Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

What do you mean by an 'Other situation'? I mean last I checked the Other's shtick was that it corrupted its hosts to bestial madness like it did with Kane. The original dead body shouldn't factor in, right?
I think he's talking about the time Peter 'shed' his dead body and came back to life.

The body was then inhabited by millions of spiders under the influence of his 'Other' which ended up becoming a woman with spider powers who tried to impregnate Flash Thompson with her eggsack and was subsequently eaten by birds.


WTF Marvel?
I think he's talking about the time Peter 'shed' his dead body and came back to life.

The body was then inhabited by millions of spiders under the influence of his 'Other' which ended up becoming a woman with spider powers who tried to impregnate Flash Thompson with her eggsack and was subsequently eaten by birds.


WTF Marvel?

Yeah, um...I'm gonna avoid that mostly cause I don't want to imagine anyone using Noir's body to try and impregnate anyone else; it's creepy enough having Noir possibly bodyjackign 65-Peter and now macking it to Gwen >,> This ranks almost as high as 616 and Silk's spider pheromone thing.
Yeah, um...I'm gonna avoid that mostly cause I don't want to imagine anyone using Noir's body to try and impregnate anyone else; it's creepy enough having Noir possibly bodyjackign 65-Peter and now macking it to Gwen >,> This ranks almost as high as 616 and Silk's spider pheromone thing.

It was pretty bad, fortunately Marvel ended up retconning it and changed the Other into what we got in Spiderverse.

It was pretty bad, fortunately Marvel ended up retconning it and changed the Other into what we got in Spiderverse.
IIRC, it also made some previous revelations with said totem trying to kill Peter really suspect considering it was what revived him. Still, I'm more interested in the obscure Spidey the hints in the Family Drama comics that Peter apparently has a sister. I mean they excuse it away as Kingpin manipulating Peter's perception...then we get this epilogue:'ll be a real doozy if I incorporate this bit of lore, especially given that in the fic 65-Peter shared his 616 counterpart's backstory of having parents involved with really dangerous stuff.
Chapter 55
Hey guys...I know I said that I was taking a break - and I did manage about 4.7k words into my other fic - but then I saw the Spider-Man PS4 gameplay demo and lets just say I was inspired. I mean I already had plans for a Mr. Negative arc after these two, but now I'm much more hyped to write it...though Peter causes a lot of collateral damage stopping the chopper :/ Is it too much to hope for a Spider-Gwen appearance in the game? Probably, but they showed off Miles so I'm holding onto hope :D

Anyway, I also checked out Injustice 2's Red Hood and while the PS4 Spidey game gave me ideas for Gwen, Red Hood's giving me ideas for Noir ;) Especially since his characterization is remarkably stable: He doesn't believe in Batman's no killing rule, but he also opposes the regime for killing far too many in pursuit of 'justice'. His intro and clash quotes with Supergirl (Ideal Hero vs Anti-Hero) and his arcade ending where he gives the finger to both factions in favor of fighting 'for the people' are also pretty good things I can crib some stuff off.

Another friend also suggested taking some things from John Wick - especially since it seems to be becoming more widespread, if Leon from Resident Evil Vendetta is any indication - though that I have far more doubts on. While the movie's gun kata is more realistic than the likes of Equilibrium and Matrix, a lot of it also relies on the bad guys running up to Wick with their guns rather than shooting him from a controlled distance.

On a more downbeat note, I also read up on 'Death of a Salesman' since I wanted to see about writing characters who are flawed and stay flawed because of their own choices. It'll help me with writing Frog-Man: Gwen and Noir sometimes don't feel human because their problems and traumas are larger than life and unbelievable, but with Eugene he shows contradictions in a more focused light: He's somewhat big-headed and craves fame 65-Peter, Vulture etc etc and acts like a hormonal teen, but he's also shown to be capable of being brave and does his best despite his failings.

It'll be a treat to see if I can write him well given that he's working together with Gwen and Kate, both of whom have been in the Superhero business for far longer and are far more charismatic personality-wise compared to some kid in a frog suit from the suburbs.

Chapter 55: Cold War

Back to being the stalker.

Peter sighed and adjusted his place on the Watson roof. The sun still hadn't risen and most of the street was covered in a blanket of darkness. Just the way he liked it, really; made him hard to see even if he stuck out on the red roof like a sore thumb in his getup.

His mouth curled into a light frown. He didn't know what he was doing here, though the same could have been said about everything he'd been doing ever since he got to this place. Still, he couldn't deny that seeing the Parkers go about their daily routine was oddly calming; even if he felt like a damn voyeur stalking them from across the street. At least they were happy...and their home was remarkably unvandalized, all things considered.

He tapped his fingers along the edge of the roof tiles. How long was he going to stay here acting like a damn peeping tom? It wasn't like anything would change: Both of them always woke up early, Ben always leaving for one errand or another while May prepared a hearty breakfast for her hard-working husband. Same routine, day in and day out. If they didn't stop when their son turned himself into a monster they sure as hell weren't gonna be changing now.

A part of him was tempted to go to them, but the rational part of his mind (which was fighting an increasingly uphill battle...) reminded him to back off. What was he going to say? He hadn't seen them since he was kidnapped by one of Moon's cabal, and the things he found was too much. Bad enough that they thought he was their son risen from the grave; what were they going to do now that they found out he'd stolen someone's corpse and was parading around it like it was a damn puppet on a string? He'd been called a freak enough times that he didn't need to to hear it from them, too.

Of course, a part of him also knew this was nothing more than a distraction.

Peter grit his teeth and clenched his hands tightly. Martha Connors died. It wasn't a surprise; with how grievous her wounds were and how long it took for the spooks to get there she was already on death's door before he could even blink. Back when he didn't know he couldn't help but hope for a miracle, hope that maybe it'll end up like Lori with a convenient coma that could be recovered from given enough time.

And now Osborn was still out there. Letting out a sigh, he looked to the Stacy house and suppressed his frown. He understood why Gwen wanted to let Osborn go, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Still, he couldn't help the resentment that bubbled up whenever he thought about it, though he did his best to ignore it. It probably wasn't a picnic for her knowing Castle was still out there and he was surprised she hadn't added that little tidbit as fuel to the fire the last time they'd met.

He heard footsteps drawing closer. He was tempted to jump off the roof (or at least turn invisible) to try and retain some anonymity, but the head of red hair that peered out of the attic's window calmed him down quickly, "...Watson." He gave her a wry smile, though it was hidden underneath his new mask; the third one from Cindy he'd gotten at this point. At this point she was going start charging him for the nigh-constant repairs.

The redhead raised an eyebrow at the subdued greeting before replying, "Uh...morning, Tiger." She looked around the roof for a quick second before focusing back on him, "Any reason you're at my roof right now?"

"Just needed a place to sit." He shrugged. Better she didn't know he was here stalking his (not) aunt and uncle, "Didn't think anyone would notice. I always leave before any of you wake up."

"So...what I'm hearing is this isn't the first time you've done this." She shook her head and let out a soft breath. Less annoyed and more exasperated, at least from what he could see, "Well, move over then."

Peter raised an eyebrow of his own when she pushed the window open wider and stepped onto the roof, her balance shaky, "...You're going to fall off." He offered her a hand which she took gratefully. Her grip on him was tight, and she didn't let go till they were sitting side by side, both of their knees tucked to their chests. He couldn't deny that it looked juvenile, but at this point he didn't care. It was silly enough that a wanted vigilante and a band singer were sitting side by side like nothing was wrong.

A comfortable silence settled over the unlikely pair. Peter felt Watson staring at him, but he continued to look forward and focus on the Parkers. Ben was leaving - earlier than his usual time - so this little voyeuristic show of his was coming to an end. He'd tell himself it was the last time he'd do it, but then he'd come back; 1 day, 2 days...he always ended up back on the roof for this little spectacle.

"You can talk to them, if you want." Peter blinked and looked at Watson. She was looking at him with an unreadable expression; was it pity or something else? He didn't know, "They've been so happy ever since you and Gwencent got caught sucking face on the jumbotron. I mean those two have been rooting for you two to get together ever since you met...actually, in your case I think they just wanted you to have a girlfriend at all. No offense."

"None taken." He rolled his eyes. His aunt May was the same; always encouraging him to step out with either Mary Jane or Stacy...which was something he'd rather not think about considering who he was sitting next to, "'Sides, I'm pretty sure if I tell them what happened between me and Gwen they're just gonna be disappointed." He frowned. He had more things to worry about than who he'd swapped cash with.

"...Alright, before we continue with this I gotta ask: What the fuck is up with your voice?" Peter gave her a questioning look, but she held her ground, "Look, it's not a weird thing to ask. Your voice, it's..."

"A voice modulator put into the mask. It helps disguise me better." Spector had the same thing; Marc had been the one to suggest it after he saw his dyed hair, though Lockley apparently found some amusement in the idea of a dead man feeling the need to disguise himself. He didn't think it was funny, but he also didn't see the point with arguing with someone who had 3 personalities banging around in his head.

"Right, well...could you take your mask off then?" They stared at one another for a few seconds before she sighed, "Look, I get it, secret identity or whatever, but I wanna talk to Peter; not 'Spider-Man'."

"...Fine." He sighed and pulled his mask off. His spider-sense would warn him if something was wrong and worst came to worst maybe the dyed hair would be enough to dissuade people from seeing the resemblance, "That better, Watson?"

"Watson? Dude, the last name basis thing might've been a thing in the 30's, but here it just makes you look like a pretentious hipster. Trust me, you already ditched the trenchcoat; don't fall back in that hole."

"Fine then, Mary." He rolled his eyes again.

"Last person who called me that was my dad, but whatever. I guess I'm lucky you didn't tack a 'Ms.' on top of it." She leaned back, hands pressed against the cold roof, "Anyway, like I said you should talk to them. Even if it's not about you and Gwencent they'll be happy to talk to their nephew...or whoever you're supposed to be."

"What, you don't think I'm Parker?" That would've been a breath of fresh air.

"Gwen thinks you are, but I'm not really sure." She shook her head, "I mean all this superhero stuff's over my head. Either you came back from the dead or you're from another dimension; both of them sound fucking weird to me." She gave him a wry smile, "Then again, I don't really have a horse in this race. I didn't know Peter very well, so whether you're him or not doesn't really change how I see it. Gwen's got more reason to care than I do."

"...How is she? Gwen, I mean." He did his best to make his voice neutral, though he doubted Watson bought it.

"How she always is half the time; blaming herself for letting things go too far." She let out a tired breath and brought a hand through her hair, "She'll bounce back, but I'll tell you it's a pain in the ass dealing with her when she gets like this. It's pretty lucky that Betty's her roommate. I would've gone insane if I had to deal with her mood swings all the time."

"She's better than the one I remember..." Whatever else she definitely wasn't a snob, which was a step up as far as he was concerned. Captain Stacy still being upright probably had something to do with it as well; if nothing else she could take down Brock on her own if the bastard ever showed up ranting about Venom and whatever garbage he spouted.

"You never did tell us about what 'your' Gwen is like," MJ said lightly, "Either way I'm worried about her. We had practice yesterday and she suddenly stopped and screamed at us about how loud we were being and that she needed to be alone." She winced, "It was bizzarre, I'll tell you that much. One minute everything was as usual and suddenly she was having a bitch fit."

"Maybe she should get herself checked." Why did he get the feeling it had something to do with that thing bolted onto her?

"Or maybe she's just acting up cause both her best friends apparently tried to kill one another." Mary clicked her tongue, " You really need to make up with her, Tiger."

"Why are you calling me that?" He didn't really mind - it was probably one of the least offensive thing he'd been called ever since he got pulled here - but it was odd all the same.

"What, 'Tiger'?" She gave a subtle shrug at his nod, "I dunno, I always called people by nickname. Same reason I call Gwen 'Gwencent', I guess. Besides, it was either that or 'Spider', and I thought calling you that would've been a bit too on the nose."

"Hardy doesn't seem to think so..."

"You know Felicia? You know what, dumb question; her concert got attacked by ninjas once. Should've figured something was up with her." She waved a hand through the air, "And hey, nice try weaseling out of it, but I'm serious: You and Gwencent really need to make up. This tiptoe bullshit you're both doing is really damn annoying and it'd be better for all of us if you cut that shit out."

"It's not that simple..." Peter bit back. It wasn't her fault that Martha Connors died or dozens of others got turned into fodder because of Ogre's greed, but the way he'd left things with her left a lot to be desired.

"Yeah, it really is. Look, I don't what the deal is between you two, but I can tell this little trouble in paradise is a pain in the ass for both of you." Mary sighed, "Hey, how about this: Me and a few others are going to my Aunt's cabin soon. It's just a few of us and it'll be pretty isolated for the most part. Why not come along? You and Gwen can deal with this relationship BS without the Superhero thing getting in the way."

"A getaway to the woods...tempting, but the company's kind of questionable. I get the feeling Grant doesn't like me." More than a feeling really, but what else was new? Grant didn't like Spider-Man back home either.

"Oh, she doesn't, but she'll just have to deal." She gave him a lopsided grin, "Hey, it's my aunt's cabin, so I'm the closest thing our little group has to an owner; if I wanna invite the Dark Spider over then it's my choice. Just think about it, would you? This tiptoe bullshit you and Gwen are doing is just going to make things worse, trust me. I think we both know Gwen doesn't do the loner thing as well as you do."

"Maybe..." He watched Ben's car run past the end of the street and turn the corner out of sight before he continued, "...Why are you up so early, anyway? Most of the time you don't wake up till long after I'm gone."

"Right...well, ignoring how creepy that makes you sound." She adjusted her place on the roof, "We got a gig in a few days, and I was raiding the attic trying to see if I could find some decent costumes. The guy who hired us said he'd pay extra if we came up with a theme and for some reason Gwencent got real pissed when I suggested we all dress up like Spider-Woman." She laughed under her breath, "Someone's a bit territorial, I guess."

"Costumes...maybe Lana could help with that; I'll ask her when I can. She's always patching up new clothes to keep herself busy." It'd be a better use of her time than getting brained with pipes by gangbangers, at least, "...I still don't get why you're doing this, though. What's the point of getting up on stage and screaming?"

"I could say the same about you and Gwencent doing the Superhero thing," she countered, "I mean Gwen's New York's idol now, but it wasn't too long ago that people spat when she passed. And you...well, half the city hates your guts. Again, no offense." He waved a hand through the air in lieu of answering back, "It's only gotten worse now that you and her got caught sucking face. I mean I'm seeing death threats on forums."

"I'd like to see them try." He scoffed. People hiding behind mirrors; it was easy to be brave when you didn't have to actually own up, "You'd know why Gwen's doing it more than I would, but for me...helps keep me sane, I think." Then again considering he was hearing voices and seeing hallucinations any sane person would've told him that horse already left the barn, "Better than sitting on my backside brooding."

"No offense, but you still seem to be doing that." She gave him a teasing smile in response to the light glare he was now sporting, "But hell, why do I do it? Simple, I like the attention. Gwen gets a rush doing the spider in skintight spandex thing, I get it when people cheer after a good song."

"Fame...there's a reason people say it's fleeting, you know." Today's superstar could turn to yesterday's news in the blink of an eye. He'd seen it enough times back home and here to know that 82 years didn't change that.

"Considering you've been making headlines every since you showed up, that seems pretty hollow coming from you." She punched him in the shoulder lightly, "Hey, I'm not saying I can do this forever. I mean me and the rest of the band are going to ESU when the tests hit. Not sure about Gwencent, but I figure she'll be doing it too. Still, I'm going to ride it while I can."

"Why do people want attention so much, anyway? All it does it make people look and judge you." Parker, Toomes and countless others in this madhouse. All of seemed obsessed with making their mark, being 'remembered' no matter what it was people thought of them. One thing he'd never understood about his counterpart; being 'special' for its own sake seemed good enough for him, damn everyone else.

"Woah there, Tiger, what'd I say about that Hipster talk?" He rolled his eyes at the poor attempt at a joke, "But hey, there's nothing philosophical about it; some people like attention, some people like to beat up thugs in alleys. Guess which one either of us is."

"Yeah, I get your point." He didn't understand it, but far be it for him to judge how people lived their lives. As long she wasn't hurting anyone it was none of his business how Mary got her kicks.

"You could attend one of our concerts sometime," she said, "Can't be any worse than the music back where you're from, right? And be honest, when was the last time you've had fun? You and Gwen are making news all the time, but at least she paces herself. You seem like you don't get any sleep."

"Mostly because I don't." He ran a hand through his hair and frowned. Dreams came and went as always, but he'd gotten used to ignoring sleep that his body refused to shut down unless he lost at least 2 pints of blood.

"Wow...well, that explains why you're so cranky all the time at least." She clicked her tongue, "What do you do for fun, anyway? Or do you just brood all the time?"

"Fun? Haven't had much of that since I got to this place." Peter scoffed. Day in and day out it was just one thing after another; hard to have 'fun' considering the people after his head, "If you're asking what I do on my free time then I guess I read."

"Some things never change." She let out a single, soft laugh, "The Peter here always had his nose buried in a book. Let me guess, science textbooks?"

"Sometimes. Mostly I read history books," he said, "Some things in this place change, others remain the same. I read up on the end of the second world war. The one you call 'Captain America' was pivotal to ending it and Hitler ended up getting arrested before he could commit suicide in his bunker. Not sure if that's the same everywhere else, but it is here." He pursed his lips, "Nobel still created dynamite, but no peace prizes. Roosevelt was still the president after Hoover, but some of his policies are different. Constants and variables...which is which and the reason why isn't really apparent."

"Wow..." She let out whistle and gave him a pitying look, "Uh...anything else you do? Besides the reading, I mean?"

"...Trying to learn languages." He shrugged, "Spector thought it'd be a good idea for me to learn things like German or Farsi, though I don't see the point. I learned some French from Hardy; mostly cursing given how she uses it." He picked up on it faster than he expected, but he still didn't see the point. He doubted the spooks would let him leave New York at the rate he was going.

"Alright, enough about learning." She shook her head and let out an incredulous breath, "Look, you have friends here, right? Besides Gwencent, I mean. What about a guys night out or something?"

"Closest thing I had to that is the last time I worked with Castle, Spector and Bullseye to try and shut down a sex slavery ring Leland Owlsley was running. It ended with us losing most of our clothes and drugged out of our minds." Mary gave him a worried look and he waved her off, "Long story. Spector thought using ourselves as bait was the best bet to find the ring before the girls shipped out. It worked, but I'd rather not remember what happened." Hard to explain the stains to Lana when he got back. It was a good thing drugs didn't work on him for long...

At least they left him with his pants on. Bullseye wasn't so lucky, though he didn't seem to mind; Peter had a feeling it had little to do with him being drugged out of his mind.

"Right...well, you really need to come with us to our trip then. Trust me, it'll probably be good for you if that's your idea of a guys night..."

"Maybe." He gave her a soft smile and squeezed her shoulder briefly, "...I should probably go. My friend Howard called me about a case, and he seemed...panicked." Then again he always sounded like that. Probably figured that a 'free' assistant like him was better taken advantage of while it lasted. He probably should have felt offended that someone was taking advantage of him, but the duck at least seemed far more honest about it than the rest of his 'team'.

"First things first, you might wanna make sure those wheatcakes don't go to waste." She pointed to the fresh plate standing on the windowsill, "Something tells me that May knows you're watching her."

"...It's a coincidence." And so were the last 4 times she'd done it. He never took the bait; for all he knew it was for another neighbor and he didn't want to presume, "Hey...thanks for talking. It's a relief to talk to someone who knew that kid but doesn't expect me to act like a moron."

"If you wanna make it up to me, my sister's birthday is coming up and she'll owe me for life if I get you and Gwencent to show up in costume." She gave him a coy smile and squeezed his shoulder in turn, "Ever since I told her it was the 'Dark Spider' that saved her ass in that alley she's been a fan. I mean, not as big a a fan as she is of 'Spider-Woman', but hey. Gwencent doesn't wanna, but would you do it?"

"Something tells me a wanted vigilante's just gonna cause more trouble if he shows up at a party." He put on his mask and shrugged, "...I'll think about it. See you around, Mary."

"Later, Tiger."

Another day, another...something.

Gwen swung through the air absentmindedly, her body moving on autopilot as she made her way through the city. It was barely noon but already she'd stopped two muggings, a couple of assaults and at least one count of grand theft auto...and it didn't do much to keep her mind off of things. At this point she had it down to a science: Punch, kick, web and quip. Sometimes the order changed, but it hardly changed from those 4.

Sighing, she propelled herself higher and let the morning winds try to relax her. Harry was gone again, though he'd promised to keep contact. He even gave her a number to call him with in case of an emergency, though he also made it clear that it wasn't meant to for small talk. 'Only call me if there's something critical happening' were his exact words. If S.H.I.E.L.D found out they'd been in contact...well, she could expect more than a lecture from Cap, that was for sure.

"I guess this is goodbye again, huh?"

"I prefer 'see you later', Harry."

She allowed herself a bitter smile. Their parting was definitely better than their last one, but 'better than the last time' wasn't exactly a high mark considering he attempted to kill her the last time they met.

"Gwen...I still have feelings for you-"

"I know."

She nearly missed the next swing, "Shit." She ran along the wall of a building and propelled herself forward her, trying to ignoring the way her hands shook. She didn't know what Harry was planning when he'd said it, but she cut him off before he could finish. She...well, she really didn't need to deal with that on top of everything that happened that night. Maybe Harry was just desperate for whatever scrap of normalcy he could get from what happened, but she wouldn't...couldn't deal with that right now. Not after what happened between the three of them.

That wasn't even getting to the rest of the things she had to worry about. Ms. Van Dyne had opened up some time for them to meet that afternoon, and she couldn't stop the sinking feeling at the pit her stomach. Webster had been oddly quiet ever since yesterday when she'd lashed out at the others. She had no idea what happened; one second she was beating her drums like always and the next she was ranting about everything being too loud and that she needed quiet.

Gwen shook her head and let out a tired breath. She'd been putting off the testing for as long as she could; she could only hope this wasn't life biting her in the ass for her requisite dose of Stacy luck.

"Get her, my menagerie!"

She was jolted out of her thoughts by the unmistakable voice of White Rabbit reaching her ears, 'Really?' She clicked her tongue and adjusted her swing, making her way to the source of the screaming and explosions. She didn't agree with Peter on a lot of things, but Dodson's constant bail outs were getting on her nerves as much as it did on his. Even for a millionaire she would have thought someone would have rejected her bail at some point.

Gwen landed on the edge of a nearby rooftop and blinked at the scene before her. White Rabbit's 'gang' was there, albeit they were missing tentacle girl and walrus dude...and had a new addition, 'Really, Vince?' She frowned at the guy in a frog costume standing among the costumed criminals. The last time she'd checked in on him he was trying to make up for what he'd done. She would've been lying if she said she wasn't disappointed seeing him there.

What really caught her attention, however, was the sight of Kate standing on top of a car with an arrow nocked and an audacious grin on her face.

"Who are you!? You're not my arch-enemy!" White Rabbit shrieked, glaring daggers at the archer in purple. Gwen resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the thought that Dodson was still convinced the two were destined rivals or some other bullshit. Even Bodega Bandit had seniority over her, even if she didn't like thinking about how much BB seemed to be invested in their little 'relationship'.

"Well, someone's got an ego!" Kate taunted. Before WR could screech back another reply she released the arrow and hit the one in the porcupine suit square in the chest, a torrent of electricity rushing through him before he fell flat on his face. Tazer arrows; nasty shock, but non-lethal all the same. She'd seen Kate make use of it a lot when they were hunting down Mysterio.

"Get her!"

That was her cue. Without missing a beat she swung down and kicked grizzly straight in the face, knocking the larger man flat on his back before he knew what hit him, "Hey, hope you don't mind me cutting in!" She landed next to Kate with a small flip, the archer giving her a brief look of surprise before she gave her that same confident grin and a thumbs up, "Didn't know you were back in town, Hawkeye."

"Yeah, family business finished up." She looked her up and down and whistled appreciatively, "Nice costume, by the way. You pull of the black and blue pretty well."


"Stop ignoring me!" White Rabbit screeched. The pair looked back at her and Gwen raised an eyebrow. Apart from Dodson only Frog-Man and another villain dressed in a moth costume remained. She was torn between feeling pity or just snickering at her, especially with the way most of the people didn't even bother to run in favor of watching the 'crime' in progress.

They didn't even bother recording it. You saw one White Rabbit crime and you saw them all.

"...I'll take Frog-Man, you take the moth chick?" Gwen asked, giving Kate a knowing look.

"You know it." The other girl gave her a wink and notched another arrow, jumping towards the designated Supervillain with an almost exaggerated flourish. Gwen watched her go with a slight smile before focusing back on Vincent. She knew the suit allowed some enhanced durability - probably how he didn't break his ass every time he made a mis-jump - but she still had to be careful. The last thing she needed was Eugene seeing his dad crippled.

She swung closer to the bulbous toad, Frog-Man backing away slightly when she landed in front of him, "Gotta say I'm disappointed, Vinnie. I really thought you were trying to do better, but I guess you just couldn't help putting on the costume again, huh?" She clicked her tongue, "Look, just give up. We both know how it ended last time and I don't want to embarrass you twice in a row."

"I-I'm not gonna lose!" Gwen raised an eyebrow. That...didn't sound like Vincent; matter of fact it didn't sound like a guy period. Her thoughts were cut off when he(?) jumped into the air, no doubt intent to land on her judging by the jutting elbow.

She waited till she was closer to the ground before she (it was definitely a girl) released two lines of webbing, tangling the supervillain (and she used that term loosely) in mid-air for a split second before she dragged her down, covering the suit in a thick cocoon of webbing that left it restrained from the neck down.

"Well, that was easy." Not that she was surprised. Maybe it was arrogant of her, but she liked to think that she could afford it considering the win-count was, what, 12-0 at this point whenever she had to deal with 'the Menagerie'? Once she got bailed out of jail next week she could go for unlucky number 13. She only hoped she had a couple of days; Dodson was bad enough in moderation, but dealing with her constantly was giving Gwen a headache.

She looked back at Kate and found moth girl pinned under a thick net of webbing, the archer twirling an arrow between her fingers before putting it back into its quiver. No surprise there, either. Now all that was left was the 'ringleader' herself.

"S-Stay back!" White Rabbit pointed her carrot gun at them both, but the way her hands shook made it clear that the attempt at resistance was futile at best, "St-Stay back, I mean it! You may have beaten my henchmen, but I won't fall so easily!"

Gwen sighed. It was a song and dance they'd done many times by now: WB would sic her 'loral minions' on her, she'd kick their ass and then the rabbit themed villain would make some bold declaration that she wouldn't 'fall so easily' right before she webbed her to the ground for the police to pick her up...well, that was when she was alone. If Peter was there half her 'minions' would bolt and WB broke the second he cracked his knuckles.

