Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

Chapter 45
Laptop was fixed :D Anyway, I read through the two Venom series again and I have to say: I find myself sympathizing heavily with the symbiote in the current chapter. I mean iirc Spider-Man knows Klyntar's been cured of his bloodlust since it told him so during Civil War II, but he still goes along with a plan to trap it via taking advantage of its desires to rejoin him. Makes its hatred of him more justified now more than ever, especially if you remember that the first time he removed it in canon it didn't actually do anything wrong that couldn't have been solved by talking it out.

Also, I read up on Jack-o-Lantern during the Agent Venom run and wow...this guy's even worse than I remembered :/ It'll be a doozy writing him while still trying to keep to the T rating for the fic.

Chapter 45: Weird is the new Normal

What the fuck was happening with her life?

Those were the words that ran through Gwen Stacy's mind as she examined her current situation. The past 4 months had been hectic - more than it had any right to be, in all honesty - but she'd always managed to find a way through it all. Best friend come back to life? Tough, but she'd managed. Having to work together with Frank Castle? Not on her top 10 list, but fuck it she'd done worse. Outing Peter as the Lizard to save her own ass? Not her brightest moment, but it happened and she sucked it up...

...Going to an old-style diner/bar in Hell's Kitchen with Spider-Man and a talking duck while in full costume? That...That was right up there, most definitely.

She looked across the booth at probably the weirdest pair she'd seen since Jess and her dad, '...This is way too fucking weird.' She sunk into the seat and sighed, poking at the bacon and eggs on her plate lazily. She was keenly aware of the fact that just about everyone on the diner was staring at them, most of them not even trying to be subtle with their pictures, tweets and videos, but she paid it no mind. Couldn't be any weirder than...whatever the fuck this was.

"You know, I like this place," Howard said, taking a big gulp of the beer he held in his hands. Gwen supposed she shouldn't have been surprised the talking duck had opposable thumbs, but fuck it she definitely was. Why the fuck did a duck have human hands!? "I mean everybody's looking at us like we're all freaks, but what else is new, huh?" He gave them both a wry smile. Gwen was in no way weirded out by the fact that a beak somehow managed to smile, no siree...

"Probably just curious about what the big-shot celebrity's doing with a couple of jokers like us." Peter gestured to her with a subtle move of the hands, making no move to touch his own breakfast plate or the half a dozen bottles of beer on his side of the table.

"You know I can both hear you, right?" She rolled her eyes, because what else was she gonna do? Her best friend was sitting next to a talking duck like it was no big deal...and to make it worse Jess knew the guy. How she managed to get in touch with a talking duck - and more importantly why she'd never said anything beforehand - she had no fucking clue, but she couldn't exactly swing over to ask. She and dad were already on a case and she didn't exactly feel comfortable leaving Peter behind all on his own with the Ronald Duck wannabe.

She spooned some of the soggy eggs to her mouth and sighed. Going a diner/bar while wearing her (new) full costume wouldn't exactly have been her idea of a typical Saturday morning, but one thing she learned ever since she got bit was that she had to know to deal, 'Could be worse...' she thought, though how exactly it could have gotten any worse she had no fucking clue at this point.

Off to the side she could see a couple of guys probably a few years older than her striding towards the table, their poses the same kind of confident she'd often see on people being sentenced to death row, 'Probably not asking for autographs.' She took a sip of her orange juice. They were looking right at her; they weren't even pretending not to, 'Do they want something?'

Whatever it was she wasn't going to find out. They'd barely managed two steps before their eyes diverted to Peter and they froze up; one of them immediately turned around back to the table he came from while the other lasted a few more seconds before he bolted after his partner in crime, the rest of his (drunk) friends calling all manner of insults she didn't feel comfortable repeating considering how much it involved cats.

Peter didn't even look at them. She doubted he even noticed the show considering how much he was focusing on the duck.

Gwen eyed the two silently. The duck was rambling something about how his best friend 'Bev' left him and that Jess was lording favors over his head over an incident with someone named 'Dr. Bong'...yeah, at this point she was pretty sure he was pulling more than eggs out of his ass, 'Why the fuck would Jess think he could help us...'? She bit into the bacon moodily. When the day was done the two of them were gonna have words.

"So how'd you get into the P.I gig?" Peter asked.

'Seriously?' She sighed, the two once again ignoring her. Most of the time she could barely get 2 words out of him, but now here he was being a blabbermouth like the time Betty made the mistake of asking him about his D and D campaign. It was probably the first and last time she'd seen the brunette gape like a fish and make an excuse to avoid having to listen to her best friend ramble about his character's fictional backstory.

"Eh, you know. Figured it was an easy gig. If Jones could do it then so could I, right?" He took a drag of his cigar - how did a talking duck afford those? - and shrugged, "Let me tell ya, kid; it ain't glamorous. Everyone watches Vice City and figures it's about criminal conspiracies, sexy dames and snappy suits. Truth is you spend most of your time looking for randy husbands wetting their pecker where it don't belong or some schmucks who think they can fake a seizure to get some insurance pay."

"I imagine..." He smiled slightly - the fuck? - and leaned back on the seat, "Guess there are some things that haven't changed even in this Madhouse." He laughed...laughed! What the hell was happening!? "Listen, you need any help with your cases then just call me. I'm busy a lot of the time nowadays, but it'll be good to do something to unwind every now and then. Think about it."

"Help? Last time I got that Jones' been holding it over my head ever since." He let out a smoky breath, "But hell, I guess I can't afford to turn away help, can I? Sure, I need something I'll give Spider-Man a call. Matter of fact there's actually been this rash of senior citizens mugging people and-"

"Alright, I'm gonna have to cut in here," Gwen said, "Look, as fascinating as all this is, we do have a problem we're dealing with now. So..." She set aside her plate and cleared some desperately needed room, "Jess told us to go after you for a reason, so do you actually know anything about this weirdo stalker chick or do we have to go somewhere else?"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep your spandex on." Howard adjusted his place on the seat and pulled out the folder from...somewhere. Did he just store things up his ass or something? She had a possible alien on her, so that at least made sense...well, no it didn't, but whatever, "So, let me just make sure I've got this right: This dame you're after. Blue suit, gray skin, beady yellow eyes and ranting something about how she just 'had to do it' because of whatever?"

"...More or less." She raised an eyebrow. That was oddly specific considering she hadn't given much details yet, "You mentioned getting involved with her before, right?"

"Yeah...involved." He opened the folder and tapped a disturbingly human finger at a blurry picture, "Ran into this crazy doll before. A client of mine, old star from the 90's, she said she was being stalked by someone. Vague on details, so I followed her around and to see if she was telling the truth. Out-stalk the stalker, if you catch my drift." He rubbed the cigar on the ashtray, "It...didn't go so well."

"She died?" Peter asked.

"Not exactly." He sighed, "Got paranoid as all hell. Says that the dame - called her 'a paper doll' - was everywhere. She wakes up and she's there, goes to work and she's writing her messages and was too much for her. She paid my fee and told me she was leaving the country, going somewhere that she wouldn't be followed." He looked down at the picture again, "Guess she succeeded if the blue doll's still here."

"A stalker, yeah, but not a murderer." She shuddered at the memory of the completely flat driver, "Did she show you the threats? What they said?"

"Nah, think she was too scared to do that or she probably would've called the police." He pulled out a sheet of paper from the stack and handed it to her, "I tried to investigate the case myself, but I got a dead end. Found her family, or at least I think they're her family, but I never got anything out of em. Parents kept mum, said their daughter was dead and that they weren't gonna tell me nothing."

"You believe that?" she asked, looking down at the paper. The information was bare-bones and the handwriting was atrocious, but she got the gist of it: Piper Dali, born to Jason and Liza Dali. Nothing outstanding about her, which made it easy for no one to look or care when their daughter died under 'mysterious circumstances' with no funeral or family coming to visit. Months ago she would have dismissed it as coincidence, but after what happened with Maxine she'd learned not to be so careless.

"Nah, but what was I gonna do? I was out a client and a 3 foot duck ain't exactly intimidating. Maybe you two heroes will have better luck." He shrugged and looked at them both in turn, "Look, you two look like you can handle this just fine. I ain't gonna be much help to either of you's, but if you need another nudge in the right direction then you know where I'll be." He stepped off the booth and put on his hat again, "...Thanks for the drinks."

"You're welcome." Peter watched the duck go with a nod before looking down at the folder, "...Address isn't far from here. We could probably make it there before noon if we hurry up."

"Yeah, I guess so..." She licked both lips and sighed, lowering her mask to cover the bottom half of her face again, "Something doesn't add up. Howard mentioned that woman was stalked, but she wasn't killed. When I met this 'PaperDoll' she killed that driver and she was trying to kill the Storms. That's a far cry from stalking someone, right? There has to be something we're missing."

"Not always." He pulled up his own mouth-flap and re-attached it with a deft click, "Killing ain't easy, I'll give you that, but you'd be surprised how quickly some people can cross that line. Just look at me..."

"Spider-Man..." God, she hated thinking about it. Her best friend, his memories warped beyond imagining, and now he didn't even blink at the thought of shooting someone between the eyes. The worst part of it was a part of couldn't help but think this was better. Better than the angry young man who'd turned himself into a giant Lizard just for the sake of revenge, better than the friend who secretly despised Harry for reasons she couldn't really understand.

Sometimes she wondered if things would've been better or worse if he kept his memories or not...

"I don't wanna go into another debate, Spider-Woman. We have to deal with this Paper Doll dame first." He pulled out a stack of bills and placed them near the plates, "Come on, let's go. This place is giving me a headache."

Unfortunately things were never simple. The pair were only halfway through the entrance before the same two guys from last time blocked their way, their postures shaky, 'Oh, lord...' She eyed their cheering friends and frowned. She knew what was coming; a group of drunken friends dared the most gullible in the group to do something stupid now that they all had a little liquid courage. She'd been on both ends of more than a few embarrassing dares herself.

"H-Hey!" The first one said. Tall, well-built and tan; most people would have called him handsome, but the way he was shaking only reminded her of a giant pair of marracas, "We...uh, I mean me and my friends..." He looked back at his friend and shook his head in a panic, "Fuck, dude, I can't do this! She's a damn Superhero!" He whispered...or at least she thought he might have been whispering. It sounded like he was screaming it out for the entire diner/bar to hear.

"Y-You can do this, man!" His friend - shorter, stockier and just as shaky - clapped him on the back encouragingly, "You fucking got this!"

"Uh..." Gwen looked at Peter, but he only shook his head and let out a scoff. It wasn't very helpful, "Could you two-"

"Will you go out with me!?"

A stifling silence settled over the entire room. All around them Gwen saw the assorted crowds of people lose any sense of subtlety in favor of openly staring, some of them even gaping openly like they had something stuck in their throat. For her part Gwen just looked at the shaky young man, an eyebrow raised. Months ago she would have counted herself lucky not to get spat at when she rescued someone from certain death, but now everyone was singing her praises like she was Justin Bieber in front of a horde of his fangirls. It was both flattering and creepy.

That of course came with a lot of people confessing love on the internet. She'd seen it enough times not to be shocked, but a part of her was still surprised to be on the end of the praise rather than just a spectator. Still, this was probably the first time someone had done it when all attention was focused on them; usually it was a crowd of people, all their voices mixing into one another and making it hard to understand them. Other times it was anonymous declarations on the net; which Betty and MJ had no problem screencapping to make fun of her with, the little harpies.

"Um..." she mumbled intelligently, because that was the only thing that came to mind right then and there. Usually this would've been her cue to swing away with some half-assed excuse about Bodega Bandit robbing the Bucky Barnes or something, but the two were blocking the way to the entrance and between them and the dead fucking quiet crowd any excuses she had died on her lips.

Thankfully(?) Peter decided to talk for her, "We don't have time for games, kid." He clicked his tongue. Gwen declined to comment on the fact that Peter was about half a decade younger and at least a few inches shorter than the 'kid' in question, "Go back to your friends and-"

"H-Hey, back off, gramps! She ain't your girlfriend or anything!" The portly wingman spoke up; likely more to the alcohol than any genuine bravado on his part.

The quiet went from awkward to tense. Gwen heard more than a few gasps and scared mutters from the other customers, a few of them bolting to the exits outright in a panic. Even the wingman's eyes widened and he raised up both hands in a calming gesture, "Gramps...?" Peter muttered, his voice hard to make out even through the painful silence. Despite (or because of) that, though, he saw more than a few people's breath hitch.

"I-I didn't m-mean a-a-anything by it." The wingman stuttered, "L-Look, let's all calm down...okay?"

She knew about Peter's reputation. She didn't like it, but like her a few months ago the city was torn about him: One half saw him as the 'hero the city needed', a 'dark avenger' or some other bullshit that did the things the other heroes and vigilantes refused to do. The other half...well, all she could say was that 'murderer' was probably one of the more polite things they called him. He didn't have the years of built up goodwill, and it didn't help that he seemed to find no problem shoving a gun to someone's kneecaps and pulling the trigger.

Gwen didn't know what to expect. A part of her thought he'd start a bar brawl by decking the guy in the face, and really that at least she would have understood; he didn't seem to hesitate to do what he thought was the quickest way to get out of a situation.

She definitely wasn't expecting him to laugh under his breath like he'd been told a joke.

"Gramps...heh, I like it." He stuffed his hands to his pockets and turned to her, "You know what, I'll go on ahead to Dali's place. Meet up with me when you get done with your new boyfriend."

"Spider-Man, don't you-" Too late. The words were barely out of her mouth before he stepped past the pair and disappeared past the entrance...and she meant that last part literally; she lost sight of him as soon as he stepped into the crowd of people gathered outside the diner, wisps of dark smoke coming and going before he disappeared completely from her sight.

That...was new.

Unfortunately she didn't get the chance to question it further. Without Peter at her side all attention was drawn to her now, her would-be admirer even looking like he was a hair's breath away from getting onto one knee and pulling a rose out of his ass, "S-So..." He licked his lips nervously and stepped forward, hands wringing together so tightly he looked like he was trying to snap his fingers off, "What do you say...?"

Peter was gonna pay for this. Hard.

Sitting on her ass watching a couple of teenyboppers...really not how she wanted to spend her Saturday.

Lana sighed and brought a hand through her face, doing her best to ignore the rising sense of irritation she felt. She could've been out there right now with her friends, maybe taking care of strays with Chat or trying to tempt Kamala with bacon, but instead she was sitting on her ass in Pete's crappy-ass apartment watching a couple of child stars and making sure some stalker didn't get them because...well, because it was the right thing to do, she guessed.

And she could get behind that, totally, but if she ever thought about taking the vigilante gig - which was more and more tempting by the day, really - she definitely would have preferred taking down pimps, rapists and killers over watching a couple of America's golden children like a fucking babysitter.

'You fucking owe me for this, Pete.' She leaned back on the chair and watched little miss perfect. The blonde was sitting at the couch, Spider-Pug - Pete wouldn't have called it that, but fuck it she wasn't going to call it 'dog' like he was - sitting on her lap half-asleep. She hadn't said anything ever since Pete and Spider-Woman left aside from a few mumbled coos to dog (which didn't really count), but it suited Lana just fine. She didn't really wanna deal with her crying...

It wasn't that she was unsympathetic - she knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of a madman's crosshairs - but she didn't see what the big deal was. She and her mom couldn't call the police, they wouldn't have given a shit about a prostitute and her bastard daughter, but a couple of stars on one of America's most popular sitcoms? Shit, they'd get a fucking SWAT team just for the two of them with a snap of the finger.

"Something wrong, Lana? Want to talk to me about it?"

Oh yeah, there was another reason she was pissed off: Johnny Storm had the libido of a horny old man even though she was pretty fucking sure he was, what, 14?

"My mom says I'm a good listener, I could-"

"Back the fuck off or I'll blow away with little pubes you have." She pointed a glowing hand at the younger teen. The gesture was hollow - they all knew she wouldn't risk blowing his nuts off just for being annoying - but the annoyed growl in her voice was enough to make him back least for the next 7 minutes or so. This was the 4th time in the past hour he'd tried to offer her a massage to 'get those stressed knots out of her shoulders' or some other bullshit.

'Kill me now...' She groaned and covered her face with both hands. She'd dealt with horny assholes before; some of them even younger than Storm was, if one could believe it, but at least then she wasn't trying to make sure they didn't get hurt. Usually anyone who tried to cop a feel because they thought she was like her mom got a kick to a balls or a fist to their nose. That made them back off right fucking quick.

"Sorry about Johnny." Susan said as soon as the younger Storm was out of the room. He'd be back in a few minutes, but she'd relish the time he was gone, "I know he can be...difficult." Lana rolled her eyes. It wasn't the word she would have used, but Susan was a hell of a lot less annoying than her little brother so she'd pretend there was a swear jar or something, "He's just trying not to be scared in his own way."

"Yeah, well I'd appreciate if 'his own way' didn't involve trying to look at my tits." much for the swear jar. Susan blinked twice before she gave a dainty fucking cough and looked away with a slight blush. How sheltered was this chick? "...Look, I'm sure it'll be fine. Pe- er, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman will catch this stalker, kick her ass and then you'll be back on your fancy filmset making the next shitty season of Fantastic 4."

Susan looked down at Spider-Pug and bit her lower lip before she said, " you not like me? Did I do something to make you mad?"

"No, it's not you." She rolled her eyes and slouched on the seat, "I'm just pissed off at Spider-Man giving me the babysitting detail. I mean he tells me over and over again he doesn't want a partner and that he doesn't need any help with the vigilante gig, but the second he needs someone to play the fucking nanny suddenly he needs my help? Gimme a fucking break." She clicked her tongue, "So yeah, don't worry about it, you're not the one I'm pissed at."

"I see..."

The silence lasted for a few more precious minutes before Lana let out a frustrated sigh. Pete didn't have a tv; well, actually he did, but he didn't pay the cable cause he didn't care about it. That meant sitting on her ass with nothing to do for god only knew how long, 'Fuck. my. life...' She grabbed the arms of the chair tightly and looked up at the ceiling. It was better than being flirted with by Johnny, but not by a huge margin.

...She needed a smoke.

Lana stood and made her way to what counted for a kitchen, opening the third drawer and pulling out the pack of cigarettes and a spare lighter. Technically she'd never asked permission from him, but she was pretty sure he noticed that a couple of sticks went missing since her last visit or the fact that her breath smelled like cigarette smoke. Most likely he didn't care; getting him to care about her killing someone was like pulling teeth out of a 5 year old, so her smoking shouldn't have even been a blip.

She trudged back to the couch and placed the two cigarettes at her lap, lighting the first one and immediately grimacing at the taste of it on her tongue. Things still tasted like someone took a shit in her mouth, but it helped her calm down all the same so fuck it, 'If only mom could see me now...' Her mom smoked just fine, but if she found out her daughter was doing it? She'd spank her ass till the skin was black and blue, she had no doubt about that.

"Are you...smoking?" Susan asked. Lana gave her a sideways glance and found the blonde looking at her in shock.

"Yeah. What's it to you, princess?" She took the other cigarette and offered it to her, "Why, you want one?"

"No thanks, I don't smoke." Probably didn't do a lot of things, Lana thought to herself. Susan looked down at the offered cancer stick with a grimace and scooted farther on the couch, "Um...does Spider-Man know that?" She was still trying to be polite, though her face was anything but. She looked like she was tempted to gag, "It's hardly appropriate behavior from someone so young."

'If you only knew...' Everyone, herself included up until a while ago, thought Pete was an old man. The way he acted didn't help put that thought out of her mind, "He's not my fucking dad. He can't tell me what not to do," she replied. Not that he ever tried. He wasn't exactly someone Lana would've called affectionate, but she liked him just fine that way.

Better than some smothering mother hen, and it was what she was used to. Her mom loved her, but she'd been pretty hands-off on the parenting front aside from the fact that she didn't like her hanging out with Poey and his friends while her grandma - her new legal guardian - spent most of the day asleep that Lana half-expected the old bat to be dead every time she woke up in the morning.

