but eventually she unclenched her hands and let out a soft sigh. Peter scowled and looked away from them both, looking over to the mansion again. Still brightly lit, still the last thing they needed to do before they could put an end to this. He just wanted this night to be over, pretend that the last 2 days hadn't occurred to begin with.

The silence eventually ended when Cindy let out a practiced cough, "Um...right." She coughed again and looked at them all in turn, "Look, Pete just gave me the basic gist, but I think I know what's going on. Gwen..." She took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Look...I know Harry's your best friend, but Pete has a point. If Harry really gave that serum to my evil twin then he needs to answer for it. S.H.I.E.L.D's gonna want him in custody, especially since he's infected..."

"I..." Gwen looked at Osborn, obviously pained even through her mask, "What are you asking me to do, Cindy? them throw one of my friends inside a prison cell?"

"It's where he belongs..." Peter muttered.

"I wouldn't use the same words as Pete, but you get the idea." Cindy nodded, "Look,'re working for Captain freaking America! I'm being trained as an agent! Like it or not, Harry's a wanted criminal and he's a risk with the serum in his blood. Do you have any idea what they'd do to either of us if they found out we were keeping him hidden? I know Cap likes you, but there's only so much crap you can pull before someone calls bullshit."

"I know you're right, but I can't go yet..." Osborn replied softly, "Look...this is my fault, and until I'm sure the last trace of this poison is gone I can do more good out here over staying in some jail cell. As soon as it's over I'll turn myself in. I promise."

He wasn't lying, but at this point Peter didn't care. For all he knew the bastard was just deluded enough to believe his own lies like Castle was, "How convenient." He turned back to them and crossed his arms, "I know what you mean by that, Osborn. I know your type; you'll keep finding excuses to try and 'atone' for what you've done so you don't have to face up to what you're due. First it's Ogre, then it'll be some other criminal or wrong you did that you'll use to justify why it's 'better' for you to be out here rather than in a hole where you belong."

"I know you don't trust me, Peter, but this isn't what I intended." Osborn grimaced, "Look, you mentioned that Connors turned after you rescued him. But that doesn't make any sense. He should've been fine for longer than that; he wouldn't have returned to his family if he was hours away from turning into one of the Lizards. Ogre must've tampered with the formula somehow, the same way he did it for the nightclub."

"That's right, try to find someone else to blame. What you did wasn't 'as' bad; you 'just' doomed 6 innocent people. Ogre being worse somehow excuses that, right?" He sneered at the terrorist, "What next, Osborn? You gonna tell me daddy didn't hug you enough and that being rich and getting whatever you wanted was so terrible that you 'had to' do what you did?"

"Peter, enough." Gwen crossed her own arms and raised her eyes to meet his, "We've all made mistakes...and your hands aren't clean either. Frank Castle ringing any bells? He's not exactly a saint, but you're still friends with him. He nearly killed my dad, Peter. He put Aunt May at risk."

"Friends...don't think anyone is that guy's friend." He scoffed. He doubted anyone did more than just tolerate Frank Castle; even Bullseye seemed to hate the guy's guts, and that was saying something, "If your argument is that we're both assholes, then that's not much of a shock. Besides, at least I never pretended to be a saint, 'Superhero'."

"Alright, enough!" Cindy got between them and raised both her hands, "We've all got issues here, but could we wait until that World of Warcraft reject is behind bars? That and I don't really think an open roof in the middle of the city's a good place for a private convo."

Yeah...he knew that from experience. Sighing, Peter gave a subtle nod before he jumped off the roof. The sooner they finished this the sooner they could put it all behind them.


The inside of the house...wasn't what he expected.

It was a toss-up between running in through the front gates or trying to find some other route to sneak though...and considering he seemed to be the only one in the small 'group' that had any idea on how do anything besides kicking the door down and hoping for the best it wasn't much of an argument. Another reason he didn't like working with partners; one mistake and multiple people paid the price.

Still, the architecture wasn't anything to scoff at. A wide entrance hall, chandeliers on the roof and carpets and curtains that looked more expensive than the apartment he was currently 'living' in. It reminded him of those old-timey houses nobles would live in during the renaissance; impractical and needlessly complex. It looked like something an actual lord might have lived in rather than some drug kingpin.

...Well, it would've been if the entire place wasn't covered in fresh corpses.

Peter put his pistol back in its holster and walked towards one of the solitary corpses, the other three still standing agape near the center of the room. He'd expected they'd get swarmed by guards as soon as they kicked the door down, but luck had other plans, "Looks like someone was here first..." He knelt down next to the body and turned it around, "Sliced from ear to ear...someone's been watching too many movies."

He counted at least a dozen bodies in the entrance hall alone, and even more piled on top of the stairs. Not all of them had knife wounds; some were covered in 4th degree burns, and others were missing arms, legs or even their heads...and judging by the chunks of bloody meat he had a pretty good idea of what happened, 'Controlled explosives...this isn't a nail bomb. Definitely professional.'

The smell of blood in the air was overwhelming, especially for someone like him. Peter frowned and looked back at the rest of his 'teammates'. They were still slack-jawed, though he at least thought Osborn would've been used to it by now. It wouldn't have been the first time both of them were responsible for a pile of corpses.

"Holy shit..." Cindy said, blinking rapidly as if trying to make sure she wasn't seeing things, "This is..."

"All of them are dead." Gwen audibly swallowed, her 'suit' moving slightly in response, "Who the fuck did this...?" She knelt down by the corpse he was examining and looked at its cold, lifeless eyes, "...The bodies are still warm, that means-"

"Whoever did this is still here, most likely." Peter finished. Ignoring the blood clinging to his pants, he stood up and nudged his head to the direction of the stairs, "Come on...Ogre's probably dead by now, but whoever did this might have answers for us." Or at least he hoped so. This had all the markings of a hitman - Messy, gruesome and it'd send a message to anyone trying to look deeper.

The rest of the mansion wasn't any different: Corpses lined up in the stairs and hallways, all of them either burnt, cut or bludgeoned to death. The bright lights only added to the weird disconnect, "Can't tell if they're being careless or sadistic..." He'd seen death on a large scale before. Castle preferred the certainty of a bullet, and while he did his best to try and reign him in when prison was feasible, there were just as many times that it wasn't. Still, with the Punisher it was quick and precise; there was no point in drawn out sadism and brutality, even for someone who lived for the thrill of a firefight like Castle did.

Here it was different. Dead all the same, but the methods were crude. Intentional or not? He didn't know.

It didn't help that his spider-sense was beating like a damn drum, "Anyone else feel that...?" He looked at Gwen and Cindy and tapped the side of his head. His spider-sense was never the most precise despite it's reliability. It told him when someone wanted to harm him, but what they intended to do was for him to figure out. For all he knew the person in question could've pulled out a gun, a knife or a damn pie.

Right now it was pulsing in a constant rhythm and it was giving him a damn headache, "Yeah, I feel it too..." Cindy mumbled, looking around her warily, "It's...I think we're in danger, but it's not the same thing as a direct attack. Reminds me of the time I got an earthquake in the sinkhole. Just...danger in general, you know? It wasn't intentional by anyone, it's just nature."

"Well, I don't feel anything so if we're getting an earthquake then I'm hoping you two will warn us," Gwen said, her gaze lingering on the bodies. He didn't feel much sympathy for these clowns - the chances of them being in the dark about their bosses' depravities was pretty low given his experiences - but he wasn't completely heartless. Some of the ways they went looked gruesome, "How many people did this guy kill...?"

"Don't think about it..." That's what she did with Osborn, after all.

They spent a couple more minutes just wandering through the halls till they found a door that Peter assumed led to Ogre's room...the two bodies crucified on both sides of the door were kind of a big hint, "Well...guess that answers that question." Definitely a sadist. Peter pried the bloody knives from one of their wrists and watched the body crumple the ground, "I'm guessing Ogre's on the other side." He tapped the edge of the blade lightly. Still sharp...well, he lost his old knives during the fight with Connors. Now seemed a good time as any to get some replacements.

"Along with whatever psycho did all this." Gwen took a deep breath, her 'suit' quickly growing still. He could only hope that she kept that thing under a leash, whatever it was, "Something tells me that whoever did this isn't a new Superhero trying to make a name for himself."

"You'd be surprised. " He took out his gun and ejected the rubber bullets, inserting a fresh magazine into the chamber, "Whoever's in there is gonna be dangerous. I'm shooting to kill."

"Peter, you don't have to-"

"Shut up. I'm done listening to you."

The mask hid most of it, but the way she almost flinched and her words fading into a shocked mumble made it clear his answer stung. Even now he couldn't help the feeling of guilt that sprung up, but he did his best to ignore it. He wasn't going to apologize for refusing to be her toady, "...Come on." He raised the gun and pushed the door open before she could get another word in.

The interior completed the castle aesthetic of the previous rooms, even down to having a 'throne' opposite the doorway. It was also the same in the sense that the large room was covered in bodies, though instead of suits the corpses wore gimp suits, gyspy dresses and gas masks. He recognized them; Ogre's entourage during their little chat in Connors' lab. Now he definitely didn't feel much sympathy.

Still, all of that paled in comparison to the two figures on the 'throne'. He recognized Ogre, the large man's body covered in numerous cuts and burns and his arms strapped to the chair's sides. The one next to him was even more noteworthy; a tall and lanky figure covered in a black and green jumpsuit with a tattered cape that completed the ensemble. Another freak in this madhouse.

In the end it was nothing compared to the flaming pumpkin that covered the figure's head, a malevolent smile carved onto its 'face' like a jack-o-lantern on halloween.

"Huh, looks like you have guests, Oggy!" Pumpkinhead looked at each of them in turn, his gaze lingering on Peter before he turned back to his hostage, "You've been a bad boy, Oggy! That's Spider-Woman; S.H.I.E.L.D must be very interested in what you're doing." He laughed, the sound distorted and robotic just like his voice, "Poor little Oggy. Always trying to reach too far." He played with the knife in his left hand and traced it across the larger man's arm, "Now you're paying the price."

"Y-You..bastard!" Ogre spat out a mouthful of blood and screamed when the knife finally reached his elbow, the blade digging into the skin with a disgusting squelch, "You and your boss are gonna pay for this!"

Gwen was the first to react, charging at the pair like she was possessed, "Let go of him!" She was nearly on them before she suddenly stopped, getting pushed back with a dull smack, "What the-"

"Bulletproof glass." Pumpkinhead laughed again, the distorted sound seeming more grotesque the longer Peter heard it, "Nearly transparent and almost indestructible. Cost Oggy a fortune, but I knew the codes. Didn't save him from me, but for you 4? It'll do just fine." He crossed his arms and leaned across the throne, "If you guys were hoping for a bloodbath then you're going to be disappointed. Shoulda come earlier, kiddies!"

"You're the one responsible for all this? All these dead people?" Gwen asked, her hands balled into tight fists.

"Well, I don't like to brag, but yeah." He clicked his tongue and shook his head, "Wasn't hard, just had to disable the valves that fed serum to this place." He stepped back and raised his hands in mock surrender when Gwen smacked the glass in frustration, "Hey, hey, hey! No need for violence! In fact, you should be thanking me! Oggy was gonna turn everyone into Lizards the second you got here. You ask me, I did you a favor! You're welcome!"