Neither of the two happened now. Gwen looked up and saw a green blur falling towards the crazed woman. Before she could give out a warning the large figure landed on top of Dodson with a panicked scream, WB dropping her 'gun' and falling on her face at the impact.

"...Well, that wasn't how I thought that would go." She looked at Kate, the other Superhero only giving her a helpless shrug in return before Gwen looked back at the scene in front of her. She could definitely cross out 'Seeing Frog-Man land on White Rabbit ass first' off her bucket list...just as soon as she made one, of course, "I'm not the only one seeing double here, right?"

"Nope, I'm definitely seeing two giant frogs too." Kate gestured to the bound Frog-Woman restrained on the sidewalk, "Still, I'm more surprised 2 people are willing to dress up in frog costumes to begin with."

"Get off me!" White Rabbit shrieked, trying and failing to push off the costumed hero(?) that was sitting on top of her. Gwen had to admit she felt a twinge of pity at the sight of it, especially now that people were actually recording it. Something new from one of her 'rampages', but it probably wasn't the fame she was looking for.

"I-I'm trying!" Frog-Man II said, "The springs malfunctioned, I can't get up!" He tried to stand and ended up falling back down, "H-Hey wait a minute, you're a criminal, aren't you!? You're under arrest!"

"Get off me, you overgrown toad!"

...This was just sad. Sharing another look with Kate, the masked Superhero trudged forward and pulled the second Frog-Man to his feet, webbing Dodson to the ground before she could get back up. Just because she pitied her didn't mean she didn't have to take her punishment, "...You alright?" She really hoped he wasn't another Supervillain (again, using the term very loosely). She had enough of a headache already.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" He held onto her hand for an uncomfortably long time before she coughed and he stepped back, nearly tripping again before she reached out to steady him," Th-Thanks." He took a deep, shaky breath, "The springs malfunctioned and I kinda missed my target. Sorry."

"Seems like you hit her right on the mark, actually." Kate quipped. The archer slung her bow back over her shoulder and gave them both her patented grin, "So...any relation to the other frog Spider-Woman restrained?"

"I-It's a bit of a long story..." He sighed. Gwen figured it had something to do with the fact that the first Frog-'Man' clearly didn't have Vincent Patillio under the mask.

"Whatever it is we should probably talk about it elsewhere. People are staring." Gwen gestured to the crowd and pointed to a nearby rooftop, "Come on, let's talk over there."

Making their way to the roof was simple enough...if one ignored how Eugene (it was pretty obvious) stumbled and tripped the entire way or how he barely landed on the roof and would've fallen of entirely if Gwen hadn't pulled him back. Evidently the expertise with using the suit hadn't been passed down from father to son.

"Alright, Frog-Boy, spill," Kate said, leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed, "Any reason you and Frog-Girl down there are sharing a costume?"

"That's actually what I came here to find out." He coughed and did his best to stand tall, "I saw the news a few days ago, rumors about someone in a frog suit committing crimes with that White Rabbit woman. My d- I mean, Vincent Pattilio's innocent, but everyone else thinks its him. I came here to try and stop White Rabbit; maybe when the police caught the impostor d- Vincent could-"

"Eugene, I know it's you." Gwen interrupted. Usually she was cool with secret identities, but this was just sad, "Look, no offense, but you can't really hide when there's really only 2 people who've put on the frog suit before today, and if it's not your dad then..."

"I...yeah, I guess so." Eugene let out a forced laugh and rubbed the back of his head, "I was hoping to keep it a secret, but I'm pretty my dad's gonna figure it out the second he sees the video people post, so..." He sighed, "Look, I just wanna help him. He's been trying to turn his life around, but he lost his job cause people got paranoid that he was going back to his old ways."

"Well, mission accomplished, right?" Gwen asked, "I mean Frog-Woman's gonna be behind bars so I think your dad's clear."

"N-Not yet!" He shook his head frantically, "S-Someone had to have given her the costume, right? I asked my dad and he actually said that he sold most of the spring boots he made to try and make a fresh start. He-He made like half a dozen of those things, and I think the guy who bought them might be using them to outfit these impostors. W-We gotta stop whoever they are or it'll happen again!"

"I think Frog-Boy has a point," Kate chimed in, "Look, I've actually been hearing rumors that the 'Masks' in the city are becoming organized. Doing crimes at the same time at opposite ends of the city, that kind of thing. That way the Supers and police are going to have a hard time catching them." She tapped something on her phone and showed it to them both, "I just checked and apparently the Sinister 6 - there's only 5 of them, weirdly enough - just robbed a jewelry store while we were dealing with Rabbit and her Alice in Wonderland troupe."

"Great, just what we needed; the Supervillains making a union." Gwen pinched the bridge of her nose. So much for getting to visit Ms. Van Dyne today, "Alright, let's check it out."

"R-Really? Oh, thanks!" Eugene shook her hand enthusiastically and she smiled even after he held on far longer than what was deemed appropriate...again. She found it hard to be mad considering some of the things she'd been through the past few days.

"My first day back in the city and I'm going to help bust a crime union. And I thought L.A was crazy," Kate laughed and stepped off the wall, "Well, we're gonna need all the help we can get. Why don't you call your boyfriend and we meet up with Ms. Jones? Not that I'm bad at the P.I shtick or anything, but those two would be a great help. We can turn this into a team up."

Gwen's mood soured slightly at Kate's words, but she reined it in."He's not...Spider-Man's busy with other things." He hadn't picked up her calls. She didn't know how long this little cold war between them was going to last, but she did know that she wanted it to be over as soon as possible. Especially since she had no idea where both of them stood after the clusterfuck a few days ago.

She also did her best to ignore Eugene almost deflating when Kate said 'boyfriend'; another thing she didn't need to deal with.

"Huh, I thought you two would've been bolted at the hip considering what happened." Kate shrugged, "Alright, just Ms. Jones then. Come on, her office isn't too far from here."

This was the place.

Peter stepped off the motorcycle and looked up at the fancy apartment building with a frown. He didn't like going to the ritzy parts of town, and 82 years didn't change that either, 'Why this place?' He turned the bike off and walked to the alleyway, pulling out his mask and putting it over his head as soon as he was deep enough inside. Operating during the day usually wasn't his M.O - at least when Gwen wasn't dragging him around by the neck - but beggars couldn't be choosers. Howard seemed desperate to get this off his desk.

He looked around the alley way before jumping up the closest wall, jumping on both sides till he made it to the emergency escape. He was already starting to miss Gwen's loaned webshooter, though he quickly clamped that thought down. Better not to rely on things (or people...) he couldn't keep, 'Would've been better if this Walker dame didn't stay on the 11th floor...' He sighed. Private access, and he didn't fancy going through the front door even with his invisibility.

What greeted him when he finally made it to the balcony caused him to a scowl: A glass doorway leading to the inside that'd been smashed open, numerous shards scattered across the floor in droves, "Looks like Howard was right..." He stepped over the doorway and pushed past the thick curtains inside. Fancy digs; even with the mess and tatters he could see that every bit of furniture and decoration was on the steep side. He doubted it was standard for every room; whoever lived here could shell out more than everyone else.

Peter walked deeper inside. Despite the sun outside the place was almost oppressively dark, the thick curtains pushing back any sunlight that might have seeped through, "Blood..." His eyes trailed after the trail of crimson that led to the kitchen. Drops at first, almost subtle in the brown carpet, but the closer he got the more it began to resemble a deliberate path, "Signs of a struggle...a fight of some kind."

He knelt down and focused on the kitchen knife lying on the floor. It'd definitely been used, but whether it was from the attacker or the one defending themselves he didn't know. Better he leave it for the police; maybe they'd be able to find something from it.

"Better call the cops." He was about to open his phone before he heard it: A pair of feet landing on the balcony with rapid footsteps that followed. Before he could so much as turn around and determine whether the new intruder was friendly or not he heard the sound of a chair being scraped against the floor before his spider-sense blared.

Peter flipped to the side and watched as a fancy stool flew there where he was kneeling, the wood splintering into multiple pieces when it crashed against the floor with a loud thud, 'Definitely not friendly.' He turned back and saw a hooded figure charging towards him, his spider-sense giving its telltale blare again before he jumped over her, 'She's fast.'

She collided with the wall, but she didn't let it deter her. Peter winced when she saw the concrete crack and the hooded dame shrug off the hit like it was no big deal, 'Great, another freak.' He pulled out both of his guns and activated the tazers at the grip. He could only for both his and Castle's sake that the damn thing worked as advertised cause he didn't fancy bloodying his knuckles on another dame that could shrug off being shot at.

Her next attack was as sluggish as her last one. Peter just barely saw his attacker's face half-covered with a gray scarf before he ducked under the sweeping blow and smacked both of the tazers against her back, the woman stumbling forward for a brief moment before he shot two rubber bullets the back of her knees. He could only hope it worked; he didn't want to have to kill anyone if he didn't have to.

"Ahh!" She paused, long enough for him to eject a burst of webbing at her back to try and restrain her. A voice at the back of his head whispered that she sounded familiar, but he didn't have long to think about it before she grabbed the dark silk and threw it forward, Peter being dragged along painfully by his wrists for a split second before he collided against the wall with a painful thud.

The paralytic in the silk should've entered her system already, though given that she was another freak he doubted it would've helped much. Through shaky eyes he saw her push through the webbing, her scarf getting dislodged in the struggle-


God damn it.

"...Jones?" He stood up shakily, one hand pressed against the wall to help keep him steady while another pointed a gun at her head. The two of them weren't exactly friends, but last he checked he hadn't done anything to warrant her trying to cave his head in.

The private investigator paused when she heard her name, looking at him through narrowed eyes, "Who the hell are you? Where's Trish?"

"Don't recognize me, detective? It's Spider-Man." He lowered the gun and took a shaky breath. He'd definitely feel that tomorrow morning; he really needed to get in contact with that Melvin guy Bullseye suggested, "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to find my sister..." She slowly unclenched her hands and let her glare soften, "This place looks like a bull ran through it...what did you do?"

"What did I do?" He scoffed, "Howard told me to come here, said something about a friend of his that needed help. Said she wanted to follow up on something. I was checking the place out when you decided to attack me." He put a hand to the back of his neck and winced. They'd given each other some licks, but it was probably better all around that they hadn't gotten too far. He'd already been tempted to go for real bullets.

"Howard? I told Trish to stop talking to that little...nevermind, doesn't matter now." She let out a frustrated breath and rubbed her temples, "I thought you were the one who did this...didn't even recognize you in that new costume."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He clicked the tazers off and put the guns back in their holsters, "You said you were looking for your sister...last I heard the one who owned this place was Patricia Walker. Don't see the resemblance."

"We're not related by blood- Now's not the time for a story. I need to find her."

She pulled out her phone and tapped the first number that showed up. It didn't take long before both of them heard ringing coming from...behind the bookcase? "...Looks like there's more to this place than meets the eye." Peter pulled the ajar bookcase back and raised an eyebrow at the sight of a keypad barely hidden in the wall. It looked like someone had their secrets.

"Trish's panic room." Jones pushed past him and inputted the 8 digit code on the bloody keypad, "She must've ran there when she got attacked."

The inside of the place didn't look any better than the apartment. As soon as the door opened Peter was hit with the potent stench of blood, 'Looks like it wasn't so safe after all...' He followed Jones inside and frowned at the puddles of crimson that stained the floor. He wasn't much of for forensics, but he doubted all that blood came from just one person. Whoever this Walker dame was she put up a fight.

"Trish?" Jones looked around the room, her slightly hopeful expression failing when she saw that the room was barren, "No, no, no; this isn't right. She would've gone in here, the door was closed. She should be-"

"She was dragged out." He knelt down and pointed to the thin lines leading to the door, "She got in, then whoever it was followed her in. They fought and then they took her by force." He frowned and gestured to the bloody phone on the floor, "She must've dropped her phone in the struggle. My guess is the panic room closed on its own after they both left...sound about right?"

She didn't answer. The private investigator stayed quiet for a few seconds before she smashed her hand against the wall, the metal bending in response to the sudden impact, "Damn it...god damn it!" She punched the wall again and shut her eyes tightly, covering her face with her free hand. Whether she wanted to cry or scream out in fury he didn't know, but it didn't change anything either way. Her sister was gone.

"We can still find her." Peter picked up the bloody phone and looked through the recent contacts. He wasn't good at comforting someone, but stating facts was easy enough, "She must've left a clue somewhere. A journal, some know her better than I do." He handed her the phone, "Any clues here?"

"...Yeah." She sucked in a deep breath and took the phone, her face morphing back into the half-scowl she always wore. He'd take it over her losing her head, "She left me a message to come over not too long ago...she must've dropped this on purpose." She took another deep breath and pocked the mobile device, "...Let's get out of here. I'll call Howard, tell him to meet me back at my place."

"If you say so." Peter waited for her to leave before he scanned the room one last time. There was something off about the finger trails Walker left...and he just found it, "Damn it." He knelt down and grimaced. A severed finger...hardly the worst thing he'd seen since he got to this place, but it was still nasty nonetheless.

He looked back at the entrance and shook his head. Probably better if Jones didn't know her sister lost her ring finger.

"Hurry up."

"I'm coming."

Neither of them said a word to one another on the way back, though she was at least willing to share the bike with him in lieu of walking. Peter did his best to ignore the lingering stench of blood that covered them both or the odd glances some of the tenants gave them as they trudged up the stairs of her apartment building. Even without his mask apparently association with Jones was worthy of a few second glances in this place.

He didn't know what to expect when he got to her 'office'. Seeing the former police chief or Bishop hanging around seemed obvious enough, but the sight of Gwen in full costume and what he was pretty sure was Patillio dressed up in that frog getup of his was definitely on the low end of the list of expectations. Now all they needed was Lana and they could've completed the circus.

An awkward silence settled over the makeshift group. Bishop looked like she wanted to say something as did 'Captain' Stacy, but whatever they were hoping to say apparently died in their throats when they saw the scowl Jones was sporting or how bloody her hands were.

Gwen was (as expected) the first one to speak, "...Something tells me we're not the only one dealing with bullshit."

"...You have no idea." Peter let out a tired breath. Just another day in this circus.

It was only by about 2 votes or so, but Mad Artistry still won out over The Franchise arc meaning we're going to be going for the M rating next chapter :) Still, I wanted to show a bit of Gwen's side so we have some context if/when we do her arc...and because it has the glorious re-appearance of the hero this story both needs and deserves, Frog-Man! :D We already saw his first match and the birth of the everlasting rivalry between him and his dreaded arch-nemesis White Rabbit, and he's going to keep moving from here on, folks!

Anyway, Muse for next chapter so look forward to it :) Oh, and here's some questions:

1. Does anyone mind that Noir feels less like...well, Noir? By that I mean he feels far less like a film noir hero and more like a modern day anti-hero in the vein of Red Hood or Agent Venom. While this is justified story-wise with him acclimating to Earth-65 an gearing up, I'm not sure if you guys are cool with it. I mean he still has some tendencies - dated narration, lots of PI work etc etc - but he feels different from the one I started out with.

2. I've gotten at least a few suggestions that Noir and Gwen end up sleeping together, if only for the story/drama it could sprout. Alright, I'm just gonna ask this outright so skip if you don't wanna think about it: How would this even be possible? I mean I'm not talking emotionally or anything, people have done worse in the heat of the moment, I mean physically.

This is the same problem Superman fans ask: Man of Steel, Women of Kleenex...or the opposite in this case. How does Superman have sex with Lois Lane when he'd probably snap her in two if he did? Same applies here; we know from the Wolverine crossover that when Laura got mind-transferred to Gwen she constantly broke stuff without meaning to, which heavily implies that Gwen is constantly restraining herself to avoid just smacking people's heads off with every punch.

Thing is (and this applies for 616 as well), sex really isn't something that people are restrained when doing it. Even ignoring the radioactive blood - cause I really don't wanna do Spider-Gwen: Reign - sex would be...difficult. I mean Noir might be able to handle it, but I can't see that being pleasurable in any way. This goes double now that she's attached to Venom and she goes from 10 ton to 25 ton strength literally overnight. Kissing and holding hands are easy enough to control, but she'd literally turn any partner she has to mashed potatoes if she plans to run the full baseball field :/

That's not even getting to the fact that she might have issues having sex while Venom is bolted onto her and she knows its sentient. Kissing might be fine, but anything beyond that might turn her off if she stops to think about it.
I'm cool with THIS SPiderman being modern day Anti-hero with some noir tropes, you're pulling something with the other peter's body and I'm curious as to what it is...
The chapter was purely filler, but I'm writing the next one soon-ish; probably as soon as I finish my psych report :) On the bright side I just saw a scene that I have to have Gwen do given that Venom/'Webster' has done absolutely nothing to her detriment. Putting a scene like this might be a good start...and it'd be goddamn hilarious: SHOOOCKEEERRRR!!!!

I'm cool with THIS Spiderman being modern day Anti-hero with some noir tropes, you're pulling something with the other peter's body and I'm curious as to what it is...

You've seen comics and this fic has been one cliche to another. Not hard to figure where it's going.
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Chapter 56
Back again. The last chapter was pretty much filler/setup, so consider this the real intro to the Mad Artistry arc. It's slightly shorter than usual, but I cut out all the busywork so there's no more diddling around like that first segment with Mary Jane and Peter that went nowhere :/ I'll tr to follow suit on upcoming chapters and chunk out needless segments.

Anyway, we're so close to Spider-Man:Homecoming I can taste it! One thing I do like is that the film apparently does focus on the fame aspect of Spider-Man: People stop to get his autographs, a couple of fans ask for a photo-op and Gwen Stacy intimated in one of the trailers that Liz Allan has a celeb crush on the wall crawler, which Ned uses as Peter's 'in' with his crush. Might give me good ideas for Gwen's segments.

This is my first 'M' rated chapter. While it's not too graphic compared to Twisted Reflections, I'm edging it closer rather than giving it out all at once. Wish me luck. Oh, and those looking for a good Spidey fic might wanna check out 'All too well' on archiveofourown. It takes place in the ASM movies and MCU but Gwen gets Spider powers after the second movie. It's basically the Spider-Man/Spider-Gwen fic some of you have been looking for, so check it out :D

Chapter 56: Eye of the Beholder

Beauty was in the eye of the beholder...or at least that's what everyone else claimed.

In a dark room lit only by a single light a figure sat hunched over a table, his features covered by a white cloth mask while lines of blood dripped down from the crude openings that served as eyeholes all the way down to his chest. The rest of him fared no better, his upper body drabbed in a thick white cloth connected to the mask while the cargo pants and boots were splattered with a bizarre mix of paint and thinner.

To many he might have appeared grotesque, but as they always said, it was in the eye of the beholder.

"No, no, no..." He slammed both hands on the surface of the desk, the bloody digits smearing crimson on the darkwood, "There's something missing..." He stared back at the easel ruefully and and tapped his fingers impatiently. His last masterpiece was days old, he was already late in creating another! "You're only as good as your last performance..." He gripped the edge of the table tightly. He had to be better.

His last masterpiece was being used as a circus attraction; it disgusted him. People were supposed to appreciate art, to look upon the canvas and make their own judgement on the picture contained within. But now it was nothing more than a cheap pull used by a greedy onlooker as a way to satisfy his greed. He'd made it for everyone! It wasn't meant to be just for him!

He stepped off the table and made his way back to the canvas, grabbing the paint set with careful deliberation. It had to be better; more vibrant, more powerful, just...more, "You're only as good as your last performance..." He dabbed the brush against the paint, tracing the crimson life fluid through the canvas with slow, measured strokes. How many hours had he spent on his next work? The time had begun to blur together in his focus.

Beauty was in the eye of the beholder...he found the words ironic. They tried to apply beauty to everything, grace to the infirm and light where there was only darkness. A consolation prize; make the most grotesque painting and you could be comforted with knowing that at least someone will found value in it. A cheap attempt at comfort - By that virtue nothing truly mattered. If everything was valuable, then nothing was.

He had to be better, to keep improving. Years he'd spent toiling, trying to match his peers and earn her approval, but it was never good enough! Whatever he'd done someone else had already perfected. He could have accepted even that, but their carelessness became too much. They treated their works as if they were effortless, as if their genius allowed the art to materialize from the aether ready for people to peruse and appreciate.

Lies, all of it.

The figure made one final stroke with the brush and frowned when no more blood appeared on the canvas, "I need more." He looked down at the paint set and put it back in front of the easel. Blood was a difficult paint to use; it dried far too quickly and if he put it to water the color lost its vibrancy, but it was all worth it; what better way to represent life than using the blood that allowed them to live? It was something no paint could ever hope to recreate.

Giving one last lingering look at the incomplete masterwork, he left the room and made his way to where he kept his supplies. This was the crude reality those 'artists' refused to admit, the utter mundanity and frustration that came with the elation and pride. The art didn't appear without effort, didn't sprout up completely finished just because the artist willed it. They wanted it to be effortless - believed that it was simple and clean - but the truth of the matter was that it was far from that.

He opened the door to the room and raised an eyebrow at the sight of one of his assistants trying to escape, "Y-You!" The blonde ceased her struggles, looking up at him with her doe-like eyes. He'd tied the ropes tightly around their arms and feet, the material digging into their flesh and causing them to bleed as they struggled.

She wasn't one of his offerings - gifts from the few who could see his vision -, she wasn't even meant to be one of his assistants. She'd been investigating the mural, her actions reminiscent of a would-be private detective. He had to admit that she didn't look the part of a vulture, but he knew more than anyone that looks could be deceiving. If she wished to ruin his work then it was fair that she helped complete his next masterpiece. Perhaps then she could atone for what she'd attempted to do.

He found his gaze lingering on her features. To many she would been considered beautiful, but beauty was in the eye of the beholder and to him she was grotesque. Many were far too shallow, looking for perfection that ran only skin deep. The perfect eyes, perfect hair, perfect was all so base and pathetic. Flutter a few eyelashes and someone could be declared to be as beautiful as Hera.

Pathetic. It was akin to staring at a perfect slab of marvel; what beauty was there in something that was completely flawless? Without aberrations how could one appreciate the beauty that lied elsewhere?

His gaze shifted the severed ring finger. Despite the fresh wound she seemed determined to put on a brave front; a futile effort. He'd had many assistants who attempted the same, and they befell the same end. It wasn't intentional, but the flaw helped make her far less misshapen in his eyes; a crack in the perfection that she so desperately tried to uphold. She would've been beautiful if only she let herself fall.

He turned away from her and walked towards one of the shivering figures. There were at least 10 in the room alone, but he needed to preserve his supplies. Good help was so hard to find these days.

"St-Stay the fuck away from me!" The young man screamed. He knelt in front of him. He didn't know his name, didn't care to. In the end it didn't matter. He'd found him with a woman on an outing a day ago. A young man and woman, fallen in love and sneaking a night out in the dangerous parts of town for a cheap thrill. It served him well in the end; what better way to show life than with a pair of young lovers?

He stabbed the knife into the young man's stomach. Almost immediately his screaming stopped, replaced by a look of shock as he looked down at the blade embedded into his upper body.

It didn't last long.

His screams worsened when the artist dragged the knife slowly up to his chest, the blade leaving a deep trail of blood in its wake. He was always careful; the cuts were never deep enough to kill, at least not at first. The young man would last the next 2 hours, long enough for him to earn his due. His pained visage was also inspiring; another addition he could make to his next masterpiece.

"Stop! Please, stop!" He paused in his cutting and looked back at the would-be vulture. She stared at him desperately with tears in her eyes, her gaze never leaving his despite how hard she shivered, "D-Don't kill him, please!"

He said nothing. Their mutual look lingered for a brief moment before he resumed his preparation, the vulture's distractions falling on deaf ears as he finished up. Art demanded suffering, a sacrifice, and it was something they all paid. He would give of his own body if he could, but it was not meant to be. He could not wait till his disciples found worthy material; true art waited for no one.

Bloodied hands grasped the crimson skin, "Hmm..." He pulled the skin back, the young man letting out choked cries of pain as the inner skin was laid bare. He was better than most of his previous assistants, healthier than the bums that had once pervaded his workspace. Another flaw of his previous work; using sub-standard materials and expecting anything more than a barely satisfactory result.

His remaining hand pulled the flesh back fully, ripping it from his body with a satisfying tear. The young man let out one final cry before he shoved the pound of flesh into his shaking mouth. It reminded him of a piece he'd seen once that had been inspired by the merchant of Venice. It truly captured the suffering and struggle that the artist wished to impose.

He pulled back the knife and stared appreciatively as the twitching mass beneath him. No struggles; only a vain hope that perhaps if he lied still the pain would abate, "Wh-Why are you doing this!?" the vulture cried from behind him, "All these people dead, all this..this...why!?"

"You're only as good as your last performance, and you are all my muses."

Standing up properly, he grabbed the young man by his leg and dragged him out of the room, shutting the door and drowning out the screams of all who remained inside.

Jessica was going to wring Trish's neck when they found her.

The private investigator scowled as she trudged down the street, her steps heavy. Of all the stupid things her sister ever did, this was probably one of the worst: Investigating the new 'Vincent van Gore' the news was harping about cause that fucking duck asked for her help. She'd read the papers, but she thought it was nothing more than tabloid trash; just some punk kids making a mural with red paint after watching too many slasher flicks.

Apparently not if Trish's damn apartment was any indication. Her hands reached for her jacket pocket before she quickly remembered that she didn't have her flask, "Fuck..." She grit her teeth and clenched her hands tightly. She really needed a fucking drink, but even she wasn't suicidal enough to think it was a good idea considering the shit she had to deal with, "Birch Street, Higgins Drive, Cobalt Lane..." She recited. She had to keep calm...and maybe cook a damn duck when this was done.

She would've wrung Howard's neck too if Spider-Man (stupid goddamn offense to Gwen) hadn't stopped her.

Jessica gave a subtle look back to her impromptu 'partner'. The kid hadn't said a word ever since they got to her office, which was just fine with her. It didn't take a genius to figure out there was something wrong between him and Gwen, but she didn't have the time or a single fuck to give about dealing with teenage drama with her sister on the missing persons list. She didn't know why he wanted van Gore, but if he kept his trap shut then she didn't give a shit.

"It should be close..." she muttered, Parker giving her a slight nod in response. They didn't have any clues, so the closest thing they had was the damn mural people were paying money for like goddamn fucking tourists. She doubted they'd find anything the police hadn't already, but it was the only thread they had so she was going pull it till her hands bled.