"I...see." Susan coughed and held onto Spider-Pug tighter, the puppy giving her a comforting lick on her fingers in response. How the damn thing was so well-trained considering Pete wasn't exactly owner material she had no idea, but screw it she wasn't going to complain. Better than getting bit and contracting rabies, "Well...I'll go see if Johnny's alright. He's been quiet ever since he went to Spider-Man's room."

Lana waved her off lazily and sunk into the couch, just letting her mind wander. Her mom still hadn't woken up, but her condition was stable. After she regained consciousness then...well, then what? She wasn't going to be making a living off her back with those new scars on her, and frankly she didn't want her to. She didn't care if she had to drop out of school and hire herself out to S.H.I.E.L.D; if they paid her then she'd take that fucking deal with a smile on her face, even if she would've preferred it if Pete was there with her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Susan came out of the room in a panic, Spider-Pug chasing after her in a hurry, her eyes wide and her breath shaky, "Johnny's gone!"

The cigarette dropped from her hand and she stood up, face morphed into a scowl, "The fuck do you mean he's gone!?"

"I mean he's not here!" she snapped back, her voice surprisingly fierce, "I checked the room and the window was open! He must've...I think he went out the fire escape!" She grabbed her jacket from the couch and put it on quickly, "Listen, we need to find him now!"

"Oh yeah, we'll just search all of Hell's Kitchen for him! Easy fucking peasy!" Despite her words Lana grabbed her own jacket and was already pulling the hood up, "God, that little fucking turd's gonna get it when I find him! I'm gonna wring his fucking neck!"

"We can decide who does what to him later! For now we need to find him!"

Perfect...just fucking perfect. Her first 'official' gig with Spider-Man and she'd lost the 14 year old she was supposed to be babysitting. She could only hope that Pete was having better luck on his end, cause she had no fucking clue if she wouldn't just put Johnny down herself once she got her hands on him.

"You suck. So hard."

Gwen glared at Peter with the fury of a thousand suns, but sadly he didn't have a single fuck to give, "Price of fame, Gwen. You wanted it, enjoy the benefits." He stopped leaning against the building and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Besides, isn't this what you wanted when you outed that damn kid? Love to hate to love again; it's like a damn wheel in this place."

A wheel was right. She definitely didn't expect that guy to look like he was going to start crying when she said no, and given all those pics his humiliation would be immortalized on tweeter and quickpic. A shame, but she had more important things to worry about.

"I didn't think people would get so...rabid." MJ and the others warned her, of course, but she thought they were exaggerating. People knew her for 5 years now, surely the novelty would have worn off, right? Apparently not judging by how many people still wanted her autograph, attention or hand in marriage. It was the kind of fame someone like MJ would have found awesome, but right now she was just tired, "And I didn't do it for fame...not with what's happening to Uncle Ben and Aunt May."

"Either way you set the record straight, so stop blaming yourself for what's happening to the Parkers. It's that kid's fault, not yours." 'That kid'...he still refused to even consider the idea that they were one and the same. Frustrating, but she understood least to a certain extent, "Come on, we have to check Dali's place. Maybe we'll get lucky and we can end this before the day's done. I still have other things to do."

"What? Going on a date?" she joked, joining him up the stairs of the nondescript house. Thankfully the neighborhood seemed mostly abandoned save a few stragglers, most of whom seemed to be too busy with their own thing to pay attention to them.

"If you count going with Hardy to visit one of Murdock's warehouses a date, then we're definitely stepping out." He knocked on the door roughly, "After that I have to help Moon Knight gather info on some cult of Khoshnu and help Summers with that drug she's searching for. She's sure that she has a scoop like she did with 'Sin Eater', and I figure I owe her after the help she gave me."

"Wow...and here I was thinking of inviting you to our next gig."

"Wouldn't go even if I was free. The music made my head hurt and I'm surprised no one got a seizure from all the damn lights. The only reason I went last time was because..." He coughed and looked away. He was blushing, she was sure, but she couldn't see it from behind his new mask, "Because I had that stupid crush on you..."

"Are you saying you don't anymore?" She did her best to keep her tone light, but already she felt her inner voice asking what the fuck was wrong with her. It was a sensitive issue, and yet here she was poking fun like it wasn't a big fucking deal, 'You're not in high school any more, Gwen...' she chastised herself mentally. It felt kind of silly telling herself that when she was wearing spandex that might have secretly been an alien, but what could you do?

"Depends. If that kid told you he loved you that night at prom, would you have accepted?"

"Uh..." She blinked, nothing but a few strangled words escaping her mouth. How was she supposed to answer that? She expected him to clam up, or hell deny it right off the bat with a roll of the eyes. It wouldn't exactly have been pleasant, but she knew how to deal with that at least, " were my best friend, but the thought of dating never really crossed my mind, you know? I mean-"

"Parents are here."

She barely managed out a 'what'?' before the door suddenly opened, an older man with dark rings under his eyes and an unshaven stubble peeking his head out, "Y-Yes, can I help-" His eyes widened at the sight of them both, but Peter was faster and pushed the door open before he could close it, "P-Please, don't hurt us!" He stumbled back, almost tripping over himself as he stepped away from the door, "W-We didn't do anything!"

"We're not here to hurt you." Gwen put up both hands in a calming gesture, her voice soft. Sometimes it felt like playing the good cop was all she did every time she hung out with Peter, "Look, we just want to ask you some questions about your daughter-"

"You know where our daughter is now!?" another voice cut in. Gwen's head snapped to kitchen and she found who she presumed to be the man's wife stepping out, looking just as haggard as her husband. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying (she knew from experience) and and clothes were a mess, hanging off her thin frame loosely, "P-Please, if you know where Piper is then please tell us! We just want to say we're sorry-"

"That's enough, Liza!" The husband - Jason Dali, if she remembered correctly - snapped, his voice rough, "Our daughter is dead...there's nothing more we can do about her."

"...He's lying, but I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that," Peter said, his eyes never leaving the couple, "Look, your little angel's going around stalking film stars and trying to kill em. You don't help us and when we catch her I'm sure the coppers are gonna be real interested why you told everyone she was dead. She's already killed someone, how many years you think you'll get for being accomplices?"

"We're not-"

"Okay, Spider-Man, might wanna tone down the bad cop routine for a bit!" She stood between him and Mr. Dali before the latter could throw a punch, "Look, I understand you're scared, but right now Piper's a danger to herself and to others. If you tell us all you know then we can help her, but if not then she's going to try and kill again. Please, we just want your cooperation and we'll be on our way."

Mr. Dali's eyes shifted between the two of them rapidly before he gave a hesitant nod, "Alright...we'll tell you."

They found themselves sitting at the dining room table. Gwen idly noted the state of the house, 'This place looks like its seen better days...' she thought. The entire place screamed upper middle-class, but the chipping paint and thick coat of dust said a lot of other things; most of them unpleasant, "So..." She took a sip of the offered coffee and suppressed a frown. It tasted like cardboard, "Your daughter?"

"Y-Yes, Piper..." Mrs. Dali dabbed at her eyes and sniffled, "She, um...she was always withdrawn. Preferred to stay in her room, didn't have many friends. Sh-She wasn't bullied at school or anything, but she just didn't like talking with others. Not even us..." She looked down and bit her bottom lip, "T-Then one day she woke up and she was...she'd turned into a-"

"A offense." Mr. Dali looked down at his own cup of coffee bitterly, "She was...she looked liked she'd been turned into paper and strung around the room, we...we didn't know what to do. She...She hadn't gotten into an accident or anything. She came back from school, went to her room and the next day..." He took a shaky breath, "It happened. We didn't know what to do. We tried our best to help her, but-"

"Stop lying," Peter interrupted, giving the older man a glare she felt even through his mask, "Look, we're not here to play the pity party. Tell us what you did to your daughter and pray that we stop her before she manages to kill anyone else. I don't want to hear any more sob stories about how you did your best or that you gave her tender loving care."


"He's right..." Mrs. Dali interrupted, her voice hollow, "Piper...when she first got her 'powers', she begged us for help. But we...we were scared..." She cried, making no effort to dab at the leaking tears, "We locked the door, tried to pretend she didn't exist and everything was normal. We could...she scratched at the door, but we just ignored it. Called her school, told them she was sick and she needed a few days off. I guess...we thought that she'd get better at some point on her own."

"Why didn't you call the police...?" Gwen asked. She didn't know how to feel: Anger for the parents that abandoned their daughter or sympathy for them now that they were in grief and dealing with it in their own way?

"And tell them what? That our daughter's some kind of...of mutant!? That she belonged in a padded cell!?" Mr. Dali shut his eyes tightly and shook his head, "We tried to take care of her. We fed her, gave her all the films she wasn't ideal, and I understand we could've done more, but admitting we screwed up won't help us now. It was better than losing her..."

"Locking your daughter in a room with a few treats isn't how you solve a problem," Peter muttered. Before she could say anything to cut off his callous words he suddenly stood up, "Show us her room. Maybe we can find a clue that'll help us find her."

Piper Dali's room was worse than she expected. The rest of the house looked messy and unkempt, which she at least understood. The room on the other looked...broken: Scattered DVD's all over the floor, a bed with the blankets and mattress sliced haphazardly, and scratches at the door that she had a sinking feeling came from fingers trying to claw at the wood like a cornered animal.

Peter closed the door and knelt down, "There's a slot here...probably where they gave her all this stuff and the food." He pushed open the flap and sighed, "They treated her like an wonder she went insane."

"Yeah..." She wanted to sympathize with them, but she was finding it increasingly hard to with the evidence piling up. Her dad had been hired to hunt her down like she was a common criminal, but when he saw who it was behind the mask he'd relented. He didn't accept it at first, and she spent the first few days wondering if she'd lost any trust he had in her completely, but he still did his best. He didn't lock her in her room and pretend she didn't exist.

They searched around the plade in uncomfortable silence, each of them taking one half of the room, "Lot's of movies here..." She picked up one of the DVD's and raised an eyebrow. Far be it for her to tell someone what they could and couldn't like, but she didn't even know what most of these were, 'Rise of the Underminer? The hell?' She put down the CD and sighed. This wasn't getting her anywhere.

Peter seemed to have better luck, at least, "Scratch marks here..." He traced a hand through the floor and looked at the cabinet, "...Something's hidden behind there. A secret compartment, maybe?"

"Let's find out." She picked up the cabinet with one hand and set it down gently on the other side of the room. The wall behind it looked no different than the rest of the room, "Uh...I don't see anything."

"I do..." He traced two fingers through the peeling wallpaper till she heard a click and a small square of the wall popped open with a dull thump, "A hidden safe...teenagers in this madhouse are pretty damn paranoid." She rolled her eyes. Yeah, like he was one to talk about paranoia, "...No diary, but there's a scrapbook. Think we'll be able to tell anything from her art projects?"

"Can't hurt." She shrugged and sat on the bed, "Lets take a look."

The pages were filled with pictures of the Storm family...all of them were, actually, 'Fuck, how long's she been collecting these?' She narrowed her eyes. If she remembered right the sitcom started a few years ago, and given how old Susan and Johnny looked in the pictures it was probably shortly after they got started. Was she really so obsessed with the twins that she'd take their photos for years?

"Someone's got a one-track mind..." Peter muttered.

"Yeah. I wonder if her parents knew?" Or cared, a bitter voice asked at the back of her head. She shook her head and turned a few pages ahead, raising an eyebrow at what she saw, "...She's cutting out parts of the pictures." She tapped one of the newer photos. Susan and Johnny posing in front of a statue, the edge awkwardly cut off and leaving a lot of empty space.

"Here, too. Look..." He gestured to another photo on the page. Mary Storm, a fashion model in charge of her own fashion line if she remembered correctly. The picture had her smiling, a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders suddenly stopping with half the photo gone, "Their mother...their dad keeps getting cut off, though. Has to be a reason for that."

"Maybe..." She turned back to the earlier photos, her eyes narrowed, "Both of their parents were part of the show when they were kids, but now they kinda branched off. The later pictures don't look like set photos, so..." She licked her lips, "When I fought her in the limo she mentioned something about having to do it 'for him'. We know she's obsessed, so you think that maybe she thinks that-"

"Getting rid of the kids and the wife'll get her the grieving husband? I'd say you were reaching, but I dealt with a case like that back home." Or at least what he thought was his home, Gwen thought, "You'd be surprised by how often they think it works."

"Well, I guess we know something now..." She mussed up her hood and sighed. It wasn't good, but it was something, "Call Lana, make sure Susan and Johnny are alright. I'll...clean up here, I guess."


She picked up the scrapbook and stuffed it back into the safe, taking one last glance around the room as she did. Escaping into movies, trying to pretend that nothing was wrong...she couldn't fault her for that, but after what she did she'd gone too far. They had to stop her now, pity be damned, "Just hope it's not too late..." She sighed again. Hopefully this wouldn't have a bad ending.

"Well...bad news," Peter said, stuffing the phone back into his pocket with a click of the tongue, "Lana lost the kid. The younger one that was hitting on you."

"What!?" she screamed, "What do you mean she lost him!?"

"I mean he crawled out of the fire escape while they weren't looking and he's around Hell's Kitchen now." He scoffed, "That's not the worst of it. Their mom's going back to New York City in a few hours for some kind of fancy party. Either she didn't get the memo about her kids or she's not letting it stop her." He stood up, muttering a curse under his breath, "We need to get on this. Now."

"What about Johnny? We need to-"

"This stalker already lost sight of him when you brought him to my place, but we know where Mrs. Storm's gonna be. Party's probably all over the news, and Dollhead's going to be looking for her there. We don't got time to do both." He let out a frustrated breath, "We need to get to that party. Lana can handle looking for Storm on her own. She knows the streets like the back of her hand."

"Are you sure? What if-"

"I trust her. Maybe that's not good enough for you, but it is for me."

"Right..." She wanted so hard to argue, but they didn't have time to waste. She supposed she'd just have to trust his gut that Baumgartner could handle searching for him, "...Any chance we can just crash the party?"

"Invite only. We go there in costume and we'll cause a panic, and something tells me that'll only help Dollhead." He clicked his tongue, "We're gonna need to get an invitation and find a way to warn her without tipping Dollhead off. Maybe we can catch her in the act, even..."

"Yeah...I may have S.H.I.E.L.D sanction, but that doesn't come with invites to fancy parties." She shook her head. All those rumors about her dining on caviar looked really silly right now, "Don't suppose you have a couple of high class invites lying around?"

"Not on me, no, but I know where to get some." He muttered a curse under his breath, "Hardy's already on my case for trying to rescue me from that 'Silk' base, so this is going to cost me. Nothing for it, I guess."

"I'll pay you back-"

"How? She doesn't want your help. Something about you punching her right in the jaw?" He gave her a critical look and she could only laugh awkwardly in response. Not one of her brightest moments, even if she didn't really regret it, "Forget it, let's just go. Hardy's penthouse, I'll meet you there."

"We should go toge-"

He was gone again. Gwen let out a frustrated breath and resisted the urge to yell a curse after him; she didn't need the Dali's thinking she was crazy, "Just great..." She sucked in a deep inhale. Now they had to ask Felicia for a favor, to blend in with the high society types then somehow find a way to warn Mary Storm that someone out there was planning to kill her because she wanted her husband.

Oh, and she was making absolutely no headway on the whole deal with Peter. Could this day get any worse?

...Worried about him.

"Yeah, you and me both-"


Who the fuck said that?

"Uh...hello?" She looked around the empty room, finding it devoid of life as expected. She furrowed her brows; was she hearing things? Maybe the chocolate was finally getting to her, "Need to cut back on all those peanut butter cups..."

Don't. Need to feed.

Okay, now she was sure she wasn't imagining things!

Not imagining. Here. With you.

She was about to ask what the fuck 'here' meant before she felt the familiar, comforting warmth at her stomach, "Um..." Oh god, was this really happening? " that you?" Please god let her be wrong. Let her just be hallucinating; maybe it was a chocolate-induced diabetes dream...yes, she was very well-aware that wasn't a thing, but i made a lot more sense than...whatever this was!

Scared. Don't be. Won't hurt you.


Don't need to talk out loud. Can hear your thoughts.

Her thoughts? What the fuck was happening...? 'Yeah...that's not really comforting right now.' She took a shaky breath and looked down at the suit, pulling at the material experimentally. Still felt the same as before, 'Uh...this is fucking weird. Are you really talking to me right now?'

Yes. Something wrong?

'Wouldn't exactly know how to describe this...' She resisted the urge to pull of her mask and did her best to keep her breathing level, 'Look, can we, uh, deal with this later? Kinda busy right now.' What did it say about her life that the talking alien that she was wearing like spandex wasn't the weirdest thing she'd seen this day? Granted it was up there, but the dimensionally displaced duck was still on her mind.

Know that. Will help if you want?

That was sweet...and kind of creepy, 'Uh...sure, I guess. You've already been doing it since I got you and all...' She shook her head and opened the window, breaking out into a powerful swing. They had to go undercover at a party and, oh yeah, her suit could talk! This day was just a barrel full of fucking laughs...

Well, that's it; both protagonists of the fic are basically schizos :/ (apologies for anyone taking offense, it's a joke). Anyway, yeah...Gwen has a weirdly friendly Venom in her head while Peter has a raging jackass Lizard in his. At the very least Gwen seems to be getting along, but I somehow can't see the Lizard sitting down for tea and crumpets any time soon.

Alright, so a couple of questions that are more for narrative than anything else:

A. Hypothetically, what would you guys' reaction to me pairing Noir and Gwen together? I'm not asking if you think it's feasible - though I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that as well, if you wish - but rather if you think it's a good idea, bad idea, not important etc etc. As an author I'm torn: I can't see this ending well or lasting long, but meta-wise the potential for drama's definitely there and I've seen worse pairings in comics; *coughGwenandMilescough*.

That and characters in-universe would have pretty funny reactions to it. I mean I can't imagine George Stacy being cool with daughter going out with someone as violent and anti-heroic as Noir, while I can't see most of Noir's allies being very approving of him going out with someone who'd arrest about half of them if given the chance.

B. Even if I only have a flimsy excuse, is it just generally accepted that heroes aren't expected to meddle in each other's villain fights? I mean Noir fights Jack-o-Lantern multiple times and Gwen's never there for any of them. This doesn't break suspension of disbelief, right? I mean the meta reason is because he's one of Noir's personal enemies, but is this okay to the audience reading? I'll try to come up with justifications, of course, but it'll be hit or miss.
Well, that's it; both protagonists of the fic are basically schizos :/ (apologies for anyone taking offense, it's a joke). Anyway, yeah...Gwen has a weirdly friendly Venom in her head while Peter has a raging jackass Lizard in his. At the very least Gwen seems to be getting along, but I somehow can't see the Lizard sitting down for tea and crumpets any time soon.
That is super fucking neat, I would honestly love to see Noir learning about Gwens head-voice and telling her how lucky she is because his head-voice is such a raging asshole.

Alright, so a couple of questions that are more for narrative than anything else:

A. Hypothetically, what would you guys' reaction to me pairing Noir and Gwen together? I'm not asking if you think it's feasible - though I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that as well, if you wish - but rather if you think it's a good idea, bad idea, not important etc etc. As an author I'm torn: I can't see this ending well or lasting long, but meta-wise the potential for drama's definitely there and I've seen worse pairings in comics; *coughGwenandMilescough*.

That and characters in-universe would have pretty funny reactions to it. I mean I can't imagine George Stacy being cool with daughter going out with someone as violent and anti-heroic as Noir, while I can't see most of Noir's allies being very approving of him going out with someone who'd arrest about half of them if given the chance.