"You son of a-"

"Ah, ah, ah! Language! What'll everyone say when they hear New York's hero cursing like a thug? It'll be scandalous!" He picked up another knife and stabbed it into Ogre's hand, earning another curse-filled scream from the would-be kingpin, "Like I said, I did you all a favor! Trust me, Dark Spider over there knows me! We're phone buddies!"

"What are you..." The words were barely out of his mouth before the gears finally clicked. He remembered where that voice came from, "...'Jack', isn't it?"

"Flattered you remembered, Spidey!" 'Jack' stepped off the throne and walked closer to the transparent glass, "I'll admit, it's kinda embarrassing being caught like this. I don't even have my good mask on!" He tapped the side of the flaming pumpkin and sighed, "But now's a good a time as any, right? I do owe you for stopping my little pet project with the 'Sin Eater'. Catchy name, by the way. Wouldn't have thought of it myself."

"You're going to-"

"Why did you do this?" Osborn cut in, his expression a cross between a glare and a look of shock, "All these it because of PGH?"

"Mmmh, half and half." 'Jack' shrugged, "My boss makes all the plans. Me? I don't really care, truth be told. He just tells me to kill Oggy over there and take the formula. The bossman doesn't like competition, you see, and Oggy has a bad habit of overstepping his limits." He gestured to the dead bodies lining the 'throne room', "Everyone else was just a bonus. If you don't have fun while you're working then what's the point, right?"

"Fun!?" Cindy screamed, "Those people are dead, you...whatever the hell you are! You're sick!"

"I'll take that as a compliment." 'Jack' shrugged again, "Now, I can see everyone here's agitated, and I have no interest in explaining to my boss why he has to bail me out of prison, so..." He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a thin tube with a button at the top. It didn't take long to figure out it was a detonator, "Gotta cut this short. See ya."

As soon as 'Jack' pushed the button Peter's spider-sense blared, the sound almost deafening if not for the loud explosions that followed. Peter just barely heard the others scream out out something unintelligible before he felt something crash into his back and pin him to the floor, his vision going dark not long afterwards.


Peter didn't know how long he lay pinned under the rubble, but by his estimates it couldn't have been more than a few seconds judging by the screaming he heard, "Need to get out, need to get out!" Gwen's voice, but something was wrong. She sounded panicked, far more than when they were put into situations like this, "Leave, leave, leave! The fire will kill us!"

He heard a crash and just barely caught sight of Gwen's hooded figure smashing a hole through the wall and leaping through it with a frantic scream, "Guess I can't get her help..." He hissed and tried to pry himself out of the rubble with little success. The entire mansion was on fire, the choking smoke replacing the the metallic stench of blood in the air, "Damn it..." He grabbed the ground and pulled himself forward, ignoring the feeling of blood rushing down his back. If he could still feel pain then he was alive.

Letting out another cough, Peter finally managed to pry himself from the stones rise into a shaky stand. He couldn't see Cindy anywhere; he could only hope that she managed to get out of this place-

His spider-sense rung and he ducked, barely avoiding the knife that whizzed past where his head was, "Huh, nice reflexes!" He turned around and found Jack standing nearby seemingly without a care in the world, "You know, my boss told me to get back to him as soon as I got the job done, but..." He pulled out a pair of knives and spun them around in his hands, "What's work without fun, right?"

"Go to hell..." He tried to grab for his gun and scowled when he felt nothing but the empty space of his holster. He must have dropped it, "...If we stay here we're both going to die." If the fire didn't kill them then the smoke would, but he didn't feel any urge to run. He took out a knife and held the blade close to him. Better he ended it here than risk someone like him running loose out there.

"I'm ready for that. Let's dance!"

Jack charged first, laughing all the while. Peter dodged the strikes, his steps heavy. Despite his previous kills the bastard's moves were definitely trained. It reminded him of his sparring sessions with Moon Knight, 'He's fast...' He dodged the third hit and slashed the knife across the bastard's stomach, a thin sheet of blood pouring through the costume, 'Should've been deeper...costume blunted the hit.'

"Hah, nice one!" Jack charged again and brought both knives down, the blades scratching through his right shoulder and his wrecked body armor, "You're actually a bit of a challenge! Not like everyone else in this place!" He pressed the blades deeper into his arm before Peter smacked him away.

"Shut up." His wounds were slowing him down. Peter ejected a burst of webbing to cover 'Jack's' legs and grabbed his arm, jamming the knife into his elbow and using it to break the limb entirely.

'Jack' looked down at the limp arm for a second before he let out an ear-splitting laugh. Peter ignored it and moved to do the same to his other arm before his spider-sense blared again, "You got me!" He pushed him back and sliced through the webs with his remaining hand, ignoring the limb swinging loosely in its socket, "Your win, Spidey! Guess I shouldn't have underestimated you!"

"We're not done yet-"

He'd barely managed out the 4 words before what looked like a broomstick crashed through a window, its back billowing fire and smoke out of the weaponized exhaust, "Well, my ride's here!" 'Jack' hopped onto the mangled broomstick and gave him a mock salute, "We gotta do this again, Spidey! But next time it's gotta be all proper-like, you get me!? Trust me, you're gonna love it!"

With those last words he let out another cackle and flew out, tossing a green sphere over his shoulder without a care. Peter didn't need his spider sense to tell him it was a grenade.

The explosion caused the floor to collapse beneath him. Peter fell for the briefest of moments before his head smacked against the 2nd floor, his head ringing from the sound and impact, 'That son of a...' He let out a bloody cough and sucked in a mouthful of thick, smoky air. He was going to kill that bastard, but first he needed to make sure this place wasn't going to be his tomb.

Peter grabbed the wall and forced himself to stand, walking shakily to the nearby window. All he had to do was jump and he'd be-


Sometimes he wondered if luck loved or hated him. Despite all the garbage it piled on him he had to be doing something right if he managed to survive it all. And now here he was inches from freedom and what did he see? Harry Osborn trapped under huge chunk of wall, his head pressed down against the floor and his breathing soft and barely there.

It would've been so easy to leave him right here, to make sure he'd die in the same place as that bastard Ogre; both idiots who tried to use the serum for their own gain. Hell, he could've stabbed him in the head, made sure that the serum wouldn't pull a last second transformation and let out another rampaging monster that would kill people. No one would know...Gwen wouldn't know.

He was nearly on the window before he stopped and looked back. Osborn wasn't lying when he said he wanted to make up for what he did, and his damned dad was one of the reasons they eve managed to find a lead at all, 'Protect his son...he sure picked the wrong guy.' He turned back to the window. Getting fitted for a wooden kimono here and now would've been exactly what he deserved...

"I just be you..."

"God damn it..." He ran back and knelt by Osborn's unconscious body, grabbing the rubble and lifting it off him with a groan, "I'm going to regret this..." He pushed the rubble aside and slung Osborn's bloody arm over his shoulder, ignoring the gruesome injuries that covered the limb. Osborn would probably lose the arm, but it wasn't like he couldn't just get a new one...

Peter jumped off the window with Osborn in tow, pressing the larger man closer when they impacted against the ground. Falls like that would've normally been something he could shrug off, but the accumulated injures almost made him collapse altogether when he landed feet first on the grass.

He let go of Osborn and fell down onto his hands and knees, letting out a few more strangled coughs before he finally vomited, a disgusting mix of bile and blood smattering against the ground, "All of this...for nothing..." He crumpled his hands and scowled. Ogre was dead, but now 'Jack' had the formula and they were right back to where they started. Hopefully Johnson could take over because he got the feeling it was above his punching weight.

His 'peace and quiet' was disturbed by the sound of rapid footsteps and Cindy's frantic voice reaching his ears, "Peter, Harry, you're both alright!" She knelt down next to them and gave him a relieved look, the uncovered half of her face covered in spots of soot, "God, when that place went up in flames I thought you both..." She swallowed nervously and touched his shoulder, "Can't believe you saved him..."

"Yeah..." No thanks to Gwen. She definitely didn't hesitate to jump at the first chance she got, "...Where's Gwen?"

"Gwen?" She looked at him worriedly, "I...I thought she'd be with you two."

"What?" He stood up frantically and looked back at the burning mansion. She left first; did she try and go back to try and save them? "She...I have to-"

"Over here, guys..." Both Spiders' attention were drawn to one of the large pools. Peter saw Gwen's gloved hand waving at them from over the edge before she pulled herself up, a forced smile on her unmasked face despite her soggy appearance, "Landed on the pool...sorry about..." She sighed and shook off the water clinging to her fingers... "I dunno, I just...went nuts. I was having a freakout and didn't want to leave the water..." She bit her bottom lip and refused to meet their gaze. Embarrassment, maybe, "Sorry..."

"Tch..." Peter shut his eyes for a few seconds before he let out a sigh of his own, "This was all a waste of time. Ogre's dead and 'Jack' has the formula. We might as well have just ignored it..."

"S.H.I.E.L.D can help, I'll forward everything we found out." Gwen put her hands on her knees and panted, her expression turning uncertain before she looked at him again, "...I saw you save Harry, Peter. Why did you-"

"Don't ask." Peter shook his head. This wasn't a conversation he wanted to have, "Just...make sure to keep him as far away from me as possible. I'm tired of giving this bastard second chances, Gwen...the next time I see him I'm going to finish what I started last time, do you understand?"

"Yeah..." She let out a disappointed breath and nodded. He didn't know whether she really believed he'd kill him in cold blood, but the message was clear, "Yeah, I get you..."

The sounds of sirens reached his ears and he frowned, "Police are coming...probably better if we're gone by the time they get here." Even with the famous 'Spider-Woman' he doubted she'd be able to completely excuse a mountain of corpses and a burning mansion. Knowing his luck they'd blame the entire thing on him and half the city would believe it, "...Do what you want with Osborn, just leave me out of it."

"Pete, you're injured," Cindy said, looking him up and down worriedly, "You need help."

"I agree with Cindy," Gwen added, "Look, just come back to my place, alright? It's close by and we can all get patched up." Gwen gave him an almost begging look before continuing, "I know you're angry, but I don't want to risk you dying. Can you at least trust that?"

"...Fine." He knew he was going to regret it, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He was trapped in this madhouse, there was no reason he had to go insane alone.


Done...and wow, this chapter went through a lot of changes: Most notably the fight in Ogre's mansion. Originally the 4 were supposed to go through a hallway fight ala Defenders and then tangle with the Lizards when they reached Ogre's throne room, but I changed it instead to Jack-o-Lantern massacring everyone off-screen and him and Noir having a brief fight in the flaming ruins before he leaves. I'm not comfortable enough with writing fights so this is probably for the best, and we got a decent intro for Jack that sets up the future rivalry.

That and Ogre was always going to be filler, so it's not like anything crucial was lost. It will help make Jack's later appearance much less out of nowhere now that he's been established as more than a voice in a phone.