A few people turned to stare at them, but she ignored it. Even with the hood pulled over his head the mask Parker wore stuck out like a sore thumb, though the few that did see it either passed by without a care or made a deliberate effort to turn away before their curiosity got too far. Down in Hell's Kitchen it was better if you didn't butt into business that wasn't yours, and that went double for people with reputations like the two of them.

Jessica rounded the last corner and scowled at the crowd that greeted her. Too many people interested in a damn mural; it was like staring at a fucking car crash.

"Hey, officers, it's my warehouse and I can do what I want with it!" The scam artist up front said, arms crossed and looking far too pleased with himself considering the cheap con he was doing. Jessica sighed and drowned out the argument from the detective that really looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.

"We need another-" She turned back and was only half-surprised to find herself talking into thin air. The little bastard had a habit of pulling off ninja bullshit; if he thought it was cool then he was barking up the wrong tree.

She went around the side of the building and looked both ways before jumping up, landing on the roof with a dull thud. Jessica felt bubbling in her stomach and the urge to heave out her lunch came soon after, "Damn it..." She swallowed down the bile and pushed ahead. She'd been clean for weeks but now she felt like she was on a permanent hangover.

Whoever this van Gore was he was going under the second she got her hands on him.

She made her way to the skylight and peered inside, "There's the mural..." She narrowed her eyes. The entire place was barren, and if she knew her cops and sleazeballs it'd be abandoned for a while. If the cop was honest he'd keep people off the crime scene and if he was crooked then they'd spend the better part of the next hour trying to decide how much of a cut he got for looking the other way. Either way she didn't have to worry.

Jessica opened the skylight and dropped down, landing on the floor with another muted smack, 'Hope no one heard that...' She walked up to the mural and grimaced. It looked...the closest thing she could say was 'fucked up', and that was her being polite, 'What the fuck is it supposed to be?' Trish took her to museums before and she'd heard that bullshit about how it was 'different for everyone', but right now all she could see was that some drunk asshole must have painted during the middle of a booze run. At best she maybe saw a a few screaming faces, but that may have been just the lack of alcohol in her system talking.

It definitely caught your attention, if nothing else. No wonder the conman outside was making it big.

A hand reached out to touch it, her fingers almost grazing the surface before another hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, "You don't wanna do that." She and Spider-Man shared a look before he let go of her wrist, Jessica giving the little bastard a look that screamed 'why the hell not?', "...It's not paint, Jones. I dunno if the grifter outside can tell, but a lot of dead bodies went to making this thing."

"What, you're saying this is real blood?"

"I can smell, so yeah." He crossed his arms and looked up at the mural with a soft breath, "I can't tell how many people's blood is on here, but judging by the size it's probably not a small number." He clicked his tongue, "How many days ago was this discovered?"

"5 days, almost a week," she replied, "Tabloids were ranting about it, said it was connected to some people that went missing, but there was no proof. People go missing in this city every day, what were the chances they were involved in something like this?" She sighed. George had been suspicious when he saw it - said it was his 'police instinct' that told him it was more than a pack of vandals - but they ignored it at the time. Too many cases, always something else to keep them busy.

She could tell he wanted to come with her, but this wasn't just another case with a cheating husband or a bail jumper. Trish was already kidnapped; she didn't want to add him to that number.

They spent the next few minutes in silent searching, Spider-Man focusing on the painting while she pored over the rest of the area. Not that it made a difference; apart from some dust bunnies the place was just as barren as it looked. "See anything else useful?" she asked. This was the only lead they had; they were dead in the fucking water if they couldn't find anything here.

"No..." He leaned closer to the edges of the mural and shook his head, "No signatures, no marks...someone like this usually leaves a mark of some kind. I'm not a quack, but someone doing this is probably doing it for attention." He stood up muttered a curse under his breath, "But there aren't any traces...either this guy's careful or he's shy; betting on the former."

"So what, we're stuck?"

"Might be fingerprints in the blood, but unless you're carrying a scanner on you we're not gonna get anything." He sighed, " Maybe the grifter outside took something, but I have my doubts on that. He's an opportunist, not an accomplice; at least that's how I read him-" He suddenly stopped looked at the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone's coming...clicking of heels, measured steps. Not a police officer."

She wondered if he was going to do his Mcninja bullshit again before the door opened with a loud creak. Jessica barely had time to pull her hood over her head before she saw exactly who it was on the other side, "...Page." She let out an exhausted breath and pulled her hood back down. No point in hiding now; the prosecutor wasn't exactly someone she could hide from given their history.

Karen Page...months since she'd last seen her and yet she didn't look any different; same business suit, same blonde hair pulled into a bun and the same look on her face that just dared anyone to talk to her. Jessica couldn't decide if she was relieved it was her that found them or if she would have preferred the detective. A police officer might have tried to arrest them, but Page was never one for basics.

Hard to survive going up against Murdock if you didn't know how to keep your cards close to your chest, after all.

"Jessica...I'd be lying if I said it was a surprise to see you tangled up here." She pursed her lips and walked closer to them, fingers drumming against her elbows, "I thought you weren't one for vigilante work." She looked at Spider-Man through narrowed eyes, "And your choice in partner's...interesting."

"This is personal, Page." She rolled her eyes. If the 'famed prosecutor' was here then that officer was definitely just a distraction, "Me and Spider-Man have mutual goals; it's not a long-term gig." She suddenly felt very glad that George wasn't here now. It was easy enough to explain the masked vigilante breaking in with her to a crime scene, not so much the former chief of police.

"I see..." She looked at Spider-Man again, "You were the one who caught Stanley Carter, weren't you?"

"That's not a question." He crossed his arms and scoffed. Page raised an eyebrow at the non-answer, though she didn't get the chance to say anything before he spoke up again, "...You're a friend of Jones?"

"More mutual acquaintances," she replied, "My name is Karen Page, I'm a prosecutor and I worked with Jessica in the past. She has certain skills and can cross boundaries that the police aren't willing to." Jessica laughed internally. She definitely made 'saved my ass when I needed it' sound less pathetic than it did, "I've read up on you too. Word on the grapevine is you're trying to make moves against Matt Murdock, though no one knows your reason why."

"What's it to you?"

"Like you and Jessica, we may have mutual goals." She let out a soft breath and turned to the painting, "We can discuss that another time, however. Right now let's get down to business: I came here hoping to meet a contact about 'Vincent van Gore', but on the way here he recanted and said that someone else was already on the case and that if I wanted help then I could enlist them instead."

"Contact? Someone else knows we're here?" Jessica asked.

"I doubt you know him. A crazed madman who calls himself Moon Knight," Page said. Jessica saw Parker's fingers twitch at the sound of the name, "I made his acquaintance a month ago. I don't trust him, but he's been useful so far." She gave them both a lingering stare, "You're looking for information on on this madman and I have something that may be useful. If you promise to do something for me then I'll give it to you gladly."

"Looking for an assassin?" Spider-Man asked. Judging by the tone of his voice he didn't seem completely against the idea.

"Tempting, but no. I'm not Matt." She shook her head, "My niece is missing and I have good reason to believe she's been taken by this 'Vincent van Gore'. In exchange for my information I want you to make rescuing her a priority. Do you understand what I'm asking? If this van Gore won't willingly divulge the information then I want you to hold off on arresting or killing him till you find out where he keeps his victims through other means."

"A risky bid..." Peter clicked his tongue, "Why don't you just tell the police? I doubt a vigilante and a private investigator are your best bet."

"Because I can't get their guarantee. If the police do find this van Gore they're likely to arrest him and given what we've seen so far it's doubtful this madman will just reveal where he took the people he kidnapped, and I won't risk my niece or anyone else he's taken being lost forever." She gestured to the blood mural with a grimace, "I want a guarantee from you both. My niece's safety and those of his other victims come first. Are we clear?"

"Fine by me." Jessica nodded. Save Page's niece and her sister in one go; killing two birds with one stone.

"We don't have much choice. You need us to catch this bastard and we need your information to find him." He nodded too, "Fine, your niece and the victims first, this 'artist's' head on a platter second."

"Alright then. Here's what I know..."

He felt like an idiot.

Peter looked up at the club distastefully, the theater mask weighing heavily in his right hand. The prosecutor's info was clear, at least as much as it could be given the circumstances. Apparently the kooky 'artist' had fans (though she called them a cult of worship) based around him. Madmen who were 'inspired' by his little mural and sprung up almost overnight to worship the ground he walked on.

Or at least that's what she said. Something else told him that 'Vincent van Gore' got his admirers long before he made his public debut with that madcap tribute of his. Things like this didn't happen overnight, no matter how much people liked to pretend that the madness seeped out all at once rather than slipping through the cracks slowly but surely, suffocating anyone it caught in its reach.

"You ready?" He gave Jones a sideways look, the older woman giving him a muted in response. Page's instructions were specific: The club was the rumored gathering spot to all of his insane admirers and the damn mask was the ticket. Peter flipped the mask around and grimaced at the sight of the half-smile half-frown that greeted him, a streak of dried red paint mimicking tears of blood.

And he was going to be wearing it...

"Sure you don't want to do the honors?" He offered her the mask, Jones giving him an annoyed glare in response.

"I'm not the one with a 'secret identity'." She scoffed, "If I put that thing on then you've gotta go without a mask cause I'm damn sure they're not stupid enough to let the Spider-Man into their place. So you tell me, wise guy; who do you see wearing a mask and who do you see going without one?"

"...I get your point." He sighed and removed his mask, replacing it with the pathetic excuse for a disguise. The damn thing smelled like paint and wax and already he felt sense of dizziness from the first few breaths. The sooner they finished with this the sooner he could throw the thing into the ocean, "Come on." He gestured to the end of the dark alley, "Let's go."

The doorman that greeted them would've stuck out like a sore thumb both here and back home. Most bouncers were big guys, all muscle and little brains because what you wanted was a wall to keep the rejects outside - That went double for back-alley joints like this.

Not this one, though. Despite how run-down the rest of the place looked he stood proudly in an impeccable suit, his posture straight and rigid while his face was hidden by the same mask Peter himself was now sporting, "Good afternoon," he said politely. Peter's mouth twitched into a small frown. Moon Knight apparently took the 'ticket' from one of the cultists he'd managed to isolate before he could use it, so it was supposed to be a clean slate.

Of course, 'supposed to be' killed a lot of people over the years...

"Let us in." The 'ticket' was good for him and a plus one, or at least that's what he'd been told.

The 'bouncer' (seemed more like a fairy) regarded him and Jones with complete silence, his gaze lingering on them both far longer than he would've liked before he stepped aside and gave a small bow, "Welcome, visitors. Do enjoy your stay." He and Jess shared an equally disconcerted look before they stepped inside. This was definitely one of the weirder things he'd gotten to, and that was saying something.

The pair barely managed two steps inside before he felt it, "What the..." He held onto the wall with both hands to steady himself, Jess stumbling beside him before she managed to regain her balance.

He'd taken hard hits before, taken wounds that had him banging on death's door, but this was...different. It was as if his senses were being deadened: His eyesight dimmed, his hearing grew softer, his skin felt numb, he could barely smell the paint and wax and even his mouth felt dry like sand. It felt like someone lobotomized his entire body with a scalpel.

"Do you feel that?"

"More like I don't feel it." Jessica clenched her hands into tight fists, her fingers quickly growing red from the tight grip while tiny blotches of crimson appeared in on the palms of her gray gloves. If she even noticed that she was cutting through her own skin she definitely didn't show it, "I've felt like this before, but it was different then. I can still control my body here, at least..."

"Something tells me that our 'artist' is responsible for this..." Peter pushed himself off the wall and forced himself to stand, his balance shaky, "We can keep going or we can stop."

"Turn back. You're going to get yourself killed."

"Too late now. We have to keep going."

"'re right. Let's go."

The rest of the place wasn't much better. The digs were fancy enough - decorated hallways, (really grotesque) paintings and soft lights that helped to set the mood - but he couldn't focus on that now. Right now the only thing on his mind was that it felt like he was walking closer and closer to the center of a dark hole (that was the proper term, right?) and that if he they didn't finish what they had to do soon he was going to be nothing more than an immobile lump of flesh and muscle.

It was only when they neared the end of the halls the he finally heard it, "Music...?" He shook his head. Even through the haze it was unmistakable; the soft keys of a piano accompanied by the strings of a violin. At any other time he would have found it calming, but right now he wished with everything he had that he could hear Gwen's loud and bombastic drumming; if only to try and jolt himself awake.

When the two finally made it past the hall they were greeted by the sounds of more madmen wearing masks. Peter grimaced when he saw a few of them turn to look, their faces unreadable under the stitched white leather. Still, he could see their postures shifting, hear the giggles and titters that they barely tried to hide. Something about their appearance was amusing to these insane bastards.

"Ah, a new participant."

"So delightful to see another who appreciates art."

"A dying breed these days, my dear."

He could hear them; their voices were almost imperceptible between the tunes of music, but they were there. Jessica gave him a light (might not have been; hard to tell) tap on the shoulder and nudge her head to the circular stairway, "Come on..." She was definitely flagging, though she seemed to be handling it better than he was. Probably had to do with that 'other incident' she talked about.

The music grew closer with every step they took. Peter looked past the edge of the stairway with narrowed eyes and watched a couple dancing in the center of of a makeshift stage, 'Can they even feel the water...?' The 'stage', such as it was, looked more like a fountain that was missing its center with stairs that led up in all directions. The water was high enough that it reached up to their upper ankles, but they continued to dance without missing a single beat.

Something was odd. None of these people acted like they'd been numbed, and he could even see a few eating and drinking like there was nothing wrong. It wasn't just him, right? Jones had the same thing happen to her and she had no reason to trick him.

"No, no, no!" Peter's head snapped to the source of the scream and he scowled at the sight of what he could only assume was the leader of this mental hospital. Apart from Jessica he was the only one who didn't wear a mask, but he looked the most grotesque of all.

The flecks of paint that covered his impractical suit were the most normal thing about him. It was as if he stepped out of a painting: Hair slicked back with so much oil that it looked like it'd been painted on, his movements alternating between being erratic to robotically stiff. Peter saw glimpses of his eyes in-between his ranting; wide and bloodshot, the dark irises shifting to and fro to look at everyone while he continued to rant.

"Are you trying to embarrass me!?" he screamed, waving a paintbrush and spilling flecks of paint everywhere, "I must be inspired! I must give a worthy offering to those who opened our eyes and yet you give me this pathetic performance!" He focused back on the frozen pair standing ankle deep in water, "Get out of my sight, both of you! You are not worthy to be a part of his next masterpiece!"

The couple left the 'stage' with their heads held low, the crowds surrounding them giving them scorn and comfort in equal measure. Meanwhile the ringleader cried into his canvas, splotching more paint into his suit with the careless gesture, "Why, why, why!? Why can I not find the inspiration!?" he screamed, dropping the paintbrushes he held with a dramatic flourish.

...If Peter hadn't felt like he'd been dipped in anesthetic he definitely would've gotten a headache.

The madman continued to cry into the painting while the rest of the guests kept to themselves. Peter took a deep breath and stepped closer with Jones right next to him. If they were gonna get anything done they had to look into the abyss...he could only hope ol' Friedrich was wrong and and the abyss didn't gaze back.

The pair were almost within touching distance before the madman lashed out, grabbing Peter's chest and pulling him closer to his bloodshot eyes, "Who are you!?" Peter winced at the closer look he was given. He thought the lines of red that ran beneath his eyes were paint, but now he could see that they were fresh gashes, the skin moving and colliding disgustingly with every twitch the would-be artist made.

"Name's Reilly..."

"Is that right...?" He tilted his head to the side for a brief moment before his mouth split open in a wide grin, his grip on Peter's chest loosening before he stood back, "My, this one's a real treat. Isn't a treat, ladies?"

The dames from the crowd laughed, the sound scripted and unemotional. It almost made him shiver, "We have questions, you have answers." He needed to focus. Jones' sister and Page's niece...then they could put this bastard and everyone else who wouldn't surrender into the ground.

"Questions...yes." He let out a manic giggle and picked up a paintbrush, "You are not the first to come seeking answers. We were all once blind, but he opened our eyes. Soon, you will understand as well."

"Enough with the circle-jerk bullshit." Jones pulled out a photo from her pocket and showed it to him, "Your 'inspiration' took this woman, didn't he? Where is she?"

The madman looked at the picture with an uncaring glance and scoffed, "Our better takes many to help inspire his genius, but this woman...too flawed, too cookie-cutter. And yet..." He paused, considering his words, "Yes, I could see that. He might find a use for her. Tasteless beauty improved by his work...he would have taken her with the others."

"Others? Where are they?" Jones demanded.

"They are with him now, basking in his glory and partaking in a privilege that many of here could only dream of!" He looked at Jess, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement, "Who is she to you that you would come into the den of wolves without a mask?"

Enough was enough. Peter grabbed the bastard by the scruff of his neck and pulled him close, "Do you know where she is or not?"

"Seeking answers and yet answering none. Tsk, tsk..." He let out another manic giggle and said his next words in a low whisper, "I know where the woman is. If you wish to join her then all I ask in exchange is a dance."

"...A what?"

He hadn't misheard him, but the request was odd enough that he almost didn't believe it. Rather than answering the madman pulled back from Peter's weak grip and focused back on the painting. All around him the crowd was jolting to life, 'A dance, a dance a dance!' they chanted non-stop. It was loud enough that he could hear it clearly despite his senses being numbed.

Peter and Jones shared another silent look before she made her way to the 'stage'. He was tempted to just beat the living daylights out of the bastard till he squealed - and he could tell that she did too - but they both knew it wouldn't work. His spider-sense made it easy to tell when someone was feeding him a line of fish bait just to make the pain stop, but there were a few who never broke: Those whose loyalty never wavered and those who were so insane that they never even think about their own safety.

The madman happened to be both.

"Turn back now. This is only going to hurt you."

"Rip his throat out! Make him tell you what you want!"

Just what he needed; the two voices to start agreeing...

Peter could barely feel the water that sunk through his boots. He and Jones waited till they were at the center of the circle before they took hold of one another, Peter grabbing her right hand in a light grip while he placed his remaining one at her waist, "I don't even want to think about what else he might want for 'inspiration'..." she muttered, placing her free hand on his right arm.

"Music!" The madman screeched. Immediately the same violin and piano tunes reached his ears and it wasn't long before the two unlikely dance partners began to step in a circle.

He'd danced before. Memories of dancing along with Aunt May or Mary Jane trickled in despite the situation. Mary Jane had a knack for ballet, something he didn't share; so she taught him other things. He remembered waiting eagerly with her for the radio plays to finish so the classical music would kick in and the two would pretend to be a guy and his dame out for a night of fancy dancing. He was never very good, but the smile on her face made it all worth it.

A stupid crush...sometimes he wondered how he'd ever been so naive.

"This is a trap..." Peter muttered. His movements felt sluggish, and it didn't help that Jones definitely didn't know how to dance. She dragged her feet along the water and it took all of his willpower not to trip from her clumsy movements. At this point he really wished he could stick to surfaces like Gwen and Cindy could...or that the latter was here right now. He trusted her more than he did Jones, that was for damn sure.

"You think I don't know what?" she whispered back harshly, "We don't have a choice. Trish and god knows who else is trapped with this 'Vincent van Gore' bastard and we don't have any other clues. I'd love to beat that fucker's face in, but we both know he won't cave..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "This is the only way we can save them."

"That's if we don't end up becoming victims ourselves..."

Their dance didn't last long. They were barely into the second minute before the music suddenly stopped, the madman letting out another damned scream, "Flawed, but it has potential!" He released the brush and pushed the canvas to the floor with an exaggerated flourish, "You...You are worthy to see the master!" He clapped his hands once, "May he accept you as a worthy offering!"

Even through the haze he made out the blare of his spider-sense, weak as it may have been. He and Jones barely had time to look at one another before he felt a surge of electricity rush through him. At that moment the numbness went away and all he could feel was the agonizing pain when the energy surged through him and he fell, landing on his side with a watery smack.

The last thing he saw was Jones' unconscious face looking back at him before everything went dark.

Woo, I pumped this out faster than usual :) Anyway, that's the end of the first part of the Mad Artistry arc. Do you guys want to jump back to Gwen so we can alternate viewpoints per chapter or keep going and see Muse's Jigsaw-esque gallery?

And before any of you say anything: Yes, I'm very well aware that Muse's dialogue makes him come across as a superpowered psycho hipster, so you don't have to say it. This'll probably be the only villain POV I'm giving hi. and I'll stick to how others view him instead when he shows up later on.

And yes, I blatantly stole that last scene from Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea. It fit the arc so why not? Anyway, it was actually meant to be a more film noir moment and his partner was originally going to be Felicia, which might have acted as a callback to his relationship with 90214-Felicia. Changes in the plot meant we got Jessica instead, and since they don't have much of a relationship and I couldn't put in any tension given her relationship with George Stacy I just had Peter flashback to dancing with 90214-MJ.

Questions for the story in general:

1. It's that time again. As of this current chapter, who do you guys find to be the more compelling/interesting/enjoyable protagonist between the two? While it's not totally severe, the two have definitely changed from their first introductions. So...between Noir Hood and Gwenom which viewpoint do you guys favor?

2. I keep getting suggestions for romance, which is honestly boggling since romance wasn't even in the genres I chose. Many suggested Gwen, others Cindy or Lana or even Mary Jane. The way I wrote the relationships, particularly for Cindy, was more of a friendship angle; Cindy in particular was meant to be his best friend since besides Gwen and possibly Moon Knight she's one of the few who knows his fucked up backstory and can relate due to similar circumstances.

But alright, I'll play ball. Rather than asking about thoughts on a specific pairing, I want you guys who are interested in romance to suggest your preferred pairing and (if you can) why you think it works; if I agree with the logic then I'll do my best to write it in. Those not interested in romance just say 'no one' or don't respond to the question, since I know a decent amount also don't care about who's sucking face with who.

This isn't just for Noir, by the by. Want to pair Gwen with MJ, Kate or Harry? Fine; in fact it makes more sense for Gwen to get into a relationship given that she doesn't have the truckload of problems Noir has...well, besides the whole sex and symbiote thing, but that's more physical than emotional.
Tangled Webs 1
New fic...kind of. For those who've been following along on Through the Looking Glass you'll know that I promised to make a 616/Spider-Gwen oneshot many chapters ago that I never managed to get done. I did 2000 words at best, but then I had to scrap that. So here's something I cobbled together in about a day, so quality's probably not gonna be the highest.

It doesn't help that I find writing 616 to be difficult after writing Spider-Man Noir as a completely jaded anti-hero. I got around this a bit by making the chapter more introspective, focusing 616's thoughts and narration over dialogue. On the bright side it also allowed me practice in trying to write present tense narration, though I suspect it'll be dodgy in some spots.

I didn't know whether to make a new thread or not since this was planned to be a oneshot, so I'll just paste it here. If you guys think it deserves its own thread then give me a post.

Tangled Webs 1

The end of the world...Peter never thought that he'd live to see it.

Spider-Man swings through the air, his thoughts running at a mile a minute. He'd read up on theories on how the everything would end, and he'd even seen firsthand some dimensions that went through them: The heat death of the universe, the sun going supernova, Galactus recanting his 'no Earth dining rule', a zombie apocalypse and (probably the scariest of all) Jolly Jonah becoming the president of mankind.

The last one gave him nightmares for months.

Still, nothing could compare to seeing it firsthand. The abruptness of it all was what shocked him the most; one minute he was fighting Hydro-Man with a few of the other junior heroes and the next the sky turned blood red and there was an entire other earth looming right above their heads. The scientist in him tries to dismiss it; two planets of equal mass and size being so close to one another would have been physically impossible. The gravitational pull alone would rendered it nothing more than the doodlings of a bad science fiction writer.

But no, it really was happening. He remembers meeting with the Avengers at the Stark tower, all of their faces grim and withdrawn before the experts spoke up. Reed calls it an incursion; a sort of 'cosmic glitch' where two dimensions were going to collide against one another in a sort of reverse big bang. Normally he could listen to Reed ramble about the science of it all day, but as the older scientist says they're out of time. The two earths would collide given enough time and everyone on both earths would die. There was only one solution.

Destroy the other earth before it could crash against theirs. That way at least only one dimension's humans could survive.

Again the scientist in him wants to argue. Even on the off-chance that they agreed to commit genocide worse than anything even Hitler or Red Skull could come up with, success would also doom them. The alternate earth was too close, too tied with theirs. Any explosion strong enough to destroy an entire planet would catch their earth in the radius and even if it didn't the debris alone would devastate the planet beyond repair.

The arguments came not long after. Cap rails against Reed and Tony for even considering sacrificing billions of lives to save their own while Iron Man, ever the pacifist, tries to argue for the numbers, "Destroying the other earth isn't pretty, but if we don't do anything then all of us will die!" Tony argues, face morphed into a scowl that Peter hadn't seen before, "We don't have a choice!"

"There's always a choice!" Cap shouts back, his voice equally fierce, "What you're suggesting is murder, Tony! How can we live with ourselves, call ourselves Heroes, if we willingly end the lives of billions of innocents whose only crime is being caught in the same madness we're all trapped in!?"

Arguments. Morals vs practicality, questions on whether it was worth sacrificing their humanity in order to save reminded him of the civil war; friends turning against one another because of what they considered right. He doesn't want to go through it again, so he leaves. He doubts anyone even noticed.

The panic that came afterwards reminds him of the time Ock tried to boil the earth alive. Screaming, crying...people pushing past one another and trying in vain to escape the inevitable planetary collision. He tries to do what he does best: Save as many people was he can. Others would have called what he was doing pointless, but there's nothing else he can do. Rogers was right, Peter knows that, but unless he can push a planet back there wasn't anything else he can do.

He doesn't know what happens between Cap and Iron Man, but every day that passes the alternate earth grows closer and closer and it doesn't t seem like either side managed to reach a conclusion. Maybe they just agreed to stay out of each other's way, maybe they were fighting a secret war Illuminati style even though the world was collapsing around them, but in the end it doesn't change anything.

The last days push him to his limit. For every crime he stops, every car crash he saves, there's a dozen more the second he looks back. No one cares to commit actual crimes anymore; the world is ending, and all the money in the world doesn't matter. Even the Supervillains give up; he swears he sees Sandman going to the park with his daughter or Kingpin kneeling in front of his wife's grave.

The final day is the worst. He never sees Reed or Cap or Tony again, and the alternate earth is so big that he swears he can reach up and touch it. He stays back in Aunt May's old home, too exhausted to do more than blink. Aunt May catches him in the suit, but she doesn't care. She looks at him with tears in her eyes and cups the side of his face, tells him that she always knew that her little boy was doing great things.

Mary Jane and the rest of his friends are there, too. They put out a cake, tell stories...he cries when he talks about what happened to Uncle Ben and the reason why he puts on the mask every day. They look at him with proud smiles, and they say their farewells when the earths collide.