B. Even if I only have a flimsy excuse, is it just generally accepted that heroes aren't expected to meddle in each other's villain fights? I mean Noir fights Jack-o-Lantern multiple times and Gwen's never there for any of them. This doesn't break suspension of disbelief, right? I mean the meta reason is because he's one of Noir's personal enemies, but is this okay to the audience reading? I'll try to come up with justifications, of course, but it'll be hit or miss.
A: Eh~ Not much of a "shipper", I'm about as fine with that idea as I am with NoirXBlackCat or NoirXBullseye, such ideas are neat but where would that lead I have no idea.

B: in order: Yes, that's correct; and No, that's fine, it's not like Gwen is psychic and it can be seen as IC for Noir not calling for back up for something he feels he can take himself.

Also, not sure why but I would like to see Noir succeed at not being a complete shit guardian. Don't really know why that popped into my head but meh.
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Hypothetically, what would you guys' reaction to me pairing Noir and Gwen together?
That seems like a train wreck on every level, and not an entertaining kind of train wreck.
Even if I only have a flimsy excuse, is it just generally accepted that heroes aren't expected to meddle in each other's villain fights?
It's certainly in-genre, but...
Given the sheer number of super-people in 616 New York, it always seems a little odd that most fights in public in the comics don't have additional characters popping up and joining in. I don't know what the numbers are in this setting. Is Peter going to be fighting Jack in the open where it's likely to get on the news and social media?
That is super fucking neat, I would honestly love to see Noir learning about Gwens head-voice and telling her how lucky she is because his head-voice is such a raging asshole.

'Why does Gwen get all the good stuff? Damn it!' is probably how it'd go. That or being who he is his response to Gwen telling him she has a split personality will be a dour 'join the club' and no further comment so long as she manages to keep Webster under control.

A: Eh~ Not much of a "shipper", I'm about as fine with that idea as I am with NoirXBlackCat or NoirXBullseye, such ideas are neat but where would that lead I have no idea.

B: in order: Yes, that's correct; and No, that's fine, it's not like Gwen is psychic and it can be seen as IC for Noir not calling for back up for something he feels he can take himself.

Also, not sure why but I would like to see Noir succeed at not being a complete shit guardian. Don't really know why that popped into my head but meh.

As for Jack-o-Lantern, this is a problem he had in canon Marvel: This guy's high profile and does a lot of heinous shit whenever the mood strikes him, kind of like Carnage when on his killing sprees. Kasady's actually another case of this; even when characters like Kasady or Purple Man get out it's not going to attract the attention of every hero within a 50 mile radius despite the fact that their threat levels really should warrant termination with extreme prejudice. Their body counts are probably triple digits at this point...

With regards to Noir being a guardian, I think it's a little to late for that: Lana's already smoking and got inspired to be a vigilante via following his example; something tells me he and Lori are gonna have words if and when she wakes up :/ Gwen already calls him out on it when she finds out just how Lana acts at 'home'.

That seems like a train wreck on every level, and not an entertaining kind of train wreck.

Point made ;) We'll see where it goes; a surprising amount of people are either cool or at least neutral to the idea of the two of them together, though I still have my doubts.

It's certainly in-genre, but...
Given the sheer number of super-people in 616 New York, it always seems a little odd that most fights in public in the comics don't have additional characters popping up and joining in. I don't know what the numbers are in this setting. Is Peter going to be fighting Jack in the open where it's likely to get on the news and social media?

Openly, yes. Jack's exactly the kind of asshole who'd think napalming Times Square would be funny, and it's pretty damn unlikely no one's going to catch or video Noir fighting and trying (and most likely failing) to stop him. I mean the first time it might make sense that Gwen was busy, but Jack's a recurring baddie and it might strain disbelief if she's busy or out of action every time Jack invites Noir out to another one of their playdates; especially given the sheer bodycount this guy leaves behind.
First things first, Awesome update! :D

A. Hypothetically, what would you guys' reaction to me pairing Noir and Gwen together? I'm not asking if you think it's feasible - though I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that as well, if you wish - but rather if you think it's a good idea, bad idea, not important etc etc. As an author I'm torn: I can't see this ending well or lasting long, but meta-wise the potential for drama's definitely there and I've seen worse pairings in comics; *coughGwenandMilescough*.


I already mentioned that Gwen and ANY Peter seems doomed to me due to the amount of baggage involved, Gwen and this Peter... Yikes.

What's realy interesting about this situation is I can see some chemistry between Peter and Gwen, but it only come to the forefront while they're out of costume. (It's almost like a reversal of the early deal with 616-Peter and Black Cat, that being Felicia had chemistry with Spider-Man but not Peter :rolleyes:)

And it makes sense, when not in costume she can forget about the violence and vigilante stuff (for the most part :whistle:) and I'm guessing that Noir's more... 'assertive' attitude is more appealing than 'Puny-Parker' ;)

On Noir's side... there's clearly some attraction, when she isn't constantly getting on his last nerve by second guessing his morals/lifestyle/etc :lol

But in costume... allow me to say again, YIKES! Their conflicts are much more open when in their 'work clothes' and neither can accept the other's methods. This would REALLY hurt the chances of a romance developing IMO, or worse, turn a budding romance into something ugly. And that's just their moral differences, the guilt complex Gwen is dealing with and the... shall we say mixed emotions from Noir are definitely a problem.

Another good point is what Noir pointed out in the last update, Gwen never even considered Peter in a romantic capacity. There was ZERO chemistry on her part and only creepy stalker stuff on 65-Peter's end yes?

So then!

If she's now finding the current/changed Peter/Noir so much to her liking enough for a romance to start despite the issues she has with him... Doesn't that make her desire for him to 'get back to normal' really hypocritical? :wtf:


Gwen: "I want you to go back the way you were before! But I also want to date the current you!"

Noir: " do realize that those are kinda mutually exclusive right?" :rolleyes:

Gwen "Yes! I REALIZE THAT PETER!!!" :cry::mad::cry:
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What chemistry is that? If you're talking about the time Gwen tricked him into thinking that she was another persons separate from Spider-Woman entirely, then something tells me that neither of them are looking back at that incident with fond memories.

As for what Gwen wants, it's kind of confusing for both herself and Noir. She wants him to acknowledge that he's 65-Peter again, but she also admits however reluctantly that a part of her considers his current characterization better despite all his flaws; even if he kills people far less reluctantly than she'd like, he's no longer possessive, obsessed and didn't suffer from crab mentality (pulling people down to his level)...granted he still has his flaws, but hey. From her POV he goes from this:

To this:

Neither are particularly pleasant, so pick your poison. At least Noir seems to want to use his powers productively and tries to help people, whereas 65-Peter was just bitter. I mean I'd get if he was angry at the bullies and others who mistreated him, but him trying to tear down Harry - one of his best friends - just because he wanted someone to feel as miserable as he did/he asked out a girl 65-Peter was in no way exclusive with is what convinced me that this guy was a turd. Couple that with his possessive behavior, desire to be 'special' at risk to others and everything else and he definitely comes across as worse than the film noir cliche.

That and we have to take note that Gwen isn't psychic. For Noir it might feel like his whole life has been a lie, but all she sees is her best friend confused and muddled. She'd probably be cool with him continuing to act the way he does (albeit with much less killing) as long as he acknowledges that he's 65-Peter. At least then she could rationalize it at just character development and him changing, the same way many people change in response to extremely potent events that happen in their life. Gwen herself changed from a fame-seeking star to a genuine Ideal Hero, so Peter going from a bitter nerd to anti-heroic vigilante isn't that far out.
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Writing next chapter soon-ish, so lets get the expected question out of the way: Should I even bother showing Lana and Susan trying to find Johnny or just have that off-screen? I'm looking over the outline now and it doesn't seem like it's very involved in the overarching PaperDoll fiasco. That and if I skip it I might actually be able to end the Storm Killer arc at the party next chapter; would definitely make a far more chaotic setting, particularly with both Peter and Gwen there in attendance and having to fight in such a high-rise setting.
It depends.

Does it have any good character moments form
Lanark or Susan?

If yes go for it, if no let's finish the arc.

Well...the two become friends when they bail Johnny out after he got kidnapped by a bunch of gangbangers...long story. I could just as easily have Noir come back to the safehouse and find an extremely pissed off Lana telling him he can take any more babysitting gigs and shove it up his ass. That and if we skip it we get more details about the party itself, which might be nice.
Chapter 46
Well, I just read reviews and I gotta say: I'm surprised about how many people think it's a good idea to pair the two protags together. I mean I don't deny that they've had their bonding moments, but I would've thought the disagreements and constant arguments on methodology would be enough for people to think it's a terrible idea to pair them together. I mean granted there are a couple that do, but the overwhelming majority seem to think its dandy despite their problems.

One thing I'm curious about, though; Was this influenced by Noir possibly being 65-Peter? Cause I kinda thought it would discourage it even more considering what we know about his character, that being he was kinda of an obsessive and angry ass who put down even his friends to make himself feel better.

Anyway, I read up on the Toxin miniseries and I gotta say the idea of a childish symbiote is oddly appealing to me. Particularly when Toxin questions its host Patrick Mulligan about morality or the laptop incident where Toxin sees Pat called it a monster, breaks the laptop in a rage and then immediately goes 'Oh shit!' and steals an entire stack of laptops to replace it before Spider-Man catches him. I could do the same thing for Gwenom rather than the cliche 'rip suit away' plotline.

On a brighter note I was running a fever and had 3 hours of sleep when I wrote most of this, so hopefully it's still good.

BTW, Gwen and Peter's duds for the latter half of the chapter:

Chapter 46: Parker/Stacy Luck

Felicia wasn't happy to see her. Not at all.

"Well now, Spider." Felicia reclined back on the fancy couch, right leg crossing over the left, "When you told me you needed a favor, I wasn't expecting you to bring a guest." She crossed her arms and pursed her lips, the gesture coming across far more hostile than it appeared, "Tell me, Spider; are you trying to play a joke? You know my...feelings on Spider-Woman, but you bring her here anyway. I can't help but think you're sending some kind of message."

Gwen resisted the urge to turn around and walk away from Felicia's not-so-subtle glare. Instead she stood stock still, arms folded behind her back like a student that was being punished by the teacher. She had her reservations coming here, but screw it; Spider-Woman could definitely get a couple of invites, but she might as well have been swinging in there with a neon sign over her head if she did that.

"You're paranoid, Hardy," Peter said, a hint of annoyance seeping into his tone, "Like I said, we need your help. Invitations to a party, can you do it?"

"I could," she said, dragging the word out unnecessarily, "But I'm wondering why I should. Last I checked Spider-Woman has more than enough people eating out of the palm of her hand; she could get invitations easily by simply asking for them. Especially from someone like Mary Storm." She tapped a manicured nail on expensive cushion, her gaze never leaving Peter's, "So tell me why, Spider. Why the runaround?"

"Look, we're trying to do this undercover," Gwen said. Felicia's lips curled into a frown as she turned to face her, "A Supervillain's targeting the Storms and we have good reason to believe Mary Storm's next. If you can help us then that'd be great, but if not then me and Spider-Man are leaving." She crossed her arms. She didn't want to play hard-ass - that was usually Peter's schtick - but if Felicia was going to put an innocent person at risk over her grudge then she didn't have to sit here and take it.

Felicia's eyes narrowed, the fingers on her right hand twitching before she finally let out restrained scoff, "You have a bizarre way of asking for help." She shook her head and gave them both a sardonic smile, "Fine. I suppose if the great Spider-Woman's asking, then I can't say no." She stood up and pulled out a phone from her pocket, "Before I dial, though, I need to talk to you. Alone."


"That's fine," Peter interrupted, throwing her a sideways glance and a discreet shake of the head. Gwen bit her lip and watched them go to the fancy bedroom, leaving her alone in the living room...well, 'alone' with maybe a dozen cats all looking at her like she was the new scratching post, 'Right...that's not creepy or anything.' Gwen could only hope they weren't planning to pounce on her; she really didn't want animal cruelty on her conscience.

'Does not like you.'

'That's kinda obvious...' She sighed. Being here felt odd; it reminded her of 3 years ago when people thought she was a murderer. Felicia at least tried to be more subtle about it, but the judgement she was radiating would've been obvious even to a blind man. Granted she'd expected that after what happened between them, but even now a part of her was tempted to swing away and just call Peter back with the hope that he managed to get the 'Black Cat' to pony up the invites.

'Bad guy? ...Supervillain?'

'No, not really...' She understood why Felicia tried to do what she did, why she hated Spider-Woman for stopping it. Gwen couldn't agree - there had to have been another way than just killing Murderdock, as tempting as it would have been. Still, she got why she wouldn't have considered it; he'd killed her father in front of her, anyone in her place would have considered doing what she tried to do...maybe even herself if Vulture just did things a little differently when he attacked her house.

'Other okay?'

'Yeah...just fine, Webster.' She sighed again. Was it a good sign or a really fucking weird one that she wasn't freaking out more about her suit being able to talk? Already the shock was making its way for numbness with every minute that passed. She really needed to get checked out soon with either Cap or Janet, though. She wasn't going to take chances with a possible alien latched onto her.

'...Do you have a name?' She sat down on one of the leather chairs, doing her best to ignore the cats staring at her with their creepy little eyes. She had nothing against them on principle - Murderface could attest to that - but it was like Felicia trained hers to be really fucking creepy.

'Yes. No...not exactly.' She felt the suit shift slightly, a small burst of warmth covering her forearms, 'Designation. Codename. Specimen 49. Project Venom.'

'Venom? That doesn't sound good...' She squirmed slightly on the seat, looking at the closed door to Felicia's room with a bit more impatience than before. What the hell was taking him so long? Were the two fucking or something? ''re not gonna poison me, right?'

'Not poisonous. Will not hurt Other. It paused, and she felt the warmth at her wrists dissipate, 'Other calls me Webster. New name.'

'Guess that works...' She tapped her fingers on the armrests and closed her eyes for a bit. It was odd; she didn't feel any different, even if she was pretty sure she should have on account of the whole sentient talking suit thing. Instead she felt the same as ever, weird cravings for chocolate aside, '...What's with the chocolate thing, anyway? I know that's you, by the way. I wasn't much of a sweet tooth before.'

'Hunger. Need to feed. Keeper called it Phenethylamine.'

'Yeah...Peter's more of a science whiz than I am.' Gwen shook her head. She supposed she couldn't complain too much - A massive boost in her powers in exchange for munching on chocolate? Seemed fair to her. Hell it took out a lot of the hesitation she felt on using her 'salary'; at least she was using it to help with the Superhero thing. Hardly selfish, right?

...She just hoped Webster was able to stop diabetes or they were gonna have words.

'...You know, now I'm curious. Are you a boy? A girl?' Did sentient alien suits even have genders? She didn't think to ask Cap when she'd first pointed it out.

'Neither. Not like Other or Other's partner. Not called male or female.' Huh...well, she guessed that would've been the thing. The voice it was using sounded weird; almost like hers, but a tad distorted. Still, calling it 'her' probably wouldn't have been correct considering the circumstances.

Her 'conversation' was cut short when the door to Felicia's room opened with a flourish, the woman herself walking out with the same barely restrained annoyance as before. Peter followed behind her a short distance away, hands stuffed into his pockets and what she could almost feel was a frown on his face. An argument? She still had no idea what the deal between the two was, but Felicia was willing to raid a S.I.L.K base for him so it had to have been at least sort of friendly...right?

"We're in." He turned to Felicia and nudged his head back to her room, "I'll meet you for our little rendezvous as soon as I can."

"If your owner lets you, you mean?" She gave her a pointed look. Gwen pursed her lips and resisted the urge to snap back a curse-filled retort; Felicia was trying to needle her, get under her skin...granted it was fucking working, but she wasn't going to give the popstar the satisfaction of making that obvious, "Remember, Spider; some secrets are best kept between us. I hope you don't forget that."

"I know how to keep my mouth shut, Hardy." He turned back to Gwen, "Come on, lets go."

They left the penthouse with a stifling silence hanging over them. Gwen waited until they were a fair distance away before she landed on a nearby rooftop, releasing her hold on Peter's side as soon as their feet touched the ground, "Well...that went well," she said sarcastically. Peter scoffed and pulled out his phone, tapping the screen quickly before turning back to her, "...Get anything good?"

"Just a message from Lana...apparently Storm got himself kidnapped by a couple of gangbangers."

"He what!?" she screamed. God, this was going worse than she thought; it was like fate decided to take a shit on her today...well, it did that a lot of the time she put on the costume, but usually it was only her that got the crappy end of the stick, "Alright, that tears it. We need to go get him-"

"Relax. She's already got him out." He stuffed the phone back into his pocket and clicked his tongue, "Kid's fine, but he's declaring Lana as his soulmate after she pulled his keister out of the fire. I'm more worried about Lana blowing his head off than anything else..." He sighed, "Come on, we need to focus. A place like this is going to be where the socialites and high rollers spend time looking down at all the little people. We can't exactly go there dressed like a couple of jazz club rejects."

"Which means a dress, suit and tie." She mussed up her hood and let out a tired breath. She wasn't exactly against dressing up for a party, but usually she didn't have to worry about Superhero business when she did it, "Well...don't suppose you have a suit?" she asked. Peter only gave her a flat look in response, " ...Right, didn't think so." She sighed, "Come on, I know where we can get some duds for both of us."

They found themselves back at her home in Queens. It took her more than a few minutes of convincing to make Peter believe that she wasn't dragging him back to the Parker house to share the 'good news' - granted she was really tempted - and that it wasn't some sort of trap. Still, taking the train (he refused to let her swing them all the way over there) in full costume was definitely a first for her. She could only hope MJ and Betty didn't catch wind of it; they'd never let her live it down.

Her house was abandoned, as expected, 'Dad's probably out with Jessica.' Gwen jumped through the window to her room, Peter following after her quietly before they both took off their masks, 'Been a bit since I've been here...' She looked around the room for a few seconds before she shook her head and made her way outside. Despite her teasing her dad never touched a single thing; even her Trek Wars blanket was untouched despite his very loud proclamations about getting rid of the 'black and white nightmare'.

"Up here." She pulled down the stairs to the attic and climbed up, wrinkling her nose at the dust that wafted up her face, "Shit, when was the last time we cleaned this place?" She turned back and found Peter covering the lower half of his face with a gloved hand, his eyes narrowed, "...This place seem familiar to you?" she asked subtly...well, as subtly she could given the topic.

"You know the answer to that." He coughed and looked past her to the assorted boxes, "...What are we doing here, Gwen?"

"We need to get dressed up. And since Kate's out of town I can't exactly ask her, so..." She knelt down and pulled out one of the boxes from the pile and handed it to him, "I left my prom dress up here, we just have to find it. Dad's also got a suit you can use..." She looked him up and down, "Uh...we'll probably have to fold the sleeves and pants, but it should be fine. Besides, some people think loose and large is fashionable."

"This is the same madhouse that considers spandex fashionable, so I can't say I'm surprised." He opened the box and frowned at the assorted knick-knacks inside, "...We're going to be here a while."

They spent the next hour just sorting through boxes without a word being exchanged, 'Well...this is awkward.' She pulled down another box and sighed when she saw nothing but a few dusty plates, 'Wish I kept better track of it...' Of course, she knew the reason why she didn't; she wanted every trace of that night at prom gone, and her dress was the first one that went into the pile.

Despite her best efforts she found her attention focusing back on Peter. He was pawing through a cabinet and muttering something under his breath that sounded distinctly like 'applesauce', but apart from that he was almost eerily silent. Back when they were younger she couldn't stop him from blabbing if she wanted to; he always hated quiet, trying to fill in silence with white noise. She didn't know why, but she appreciated it all the same.

'Not needed. Can turn into dress for Other.'

'I'd rather keep you secret for now.' She placed another box at her side and picked up the next one. Granted she had no clue how much of it was a secret considering Peter knew Webster was alive, but fuck it there was an analogy about putting all her cards on the table in there somewhere, 'Keeping secrets like always...' She sighed and opened the small container. There weren't many left she could go through.

Gwen paused when she saw the contents inside. A thick album with a nondescript cover; she knew exactly what it was, 'What are the fucking odds...' She should have ignored it, but like an idiot she found herself picking it up and opening the pages.