Anyway, like I said this might be my last chapter for a while or my second last depending on whether I decide to write an epilogue of sorts for this arc or just jump right to the next ones. Speaking of which, 2 arcs to choose from:

1. Mad Artistry arc - Dozens of people all over Hell's Kitchen go missing. Does it have anything to do with the bloody painting that the news claims came from a certain 'Vincent van Gore'? Either way it bears investigating, and both Peter and Jessica are on the case; even if their reasons differ from one another. Can they stop the madman Muse before he makes his next masterpiece?

This arc will be more grim and have a partnership of sorts between Peter Parker and Jessica Jones. Will also definitely change the story to an M rating cause some of the segments will reach really gory, Saw-esque levels given what Muse was capable of in Daredevil canon.

2. Franchise arc - Costumed criminals...becoming organized? A new complication arises in Gwen's life when a tip from Hawkeye indicates that the supervillains of the city are banding together to become more effective criminals. Now with the help of Hawkeye and Frog-Man trying to prove his father's innocence, can the trio stop this madness before a new crime syndicate brings the city to its knees?

This one is a lighter romp with the 3 mains being Gwen, Kate and Frog-Man(the hero this story deserves and needs). Might also provide a good break considering how edgy and emo the last few chapters have been.

Oh, and before you vote - I know the Storm Killer and PGH arc have suffered from a rather glaring lack of villain focus in favor of the leads just talking and being dicks to each other, so I'll do my utter best to focus on the villains as well for the upcoming arcs; particularly the Mad Artistry arc since Muse is one guy rather than Gwen dealing with an entire bucketload of bad guys.

The two arcs will also intersect at points, particularly since both Jessica and Hawkeye will want to use Alias investigations as a base, but of course you'll only find out what the other team did dependent on what arc we focus on first. So Peter coming back with stitches in his throat or Gwen reeking of booze won't have much context unless we go their their arcs first.
I'd be fine with Noir picking up some of Red Hood's fighting style...Hmm...

Let's go with Franchise ,could use the light hearted stuff.
I'm more interested in Mad Artistry myself.

As for fighting style... yeah I like the idea of him fighting smarter with a few toys. :D
Let's go with Noir picking up Red Hood's fighting style, and we could use the light hearted stuff so go with Franchise.
I'd be fine with Noir picking up some of Red Hood's fighting style...Hmm...

Let's go with Franchise ,could use the light hearted stuff.
I'm more interested in Mad Artistry myself.

As for fighting style... yeah I like the idea of him fighting smarter with a few toys. :D
Let's go with Noir picking up Red Hood's fighting style, and we could use the light hearted stuff so go with Franchise.

Same thing as before: Counting all votes here and elsewhere, we have a dead tie for both arcs. Honestly I can't tell if this is a good or bad sign since before we'd get an obvious leaning towards one arc over the other.

As for picking up Red Hood's fighting style, it'd definitely differentiate him from Gwen to a very large degree and it'd help in making him more unique. The problem comes with making sure he doesn't just kill everyone if he goes down this route, since rubber bullets could kill unless I disregard this entirely and just make the rubbers completely non-lethal; like Batman's batarangs somehow not cutting through flesh despite them being sharp enough to cut through steel cords.
As for picking up Red Hood's fighting style, it'd definitely differentiate him from Gwen to a very large degree and it'd help in making him more unique. The problem comes with making sure he doesn't just kill everyone if he goes down this route, since rubber bullets could kill unless I disregard this entirely and just make the rubbers completely non-lethal; like Batman's batarangs somehow not cutting through flesh despite them being sharp enough to cut through steel cords.
Comic book logic, just go with it, rubber bullets and flash bombs, seems like a relatively nonlethal way to do it, webs replacing the knife to add the soidey flair.
Comic book logic, just go with it, rubber bullets and flash bombs, seems like a relatively nonlethal way to do it, webs replacing the knife to add the soidey flair.

Wait, how could webs replace knives? Unless he can conjure up claws like Cindy he can't cut people with that splatter net of his. That and him using knives adds to Gwen being disturbed because as of this chapter he's using Jack's customized blades that he looted from the crucified thug. The fact that he sees no problem with this is insanely creepy for Gwen...though as Peter points out that's big talk coming from the gal using an alien suit.
Well, I'm getting a break from Monday classes next week so I might be able to do that final epilogue chapter earlier than I thought. I need advice on one thing: As is obvious I tend to prefer solo conversations since it allows the pairs to get more done, but it also limits it to a certain extent since it's just those two without another voice to chip in. Given this I have to ask something - I'm thinking of back and forth Noir can have with someone, but who that someone is I'm on the fence about. So far I have 4 choices: Gwen, Harry, Glory or Cindy.

Each solo convo would have different emphasis: A conversation with Gwen would likely lead to more explanations/justifications with the Harry situation and most likely a break-up of...whatever it is the two have; Harry would try to establish a rapport so that, even if they can't be friends, they can be allies against Crime Master (probably not happening given that Noir despises him); Glory's less personal and would consist of her trying to get Peter's head out of his ass and call him out on being a dick to Gwen, particularly the grief he caused her during the 2 month time-skip when he was running around like a maniac beating people with chains (not that he didn't have good reason...); and Cindy's the odd one out since it's just the two of them being friends and talking about how weird their lives are in Earth-65 being that they're both outsiders to varying degrees.

2nd question is a bit more...whiny, but I gotta ask. I'll spoiler tag it just in case to avoid problems:

Alright, so whenever I write fics I ignore 'social justice' issues such as race, gender etc etc; mostly by making sure anyone in the story is fair game to being shit on regardless of who they are. So far this has worked for the fic given that there are both male and female heroes/villains, damsels and everything in-between and in-universe the characters never take gender into account during the combat scenes; Frog-Man's the exception since he 'doesn't like hitting girls', which isn't something really shared by any other character in the fic given that a threat is a threat.

Still, it has been pointed out that, intentional or not, I've clearly drawn gender lines somewhere: Almost all the males are anti-heroes to varying degrees, while almost all the females are ideal heroes. Villains are pretty balanced with people like Matt Murdock and Vulture being in the story as 65-Cindy and Typhoid Mary, but there's a definite slant on the side of the 'Angels'. The closest there are to being female anti-heroes are Lana and Felicia, and they're still less eyebrow raising compared to Bullseye, Moon Knight and Punisher; if nothing else they're not insane nor do they have a pathological need for violence. Meanwhile the closest thing to an ideal hero for the guys is Eugene, and much as I like the guy he's pretty much a loser even by outside of Superhero standards. I adding some unfortunate implications here? A friend pointed out that Gwen's behavior was kind of noticeable in this arc since she comes across less as a kick-ass Superhero and more a weepy, sentimental mess who can't stop her best friends from trying to kill one another despite being stronger than both of them and latched onto an alien suit besides. I'd justify it by her being emotionally compromised for justified reasons given her traumas, but what do you guys think? Did I make her go through 'chickification' and act like 'such a girl' that she comes across as out of character? Adding to that, assuming the she and Noir do break off is it in-character for her to be more depressed and somber/possibly cry over it compared to Peter given that she tends to be the more emotional of the two while Peter tends to clamp down and ignore his troubles?

It was always my intention for the two to contrast in such a manner: Noir's not as physically strong and gets his ass kicked a lot, but is much more resilient mentally/emotionally; this makes it so that he can suppress trauma from seeing the handiwork of monsters like Muse and Jack-o-Lantern while everyone else freezes or hesitates. Meanwhile Gwen's the opposite, being a powerhouse who can be manipulated and tricked by people like Murdock or 65-Cindy (or even Captain America, depending on how you view their 'mentorship') due to her naivete and idealism; which to be fair does seem to be canon at least for the latter given that people in forums I've checked call out Spider-Gwen on making really dumb decisions and changing her mind at the drop of a hat.

I'm just worried if I went too far for Gwen, completely emphasizing her malleable nature and emotional problems during this arc at the expense of everything else and whether this comes across as somewhat sexist given the other notes above. Again, sorry for the long winded and whiny note, but I do try to ignore social justice issues and my friend suggesting this has me in a bit of a frazzle.
Problem is that Gwen is a great concept, but was executed poorly by whoever Marvel hired to write her.

Technically, Castle and even Harry were right on their first impressions. That the Lizard would have died anyways is just an excuse we use to overlook that she brutally beat the Lizard to death.

And until Marvel writes in some better justifications, she didn't have knowledge that the Lizard was that bad of a threat. She was in fact guilty of killing Peter and doesn't have any business throwing stones at Castle's rep.

I reccomend scrapping 'Canon' Spider-Gwen, unless you want to use her as a hypocritical ideological opponent for Noir.
Problem is that Gwen is a great concept, but was executed poorly by whoever Marvel hired to write her.

Technically, Castle and even Harry were right on their first impressions. That the Lizard would have died anyways is just an excuse we use to overlook that she brutally beat the Lizard to death.

And until Marvel writes in some better justifications, she didn't have knowledge that the Lizard was that bad of a threat. She was in fact guilty of killing Peter and doesn't have any business throwing stones at Castle's rep.

I reccomend scrapping 'Canon' Spider-Gwen, unless you want to use her as a hypocritical ideological opponent for Noir.

Actually she did have good reason: It's really hard to tell because the flashback is so contradictory - Harry claiming Peter hated him while the visual showed Lizard tossing Harry aside without a care comes to mind - but Gwen's spider-sense did ring when Peter rampaged into the gym, and as unreliable as it is it only warns her if someone was genuinely dangerous; hence why it presumably never rings when she's spending time arresting Bodega Bandit for is normal time out in the penalty box.

That and to be fair her beating the Lizard to death is mitigated by 2 things: One she feels extremely guilty and clearly regrets that it happened and admits that she did so partially out of fear; and two when you see a giant rampaging monster tearing apart your school wouldn't your first impression either be fight or flight? I mean if the police were there they woulda shot the shit out of Peter, so I don't blame her for reacting how a human being would; only the fact that this essentially leads her to be really anal about thou shalt not kill at all.
Yes, it does explain her 'thou shalt not kill' attitude, her guilt, and even her excusing not letting Shield arrest Harry. But it makes her attitude towards Castle hypocritical.
Yes, it does explain her 'thou shalt not kill' attitude, her guilt, and even her excusing not letting Shield arrest Harry. But it makes her attitude towards Castle hypocritical.

How so, if you don't mind my asking? Her main beef with Castle seems to be that he's an unrepentant psycho who's using her as an excuse not to own up to his own problems - that being he's a shitty man whose family left him - which are perfectly valid reasons to hate him. What I don't like is that Harry gets a pass while Castle doesn't, even though the two are comparable morality wise; if she was consistent she'd judge them both. I mean maybe Frank being a part of a PMC might stilt him lower on the scale, but until we get definitive proof that they were firebombing third world villages I'm not adding that to his rap sheet.
How so, if you don't mind my asking? Her main beef with Castle seems to be that he's an unrepentant psycho who's using her as an excuse not to own up to his own problems - that being he's a shitty man whose family left him - which are perfectly valid reasons to hate him. What I don't like is that Harry gets a pass while Castle doesn't, even though the two are comparable morality wise; if she was consistent she'd judge them both. I mean maybe Frank being a part of a PMC might stilt him lower on the scale, but until we get definitive proof that they were firebombing third world villages I'm not adding that to his rap sheet.