He wishes he told them more before it all ends.


The world doesn't end.

There's a flash, an explosion that deafens his ears...and then when he opens his eyes he's back in his apartment like nothing changed, "What...?" Peter looks outside the window. He's still wearing his suit, the spandex stained with blood and sweat, but outside everything seems peaceful. The sun shines outside, cars honk at one another while the drivers curse and off in the distance he sees either Johnny or Nova flying through the open air.

He calls Aunt May and she tells him she's busy. A night out to the opera with Jay and a warning for him not to work too late. He calls Mary Jane, same thing; busy with running her nightclub and she invites him to a party held in his honor.

No one except MJ remembers he's Spider-Man.

He doesn't know whether to be relieved of frustrated, and in the end he settles for just trying not to think about it. They may not remember saying how proud they are of him, but he does and that's alright in his book.

Everyone remembers the Incursion, but the ending is different for everyone. Some say the Fantastic 4 did it like they saved the earth from Galactus (he would've helped, but Scorpion attacked him that day; others claim that S.H.I.E.L.D has a stockpile of cosmic cubes and that they re-wrote history and, probably the most absurd of all, Doctor Doom saved the planet.

In the end the only thing anyone agrees on is that their world is safe and for many - himself included - that's enough.


He meets (a different) Spider-Woman on patrol.

"Another beautiful day." He swings through the air, letting the sound of traffic, honking horns and JJJ slandering him on the big-screens reach his ears. It only takes a week before everything goes back to normal...well, as normal as it could be considering the world nearly ended just a scant few days ago. Now it was the same as usual; people cut each other off in traffic, villains did their villainy and Jolly Jonah somehow convinced himself the world nearly ending was somehow his fault.

And of course at least a few people believed him judging by how many called him Spider-Apocalypse.

"Really, guys, I'm pretty sure nearly ending the world's above my paygrade!" He calls out to a particularly rowdy crowd of anti-fans. They don't listen, nor does he get paid for the 'community service', but what else was new? He doesn't let it bother him too much since it's the first break he's gotten in a week; between all the meetings at Parker industries and the business trips to help promote the company he barely has time to put on the good old red and blues and go for some patrols.

Of course the second he thinks that is the second he runs into the Ringer...or at least who he thinks is supposed to be the Ringer. Last he checked the Ringer was supposed to be Anthony Davis, but the one standing in the center of the street screaming about how the street is their 'turf' is definitely not him...or a man. Actually she looked exactly like Black Mariah.

'Is Kinglsey starting up the racket again?' He thinks, landing on a nearby building with narrowed eyes. He really didn't want to deal with the old Roddy Piper again so soon.

He's about to swing down and do what he does best before two globs of webbing hit Ringer(?) right in the head, the large woman stumbling back before she's kicked from behind by a black and white blur.

Peter expects Anya or Miles - or even Cindy, though he knows she's busy with her job at this time of day - but what greets him is someone else entirely: A woman, but not one he recognized. The first thing he notes is the hood; it wasn't anything odd, but the last person he saw wearing something like it was his brother Ben, and even then he usually kept it off. The next thing that jumps out at him are the colors; black, white, pink and green formed into different patterns that cover the entirety of her body.

Whoever she was, she had good taste in costumes.

"Huh...well, that was easy." The new Superhero looks down at the incapacitated criminal and tilts her heard, the pink rimmed eyes narrowing for a brief second before she claps her hands on a job well done. Without another word she ejects a line of webbing and swings away and he only barely hesitates to follow after her.

He never felt possessive of the Spider name, but he can't deny the curiosity he feels on seeing another one donning the mask. If Madame Web were here she'd probably espouse something about fate or the great web of destiny, but he tries not to think about that. Right now all he cares about is that there's a new Spider-themed hero and since the others aren't around it's up to him to play the welcoming committee.

"Hey, wait up!"

She looks backs and slows her swings when she catches sight of him. Peter lands on a nearby rooftop, the White Spider (did that sound racist? It kinda sounded racist) turning around to meet him halfway.

"Sup?" she greets him first, landing on a wall and sticking there with her hands and feet. Definitely another spider person, "Did I crash in on your 'territory' or something?"

"Huh? No, no!" Peter shakes his head, "It's just...well, you seem new on the block and I figured I'd welcome you to the neighborhood." He steps closer, hands behind his head to make sure everything looked nice and relaxed, "Good job on Ringer down there, by the way."

"Heh, thanks." She detaches from the wall and looks up at him with a 'smile' (kind of hard to tell through the mask), "Um...wait, you just said I'm new. You don't know who I am?"

"Er...should I?" He hasn't kept up with the news, though in his defense he barely has time to meet up with his friends given everything he has to do, "Sorry, haven't picked up a newspaper in a while. Though if Jonah has his way the headlines are gonna be 'Spider-Man: Hero or Menace' every day."

"No one reads newspapers anymore, grandpa." She snorts and shakes her head, "You know what, forget about it; I'm just being weird." She laughs and gives a friendly wave, "Name's Spider-Woman. See you around."


Everyone knows who Spider-Woman is.

He doesn't mean that she's famous or anything (or maybe she was? Again, no time for papers), but rather the fact that literally every one of his friends he asks seem to have years of knowledge about her.

"I met her...I think it was 4 years ago?" Jess says when he asks, looking up at him from the couch with a suspicious glance, "What, don't you remember? She was there when we took down Ock's robots before they could bomb the city."

He...definitely doesn't remember that, and it was a hard day to forget; it isn't every day that you save the day by putting the bombs on daylight savings time, "You know who she is under the mask?"

"Nope." She shrugs, "She's pretty secretive; kinda like you are, actually." Her suspicious look fades and she gives him that patented teasing smile of hers, "What's with all the questions? You looking for a date?"

He doesn't dignify that with an answer, mostly cause he knows she'll find a way to tease him no matter what he says.

The others say the same thing: Cindy says they've been frenemies shortly after she left the bunker, MJ sings her praises and tells him about how she made publicity stunts at her club and Anna Maria gives him a weird glance when he asks if she knows anything about her.

"She's been here for a while, Pete. Don't you remember asking how she managed to get her webshooters to work without fluids? We've been trying to replicate it for the past few months."

She shows him blueprints, diagrams and notes. He knows they're legitimate - he recognizes his handwriting and Anna Maria has no reason to lie to him - but for the life of him he can't remember. The timing of the dates also causes him to raise an eyebrow; if it was right then he'd been working on trying to replicate her webshooters months before the Incursions were ever public knowledge.

"Something stinks here, and it's not just Jonah's journalistic integrity..."


Peter meets Spider-Woman again after two days.

He doesn't mean to, but he catches her sitting on top of a high building during one of his patrols. Shelooks up and waves when she spots him, "Hey." Her voice is light, almost distracted by something.

"Hey yourself." He lands next to her and looks out over the city. A great view, though boring after 13 years of heroing, "What's wrong? You seem distracted."

"It's just..." She stops, lets out a deep breath and shakes her head, "Look, I'm gonna sound crazy, but just bear with me, alright?" She looks up at him and he nods, "Alright, alright. said you didn't recognize me when we met up a few days ago. Everyone else knows who I am, tells me about all this awesome and badass things I did and-"

"You don't remember?" he finishes for her.

"...Yeah." She pulls up a knee and hugs it close to her, "I...I know it sounds crazy, but it feels like I got plucked from the middle of one story and got pasted into another." She sighs, "I remember a bunch of things, and some of them match up with what I see, but just feels fucked up, you know? I mean, I know it sounds crazy-"

"Actually, not as much as you think." He sits beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Some things are different, definitely. Look, I'll be honest; I don't remember you. Everyone else seems to think you were there for a lot of things I remember, but whenever I try to recall the picture I see is different from the one everyone's telling me. It's the same for you too, right?"

"Definitely." She lets out a soft laugh, "I thought I was going crazy, but I guess I'm not the only one." She sighs again and pulls up her hood, "That end of the world bullshit must have scrambled a bunch of things. Guess we were 'lucky' enough to still remember how things work. Trust me, there's nothing freakier than waking up one day and listening to your dad talk about shit you got no idea about."

"Better than dying, right?" They both share a forced laugh, "We're here now. Let's make the best of it."


It doesn't take him long to figure out she's from the other earth, the one that was threatening to collide into theirs. As far as they could guess whatever saved them blended their worlds together in some kind of weird hodge-podge. It was the only way he could explain Felicia going from a crime lord (thanks, Ock...) to a famous international pop star...not that he was complaining. He'd take gimmicky songs over trying to kill him any day of the week.

"This place is weird." She says one day. Ever since they both figured out that their memories didn't add up with everyone else's they'd spent a lot of time with one another. It was easier than facing their friends and family while feeling like outsiders, "I just saw the Matt Murdock really Daredevil? As in an actual superhero?"

"Oh yeah." He waves a hand through the air and grins. It still surprises Peter how much guts the guy has, outing himself to testify on the Serpents group. He doesn't know if he can do the same thing, "One of the oldest in the business, actually. He's a friend of mine. Why, what's he like in your world?"

"In a word? Gigantic asshole." She snorts, "He worked for the Kingpin, took up the mantle when the police chief put the big guy behind bars. I called him Matt Murderdock."

"Very creative." He laughs, "Still, I don't think you have to worry. Matt and Willy hate each other; have been ever since he took his criminal empire down."

"Weird...though I'll let it slide. It's a shitton better than his 'come to the Dark Side' bullshit."

They talk about what they remember and what's different. They don't tell each other who they are behind the mask, and he doesn't expect it. In the hero business friendships lived and died when both parties didn't see each other as anything other than their masks. Besides, not everyone could be a fame-seeking blowhard (he was kidding...mostly) like Johnny.

"I'm in a band," she says one day out of the blue, "My bandmates are different, but it's the same problems. They get pissed at me for flaking out, think I'm not taking it seriously. I wish I could tell them..."

"It's hard. Trust me, I know." He lets out a soft breath, "Tell them if you want, but there's a reason we wear masks, you know? Even my au- er, mom, doesn't know about this. She'd probably have a heart attack." Or maybe she'd be proud of him. He doesn't know; without another earth looming over their heads people tended to act different.

"Yeah, maybe..." She sighs and stands up, "You know what, enough moping. Let's find some bad guy butt to kick."

"Ha...well alright then. After you, Spider-Woman."


Captain Stacy is alive.

Peter supposes he should have expected that considering how many things have changed, but seeing Yuri introduce him in the middle of a crime scene comes as a surprise that nearly knocks him off his feet.

"Nice to meet you, Spider-Man. I've heard a lot of great things about you." He reaches a hand out and takes Peter's hand in a firm grip, "I hope we can work well together."

He's different from how Peter remembers him. The Captain Stacy he remembers was tall and lean, a friendly smile on his face that remins him of his Uncle Ben. The man in front of him is opposite in all the important ways: He's younger, his build is muscled and bulky and the thin goatee only helped to emphasize the stern expression that seems to come naturally to him. He definitely doesn't look like he's going to be retiring any time soon.

"My daughter talks about you a lot. Seems like she's a fan."

This time Peter does stumble, falling flat on his face before he quickly pulls himself up, "Y-Your daughter?" he stutters out.

"Mhm. She's- Oh, you don't wanna hear about that. Come on, we gotta focus."

He does. More than anything he wants to ask the veteran officer to continue the story, but he bites his tongue. How would it look like if a guy in a mask suddenly starts asking a guy about his daughter? He wasn't willing to test it. He had enough of a bad rap was it was...

And he was afraid of hearing the answer.

MJ looks at him like he's grown a second head when he asks her about Gwen later, "Gwen? You mean Gwen Stacy?" He nods, feeling the lump in his throat growing larger by the second, "She's in my younger sister's band. A drummer, I think? Why are you asking?"

"No...No reason."


Peter doesn't have to wait long to meet Captain Stacy again, and this time he isn't even wearing a mask.

A charity event of some kind with a bunch of rich guys and gals mingling in fancy suits and expensive wine. He doesn't want to go, but Anna Maria forces him, "You're the CEO of Parker industries! Your name's literally on the title!" She pushes the folded tuxedo at him with a stern glare, "You've skipped out on the last few parties and people are starting to talk. We don't need to those kinds of rumors."

"But, Anna-"

"Don't 'But, Anna!' me." She rolls her eyes, "You're going. And just to make sure you don't skip out I invited your aunt, too. You don't wanna leave her all alone in that sea of sharks, right?"

"...You're an evil woman. You know that, right?"

"I try." She smirked, "Now, enough complaining. The limo's gonna be here soon."

Now here he was in a stuffy party nursing a single glass of wine he refused to take a sip of for fear of making an ass of himself. Off in the distance he can see Aunt May along with Jay chatting with a couple of older guests, "Should've known Jay would be coming..." He mutters. If he knew his step-dad would be present he'd have made an excuse not to come; probably why Anna Maria didn't tell him, now that he thought about it.

"Mr. Parker?"

He nearly drops his glass at the sound of the familiar voice. Turning around, he plasters on a fake smile when he catches sight of Captain Stacy standing in front of him, the man's formal police uniform standing out amongst the sea of designer suits, "'s Captain Stacy, isn't it?"

"Yes. I'm surprised you know who I am." He shakes his free hand with that firm grip of his, "Sorry for the interrupted, but I just wanted to thank you for your work. Your technology and donations have really bolstered the police force and it'd be wrong of me not to express how much I appreciate it."

Peter feels himself visibly deflate in relief. If it was just that then it was nothing to worry about, "Oh, you don't have to do that. It's you and your men who go out there risking your life every day. I'm just glad I could help lighten your load-"

"Dad, you wanted to see me?"

Peter's breath stops when he sees the captain put his arms around a younger girl. She's young, probably no older than eighteen or nineteen, and the blue dress and heels seem ill-fitting on her given the way she fidgeted. Still, he couldn't deny the spiders swarming his stomach when he looked at her face. Far younger than the one he remembered and her hair was shorter and lacking the dark headband, but it was her.

"Gwen, there you are." The police chief gives his daughter a warm smile and nudges his head to Peter's direction, "I wanna introduce you to Peter Parker, the head of Parker industries. He's one of the reasons me and the other boys are so well-equipped nowadays."

"Oh, yeah. My dad talks about you all the time." She gives him a wide smile and Peter feels like he's been punched. The last time he'd seen her like that was before the Goblin...he didn't want to think about it, "So, I guess I have you to thank for my dad getting that medal."

She offers him a hand. Peter looks down at it for a brief moment before common sense kicks in and he accepts the gesture, "N-No problem, Ms. Stacy. It's my pleasure..."

He sees something in her eyes, but he can't tell what it is. Their handshake lingers for a few more seconds before her smile twitches and she pulls back, " me Gwen. Ms. Stacy sounds too formal." She looks back and finds her dad has already left to meet with someone else, "Well, I'll see you around then." Peter watches her go before he finally musters enough energy to speak.

"Yeah...see you around, Gwen."


He's on the bridge again.

Peter sits on top of the bridge, looking down at the murky water below. In the night sky he doubts anyone can see him, and it allows him to think. He knows things changed ever since the Incursion, but this was...he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Gwen was alive. She was different from the one he remembered, but she was alive. Her, Captain was like someone was giving him a second chance.

He looks back when he hears soft footsteps and finds Spider-Woman walking towards him, her steps slow, "Hey, Spider-Man." She sits behind him, "What are you doing up here? There's not much to look at."

"Just...needed to think about some things." It's technically not a lie, though it's a hell of a lot more complicated than he's making it sound, "Just needed a place to get away from it all, you know? What about you?"

"Getting some fresh air." She waves a hand through the air and clicks her tongue, "I had to go to a party. My feet feel they've been through a torture rack. I'm never going in heels again. I don't care if my dad begs me to come with, those high society shindigs definitely aren't my thing."

"Ha, sounds a lot like my night." The two share a soft laugh and Peter gestures to the city, "Wanna a night out on the town?"

"Tempting, but no. I gotta get back; my band's gonna kick me out if I don't show up to at least one of our practices this week." She stands up and stretches her arms above her head, "Trust me, you haven't seen scary till you hear Gayle Watson yelling at you for not taking shit seriously."

He doesn't know if she realizes the mistake she makes in saying her bandmates name, but either way he can only watch her go in silent shock before he recalls her previous words, "She said she went to a fancy party..." He shakes his head and stands up, his breaths shaky. No, it couldn't have been...could it? No, it-it had to be a coincidence.

It had to be.


Peter finds his answer later.

He does his best to ignore the niggling guess at the back of his mind when he sees her again. They spend the next few days as partners again; Jonah has definitely take notice given how much he's taken to slandering her too, but she doesn't it let it bother her, "The Jameson I remember is a bigger douche," she says, "Least he's not accusing me of murdering my best friend."

The days turn to weeks and he almost forgets that niggling doubt. He doesn't see Gwen again, doesn't go to any more fancy parties and refuses MJ's invitation to watch her sister's band. He doesn't want them them to see him make a fool of himself. Instead he spends more time with Spider-Woman, enough that Cindy and Jess tease him about having a crush on her.

He doesn't tell them the real reason. They'd just think he's crazy.

It all collapses when they fight the Lizard.

Connors escaped the Raft and Peter knew where he was going. The makeshift lair in the sewers had become his home and his instincts wouldn't allow him to go anywhere else without checking there first.

Spider-Woman's unusually quiet when they make their way down. Peter doesn't miss the way she clenches her hands or how often she mutters to herself, "I have bad experiences with Lizards," she says. That's all he manages to get out of her before she shakes her head to make it clear she wasn't going to say anymore. Whatever it is, he can tell it cuts deep.

Connors is more fierce than he remembers. The Lizard was never an easy opponent, but there's something different about him compared to the other times. Peter does his best to restrain him and Spider-Woman does the same, webbing him up on a cocoon long enough for S.H.I.E.L.D to arrive to take him back into custody.

What scares him the most is that Connors barely even looks at him. His eyes are focused only on Spider-Woman, and she definitely noticed given the way her shoulders shake, "Peteeer..." He snarls, and Peter almost feels his heart stop. Connors shouldn't have known who he was under the mask, "Where's Peteeerrr!?"

The Lizard breaks through the webbing and lunges at Spider-Woman. The other Superhero remains rooted at the spot and Peter moves on instinct, ejecting two lines of webbing at the overgrown lizard's back and trying to keep him tethered, "Spider-Woman, run!" He feels his muscles burn from the effort and Spider-Woman finally jolts out of her stupor, looking up at the monstrosity with a gasp.

Too late. The webs last for a few more seconds before Connors finally reaches her, one of his clawed hand running up the left side of her face and tearing through the mask keeping her face hidden.

Blond hair spills out followed by a torrent of blood from the scratch on her cheek. Spider-Woman...Gwen stumbles back briefly before she grits her teeth and looks up at Connors with a murderous glare, "Stop saying his name!"

The next few seconds are almost a blur. Peter barely manages a blink before Gwen delivers a punch that knocks Connors flat on his back, the Superheroine straddling him and delivering continuous blows against his jaw.

It was definitely her, but the absolute rage in her features wasn't something he ever thought he'd see on Gwen Stacy. Peter can't will himself to move and can only watch in shock at the continued attacks the Lizard took. She won't kill him - her absolute refusal to take a life was one of the things he admires about her - but the painful strikes almost make him doubt.

Eventually she stops, stepping of off Connors with an exhausted breath and hissing when she put a hand to her left cheek, "Fuck...fuck!" She punches the wall with her free hand and takes another hissing breath, "Damn it..."

"Gwen..." He doesn't know what to say. What can he say? He's known her for months and he knows her memories are different. She isn't the Gwen Stacy he remembers, "We need to get out of here." He webs Connors down and looks down the tunnel. S.H.I.E.L.D. would be here in a minute.

"D-Don't look at me!" She turns away and shuts her eyes tight, "Just-"

Peter turns her around and takes off his mask. He doesn't know what he expects when she sees it, but her mouth parts open before she shakes her head head, "...I must be dreaming." She swallows nervously and steps closer to him, "You're...Peter, aren't you?"


That's all he has to say before she steps closer and pulls him in a bone-crushing hug, her head pressed against his chest. He doesn't know what else to do besides reciprocate the gesture. It wasn't how he wanted to see her again - in the middle of a sewer covered in blood with a giant Lizard unconscious nearby - but he doesn't say anything else. All he can feel is a rushing sense of relief.


They go back to his place in in lieu of anywhere else. Her dad doesn't know who she is and neither do the other Avengers. He was the only one who knew.

"...How did you get your powers?" He asks once they've settled in, applying a bandage at her cheek. Her healing factor already changed the wound from a gash to a barely noticeable cut, but it was better safe than sorry.

"Science fair. Radioactive spider." She gives him a strained smile. It's the first time they'd ever been unmasked in front of the other and there's a tension in the air that he can't place, "You?"

"Same." He sits beside her on the bed.

They It's different from how they always did it. Usually they try to make the chatter mindless; hobbies, favorite color, whether Harry Potter was the greatest work of literature or not. There's some accidents of course - her little slip about Gayle Watson comes to mind - but for the most part they never divulge anything too personal.

Now they let it all out. He tells her about anything she asks: Where he studied, what he does now, what happened to his Uncle Ben...the only other person he'd shared so much was with MJ.

She tells him about herself as well. She's different from the Gwen Stacy he remembers: She's in a band, she doesn't particularly care about science or fashion and her dream is to be a musician. But there are sparks of the woman he loved: The same fire to accomplish whatever she sets out to do, the sense of justice she inherited from her father and an independent streak a mile wide.

They tell each other about the Peter and Gwen they knew. He tells her about the bridge, about the Green Goblin targeting her because he found out it was Peter Parker under the mask. She tells him about the night at prom, about how her Peter injected himself with the Lizard serum to try and get back at the people who bullied him and because he felt powerless. It scares him just how much alike the two of them are if not for Uncle Ben's teachings.

"You know...when I saw you at the party I tried to convince myself it was a coincidence." She lays her head against his left shoulder, her voice soft, "I mean I always assumed that Peter Parker was dead so I never brought it up to my dad or the others."

"Me too..." He takes her hand in his and squeezes it gently, "Seeing you back there...I thought I saw a ghost coming back to haunt me." He still remembers the nightmares, the clones...even now a part of him is doubting. What if it was just a trick by Miles Warren to break him down again? He'd been burned enough times to know that many of the people he fought would go to any low to hurt him.

"...This is fucked up." She lets out a light laugh and looks up at him with half-lidded eyes, "I never thought Peter Parker would grow up to be a bigshot CEO. We always joked about how you'd be the next Tony Stark, but seeing it's unbelievable."

"Well, I never thought Gwen Stacy would turn into such an amazing Superhero." He laughs back, "I'm almost afraid this is a dream, but if it is then I don't wanna wake up."

"...That's really corny, Pete."

Before he can throw something back she smiles and puts her head to his chest and closes her eyes. Peter gives the young woman a soft smile and holds her closer to himself as they drift into long overdue sleep. He doesn't know if he's holding Gwen Stacy or Spider-Woman, doesn't know if things will ever truly be normal for either of them, but right now he doesn't care.

All he knows is Gwen Stacy is alive and he's not letting her go again.

Well...that was painful :/ Romance is definitely not my forte, as evidenced by the abrupt as fuck hook-up at the end, not to mention the rather glaring 10 year age gap; at least Gwen's a legal adult. Still, I promised a 616/Spider-Gwen oneshot and here it is. I'm aware I left off on a bit of a dry note, but there's not much I can do about that. It was difficult enough getting the 6k words out considering I don't have too good a grasp of canon Spidey's really long history.

I'm actually wondering if this is good enough to keep as a oneshot or I should make one more chapter from Gwen's POV. I only ever made this since people who reviewed here/elsewhere wanted it, so I guess we'll see if people think it's good enough or it needs more.
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Chapter 57
Hey all :) Now I know for many places Spider-Man: Homecoming is releasing tomorrow, but we don't get it here till the first week of July so I'd appreciate it if no one gives out any spoilers in their reviews/comments.

Anyway, story announcement: I looked over the story again and made some modifications in my plans for the upcoming chapters. The first half of the story concerned Gwen more with her conflict over releasing the data and trauma from Noir being infected with the serum, but once she got that after the Vulture arc the story focused more on Peter what with the search for Octavius and the bad twist on his identity.

But after that we've ground to a screeching halt with arcs like Paperdoll, PGH and Muse. So I'll be making changes to tie the villains more closely together and make some major headway into the Octavius plot. It might not happen till the arc after the next, but I'll definitely be combining villains like Murdock, 65-Silk, Jack-o-Lantern, Hobgoblin, Octavius etc etc so that they all have stronger presence in the main story as a whole.

One other change is narration. It's relatively minor, but starting from this chapter on I'll shift POV's without line breaks and even from one paragraph to the next; one example of this would be seeing a conversation between Gwen and Noir from both their POV's rather than just one with the POV shifting dependent on the one speaking. It might get confusing, but bear with me. It's how I wrote Twisted Reflections and it allowed more of a grasp on the various characters.

Oh, and someone suggested Resident Evil Vendetta for Noir's fights, particularly Leon's bits. I dunno, doesn't it seem too over the top like John Wick? 1, 2, 3. It's a comic book, but how much is too much? On a side note, I saw the design notes for Earth-65's version of Shadowcat and am definitely interested in adding her as a side-character. Though I'm curious if she'd work better for Gwen or Noir's segments given that she's ostensibly a bounty hunter/assassin for hire used by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Oh, and here's some stuff I managed to find when looking for Spider-Gwen online. Some of them are fanart, some are canon (I particularly like the closer look we get to a picture of Gwen and her mom) and others are covers. Favorite has to be Stan 'The Man' Lee showing he's still got it:

Chapter 57: Cracks in the Mask

Sometimes Gwen wondered if the supervillains were overconfident or just plain stupid.

Growing up with a policeman dad and a mom who enjoyed her share of crime dramas instilled a certain expectation of how criminals 'should' act: Wear clothes that blend in, surgical gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints and (most important of all) learning to lay low while the police manhunt was going on. It wasn't like in The Rowdyruff Boys where an evil chimpanzee could rob a bank and then lug the sack over to the convenience store to buy a milkshake. Criminals couldn't just walk out in the open.

That was how it was supposed to work...right?

Apparently not. She'd read up on her dad's stockpile of Captain America comics too, so the idea of costumed criminals wasn't something she was wholly unfamiliar with. Still, the few times she'd seen them in real life before she got bit they were a minority, and a lot of the time it was usually some kind of publicity stunt gone wrong or a cry for attention like Bodega Bandit. Most of the criminals still stuck to guns and balaclavas to carry them through their misdeeds.

Now? Well, after five years of putting on the mask she was confident enough to say that she couldn't swing through three blocks without running into some criminal or another wearing bright green plaid claiming that they were the new criminal overlord of the city.