Pictures...most of them with her, her dad and the Parkers. She and her dad weren't like Uncle Ben and Aunt May; they kept everything - every trace of Peter - where they always were. They were different; when her mom died they'd packed up her stuff and either sold it or gave it away and even put most of her pictures up here to try and avoid reminders. It was what she would've wanted: Move on and keep going.

"...That your mom?"

She nearly jumped when she saw Peter looking her shoulder, his expression somber. She took a deep breath to calm herself - Webster helped - before she nodded, "Yeah...she died a long time ago." Which he already knew...she shook her head. No need to be resentful, "Dad was devastated, but Uncle Ben and Aunt May helped..." And so did he, though she kept that to herself. She didn't want to push her luck.

"She's pretty...looks just like you." Gwen blinked. Was that an attempt at flirting or did he just not notice how it sounded? Probably the latter knowing him, "...What did she die from, anyway?"

"Cancer. Nothing dramatic like a criminal seeking revenge on the police chief." She forced a smile that he didn't return, "...We're getting distracted." She closed the album with a snap and stuffed it back to the box with a shake of the head, "So...any luck?"

"I guess." He gestured to the suit hanging over a chair, "Probably needs some dusting, but we got a couple of hours before the party starts so it should be fine. Your dad's, right?"

"Yep. His wedding tuxedo; thing's older than both of us." She let out a soft laugh and picked up the last box on the pile, heaving a sigh of relief at the sight of the blue dress inside, "Ah, ol' reliable. We meet again." She picked up the fabric with both hands and held it up to the light, "Should still fit." She didn't gain that much weight, right? If those peanut butter cups went right to her ass she and Webster were gonna have words.

"...Your prom dress?" He looked at her questioningly, "Sure that'll fit in with all those silver spoon celebrities?"

"Hey, it's either this or my mom's wedding gown; and considering you're wearing my dad's tux I'm pretty sure that'll give the wrong idea." She rolled her eyes playfully and picked up the white boots with her free hand, "Now come on, lets get fancy. Sooner we get this done the sooner we can go get some pizza."

"Right..." He let out a soft breath and turned around, taking off his spray-painted jacket and shirt without warning before picking up the white dress-shirt. Gwen blinked and stared at his back for a moment before she shook her head and made her way down the stairs. The last thing either of them needed was being naked in the same fucking room; her dad would never let her hear the end of it if he found out.

''s hoping this goes well.'

The party was just as fancy as she expected. Gwen looked around the wide room, idly taking note of the fancy chandeliers and the smell of perfume hanging in the air, 'Well...this is new.' Usually all the parties she went to involved a lot more music, screaming and some underage drinking. The last fancy get-together she'd been to was a police dinner, and considering most of it was old guys congratulating themselves on upholding the police code she couldn't say she felt too guilty making her dad go alone the next time he'd asked.

At her side she saw Peter looking down with a frown, deftly avoiding making contact with every single person that got so much as a few feet near them, "...Something wrong, Ben?" The names they were registered under weren't their real ones, though that was obvious. Peter used the tried and tested 'Ben Reilly' while she was 'Mary Jane Watson'...she couldn't tell if that meant Felicia found out and was taunting her or she just loved messing with MJ that much. Probably the latter knowing her.

"No, of course not." They stopped at one of the corners, Peter leaning with his back against the wall with his arms crossed while she did her best to stand fancy, "We're in a gilded cage surrounded by socialites that have silverspoons welded into their mouths. I'm just peachy."

"Alright, 'Noir'." She rolled her eyes and picked up two drinks from a passing waiter, giving one to him without missing a beat, "Look, this is a charity dinner. Give some money, have a few drinks and then you feel good about yourself. Everyone's happy." She swirled the alcohol in her cup, mostly for show; considering she got hammered on 3 bottles of beer she wasn't gonna risk drinking scotch.

Alcohol tastes bad.

'Yeah, yeah...' She rolled her eyes. Webster had a worse sweet tooth than Betty.

He took a sip of the scotch and frowned, "Local celebrities. Rich parasites with delusions of humanity; the kind of people who end up in glossy magazines or body bags depending on their luck, according to what I've seen so far." Gwen rolled her eyes again; did he practice that angsty narration in front of a mirror or something? No way he just pulled that out of his ass right then and there.

"Cheer up. Have another drink." She took his half empty glass and placed it at a passing tray, replacing it with the untouched one she was holding, "Look, would it kill you to smile? We're supposed to be two young friends out for a night on the town." Not that she was having fun herself, but at least she could pretend that this was her kind of place and that she didn't desperately want to get out of these damn boots.

"I'll smile when we find Dollhead and stop her." He finished the entire glass in one gulp and handed it to another passing waiter, "Mary Storm here yet?"

"No, I think she's being fashionably late..." She scanned the crowd once again. There were a few celebrities she recognized, but no one she really wanted to meet face to face. She didn't have a weirdly film noir dislike of them like Peter did, but she just wasn't into the hype. Maybe it had something to do with getting burnt out after signing two months worth of autographs and getting declarations of love and marriage every couple of days.

"Maybe we should've followed her lead..." He crossed his arms. It still amazed her how quickly he'd managed to sew the sleeves and pants to avoid them looking oversized...then again he made a Spider-Woman hoodie a few years ago, so it probably wasn't that shocking.

That and he pulled it off a lot better than she thought he would, even if it did feel weird looking at him without his typical trenchcoats, jackets and cargo pants, 'I bet both of us look weird.' She pulled at the fabric of her skirt. It wasn't very fancy - she could tell by the way the doorman looked at her - but screw it. Kate could pull off a strapless dress like nobody's business, but she sure as hell couldn't.

It felt weird being disguised like this. She was used to putting on a mask with a kickass hood every day, but the face underneath was always untouched. Now she'd dyed her hair brown and clipped on her extensions that felt...unnatural attached to her scalp (she said while having Webster bolted to her hip..). Peter seemed to share her sentiments given the way he constantly mussed over his slicked back, black-dyed hair. The soon they both got out of these things the better.

"...Looks like the head of the party's made his arrival." Peter gestured subtly to the well groomed older man surrounded by a crowd of people. Judging by the jewelry and the giggling young blonde latched onto his arm who looked about a a third of his age, Gwen figured he was flaunting the fact that he had a bigger dick than everyone else in the room, "...What do you think, that his wife or his daughter?"

"Wife, definitely. Probably his fifth one if I got my info right," she replied, "I recognize him: Roderick Kingsley, some big fashion name like Tom Ford and Gabriel Agreste. His work is pretty well-known internationally." Peter gave her an odd look and she gave him a look of mock offense back, "Hey, just cause I'm a kick-ass Superhero doesn't mean I don't have hobbies."

"You read fashion magazines? Somehow I can't see that."

"I could surprise you, Ben. Beneath this awesome and badass exterior beats the heart of a soft and gentle young woman..." Now he looked at her like she was insane. Gwen kept her face passive for a few more seconds before she broke into a fit of giggles, "Alright, alright, you caught me." She held up her hands in mock surrender, "Betty's into this kind of thing, but don't tell her I told you. She likes to keep it under wraps, thinks it'll damage her cred or something."

"Noted..." He scanned the crowd once more before nodded, "I'll blend in with the crowd, try to gather information. You stay here and keep watch."

"Right-o." She gave him a mock salute before she made her way to the buffet table; hey, lurking in the corner by herself wouldn't have been very stealthy, now would it? 'I'm starving.' She looked over the spread and frowned. Most of the entrees looked like they could barely fill out even a quarter of her tongue, and that was being generous. The main course looked even smaller and unsatisfying, even if it was the first time she'd seen caviar in her life.

Still, there was one thing that caught her attention: A chocolate fountain bigger than she was that looked like it was made out of gold.

"Well...someone has a lot of money to throw away." Gwen felt her stomach rumble, her mouth salivating at the sight of the light brown torrent of chocolate the poured down the 'gold' (it couldn't have been real gold, right?) fountain, '...One bite can't hurt, right?' She gave the crowd one last once over. Peter was nowhere to be seen, but that was about what she expected by now.

She dipped a marshmallow into the brown wave and practically moaned when she tasted the chocolate on her tongue. She'd never passed up a good chocolate bar in her time, but ever since Webster latched onto her it was practically overdrive. Mary Jane and Glory gave her more than a few worried looks and even wondered if she was pregnant or something...she didn't like thinking about the fact that it seemed weirdly accurate to her situation now.

'Gotta focus...' She took one last bite out of a strawberry and wiped her mouth with a napkin like a proper lady, 'Guess those high school etiquette classes finally came in handy.' She gave one last longing glance to the sweet confection in front her before forcing herself to turn away with a deep breath. She could gorge on chocolate after everything was said and done, not before.

Sadly Mary Storm seemed to take being fashionably late to an absurd extreme, 'Where the fuck is she?' PaperDoll couldn't have gotten to her, right? According to that blog she'd read the fashion designer always came on high-rise parties in one of her private choppers...and she wasn't the only one judging by the amount of choppers that had come and gone on the private helipad outside.

'Other, eat more.'

'No, Webster.' She ignored the slight rumbling of her stomach and focused on the crowd. If she looked closely she almost saw Peter passing in-between groups of chatting partygoers, but he was gone by the time she blinked, 'This waiting's fucking killing me...' Gwen frowned. She was never one for wait and see, something her father took issue with. Another thing she got from her mom; sitting on her ass never helped anyone, why should she do it?


'I ate a whole stack of peanut butter cups before we left. You can deal,' she chided mentally. More and more she found herself feeling less threatened by it's presence on her. Considering it mostly just asked questions and demanded chocolate like diabeto it was about on par with White Rabbit or Bodega Bandit. She could only hope that the chocolate wasn't going to lead to diabetes or having to roll herself everywhere.

Still, all this waiting was-


Why did she taste chocolate?

She looked back and nearly had a heart attack when the saw the tendril extending from her hip to the chocolate fountain, the dark appendage lapping at the chocolate greedily like a puppy and its doggy bowl, "No, Webster! Bad!" she whispered harshly, slapping at her side and momentarily forgetting that she didn't need to talk out loud for it to hear her, "You get back here right now, do you hear me!?"

'Other not eat. Do it instead.'

Great, now it was back-talking! What next, dating someone she didn't approve of!? 'Someone's gonna see you!' Gwen looked around in a panic. Thankfully most of the party-goers were too focused on some kind of speech Kingsley was giving to pay attention to the alien tentacle jutting out of her fucking hip. Still, she didn't expect that to last forever, 'I'm not fucking kidding, young...whatever you are! Get back in here now or you're gonna be really sorry!'


It took one last sip of the chocolate before it retracted, the appendage slipping back to her dress and going...wherever the hell it went, 'God, never fucking do that again!' She pinched the bridge of her nose and counted to 10. She didn't want to yell; she'd look like a damn schizo, '...Look, I know you're hungry, but you need to wait. I'll get some chocolate when we go back home, alright? Until then you have to be patient.'

'Do what Other says. Sorry.'

'It's fine.' Gwen sighed. Why did she feel so damn guilty? It wasn't like she was wrong - seeing a guest with a fucking tentacle jutting out of her hip would've caused more of a panic than Spider-Woman and Spider-Man just swinging in - but it suddenly felt like she'd kicked a damn puppy or something with the way it sounded...which was more than a little freaky since she was pretty damn sure it was using a copy of her voice.

15 more minutes passed and still no sign of the person they were supposed to protect, '...PaperDoll can't fly, right? That's not a thing?' She sighed and crossed her arms, eyes never leaving the helipad. Susan was pretty clear when she'd asked before they left: Mary's private jet would land on a personal hangar before she transferred to her private copter. No one but the pilots and the kids themselves knew where it was, so unless PD was fucking psychic this would have been the only place she could show up.

Another 10 minutes passed and already she was reconsidering the point of dressing themselves up to sneak in. What the fuck was the point if their bodyguardee (was that a word? It felt like a word) didn't even show up?

Thankfully her musing didn't last much longer before another small(ish) helicopter popped into view, '...Looks like that's her.' She narrowed her eyes and stared at the see-through cockpit. Even with her advanced eyesight it was somewhat difficult to see, but that was definitely Mary Storm: A magazine-worthy hairstyle, a dress that looked like it cost more than ten years worth of allowance and a resemblance to both her kids that definitely couldn't be denied.

Peter was at her side immediately, his expression impassive, "Took her a while to get here..." he muttered, "...How do you wanna do this?"

"Doubt she'll believe us if we just tell her." A couple of strangers telling her that her life was in danger? Yeah, that wouldn't fly...but, maybe her own daughter would work, "Alright, here's the plan: We talk to her when she gets inside and you call Lana and tell her to put Susan on the phone. She'll tell her mom what the deal is and we can get her outta here without causing a panic."

"And then what? Stash them at my place again? That ain't a solution." He frowned, "Look, unpleasant as it is it might be better if we wait for Dollhead to show herself. We can catch her in the act and put her in prison for maybe about a week before she busts out again."

"Very funny." She rolled her eyes, "Seriously, though; we're not using her as fucking bait. Too risky. We're going with my plan." They could find Piper some other way without risking an innocent woman's life.

"Whatever you say, chief."

Of course, the best laid plans had a habit of being screwed over, as the saying went. Mary was barely to the entrance before Gwen saw a disturbing slip of movement behind her as a flat, discolored figure rose out of the ground without so much as a sound, "Shit!" She rushed ahead, but Peter was faster, disappearing in a wisp of smoke before anyone else could see him, 'He's not gonna be fast enough!'

Gwen did the only thing she could think of.

"Is that a Supervillain!?" she screamed, pointing behind Mary and making sure her voice carried throughout the entirety of the large room.

It did the trick. The crowd of people turned to where she pointed and found PD looming over the still-oblivious Mary and one of them screamed, the sound spreading throughout a large chunk of the crowd. Both the stalker and the Storm matriarch paused when they heard the shouts, the former looking around in a sudden panic as people pointed and yelled panicked cries at her.

Peter made the most of it. Before the assassin wannabe could recover from the shock of being discovered Gwen saw Mary tackled to the ground before she also disappeared in a wisp of smoke, 'Well, that's definitely new.' She looked around frantically and ducked into the closest side-room. Much as she wanted to rush out there right now she didn't exactly fancy fighting in her prom dress and a pair of boots.

'Can help Other.'

She didn't even have to pull her suit out from one of her 'pockets'. As soon as the words were out of Webster's 'mouth' she felt the familiar warmth cover her entire body and a few seconds later she was looking down at the sleeves of her new costume again, 'Thanks, Webster!' She rushed out of the door and found most of the crowd pushing past one another to get to the doors, 'Well, that makes things less complicated.'

Now they just had to deal with Dali.

"Where are you!?" PD screamed, scratching and clawing at the ground in frustration. Gwen looked up at her flat body and grimaced; was punching that a really good idea? She'd never really punched someone who looked flatter than Willow Woman before, "You! You're here again!?" Piper gave her a venomous look, teeth bared and jutting out unnaturally, "Why don't you just leave me alone!? I only want-"

"You're sick, Piper. You need help." Gwen held up both hands and stepped closer, vaguely aware of the inconsistent ringing at the back of her head. She could only hope Pete was using his time wisely, "Look, we talked to your parents. We know what they did to you and I'm sorry, but you can't do this."

Despite her words, Gwen already knew it would've been pointless. Her powers didn't turn her mad, or at least they weren't the only reason. The obsession she had, the length of the scrapbook...she had to have thoughts about this even before she got her 'gifts'. Getting them and the way her parents treated her just gave her the chance and excuse to do something about it, to try and get the 'man of her dreams' no matter who she had to hurt.

"You're sorry!? You think that helps!?" She screamed back, tears in her eyes. Gwen would've been lying if she said she didn't feel even a smidge of pity for her, "If you're sorry, then stop getting in my way! I can-"

Both their attentions snapped to the helicopter when they heard the whirring of rotors. Gwen saw Peter - his only disguise being his mask and a pair of gloves thrown on loosely - all but throw Mary to the spare seat before screaming to the pilot, "Go! Now!" He slammed the door and webbed it shut.

"No! You're not getting away!"

Piper slithered towards them, her movements erratic and alien. Gwen grit her teeth and ejecting a line of webbing, but it landed harmlessly on her back before falling to the floor with a dull splat, 'That's...not how I wanted it to go.' Well, at least her theory was right; whatever powers she had, punching her out wasn't going to solve the problem. They'd need something else to solve this problem.

The blue-skinned stalker tried to jump on the heli, stopping only when Peter tackled her. It was...different than he probably expected, "Don't get in my way!" She tried to slip past him, curving her body past his arms and only succeeding in tangling themselves together when Peter grabbed hold tightly, "I don't want to kill you! I don't want to kill anyone unless I have to!"

"Your words don't match what you're doing, Piper!" Gwen jumped and clung to her back, both palms pressed against the flat, slippery surface of her 'robe', "Look, we can help you! S.H.I.E.L.D has psychologists, people who can help you with your condition! If you'll just-"

"She's not listening, Spider-Woman! We need to put her down!"

She'd been in bad situations before, but fighting PD was like trying to wrangle a snake with her bare hands. Ever time Gwen tried to grab her she slithered out of reach, arms, legs and whatever part of her body Gwen could reach tangling with hers as Piper tried to fight her way to the slowly rising chopper, 'God fucking damn it, it's like fighting someone made out of silly putty!'

The stalemate lasted for only a few more seconds before the chopper rose, Piper struggling against them even more as it slowly disappeared into the sky, "No, no, no! Not again!" She screamed, voice desperate. Gwen saw Peter deliver a punch to her stomach, but she didn't even notice judging by the increasingly futile grabs she made for the helicopter's rungs, "She doesn't deserve him! I do! She-"

"Would you you shut up?" Peter released a burst of webbing at her face, the dark silk only muffling her voice for a second before it fell on the floor like her own biocables.

Unfortunately, all it seemed to do was piss her off, "This is your fault! You kept her from me!" She wrapped both arms around his left one and squeezed, "I would've made it painless!" She screamed, Peter giving a pained growl of his own when his arm crumpled flat, thinning to look just like Piper's entire body, "You only have yourself to blame! Both of you!"

Enough was enough. Gwen clambered up the snake-woman's back and delivered a kick to her head, doing little to restrain her strength, "Let go of him!" She delivered another punch to her elongated neck, more out of desperation and anger than anything else.

It seemed to work, however slightly. She saw Dali's face morph in pain and she stumbled back, nearly falling over the edge of the helipad and dragging them along with her, "Pe- Spider-Man, hang on!" She grabbed Piper's arms and pulled, the elongated limbs stubbornly clinging to the now flattened limb despite her efforts, "It's gonna be alright, I can-"


Her spider-sense rang, but it was too little to late. Gwen felt sharpened fingers stabbing into her back, but it was almost a scratch compared to the sight of Peter being flung off the edge of the helipad to the unforgiving streets below, "No!" She ejected a line of webbing to catch him, but Dali cut the string with her sharpened fingers, "Peter!" she screamed. She had to something, follow him down or-


She felt a metal weight on her palm and she moved on instinct, tossing what she realized was her webshooter down at him just before Dali pulled her arm back in a tight hold, 'Please get it, Peter...' She looked back at Piper and fought against the blade-like appendages scratching at her. There had to be something she could do, something that could take her down for at least a little bit.

Gwen felt the familiar warmth again, the temperature almost burning hot around her mouth before she felt a heavy weight on the lower half of her face, 'Wh-What the...' She had a mouth. Filled with fangs, 'No time to panic now.' Again she moved automatically, opening her new 'mouth' wide and feeling cold hair rush through her before she bit down on Dali's wrist when she came down for another swipe.

It seemed to do the trick. Piper screamed and back away, a dark substance seeping out of the numerous holes that lined her blue skin. Gwen watched through narrowed eyes as she stumbled slightly before she fell on her back, her eyes closing and her breaths shallow.