Well Castle saw Spider-Woman as a dangerous freak who had killed and could kill again and used potentially lethal methods to bring her to justice.

Gwen saw The Lizard as a dangerous freak that set off her Spider-Senses and used a brutal lethal beatdown to end his threat.

Even accounting for a psychic instinct Castle had more evidence that he was pursueing a threat to the public, as Spider-Woman really did beat Peter to death and, would not comply with police authorized to arrest her.

When Castle finds himself in the same circumstances, Gwen uses this opportunity to smear him with mud.
Well Castle saw Spider-Woman as a dangerous freak who had killed and could kill again and used potentially lethal methods to bring her to justice.

Gwen saw The Lizard as a dangerous freak that set off her Spider-Senses and used a brutal lethal beatdown to end his threat.

Even accounting for a psychic instinct Castle had more evidence that he was pursueing a threat to the public, as Spider-Woman really did beat Peter to death and, would not comply with police authorized to arrest her.

When Castle finds himself in the same circumstances, Gwen uses this opportunity to smear him with mud.

Hmm, good point :) Alright, I'm gonna say Gwen's alright for having personal bias considering it was her life at risk and she can't just detach from that, but Castle goes above and beyond: At first he just attacks and tried to arrest her, no biggie and she doesn't even dwell on it. Later on he gets far more obssessed: He stalks her during her private life, sets snakes to her house, hires a crazy hunter to entrap her and then outright starts using repulsor blasts and putting innocents in danger to fulfill his vendetta. While he wasn't trying to kill her - he still mentions dumping her for the police even up to the end - he's definitely slipped down the slope and completely gone bonkers by that point.

Also, her beating Peter to death is excusable because he was a dangerous multi-ton lizard at the time: I find it more fucking stupid that no one makes the connection or even bothers asking where the fuck the Lizard went. I mean does everyone in prom who saw the rampaging reptile just forget that Spider-Woman saved their ass and not question where the monster went? That'd be like if in the ASM movie Connors wrecking the school was pinned solely on Peter and no one question the 8 foot tall Lizard he fought.
Gwen is like a reformed heroin addict counseling people about the dangers of heroin. She has killed, and she does feel enormous guilt for it, and because she is a very empathetic, caring person, she doesn't want anyone to ever have to go through what she did. And she never wants to kill anyone again. Castle, on the other hand, thinks absolutely nothing of killing anyone that he personally thinks is even slightly deserving of it. That's hardly a comparable attitude, and to say she's a hypocrite involves some pretty heavy mental gymnastics, taking in the entire situation. Actually the only thing that gets on my nerves in this story (apart from Noir still using madhouse at chapter 53 when he really needs to figure out shit ain't changing anytime soon) is how Gwen gets treated like some hypocrite moralist by half the cast because she's not okay with killing people. Can you imagine that argument in real life with anyone you know? "Why can't you just kill these guys and just be happy with it?" It's really just a consequence of her not being the viewpoint character most of the time, but man. If anything, Noir might want to re-examine himself being perfectly okay with killing murderers and torturers, all the while being both of those things. That I would be interested in seeing, even if I know he's too fragile to do anything other than just dismiss any argument and remain convinced of his own righteousness.

No beef, Erratas. You've kept me coming back and the story's great, but sometimes I wish Noir would just shut the fuck up every once in a while.
Gwen is like a reformed heroin addict counseling people about the dangers of heroin. She has killed, and she does feel enormous guilt for it, and because she is a very empathetic, caring person, she doesn't want anyone to ever have to go through what she did. And she never wants to kill anyone again. Castle, on the other hand, thinks absolutely nothing of killing anyone that he personally thinks is even slightly deserving of it. That's hardly a comparable attitude, and to say she's a hypocrite involves some pretty heavy mental gymnastics, taking in the entire situation. Actually the only thing that gets on my nerves in this story (apart from Noir still using madhouse at chapter 53 when he really needs to figure out shit ain't changing anytime soon) is how Gwen gets treated like some hypocrite moralist by half the cast because she's not okay with killing people. Can you imagine that argument in real life with anyone you know? "Why can't you just kill these guys and just be happy with it?" It's really just a consequence of her not being the viewpoint character most of the time, but man. If anything, Noir might want to re-examine himself being perfectly okay with killing murderers and torturers, all the while being both of those things. That I would be interested in seeing, even if I know he's too fragile to do anything other than just dismiss any argument and remain convinced of his own righteousness.

No beef, Erratas. You've kept me coming back and the story's great, but sometimes I wish Noir would just shut the fuck up every once in a while.

No offense taken ;) As for the argument, it's kinda long so I'll spoiler tag it:

The problem doesn't come just with the fact that she doesn't kill, that's perfectly reasonable, but the fact that she's so dogged in this standard and that she enforces this rule on everyone else against all logic and reason. This is dangerous because, as pointed out multiple times in posts and in-story, not everyone can afford to be like this: She's a superheroine who can tank grenades, it's far easier to avoid the consequences of getting shot at and wade into gunfire for non-lethal takedowns. Not so much for even Noir since if he gets shot he's going to get downed and possibly killed, meaning killing in self-defense should be an option and yet she also rags on him not do it. This is actively putting his life in danger for her own morals, something Moon Knight points out during the raid chapter.

The other reason some of the cast narc on her is because the Earth-65 penal system is bullshit and has more holes than swiss cheese >,> Criminals bust out of prison or get released at the drop of a hat, and it's not just comic logic going for them here; Bodega Bandit outright admits in canon that he doesn't even go to prison most of the time, and the few times he does his dad just calls and he's right back out at that very same afternoon. Gwen's insistence that the system works and will keep criminals contained makes her look insane to the anti-heroes who know for a fact that this is a load of horsecrap and that criminals bust out weekly and can't be contained. We even see 2 cases of this in canon: 65-Cindy gets busted out a few months at most during her stay at a SHIELD prison, and Fisk is only in jail of his own volition simply because it puts less attention on his protege Murdock.

Granted is she at fault for this? Absolutely not, the same way Batman isn't responsible for Arkham being made out literal tissue paper. Still, people blame them both because they're both in positions to end the madman's lives permanently and yet they refuse to take it, meaning people vent their frustrations on them both outside the fic and in-character. That and people get tired of moralizing from characters when they have no argument: Spidey has time and again argued for the life of monsters such as Carnage when this bastard's bodycount has no doubt reached into the quadruple digits. People get annoyed at lawyers for doing the same thing, why not superheroes?

Also, it's funny you mention Noir dismissing arguments and being convinced of his own righteousness when Gwen's just as guilty and provides no argument besides 'it's wrong' or 'we don't kill', which isn't backed up by any facts besides her own morals and beliefs. Like it or not, Noir's does make a point: Many criminals won't cave and give info unless you beat it out of them (even Batman does this); killing 1 unrepentant monster to save dozens feels like simple math (how many lives are saved if monsters like Carnage or Jack o Lantern are just put down?); and he should definitely be allowed to kill in self-defense. I'm not saying Noir has never been guilty of dismissing arguments out of hand, but his beliefs are at least more backed up by hard logic than morals that doesn't mesh well with the world they live in.

That and to sound like a broken record, we again have the Harry situation: Both Harry and Castle are guilty of putting innocent people in danger, and the former arguably moreso given that he willingly infects at least 6 innocent people for a chance at nonsensical revenge while Castle at least never kills an innocent, and yet Gwen lets Harry go and Cap lets her do this. If she really was consistent she'd condemn them both and judge them as criminals, or try to appeal to Castle and make him atone, but no: She treats Harry like a victim, Castle gets treated like a psycho. It'd be one thing if she actually tried to plead with Frank, but again she just condemns him right off the bat and doesn't look back or even try to make him see reason while Harry has 3 chapters dedicated to Gwen trying to argue that he's not bad, just misguided.

As for Noir calling Earth-65 a madhouse; it's not that bizarre since for all intents and purposes that's what the place is to him. Spending months in a shithole allows you to get used to it, but that doesn't mean it's not still a shithole. 4 months in and Earth-65 still continues to kick his face in, so he's not gonna stop calling it what he believes it is.

On a narrative note, you also mentioned Gwen not being the narrative character half the time, but she spends about half the story with the POV on her or entire arcs such as Paperdoll being completely from her perspective only. As of the recent chapter I'd say it's fair to say that they both have half the story focus.
Gwen is like a reformed heroin addict counseling people about the dangers of heroin. She has killed, and she does feel enormous guilt for it, and because she is a very empathetic, caring person, she doesn't want anyone to ever have to go through what she did. And she never wants to kill anyone again. Castle, on the other hand, thinks absolutely nothing of killing anyone that he personally thinks is even slightly deserving of it. That's hardly a comparable attitude, and to say she's a hypocrite involves some pretty heavy mental gymnastics, taking in the entire situation. Actually the only thing that gets on my nerves in this story (apart from Noir still using madhouse at chapter 53 when he really needs to figure out shit ain't changing anytime soon) is how Gwen gets treated like some hypocrite moralist by half the cast because she's not okay with killing people. Can you imagine that argument in real life with anyone you know? "Why can't you just kill these guys and just be happy with it?" It's really just a consequence of her not being the viewpoint character most of the time, but man. If anything, Noir might want to re-examine himself being perfectly okay with killing murderers and torturers, all the while being both of those things. That I would be interested in seeing, even if I know he's too fragile to do anything other than just dismiss any argument and remain convinced of his own righteousness.

No beef, Erratas. You've kept me coming back and the story's great, but sometimes I wish Noir would just shut the fuck up every once in a while.

I was one of the first to point out that Noir was preachy and an asshole.

Why Gwen is a hypocrite towards Castle is that she points at him as an irredeemable Villain instead of a misguided person as she herself was.

Plus using the heroin addict analogy, she is a user who while feeling guilt, absolutely denies that she was guilty. She didn't smoke that joint because it was already burning when she puffed it!
I was one of the first to point out that Noir was preachy and an asshole.

Why Gwen is a hypocrite towards Castle is that she points at him as an irredeemable Villain instead of a misguided person as she herself was.

Plus using the heroin addict analogy, she is a user who while feeling guilt, absolutely denies that she was guilty. She didn't smoke that joint because it was already burning when she puffed it!

Both of them are; some things you can't avoid when you get bit by the Spider. Noir at least is more reactive; he usually doesn't preach first and generally has a 'you do you, I do me' attitude. We see this with Lana where she kills the pimp and when she asks for advice and/or confirmation that she did the right thing he essentially shrugs and tells her to handle it herself till she started crying.

Anyway, to play devils advocate again: Gwen does feel guilty. If she really didn't give a shit about what she did then she wouldn't be Spider-Gwen; the reason she keeps going despite all the accusations and ingratitude she receives is because she blames herself for Peter dying even though, as has to be pointed out again, he was a giant multi-ton Lizard at the time. I can understand being guilty, but the fact that she feels like it was murder feels really bizarre given what we know. These pages shed more light:

Gwen does feel guilty, but she also acknowledges that Peter wasn't blameless and that he was ultimately just as much at fault as she was for the crap that happened. The fic has Noir and her talking about this a lot and he does manage to get it through her thick skull that 65-Peter was an asshole and that her self-flagellating behavior is unhealthy since 65-Peter is very far from being an Uncle Ben or even Gwen Stacy figure; he wasn't lost due to chance or accident, he literally dug his own grave out of anger. I mean if she beat him to death while he was human then fine, by all means, but what he did was the equivalent of running into a crowded area firing a gun. You do stupid shit like that and you reap the consequences.