"...You guys are seeing this too, right?" She looked to Kate and Eugene and gestured to the building across the roof from where they were all standing. At first glance it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary; just a fancy restaurant someone would take their date when they planned to propose or a family when their kids got a good grade on the finals. A dime a dozen in a place like New York, really.

Problem was, most of the time those kinds of places weren't nearly abandoned with only the Sinister Six (even though there were only five of them...) being the sole customers.

"Yeah, definitely seeing it." Kate whistled and knelt down close to the edge of the roof and pulled out a monocular from a pouch at her back, "No waiters or staff; they must have bolted. I'm counting five supervillains, four of em wearing cheap costumes- Woah, are those fishnets? Who gets up in the morning and thinks wearing bright yellow fishnets are a good idea?"

"That would be Shocker." Gwen sighed. Among her 'Rogues Gallery' - really it felt more like a carnival of nuisances most of the time - she found herself sympathizing with Hermann, at least to a certain degree. From what he gathered he actually tried to go legitimate with his invention unlike 99% of every other Supervillain in the city and he got stiffed by a corrupt CEO. She couldn't excuse him deciding to turn to crime, of course, but there was definitely a twinge of pity in there.

The rest of the clown brigade she didn't feel much of anything for. Apart from Shocker she could make out Overdrive, Boomerang, Beetle and...and, she couldn't believe she was saying it, but goddamned Slyde was there in the table, too. The other 3 she could kinda get, but how in the fuck did a guy wearing rollerblades, store-bought katanas covered head to toe in a glistening wetsuit get out of prison? It was like Bodega Bandit all over again.

"Woah, that's...a lot more than I was expecting." Eugene swallowed, clenching and unclenching his hands nervously, "Wooh, okay, okay..." He shook his head and coughed, "Um, uh...alright do we do this? I mean there's like 3 of them so do we, like, take two each for two of us and one for the last person? H-How do we split this up? I'm cool with whoever, you know...though hitting a girl doesn't sound very good. , so I'd prefer if it wasn't the purple lad you. I can-"

"Alright, Frog-Boy, calm down. You're gonna give me a heart attack." Kate rolled her eyes and gave Gwen an exasperated look. She didn't want to admit it, but she felt the same. She could understand Eugene's drive to help prove his dad innocent, she really did, but fighting a group of villains with nothing but a frog suit on definitely didn't seem like a good idea...even if three and a half (Shocker was competent half the time) of them were less dangerous than a normal guy with a switchblade.

"...You know, I could do this myself," Gwen said, giving them both a quick look, "I've fought the Sinister Some a bunch of times and I pretty much know how they tick. Taking down Beetle pretty much means the group's gonna crumble." It helped that Beetle's suit seemed to be the only one that was professionally made...though Gwen wondered how she thought robbing fancy restaurants could pay back how much the suit must have cost.

"And what are we supposed to do? Just sit here and play cheerleader? No thanks." Kate snorted and waved a hand through the air, "Look, we..." She gave Eugene a quiet look before turning back to her, "Alright, I'm pretty sure I can help. I'll deal with the boomerang dude and the guy with the motorcycle helmet. I've seen em on the news before and I'm pretty sure I can take them."

"Leave Beetle and Shocker to me." Gwen nodded. That only left...

"Well...I guess I'll take the the ninja guy." She could definitely hear a sense of disappointment coming from the younger teen, though she let it slide. A bit of hurt pride was easier to deal with than a broken leg.

"Let's try to separate them if we can," Gwen said, "Beetle can fly, so I'll gunk up her wings first. I'll keep Shocker and her inside. Hawkeye, you take Overdrive and Boomerang; those two'll retreat to the back at the first sign of trouble and it should be easier to pick em off with your arrows in a narrow alley. Just be careful with Boomerang. Guy might look like an idiot but those boomerangs of his can pack a wallop. Overdrive should be easy without any vehicles nearby."

"Aye aye, chief." Kate winked and gave her a two finger salute.

"What about me?" Eugene asked, looking at her expectantly.

"With Slyde..." Gwen paused. What was she supposed to say? She was pretty sure he was just a guy facing a midlife crisis; she wasn't even sure if those katanas were legit or they were just fancy replicas. The latter would certainly explain how he could afford them, "Actually just do what you do best. I'll pull him to the street and you can deal with him. Good thing the street was abandoned, probably on account of the whole 'villains taking over a restaurant' deal.

"Right, lets get this started then." Kate grinned and pulled out what Gwen recognized as a smokescreen arrow from her quiver, "Bet you 20 bucks I finish first."

"Ha, you're on!"

Inside the store, Shocker couldn't help but let out a tired sigh as Boomerang gave one of his infamous tall tales. This time it was about how he single-handedly beat an entire group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents with a boomerang he'd carved out of a tree.

"Alright, so there I was trapped in a forest at the ass end of South America," Boomerang said, taking a messy swig of the fancy wine and earning a groan from Beetle, "I had nothin' on me 'cept a pocket knife - a gift from my old girlfriend - and my own wits and grit. S.H.I.E.L.D was on my ass, and I already took out a dozen of their agents an hour before. I was tired, I lost a lot of blood and I really thought it was gonna be the end."

The story's details changed every time. Sometimes he was in South America, other times it was Wakanda or Latveria. Sometimes it was S.H.I.E.L.D hunting him for some supposedly epic crime while other times it was another group like A.I.M or Hydra trying to recruit him; in the latter case he'd change 'being hunted for a crime' to 'being hunted cause he refused to join and become a puppet to that poser Red Skull'.

At this point the entire group knew it by heart, but ever since Speed Demon was put under a dark hole and was replaced by Slyde (or was it Slid? Zlide?) he had a new member to try and lord over.

"Oh man, this is getting good!" Slyde (he was pretty sure it was Slyde) said, leaning forward excitedly, "What happened next?"

"Alright, so this is where things get complicated..."

Shocker let out another sigh and drowned out Boomerang's self-fanfiction. He really thought things would change ever since they got that deal from the new boss, but so far it was same shit different restaurants. He didn't want for much - a good score to set him aside for a few months was good enough for him - but the rest of his teammates seemed to think 'getting a score' was the same as 'making it on the 9 o clock news'."

He eyed the bag full of jewelry with a frown. The first decent score he'd made in months, and now it was a 5-way share and they had to kick up to their new would-be overlord. He'd be lucky if he could last a week with this score, 'This team thing really isn't working out...' He pushed away the plate of cold steak. Maybe he should turn in his pink slip once they finished splitting the haul.

...Then again, he remembered exactly why he took the team gig: Spider-Woman was a pain in the fucking ass. Didn't matter if he was on one end of town or the other she'd always pop up like Michelle goddamn Myers and put him in jail with a good wallop and a not-so good joke (seriously, her material was getting stale). Although at this point the team didn't do much except buy him maybe an extra minute before he got his ass kicked, and splitting the loot five-ways didn't seem like a fair trade all things considered.

Right, that settled it. The second they split the loot he'd go off on his own again, that was a promise.

With that in mind Shocker nodded and stood...only to nearly fall flat on his ass when an arrow crashed through the window and embedded itself right in the middle of their table, "Hey, what the fu-" Boomerang's curse was cut off when a thick blanket of smoke hissed out of the arrowhead and the entirety of their surrounding were covered in a sea of black and gray that he could barely see out of.

"It's an attack! Get into positions!" Beetle screamed. It didn't do any good; already he could see Boomerang and Overdrive bolting for the exit that led to the alley, the former holding onto the bag of loot for dear life. Overdrive would be back to help them once he got a car, but he was pretty sure Boomerang was using this as a chance for his customary double cross.

He really needed to quit this team...

Slyde was the first to get his bearings. Unsheathing his (fake as hell) katanas, he looked to the shattered window and raised the toys threateningly,"Come out, whoever you are, and face the wrath of-"

That was as far as he got before a string of black webbing attached itself to his torso and he was pulled out of the window, screaming all the while, "Sorry guys! Reservation's cancelled!"...Oh no. Immediately Shocker felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, which only grew worse when he saw a dark blue and white blur swing in through the shattered window and land on their table on all fours, "Hey, guys! Been a while!"


"Fuck you!" He raised his hands and pressed the gauntlet's triggers. Spider-Woman's 'eyes' widened before she jumped and clung to the ceiling, the blast catching the still flat-footed Beetle instead and knocking her to the ground. Before she could stand an absolutely massive wave of dark webbing came from above and pinned her to the ground. She wouldn't be going anywhere for the next hour.

"Woah, that must have hurt! Am I sensing some hostility in the group?" She dodged another blast, the ceiling cracking and breaking at the force of the impact, "You know, I'm getting the feeling you're not happy to see me, Hermann! I mean I'm just imagining that, right? We're buds!"

"Shut up!" He wasn't in the mood for joking. He had nothing against her personally - her appearing in his nightmares like Freddie Kreuger aside - but he was not gonna go back to prison again! He'd already exhausted all his favors and this was his last chance, "Just leave me the fuck alone!" He turned up the frequency and let out an angered scream. All he had to do was take her down and then he could get out of this place.

"No can do, Hermann! You've been a bad boy!" She shot a glob webbing at his right hand, the entirety of his fist getting covered by the sticky substance, "You and the Sinister Not-Six really need to find a new career. This whole criminal thing isn't working out for you."

This was always how it went. She never took them seriously; to her they were just a bad joke to play around with before she got to signing her autographs...or, the year before, running away before the police showed up. She liked it better when people didn't crowd around her. It definitely felt a lot less embarrassing than it did now.

Still, it'd definitely gotten worse since she got the new suit. Now it felt like they were throwing toothpicks at her or, in his case, never even getting so much as a glancing shot.

The others weren't doing any better.

"You dare face me alone!? Prepare to be Slydomized!"

"I don't think so!, Leapfrog never goes down!"

She had a team now!? Past the haze of smoke he could barely make out Slyde fighting a guy in an oversized frog suit, the two of them not doing much besides trying to pathetically grapple or slap at one another. He didn't dare look behind him, but judging by how she was staying around to toy with him he didn't doubt that someone else was taking care of Boomerang or Overdrive.

"Alright, Hermie - Can I call you Hermie?" She dodged the next blast and landed on the wall, "I'll take that as a yes. Real talk, Hermie; you're one of the more reasonable guys I've fought and this isn't just one of our usual hangouts." He ripped off the webbing on his hand and nearly shot before she covered it up with another ball, "No need to be rude! Where was I? Oh yeah."

She jumped towards him. Shocker raised his remaining hand to blast her away but she landed on him before he could fire off a shot, pinning his free arm to the ground with another line of webbing, "Get off me! Just leave me alone!"

"Geez, you sound like my last boyfriend." She snorted and straddled him properly, making sure both his gauntlets were restrained, "As I was saying: I'm hearing rumors that the costumed criminals started becoming unionized. Normally I wouldn't pay attention to that, but my friends convinced me otherwise. So here's the deal. You tell me anything you know and I'll put in a good word to S.H.I.E.L.D and the cops when they haul you off. How's that sound?"

She wanted him to be a snitch? Oh, that was rich. Normally he would've laughed at such a piss-poor joke, but he knew for a fact that she was being serious, "You expect me to play the stool pigeon, Spidey?" Good thing he'd upgraded. He sneered and clicked his right hand to reverse the polarity, "Go to hell!"

The web exploded outward. Before she could step off of him he re-corrected the polarity and aimed the gauntlet right at her stomach. If she screamed or cussed him out he didn't hear it. Spider-Woman was blown backwards by the point blank blast, landing on the ruined floor in a crumpled heap. Struggling to stand, Shocker blew off the webbing that destroyed his other hand and aimed both gauntlets at her prone form.

He hit her with the full blast and stopped only when he could hear his heart beating in his ears. Shocker lowered the gauntlets and blinked when he saw her lying prone on the floor, parts of her outfit seemingly sheared off and exposing pockets of pale skin on her neck and back, "...What the?" His brows furrowed and he stepped closer. Were her clothes...moving? He wasn't just imagining that, right?

Still, his curiosity was already being replaced by a rising sense of shock. He'd hit her before the first time they fought during his solo gig, before she'd wised up to his tricks. He managed to knock her into the wall, but even then she just got up again. Now she looked like she was dead; or at the very least out for a while. Honestly he didn't know how to feel; excitement at victory, relief that he could escape or something else entirely. Like he said before it wasn't personal.

His inner turmoil didn't last long.

Shocker had barely taken another step before he saw the dark fabric surrounding her make an unmistakable lurch, "What the-" Before he could do anything two tendrils materialized from her back and lashed out towards his hands, "The hell!?" He tried to click the switch, but the tentacles were faster. Shocker let out a pained cry as the abnormal 'limbs' tightened their grip around his wrists and crushed the metal with an ear-splitting crunch.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He slipped his arms out of the mangled gauntlets and hissed. He'd managed to get his arms out before the metals were completely crushed into little balls, but it did little to give any sense of relief. A second or two later and he would've had stubs instead of hands.

His rising dread only worsened when he saw Spider-Woman stand up, her body once again completely covered by the dark fabric. There was something eerie about her. Her stance was hunched over and he heard what distinctly sounded like laughter coming from under her mask, "...You really shouldn't have done that." She raised her gaze to meet his and he nearly wet himself when he saw the jagged and moving edges of her eyes.

Before he could say anything to plead his case the tips of her fingers sharpened into crude claws.

"Any last words?"


"Too late!"

Spider-Woman jumped towards him and Shocker stumbled away, landing on his back with a panicked breath. The Superhero(?) landed right where he was standing, the floor cracking from the impact, "What's wrong, Shocker?" She looked down at him, tilting her head mockingly, "Don't tell me you're scared of little old me? Come on, I don't bite!"

Shocker ran.

He scrambled into a stand and shoved what remained of a table her way before he turned his back to her. The costumed criminal didn't know where he thought he could go, but all he knew was that he wasn't gonna stay there, "Gotta run, gotta run!" He rushed to the stairs that led to the second floor and did his best to ignore the sound of breaking glass and wood that emanated from behind when she threw the table at the bottom of the stairway.

"Get back here, Shocker!" she screamed, her voice sounding more and more distorted as the seconds passed, "You can't escape me! I'll chase you to the ends of the earth if I have to!"

'It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay!' Shocker felt tears welling in his eyes, but he held them in. Looking back at the stairway, he pressed his back against the window at the other side of the dining room and pulled out his emergency pistol. It'd been years since he ever fired the thing, but beggars couldn't be choosers. He didn't know what the hell the deal with Spider-Woman was, but he wasn't going to let himself get killed to find out!

The next few seconds were the worst in his life. It would've been one thing if he heard the sound of fighting and struggling, but everything was so quiet that he could hear every bead of sweat that seeped through the mask and hit against the floor. He hadn't just imagined all that, right? He would've given anything at that moment to have the last few minutes be nothing more than a hallucination from some bad shrimp.

He'd even take jail over facing that nightmare again.

"Found you, Hermann!"

It wasn't a dream. Shocker turned around and came face to face with Spider-Woman, the deranged maniac clinging to the surface of the window outside. Normally he wouldn't have been against a woman in spandex pressed up against glass, but right now all he felt was the overwhelming desire to empty his bladder, "Aren't you gonna let me in?" She knocked on the glass insultingly with one finger, the surface showing more and more cracks with every tap, "Guess I'll just invite myself in!"

Spider-Woman punched through the window like it was nothing and jumped through the rain of glass, her hands morphing into the claws she had downstairs, "Holy crap..." Shelving any hesitation, he raised his shaking hands and aimed right at her torso before he pulled the trigger, hammering the switch till he heard nothing but the sound of empty clicking.

She didn't even bother dodging it.

Shocker saw the bullets impact against her upper body, but if she even bothered to notice or care he had no idea. She continued to stalk towards him and he dropped the gun, holding up his hands in front of his face, "D-Don't hurt me...!"

Spider-Woman didn't say anything, only giving him that quizzical and mocking tilt again. He wondered for a brief moment if this was her telling him to run, but those hopes were dashed when he saw the bottom of her mask split open. The row of sharp teeth peeking over the top and bottom half drew his attention at first, but they paled in comparison to the oversized tongue covered in green slime that that peeked out and made her look even more inhuman than she already did.

He'd just about had his limit before she spat out the 7 bullets into her right hand, the small stubs of metal covered in the same green slime that ran down her 'mouth', "I think I have enough iron in my diet, thanks." She let them fall onto the ground with a dull clink before turning back to him fully, "Didn't even tickle, Hermann. Got anything else?"

"N-No." His legs failed him and scrambled back desperately with his hands, feeling an uncomfortable warmth running down his lower body, "You're the good guy, y-you can't do this!" She stepped closer to him, the claws on her hand primed and her tongue dragging along the serrated teeth slowly, "I'll-I'll tell you everything I know, I swear! Just-Just don't do this! Please!"

Gwen looked down at Shocker in complete silence, her thoughts running in a chaotic jumble. He'd offered to give her the information...that was what she wanted, right? 'He's lying, just trying to save himself,' she thought. Flexing her fingers, she reached a clawed hand towards him and watched as he curled up into a ball, more pleading whimpers coming in-between his crying, 'Calm down...have to calm down. He's already beaten.'

Everything was a mess. Gwen took a deep breath and looked around the dinning room, 'Remember what you're here for...' Criminals being in a union, trying to prove Eugene's dad innocent...beating on Shocker wouldn't get her anything...but it would've been satisfying after what he did to her, 'Focus! You're better than this!' She took another step and knelt down in front of him, ignoring the stench of urine that wafted up her nostrils.

"D-Don't hurt me and I'll tell you!" Shocker pleaded again, shaking hands raised in surrender, "L-Look, I'm sorry! I'll give it all up! All the loot, surrender myself to prison! I...please don't kill me!"

'Kill him?' She looked down at her clawed hands, the digits covered by green slime and the barest traces of blood, 'Kill...I'd never kill.' She shut her eyes tightly and felt the makeshift claws retract, the ends of her 'mouth' sticking together again till her face returned back to its normal state, 'Calm down...'

"What...?" she said, her voice soft. All at once she the chaotic jumble ceased and a dawning sense of realization and horror washed over her. She'd...that was her, right? She'd nearly... 'What happened...?' Shocker looked up at her quietly, refusing to move from the quivering ball he'd curled himself into.

A part of her knew exactly what happened, but she didn't want to think about it. After Shocker had hit her with a full blast it felt like her skin was being cut away with a dull knife. She felt angry, and she just wanted to make Shocker pay for doing it, "Oh, god..." She shook her head and backed away, her hands shaky and the urge to vomit rising with every second.


"Hey, Spider-Woman!" Gwen snapped to the new voice and found Kate running towards her, Eugene trailing after not far behind, "We took down the others, how's it...going..." she trailed off when she caught sight of Shocker quivering in a puddle of his own pee, ", what'd you do to the guy? That's probably the first time I've ever seen a Supervillain literally piss his pants."

"Yeah, he looks like he's been through a lot," Eugene said. Gwen didn't miss the way he panted or how out of breath he sounded, "I mean I kicked Slyde's ass and all, but he wasn't...well, you know."

"I..." Whatever she wanted to say died in her mouth. What could she say to explain what the hell she did? What she tried to do? "Uh...nothing, just asked him for info...worked him over when he refused."

"Yeah, yeah! Exactly! That's all!" Shocker cried, his tone desperate. Whether it was out of a desire to scavenge what was left of his pride or not wanting to piss her off she didn't know, and honestly she didn't care. She had more important things to deal with.

"Huh...well, that's surprising." Kate looked at her for with narrowed eyes for another couple of seconds before she shrugged, "Well, I suppose I really shouldn't be that shocked. Guess your boyfriend's rubbing off on you, huh?"

"Yeah..." She didn't want to say anything else; truth be told she just wanted the day to be over. Taking a deep breath, she walked away from Shocker and waved off Kate when she called dibs on performing the interrogation.

' and I are gonna have a talk when we go to Ms. Van Dyne. Are we clear?'

'...Yes, Other.'

If there was any way she expected the day to go after that clusterfuck at the restaurant, going to her ex boyfriend's(?) place to find a clue definitely wasn't one of them.

Shocker's interrogation wasn't much help. He'd given them some details: A masked figure covered in orange wearing a goblin (of course it was a fucking goblin...) mask sent a representative over to their prison and gave them an offer; work for him and give a cut of their illegal earnings and he'd get them out and make sure to put them in a group of like-minded felons and thugs to ensure the best chance of success.

That was pretty much all he knew. Apparently they dropped off the 'tribute' at specific dead drops, but with Sinister Several's very wide and public arrest said dead drop would be avoided like the plague and they couldn't pull a tail job...not that an archer in purple, the city's 'beloved' Superhero and a teenage guy in a frog suit were very discreet. She didn't know if Hermann was lying or holding out; she really wished she had Peter's lie detector Spider-sense right now.

The last thing he'd told them was about a supposed hangout where many of the 'Black Masks' converged while 'off-duty'. 'The Hellhouse', he called it, though apparently he'd never been there himself. Again she didn't know if he was holding out, but she didn't get a chance to grill him any further before the police showed up.

"Wow, so this is the great Spider-Man's place, huh?" Kate whistled and gave a disapproving look at the peeling wallpaper that barely clung to the walls, "You know I have to admit, I never thought there'd be a day where I found a place that's shittier than Ms. Jones'. I should remember this."

"Yeah, it's kind of surprising." Eugene said, his voice much clearer now that he'd taken the ridiculous frog head off. She had to admit it still felt worrying seeing someone who hadn't even grown peach fuzz trying his hand at the Hero gig, "I've seen the posts online. Rumor has it that he slept in a penthouse with a different supermodel every week."

"It's the same rumor I got, and it's not any more true..." Gwen muttered.

Which led them here. A search on the internet didn't give them anything, but then she remembered Peter mentioned going to a place called the Hellhouse with that creepy Bullseye guy during one of their chats a few days prior. One call to Peter and everything could go back to normal, right?

Right...if he'd bothered picking up his fucking phone.

'I really hope he and Jess are having fun...wherever the fuck they are.' Gwen sighed and started pulling out one of the cabinets. She had no idea what her ex-boyfriend(?) and her step-mom(?) were planning to do, and they were mum on the details when she and her dad asked, but right now she couldn't afford to worry. The could take care of themselves, and right now she had to...

"What are we looking for, again?" Eugene asked.

"Pe- Er, Spider-Man mentioned going to the Hellhouse before with a guy called Bullseye. So...maybe he wrote down the address or Bullseye's phone number." Yes it was a fucking stretch, but what other choice did they have? She couldn't see swinging down the street asking people if they knew what the Hellhouse was to be a good idea. It was bad enough that Sinister Syndicate's capture was caught for the evening news.

"Bullseye? I heard about that guy," Kate said, "Something about him being on S.H.I.E.L.D's shit list...huh, Spider-Man really needs to make better friends. First that Frank Castle guy and now this?"

"Tell me about it..."

The next few minutes were spent in quiet searching. She didn't know whether to be impressed or frustrated at how much nothing Peter had in the place. Granted the place was small, but apart from a few packets of cigarettes and some cheap alcohol lying around the place was almost barren. The only signs of clutter were the clothes, and even then that was confined in a laundry hamper that Eugene was searching through. It was like he was doing his best not to leave a single mark.

The quiet allowed her thoughts to drift back to what happened back at the restaurant. She should've been more worried, but despite the bubbling at the pit of her stomach she couldn't think of anything else to do. What was the proper response to something like this? Breaking down crying? Getting angry? Ripping off the suit at a church and crying for God to save her while church bells rang in the background?

...She really needed to see Ms. Van Dyne after this, but for now she'd do the 'focus on something else and try to ignore it' method. An old reliable that never failed her.

It was only into their tenth minute of searching that someone finally spoke up...and it wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear, "W-Woah!" Eugene sputtered out. Gwen looked back and found him holding onto...


"Is that a...bra?" Kate asked, jolting Gwen out of her brief moment of shock. Gwen looked again and, yes, there it was. It was nothing special, it looked like dark fabric that you could buy at any clothing store, but the fact that it was in Peter's laundry hamper brought out all sorts of questions that she really didn't want to think about.

"Y-Yeah..." Eugene gulped, his eyes shifting from the piece of of underwear to her, "I knew you and Spider-Man were close, but I didn't think you-"

"Woah, woah, woah! Wait a fucking second!" she screamed, interrupting him before he could finish whatever wrong thought passed his mind, "Look, that is not mine! I think I'd remember leaving one of those at this place!"

"I dunno..." Kate mumbled, a mischievous smile on her face. The brunette was enjoying this far too much for her own good, "I mean, aren't you two going out? It kinda makes sense that you'd leave your undies here. What other explanation is there?"

"I don't fucking know, maybe he crossdresses! Either way, it's not mine!" Why was she feeling so defensive? It wasn't like she had anything to prove, right? Who cared if they thought it was hers? "Look, we're wasting time. We gotta find a clue about the Hellhouse and I'm pretty sure that," She gestured to the underwear that Eugene was for some reason still holding onto, "Isn't it. This is an investigation, not a goddamned panty raid, so just put it back before-"

"...What the fuck is going on here?"

The three of them froze and reluctantly turned to the new arrival. Seeing Lana standing at the front door with her arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face was embarrassing enough, but the sight of Susan Storm behind her looking at them all like they were a bunch of frat boys who got caught in the middle of before mentioned panty raid was even worse."

A pregnant silence settled over the unlikely group before Eugene once again broke the quiet, gaping at Susan with a wide-eyed look, "W-Wait a minute, I recognize you! You're Susan Storm! I'm a big fan of your show! You are Susan Storm, aren't you?"

"Uh...yeah, and you're a guy in a frog suit holding onto a bra." Susan gave the aforementioned item a weirded out look.

"Huh?" He looked down at his hands before he suddenly let go of it, "O-Oh no, this isn't what it looks like! Look, we can explain! You see there's this rumor that criminals are becoming organized and we couldn't find their base and Spider-Woman thought that we could find a clue here!"

" does that lead to you grabbing a bra?" she asked, still looking like she was tempted to bolt out of the apartment entirely.

"Well, you see-"

"Let me take over, Frog-Boy. You can speak up again once you can keep it in your pants," Kate interrupted, rolling her eyes exasperatedly, "Look, we were looking for clues on a place called the Hellhouse. Spider-Woman said that there was a clue here and we've been turning the place upside down looking for it. Eugene was searching the clothes and I guess he got surprised when he saw that Spider-Man owned the aforementioned piece."

"It's not his." Lana snorted and picked it up, tossing it back into the hamper carelessly, "It's mine. Me and Pete do our laundry every Saturday."