"Peter...!" Gwen turned back breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her best friend pulling himself over the edge of the helipad, a line of white webbing held tightly in his right hand while his left flapped around uselessly against the buffeting winds, "Thank God you're alright!" She pulled him up and held him in a tight embrace before she heard a soft cry of pain, "Shit, sorry!" She backed away and held her hands up, "You okay?"

"I'll live..." He looked down at his flattened arm and sighed, "How's Dollhead?"

She reached a hand up to the lower half of her face, but all she felt was the smooth surface of her mask, 'Guess it wasn't permanent.' She walked closer to Piper and knelt down. Apart from the pinpricks she seemed unharmed...well, as unharmed as she could be considering she was still flat and splayed out across the helipad like the shed skin of a snake, '...Please tell me she's not dead.'

'Not dead. Sleeping. Pain will pass.'

'Oh, good...' She turned back to him and flashed him a thumbs up, Peter giving her a nod in return, "She's fine. Probably gonna be out for a while, though." She mussed up her hood and looked back at the hall. Mostly empty as expected, but a few stayed behind to gape and stare. She couldn't blame them; even by her standards this was pretty fucking weird, "I'm gonna call S.H.I.E.L.D, they can deal with her better. Give Lana a call to tell Susan and Johnny it's safe, too."

"And then...?"

"Then..." She found herself smiling, "We go get that pizza. My treat."

"How's the arm?" She set the pizza and assorted drinks between them on the edge of the rooftop, sitting down on the other side with a sigh. While she was never one for rejecting free stuff, the pizzeria manager offering her one of everything just because she was Spider-Woman was more than a little unnerving. Still, it was better than getting spat at by about 80% of the city, even if she had to practically force the guy to accept payment.

Peter shrugged, the gesture more comfortable now that he was back in his normal costume - Where did he get it, she wondered. Did Cindy make it for him? It made the most sense, "Getting some feeling back..." he answered softly, moving the limb experimentally. It wasn't flat anymore, but they'd slung it up in a web-sling all the same; better not to risk it, after all, "...You know, Stacy, the next time you invite me out to a party remind me to say no."

"Hey, trust me. Any parties I go to are a lot more fun than that place." She opened the box and inhaled the smell of melted cheese and hot meat appreciatively. After having to stuff herself full of chocolate it was nice to get something meaty in her system for a change, "Besides, we did good. S.H.I.E.L.D's gonna keep Piper in a facility to get the help she needs, the Storms are safe and those guys at the party are practically in love with you after you saved Mary."

"I don't need their attention." He detached the lower half of his mask and took a slice of pizza with his free hand, Gwen taking one of her own, "I hope this was worth it. Felicia got on my case about you influencing me too much."

"She's just jealous she can't get you to go to fancy parties with her." She pulled up her own mask halfway and took a big bite of the slice, Peter giving a subtle smile before he followed her lead, "...Oh, hey, before I forget." She tossed her other webshooter at his lap, "I don't actually need them any more. Webster gives me all the webs I need, and they saved your ass already so I figured you could use them better."

"Maybe, but I can't exactly use both. I need my own webs, and these things block my wrists," He tossed it back to her and she caught it with her free hand, "I'll keep one of them on me, should be useful, but you can keep the other." He looked down at the webshooter hidden under his right wrist, "...Thanks for the save, by the way. I'd have been a smear on the pavement if not for you."

"Hey, that's what best friends do." She clamped it down at her left wrist, her costume immediately covering it completely. She doubted she needed to use it again with Webster attached to her, but better safe than sorry...besides, there was probably some symbolism there with both of them having the other half and it would've killed the mood if she didn't play along.

They ate in silence, a comfortable one this time. For the first time in days she felt pretty good: She and Peter were talking again, 3 innocent people were safe and a dangerous Supervillain was behind bars. All in all it was a victory, even if she was pretty sure there'd be another crazy guy or girl in a costume before the day was done. She'd learned to relish the small moments she could get.

"...You know, this takes me back," she said. Peter paused mid-bite to look at her, "When you first met me without a mask...well, besides the time you got caught by Maxine and...yeah." What point was she trying to make again?

"Don't remind me. I've got a craving for pizza thanks to you." He bit into his slice again before continuing, "Besides, it wasn't all fun and games, remember? You still-"

"Lied to you. I know." She sighed. It wasn't like she forgot, but being reminded of it was never pleasant, "Look, I'm sorry about that, alright? I'll say sorry every day if that's what it takes, but I think we both know it's not gonna change shit."

"Point." He gave a sigh of his own, "Look, I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't still sting that I got the wool pulled over my eyes, but I've moved past it for the most part. Besides, I have bigger problems to worry about now."

"You mean about..." She trailed off, but the frown on his face made it clear they both knew what she was talking about, "Peter, why are you so scared to consider that you belong here? That this is your home?"

"Because I don't want to think that everything I knew was a lie..." He looked over the edge, mouth pressed into a thin line, "Gwen, I remember growing up in the streets. I remember the Depression, Uncle Ben coming back from the Great War...all of it. It doesn't feel like a lie to me. You understand that, right? Imagine finding out you're not Gwen Stacy, that your dad, your friends...not yours. Wouldn't it scare you?"

"It would, but...I'd be lying if I said I knew what you were going through. Finding out your entire life was a lie is...I can't even imagine..." She bit her lower lip. She wanted her best friend back, wanted Uncle Ben and Aunt May to get their son back, but it wasn't so simple, was it? It was easy for her to detach because she didn't see and feel what he did, "...What's your plan, though? Are you planning to go back?"

"...I don't know." He raised a knee and put his slung hand over it, "I talked with Stars-and-Stripes. Time passes constantly no matter the dimensions. I've been here for 5 years, and this body..." He looked down his left arm with a scowl, "Even if I do go back, will they even recognize me? They've probably moved on already. Mary Jane's probably gotten married to some respectable businessman and Aunt May...I don't even know if she's still alive. Losing Uncle Ben was hard enough, but losing us both...if it was me I might have lost it."


"And despite all that I'm still here wasting my time. Every day that passes is another one that I'm not home, but here I am still doing it. I can't tell if I'm suicidal or just a plain moron..." He laughed bitterly, "Hell, maybe I'm just like Howard. After everything I've seen and done, would home still feel like home? Without my friends and family it's not even worth it, is it?"

"I can't make the choice for you, Peter. do have friends here." She set the pizza box aside and put her hand atop his, "Lana obviously cares about you; you made friends with a talking Duck, even if I think that's fucking weird; and...well, there's me." She gave him a strained smile, "I know we've had our ups and downs, but I like to think we're friends regardless of who you really are."

"Yeah, you're like a fungus. Hard to get rid of." He laughed softly. She couldn't tell if it was happy or not, "...Look, we've had our disagreements, but I can respect what you're doing. You don't have to go out and save people, you don't owe them anything. You're innocent now, you could bank on that like that green-skinned amazon on tv, but instead you keep going."

"So do you," she pointed out, "I...don't always agree with your methods, but it was unfair of me to put you up to the same standards I had. I guess I was just paranoid that you'd slip up again, and I wanted a second chance for what happened that night at prom. I don't think I'll ever fully agree with how you do things, but that's my problem, not yours." After talking with Cap and her dad, it was hard to keep to her ideals. She didn't know if she liked that or not, "You still try your best to not resort to it. I can accept that."

"You didn't see me the two months we didn't talk." He made a wry smile, "...I don't like killing people, Gwen, but I don't cry about it either. It's was always down to the hard facts. One monster dies, a dozen innocents live. I'm not gonna kill them if they can be punished, but if not...well, it's an obvious draw."

"Kinda like my dad...well, different words, but same meaning." She leaned back and looked up at the setting sun. Hard to believe it'd only been one day; it felt a hell of a lot longer, "...Hey, if you do decide to stay here, what do you plan to do?"

"Hell if I know." He shrugged, "Right now I'm elbow-deep in other things. Besides my 'team' - as Hill calls them - Murdock's put a target on my head and the researchers over at 'Shield' seem to think that I have the secret to curing cancer or helping old war vets get their limbs back. Truth be told it feels like I'm so far down the tunnel that I can't see the light at the end of it."

"How poetic," she teased, "Hmm...if you want I could probably pull some favors and make you a sanctioned S.H.I.E.L.D hero like I am. You know, do things by the book...well, as by the book as we can be all things considered."

"Something tells me Bullseye's gonna take issue with that, but Lana'll be happy, at least..."

They smiled at one another, the gesture warmer and more sincere than anything they shared in months. Almost unconsciously she found herself scooting closer, her free hand moving to hold the side of his face. She saw him flinch slightly, but he didn't pull back or push her away.

The next kiss wasn't like the last two they shared. At first it was like she was kissing a statue - even though she was pretty sure they both initiated this time - but eventually he reciprocated wholeheartedly, pulling her close with his free hand and holding onto her waist tightly. It was definitely...odd, definitely different from the the last times they'd tried it. Less awkward, more sure of themselves.

He wasn't gentle, though to be fair neither was she. Gwen wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, mouth, teeth and tongues crashing against one another and trying to push for just a little bit more. At the back of her head the rational part of her mind reminded her that what she was doing wasn't the smart play and she should break off...

...But then Peter bit her lip with an almost desperate growl and she ignored it.

She didn't know how long they stayed that way, but eventually she felt a buzzing at her thigh and Webster's voice in her head, 'Phone.' A 'pocket' at her side opened up and it placed the buzzing phone next to her head with it's tentacle.

She wanted to ignore it, but eventually the buzzing got to her and she separated from him reluctantly, "Sorry, phone call..." She snatched it from the tentacle with a huff and answered before she could even see who it was, "Yeah, who is-"

"Gwen, are you near a bigscreen right now?" MJ's voice asked from the other end of the line. Gwen's brows furrowed; she sounded panicked and...amused? The hell?

"No, why-"

"Go find a bigscreen, you're gonna want to see what's on."

The call cut off before she could ask what the hell she meant, "...MJ said we should go to a bigscreen, said it was important." She stood up and pulled down her mask, Peter joining her and clipping his own mask in place after giving an awkward cough, "So...wanna follow up?"

"Which one? What we just did or Watson's tip?"


The two of them found a big-screen not too far from the building they were sitting in...and she immediately wished they hadn't. Gwen felt her breath catch in her throat when she saw the contents of the sudden news report, "...What the fuck!?" She screamed, Peter looking up at it in painful silence. Still, even through it all she heard his shaky breaths, saw the way his fingers twitched. She couldn't blame him.

After all, their kiss was plastered all over the bigscreens like it was the winning shot at the fucking superbowl!

"How...that's..." She mumbled, unable to find the words. Cause really, what the fuck!?

"...Someone must have recorded us. We weren't exactly being subtle sitting up on a roof in the middle of town..." Peter muttered before he took a deep, tired breath, "...This is going to make things...difficult."

"Yeah, you fucking think!?" She snapped back. Already she could see the crowds at the street below looking up at them and pointing: Some with smiles, others with frowns and more than a few seemed to be throwing glares at the both of them, "Oh god, that thing's probably getting circulated everywhere! Everyone I know's gonna see it!" Her friends and...oh fuck, her dad! He was going to fucking explode!

Right on cue her phone buzzed, her dad's number appearing on top of the screen. Peter was in the same boat, his phone vibrating incessantly with Felicia's name spelled out in deep, condemning letters.

The two of them shared a pained look. This was going to suck.

Well...that happened :/ Something tells me neither Peter or Gwen's friends are going to be happy with what just happened, especially considering how it was outted. Anyway, to get to the point: Does this mean the two are together? ...Eh. Depends on how long they can keep up their 'I accept you for who you are' feelgood kumbaya BS and whether they actually agree to enter a relationship. Given their track record I'm kinda doubtful.

Anyway, one thing I noticed about the arcs is that they almost have nothing to do with the villains :X I mean sure they're there, but they have little depth and the segments are usually more about the heroes interacting - In this arc it's Noir and Gwen patching things together and Gwen establishing a rapport with Venom. Hopefully this is okay for everyone, but since people disagreed with Villain POV's for the most part there's little I can do.

So...question for the next chapter: Show the fallout of what happened here with its own dedicated chapter or just skip ahead to the PGH arc and have them deal with it in-between the investigation bits like they dealt with the aftermath of 'Madhouse(?)' during this arc? I'm partial to either, though if you pick the former it's probably gonna be similar to what happened last time: Gwen talks with her friends/dad while Noir goes fight-clubbing to distract himself while getting needled by Lana and Bullseye.

Oh, and on a final note: Gwen really does look almost identical to her mom, it's almost like she got nothing from her dad; also not a stretch to say it's probably where she got the headband she sometimes wears in the SG comic. Take a gander:

Okay... I was initially annoyed about the kissing/romance/etc, then I got to the end.

The two of them shared a pained look. This was going to suck.

Yes, yes it is. This is the textbook example of 'The Romance that Should Not Be' and it irks me, but at the same time I am going to enjoy the hell out of watching this plane crash and burn. :lol

Forget Felicia, Castle is going to be PISSED! :D

On another note the fight was very nice and Webster is absolutely adorable!
Okay... I was initially annoyed about the kissing/romance/etc, then I got to the end.


Yes, yes it is. This is the textbook example of 'The Romance that Should Not Be' and it irks me, but at the same time I am going to enjoy the hell out of watching this plane crash and burn. :lol

Forget Felicia, Castle is going to be PISSED! :D

On another note the fight was very nice and Webster is absolutely adorable!

To be fair you could just justify them getting caught in the heat of the moment, which is easy enough considering both of them are hormonal teenagers. That and the main point is the fallout this is going to cause people in both sides. Gwen's reputation might honestly take a hit considering half the town hates Peter's guts, and half the Defenders don't like Gwen and will worry about how much influence she seems to have over Noir.

That and you've seen my writing for Noir enough to know that I don't like feelgood romance, so have a little faith ;)

Fight was meh for me, though Venom's character did radically shift from my original plans and he's more like Toxin than Venom at this point.
General question given I'm really bad at writing romance that aren't twisted and broken: Is there any kind of way that Captain Stacy wouldn't immediately throw a fit and get pissed seeing his daughter getting smooched on the jumbotron? Particularly with the vigilante who has no hesitation beating an entire biker gang into a coma with a freaking chain? Likewise, would the Parkers care overmuch or would they somehow miss this and/or just try to let the two get a handle on it themselves without trying to pressure them? The fact that it was apparently mutual's probably gonna go right over everyone's heads...
Chapter 47
Relatively long chapter ahead. Anyway, I just finished Planescape: Torment enhanced edition, so I'm now in the proper mood to write the upcoming PGH arc since it's back to Noir again.

On a more on-topic note, I just read through the new Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider. Pretty good and hilarious :p I mean what else can you say about a guy who steals his new supersuit from some poor cosplayer (leaving him naked in his hotel room), disarms a mugger and kneecaps him with his own gun, asks for payment when the woman he saved (though not before asking her name's Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy) asks if he needs anything and then gives her said gun despite her protestations both as a subtle threat and because she just got mugged and needs protection.

Who knows, maybe I can crib some ideas off of it :)

Chapter 47: Romance is not my Forte

How was this her life?

Gwen let out an annoyed breath as she swung through the air, her spider-sense silent like it almost always was. Right now it would've been the perfect time to find some damsel (or dude, she wasn't picky) in distress, a building on fire with people to save...hell, even Bodega Bandit robbing some corner store! She would've taken anything at this point, and she wouldn't even complain!

But no, it was perfectly peaceful. People passed by one another on the streets with polite waves, no one cut each other off in traffic and even the dark alleys were perfectly civil without a single thug or purse-snatcher in sight...

Oh, and the bigscreens were still showing the kiss, why the fuck were they still showing it!?

'Isn't there anything else on? Some robbery at a drug store? Maybe Murderdock stroking his evil mustache? Anything?' she thought, desperately trying to ignore the various screens that she passed. It'd only been a couple of hours and night was beginning fall on the town, but the news was spreading like wildfire in Australia. Everyone - Fact Channel, Channel 8, The New York Gazzette and god only knew who else - was tripping over one another to try and get an interview or figure out what the deal was.

It would've been easier if she had any fucking clue what the deal was...

She shook her head and propelled herself into a higher swing, Webster oddly silent despite the fact that it'd been a while since she last ate something resembling chocolate. It would pass soon enough; the 'incident' (god it sounded pretentious calling it that) was fresh and right now it was the new scoop. Tomorrow there'd be some new thing to pay attention to - maybe a Kardashian doing something stupid or a new Werewolf romance flick - and no one would care, but right now...right now she might as well have made her entire suit a giant red target.

Her phone was off, which she didn't count on helping her for long. Her dad was a former police detective; even if she didn't go back to her apartment he'd find some way to track her down so they could have the 'talk'. All she was doing was delaying the inevitable.

A distraction came in the form of someone screaming not too far away below her, "Help, please! He took my purse!" someone screamed. Gwen blinked and adjusted her swing to the right. A part of her felt bad about wanting some crime to stop, but at least it was better than constantly thinking about what she and Peter...she shook her head. No, no, none of that. She'd just save this woman and put the guy in the penalty box so he could learn his lesson, that'd be the end of it.

Sadly, life decided it wasn't done screwing her just yet. She'd barely landed before she saw an older woman dressed in a gray pantsuit with a guy who most definitely didn't look like a mugger standing next to her, " two saw anyone needing help? Something about a purse?" she asked, though the realization was already halfway done by the time the woman pulled out a recorder and thrust it towards her.

"No crime here, sorry," she said, giving a not-at-all sorry smile, "Just needed to get your attention." She nodded to the guy and he raised a small digital camera at them both, "We just wanted to question you about the events of a couple of hours ago."

'Are you fucking kidding me?' Her right eye twitched and her mouth curled into a frown, though the mask hid it well enough. Good for both of them; if anyone saw it she was sure it'd be up on the papers and someone would reporting about how she was mentally unstable, 'Just...calm down, Gwen. Don't lose your cool and yell at them; you'll just give them what they want...' She took a deep breath and clenched her hands.

"Now, we have a lot of questions to start with, but the one everyone's curious about is whether you and the Dark Spider are in a relationship and if this means you condone his actions-

"Bye." Gwen released a line of webbing and pulled herself into a high swing. The woman's look of abject shock was almost worth the scathing headline she'd get tomorrow morning. She could see it now: 'Hero snob to local populace! Thinks she's better than everyone else!' or some other bullshit. At this point she didn't have a single crap to give; she was already proven innocent for murder, getting some rumors couldn't be any worse, right? Hell she'd seen some of the posts on the forums that Betty kept bringing up; labeling her a snob would've probably been one of the more polite things she could've been called.

Not everyone was a fan of Spider-Woman, after all.

Gwen sighed, 'No point in trying to patrol...' She clicked her tongue. She'd separated from Pete a couple of hours earlier, and really she should have just changed out of her costume then and there. But no, her conscience started blasting her: It was still light out, people still needed help, maybe a Supervillain would break out of prison and people would pay attention to that instead of things they really had no damn business sticking their noses in.

She found herself going on autopilot, swinging through the same route back to her apartment. At this point all she wanted to do was go home, eat an entire tub of chocolate and ice cream (and not just cause of Webster) then maybe crash for the next week to give people time to move on and stop treating a kiss like it was the end of the world. Then maybe things would get back to normal...

Her lips curled up in a wry smile. Yeah, right...normal left a long fucking time ago.

Of course she'd taken maybe two steps past the window before the ol' Stacy luck hit yet again and she found herself face to face with her friends, "Uh..."Gwen stopped, hands awkwardly holding onto her freshly removed mask, as Glory, Betty and MJ stared at her from the assorted seats in the living room with varying expressions, "Ahaha...hey you three...wassup?" She tossed her mask behind her carelessly and gave them all a toothy grin.

Her response was total silence. Betty, at least, looked non-plussed, just staring at her the same way she did when she didn't completely know how to take something. MJ had a single eyebrow raised and drummed her fingers on the couch's armrest, but apart from that it was the same as ever. Granted Gwen didn't know what that meant, but she'd take a little uncertainty over a definite middle finger.