Agree about Castle though, if only because of Harry. If she didn't hand out second chances willy nilly then at least it'd be consistent.
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Chapter 54
Epilogue chapter for the arc. Nothing much happens here, but I think it's a good leaving point for me to come back to later on after I update Twisted Reflections and/or make that Spider-Man/Spider-Gwen oneshot; it's about 2k words in so far. I'm just having a hard time writing 616's character since writing ideal heroes is far harder to me compared to anti-heroes.

Anyway, read the latest Miles Morales book. It's more an exploration of Miles and whether he has a 'hidden dark side', though it did give some spotlight to Lana/Bombshell during the earlier bits when she livestreamed her daily heroics before she got her ass kicked by Hammerhead (which I can't show since another poster helpfully warned me that it's probably a bad idea). Also gonna check out the latest Hawkeye to see if I can get some ideas for her parts during the Franchise arc since she's definitely a fun character and her silly character is extremely enjoyable to read about. Oh well, here's some fanart for one of the preferred Spider-Gwen pairings (and some generic SG fanart) to fill my picture quota:

Oh, and I found some info on the new Spider-Man cartoon: Supposedly it's a group thing with Peter, Miles, Spider-Gwen and Anya Corazon being a group of heroes protecting New York. It's definitely gonna be a must-watch for me, if only to help get some scenes in mind for Gwen or help visualize her better when writing action and talking scenes: Teaser. Also thinking o

Also wondering about more Venom interactions. While the symbiote's been cool so far, I wonder if it'll start acting up when the bond deepens and Gwen keeps getting distracted by other things/begins to take it for granted: Giving 'The Talk' to your sentient alien suit. Also thinking of taking some cues from some of Red Hood's Injustice dialogue for Noir, at least for Cyborg, Damian and Superman given that it tackles gray morality: There's far, and then there's too far.

Leave a review if you can :) Helps me write faster.

Chapter 54: Picking up the Pieces

"So...anyone else find it weird that this apartment's become Superhero central?"

Gwen looked up from Harry's lying body and gave Glory an exasperated look, though she couldn't muster a denial. Originally it was just her with Peter making the occasional visit back when she was 'just Gwen Stacy', but now here they were: Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Spinnerette and the Green Goblin (God, she needed something else to call him) lounging around her and Betty's apartment trying to patch up their wounds...well, the other three were. She'd been rather uninjured considering she jumped out at the first chance...

"Sorry, Other. Fire caused panic. Fire, heat, flame...would have consumed us."

'We still should have helped them,' she thought somewhat bitterly. It hard to stay mad at Webster considering all it'd done for her ever since they first bonded, but she couldn't deny the slight feeling of resentment that bubbled up in her stomach...and she also couldn't deny feeling wary about how much control Webster had at that moment. The others needed her and she ran, hyperventilating in a pool while god only knew happened inside. She was lucky enough that the others managed to get out intact.


Her gaze shifted from Glory to MJ. She was patching up Peter...well, trying to by the looks of it. Gwen doubted the redhead had any more experience than slapping band-aids to boo-boos, but they didn't have much choice. Glory was dabbing cream at the burns on Cindy's arms while Betty and Gwen herself were trying to clean out Harry's numerous wounds on the couch. She didn't exactly like having leaving Peter to MJ considering her idea of medical treatment consisted of wrapping 20 layers of bandages around the same limb, but beggars could be choosers.

The only other alternative was letting Peter try to sew the wounds shut himself, and considering he had a needle and thread in his hands before they stopped him she had no doubt that he'd try it.

She shook her head and focused back on Harry's arm. He'd regained consciousness minutes ago, but he still refused to talk; focusing mostly on looking between her and Peter from his place on the couch cushions. The only sound in the apartment was a Nirvana song playing through her smartphone, but even that did little to distract them from the thick smell of blood, ash and disinfectant that lingered in the air.

She really hated that she was getting used to it.

"You know, the youtube vids never talk about this." Betty said next to her, somehow maintaining a cheery smile despite the circumstances. Gwen found it relieving; a fresh face among a sea of scowls and frowny faces, "I mean you make it look effortless on the news, Gwen. Go in, kick the crap out of the bad guys then leave with some cliche quote...speaking of which, you really gotta up your material. It's kinda stale."

"I'd be offended if we didn't have more important stuff to worry about." She rolled her eyes. Only Betty would criticize her jokes while they were elbow deep in trying to cover up gashes and broken bones.

Her phone shifted to the next song on the playlist before Peter let out a mumbled curse, "Ah, son a bitch..." He flinched away from MJ and bit back a hiss of pain. Gwen saw him take a deep breath and bring a hand through his blond (seriously, what in the fuck?) hair, spreading more blood and ash through the (presumably) dyed locks, "Yeah...I think that's enough bandages, Watson."

"Fuck, sorry!" MJ held up her hands and backed away slightly, a guilty look on her face, "Look, I really don't know what to do about this. No offense, but you looked like you got smashed through a woodchipper."

"MJ has a point," Glory said, throwing a wary stare Peter's way, "Gwen's fine, but you, Osborn and mystery girl? Not so much." She applied another layer of cream to Cindy's elbow, "I mean at least scarf chick here looks like she just got singed, but you look like absolute shit."

"I was pinned under rubble, set on fire, got stabbed in the shoulder and had a grenade explode in front of me." Peter scoffed, "I think I have pretty good reasons for looking like 'absolute shit'; What's the excuse for your sour puss, Grant? You always look like that?"

"Oh, I'll show you a 'sour puss'-"

"Alright, enough!" Gwen yelled, "Look, we're all tense here, but arguing is not going to help anything!" She threw both of them a reprimanding was scary how easy it seemed. She'd been spending too much time with her dad if she was lecturing the mother hen of the group, "Look, just...we went through a rough night, alright? So everyone just calm their asses down; we don't want to make it any worse."

"Heh. Alright, Spider-Gwen." MJ held up her hands in mock surrender at the light glare the blond gave her, "But hey, Glory's got a point. This is pretty fucking weird all around, and that's after finding out Gwen has a tentacle hentai monster attached to her." Oh, she was going to pay for that later. Gwen just had to decide between gunk in the hair or something with said 'tentacles', "If my sister found out I was keeping this a secret she'd freak."

"Better keep quiet, Watson. Last time she was looking for excitement she went to a party and ended up getting in trouble with drunken idiots in alleys."

"How do you..." MJ's eyes widened slightly and she gave an 'o' of realization, "Wait, that was you? Gayle said it was a masked guy dressed in black with a gun- wait, nevermind, I see it now." She let out an incredulous laugh and shook her head, "It's a good thing she didn't realize she was saved by the Spider-Man; she'd have bugged you to try and get you to introduce her to Spider-Gwen."

"...The people in this place are way too excited to meet 'superheroes'. It's almost crazy how how fanatic they can be."

"Speaking of which..." MJ looked to Gwen and gestured to the abnormally quiet Cindy sitting on the bed, "You gonna introduce us to your new friend? I thought Tiger and Harry being superpowered was one thing, but now it kinda looks like you're literally pulling new superheroes out of your ass."

"Alright, first of all? Gross." Cindy stuck out her tongue and made a disgusted noise, "Second, really sorry for just busting in like this. I usually wait till people get to know me better before I barge into their apartments covered in 2nd degree burns." She wiggled her singed fingers and gave a weak smile, "My names Cindy Moon, but just call me Cindy. I'm a friend of Pete's. We're actually under the same circumstances, so whatever you know about him is the same with me, more or less."

"Wait, really?" Betty said, an excited grin on her face, "So you're a zombie too?"

"" Cindy blinked in surprise and gave the other brunette a cautious look, "I dunno what Gwen's told you, but let's just say it's the other one - Alternate dimension, time displaced...any of this ringing any bells?"

"Oh, yeah..." Betty almost deflated, her grin being replaced with an almost childish pout, "Yeah, Gwen told us that's the 'other' explanation. Not sure I believe it. I mean, it seems kinda unbelievable, doesn't it?"

"...Are you kidding me?" Peter looked at her incredulously, "You think being taken to this madhouse is unbelievable, but me being some some dead kid that's been resurrected after 2 years isn't?" Well...Gwen couldn't find it in herself to disagree. Now that the initial shock had long since passed she couldn't deny that both of them seemed equally outlandish. She wouldn't have believed it if she didn't see it with her own eyes.

Then again she was given powers by a radioactive spider and doubled up by getting attached to a sentient blob suit, so who was she to talk about realism and sense?

"Hey, zombies and vampires are a real thing here, dimensional travelers aren't. Basic science and proof, Darkman." Betty shrugged, completely ignoring the scowl Peter gave her at the nickname, "Hey, if you're really from the 30's does that explain why your voice sounds like you're gargling sandpaper? 2 years ago you sounded like an egghead offense to egghead nerds."

"None taken...and you're never going to find out if it's real or not, Brant. " Peter scoffed. Gwen had to admit she was curious herself; there was no way he sounded like that normally, right? Then again being dead for 2 years might have fucked up his throat. It certainly did a number on his memory and attitude.

"But hey, you're from the 30's too?" Betty gave Cindy's costume a once-over through narrowed eyes, "Fashion must've been way freakier than what they taught us in history class."

"No. no. That's not it." Cindy gave a weak laugh, "I'm from another dimension like he is, but I'm not as delayed. It's a...complicated story, but I spent yesrs living under a rock and the timeframe here's pretty accurate, give or take a couple of months...though your Star Wars is really fucking weird...and your Lord of the Rings, too. Never expected Gandalf would be the bad guy."

"And your powers?" Glory asked, applying some bandage squares to finish up, "You got those from...?"

"Radioactive spider." She waved her free hand through the air as if saying 'what can you do?', "There was a science experiment about radiation and one of the spiders got inside. It bit me before it died and next thing I knew I woke up spitting web from my fingers and a crusty old guy telling me that I have to train and lock myself away 'for my own good'." She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fat lot of good it did me."

"That sounds...creepily familiar," MJ said. Gwen tried to ignore the bad feeling at the pit of her stomach; she'd never actually asked how Cindy got her powers, but hearing it now the exact similarity to her own circumstances creeped her out more than a little, " any chance did you know anyone with our names back in this exhibit of yours? Cause this is sounding a bit too close for comfort."

"I dunno. I didn't really talk to much people except my boyfriend Hector, so maybe?" She shrugged, "I mean, I dunno how this dimensional stuff really works. I thought being locked in a bunker till I died was the worst thing that could happen."

"Some things seem to remain constant," Peter mumbled, his voice slipping into the 'science-y tone' he always (counting before his 'death') did, "I knew most of you back where I came from. Watson was the daughter of a rich businessman who managed to avoid losing everything in the depression, Brant was a secretary working for the Daily Bugle, Grant was 'stepping out' with my friend Robbie Robertson and Gwen..." He shook his head and trailed off. She was just gonna ignore that... "You're different in some ways, similar in others."