"Wait, why are your clothes here?" Gwen asked, "I know you and Spider-Man are friends, but-"

"It's not what you think." Lana gave an eye-roll of her own, "I stay over here sometimes...alright, most of the time. My grandma's a pain in the ass." She sighed, "I haven't exactly moved in or anything, so don't worry your pretty little head about your boyfriend cheating on you with jailbait."

"That wasn't-"

"I'm more interested in why Susan Storm's here," Kate interrupted again, looking at the blonde teen curiously, "I didn't think you were one for slumming it in the dangerous parts of town, Ms. Storm. I'm surprised a trail of paparazzi aren't trailing you right now."

"It's not that." She shook her head, "Lana and I are friends; we've been hanging out every few days ever since Spider-Woman saved us from Ms. Piper Dali." She gave an appreciate nod to Gwen, "Um...what was that you all said about a 'Hellhouse'?"

"Oh, right." Gwen rubbed her face through her mask. She really needed to focus, "Look, Spider-Man mentioned before that he went there and he's not picking up a phone so I figured his place might have a clue. That's when you two walked in." She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She was getting a headache, "No luck so far, and since he's not answering his phone we're kinda stuck."

"The Hellhouse? You mean that dive bar Pete goes to?" At Gwen's reluctant nod the younger girl snorted, "I know where it is. Well, actually I can call Bullseye and he'll tell me where it is. I can show you."

"Oh...great." Well...that was easier than she thought. Maybe things were looking up-

"Hey, do you have powers?"

...She should've kept her mouth shut.

The question came from Kate, who was giving the other brunette a look of utter curiosity, "You look kinda familiar. Are you one of S.H.I.E.L.D's hopeful recruits?"

"I guess?" Lana shrugged and raised her right hand, a ring of light covering the edges of the clenched fist, "I can make shit explode with my mind. It's come in handy a few times." She smiled wryly and dispelled the white circle, "Why, what's it you?"

"Hmm," Kate hummed, a light smile on her face. Gwen didn't like where this was going, "...How old are you? 15?" Lana nodded, her expression questioning, "Hmm...actually, rather than being a tour guide why don't you join us? You have powers, and I think-"

It was Gwen's turn to interrupt this time, "Are you crazy!?" She glared at Kate, though the archer just gave her a nonplussed look, "She's just a kid! We can't just take her with us!"

"Why not? Frog-Boy's like 17 and he's following us...and no offense, but I sneaked a peek on her file and she seems like she can take care of herself more than he can." Eugene winced, though he didn't say anything, "Captain America wouldn't make her an offer to join the group when she turns 18 if she couldn't use those glow-rings of hers. Besides," She snorted, "I started at about her age and I don't even have powers. Can't start too early."

"Hawkeye, this is insane-"

"I'll do it." Gwen's head snapped to Lana, though the latter didn't deviate from the light scowl she was sporting, "Look, Spider-Woman, I can take care of myself. I survived with just Bullseye with me when we raided that terrorist base, so I think a bunch of costumed nutjobs shouldn't be that much harder. Shit, you let a guy in a fucking frog suit follow you around, so why not me?"

"Hey..." Eugene looked like he wanted to say something, but he turned away when Lana focused her attention on him.

"...I still think this is insane, but fine. I can see I'm not convincing you." Gwen sighed. At this point she knew better than to try and keep up the argument.

"Duly noted." Lana finally let herself smile and turned to Susan, "Sorry, Sue; gonna have to take a raincheck on that hangout. Same time next week?"

"It's alright." She gave her friend a quick embrace and laughed, "Just make sure to tell me all the details when you finish, alright?"

"Promise." The two shared a personalized handshake and Lana watched her leave before she focused back on them, "Alright, I'll call Bullseye and he'll text me the address. I actually stashed a disguise somewhere so we can make a slight detour to pick it up, but after that we should be set." She walked past them and picked up a packet of cigarettes from the cabinet, lighting it with a flick of the lighter-

Hold on.

The teen had almost put the cigarette to her mouth before Gwen snatched it out of her hands, "Hey, what the fuck!?"

"Alright, I can't convince you not to come along, but I can make sure you don't start smoking like a chimney while we do it," She squashed the barely lit stick into ash and took the rest of the pack before she could complain more, "Does Spider-Man know you do this?"

"Dunno, but if he does I doubt he gives a shit. He's not my dad or anything."

Right...she needed to talk with Peter when this was done. First Webster and now him? This day was just getting better and better...

Before we have the ending notes, lets all give a standing ovation to Shocker who has come the closest in this fic by far to defeating Spider-Gwen. Unfortunately he hesitated when it mattered most and got a bucketload of Nightmare Fuel instead. You were so close, buddy :( Viewers of Spider-Man: The Animated Series will find the scene very familiar ;)

Anyway, the first part ended up being kind of dark so I tried my best to make the second half a fair bit more lighthearted; pretty easy when you have Frog-Man and Kate Bishop as supporting characters. Peter can look forward to a lecture from Gwen when they meet up again, that's for sure. Oh, and Frog-Man once again proving he's the true hero by facing the wrath of Slyde all by himself. What a guy! Potential LI for Gwen, perhaps? ;)


1. I mentioned changes in the AN above and this is one of them: I'm going to end each protag's arc by the next chapter to avoid the filler dragging out. The only decision comes to which conclusion you wanna see first - Do we focus on ending Muse's insane attempts at creating a masterpiece or do we finish up Gwen's plans to stop the so-called Villain union? Given complaints I doubt anyone's gonna complain about me shortening these two, so just pick what you want ;)

2. More of a personal question, but do you guys prefer it when Gwen and Peter work together as a pair or when they're separated and working with arc partners like they're doing now? The latter leads to less arguments - which are growing stale - but considering how many apparently love the ying-yang dynamic the two have going I find myself wondering.
Chapter 58
Whoo, today is huge: Red carpet premier of Spider-Man: Homecoming according to Youtube, a new chapter in the Spider-Gwen comic (which I can't show since it's apparently against the rules according to a helpful poster?) and a new sneak peek on the upcoming 'Marvel's Spider-Man' being featured on Disney. Conversely this chapter is slightly shorter than normal, but it balances out since it's mostly action and wrapping up the arc. Cartoon Origins.

Anyway, the new Spider-Gwen chapter shows off Murdock's manipulation chops again by putting Gwen in a position where she either has to save Harry or lose her powers forever. Likewise Gwen actually acknowledges that Harry is becoming more and more animalistic and how in over her head she is...along with Captain Stacy looking like he's about to face his maker now that the corrupt cops let Rhino into his cell for a presumed beatdown. On the bright side there's apparently a Madripoor version of the Bodega Bandit, so this dimension has a sense of humor.

Things are looking grim for Gwen in canon. She has no allies in sight, Harry's regressed into a monster and now she's stuck with no plan and no way out and she's even resorted to stealing from convenience stores while Harry eats rats right in front of her...she's definitely living up to that 616 legacy, isn't she? :/ Makes her life in this fic feel like sunshine and rainbows. Wonder if I should change it...

Also, just a personal question. I get less likes/comments the longer the story goes on. I can't tell if this is normal - e.g the same way you don't get as much readers as the first 3 chapters and/or readers are busy - or if I did something wrong that turned people off. If so, can anyone tell me what it is and I can see if I can correct it if possible. I can't help but think I did something wrong since even the average number has gone done by quite a bit.

Oh, and here's a couple of canon Gwenom pics (might be able to use these) and a couple of fanart I managed to find to lighten the mood. Sorry if I sounded whiny above, I'm just curious if there's a mistake I can fix with either the story or the writing:

Chapter 58: Meet the Hobgoblin

Focus...she had to focus.

Gwen leaned over the edge of the roof and stared at the seemingly innocent building at the edge of the alley. At first glance it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary - just another run-down building in Hell's Kitchen - but that made it the perfect place for a Supervillain hideout. Way too many people expected the big lair to be flashing neon or to be somewhere hilariously over the top like the middle of an active volcano. She'd seen far too many abandoned warehouses and apartment complexes to know that the best lairs are the ones people don't pay attention to.

She had to wonder how people could live in this part of town. She wasn't one for fancy schmancy living like Felicia, but she could safely call Hell's Kitchen as living up to its namesake with condemned buildings and poverty galore. What did it say about a place that the only person who even tried to fix it up was the Kingpin before her dad put him behind bars, and even that involved evicting or murdering everyone who stood in his way?

"You sure this is the place?" She turned to Lana. The younger girl was now sporting a new outfit consisting of a black and pink bodysuit, a white trenchcoat and a domino mask that barely covered the area around her eyes. Gwen didn't know how Lana thought she could get away with anonymity with just that, but considering Kate seemed to have no problems keeping a low profile despite having nothing but a pair of shades she didn't bother to question it.

"That's what Bullseye told me," Lana said, joining her at the edge of the roof, "He wanted to join in, but I told him not to since he doesn't know what we're doing. The last time you guys teamed up he didn't really have a good opinion of you."

"Feeling's mutual." Gwen rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. She really had to wonder how Peter even knew that guy. Castle and Lana she kinda got, but where in the hell could he have met 'Moon Knight' (weird name) and Felicia? Last she checked Peter didn't seem like the type to join cults that worshiped the moon and he definitely didn't act like he was into Black Cat's kind of glam rock.

"So what's the play here? Frontal assault or do we try the subtle approach?" Kate cut in. Despite what they were planning the archer was the very picture of confidence, her posture lax and the same relaxed smile on her face that seemed to never leave.

Sadly, the same couldn't be said for Eugene. Despite the oversized mask and his best attempts to hide it she could see him quaking in his frog's legs and he hadn't so much as said a single word the entire way here. He really was in over his head; even Gwen had to admit it was kind of sad that a 15 year old girl seemed more nonchalant about the idea of raiding a gangland hideaway...though said girl could also explode stuff with her mind so who the hell knew.

"...Alright, we gotta deal with this first." Gwen sighed and turned to Eugene fully, the frog-based vigilante standing rigidly in response, "Look, Frog-Man, I can see that you're scared. I could stand here and give you the speech about believing in yourself or some other bullshit, but this isn't about asking a girl out or trying out for the basketball team. This is going to be dangerous, and you could get seriously hurt."

"I-I know that-"

"Don't think you do, Froggy," Lana interrupted, giving the other teen a critical look, "Look, I'm not a fucking expert, but the last time I ran into a hideout cause I thought I could deal with it I tripped a goddamn grenade and I would've died if Spidey didn't shield me. And that was just one deranged asshole with a shotgun. Is that frog suit bulletproof? Cause I've seen the way you jump and you're gonna take a bullet to the gut if that's your best."

"It wasn't that bad..." He kicked the ground, refusing to meet her gaze, "You're new at this too, aren't you?"

"Yeah, thing is I'm not gonna choke," she countered, "Look, it's your fucking funeral, I'm just telling you that if you think this is some grand adventure then you're gonna be disappointed. Spider-Man's told me about the kind of guys who go that shithole and most of em wouldn't give a rat's ass that you're a minor wearing an oversized frog suit. They'll shoot you dead and dump your body in the gutter all the same."


"Look, not everyone's built for instant heroing," Kate said, patting his back comfortingly, "I know people from S.H.I.E.L.D that took years before they became badassess, but once they got there it was a straight shot up. Trust me, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Even most heroes start off with purse snatchers and muggers; you'll get to Spider-Woman's level at some point."

"Right," Gwen added. She'd never really been one for Disney-esque pep talks, but her dad's policy of being cruel to be kind felt rather appropriate right now, "I know you're disappointed, but this is for your own good, alright? Just stay here and keep watch and contact us if you see anything out of the ordinary."

"Right...sure thing."

Gwen could tell he was disappointed, but broken pride was better than a broken leg. Giving Eugene one last pat on the back, she jumped off the edge of the roof and landed on the ground in a crouch, Kate and Lana following after her in their own way. She really would've preferred going at it alone or with just Kate, but if Lana could handle a bunch of terrorists then she could deal with a bar...right?

The bouncer standing guard raised an eyebrow when he saw them walking up to him, his mouth curled into a frown and his arms crossed defensively. She really would've preferred if they could do this with as little fighting as possible, but at this point she knew that was as realistic as MJ and Felicia stopping their fights and just fucking already.

"Hey there, big guy!" She stopped in front of him and looked up. The dude was huge, easily nearing 7 feet tall, and the leather jacket practically screamed 'gang member' in flashing lights, "Me and my friends here are out for a night on the town and I heard this place is the place to be seen. Wanna let us in?"

Gwen didn't need her spider-sense to warn her about the gun, but it definitely helped. The big guy barely pulled the pistol out of its holster before she released a ball of webbing and stuck his hand to his chest, "Really didn't want to do this." She sighed and slammed him against the wall, pinning him to the surface up to his mouth with a blanket of webbing, "Just hold tight, would you? Won't be a sec."

The superheroine took a deep breath and looked to her allies. Kate had already drawn her bow with an arrow at the ready while Lana stood firm, both hands covered in the telltale rings of light. Spider-Woman, Hawkeye and...whatever Lana decided to call herself. It was like they were Charlie's Devils.

Well, time to make a show.

Gwen kicked the door down and stepped inside with her head held high, Kate and Lana following after her. The inside of the bar made her crinkle her nose in disgust: The pool tables and rows of alcohol were normal enough, but the abundant stripper poles (with said strippers wrapped around), the thugs with women draped around them with barely any clothes on and the stench of something unmentionable in the air reminded her of every cautionary tale her dad had told her growing up.

Even worse she could see at least a few guys and gals in costume. She recognized at least one of them - you tended to remember girl whose power was to disintegrate cloth - but for the most part the marks were strangers to her. There really was a rising monopoly for costumed criminals, wasn't there? It took a special kind of sad to have a worse costume than Shocker, but a guy with an 8 ball stuck to his head beat out both him and Mysterio without even trying.

Everything stopped. The 'dancers' stopped their seductive twisting, the music screeched to a grinding halt and every set of eyes on the bar turned towards them. It reminded her of a bad TV drama she'd seen when she was younger, but she shouldn't have been surprised. A place like this was a getaway for lowlifes, so seeing someone S.H.I.E.L.D was parading around as their second sanctioned Hero right after Captain Freaking America along with two other people in costume was bound to draw attention.

"Alright, listen up!" she said, raising her voice till she was sure it sounded appropriately loud and confident, "A friend of mine told me that a certain Goblin has made his base here! Anyone who doesn't want to get involved leave now!" Was she doing it right? Peter was better at it than she was, "I'm not gonna say it again!" She stomped her foot on the ground, the wooden floor cracking from the force of the impact.

That did the trick...sort of. Most of the crowd hightailed it out of there, running towards the exits or even hiding under the tables in their panic. Still, for every man or woman that decided to to do the smart thing she saw a near-equal amount pulling out knives, pool cues, chains and whatever else they could get their hands on.

"...So much for the easy way."

It was chaos. Gwen jumped towards the closest thug and slammed him against the ground, "I think you need a time out!" She webbed him down and dodged the next one's clumsy attempts to hit her with one of the pool cues, "Do I look like a billiard ball to you?" She yanked it out of his hands and hit him in the gut with the tail end of the stick, the thug barely getting a chance to let out a pained grunt before he joined his buddy on the ground.

"This reminds me of my time with S.H.I.E.L.D!" Kate flipped over a charging Supervillain and shot an arrow at his back, a jolt of electricity running up his body as soon as the arrow made contact. That done she delivered a kick to nearby stripper (really?) that charged her with a broken bottle, "You're joining when you grow up, right, Bombshell?"

"Bombshell? The fuck?" Lana ducked under the thug's punch and aimed an explosion at his chest, the poor bastard being flung through the air and slamming against the opposite wall with a painful crack, "Fuck kind of name is 'Bombshell'? That makes me sound like a goddamn stripper!"

"Hey, it's something! Sorry, I've never met a girl who can blow things up with her mind before!" Kate nocked another arrow and shot it at the rightmost wall. A string of rope immediately expelled from the blunt end and embedded itself on the opposite wall, clotheslining three unlucky thugs that were trying to charge her.

"Well I'd rather you didn't make me sound like I turn tricks, thanks!" She delivered a sweeping kicked to another attack's leg and shot him before he could land. The thug quickly joined his friend on the cracking wall, "Know what, just call me Charger or Striker or something!"

"Sure thing-"

"Girls, can we focus, please? We're kind of in the middle of something here!" Gwen picked up two more costumed criminals and slammed their heads against one another, webbing them to the wall afterwards.

Despite her words she almost found herself zoning out throughout the fighting. Ever since she'd gotten her powers there was a definite sense of superiority she'd had ever since she faced down her first mugger. She did her best not to let it overwhelm her, but there was a reason she almost never paid attention when Bodega bandit was coming at her with a palette knife or when random thug #267 declared that he was the one who had her number.

It only got worse when Webster had bonded to her. She couldn't say that she was a kung-fu master - especially since her dad only taught her the basics of grappling self-defense - but with it attached she almost felt bad for anyone she had to fight. It was hard to feel threatened when she could apparently spit bullets out like they were nothing but candy and any punch someone managed to land felt like she was being slapped by a five year old.

If only it stopped there. She still remembered the claws on her hands, her mouth splitting open with the insides being filled with razor sharp teeth...

She was jolted out of her thoughts by the sound of another explosion, "Yeah, that's real rich coming from the Superhero who can't go a single fight without making a dozen jokes!" Lana snapped back, aiming another blast at a clustered group of bad guys all wearing the same costume.

"Spider-Woman's right, though!" Kate said, "Tell you what, me and Striker'll finish up here! You go to and find the big, bad boss and make sure he doesn't get away! We'll meet up when we're done!"

"Alright!" She webbed one last pair of would-be Supervillains together and ran for the back door, punching out anyone dumb enough to go after her. Shocker told her that a guy in a Goblin mask was the one who sent them the offer, so even in a place like this he must have stuck out, right?

The answer to that was a big, fat yes.

Gwen kicked down the only untouched door and blinked when she came face to face with a figure wrapped in an orange cloak sitting at the head of an expensive fact, the entire room was fancy. Contrary to the grungy decorations and trappings that littered the bar behind her the place looked more like it belonged to a CEO with expensive paintings hanging on the walls and furniture that looked like they belonged in a glossy magazine about the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Still, all of that paled in comparison to the room's sole occupant, "Hmhmhm," He (she was assuming it was a guy,what with the voice being modulated) laughed and raised his head to meet her gaze fully. Immediately she felt a rising sense of disgust when she saw the wrinkled goblin mask looking up from under the orange hood, its mouth formed in the shape of a malicious grin, "A little early, aren't you, Spider-Woman?"

"I'd say I'm right on time." She took another step into the room and clenched her fists. She doubted Shocker had been lying after what transpired in the restaurant, but this seemed far too easy, didn't it? "You're the new boss of this would-be union, I'm guessing."

"Too right, my dear. You can call me...Hobgoblin. It's what the others have taken to calling me." He stood up from his seat and crossed his arms, looking down at her almost gleefully. Gwen managed to make out what looked like chainmail on covering his arms and legs, "I must say this is sort of unexpected. I knew you'd come after me eventually, but to think you'd catch on so soon before I'd even fully established the groundwork for my new company is disconcerting to say the least."

"A company? That's what you call this?" She looked back and smiled slightly when she saw Kate and Lana already mopping up the remaining thugs. Maybe she was wrong about her assessment on the latter, "No offense, but if you really thought this was going to work then you're dumber than I thought."

"You think about me? That's flattering." Gwen felt a shiver run up her spine at his words. Yeah, definitely a creeper, "But to answer your question, yes. No company starts off as a multi-billion dollar corporation. I can start off small, but with hard work I'm sure that I can make something out of this."

"Yeah? I don't think so." She narrowed her eyes and clenched her hands tightly. She really didn't want to deal with this guy anymore, "I'm putting a stop to this. Now."

"Oh...I'm afraid that's not going to happen." He raised his hand and clicked something in his gauntlet.

The ring of of spider-sense was almost deafening, the same one she'd gotten back at the restaurant. As soon as Hobgoblin pressed the button she heard an ear splitting groan and she was forced onto the ground, almost overwhelmed by the sound coming from the speakers mounted to the walls all around her.

She'd felt this before. The same thing Shocker did to her, 'God damn it! Not again!' She forced herself to look up and glared at the chuckling psychopath. Again she felt like her skin was being ripped off, like someone was dragging a rusted scalpel all throughout her body, 'Gotta move...' She couldn't fall here...or worse, lose control. Not after what she nearly did last time.

Despite her best efforts Gwen found herself unable to move. The pain was enough to almost make her cry, but she refused to give him the satisfaction, "What's wrong, Spider-Woman? Feeling squeamish?" Hobgoblin taunted, another wave of laughter coming from under the mask. Already she felt the familiar sensation of blacking out and her consciousness began to fade as the seconds passed.

Despite it all her body felt unimaginably warm. The bottom half of her face split open again, the razor sharp teeth and oversized tongue quickly peeking in through the edges. Besides that she fell the telltale signs of her fingers extending, the clawed tips digging into the wood hard enough to break the surface.

Webster was trying to take over again.

'No! Not this time!' She shook her head aggressively, the claws and 'mouth' receding in response. She was going to be in control, not it, 'I'm not losing control!'

'Other will die! Need to save us both!'

'I can handle it! Stay out of my head!' She forced herself into a kneeling position and resisted the urge to vomit. The suit was peeling apart, pockets of skin showing through the increasingly large tears, 'Just...gotta...' She aimed a line of webbing and pulled down one of the speakers, but that was all she managed before she was forced onto the ground again. She could already hear Hobgoblin laughing at her pathetic effort.

'Other, please!'

'I said no!'

Gwen felt a burst of heat from above and a deafening explosion drowned out the sonic vibrations attacking her, "Fuck, that's annoying!" Lana's voice cut through the haze. The younger girl charged into the room with Kate in tow and blew out another set of speakers while the archer helped her up.

"Sorry we weren't here sooner." Kate smiled at her and Gwen found herself smiling back despite the situation. Already she could feel her strength returning, her consciousness reasserting itself now that the vibrations had ceased, "Come on, we have a Supervillain to catch."

"How touching." Hobgoblin's mask shifted to a sneer and he gave them all a mocking clap, "The power of friendship defeats all. Such a cliche."

"Shut the fuck up." Lana scoffed and pointed a glowing fist right at him, "Put your hands up before I blow you into little chunks, asshole!"

"Charming." He raised his hands and gave another laugh, "But I have other plans."

Her spider-sense rang again. Gwen barely managed to give a strained 'look out!' before the wall next to their left collapsed with a powerful explosion, the impact strong enough to knock the three of them off their feet, "A good mastermind never puts all his cards on the table!" A makeshift glider swooped in through the rubble and he jumped onto it, "See you around, 'heroes'!"

'That could have gone better...' Biting her tongue to keep from screaming in pain, Gwen forced herself up and pulled Kate off the ground, "Forget about us!" The archer shook her head and pushed her off, "Go after him! I'll help Striker, just go!"

Gwen could only nod stupidly before her brain finally caught up and she jumped past the rubble, breaking out into a swing as soon as she could taste the fresh air outside. Hobgoblin was already a fair distance away, but she'd be damned if she let him get away after that stunt he pulled.

"Going somewhere, Hobbie!?"

The bastard looked back when at her taunt, the mask's expression blank before he returned to the same wide-open grin from before, "Hah, I figured you weren't going to let it stop there! This isn't time you've tangled with a Goblin, after all!"

Gwen grit her teeth and swung faster, putting thoughts of Harry out of her head. Hobgoblin found her sudden silence really fucking funny judging by the new wave of laughter he belted out, "Aww, what's wrong? Don't like being on the other end of a joke!?" He turned the left on the corner, his glider nearly smashing in to the glass of an office building, and Gwen followed, "But I'm not like Harry Osborn! I don't use robots to do my dirty work for me!"

Her spider-sense rang again and she moved on instinct when she saw the orange grenades thrown her way, 'More fucking pumpkin bombs!?' She grit her teeth and dodged the explosives, creating a large net behind her to catch the falling grenades. The last thing she needed was someone in the street getting blown up.

"That young man had so much he could've done with these, but instead he wasted them on petty revenge!" He threw another cluster of grenades. Gwen covered them in a sack of webbing and tossed them into the air, the grenades exploding harmlessly over their heads, "How much time and effort it must have been, all to try and make himself feel better? Like father like son, I say!"

'How does he know so much...?' She webbed up another grenade and scowled. It was already nighttime so there weren't as many people as there could have been on the streets, but the longer this went on the more they had a chance of getting hurt, "You're oneto talk, Hobbie! You think hiring out a bunch of c-listers isn't wasting your fucking time!?"

"You think you have it all figured out, don't you? The big, bad Spider-Woman has foiled my evil plot!" He took out another handful of grenades and slowed down slightly to get a better shot, "Life isn't so simple, girl!"

Now was her chance. Before he could throw the stack of grenades her way she attached two lines of web to the back of his glider and propelled herself forward, landing at the back of the metal monstrosity with a flip, "You talk too much, you know that?" She wrenched the grenades from his hands and covered them in a final net of webbing, sticking them to a nearby water tower as they passed.

"This isn't a two-seater, Spidey!"

She dodged his attempted headbutt and flipped over to the front of the glider, "Not in the mood for jokes!" She grabbed him by the collar of his chainmail and delivered a punch right to his jaw, the mask cracking from the impact of the blow, "Land this thing before I break your nose!"

"That's it? Anyone ever tell you that you stink at making threats?"

This time her spider-sense was annoyingly absent when he shot a laser from his wrists and knocked her off the glider. Gwen found herself flying back, Webster already repairing the damage to her stomach, "Son of a..." She looked up at Hobgoblin with a scowl and shot her arms back, ejecting more webbing to keep her momentum going, "Can't...get rid of me that easily!"

Swinging backwards...not something she ever thought she'd do, but necessity was the mother of invention and all that.

"You're not going to get away with this!"

"So small, so dumb. Another cliche from your handbook?"

One last grenade. Gwen's eyes trained on the the explosive he threw and she focused, 'Come on, come on!' She snagged it mid-air and pulled it towards her, hoping that just once luck was on her side and it wouldn't explode in her face, "Hey, Hobbie, catch!"

She stopped, letting Hobgoblin pass her for a brief moment before she threw the grenade towards the back of his glider. She just barely caught sight of the fucker's mask slacking in surprise before the pumpkin bomb exploded, tearing the glider into little pieces and causing him to plummet down towards the unforgiving streets below. At the rate he was going he'd have turned into a pancake on impact.

Of course, she wasn't just going to let him die.

Gwen dove down after him, prying him away from the glider and covering the offending piece of machinery with webbing and gluing it to a nearby building before it could crash into the street and hurt anyone. That done she propelled herself towards the wall of a nearby building and clung to the brick's surface, webbing Hobgoblin nearby before he could even think to struggle out of her hold.