Glory was the worst: Lips curled into a slight frown, brows knotted together and her eyes narrowed. She knew what it was; the worried glare of judgement and concern. She used it whenever she was deciding on whether she was worried about your well-being or pissed off about whatever it was you did. Gwen knew from experience that the latter was a shitton less scary than the former.

" about those...things, huh?" She laughed awkwardly. No one joined her, "...Hey, uh...where's Murderface? I think he'd love-"

"We saw the news, Gwen." Glory interrupted, her tone clipped. Gwen cringed; oh god, she was using her mom voice. Now she was really in for it, "Look, far be it for me or any of us to tell you what to do-"

"But you're gonna do it anyway, right?" she interruoted, her voice taking on an irritated edge. Before Glory could let out another word she trudged to the refrigerator and took out a large tub of chocolate chip ice cream, "Look, I know you're gonna go on a lecture, but can I eat while we're doing it? I'm kinda eating for two at this point." She took out a spoon and made her way back to the lone unoccupied chair, looking over her friends worriedly when they gave each other unreadable stares, "Uh...something wrong?"

"Eating for two...?" Betty mumbled, " pregnant?"

"Wha- no!" she countered, cheeks heating up slightly when they all gave her skeptical looks, "When I said that I know what, long fucking story, but trust me: I'm not pregnant." She stabbed the spoon into the frozen treat and resisted the urge to fling it at MJ when she raised another eyebrow, "Look, whatever you think is going on, it's not, alright? Trust me, it's-"

"You were kissing Spider-Man on the bigscreen," Betty said, "That happened, right?"

"...Yeah." She winced. Couldn't really deny that, "But look, that's-"

"That was mutual, right? Not like the last time it happened?" MJ asked, ignoring Glory's look and the startled 'this happened before?' she gave.

"...Pretty mutual, yeah." She winced harder. She was just digging her grave at this point, right? Wasn't this usually a trap only guys fell for? "Alright, look- No, don't you fucking interrupt me again!" She yelled, causing Betty to close her mouth with a pout, ", as I was saying: Yes, we kissed. Yes, it got recorded. No, we didn't plan on it. And no, we didn't fuck and he didn't get me pregnant. Happy?"

A moment of silence passed before Glory spoke up, mom voice intact, "Gwen...are you and him-"

"In a relationship?" she finished, causing Glory to nod, "I...I dunno." She raised the spoon and shoved it in her mouth, letting the ice cream calm her, "We I said, it wasn't planned. One minute we were just talking and eating pizza (which we totally left behind, by the way), and the next we were..."

"Sucking face?" MJ said, a slight smirk on her face.

"Yes...thanks, MJ." Gwen rolled her eyes. MJ was enjoying this; she'd have to find some way to take some petty revenge later. Maybe some webbing in her hair when she fell asleep, "But, that's all we did. MJ actually called us and told us to check out the the way, you coulda just told us what the deal us. Would've saved us a lot of trouble."

"Maybe, but I doubt you would've believed me." The redhead shrugged, "Anyway, continuing on?"

"There's nothing to continue." She took another spoonful of ice cream, "You called us, we checked out the bigscreens, then we went our seperate ways. Figured we weren't gonna get anything down after the shit that just happened..." Not that she got much done on her own, but screw it. At least she tried, "...Look, is this all just because I kissed someone? You guys didn't say anything when I went out with Randy or when Betty said she was going out with Falcon."

"World of difference," Glory said, "Randy's our manager and the worst thing he could do is give someone a bad gig. That Falcon dude? Don't trust him, but he's working for Captain freaking America so I figure he's okay." Gwen resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Yeah, if by 'okay' she meant constantly asking Cap if he could shoot people cause he was bored, "But Dark Spider? Eh..." She sucked in a breath through her teeth, "He's dangerous Gwen. Hate to sound like a broken record, but it's the truth."

"Hey, in case you forgot I'm not slouch myself. Spider-Woman, remember?" Gwen pulled back her middle and ring finger and made a self-satisfied 'thwip', "Webs, super strength, wall-crawling, any of this ringing a bell?"

"Don't be an ass." Glory scoffed, "You know what I mean. You have superpowers, but that doesn't mean you're invincible or that we're going to stop worrying. Get me?" She looked to the others two, both Betty and MJ giving oddly withdrawn nods, "I'm just saying, are you sure you know what you're doing here? I don't believe everything on the news - I know for a fact half of the bullshit they say about you is a lie - but the things he's done and the battered people he's left doesn't give me a good feeling."

"Look, Glory, I appreciate it." Gwen sighed, pausing to consider her words. Her friends were worried about her, she couldn't be mad at them for that, "But me and Pe- Spider-Man? Totally cool, I mean it. He's...not the easiest person to get along with - trust me, I fucking know - but he's a good person. He's doing good, even if I don't always agree with how he does it. Do you get me?"

"Yeah..." She took a slow, deep breath, "Yeah, I get you."

A few seconds of silence settled over them before Betty suddenly clapped her hands, nearly causing them all to jump, "Right, guess the drama's done." She gave them all a lopsided grin and pulled up her cellphone, "Now that mom's done giving you the third degree, you gotta check some of the shit they're posting online. You can taste the salt from the fanboy's tears from here."

"Betty...don't." Gwen set the tub of ice cream aside and massaged her temples with both fingers. Both Betty and MJ followed along on the forums and fanclubs, completely ignoring her perfectly reasonable request to block the websites from everything they owned and to never talk about it within 50 miles of her. Hey, she was fine with the idea of people liking her after 3 years of scorn, but some of those comments...well, let's just say she had a growing appreciation for celebrities who only punched paparazzi whenever they tried to pull off some assholish stunt.

"Come on, it can't be that bad- woah." MJ leaned over the edge of the couch and widened her eyes comically at the contents, "Shit, Gwencent, you should see this. Some people are threatening to go pitchfork's and torches on Pet- Spider-Man's ass. There's even pictures." She swiped the phone and turned the screen over to Gwen. The blonde winced at the sight of a roided out guy with a shotgun scowling at the screen, "Think that's legit or it's a Giigle pic?"

"I don't know, MJ. I don't care," she muttered tiredly. Great, now they went from being worried to making fun. She couldn't tell which was worse, "Dude, I'm pretty sure it's just some armchair general talking big. I mean how many of those guys kept saying they had Superpowers and they just didn't want to show it cause they'd put their friends and family in danger?"

"About a couple dozen last I checked," Glory said, "Hey, I liked the guy who said he could turn into a Vampire-Wolf hybrid during a solar eclipse."

"Nah, the guy who said he could turn invisible when no one's looking is better." MJ scrolled down the screen and whistled, "Damn, these guy's are having a fucking meltdown. Listen to some of these comments: 'That 'Spider-Man' is a murderer and a thief, he doesn't deserve a great hero like Spider-Woman as a friend let alone a girlfriend!'; 'You know, I heard he's some kind of man-spider or a spy from H.Y.D.R.A.'; 'I dunno how he forced her to kiss him, but-'

"Woah, woah, woah! He did not force me!" she snapped. God, what the shit was with this? First people started rumors that she had a torture cellar or that she made deals with the Supervillains to catch them for attention, now this! What next, were they gonna decide what she was and wasn't allowed to do? "Look, we might have gotten caught up in the heat of the moment, but we both did it."

"Hey, you're preaching to the choir, Gwencent." MJ put her hands up, "But your fanclub's going fucking ballistic. They think you're 'too good' for Spider-Man or that he's secretly blackmailing you with something. You know how rabid fans can be." She rolled her eyes and gave the phone back to Betty, "Just giving you a heads up. Might want to tell Tiger that he should watch his back next time he goes out."

"Yeah, thanks..." Gwen brought hand a through her face and let out a long, frustrated breath. She shouldn't have gotten so worked up - Crazy fanboys who talked tough because they were hidden behind a screen? She'd seen those types long before she put on her costume; they were freaking everywhere. Now she had some of her own, so what? She could just make like Taylor Swift and completely ignore them.

"Look at some of these other guys." Betty gestured to the screen, both MJ and Glory (traitor!) leaning over to look, "They think it's creepy cause Dark Spider's old enough to be your grandpa. Something about him being a manther; think they're calling him a cougar."

"For fuck's sake, he's younger than I am!" She threw her hands in the air before scowling. She wasn't ashamed to admit that she was getting tired of people assuming, always thinking they 'knew her' or some other bullshit. How many times had she seen people claiming to know things like how her relationship with her dad was (apparently going really badly since some self-styled psychiatrists claimed her Superheroing was a sign of outspoken rebellion) or what her favorite color was (last she checked orangiler wasn't a thing)?

"Actually, there's one thing I am curious about," Glory said, looking at Gwen and MJ both, "Look, it doesn't take a genius to figure out both of you know who Dark Spider is. So I have to ask: Is that why you made out with him? Who is he behind that thing?"

Gwen bit her lip and shared a look with MJ. Should she tell them? She'd asked Peter before and he said he didn't care if she did. 'If Castle and Bullseye know, I can't see how dangerous it'd be if you bandmates did', were his exact words. Still, a part of her felt reluctant and honestly she didn't know how to explain it. Her best friend back from the dead with warped memories? Yeah, so simple (sarcasm).

A few more seconds of silence passed before she took a deep breath, "Alright, you wanna know what the deal is?" MJ gave her an 'are you sure?' look and she nodded. She had to do this, "Alright...the reason I got involved with him so much in the first place is cause...well, he's Peter...Peter Parker."

As soon as the words left her mouth everything in the apartment stopped dead fucking still. It was so quiet Gwen could've heard a pin drop, and the looks her friends gave her weren't helping: MJ was supportive (which was scary); Betty looked the same as always, but the fact that she'd dropped her phone without a single word spoke volumes; and Glory...well, she couldn't tell if that gaping wide-eyed look was shock or her thinking Gwen had finally gone crazy. Maybe both.

Betty was the first to speak, picking up her phone clumsily, "Um...alright, I got nothing." She turned to MJ and Glory, "...You two got anything? I kinda want to tell her she's crazy, but I'm scared she'll web me up and lay eggs in me or something."

"I'm not crazy!" she snapped, because that totally wasn't what a crazy person would say, "I just- Look, after everything we've seen and all the shit that's happened, is this really that unbelievable? That-"

"That your best friend came back from the dead and turned into a Superhero/Supervillain? Kinda, yeah..." Glory crossed her arms and pursed her lips, "Look, Gwen...I love you, I do, but you know this sounds fucking crazy, right? Peter's dead, we were all there at his funeral. I heard you and Harry give a speech and then he was buried, end of story. You having Superpowers and someone coming back from the dead are two different things entirely."

"Well, when you put it like that..." Gwen chewed on her lower lip and considered her next words, "...Look, we met him in the club. He was with Norah, remember?"

"Alright, I'll admit there was a resemblance," Glory said, "But seriously? There's millions of people in this city, at least one of em's probably his clone without even really trying. Sure he's not just a cousin?"

"Yeah, I'm sure..." Gwen muttered, "Look, MJ'll back me up. He's Peter. It's a...long story, but I'll tell you 3 if you promise to just stay quiet and save any questions till I finish. Alright?" They all nodded, some more reluctantly than others, but nodded all the same. She'd take it, "Alright, well...I guess it starts at prom."

Everything came out in a rush: The night at prom, Peter turning himself into the Lizard, the 3 years that came after, meeting with him again in that alley...everything. She didn't know how long it took, but judging by the fact that the ice cream had all but melted into an unrecognizable goop she'd have to say it was a lot. And through it all her friends just listened, none of them interrupting or calling bullshit no matter what she said.

"This is just..." Glory said after a minue of silence, taking a deep breath to calm herself, "I mean, let me see if I got this straight: Your best friend turned into a giant lizard - which is still hard to believe even after 2 months, by the way - you accidentally killed him, and now he's back 3 years later with new spider I getting all this right?"

"Hey, don't forget the whole acting like he's out of Vice City thing," Betty added, annoyingly blase now that the initial shock had passed, "Speaking of which, the whole coming back from the dead"

"Not completely sure." Gwen sucked in a breath through her teeth, "Details are kinda confusing, but at the very least I know it's his body. How much of it is him is a bit of a sore point. I think he's still himself, but his memories are...well, scrambled eggs. Truth be told sometimes I'm not sure what to believe, but it's better than him being dead, so..."

"Right..." Glory brought a hand through her face, "Look, I was leery enough before without knowing all of...this..." She made a vague gesture through the air, "But know how this looks, right? The Midtown Lizard - Peter - was...after everything that's happened-"

"I know what happened, Glory." She took a deep breath, "God, I know. I'll never forget it as long as I live, but...I'm not saying Peter's perfect now or that he doesn't have his issues, but now he's trying to help people. I'm just..." Trying to help him? Control him? Put him on a leash like Felicia implied? She couldn't deny that it might have seemed that way to someone outside looking in... "It's complicated."

"Seems like it," Betty said, "Still can't believe that he's Parker. I still remember him getting stuffed into lockers or getting swirlied in the bathroom. He really going around beating down biker gang's with a chain?"

"That was one time and he said it was for intimidation." Why exactly was she defending him now? Ugh, how was this her life? "Look, I know it's...fucking weird, okay? But it's the truth. I mean, why would I bullshit about something like this? You all know what Peter meant...means to me." She looked down and frowned. Past tense, present tense; which one was 'right'? "Look, it's-"

"Where is he now?" Glory interrupted, an eyebrow raised skeptically, "I think I'd like a talk with him...Peter."

"Glory, please, going mama bear really isn't going to help here." Gwen cringed. That was not a conversation she wanted to see, "As for Peter...well, after seeing the bigscreen we figured it'd be better if we went our separate ways till the heat died down, you know? He mentioned something about going to a fight club-"

"A fight club?" Glory interrupted again, her voice suspicious, "Right, that's totally normal behavior. Going to a fight club."

"Hey, Gwencent puts on tights and beats up Supervillains. Don't think Tiger's any different on that front." MJ shrugged, "Anyway, lets get down to the meat of it before we go anywhere else. Gwen, you did know that Peter was in love with you before, right?"

"Yeah..." Granted she only knew 3 years after the fact, but they didn't need to know that. Besides, did Spider-Man...Peter still have the same feelings? She didn't know. It wasn't like she could just ask him exactly how much he remembered of his life before this giant clusterfuck, "Why, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Gwen." Glory took a deep breath and Gwen frowned. There was that mom voice again, "Look, you're not an idiot, but when it comes to your friends you can be kind of...well, I don't have to say it." She tapped the cushion next to her nervously, considering her next words, "Alright, I'm just gonna say it straight out: Is the only reason you did what you did because of what happened with Peter 3 years ago? Because you feel guilty?"

She wanted to snap something back, but something kept her mouth shut. If he wasn't Peter - if it was someone else, a stranger, under the mask - would she have let herself be so open? What about him? If he didn't have memories of the time they spent together and he really was just an unrelated person from another dimension, would he have reciprocated? She couldn't say she was 100% sure...

"Hey, let Gwen do what she does. She can deal with it," Betty piped up, giving her a light grin, "Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass here, but she really doesn't seem like the type to sleep with some dude just cause he felt guilty. She didn't get together with Osborn or Gayle, so why's Pete any different? If he's an asshole then she'll kick his ass, end of story." She waved a hand through the air, "Simple, right?"

"Uh...yeah." Gwen found herself nodding in lieu of anything else. Was it really that simple? Not really. But she didn't exactly feel like going through this now with them, " change the topic, have I told you guys about the new alien/cancer cure I've got attached to me?" Glory and MJ gave her a pure 'WTF?' look while Betty suddenly looked far more interested than she had any right to be, "...What?"

"Really? Now I know you're talking bullshit," Glory rolled her eyes, "And don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not lying. See this new costume? That's it." She raised her hand and flexed her fingers, the surface of the suit moving in a dull rhythm in response, "It's...well, I got it when I was rescuing Peter with some other guys from these terrorists called S.I.L.K. Saved my ass, and it's been helping me out for a while now. Come on, Webster. Say hi."

'If Other is sure.'

Glory and MJ's eyes widened when a tentacle sprouted from her knuckles and made its way towards them leisurely, stopping when it was at front of them both. Betty looked up from her place on the floor with a shocked grin, muttering 'holy shit' under her breath excitedly, "Girls, meet Webster. Webster, meet the girls. I...guess this is the point where we all shake hands and make friends?"

Betty was the first to stand, grabbing the end of the tentacle and the firm grip and shaking it excitedly. Gwen heard Webster almost humming at the back of her head, 'Happy. Excited. Not scared.' The tentacle morphed into the shape of a hand - Betty's hand - and continued to shake properly, Betty giving an impressed whistle in response.

After a few more seconds of shaking it turned towards MJ and Betty again, the redhead staring at the offered 'hand' before she shook her head, " thanks." She stood up and made her way to the back of the couch, "No offense to your...friend, Gwencent, but I've read enough of my sister's fanfics to know where this is going, I'd rather keep as far away from any tentacles as I can, thank you."

"Y-Yeah, me too..." Glory mumbled, staring at the black appendage completely blank-eyed, "Just...make sure you keep 'Webster' on a tight leash, get me?"

"Yeah, don't worry." She retracted the tentacle back (though not before making it pet MJ in the head and getting a satisfying squeal and promises of revenge) and stood up, "It's pretty well-behaved, but he's pretty much the reason I've been stuffing myself with chocolate like Juava the Hatt for the past few days. He's a hungry little bastard..." She stared at the melted ice cream longingly, "...Look, whatever happened I just told you? None of it leaves this room. I still need time to explain things to dad and the Parkers, and it'd be better if I had some time to deal with this."

"Um...yeah, about that." Glory coughed...why did she cough? "I...kinda told your dad you were here in the middle of your story. He was asking about you and I figured-"

"You what!?" Gwen screamed, glaring at Glory with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns, "What- how the- what made you think that's-"

Before Gwen could finish her (completely justified) rant the door opened with a slam and... "Oh, fuck..." Gwen winced at the sight of her father standing in the doorway, his expression not at all amused. She knew that face; it was the 'I'm gonna give you a lecture but it's for your own good and you're gonna like it' face. She rarely saw him like that. The last time was when he'd found out she was the 'masked menace' Spider-Woman, and even then Vulture put a kibosh to that.

And now here they were again without a Supervillain in sight.

Her dad took two steps into the apartment, both of them deafening, "Ladies, I'd like some privacy with my daughter." He coughed, giving them all a pointed look, "Now."

None of them stayed (traitors!) and only MJ turned back to give her a sympathetic look before her dad practically slammed the door behind him, his lips pursed in that 'not a scowl, but totally a scowl' way. The last time she'd seen that was when she'd snuck over to the Parker house for an impromptu sleepover and- oh, right.

"Look, dad, before we-"

"I saw you on the news, Gwendolyne." She flinched. Ouch, full name? That was reserved for the worst offenses, "Can you just...could you imagine what that was like? Looking up at the bigscreens and seeing your daughter...cavorting with a dangerous vigilante?"

"We weren't...cavorting, dad." She crossed her arms and looked away, her cheeks heated red. She suddenly felt like a kid again, arguing with her dad about her wanting a drumset instead of something more 'sensible', "And hey, you don't see me making (too much of a) big fuss with you screwing Jess. Don't I get the same benefit?" she asked, making sure to add a little judgement in her tone.

Judging by her dad's unimpressed stare it didn't work. Well, that wasn't a surprise; 30 years on the force and 20 being a dad tended to do that, "That's not the same thing, Gwendolyne, and you know it," he said. It was the same tone every parent used whenever they went for 'because I say so', "Jess isn't out there risking her life or doing even half the things Spider-Man is. How well do you know him, really?"

"You know who he is, dad. He's know, my best friend?" Her voice had taken on a harder edge despite her best efforts. She hated arguing with him, especially cause she almost never won.