"Huh...weird." Betty nodded, seemingly enamored, "Never saw myself as a secretary."

"Hey, at least my dad was apparently worth a damn in some universe," MJ gave a wry smirk.

"Wait, by stepping out with Robbie did you mean...?" Glory's face knotted in disgust at Peter's nod, "Oh, that's not something I wanna imagine!" Gwen stifled a laugh. She liked Randy's dad well enough, she'd met him a few times while she was going out with Randy, but he had a bit too many gray hairs for comfort, "Great, now I'm gonna need some bleach before I go to sleep."

"To be fair he was younger than the one thats' here..." He shook his head, "...Osborn's the only thing that doesn't add up." He looked to Harry now, "Norman didn't have a kid back in my world, or if he did then he didn't raise him. Then again, I suppose it only makes sense; the one from this world seems normal, but the one back home...he earned being called the 'Goblin'. There was a reason they put him in the freakshow at the circus."

"I really don't want to know, Peter." Harry shifted uncomfortably on the couch and looked away from him.

"The spider seems to be a constant as well." He clenched his left hand and frowned, "The where and when changes, but so far the bites themselves have been consistent. You get bitten, you get powers."

"Were you in a science fair, too?" MJ asked.

"No...following a lead. Some mobsters unloading something for Osborn down by the docks; thought I could take some pictures of something incriminating. There was this statue, it...they broke it and a swarm of dark spiders came out. They mobbed one of the bozos, ate him alive, but one of them crawled out to my hiding spot and..." He sighed, "Well, you know the rest. Saw a vision of a Spider-God threatening to eat my insides, but then he says that he only kills 'the wicked' and gives me the 'curse of power'. Woke up cocooned over the ceiling upside down and covered in webs."

"That's...really goddamn creepy." Glory shivered.

"Sounds cool to me." Betty shrugged, "But hey, if this is true then this means there's a world out there where alternate dimension me got bitten by the radioactive spider thingy. Wherever she is, hope she's having a blast."

"Only you could take that as the lesson here, Betts." MJ rolled her eyes.

"...I don't remember a Spider-God," Cindy cut in, "I mean, there were some nightmares. Sweats, feeling itchy all over like, well, spiders were crawling all over me, but besides that I don't remember anything about any kind of Spider-God."

"Me either..." Gwen looked down worriedly. She had the same deal as Cindy; sweats, nightmares and accidentally breaking most of the shit she owned because she couldn't control her strength. She never really thought too deeply about the differences between her and Peter's powers, just that they existed. Hopefully there wouldn't be a repeat of what happened to him before.

"Alright, that's enough sci-fi mumbo jumbo. All of this is giving me a headache, assuming it's even real," Glory sighed, "I gotta ask: What the fuck happened to all of you? Did you do...whatever it is you were trying to accomplish?"

"Yeah...not so much." Gwen winced. She hated to admit it, but this was a crap ending all things considered.

"Considering most of us look like we need to go to the emergency room, I'd think the answer's obvious." Peter let out a frustrated breath, "Ogre's dead. I'm not shedding any tears, but any info he might have had is gone. Jack also said he has the PGH formula, so we're right back to where we started." He brought a hand through his face, "I can only wonder what that maniac's planning to do."

"...He said he knew you, Peter." Harry looked at him warily, "Is that true?"

"Trying to find company for that hole you're in, Osborn?" Peter scoffed, "I didn't make friends with him, if that's what you're implying. I'm not you." Harry's fists clenched, but he said nothing despite the worried looks Gwen gave them both, "I 'met' him shortly after we saved Castle's family. He was watching the entire thing through a sniper rifle and contacted Firestarter's phone. He made some threats, but that's it. He made another phone call after Lana and I stopped Sin Eater. Called him his pet project, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember..." Gwen bit the bottom of her lip. All those dead bodies, and he did it all with a smile. Even if she'd become more numb to the idea of Peter killing when he had to, all that senseless death still rocked her to her core.

"Speaking of Sin Eater, Norah's been calling since earlier complaining about not getting anything since her lead burned to the ground." MJ shook her phone and eyed Peter, "I think she's gonna want a status update on what she's gonna report now."

"Considering most of us barely got out alive, I'd say she's gonna be disappointed."

"Why didn't you tell me about this 'Jack'?" Gwen asked, "I could have helped you."

"It didn't come up. A guy making a threatening phone call wasn't something I cared too much about. Between Murdock, those 'Silk' bastards, and the rest of my 'teammate's' problems Jack didn't really stick out as anyone other than another freak in a costume, and there's at least four of em in this room right now."

"Wow...gonna assume you meant 'no offense' there, Pete." Cindy crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "Still, that guy was a real creeper. Did you see that mask of his? I mean who wakes up one morning and goes 'You know what I need? A flaming Jack-o-Lantern mask!' and then actually goes and puts one on? Surprised he didn't melt his own face off doing it."

"Who says he didn't? I didn't see his face, but when I fought I broke his arm. He just laughed...wouldn't be surprised if his face looked like melted candle wax under that thing." He let out a frustrated breath.

"Wait, you fought him?" Gwen asked worriedly, "Wait, wait, wait. When? I mean that mansion was burning down because of those bombs, there's no way he'd be crazy enough to stay behind."

"I didn't stab myself, Gwen." He gestured to the bloody bandages on his right shoulder with a scowl, "And if you haven't noticed from his handiwork, Jack's insane. I wouldn't hold my breath for sense coming from a guy who puts on a burning pumpkin and flies away on a broom that spews out fire." He sighed, "It doesn't matter. He's still out there, and he has the formula. Now we don't even know if PGH'll still be on the street or he's doing something else."

"I can...try to find something..." Harry pulled himself into an upright position with his free hand, his other pressed close to his chest and held in a makeshift cast, "Dad found something on Ogre before...and even without him I could hit the streets, try to see if we can pick up a lead." He sucked in a strained breath, "...I know you don't trust me, but we want the same thing, Peter. I can find something."

"Even if you did, I want this to be the last time we see each other, Osborn." Peter looked away with a light scowl. "Do whatever you want, but leave me out of your Superhero fantasies."

"They're not..." He took a deep, frustrated breath, "Peter, I made a mistake and I'm trying to make up for it. Just..." He paused, trying to consider his next words, "Give me a chance, alright? I'm not some kind of monster."

"No, Connors and the 5 other people you infected are," Peter snapped, "You can pretend to be something you're not, Osborn, but the facts don't change: 6 people had their lives ruined because you wanted to kill Gwen. And guess what? 'Shield' is hounding me for a cure cause I'm apparently the closest thing they have to try and clean up your mess. Until you can fix those people you're not doing anything but playing pretend."

"Peter, that's not fair," Gwen cut in. She did't like doing this in front of her friends - especially with the leery gaze Glory was throwing Harry's way - but beggars couldn't be choosers, "Look, Harry made a mistake, we're not dismissing that, but he's trying to make up for it and you know that if he could cure those people then he would." At least he was trying. The same couldn't be said for Frank Castle or that 'Bullseye' guy Peter insisted on hanging around with.

"'Trying' isn't good enough, Gwen. Osborn ruined those people's lives; ask them if his 'trying' makes things better for them." He scoffed, "Everyone else is scrambling to clean up the mess he left behind while he goes out and pretends to be something he's not. Right now Martha Connors is barely clinging to life and she'll be lucky if she survives to the next day. Who's gonna answer for that-"

"Then why didn't you just leave me to die?"

A painful silence settled across the room. Harry's gaze was torn, a mix of depression and anger playing across his face as he stared at Peter. For his part her other best friend just met his gaze with a scowl before he let out a barely heard growl, "Please, the Lizard would have just come out if I left you there." He sneered. Gwen knew he was lying, though she didn't voice it out, "Believe me, I'm tempted to put you back there."

"...Fine, you made your point." Harry sighed. Gwen didn't miss the unmistakable hurt that ran across his features, though if Peter saw it she didn't know, "You're never gonna see me again, I promise."

Gwen wanted to say something, anything, but any words she could have said died in her mouth. While it was a load of bullshit that Harry did everything for her and Peter, a part of him really thought he did and the relief he had when he saw that their best friend was alive again was genuine. And now here they were, Peter wanting nothing more to do with him after they attacked one another just a day ago.

She would've been lying if she said she wasn't hurt herself...

"You'll forgive me if I don't take you at your word, Osborn."

That should have been the end of it, but whether it was out of resentment or misplaced pride Harry spoke up again, "Hey, I'm not the only one who's at fault here." Harry threw him a weak glare, "You were the one who made the formula, Pete. None of this would've been possible if it wasn't for you."

"Harry, don't-"

"The serum died with that Parker kid. You were the one who dug it up." Peter snarled, MJ not so subtly backing away when his mouth opened in an ugly scowl, "That kid made the mistake of killing himself and it should have died with him. Face it, Osborn; there's no one else you can blame. I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes you do have to take responsibility. Or are you going to blame daddy next time for not cleaning up your mess?"

Harry tried to stand, but his face twisted in pain at the abrupt movement, "You son of a-"

"I'm done listening to you." Peter shook his head and picked up his torn shirt and jacket, "...I need some air."

She tried to call out to him, but he disappeared past the entrance and closed the door behind him with a loud slam. The quiet came again, though now her friends were looking at her with questioning gazes. She knew what they wanted to ask; what did Peter mean when he said that Harry had 'dug up' the serum, 'God damn it...' She closed her eyes and shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. This was going to be a long night.

Sometimes he wondered if he did something wrong to deserve all the madness that was piled on him.

Peter leaned across the edge of the roof, watching the embers at the end of the cigarette burn before it fell to the alley below. It was the one coffin nail he had that wasn't crushed by the rubble, and it wasn't nearly enough to try and distract him from the pounding headache and soreness that covered his entire body. Still, he'd take some relief over none and the fresh air was helping.

He exhaled a smoky breath and clenched his free hand. It was...frustrating, having to acknowledge that he'd done this all for nothing. Raiding warehouses, trying to save Connors and the rest of those people only for another clown in a damned costume to ruin everything. He wasn't shedding tears for Ogre and the rest of those bastards, but he'd seen well enough that bad people could be killed by worse ones. He knew all too well...

Shaking his head, he took another slow breath from the stick of nicotine and scowled. Johnson messaged him 30 minutes ago, told him that Martha Connors was still being treated while Curt was being put in containment 'for the foreseeable future'. He didn't even want to know what'd happen to their kid; probably shuffled around a foster home and getting nightmares for the rest of his life.

The door to the roof behind him opened with a rusty squeak and he sighed, "I really don't want to talk, Gwen-"

"Wrong Spider, Pete." He turned around slightly and raised an eyebrow when he saw Cindy walking towards him, the other brunette flashing him a somewhat strained smile before she stood next to him, elbows propped up against the barrier, "Hey, hope you don't mind me coming up here. It was kinda awkward down there cause I didn't know anyone."