Now for a little high-altitude interrogation.

"I'll take these." Gwen pried the laser gauntlets off his wrists and crushed them into little balls of metal, "And don't even think about pulling yourself out of that web unless you fancy breaking your legs. We clear?"

He nodded, oddly quiet now that their positions had been reversed. Gwen didn't exactly like doing these kinds of things, but a little scare was far better than beating him black and blue until he squealed.

Besides, the fall wouldn't be fatal...though she wasn't exaggerating the threat of broken legs. Thankfully no one had ever been dumb enough to try and prove her wrong.

"First things first, how did you know to use those speakers against me?" Nothing. Gwen's eyes narrowed, but Hobgoblin just continued to look at her with the same slack-jawed expression as before, "...Alright, silent treatment. Here's another question, then: How do you know about Harry Osborn? Who he is behind the mask isn't public knowledge." S.H.I.E.L.D definitely woudn't have wanted it outed that one of their agents had gone rogue.

Still nothing. Gwen felt her frustration well up until she saw him pointing one of his fingers towards his head, "...What are you doing?" she asked. He pointed at his head again, frantically shaking left and right, "...Are you talking about your mask?" That got her a nod. Lips pursed in suspicion, Gwen drew herself closer and grabbed the mask on his face and ripped it away with a sharp tug.

The face that greeted her didn't cause some grand revelation. It was a man, his features marking him as slightly under middle age with nothing distinct about him save the goatee on his shin and the snake tattoo on his neck.

What really caught her attention, however, was the thick roll of tape that covered his mouth.

"What the-"

"Caught on to my ruse, have you?" The voice was coming...from the mask? Gwen looked down and blinked when she saw the high-tech machine covering the other half of the mask's surface.

"Ruse? Who the hell is this guy?"

"What, you don't know? I'm disappointed." The voice let out a melodramatic sigh and clicked its tongue, "I told you before, my dear, that a good mastermind never puts all his cards on the table. Did you honestly think I spend all my time sitting in an office surrounded by the dregs of society? No, no. I'm far too busy to play nuresmaid to a bunch lowlifes 24 hours a day."

"Then...all this was a game? And who the fuck is this guy?" She threw a venomous glare at the bound 'Hobgoblin'. He may not have been who she was after, but he didn't seem to have a problem throwing bombs at her.

"Jason Macendale. Former U.S. Marine, dishonorably discharged and currently a petty thug and mercenary for hire. I needed to keep up appearances, you see, and what better way than to ensure that someone was keeping a seat warm for me? I had to keep him quiet, you understand, but he played his role admirably. It's a shame that he choked at the last second. Probably why he was discharged, in all honesty." He sighed, "Oh well, he's easily replaced."

"You're pretty smug considering I just stopped your plan." She looked down at the street below. People were crowding around, taking pictures of videos of the two of them while police cars made their way down the street to where they were. "Your plans are finished, Hobbie."

"Are they? What makes you think that?" He laughed again. Gwen really wished she could reach through the mask and punch his lights out, "Do you honestly think that this is my only endeavor. No, no, no, Spider-Woman. I'm a good businessman, and this is just one of my investments. I'd be a fool to put all my hopes into pathetic excuses like the so-called Menagerie or the incorrectly titled Sinister Six."

"...What do you mean?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you? This is just one of my plans, and the lowest one in the totem pole at that. All you've accomplished today, and all it will amount to is a speedbump. You haven't 'foiled my dastardly plot', my dear. Far from it, really. You've just lined up a new set of investors for me. You have my thanks, truly."

Gwen grit her teeth and nearly crushed the mask in her hands. Why was he telling her this? Why not give away the illusion that she'd beaten him and leave her clueless? Why expose himself at all? Was he just overconfident and wanted to taunt her or was it a trap like Murdock had been prone to do?

"Ah, but you don't have time for me or Mr. Macendale." The police were right below her now. She could just toss the rent-a-thug if she wanted, "A little piece of advice, Spider-Woman: I never create even a single business without having a way to ensure no trace is left back to me. You might wish to check on your friends...something tells me if you dawdle you won't have time to say your goodbyes."

That was the last thing he said before a burst of static overloaded the machinery and left the mask useless. Gwen scowled and nearly threw the mask away in her anger, but she managed to reign it in, 'It could be a clue...' She stuffed it into one of Webster's 'pockets' before she ripped off the tape covering Macenadale's mouth, "What did he mean by 'no trace'? Don't lie to me!"

"A-A bomb!" He stuttered out, his voice raspy, "Timer...set it off when you barged into the's strong enough to burn down the whole bar..."

"You son of a...!" She let out a frustrated growl and ripped him off the wall. It was so tempting to beat his face in, but she didn't have time to waste. Ignoring his panicked cries, she jumped onto the ground and landed with a crack on the asphalt, "This is the maniac who's been throwing bomb's everywhere." She dumped him in front of the gathered police officers.

Gwen ignored the civilians asking for photos or the police asking for details on what happened. Without missing a beat she broke into a swing and rushed back to the Hellhouse, praying and hoping that she wasn't too late and that just maybe both Macendale and his twisted boss were just lying to try and psyche her out. It wouldn't have been the first time someone called a dangerous bluff.

No such luck.

She'd barely landed in front of the hole the glider made previously before her spider-sense gave its telltale tingle and an explosion came from inside. Gwen threw her arms in front of her face, but it did little to shield her and she found herself being slammed against the wall by the force of the blast. It didn't hurt, but the physical pain really wasn't what she was focused on right now.

", no, no!" She pulled herself up shakily and gaped at wall of rubble that blocked the office (and Kate and Lana) from sight, "Shit! Fuck!" She swung to the entrance and grimaced. Macendale hadn't been lying; what little she could see of the inside showed nothing more than a fire spreading across everything sight and she felt the heat of the flames all the way from where she'd landed, "I...I have to-"

She'd taken only a single step before her body froze and the same overwhelming fear from before took over her. It was just like Ogre's mansion; everything inside her was screaming at her to run, to forget everyone else and save herself.

'Webster...we have to help them!' She grit her teeth and took another step forward. Every part of her body felt like it'd been weighed down by multiple tons of weight, 'I'm not abandoning them again!'

'The fire will kill us, Other!'

'It's a risk we have to take! Trust me!' She took another step, ignoring the rising pang of fear when saw the fire spreading more, 'Webster, please...we already ran away before. I don't want my friends to die.'

She didn't know if Webster had fully agreed with her, but her next few steps were lighter than before and she felt the all-consuming fear from before begin to ebb away. She found herself stopping at the entrance, Webster tightening its hold on her to an uncomfortable degree 'I won't let us die, Webster.

'Webster knows...'

She managed to push herself through the front door and instantly coughed at the smoke that wafted up her nostrils. Webster shivered all around her and bursts of pain ran down her body with every little ember that managed to so much as graze her, 'Ah, damn it! Why does it hurt so much!?' She pursed her lips and avoided the fire as best she could as she made her way to the Hobgoblin's room.

"Come on, come on!" She blinked at the sound of Eugene's voice. Stepping inside the room in a rush, she found Kate and Lana unconscious and pinned under the oversized desk while Eugene tried and failed to lift the heavy piece of wood, "Please, please, please-"


"Spider-Woman!" He stopped his attempts to lift the desk and looked back at her. Gwen could see one of the costume's eyes popping out of its socket, but apart from that he was in pretty good shape, "Good, you're here! I came in when I heard the explosions and-" Another blast came from overhead and he stumbled, "N-No time! Just help me lift this, alright!?"

"Right!" She knelt next to him and touched the heated desk. The dark fabric covering her fingers immediately retracted, the scalding hot wood burning her skin, "Fuck, that hurts! Son of a bitch!" She shut her eyes tightly and threw the desk off, her scalded hands immediately getting covered again now that the burning wood was far away from her, "I'll grab them both! Go!"

She grabbed the two unconscious heroes and waved Eugene to the entrance. Gwen followed suit and hissed when a stray lick of fire rushed past her shoulders, "Come on!" Eugene grabbed her arms and led her towards the exit. Gwen could do nothing but follow blindly, her eyes closed tightly from the pain she was experiencing. She heard Webster scream into her mind, and it took all she had to give some words of comfort to the symbiote.

'It's okay, Webster. We're going to make it.'

As soon as she felt the rushing wind of fresh air she jumped. Opening her eyes, she found herself falling towards the opposite building and she braced herself for a rough landing.

The impact wasn't as graceful as she liked, but considered she'd managed to shield Kate and Lana from the brunt of it she didn't have too many complaints, "Fuck..." She let go of her teammates as gently as she could before practically collapsing on her hands and knees, "Urk..." She pulled up the mask till it reached her nose and she vomited, tears and mucus running down her face even as she vacated her lunch.

Eventually she emptied out as much as she could and she finally stopped, her breaths shaky, "...Damn." She stood up shakily and gave a strained smile when Eugene walked towards her, his steps hesitant, 'Are you okay, Webster?'

'Alive...this is a victory, yes?'

'Absolutely...' She put her hands on her knees and panted, letting the cool night air relax her. She was just glad she managed to get everyone...wait, "There...There are people still inside." She mumbled. God only knew how many thugs and others were in there before it... "W-We have to-"

'No, Other. Cannot survive second trip.'

"We can't go back." Eugene shook his head, "T-The entire place collapsed a few seconds after we's a miracle we managed to get out at all."

"...Damn it." She shut her eyes tightly and lowered the mask to cover her entire face again. She could've comforted herself by saying that she did the best she could, that the people inside had attacked them and that they knew what they did, but it didn't help the growing pit in her least she managed to get Kate and Lana out. She could take some comfort in that, at least.

She turned back to the unconscious pair. Their breaths were shallow, but at least they were still kicking. She'd take whatever victory she could, "...She took a hard hit." She knelt by Kate's side and frowned at the burn that ran up the side of her face. It could have been worse - something she didn't want to think about, really - but it'd definitely leave a scar for a while.

"Her, too." Eugene took off his mask and gave the unconscious teen a pained look. Lana's coat was in tatters and the beginnings of a severe black eye peeked through the edges of the domino mask.

"...We need to get them somewhere safe." She took Kate in her arms and let Eugene handle Lana, "Come on...I know a place." With the Parkers under 24/7 watch from S.H.I.E.L.D she couldn't think of any other place to stash two unconscious heroes who needed medical care.

She could only hope the Parkers didn't mind a surprise visit after so long...

Hobgoblin - 1, Spider-Gwen - 0. Noir might have stolen Matt Murdock from her as an antagonist, so let's hope that Hobgoblin can pick up the slack and function as an equal to Jack-o-Lantern when it comes to antagonizing their respective heroes. Not as many reviews last chapter, but that's to be expected given the questions involved.

Anyway, more Gwenom weaknesses showcased. If she hadn't convinced Webster to trust her Kate, Eugene and Lana would have bit the big one :/ Also, once again we gotta give props to Frog-Man, showing that heroes don't need things like powers or special training to save people's lives ;) This guy just gets more and more awesome with every chapter, doesn't he?

One more thing. I just checked out Red Hood's intros/clash quotes in Injustice 2 and a bizarrely high number of people think Jason and Supergirl or even Powergirl would 'make a great couple' despite all their intros being various degrees of insulting and hostile. At this point I've learned to accept that people just like Opposites Attract and take it to logical extreme, hence the readers who argue for Noir and Gwen despite their tense interactions. I don't really get it, but I can accept it.

Up next: Noir and Jessica Jones traverse Muse's gallery of insanity and put a stop to the madman's latest masterpiece.


1. Follow up on the argument question from before, would you guys like it if I managed to make Noir and Gwen function cohesively without devolving into arguments? I'm actually thinking of them deciding to just quit arguing after their solo arcs here and make headway into 'agree to disagree' and letting the other do what they want within reason.

2. Another romance question, so once again answer only if you care about this stuff. Many people who review seem to either ignore or justify Peter's young age and pair him with older characters despite his youth. I just bite the bullet and give some justification that because he's emotionally mature none of the characters should dwell on it? Persona 5 did this with your 16 year old protagonist being able to romance multiple women in their 20's who have full blown careers while you're still in high school.
Also, just a personal question. I get less likes/comments the longer the story goes on. I can't tell if this is normal - e.g the same way you don't get as much readers as the first 3 chapters and/or readers are busy - or if I did something wrong that turned people off. If so, can anyone tell me what it is and I can see if I can correct it if possible. I can't help but think I did something wrong since even the average number has gone done by quite a bit.
Well, in my case I can tell you that the Story/Writing is still great to me!

My major reasoning for not replying as much as I'd like is twofold.
  1. I work for an A/C company and it's a California Summer... I've been really busy :cry: (I'm typing this on my lunch break)
  2. My favorite quest has been really active lately and eating up alot of my attention when I am able to type/respond.
Still... Sorry :oops:. I've been intending to go back and give my opinions on some of the topics you've raised but... reasons 1 & 2.

1. Follow up on the argument question from before, would you guys like it if I managed to make Noir and Gwen function cohesively without devolving into arguments? I'm actually thinking of them deciding to just quit arguing after their solo arcs here and make headway into 'agree to disagree' and letting the other do what they want within reason.
I wouldn't mind it, I just don't see how it would happen. It's not like you can just change the moral differences the two have without taking something away from the characters right?

And if you make it so that the consider each-other to be and exception... doesn't that make them hypocrites? IE It's okay for Noir to shoot someone but not Castle?


I just don't know how you'd resolve it. It's why I personally didn't mind the arguments that much. They made sense within the character's personalities.

2. Another romance question, so once again answer only if you care about this stuff. Many people who review seem to either ignore or justify Peter's young age and pair him with older characters despite his youth. I just bite the bullet and give some justification that because he's emotionally mature none of the characters should dwell on it? Persona 5 did this with your 16 year old protagonist being able to romance multiple women in their 20's who have full blown careers while you're still in high school.




Ahem... :oops:

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Age is just a number, and it's a line that has been crossed in Marvel before.

Thor and Jane Foster. Thor is an alien prince whose lifespan can be measured in centuries... Compared to that Jane is almost like a baby, yet nobody really cares.

Vision and Wanda. Vision's years can be counted in the single digits when he meets his future wife... No problem.

Now, you could make the argument that Noir and Cindy are both humans so it should be different. But why? Cindy is remarkably young at heart (and in appearance :p) so unless she is popping out her ID all over the place it shouldn't come up much. Noir is mistaken for someone older because of his voice mannerisms and attitude, and is older on the inside due to OG Noir's memories. So I'd say they balance out well enough.

TLDR, I don't think a 10 year or so age gap is a big deal, especially in fiction. Heck, I've know happily married couples with 7-8 year age differences who never got a second look, with some of them marrying young!

But that's just my opinion, and this is is YOUR story. Write whatever you're comfortable with, and if folks can't deal with that well... good riddance :p.

Now it's back to work for me ;)
Last edited:
Well, in my case I can tell you that the Story/Writing is still great to me!

My major reasoning for not replying as much as I'd like is twofold.
  1. I work for an A/C company and it's a California Summer... I've been really busy :cry: (I'm typing this on my lunch break)
  2. My favorite quest has been really active lately and eating up alot of my attention when I am able to type/respond.
Still... Sorry :oops:. I've been intending to go back and give my opinions on some of the topics you've raised but... reasons 1 & 2.

Ah...sorry for taking up your time then.

I wouldn't mind it, I just don't see how it would happen. It's not like you can just change the moral differences the two have without taking something away from the characters right?

And if you make it so that the consider each-other to be and exception... doesn't that make them hypocrites? IE It's okay for Noir to shoot someone but not Castle?


I just don't know how you'd resolve it. It's why I personally didn't mind the arguments that much. They made sense within the character's personalities.

It's less them suddenly finding no problems with one another and more agree to disagree, as I've said before. So long as neither of them bring up the topic they won't get into a spat and they'll stay mum around the other. This is within reason, of course: Gwen won't take Noir executing someone in front off here, but she will allow beat down interrogations provided they don't go into extremes.

Also, they kind of are hypocrites; remember Harry? Noir calls Gwen a hypocrite for moralizing to him while letting Harry run free while Gwen (though not verbally) chides Noir for getting pissed at her considering he hangs around deranged psychopaths like Bullseye and Punisher; the latter of whom attacked her and her father. The fact that Martha Connors died just sours



But that's just my opinion, and this is is YOUR story. Write whatever you're comfortable with, and if folks can't deal with that well... good riddance :p.

Now it's back to work for me ;)

Cindy might not advertise her ID, but most of the people she knows in Earth-65 are well-aware of her age and they damn well would frown on her getting together with a teenager. For example: She mentioned planning to visit her counterpart's family and we know in canon that her Earth-65 parents are distant towards her due to 65-Cindy being an evil knob-end. Do you really think they're going to be happy when their supposed daughter comes for reconciliation while ostensibly together with a barely legal adult a decade her junior who's the same age or possibly even younger than her little brother? They'd blow their tops.

Also, Noir's only mistaken for being older only when he's masked because no one can tell what he looks like. Outside of that everyone can tell he's a teenager; Kate and Lana act surprised when they realized he wasn't middle aged and Norah teased him about the fact that he didn't look old enough to drink beer. Even having Noir's memories doesn't excuse it since the original Noir himself was 18 when he got shifted and the memory/soul transfer chunked out the 5 year interim for the most part.

With regards to the Jane Foster and Vision problem: People have certain standards. An immortal can romance an adult, but they can't romance a child without it looking ghastly. Also in Vision's case he was born an adult, meaning human standards can't apply to him. Noir himself is just overtly cynical, but grew up naturally as a human being does.

The fact that he's male also complicates things; society tends to be less judgy towards Older Female/Younger Male pairings. Look how many complaints Spider-Gwen got with her 'romance' with Miles while with the same breath those same people pair her with 616 Peter, who has to be pushing or past 30 at this point. Some say it's because Miles is underage, but New York law actually allows a 2-3 year age difference so it's not a legal issue either...

Though, I'm curious why you pair them together. I mean you already told me some similarities like being dated due to bunker/dimensional transfer and the whole rescue thing, but have their current interactions in the fic given any indication or teasing romance at all? I wrote Cindy as being Noir's best friend, often the same way I wrote his interactions with Lana; the two are comfortable living in the same space and Lana has no compunctions leaving her unmentionables just hanging around, but they're not a couple. Peter and Cindy are simply comfortable with one another due to shared experiences and he trusts her enough that he doesn't flinch away despite her sharing the same face as the woman who went Mengele on his ass.
Chapter 59
I've been reading up on the alternative Spider-Man titles to get some inspiration. The new Spectacular Spider-Man 2017 comic is interesting, if only cause they re-introduce the sub-plot of Peter Parker having a sister :D Really interested to see where that goes.

Also, Venom-Verse is apparently a thing (cause Spider-Verse was memorable, if nothing else) and it's no coincidence that in both Spider-Gwen and Renew your Vows, Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane have either bonded to their symbiotes or they're leading up to it. It'll be interesting to see how these two function in the Spider-Verse sequel, especially since neither of them willingly bonded with their suit given the stories we've been given.

I already read through most of the Mary Jane novel. It's...interesting; certainly never thought a Spider-Man book would focus on issues such as anorexia, peer pressure, drug intake and various other 'very special episode' issues. I've got about 64 pages left, but I'm not holding my breath since Uncle Ben just died and they're still on said issues. I'm debating on whether to trudge through the sequel since it apparently introduces Gwen Stacy into the fold.

Speaking of Venom-Verse again, my friend suggested I (at least temporarily) give Noir access to a symbiote suit to really live up to the M rating. I have no clue how he thinks I can pull that off considering Peter's explicitly shown to reject Venom during their brief contact, but whatever. We'll see, I guess.

Chapter 59: A Man with a Mask

Peter awoke to the stench of blood.

Ever since he'd been trapped in this asylum he had a tendency of getting in over his head. Back home - or at least the home he remembered - most of the time he just had to deal with the thugs who thought they were untouchable. Enough money and a bunch of greased palms and every two-bit chump thought that they could get away with whatever depravity their shriveled little minds could think up.

And then of course there were the freakshows. Vulture and Osborn were just the tip of the iceberg - There were the 'X-Men', Xavier's little group of sociopaths who thought they were the next stage in human evolution; that bastard Tombstone who had skin hard enough that it felt like punching a brick wall; the Russian broad who grafted a pair of knockers onto his chest after a train accident; and of course there was Brock, the insane voodoo shaman who drank the venom from the same spider that cursed him.

Still, all of them paled in comparison to the 'Supervillains' that festered in this place like a damn disease. It seemed like he couldn't go a single day without finding some new clown in a costume scurrying out of the woodwork like a rat. Peter thought the point of criminal endeavors was to get what you wanted without working so hard for it, but these clowns were just making their lives harder by putting targets on their foreheads.

...But hell, what did it say about him that he'd gotten caught in one of their snares?

Groaning softly, Peter twitched and opened his eyes only to be met with the sight of a dark room, the shadows dark enough to blind him to the interior despite his abilities, "Urgh..." He blinked and looked up to his left. His hand was chained to a pipe hanging high above his head, thin drops of water running down the rusted metal onto his bloody fingers.

Drip, drip, drip...the sound of the constant drops smacking against the cold floor drove him up the wall. It didn't help that his body couldn't make up its damn mind; one second he felt numb, like he'd taken an extra strong dose of morphine, and the next everything was amplified and he could hear every slap of water on the concrete like was an explosion going off next to his ear. The only consistent thing was the feeling of the tight metal clamped around his left wrist.

"This is your fault, you know."

Looking up weakly, Peter gave a withering glare to the specter that stood in front of him. Twice he'd seen the thing now...he probably should've been scared that he was going insane, but he'd passed that worry a long time ago. Even before he got trapped in this madhouse his sanity had already begun to take a nosedive after the things he'd seen and done, the dead bodies he left behind without a second thought.

...No, it happened even before he got bitten that night at the docks. Finding his uncle's mutilated body had sent him on downward spiral. It would've been one thing to find him shot; at least then Uncle Ben would've retained some sense dignity. Instead he found him with his guts hanging out and a frozen look of horror on his face. He thought Osborn had set dogs on him...he would've preferred that to the truth.

Finding out Urich was a junkie that was under Osborn's thumb and that he'd taken pictures of Uncle Ben's death was the last straw for him. Urich, someone he thought he could trust, someone who he thought was his friend, was there when his uncle died and he didn't do a damn thing about it. It made attending his funeral a twisted affair. Half of him mourned the friend he grew to look up to while the other thought it was karma come for its due.

"You should've left well enough alone, kid. Now you're going to die here."

He didn't bother saying anything back. What was the point? It seemed like everyone around him thought they knew what was best for him more than he himself did. Gwen, May and Ben Parker, those Spooks who held his even the voices inside his head. At the rate he was going it wouldn't be too long before the 'original' came back to tell him off, too.

Ignoring the specter entirely, he focused instead on the only other occupant in the room. Through the darkness he just barely made out Jones with her back to him, knuckles and feet beating against the thick metal door that kept them confined. Every hit left more and more traces of blood on the dark metal, but whether she even noticed he didn't know. Considering his body felt numb and unresponsive half the time it wouldn't have surprised him if she just didn't feel her knuckles turning into paste.

'Gotta get out...' He sat up straighter and gave a muffled hiss when he suddenly felt a rush of pain at his right side. Looking down, Peter grimaced when he caught sight of the intravenous drip embedded into his right hand, the see-through wire siphoning out a torrent of blood and feeding it into an overflowing can of paint.

It was strange, even for this place...

Biting his tongue to keep from screaming, he pulled his left hand down and snapped the cuffs in half, leaving the small chains to dangle from his wrists with a constant droning click. That done he pulled the drip off with a soft growl of pain and let it fall to the puddle of extra blood that had pooled at his side. Even at a single glance he could tell he'd lost an unhealthy amount of blood, but there wasn't time for a nap.

"Ah..." He ejected a small burst of webbing and covered his right hand, wrapping the limb in a tight blanket of dark silk. It wouldn't last him for too long, but it'd get the job done till he got out of...wherever the hell this place was, '...No time to waste.' He grabbed the grimy walls with both hands and pulled himself up, ignoring the the agonizing sting that ran down the right side of his stomach.

The warmth of the blood rushing through his shirt was almost comforting considering everything else. Sucking in a deep breath, he raised his shirt and sprayed the gaping wound with a thick net of webbing. Evidently this artist had taken his pound of flesh; at least it wasn't close to his heart. He didn't fancy fighting a shyster, and he sure as hell didn't owe any debts.

Taking one last deep breath to steady himself, he walked to where Jones was pounding on the door. The private investigator finally stopped her ceaseless attacks and turned back to look at him, her expression morphed into a scowl, "...You're alive."

"Yeah...thanks for the help." He gave her a wry smile and eyed her bloodied knuckles. How long had she been trying to batter the door down? The traces of blood on the dull surface were numerous and he could see the metal bending in various spots. It shouldn't have taken much longer, though he doubted her hands would survive much more, "...Don't your hands hurt?"

"Half the time, but I can look at it later." She threw a kick at the door, the metal twisting with an ear-splitting groan before it suddenly cut off and his eyesight dimmed. Whoever this bastard was he was going to make him pay for playing havoc with his senses, "-ar me?" Jones' voice came back suddenly, his eyesight returning just as quickly.

"...Could you repeat that?" Peter shook his head. He had to focus...

"I said help me with this." She nudged her head to the door, "Dunno what this 'Van Gore' prick used to trap us here, but the metal's thick. With the both of us we might be able to get out of this shithole."

"Fine...but don't expect too much. I'm not like Gwen."

His thoughts drifted back to his unexpected partner (in more ways than one) despite his best efforts. The two of them hadn't said a word to one another when they met back in Jones' office. What was he supposed to say? That he blamed her for Martha Connors dying and her son becoming an orphan now that 'The Lizard' was trapped in one of the Spook's prison cells? He'd gotten tired of their arguments.

Peter shook his head and rammed his shoulder on the door again. What was the point of worrying about her? She was the hero of the city. Everyone in this madhouse loved her and he couldn't go a single block without some billboard or ad singing her praises. She probably didn't care what a vigilante that half this damn city hated thought about her.

It took the better half of 10 minutes before the door finally came off its hinges with a dull thud. Both Peter and Jones took a moment to stop, the former holding onto his side while the latter wiped her bloodied knuckles on her jacket, "...That wasn't normal steel. Someone put a lot of money into this place," Jones said, Peter giving a subtle nod in response, "Can you move? We need to keep going."

"I've had worse." Little miss lightning bolt came to mind immediately, though he shook the images off. The last thing he needed was thinking about that crazy broad, "Right hand hurts and the bastard took out a chunk of my stomach...he take anything from you?"