"Is he?" He countered, "I remember a lot of things about Peter, but they certainly don't involve Spider-Man or half the things he gets up to."

"Don't believe everything you see on the news, pops. You already fucked up like that before." A painful silence settled over them at her words and Gwen gave a pained look. She'd gone too far, "...Look, I didn't mean it like that. It's just..." She sighed, "God, I know Peter's not perfect, but fuck neither am I, right? I'm not some fragile doll you guys have to watch out for, you know?"

"I...I know that, Gwennie." He let out a tired breath. At least he wasn't using her full name anymore, that was something, "But getting into a relationship with someone like him, as your dad I don't have to tell you why I'm not exactly happy, do I?"

"No, dad." She mussed up her hair and clicked her tongue, "Look, if it makes you happy me and Peter...we don't exactly know where we stand just yet, alright? I mean we kissed and all, but we were having a moment and...well, it's not as simple as 'yes or no' given everything that's happened. I promise I'll give you a heads up if anything happens, but just let me deal with this, alright?"

"...I guess." He sighed, "...You know, I'm getting too old for this nonsense. Superpowers and people coming back from the dead, all beyond my time."

"Yeah, I'll believe that as soon as you do." She gave him a quick embrace, the gesture doing a lot to relax her, "...Look, I'm sure you and Jess still have a case, so I'll see you later, alright? We can go to a cafe or something later, but right now I just need to crash and...think."

The two of them said their goodbyes before Gwen trudged to her shared room with Betty, practically crashing on top of the bed and jolting Murderface out of his place on the blanket, "Sorry, kit-cat." She turned around and stared at the ceiling, Murderface stalking over to her side before settling back asleep. Like PineCone he didn't have a single fuck to give at the best of times.

The tired Superhero pulled out her phone and stared at the speed-dial. They'd both agreed not to call one another at least until tomorrow, but damn it she didn't know if she could wait that long, "...Hope you're having better luck than I am, Pete." She turned to the side and closed her eyes, letting Murderface's purring lull her into an uneasy sleep.

Fighting in a cage for the amusement of others. Sometimes Peter wondered what was wrong with him if this was his idea of downtime.

Most of the fighting rings around the city had a sense of rules and regulation, if only for the sake of pragmatism. It was hard to keep a low-profile when people died and getting rid of bodies was annoying and complicated with the new cameras planted everywhere. That and a beaten man came back for more, either to regain his pride or to try and get back some of the money he'd lost. Dead men weren't good for anything except causing a stench.

Not this place, though.

"Kill 'im! Stab 'is foocking eye out!" An Irishman from the crowd screamed, the people around him screaming and cheering in agreement.

The name of the club was Underworld, or at least that's what it was the last time he'd checked. The owner tended to change the name as soon as she was bored or the cops started sniffing too much. The fighting ring in the back was probably the worst in the city: No rules, no standards and the only definition for a win was making sure you were the last one standing. Didn't matter how you did it, though at the very least guns weren't allowed; couldn't even pretend to be fair if you had that, after all.

Peter was on the Deathwish list: 5-on-1 odds, any weapons allowed, and the crowd had free reign to make fun of his mother. Apparently he'd been the first to take the damn thing in months. Only for the best or the stupidest, the bookie'd said. Right now he couldn't tell which he was.

The thin Negro with the shiv came at him first, his swings erratic and wide. A junkie by the looks of him; his eyes were bloodshot and his veins were practically pulsing out of his skin with every move and arc he made. Signed up for some easy money most likely, "Not today, pally." Peter grabbed his outstretched arm and twisted, the junkie giving a pained scream before he slammed him to the floor hard enough to knock him unconscious.

He eyed the weapons on the rest of the contestants: A broken bottle, two crowbars and a folding chair. Not exactly the best, but it wasn't like anyone came here to be rich, "Who's next?" He spat out a small amount of blood and waited for them to come closer.

They all looked at one another before they all suddenly charged, some a bit faster than others, 'Gotta make a show of it...' He dodged the crowbars easily enough, but the edges of the jagged bottle slashed across his bare chest before he felt the chair smack onto his left shoulder, 'Should've picked the other arm, pal.' He ran up the wall to put some distance between them before he jumped, smashing his fist against the chair-using punk's face with a dull crack as he landed.

That's what this all was: A show, an attempt to 'relax' because he couldn't just go for a drink or spend time with friends like a normal person. A part of him liked to think it was training, that maybe one day it'd help him if he ever got into a tussle if and when the Spider-God decided it wanted to stop being his patron, but he knew it was a white lie. Maybe he was just insane...

The two with the crowbars fell, leaving the Chinaman with the bottle for last. It only took him a second to decide to forgo the makeshift weapon altogether and jump at him, latching onto his back like a damn tick. Peter grimaced and grabbed his wiry arms; powers or no the bastard had a tight grip, and it was enough to make him wonder if he might have lost if he didn't end it soon.

Peter backed up and slammed him against the wall of the cage, the linked metals rattling with every hit. Once, twice, three times...his grip finally loosened when he hit the cage a fourth time, 'Finally.' Peter turned around and smashed the smaller man's head against the chains, leaving a trail of blood and snot on the way down. He didn't expect him to last past the second hit.

'Ah...damn it...' He traced a hand through the cuts on his chest and he grimaced. The wounds were deliberate, but that wasn't much relief for the parts of his body that had to suffer for it. He pressed his both arms and his head against the cage and panted. The place smelled repugnant; a mix of blood, sweat, vomit and the alcohol they sprayed everywhere pathetically to try and mask it all. It didn't help.

And when he closed his eyes he heard every voice in the crowd: Every cheer, every boo, every insult and curse. Another one of his new gifts from the Spider-God, one he'd had mixed luck trying to turn off. It made sleeping without noise-cancelling headphones a nightmare, especially in a place like Hell's Kitchen.

"...Who else wants to try their luck?" He yelled, voice barely carrying through the crowd. Already the 5 unconscious bodies were being dragged out, money exchanging hands either with the bookie or with one another in the crowd. This was his fourth run, and at this point even the skeptics were starting to regret placing their bets on the quantity over quality. 20 people down and he was still the start of a bad penny dreadful.

He'd never been here before, at least not as a competitor. He'd scoped the place out already, checked to see if the place was on the up-and-up as far as street standards went. It wasn't, not by a longshot, but shutting it down was pointless. Near as he could tell there weren't any slaves here; everyone that got into the ring did it because they wanted to. If they were going in the grave then they'd dug their own hole, and he wasn't going to go out of his way to stop them. They'd just find some other way to kill themselves if if he did.

Surprisingly, the people in the crowd seemed to have finally caught some sense. The cheering had stopped and most of them looked at one another, goading their neighbor to try the luck and getting their jaw smashed against the cage.

No one did.

'...That's it?' He scoffed and made his way to his discarded shirt. He'd expected more from a place even Bullseye told him he should watch his back for, but he shouldn't have been surprised - The gutters were the gutters, little matter how much someone tried to dress it up as being worse than the others. Oh well, at least Father Martin would be happy; he'd earned a good purse from 4 consecutive matches-

"I'll try it."

...He knew that voice.

Turning around, Peter scowled at the sight of the silver haired singer entering the ring, her face bare save a thin black mask that did little to hide her features, "Hardy..." He tossed the shirt back and wiped away the last traces of blood on his lips. The popstar stuck out like a sore thumb in her designer jacket and leather pants, and the heels of her fancy boots were distinct to the other stomps and hoofs of everyone else in the crowd. All in all she couldn't have looked more out of place if she tried, but the confident smile on her face was definitely sincere.

No words were exchanged. No hello's, no explanations or a 'how the hell did you find me?'. Instead she charged forward and delivered a wide sweeping kick aimed for his head that he blocked with his uninjured hand, 'She gave me that one.' He stepped back and shook his arm, the cheering of the crowd and the exchange of money starting up again. A new challenger on the ring, another chance for him to lose his new spot.

The next two punches were fast, though not enough for him to avoid grabbing her outstretched arm and twist it behind her back, "How did you find me?" He whispered into her ear, voice rough. Her only response was another cocky smile before he slammed her into the walls of the cage, "Did you come here just to pick a fight, Hardy?" He could hear more people in the crowd booing, rooting for the new underdog, "I'm not in the mood."

"You never are, Spider." His spider-sense rung right before she swung her head back and hit him right in the nose. Peter stumbled back while Felicia ran up the wall, flipping over him gracefully before landing on his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his neck in a vice-grip, "It took some effort to find you, but you're not as subtle as you think when people know what to look for." She tightened her stranglehold on his throat, "Next time, answer your phone."

"I was busy..." He backed up and slammed her against the cage, Hardy giving a grunt of pain before she jumped off, "And last I checked, we weren't supposed to meet for at least a couple more days..." Peter rubbed his neck and winced. He definitely needed to stop taking hits near his head.

"What can I say, I got worried after your little show with you-know-who." She rose up to her full height and goaded him forward with two fingers, "Any explanation for that, by the by?"

He didn't answer. Instead he focused on the fight, on countering her blows and giving some of his own. Powers or no Hardy wasn't an easy opponent to fight against:Every move was graceful and measured, so much so that he almost forgot she'd taught herself how to fight rather than studying under someone more experienced. Revenge was as good a motivator as any, he supposed, and the results spoke for themselves.

And that was before she pulled out the whip.

Peter grabbed onto the tight leather coiled around his neck and grit his teeth, falling on his knees while Felicia said something behind him that he couldn't make out. He heard a few more vulgar cheers from the crowd about horse riding, but he ignored it. At least the thing wasn't made of fiber wire like it usually was, 'Enough's enough.' He was done playing games.

Sucking in a pained breath, he grabbed at the main body of the whip and pulled, ripping it out of Felicia's grip. Without missing a beat he untangled the whip from his neck before he twisted it around and smacked the handle against the side of her jaw, "...Ow." She glared up at him, but it quickly turned into a smile even when he all but tackled her to the ground, one hand around her neck while the other was raised into a fist.

They stared at one another in silence - or at least as much as they could with the cheers and boos of the crowd made - before she raised her hands and laughed, "...Alright, Spider, you win."


Some of the crowd cheered, most of them booed, but the Bookie was practically grinning when he handed the fat envelope full of bills to him along with an invitation to come back whenever he wanted...yeah, like he'd ever come back to this place. He had no idea what the hell he was thinking going to a place like this for, especially given that someone like Hardy could find him so easily.

They were out of the building and in the alley before she spoke, "...For a second I thought you were going to kill me back there," she said, her voice teasing.

"I don't kill people for being annoying." He took out five painkillers and swallowed them whole, Felicia giving the drugs a skeptical look before she shook her head, "...Look, why are you here? You obviously went through a lot of trouble to find me, and you even put on a show back there entering the ring. What was the point of that?" He took out two cigarettes and offered one to her.

"I could ask you the same, Spider." She took the offered coffin nail and let him light it with a quick flick of the lighter, "Those people inside, you could have taken them down easily and yet you go on a charade and let yourself get hurt. Those wounds..." She traced a hand through his long-sleeved shirt, fingertips grazing the fresh cuts lightly, "Not even a bandage. Are you a masochist or something?"

"Not even in your dreams, Hardy." He slapped her hand away lightly and leaned against the wall, "Look, you came here for something. Spill it."

"Alright, if you insist." She took a slight inhale of the coffin nail and blew it upwards, her movements precise, "Spider, anyone with a pair of eyes and ears knows about what happened a few hours ago. You and Spider-Woman...people are calling out for your blood, you know. Jealousy or spite, I can only assume."

"Half this city already hates me, what's your point?"

"Alright, to continue then: What's the deal with you two? And don't tell me 'it's complicated' or I'll shove that entire pack of cigarettes down your throat." She smiled sweetly at him.

"...It's complicated." He gave her a wry smile of his own and took another drag of the cigarette, "Look, we kissed. It wasn't like we declared our love for one another or made wedding vows. Pretty soon no one but the tabloids are gonna care about a couple of freaks in masks swapping cash." She gave him a raised eyebrow and he sighed, "Means exchanging kisses." God, what was with the language in this place?

"I'm less interested in what you did as to why you did it." She threw away the half-spent cigarette and ground it under her boot, "I insinuated before, but how much control does Spider-Woman have over you? Does she-"

"She doesn't know about our plans for the warehouse and for Murdock. Trust me, no amount of favors would make her agree to kill someone in anything other than self-defense." He sighed, the plume of smoke coming out in a thick wave, "If that's all you're worried about, then you don't have to stay up at night. My lips are sealed, trust me." He traced a hand across his mouth and mimicked a zipping motion, "Capisce?"

"Understood..." She looked down with a slight smirk before looking up again, " you love her?"

...He shouldn't have shared that cigarette with her.

"Why? Jealous?" He gave her a strained smile, but the smirk on her face only widened. She had him and she knew it.

"Just curious is all," she said, shrugging her shoulders in exaggerated casualness, "Last I checked you were trying to court Stacy, and now you're 'swapping cash' with Spider-Woman. What happened to the two of you, by the way? Did it not work out? A shame if it didn't, I quite like her."

"Not exactly..." He took a final drag of the cigarette before following her example and crushing it underfoot, "We're still friends, but a relationship's off the table." Keeping up the lie was annoying, though maybe it was because he wasn't wearing his own mask to compensate, "As for I said, it was just a kiss. We didn't exactly have time to talk considering what happened afterwards..."

"...You know who she is, don't you?" It wasn't a question, not really. Peter narrowed his eyes at her, but she continued on without a care, "You know, I'm curious: Is she as self-righteous without the mask or is she different without it to hide behind?"

"There a point to this, Hardy?" Peter glared. He didn't agree with Gwen about everything - and God knew they'd had their share of arguments - but he wasn't going to take Hardy's bait, "You don't like her, I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual on her end."

"How I feel about her doesn't matter right now." She scoffed. A half-lie, though that was obvious even without his spider-sense, "I'm more worried about you, Spider. She's changing you." He opened his mouth to give a rebuttal, but she put her hand up to stop him, "I'm not imagining it. You play the part, but if push comes to shove can you still pull that trigger? Can you end someone's life if it means disappointing her?"

"...You're worried I'm going to stop you from killing Murdock because of Spider-Woman." She didn't do anything but tighten her smile, but it was obvious enough that she might as well have been screaming, "Look, Hardy: Ever since I got here Murdock's been using me as a pawn in a chessboard, and I haven't exactly forgotten his pajama brigade cutting my damn hand off. So no, when we find him if you don't wanna kill him then I'll put a bullet in him myself. Are we clear?"

She regarded him quietly before finally letting out a soft laugh, "Fine then. We're clear." She pushed herself off the wall and stuffed her hands into her jacket, "But a word of advice, Spider: Don't let her in too close. She makes a show of caring about everyone, but as soon as she finds something that doesn't fit in her fairytale view of the world she'll turn on you faster than you can blink. Remember that."

"Thanks for the advice, Hardy." He scoffed and pulled out another cigarette, "I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Count on it."

Finding his way back home was almost weirdly simple and undisturbed, though the same couldn't be said for his cellphone. As soon as he'd turned it on he was bombarded by a wave of messages: Bullseye wanting to talk and ask what the hell was going on, Winters badgering him if he could ask 'his pal Spider-Man' for an interview for a special journalist friend of his...and even a single message from Castle that contained nothing but a single phrase: 'You better know what you're doing, kid.'

'Why does everyone care so much...?' He trudged up the steps to the apartment with a sigh. Did he know what he did with absolute certainty? Definitely not. He'd gotten caught in the heat of the moment, but those kinds of things happened. Now everyone was on his case and acting like the two were bolted at the damn hip or something. They were still themselves, this wasn't a damn fairy tale where true love's kiss changed the world - Crime was still happening, Peter was still Spider-Man, Gwen was still Spider-Woman and nothing changed...

"I love Gwen, Harry! How could you do this to me!?"

"Shut up..." He opened the door to his apartment and wasn't even surprised to find Lana sleeping on the couch, arms and legs splayed about while she snored softly, "Least the Storms are gone..." He grabbed a blanket from the cabinet and draped it over her, causing her to snort and blink her eyes open blearily.

"...Huh? Wuzza...Pete?" At his nod she sat up, rubbing her eyes lazily before looking up at him, eyelids half-closed, "Hey...didn't think you'd be back..." Her gaze drifted from to the dried blood and slowly forming bruise at the right side of his lip, "Shit, that looks nasty."

"Worse than it looks." He sat down next to her with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling blankly, " saw the news?" Maybe he'd be lucky and she was asleep the entire afternoon or something.

"You mean you and your girlfriend making out on in the middle of town? No, of course not. Totally didn't see it." She grinned up at him, completely ignoring the annoyed glare he gave her, "Trust me, it was the highlight of the day. Taking down two gangbangers holding some celebrity hostage isn't as interesting as you'd think; shit, I think those guys were going to pay us to take him back cause Johnny was so annoying."

"So he's alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Took the two teenyboppers to the hospital and gave em back to their manager. They're in safe hands." She waved a hand through the air lazily, "Sue even exchanged numbers. Dunno, guess the Princess thinks this makes us friends or something."

"Considering how we met, that's par for the course..." He let out a soft laugh, "So...not gonna ask? Everyone else has been getting on my case lately. Hell, I half expect Moon Knight to barge in here screaming something about a prophesied joining of two totems or whatever."

"Nah." She punched him in the shoulder lightly and whistled, "Always figured you two were together and you were just denying it cause everyone else you know except Moon Knight hates her guts." She shrugged, "Me? I'm cool with it. I mean she's not exactly my 'favorite Superhero evar!' like just about everyone else in this fucking city, but I can't help but think she'll be good for you, you know? Maybe he'll make you less of an ass."

"That's something you need more than me, Lana." He rolled his eyes. Maybe Gwen should go out with her instead; maybe she could do something about that potty mouth of hers...then again given Gwen's own lack of a filter, maybe not, "Anyway, we're not going out."

"Yeah, sure you're not." '

"She and I kissed, Lana. Last I checked that didn't mean much, or was I mistaken and the one you gave me means we're now engaged?"

"Don't be an ass." She slapped his shoulder lightly, a slight tinge of red in her cheeks coming and going, "Look, Pete, I'm telling you as your friend: Don't fuck this up, you hear me? Trust me, I went out with someone once and that shit cuts fucking deep. First breakups are hard."

"What makes you think I haven't been in a relationship before?" Thoughts of Felicia from back home came and went before he shook his head. That wasn't a relationship; that was sex, pure and simple.

"You saying you have?" She curled her lips in a wide smirk and leaned back on the seat when he didn't answer, "So yeah, don't fuck this up. Cause I don't want to come here and see you crying in your bed and listening to Linkin Park while cutting your me, I've seen friends go through that and it's not as funny as those movies make you think. Mostly it's kind of sad, then it gets annoying."

"...You just want something to hold over me, don't you?"

"Oh yeah, no doubt." She laughed shamelessly and spread her arms on the cushion, "Trust me, I'm already thinking of ways I can use this. Here's one: You walked right into her parlor, huh?"

"...Go to sleep, Lana. I'll see you in the morning." He stood up and ruffled her hair - she hated it when he did that - and walked into his room, not even surprised to find Dog (he really needed to come up with a name for the guy) curled close to his pillow, "God, it's been a long day. " He shucked off his boots and practically collapsed on top of the bed, looking at the cellphone one last time. He and Gwen had agreed not to call one another until at least tomorrow, but he was halfway expecting her to break that rule.

"Hope you're having better luck than I am, Gwen..." He placed the phone on the table and lied on his side, letting Dog's soft breaths lull him into an uneasy sleep.

And done. Nothing much happened - particularly on Noir's end - but whatever: At least we can get to the PGH arc now - I was tempted to split it in two, but I didn't want to extend this beyond the minimum. So yeah, both of the Spiders are mostly unsure and have no clue on what to do, especially with everyone around them being a judgmental hardass and telling them that the other's no good for them.