"It's fine. At least it's you and not someone else..." He gave a light smile of his own and closed his eyes for a brief moment, "...It's been a hell of a day, huh?"

"You can say that again." She let out a soft laugh, "...You know, this place is crazy, but it's actually kinda familiar. I mean when I was younger I saw stories about superheroes, watched the news about Captain America fighting Red Skull or, hell, even Spider-Man fighting some dude named Electro."

"...You weren't the only one who was bitten in your world?"

"I dunno, I think?" She shrugged, "He had powers like I did, but when I asked Ezekiel about him he just said he was nothing special. Another egg that's hatched from the womb, if I remember correctly." She clicked her tongue, "I dunno, never met the guy. All I remember about him is that he wore red and blue spandex, made a lot of jokes and the Bugle hated his guts. Maybe it was my worlds version of you, or maybe it was someone else."

"Considering what you know about me and this world's Parker, I doubt it was a version of me. Neither of us are very funny." Or wore spandex. He shook his head and let out a wry laugh, "...I'm sorry for dragging you into this. The first time you're really free and you're helping us clean up a mess that doesn't concern you." This whole thing was a wash. Johnson better not get on his case; it wasn't his fault this entire thing went belly up.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I consider it practice." She waved a hand through the air lazily, "I mean, this is gonna be my life now, right? S.H.I.E.L.D's training me to be one of their sanctioned heroes like Gwen and Captain America are, so this is going to be my job. Getting some outside the job training isn't a bad thing. Besides," She bumped her shoulder to his and winked, "Couldn't leave my spider in distress hanging. It'd be bad for my rep."

"Very funny..." He gave her a slight laugh before throwing away the burnt stub of a cigarette down the alley, "...Cindy, what you said before about visiting your counterpart's you plan to go back to your dimension?" She had to, right? This place wasn't her home... and it wasn't his home either. Playing pretend wasn't going to solve either of their problems.

"Don't see how I can do that, Pete." She sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly, "I mean, the only reason I'm here is cause my evil twin managed to force a gate open, and even then she said it was difficult. A few minutes at most, and she said that the portal's destination was random. It was kind of a fight or flight thing; if I didn't choose to go with her I'd have been stuck in the bunker cause she couldn't and wouldn't come back for me, ya know? I took a chance."

"What about your family?" She always mentioned them. Her biggest regret besides her old boyfriend when she got trapped.

"Nothing I can do about it now. I...said my goodbyes, and I think we all knew there was no way I'd ever come back to them." Peter's eyes narrowed. She was holding something back, but he didn't press her on it. It was her business, "But hey, I can start over here. And being a hero doesn't sound so bad, right? I mean it's not being a professional hockey player, but I can't exactly do it now that I have these powers. It'd be really unfair."

"So...what, you're just going to stay here?"

"Why not?" she asked back, "Can't be any worse than staying in the bunker, even if this place is cuckoo crazy. I mean I was looking up Pokemon and apparently the closest thing they have in this place is something called Beast Balls, and it's way darker than I remembered." She clicked her tongue, "Either way I'm not going back to that sinkhole, and making a life here's probably better than anything else I could get."

"So that's it? You're just going to stay? Not even try to go back?" Why did he care so much? Cindy could do whatever she wanted, it wasn't any of his business.

"You could too. I mean you've been here, what, 4 months now? You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself, though you've got a bit of a rep problem." She winced and clapped his uninjured shoulder lightly, "Can't be too bad, right? I mean I heard they gave you a new ID, a new life. You could start over here, maybe even get a job or go to school. I know I'm tempted to; missed out on college back home."

"I doubt I can do that." He let out a soft breath and looked up at the sky. Cindy seemed to have it all under control...he wondered how old she was; still idealistic enough to try and build a new life, but she knew enough to cut her losses. He didn't ask - 82 years and women still didn't like it when you asked them about their age or how much they weighed, "We're both outsiders here, Cin. You really think you can make it here?"

"Won't be easy, but I kinda figured that when I accidentally sprayed my parents with web," She squeezed his hand and grinned, "Hey, least I'm not the only reject in this place. To being outsiders."

"To being outsiders." He squeezed her hand in return before separating their fingers, "...Listen, I'm gonna take off. It's been a long night and I need to get some sleep." Or at least try to assuming he didn't get another bad dream. They'd been rarer ever since that night with the other Cindy Moon's cabal, but they still happened more than he liked, "Thanks again for helping me, Cin."

"It's fine, but..." She gestured to the door leading to the stairs, "Well, Gwen wants to talk to you. I've got a good idea what the issues are, so are you sure you wanna leave it like this?"

"Beats talking to her right now, yeah." He sighed and put on his mask. After what happened with Osborn he got the feeling any conversation they'd have wouldn't go well, "I'm leaving...just call if you need anything."

"Count on it."

Making his way back 'home' was harder than he would've liked considering his injures, but he'd dealt with worse. He was nearly back at his apartment before Gwen called, Peter only barely hesitating to shut the phone off by the time she'd made her second call. She knew where he lived, but he at least hoped that it'd send a good enough message that he wanted to be alone.

Of course, what awaited him inside was hardly any better.

Lana was sitting at the couch, Dog nuzzling his nose to her thigh; at first glance it wasn't anything unusual. Of course, that was before he saw the icepack she was pressing against her right eye or the bloody tissues that were spread out all over the cushions, "Ow, shit, shit!" she hissed, grabbing another tissue and dabbing it at her bloody nose, "God damn it...!"

"...Get into a fight?"

She looked up at him with a jolt, her remaining eye widening for a split second before she looked away, "'re back." She swept her hand and through the cushions and dumped the bloody tissues on the floor, scooting fully to the other end to offer him a seat while Dog jumped to her lap, ", no offense, but you look like shit...and the blond hair really isn't working for you."

"Look who's talking, kid." He sat a short distance away from her and shucked off his jacket. He could see a somewhat bloody envelope lying innocently on the table. He knew what it was; her 'rent'. Ever since she'd started spending more time here she'd been trying to give him a chunk of her earnings from her gambling in the fight clubs. He never accepted it, but she always left them behind. As she put it, 'I made most of it betting from you anyway'.

Apparently she'd tried giving them to her grandmother. It...didn't work out. Something about accusations of her dealing drugs in a corner.

"Yeah...guess we both look like crap." She lowered the ice pack and Peter frowned at the nasty black eye she was sporting, "I...had a fight with my grandma again. Stupid shit, I don't even remember anymore." She sighed and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling blankly, "I ran off and then I found these gangbangers trying to drag a couple of chicks over for some 'fun' at their little clubhouse."

"...I'm assuming this 'clubhouse' has been burned to the ground."

"You know me so well." She gave him a dry smile and wiped at her bloody nose again, "A couple of em got lucky, brained me pretty good with a pipe before I blew them to kingdom come. Don't worry, they're not dead. I called the police to pick their asses up." She licked her lips and looked up at him warily, "'re not mad at me, are you?"

"I'm not your dad, Lana. If you want to use your power then it's not my business to tell you." He brought a hand through his face, "Just be careful, would you? When your mom wakes up I'd rather she didn't see you in a coma next to her."

"Right..." She bit her lower lip and let out a breath through her nose, "...You know, it'd be better if I had some help."

This conversation again. Ever since she'd gotten her powers she'd seemed to itch at the idea of using them to fight crime. He didn't have anything against it, but she seemed to have an idea in her head that he could teach her the ropes because he was the 'experienced hero'. If she wanted to use her abilitied then all the power to her, but he wasn't going to be the mentor like one of those cheesy dime store novels.

"I'm not exactly teacher material, and I'm not looking for a sidekick." He wasn't above getting help, but he worked best when he was alone, "...Get some sleep, Lana. If you need help there's a first aid kit in the bathroom."

"I'm fine. Just sleep on it."

She waved him away, barely trying to hide her disappointment. Peter ruffled her hair and made his way to his room, closing the door behind him with a sigh, "What a mess..." He tossed his his mask to the sorry excuse for a bed and sat down, letting the encompassing shadows try to calm him. Sometimes he wondered what was happening. He couldn't go a day without being dragged into a mess that didn't concern him, and tomorrow it'd begin again.

"And whose fault is that?"

Peter looked up and glared at the...thing that stood in front of him. He didn't know if it was another trick by the Spider-God or his wounds were making him hallucinate, but he saw his reflection glaring back at him. Well, calling it a reflection might have been a mistake. It was definitely familiar, but it didn't match him: A dark trenchcoat, different mask and a revolver on its right hand.

It was him...right when he'd first gotten to this madhouse.

"...Great, I'm going insane." He looked down with a scowl and and let out a bitter laugh. First he was infected with that poison and now he was seeing ghosts, "...What do you want?" He took out one of the knives he'd gotten and spun it through the air, his eyes focusing on the smiling pumpkin that adorned the hilt. He wanted to ignore the damn specter, but if there was one thing he knew by now it was that ghosts didn't like being shut down.

"You're distracted." It paced around the small room, stopping and glaring down at him even though he continued to look at the knife, "It's been 4 months, but you're still here. You haven't seen hide or hair of Octavius ever since you arrived."

"What do you want me do about it? I'm not psychic." He scoffed. Octavius wasn't even in this country if he could trust Stars-and-Stripe's intel, and his powers wouldn't allow him to spot octavius from the billions of other people on the planet, "The spooks are the best chance I have of going home."

"Do you even want to go back?" It 'picked up' his discarded mask, its own expression difficult to tell from underneath its own disguise, "You're wasting time here. For all your complaints about Osborn playing at being a hero, you're not acting any different. How many times have you nearly gotten killed trying to be the big goddamned superhero? First with that electric dame and now this."

"I'm not asking for a beating."

"But you are out there looking for it." It 'tossed' the mask back onto the bed with a scoff of its own, "Have you looked in the mirror, kid? Who are you supposed to be?" It clicked its tongue and gestured to his dyed hair, "I thought you were Spider-Man - Peter Parker - but I don't even recognize you. That mask, those guns, even that put on the mask because of Uncle Ben, but now you've lost everything you had left of him and you don't even care."

"That isn't my fault," Peter bit out. How was he supposed to keep those things close to him when this body wasn't even his?

"But you aren't too broken up over it." It pulled off its mask, its eyes never leaving his. Peter's scowl worsened when he saw the face lying underneath: The exact same one he'd seen frozen in the tube that mad scientist showed him, "You're wasting your time playing games with that maniac Jack and bastards like Murdock. Whatever they're doing shouldn't matter to you. All you have to focus on is finding Octavius."

"You think I haven't tried?" He threw the knife at it, the blade passing through harmlessly and embedding itself against the wall, "Until those spooks give me what I want I'm stuck here. And I'm getting tired of being lectured by ghosts."

"Stuck? That's what you call it?" It laughed, the sound just different enough to make it sound alien to him, "You've been here long enough and you're making yourself right at home, aren't you? Do you even care about Aunt May? About Mary Jane or Felicia or the Robertsons? Or are you too busy playing 'Ben Reilly' and getting together with a dame who only cares about you cause you have a dead kid's face?"