"Yeah..." She didn't say anything more, but judging by the splotches of blood where her breasts were he had the feeling it wasn't pleasant. Jones crossed her arms in front of her chest and grimaced, "I guess we're lucky he didn't just slit our goddamn throats."

"You and me got the same definition of lucky, Jones." He gave her another wry smile and raised his left hand to touch his face. Right at that moment he could barely feel the clammy skin, but it was definitely clear that his face was bare, "Fuck..." Jones gave him a wary look, "...Gimme your scarf."


Despite her words she'd already offered the blood-spattered piece of gray cloth. Peter took it without a word and wrapped it around the lower half of his face, pulling up the hood of his jacket to cover up as much as it could, "Need a mask..." He winced. It smelled like sweat and blood, but he didn't expect to be able to notice it for long. It'd be a miracle if he could smell anything by the next minute.

"...You look like an idiot."

"It's your scarf." He scoffed.

If the room they were in was barren the hallway outside was the complete opposite. It still contained the same rusted walls and the floor was drenched in flecks of blood and other fluids that he didn't want to think about, but the walls were filled with numerous 'paintings' that reminded him of the monstrosity he'd seen back at the warehouse. Canvases filled with blood, garish shapes shaped crudely like was like an infant's first attempts at fingerpainting.

Jessica grimaced, ignoring the pain that ran down her knuckles and toes. Every step was a struggle, but the thought of Trish being in this madman's grasp kept her from stopping. All of this was wrong. Her senses came and went; one second she thought she'd been rendered blind, deaf and dumb and the next everything was clear and she could see every single splatter of blood on the walls.

It reminded her of her time under that old bastard Kilgrave. Moments of clarity, close enough that for a brief second she thought that she could be free, before it was suddenly yanked away and she was put under the haze again. At least now she still had her free will.

Her gaze shifted to her 'partner'. She hated to admit it but she found his presence comforting. They weren't friends, but having someone to watch her back was a relief, especially since she thought he'd died earlier in that room.

Peter stopped in front of one of the paintings, "...This look familiar, Jones?" He nudged his head to the painting and frowned at her strained nod. It was hard to make out because of the blood and chaotic shapes, but he definitely saw the shape of a devil in a business suit, a wide smile on its face while everyone and everything around it burned in hellfire.

Either their mystery artist was a fan or Murdock made a commission.

"Guess I shouldn't be surprised..." Jessica scowled and tore the painting down with a frustrated breath. The 'Devil of Hell's Kitchen' was a figure well-known to everyone who even had an inkling on who really ran the city, "He's probably the reason for that reinforced door..." It wasn't Vibranium, at least not purely, but a door strong enough to keep her contained would've been rare. Someone like Murdock could've gotten it easily, and for all his proclamations about being the lesser evil she knew he would make a deal with anyone that paid.

Kilgrave was more than enough proof of that.

"Didn't think he was into this kind of thing." Spider-Man muttered. She had no idea what the vigilante's beef was with the city's most crooked lawyer, but there was clearly some bad blood there, "...Come on, let's go."

Nodding, Jessica barely managed two more steps before her senses went into overdrive and she stopped. Spider-Man looked back and gave her a worried look before she suddenly bent over and vomited. He stepped back slightly at the suddenness of it, but she continued to expel whatever food she could before her senses numbed again and her sickness suddenly abated.

A uncomfortable quiet settled over the pair. Jessica closed her eyes and pushed herself off the wall, managing a few more steps before she sat with her back against the wall with her eyes shut tight, 'Damn it...' She thought she could keep it under control. She could keep going during a monstrous hangover, so why not this?

"...What's the matter with you?" Peter looked down at the private investigator through narrowed eyes. It wasn't trauma, and it wasn't because she had a weak stomach; she didn't even look twice at the paintings or various grotesque works of 'art' that littered the halls.

"It's nothing." She shook her head frantically, "Just...nothing."

"Cut the act, Jones." He sighed and ignored the scathing glare she gave him, "We don't have to be friends, but while we're in this demented gallery we need to be able to work together. If you're dealing with a hangover then say so. And don't bother lying; I can tell." If she was then it would've complicated things, but he'd dealt with worse. Least she knew not to walk into the obvious tripwires like Lana had.

"Hah, if only. A hangover would be easy..." She looked up and gave him a bitter smile, bloody hands clenched tightly, "...I'm pregnant."

...Son of a bitch.

Peter didn't say anything. What could he say? This wasn't the time or the place for congratulations or warnings about diet and proper behavior for someone carrying a kid. Instead a brought his hand over his face and took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down, 'Pregnant...' It almost made him laugh. Everything that happened today - The fight at the penthouse, the electrocution at the club and finally beating her knuckles raw at that door...she did it all while she was carrying someone's kid.

"God damn it, Jones-"

"This doesn't change anything." She let out a strained breath and pulled herself up, "We have to-"

"That kid's probably dead, Jones!" Peter hissed. He had no idea why he cared so much; it didn't concern him and this wasn't the situation where pregnancy would've been the first thing on his mind, "Do you realize that? Everything that's happened to us'll be lucky if there aren't chunks of that thing in your vomit!"

"I'll deal with it if it comes to to that. It's none of your business." She gave him her usual scowl and let out a soft, frustrated growl, "I don't think you understand, Spider-Man. My sister was taken by that bastard and for all I know she could be dead. I only told you because you're right; we need each other. Just help me get my sister and everyone else this bastard took. Then you can call me out on how much a shitty mom I would've been."

A part of him was tempted to keep arguing, but the rational half of his mind reminded him that she was right. The middle of this twisted gallery wasn't the time of lectures...and it wasn't his place anyway.

Still, they'd barely taken first steps again before he opened his big mouth.

"...Whose kid is it?"

Jones gave him an aside glance and kept walking. He thought that she would've kept quiet or told him that it was none of his business, but as they turned the hall she suddenly spoke, "It's George's..." she mumbled, her voice so soft that even if his senses hadn't been crippled he would've had a hard time hearing her, "He doesn't know...and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it, so I thought it was better that I didn't tell him."

George hindsight he shouldn't have been surprised, but right at that moment he could only let out a single, wry laugh. 'Captain' Stacy and Gwen didn't know; if they did he doubted they would've let Jones out of their sight. Even now he had to admit getting Gwen's help wouldn't have been the worst thing he could wish for. At least she would've been motivated for her possible younger brother or sister.

The rest of their walk was spent in complete silence, the only sound between them being the clicking of boots and the clinking of the chains dangling from his cuffs. It was annoying, but it helped him keep focus. A constant in a place where his senses were in a chaotic flux.

Eventually they managed to reach the end of the winding hall and came face to face with a door that looked similar to the one that kept them caged. Peter twisted the knob and blinked when it gave no resistance, "...It's unlocked." He and Jones shared a single look and nod. This was the only door; either their 'artist' was one the other side or his victims were. Either way they had to brace themselves.

Peter took a deep breath and pushed the door open, charging into the room only to find...nothing. No mad artist, and no kidnapped people either. What he saw instead made him wish he had a sudden onset bout of amnesia.

He'd seen the bastard's works before: A canvas lit up with blood or severed finger left on the floor like a piece of dirt. Gruesome, but it was nothing compared to the macabre displays spread around the 'studio'.

Hanging from strings on the ceiling were heads, brains and hearts, the various lengths of rope leaving them to either hang above far above his head or dangle low enough to meet him face to face, "What...?" He reached out a gloved hand and touched a finger to the closest hanging head. He desperately wanted to pretend that it was a prop, that perhaps it was just a twisted hallucination like he'd been getting recently.

The skin was cold and rough like leather, but the expression on its face, the abject agony stuck at that moment...he'd seen it before and knew that it was impossible to replicate completely.

Stepping back, Peter walked over to the next morbid display. The next one almost gave a facsimile of being normal. A family gathered around a table, a father, a son and a daughter sitting around the table while the mother cut into a rotting piece of meat at the center. Again he was tempted to pretend what he was seeing was different, but he knew what it was: Innocent people hollowed out and stuffed, forced to become statues for some madman's amusement.

'...He's going to pay for this.' He took the kitchen knife the facsimile of a housewife held, his eyes catching sight of the hollowed out sockets and wide smile the poor woman had been forced to give. Peter looked down at the dried blood coating the knife and growled. After this he was going to go back to that cult of his and make sure every single one of them paid for what happened here.

Off to the side, Jessica looked up at the slab of cement that leaned against the wall, her mouth parted open slightly. Frozen on the surface she made out a screaming figure, his mouth frozen open while his limbs were stuck to the cement in an angle that would've left it irreversibly broken had he still been alive. This was just one of them, the others...her eyes scanned the rest of the room. How many must have died for this?

...She had to find Trish. Now.

Peter was about to follow Jones out of the room before he heard it. The soft inhale and exhale of someone unfamiliar followed the soft clicking of metal against brick. It was only for a split second, but he knew what he'd heard.

The artist himself was finally here.

Peter looked up and caught sight of a black and white blur that crawled its way through the ceiling. Without thinking twice he grabbed Jones by the arm and pulled her back.

And none too soon. It took only a second before knives came from the ceiling and embedded themselves where the private investigator was just standing, the metal cutting through the concrete with disturbing ease. Jones' eyes widened and she turned to the source of the attack, but he was already gone.

"What the-"

"Hmm...guests. I wasn't prepared for company." Peter scowled and tightened his grip on the bloody blade. The bastard's voice echoed all around them; he couldn't pinpoint where he was coming from, "This embarrassing, it truly is. Don't you know it's bad luck to interrupt an artist before he finishes his next work? You've tainted my masterpiece."

Peter heard Jones let out a frustrated call, but he ignored it. The mad artist was around here somewhere, he just had to pintpoint where...easier said than done considering he was half blind at this point.

"Ah, another critic. How disappointing." His spider-sense gave a weak blare and he ducked, forcing Jones down with him and barely avoiding the next wave of knives aimed at their heads, "I suppose you think you can do better, that creating works of art is easy.

He was getting closer.

"...Keep him talking, Jones," Peter mumbled.

"I don't care about any of that! Just give me my sister back, you sick fuck!"

"Sister? Hm..." The clicking stopped. He'd fallen from the ceiling, "I think you'e mistaken. Raven hair, ivory skin...I would remember if I took someone who shared your features. Ah, but you would make the perfect model! Both of you! People who suffer extreme pain and yet choose to keep pushing onward. It's inspiring, truly. The only question remains, then, is that I can make out of you both."

He was on a tangent now. Peter could hear his voice rising, slowly but surely giving away his position.

"There's this mystique about art. A shared fiction, if you will. An artist presents a piece to the world in its finished form, and pretends that it simply appeared that way, effortlessly birthed from his genius."

Peter could hear his footsteps.

"Both artist and audience prefer to believe that's the truth. It's nice to think that the really good creators have some direct connection to the divine. But it's a lie."

Peter could hear his breaths.

"In reality, it's hours and hours of missteps, frustration, and bad ideas that get sliced away to reveal some kind of truth. It's never easy. In's agony."

Behind him, his spider-sense blared.

Moving on instinct, Peter turned and drew up the knife as hard as he could through the wall of flesh that met it. Van Gore's tangent stopped and he stumbled back, a deep gash running across the length of his chest, "Hah...clever..." The blood seeped out, mixing with the dried crimson that already stained his white disguise, "I should've known my disciples would pick good sacrifices."

He and Jones tried to press the attack, but again they found their senses dulled. Peter nearly stumbled to the ground at the sudden blindness that gripped him while Jones fell on her knees, her breaths shallow and faint.

"I'm afraid our time together is over."

Rapid footsteps retreating. He was trying to escape, "No..." Peter forced himself up and grabbed Jones' wrist, "Get up, he's getting away." Shadows danced at the corners of his vision, but he ignored them. Follow his instincts, his spider-sense...they'd never failed him before and they wouldn't now.

Footsteps to the right. He didn't know if Jones followed him or not, but he charged to the source and almost stumbled through the ajar door that met him, "Jones, hurry!" His footsteps were growing faint. Gritting his teeth, he continued to let his spider-sense guide him, sometimes stopping just inches from a wall or window before it warned him of the danger. He'd never relied on his sixth sense to such an extreme before, but it was better than the alternative.

He rounded the corner and finally caught sight of the madman. The bastard looked like nothing more than a blob of white against the overwhelming shadows, but Peter refused to turn his gaze for even a second no matter how much his eyes begged for release.

Peter charged and tackled him to the ground. He heard the sound of something snapping followed by scratching at the concrete, "You aren't supposed to be able to see!" Bladed fingers scratched at the right side of his face before a kick was delivered to his stomach, strong enough to launch him through the air and through a nearby doorway.

His senses came back all at once, though he almost wished they hadn't. Picking himself up, he raised his head and gasped at the sight above him: Numerous bodies hanging from the ceiling, all of them with numerous wounds around their bodies dripping blood into the assorted paint cans below. Most of them were dead - he didn't need enhanced senses to tell him that - but a few of them were still breathing.

Peter looked down at his hands. Covered in a thick blanket of blood after the paint cans spilled on him during his unexpected crash. With his senses back the stench of copper in the air was almost overwhelming and he felt like vomiting.

"My've spoiled them...!" Van Gore picked himself up, his voice finally losing the cool edge he'd sported previously, "All of my work is ruined...!"

Peter didn't say anything. Ignoring the agonizing stings from the cuts running down his face he charged towards the madman and tackled him through the window.

Shard of glass cut through them both before the rush of cold air met them. The fall wasn't steep by any means, but Van Gore crashing on his back with him on top was no doubt painful, "Bastard!" As soon as they'd landed on the ground Peter brought both fists down on the monster's face and didn't stop. He was vaguely aware that it was raining and that the sounds of sirens drew closer with every second that passed, but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was make the monster pay for what he'd done.

The bastard didn't fight back. Peter barely heard him mutter a 'You win' before he smashed his hands on the masked face once again. It was a miracle Van Gore could still talk at all given how much blood had pooled and spread all over his mask with every hit, but it didn't matter to him. He wasn't going to stop until he was-

"Spider-Man, that's enough!"

The commanding voice cut through the haze. Looking up, Peter only managed a single blink before a wave of spotlights lit the place place up like it was the 4th of July. Raising a hand to block the bright lights, he just barely made out Page standing there with an umbrella in her hands, her posture confident. It likely had something to do with the fact that she was surrounded by what looked like a mix of reporters and police officers.

He was tempted to go back to cathartic beatdown before Page spoke up again, "Spider-Man, that's enough," she repeated. Without a single hint of hesitation she grabbed his wrist and pulled him up, giving him a brief reprieve from the rain before he pushed her off, "He's beaten, already. We're here to arrest him."

"...You didn't see what he did in there. You don't know what he can do." Peter shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. The cold rain was almost a relief, and it was calming having the thick covers of blood being washed away by the torrent of water, "He deserves to die."

"Perhaps, but that's not your decision." She gave a nod to the assembled police officers and a couple of them pulled the bastard up to his feet. Last he checked prosecturs weren't supposed to be able to cops around, "I'm aware of his abilities and I contacted someone who can deal with him." She offered him a phone - his phone - and gave a clipped smile when he took it back, "I found it in the club. You really should be more careful of your things."

"Very funny..." He pushed past her and stood face to face with Van Gore. Despite his hands being bound behind his back by a pair of thick cuffs and how torn his mask looked he stood tall and proud.

"I'm sorry you couldn't get the resolution you wanted," he said, his voice returning to the same confident drawl he once had, "It's a shame. Our meeting was short, but I'll always remember. An artist never forgets a source of inspiration."

"Why did you do all this?" He needed an answer, some sort of justification. Anything.

"Weren't you listening before?" The bastard tilted his head to the side mockingly, "Art requires suffering, and what better way to get that than with human help? It's a shame you stopped me; I was only halfway to completing my next masterpiece-"

Peter's hand lashed out before he could stop himself, bloody fingers grabbing the mad artist by the scruff of his neck and pulling him close. Just barely he heard the two closest police officers bark out an order, "Drop it!" They unholstered their guns and pointed it straight at him. At this range it'd be hard for them to miss, powers or no, "Drop him, freak! We're not asking twice!"

Freak...after everything this sick bastard had done he was the freak? Peter didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Eventually he loosened the vice grip he had on his neck and let him go, "Fine...defend this madman if you want." He wasn't going to argue with the padfoots in this place. No point to it.

"Hmm, the raw emotion you have is...enrapturing." The bastard laughed. Peter was tempted to take his chances again, coppers or no, "...Alright then, I suppose I can give you a parting gift. It'll look better for the story, anyway."

He didn't get a chance to ask what he meant before he raised his hand and, with disturbing precision, cracked his thumb and twisted it at a sickening angle. Without missing a beat he did the same to the rest of his fingers, twisted and breaking till each of the fingers on his right hand were near-irreversibly broken. The police at his side turned away, as did many of the reporters and cameramen.

He didn't scream at all.

"There, I hope that was satisfactory to you." He lowered his hands and let out that serene laugh again, "That is what you were going to do, right? Make sure that I couldn't create art ever again? Don't worry, happy to do it. No sense in you getting shot after everything that's happened, after all."

"You son of a..." He wanted to wipe that smug voice off and make him scream, "...Who are you?

Peter didn't know what he expected to find when he pulled off the mask, but he was left almost disappointed by what he found underneath. Past the injuries and missing teeth he looked normal; some would say handsome or even angelic given his features. His blond hair was matted by fresh blood and his light blue eyes stared back at him passively like all was right with the world.

"Just a man with a mask."

He gave him a satisfied laugh and let himself be dragged back to the car. Even now Peter was tempted to cave his skull in, damn the reporters and police officers surrounding him. Instead he took a deep breath and turned around, making his way back to the other side of the building. He half-expected the footpads to try and arrest him too or the reporters to try and follow to pin the blame on him, but another wave of her hand and he and Page were walking alone.

Definitely not just a prosecutor, then.

"...How did you find us?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"I put a tracking device on Jessica," she said, seemingly uncaring, "It nearly broke down when it received a large burst of electricity, but thankfully it held up long enough to lead us back to this place." She let out a soft breath, "The people at the club proved uncooperative when we questioned them, though we have enough to put most of them where they belong. They won't be out on the streets again."

"So we were bait..." He wasn't surprised. Prosecutors or lawyers; regardless of which he never really had good experiences with them. At least she took care of those crazies back in the cult house.

"Yes. Sorry about that." She gave him the same clipped smile from before, "I thought using Spider-Man and Jessica Jones would've been safer than putting in an undercover officer or, God help me, an innocent civilian. I knew with your gifts that you'd be able to survive and, if I was lucky, you would've taken down Frost all on your own. I dare say it was a success, though you did nearly kill him."


"Hm? Oh, yes. His name is Richard Frost; brother to someone who has very high reach in certain circles. I recognized him as soon you took off his mask." She twirled the umbrella around, a ghost of a laugh playing at her lips, "I don't know what caused him to go insane, but this is another lucky break, actually. I can push his sister Emma for a favor now that her brother's been exposed as a madman."

"...Do you even care about your niece?" His spider-sense hadn't blared before, but some lies were almost inseperable from the truth.

"Of course I do, but I can't ignore the opportunity in front of me." They stopped at the entrance, "Like I said before, I'm in opposition to Matt Murdock. Keeping up with him without taking every advantage I could get would be suicidal."

"Speaking of, you might wanna check one of the paintings inside. I think Murdock's got his finger in this pot, too." The madman being rich and connected certainly would've explained it. That and those yahoos at the club...

"I'm not surprised. Despite Matt's arguments on being the lesser evil there's no low he won't sink to if it means getting just a little bit more power and influence. I'm sure the Frost name was far too tempting for someone like him." Peter rolled his eyes. Pretty rich coming from the dame who was already thinking of how she could bank on it, "You seem to know a lot about him. That's something we have in common."

"Something tells me you're about to make me an offer."

"Very intuitive." She offered him a card, which he took after a moment of hesitation, "I have no idea why you're in conflict with Matt, and honestly I don't care. Someone with your abilities would be useful. We can help each other, Spider-Man. We both want Matt taken down and we can do things the others aren't capable of. I'm no fighter, and you're no politician. Think about it; you have nothing to lose."

Peter was about to say something before the door opened with a loud crash. Looking up he found Jones walking down the steps unsteadily and carrying a blonde woman in her arms. He couldn't see much since she'd used her jacket as a makeshift blanket to cover her from view, but the slight movements at her shoulders indicated that she was at least still breathing.

Page was the one who spoke first, "I see you've found your sister." She looked at the unconscious woman with a hint of fondness, "Did you find my niece or anyone else?"

"Yeah, they were in that room hanging upside down. I freed them, but they need medication attention." Jones shifted her sister's position in her arms and frowned. She must have seen Frost's arrest if she found the room, "So does Trish...he took one of her fingers." She shut her eyes tightly and grit her teeth, "That bastard has to pay."

"I understand." Page nodded, "Leave her here with me. I'll make sure she and everyone else still alive will get the treatment they need."

"Not gonna happen." Jones shook her head, "Tell me where the ambulances are and I'll take her there myself."

"Unless you want to be put under intensive questioning, I don't recommend it," Page said, lips curling down in a frown, "Spider-Man is a known vigilante, Jessica, but if you out yourself as being part of this disaster then you're going to have to answer some uncomfortable questions. Let me take care of her; I can make sure her name isn't on the record and that your involvement in this isn't broadcast."

Jones looked at her sister's sleeping face for a few seconds before she sighed, "...Fuck. Fine." She placed the other woman as gently as she could on the steps and crossed her now-bare arms, "You call me as soon as I can visit her. You hear me, Page?"

"Of course, Jessica." Page squeezed her arm gently and waved them off.

Peter gave one last look to the card she gave him before stuffing it into his pocket. He didn't trust her, but he couldn't exactly afford to be picky. Right now all he wanted to do was forget this day ever happened...

Pretty short, just a little over 6.4k, but it makes sense: Muse has no henchmen unlike Jack-o-Lantern and despite being a decent combatant he ran away when Daredevil found his base in canon, so he probably just knows when to cut his losses.

Anyway, like I said this chapter was cut short due to streamlining the story. Originally Muse was supposed to escape, leading to Noir and Jessica to free the hostages and find clues in the hideout which inevitably led them to the Hellfire Club and one of it's most prestigious members, Emma Frost. Besides introducing the HC it also gave Noir a friend/enemy in Emma since she was opposed to Murdock on 'business' terms.

This was chunked out in favor of Noir stopping Muse right then and there with Karen Page being his ally instead, along with her meeting Frost off-screen rather than it being on the forefront. It's probably for the best - Peter's already bloated with too many enemies in the Rogues Gallery and the alternate plan (making her an enemy of Jessica) wouldn't accomplish anything since Jones isn't a main character. Same reason we don't see Jigsaw fighting Punisher, for example.

Also, a slightly embarrassing confession; this chapter's actually a day late since I was debating whether to put this and the epilogue in the same place or not. I eventually decided this was big enough to stand on its own, especially after tips online suggesting 5k-7k was a sweet spot for most chapters. I'll post the next chapter in a while, since some reviewers have complained my update rate gives them no chance to read.

No questions this time. I want you guys to tell me what you thought of the chapter, especially since I don't feel like I lived up to the M rating and might turn it back down to T. The last time I tried this I got less reviews, but I'm nothing if not an optimist. Also, don't be shy in giving suggestions on how you think the story would be better :)
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Decent chapter, glad I finally caught back up.

Still seemes like Pete is the more heroic and pro active of the protagonists, though the venom stuff for Gwen is getting interesting.

Getting the symbiote on to Pete might give them parity on powers, and possibly be a way to tie up the lizard serum in his blood thing, unless that is meant to go some where, as well as mitigate the fact he seems to get his ass kicked on the regs.

Right now on Gwen it just seems to be hanging out and occasionally doing something to freak her out.

Really glad to see that this is still going strong though.
Decent chapter, glad I finally caught back up.

Still seemes like Pete is the more heroic and pro active of the protagonists, though the venom stuff for Gwen is getting interesting.

Getting the symbiote on to Pete might give them parity on powers, and possibly be a way to tie up the lizard serum in his blood thing, unless that is meant to go some where, as well as mitigate the fact he seems to get his ass kicked on the regs.

Right now on Gwen it just seems to be hanging out and occasionally doing something to freak her out.

Really glad to see that this is still going strong though.

What makes Noir the more heroic/pro-active? As of the latest chapter both he and Gwen are going after baddies that go out and hurt innocent people and neither let their own angst get in the way of saving people. Hell, the only reason Gwen doesn't succeed is because Hobgoblin was smart enough to use a body double whereas Muse wasn't. One could argue that Noir's bad guys are more depraved, but if that's the standard then by that logic Punisher would be the most heroic of the canon cast since his villains are the most grotesque on average barring special cases like Carnage/Kletus Kasady.

The reason it just 'hangs around' Gwen is because many if not all readers who comment on Venom note that they really don't want a re-tread of the 'rip off the suit plotline', especially since so far it's been shown to be flawed and childlike rather than psychotically clingy. Though I will admit finding physical challenges for her is difficult now that she can literally spit out bullets like they were candy. It's one reason I planned to put in Carnage; he'd be something she can't just bulldoze and the presence of Shriek and her sonic screams means Noir has something to do since he'd have to be the one to take her on due to Gwen's sonic weakness.

Noir getting his ass kicked is deliberate, though. He's meant to be the weaker of the two, and he notes that outside of Supervillains he has a very good track record. Not his fault he runs into psychos like Electro, The Russian and Muse who render his powers near-useless >,> This also helps justify Gwen being worried about him to such an extent; unlike Gwen he can't spit out bullets or survive getting a bus thrown on top of him, so Peter's far more at risk. On the plus side he's generally more emotionally/mentally resilient of the two. It does have to be noted that despite all the crap thrown his way and the traumatizing way he's found out about his origins he's remarkably stable, voices in his head aside.

Side note, but the Lizard serum being in his blood was tied up with the reveal that at the very least Noir is running around 65-Peter's body. Right now it's dormant and unlike Gwen he doesn't have plans to actively harness it; mostly cause knows that outside desperate measures like Vulture there's no use for it.

Anyway, thanks for still reading. Truth be told I've been deliberating if it was worth it to keep posting here given the noticeable fallout of readers.

GIving peter a/ the symbiote would be interesting, if one figured out how to make it work.

Yeah, that's the problem; it's like putting a symbiote on the Human Torch. We see Venom being repulsed by him during the fight with Harry, so I don't see any way it would work outside of, say, an omake. That and unlike Gwen I'm pretty damn sure Noir would corrupt any symbiote that gets near him given that he's violent and very close to insanity, unlike Gwen who's managed to retain her general idealism and kindness. Her being so generally good is probably why Venom isn't a giant raging asshole in the fic, come to think of it...
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