He threw the second knife, the small weapon embedding itself next to its 'brother' with a dull thud. The two of them shared another fierce glare before the ghost (or whatever the hell it was) dissipated into the shadows, leaving him alone in the dark room, "...I really am going insane." He lied down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling in frustration. He had no idea what just happened, but considering his luck he was probably talking into thin air.

"...I really hate this madhouse."

Well...that could have gone better.

Daisy sighed and mussed a hand through her hair as she walked down the halls of the facility. The debriefing had been...painful: A third agent managed to steal away the formula, the producer was killed before any possible interrogation and the closest thing they had to an origin point had been burnt into a husk, no doubt taking away any proof they might have had.

To say that Agent Hill was displeased would have been an understatement. Daisy had enough experience with the S.H.I.E.L.D veteran to know that she kept her emotions under a stoic mask, so the fact that she seemed almost mildly annoyed was almost shocking. Then again she understood the reason why: 5 of their agents were still infected with no cure in sight. Daisy was pretty damned frustrated herself considering she knew all of them, and it was only growing worse after what happened with the Connors family.

The young agent sighed and kept walking towards the laboratory. It was late even by S.H.I.E.L.D standards, so apart from a few agents milling about standing guard the place was almost abandoned. Truth be told she wasn't expecting to find anything, but she'd been making her rounds for the past few nights and she saw no point to stopping now. Besides, it'd probably give her a chance for some alone time if it was abandoned like she thought.

Daisy opened the door and winced at the bright light that greeted her, "Woah." She blinked and shook her head. Alistair was hunched over a desk, mumbling to himself like he always did whenever he got into one his tangents. Still, her attention was drawn to the front of the lab where the preservation tube lay, the body of 'Specimen 6' lying upright with its eyes closed.

She didn't have the full details - above her clearance level - but she definitely knew that the stiff was connected to their newest 'agent'. Just how exactly she had no clue, though she knew enough to understand that he was Peter Parker; meaning the stiff in the tube was either a clone or a relative of some kind.

'This is freaky.' She stepped closer, Alistair refusing to look up from his notes despite her footsteps. It was creepy how detached he was from the fact that there was a literal corpse sloshing around in preservative fluid in front of him, but she supposed she should have expected that from someone who worked biochem in a place like this, "Hey, Alistair. You look busy."

"Huh?" He looked up at her and blinked, his mouth crinkling into a slight smile when the recognition set in, "Oh, Daisy. Good evening." He pushed the chair back and yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily, "Late night as well?"

"You could say that." She nodded, "Agent Hill's kinda pissed that the Lizard thing went down the tubes. What about you? Any luck on a cure from our newest 'agent's' antibodies?"

"No." He shook his head and sighed, pressing both hands against his face in frustration, "We've tried everything, but the antibodies dissipate before we can get a chance to replicate them. We've found some solutions to make them stay longer, but it gives us precious few seconds at best. It would be preferable if we could inject a higher quantity of serum, but the risk to Mr. Parker would be astronomical. The physical pain alone would have severe consequences."

"So what's with the stiff?" She gestured to the tube.

"Hm?" He looked to the frozen corpse and opened his mouth slightly as if in surprise, "Oh, yes, that." He sighed, "I'd hoped that Mr. Parker's counterpart would hold some answers, but I suppose like any other human the protection ended when he took his last breath," He frowned, "The body does display certain irregularities, but for the purposes of finding a cure or vaccine it's not feasible."

"Irregularities? What kind?"

"The state of decay, for one. Bodies decompose at different rates depending on the circumstances, but even without the preservation fluid the body's condition is remarkably intact all things considered." He put a hand to his chin, "There are others, but I won't bore you with the long-winded details. Long story short there are some peculiarities and if not for having to focus on a cure I might be tempted to focus on that instead."

"Huh..." She leaned against the desk and crossed her arms, "What about Peter Parker? Did you make any headway to finding that Octavius guy yet?"

"Yes, we ascertained his location a week ago."

Daisy blinked. Alistair continued to pore over his notes like nothing was wrong and the question popped out of her mouth before she could stop it, "Wait, you already found the guy? Should I tell Parker then?"

"Absolutely not." He looked up at her, his expression stern, "Agent Hill made it very clear that we keep this information close to our chest. We're keeping constant surveillance on the man, but an assault on one of S.I.L.K's bases is too risky as of right now; if we attack a single base then other cells will go into hiding. So long as they're not planning an attack as of yet it's better we keep them under surveillance."

"So what, I just lie to the guy?" She'd lied before - comes with being an agent - but this felt leery. Most contract workers for S.H.I.E.L.D tended to be on the up and up, and it felt odd holding someone's payment behind a wall.

"Just don't mention it and you'll be fine," Alistair replied, "I don't enjoy it either, but Agent Hill gave us our orders. So long as Mr. Parker needs our assistance then he'll cooperate. If we tell him exactly were Dr. Octavius is then he'll most likely demand his capture. Not only will this compromise some of our operations it also risks him refusing to aid us further and without him any chance for a cure is gone."

"I guess..." She rubbed the back of her head. It still felt leery to her, but she could definitely see the hard logic of it, "Is a cure all we want from him, though?" He could have died following that lead on that Ogre guy. She didn't care about the guy too much all things considered, but she wasn't heartless.

"His abilities are also of interest," he said, "Agent Hill likens him to Logan and Ms. Pryde; he may not work for us full-time, but his abilities are far too useful to be left unused. I understand that he failed in this mission, but his capabilities in certain areas remain unmatched and there will be other missions he's well-suited for; his laxer morals compared to Spider-Woman was particularly noted as a boon." He paused, considering his next works, "If Mr. Parker's parentage are under any indication then he has the makings of a fine agent; or at the very least an asset."

Oh yeah, his parents. Daisy had tried to do some reading on Parker's background, but it was for the most part blank. She knew Richard and Mary Parker used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D long before her time, but when she tried to access their files she got rebuffed. It was either a very good or a very bad thing when something was kept secret from the other secret agents.

That wasn't even getting to the rest of his family. The less he knew about his family tree the better; at least that's what she figured.

"I suppose I'm going nowhere." Alistair sighed and pushed himself up, "Come on. Let's go get something to eat; I'll have someone else reclaim Specimen 6's preservation tube later."

"Sounds good to to me." She followed Alistair to the room's exit and turned off the lights, giving one last look to the frozen body before she closed the door behind her.

Minutes of silence passed in the darkness of the room before a finger on the corpse's right hand twitched, a weak, strangled gasp emanating from its mouth before it lied still once more.

Well, that's that. I'll update this when I can, so give me some feedback if you can. Anyway, this chapter was all-talk - and Gwen's segment was rather lacking - but I hope this is good enough to tide people over :) Mad Artistry got 2 more votes, so next update will be for that unless people who haven't voted yet choose the Franchise arc.

I have some questions, and they mostly concern the story in general rather than something specific:


1. What do you guys think of Filler/Slice of life? By that I mean chapters where the characters are talking and relaxing in an environment without something oppressive hanging over them. So far we've had a few break segments, but its always been in-between the superheroing. I mean actual time when the cast is just in a place where they can relax without anything going wrong: Not going to the beach and Hydro-Man attacks or going to the Carnival and Arcade turns it into one of his Murderworlds. Just genuine fun.

2. Conversely, do you guys think I've dicked around too long? The hallucination(?) points out to Noir that he's wasting time in Earth-65, and I wonder if the readers are feeling the same way; especially with the next arc being about yet another filler villain Muse. I also had plans for Kraven (arc where Noir allies with Moon Knight and Castle), Tombstone (introducing the 65-Daily Bugle), Carnage and Shriek (Noir and Gwen pair arc) and possibly Morbius (Gwen arc with Janet van Dyne as an ally).

Should I just drop these and completely focus on the overarching Octavius/Murdock/SILK plotlines for the two leads along with their rivalry fights with Jack-o-Lantern and Hobgoblin? It feels like we haven't made much if any progress despite over 50 chapters and hundreds of thousands of words passing by...
1. What do you guys think of Filler/Slice of life? By that I mean chapters where the characters are talking and relaxing in an environment without something oppressive hanging over them. So far we've had a few break segments, but its always been in-between the superheroing. I mean actual time when the cast is just in a place where they can relax without anything going wrong: Not going to the beach and Hydro-Man attacks or going to the Carnival and Arcade turns it into one of his Murderworlds. Just genuine fun.
I think some slice-of-life would be fine, things have ramped up alot and some down time would make sense.

Especially if we get some more Peter/Cindy interaction, (Seriously I loved their chat in this update :3 )

2. Conversely, do you guys think I've dicked around too long? The hallucination(?) points out to Noir that he's wasting time in Earth-65, and I wonder if the readers are feeling the same way; especially with the next arc being about yet another filler villain Muse. I also had plans for Kraven (arc where Noir allies with Moon Knight and Castle), Tombstone (introducing the 65-Daily Bugle), Carnage and Shriek (Noir and Gwen pair arc) and possibly Morbius (Gwen arc with Janet van Dyne as an ally).

Yes and no?

I WAS feeling a bit that way until the reveal, now that we know it's been years since he the original Noir got here alot of the urgency seems gone.

If something bad was going to happen it would have by now right? Also, I feel like he needs to decide-

"Do I want to go back?"

-Cuz with the identity issue, the younger body, etc... would he even fit in back 'home'? What about his allies on this side?

I feel like his "dicking around" is just so he can figure out those questions. Plus he doesn't have any way to find Octavius besides S.H.I.E.L.D who is not really being helpful in that regard...
Eh, the urgency feels gone, Peter is naturally conflicted, it has been a long time since he left...Technically he may not even be the same one that left...And ontop of that...I wonder if we have an Other situation popping up with Noir original's body?...
I think some slice-of-life would be fine, things have ramped up alot and some down time would make sense.

Especially if we get some more Peter/Cindy interaction, (Seriously I loved their chat in this update :3 )

You're not the only one; I have another guy saying that Cindy and Noir are OTP simply because they get along as friends...then again another guy said he totally saw a pairing between him and MJ or Lana just based on a couple of friendly chats so I'm expecting it at this point.


Yes and no?

I WAS feeling a bit that way until the reveal, now that we know it's been years since he the original Noir got here alot of the urgency seems gone.

If something bad was going to happen it would have by now right? Also, I feel like he needs to decide-

"Do I want to go back?"

-Cuz with the identity issue, the younger body, etc... would he even fit in back 'home'? What about his allies on this side?

I feel like his "dicking around" is just so he can figure out those questions. Plus he doesn't have any way to find Octavius besides S.H.I.E.L.D who is not really being helpful in that regard...

Most of his allies are just using him, so it's not that painful all things considered - And his relationship with Gwen is in tatters because of the Harry thing. Still, the hallucination(?) does call him out on essentially getting mired in sidequests and making absolutely no effort to even try to find a way back despite the time that's passed.

Eh, the urgency feels gone, Peter is naturally conflicted, it has been a long time since he left...Technically he may not even be the same one that left...And ontop of that...I wonder if we have an Other situation popping up with Noir original's body?...

What do you mean by an 'Other situation'? I mean last I checked the Other's shtick was that it corrupted its hosts to bestial madness like it did with Kane. The original dead body shouldn't factor in, right?