Anyway, this chapter went through some changes: Gwen's segments are pretty much the same, but Noir's went through some shifts - We got Felicia instead of Bullseye, Peter was actually supposed to fight Matt Murdock in the fight club (took out for possible later use) and - probably the biggest one - I considered the idea that Noir kissed Gwen to deceive her and keep her in the dark about his plans with Felicia and the others. I took that out because I can't see Noir being that big of a wad, even if he does have his arguments with Gwen, so now they're both equally conflicted.


So I'm curious, how many of you guys think this pairing can actually work and not end in a hilariously dramatic break-up meltdown? I have my doubts, but considering I never thought I'd write a chapter like this in the fic it shows how much I know...

A more serious query: Similar to the question on 616 Peter, do you guys think this story would've been better with the actual canon Noir? By that I mean none of this memory seep bleeding effect BS, so he'd just be purely Spider-Man Noir and have absolutely no ties to Earth-65: No memories, no Lizard serum infection, nothing at all related to Earth-65 besides sharing the same face and genetic structure; you know, the same dead 65-Gwen deals with whenever she jumps to 616.
I think it's better the way you've written it. If Noir had no ties, he'd have no stake in Gwen's life and would eventually drift away. It's a big world.
Relatively long chapter ahead. Anyway, I just finished Planescape: Torment enhanced edition, so I'm now in the proper mood to write the upcoming PGH arc since it's back to Noir again.

On a more on-topic note, I just read through the new Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider. Pretty good and hilarious :p I mean what else can you say about a guy who steals his new supersuit from some poor cosplayer (leaving him naked in his hotel room), disarms a mugger and kneecaps him with his own gun, asks for payment when the woman he saved (though not before asking her name's Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy) asks if he needs anything and then gives her said gun despite her protestations both as a subtle threat and because she just got mugged and needs protection.

Who knows, maybe I can crib some ideas off of it :)

Chapter 47: Romance is not my Forte

How was this her life?

Gwen let out an annoyed breath as she swung through the air, her spider-sense silent like it almost always was. Right now it would've been the perfect time to find some damsel (or dude, she wasn't picky) in distress, a building on fire with people to save...hell, even Bodega Bandit robbing some corner store! She would've taken anything at this point, and she wouldn't even complain!

But no, it was perfectly peaceful. People passed by one another on the streets with polite waves, no one cut each other off in traffic and even the dark alleys were perfectly civil without a single thug or purse-snatcher in sight...

Oh, and the bigscreens were still showing the kiss, why the fuck were they still showing it!?

'Isn't there anything else on? Some robbery at a drug store? Maybe Murderdock stroking his evil mustache? Anything?' she thought, desperately trying to ignore the various screens that she passed. It'd only been a couple of hours and night was beginning fall on the town, but the news was spreading like wildfire in Australia. Everyone - Fact Channel, Channel 8, The New York Gazzette and god only knew who else - was tripping over one another to try and get an interview or figure out what the deal was.

It would've been easier if she had any fucking clue what the deal was...

She shook her head and propelled herself into a higher swing, Webster oddly silent despite the fact that it'd been a while since she last ate something resembling chocolate. It would pass soon enough; the 'incident' (god it sounded pretentious calling it that) was fresh and right now it was the new scoop. Tomorrow there'd be some new thing to pay attention to - maybe a Kardashian doing something stupid or a new Werewolf romance flick - and no one would care, but right now...right now she might as well have made her entire suit a giant red target.

Her phone was off, which she didn't count on helping her for long. Her dad was a former police detective; even if she didn't go back to her apartment he'd find some way to track her down so they could have the 'talk'. All she was doing was delaying the inevitable.

A distraction came in the form of someone screaming not too far away below her, "Help, please! He took my purse!" someone screamed. Gwen blinked and adjusted her swing to the right. A part of her felt bad about wanting some crime to stop, but at least it was better than constantly thinking about what she and Peter...she shook her head. No, no, none of that. She'd just save this woman and put the guy in the penalty box so he could learn his lesson, that'd be the end of it.

Sadly, life decided it wasn't done screwing her just yet. She'd barely landed before she saw an older woman dressed in a gray pantsuit with a guy who most definitely didn't look like a mugger standing next to her, " two saw anyone needing help? Something about a purse?" she asked, though the realization was already halfway done by the time the woman pulled out a recorder and thrust it towards her.

"No crime here, sorry," she said, giving a not-at-all sorry smile, "Just needed to get your attention." She nodded to the guy and he raised a small digital camera at them both, "We just wanted to question you about the events of a couple of hours ago."

'Are you fucking kidding me?' Her right eye twitched and her mouth curled into a frown, though the mask hid it well enough. Good for both of them; if anyone saw it she was sure it'd be up on the papers and someone would reporting about how she was mentally unstable, 'Just...calm down, Gwen. Don't lose your cool and yell at them; you'll just give them what they want...' She took a deep breath and clenched her hands.

"Now, we have a lot of questions to start with, but the one everyone's curious about is whether you and the Dark Spider are in a relationship and if this means you condone his actions-

"Bye." Gwen released a line of webbing and pulled herself into a high swing. The woman's look of abject shock was almost worth the scathing headline she'd get tomorrow morning. She could see it now: 'Hero snob to local populace! Thinks she's better than everyone else!' or some other bullshit. At this point she didn't have a single crap to give; she was already proven innocent for murder, getting some rumors couldn't be any worse, right? Hell she'd seen some of the posts on the forums that Betty kept bringing up; labeling her a snob would've probably been one of the more polite things she could've been called.

Not everyone was a fan of Spider-Woman, after all.

Gwen sighed, 'No point in trying to patrol...' She clicked her tongue. She'd separated from Pete a couple of hours earlier, and really she should have just changed out of her costume then and there. But no, her conscience started blasting her: It was still light out, people still needed help, maybe a Supervillain would break out of prison and people would pay attention to that instead of things they really had no damn business sticking their noses in.

She found herself going on autopilot, swinging through the same route back to her apartment. At this point all she wanted to do was go home, eat an entire tub of chocolate and ice cream (and not just cause of Webster) then maybe crash for the next week to give people time to move on and stop treating a kiss like it was the end of the world. Then maybe things would get back to normal...

Her lips curled up in a wry smile. Yeah, right...normal left a long fucking time ago.

Of course she'd taken maybe two steps past the window before the ol' Stacy luck hit yet again and she found herself face to face with her friends, "Uh..."Gwen stopped, hands awkwardly holding onto her freshly removed mask, as Glory, Betty and MJ stared at her from the assorted seats in the living room with varying expressions, "Ahaha...hey you three...wassup?" She tossed her mask behind her carelessly and gave them all a toothy grin.

Her response was total silence. Betty, at least, looked non-plussed, just staring at her the same way she did when she didn't completely know how to take something. MJ had a single eyebrow raised and drummed her fingers on the couch's armrest, but apart from that it was the same as ever. Granted Gwen didn't know what that meant, but she'd take a little uncertainty over a definite middle finger.

Glory was the worst: Lips curled into a slight frown, brows knotted together and her eyes narrowed. She knew what it was; the worried glare of judgement and concern. She used it whenever she was deciding on whether she was worried about your well-being or pissed off about whatever it was you did. Gwen knew from experience that the latter was a shitton less scary than the former.

" about those...things, huh?" She laughed awkwardly. No one joined her, "...Hey, uh...where's Murderface? I think he'd love-"

"We saw the news, Gwen." Glory interrupted, her tone clipped. Gwen cringed; oh god, she was using her mom voice. Now she was really in for it, "Look, far be it for me or any of us to tell you what to do-"

"But you're gonna do it anyway, right?" she interruoted, her voice taking on an irritated edge. Before Glory could let out another word she trudged to the refrigerator and took out a large tub of chocolate chip ice cream, "Look, I know you're gonna go on a lecture, but can I eat while we're doing it? I'm kinda eating for two at this point." She took out a spoon and made her way back to the lone unoccupied chair, looking over her friends worriedly when they gave each other unreadable stares, "Uh...something wrong?"

"Eating for two...?" Betty mumbled, " pregnant?"

"Wha- no!" she countered, cheeks heating up slightly when they all gave her skeptical looks, "When I said that I know what, long fucking story, but trust me: I'm not pregnant." She stabbed the spoon into the frozen treat and resisted the urge to fling it at MJ when she raised another eyebrow, "Look, whatever you think is going on, it's not, alright? Trust me, it's-"

"You were kissing Spider-Man on the bigscreen," Betty said, "That happened, right?"

"...Yeah." She winced. Couldn't really deny that, "But look, that's-"

"That was mutual, right? Not like the last time it happened?" MJ asked, ignoring Glory's look and the startled 'this happened before?' she gave.

"...Pretty mutual, yeah." She winced harder. She was just digging her grave at this point, right? Wasn't this usually a trap only guys fell for? "Alright, look- No, don't you fucking interrupt me again!" She yelled, causing Betty to close her mouth with a pout, ", as I was saying: Yes, we kissed. Yes, it got recorded. No, we didn't plan on it. And no, we didn't fuck and he didn't get me pregnant. Happy?"

A moment of silence passed before Glory spoke up, mom voice intact, "Gwen...are you and him-"

"In a relationship?" she finished, causing Glory to nod, "I...I dunno." She raised the spoon and shoved it in her mouth, letting the ice cream calm her, "We I said, it wasn't planned. One minute we were just talking and eating pizza (which we totally left behind, by the way), and the next we were..."

"Sucking face?" MJ said, a slight smirk on her face.

"Yes...thanks, MJ." Gwen rolled her eyes. MJ was enjoying this; she'd have to find some way to take some petty revenge later. Maybe some webbing in her hair when she fell asleep, "But, that's all we did. MJ actually called us and told us to check out the the way, you coulda just told us what the deal us. Would've saved us a lot of trouble."

"Maybe, but I doubt you would've believed me." The redhead shrugged, "Anyway, continuing on?"

"There's nothing to continue." She took another spoonful of ice cream, "You called us, we checked out the bigscreens, then we went our seperate ways. Figured we weren't gonna get anything down after the shit that just happened..." Not that she got much done on her own, but screw it. At least she tried, "...Look, is this all just because I kissed someone? You guys didn't say anything when I went out with Randy or when Betty said she was going out with Falcon."

"World of difference," Glory said, "Randy's our manager and the worst thing he could do is give someone a bad gig. That Falcon dude? Don't trust him, but he's working for Captain freaking America so I figure he's okay." Gwen resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Yeah, if by 'okay' she meant constantly asking Cap if he could shoot people cause he was bored, "But Dark Spider? Eh..." She sucked in a breath through her teeth, "He's dangerous Gwen. Hate to sound like a broken record, but it's the truth."

"Hey, in case you forgot I'm not slouch myself. Spider-Woman, remember?" Gwen pulled back her middle and ring finger and made a self-satisfied 'thwip', "Webs, super strength, wall-crawling, any of this ringing a bell?"

"Don't be an ass." Glory scoffed, "You know what I mean. You have superpowers, but that doesn't mean you're invincible or that we're going to stop worrying. Get me?" She looked to the others two, both Betty and MJ giving oddly withdrawn nods, "I'm just saying, are you sure you know what you're doing here? I don't believe everything on the news - I know for a fact half of the bullshit they say about you is a lie - but the things he's done and the battered people he's left doesn't give me a good feeling."

"Look, Glory, I appreciate it." Gwen sighed, pausing to consider her words. Her friends were worried about her, she couldn't be mad at them for that, "But me and Pe- Spider-Man? Totally cool, I mean it. He's...not the easiest person to get along with - trust me, I fucking know - but he's a good person. He's doing good, even if I don't always agree with how he does it. Do you get me?"

"Yeah..." She took a slow, deep breath, "Yeah, I get you."

A few seconds of silence settled over them before Betty suddenly clapped her hands, nearly causing them all to jump, "Right, guess the drama's done." She gave them all a lopsided grin and pulled up her cellphone, "Now that mom's done giving you the third degree, you gotta check some of the shit they're posting online. You can taste the salt from the fanboy's tears from here."

"Betty...don't." Gwen set the tub of ice cream aside and massaged her temples with both fingers. Both Betty and MJ followed along on the forums and fanclubs, completely ignoring her perfectly reasonable request to block the websites from everything they owned and to never talk about it within 50 miles of her. Hey, she was fine with the idea of people liking her after 3 years of scorn, but some of those comments...well, let's just say she had a growing appreciation for celebrities who only punched paparazzi whenever they tried to pull off some assholish stunt.

"Come on, it can't be that bad- woah." MJ leaned over the edge of the couch and widened her eyes comically at the contents, "Shit, Gwencent, you should see this. Some people are threatening to go pitchfork's and torches on Pet- Spider-Man's ass. There's even pictures." She swiped the phone and turned the screen over to Gwen. The blonde winced at the sight of a roided out guy with a shotgun scowling at the screen, "Think that's legit or it's a Giigle pic?"

"I don't know, MJ. I don't care," she muttered tiredly. Great, now they went from being worried to making fun. She couldn't tell which was worse, "Dude, I'm pretty sure it's just some armchair general talking big. I mean how many of those guys kept saying they had Superpowers and they just didn't want to show it cause they'd put their friends and family in danger?"

"About a couple dozen last I checked," Glory said, "Hey, I liked the guy who said he could turn into a Vampire-Wolf hybrid during a solar eclipse."

"Nah, the guy who said he could turn invisible when no one's looking is better." MJ scrolled down the screen and whistled, "Damn, these guy's are having a fucking meltdown. Listen to some of these comments: 'That 'Spider-Man' is a murderer and a thief, he doesn't deserve a great hero like Spider-Woman as a friend let alone a girlfriend!'; 'You know, I heard he's some kind of man-spider or a spy from H.Y.D.R.A.'; 'I dunno how he forced her to kiss him, but-'

"Woah, woah, woah! He did not force me!" she snapped. God, what the shit was with this? First people started rumors that she had a torture cellar or that she made deals with the Supervillains to catch them for attention, now this! What next, were they gonna decide what she was and wasn't allowed to do? "Look, we might have gotten caught up in the heat of the moment, but we both did it."

"Hey, you're preaching to the choir, Gwencent." MJ put her hands up, "But your fanclub's going fucking ballistic. They think you're 'too good' for Spider-Man or that he's secretly blackmailing you with something. You know how rabid fans can be." She rolled her eyes and gave the phone back to Betty, "Just giving you a heads up. Might want to tell Tiger that he should watch his back next time he goes out."

"Yeah, thanks..." Gwen brought hand a through her face and let out a long, frustrated breath. She shouldn't have gotten so worked up - Crazy fanboys who talked tough because they were hidden behind a screen? She'd seen those types long before she put on her costume; they were freaking everywhere. Now she had some of her own, so what? She could just make like Taylor Swift and completely ignore them.

"Look at some of these other guys." Betty gestured to the screen, both MJ and Glory (traitor!) leaning over to look, "They think it's creepy cause Dark Spider's old enough to be your grandpa. Something about him being a manther; think they're calling him a cougar."

"For fuck's sake, he's younger than I am!" She threw her hands in the air before scowling. She wasn't ashamed to admit that she was getting tired of people assuming, always thinking they 'knew her' or some other bullshit. How many times had she seen people claiming to know things like how her relationship with her dad was (apparently going really badly since some self-styled psychiatrists claimed her Superheroing was a sign of outspoken rebellion) or what her favorite color was (last she checked orangiler wasn't a thing)?

"Actually, there's one thing I am curious about," Glory said, looking at Gwen and MJ both, "Look, it doesn't take a genius to figure out both of you know who Dark Spider is. So I have to ask: Is that why you made out with him? Who is he behind that thing?"

Gwen bit her lip and shared a look with MJ. Should she tell them? She'd asked Peter before and he said he didn't care if she did. 'If Castle and Bullseye know, I can't see how dangerous it'd be if you bandmates did', were his exact words. Still, a part of her felt reluctant and honestly she didn't know how to explain it. Her best friend back from the dead with warped memories? Yeah, so simple (sarcasm).

A few more seconds of silence passed before she took a deep breath, "Alright, you wanna know what the deal is?" MJ gave her an 'are you sure?' look and she nodded. She had to do this, "Alright...the reason I got involved with him so much in the first place is cause...well, he's Peter...Peter Parker."

As soon as the words left her mouth everything in the apartment stopped dead fucking still. It was so quiet Gwen could've heard a pin drop, and the looks her friends gave her weren't helping: MJ was supportive (which was scary); Betty looked the same as always, but the fact that she'd dropped her phone without a single word spoke volumes; and Glory...well, she couldn't tell if that gaping wide-eyed look was shock or her thinking Gwen had finally gone crazy. Maybe both.

Betty was the first to speak, picking up her phone clumsily, "Um...alright, I got nothing." She turned to MJ and Glory, "...You two got anything? I kinda want to tell her she's crazy, but I'm scared she'll web me up and lay eggs in me or something."

"I'm not crazy!" she snapped, because that totally wasn't what a crazy person would say, "I just- Look, after everything we've seen and all the shit that's happened, is this really that unbelievable? That-"

"That your best friend came back from the dead and turned into a Superhero/Supervillain? Kinda, yeah..." Glory crossed her arms and pursed her lips, "Look, Gwen...I love you, I do, but you know this sounds fucking crazy, right? Peter's dead, we were all there at his funeral. I heard you and Harry give a speech and then he was buried, end of story. You having Superpowers and someone coming back from the dead are two different things entirely."

"Well, when you put it like that..." Gwen chewed on her lower lip and considered her next words, "...Look, we met him in the club. He was with Norah, remember?"

"Alright, I'll admit there was a resemblance," Glory said, "But seriously? There's millions of people in this city, at least one of em's probably his clone without even really trying. Sure he's not just a cousin?"

"Yeah, I'm sure..." Gwen muttered, "Look, MJ'll back me up. He's Peter. It's a...long story, but I'll tell you 3 if you promise to just stay quiet and save any questions till I finish. Alright?" They all nodded, some more reluctantly than others, but nodded all the same. She'd take it, "Alright, well...I guess it starts at prom."

Everything came out in a rush: The night at prom, Peter turning himself into the Lizard, the 3 years that came after, meeting with him again in that alley...everything. She didn't know how long it took, but judging by the fact that the ice cream had all but melted into an unrecognizable goop she'd have to say it was a lot. And through it all her friends just listened, none of them interrupting or calling bullshit no matter what she said.

"This is just..." Glory said after a minue of silence, taking a deep breath to calm herself, "I mean, let me see if I got this straight: Your best friend turned into a giant lizard - which is still hard to believe even after 2 months, by the way - you accidentally killed him, and now he's back 3 years later with new spider I getting all this right?"

"Hey, don't forget the whole acting like he's out of Vice City thing," Betty added, annoyingly blase now that the initial shock had passed, "Speaking of which, the whole coming back from the dead"

"Not completely sure." Gwen sucked in a breath through her teeth, "Details are kinda confusing, but at the very least I know it's his body. How much of it is him is a bit of a sore point. I think he's still himself, but his memories are...well, scrambled eggs. Truth be told sometimes I'm not sure what to believe, but it's better than him being dead, so..."

"Right..." Glory brought a hand through her face, "Look, I was leery enough before without knowing all of...this..." She made a vague gesture through the air, "But know how this looks, right? The Midtown Lizard - Peter - was...after everything that's happened-"

"I know what happened, Glory." She took a deep breath, "God, I know. I'll never forget it as long as I live, but...I'm not saying Peter's perfect now or that he doesn't have his issues, but now he's trying to help people. I'm just..." Trying to help him? Control him? Put him on a leash like Felicia implied? She couldn't deny that it might have seemed that way to someone outside looking in... "It's complicated."

"Seems like it," Betty said, "Still can't believe that he's Parker. I still remember him getting stuffed into lockers or getting swirlied in the bathroom. He really going around beating down biker gang's with a chain?"

"That was one time and he said it was for intimidation." Why exactly was she defending him now? Ugh, how was this her life? "Look, I know it's...fucking weird, okay? But it's the truth. I mean, why would I bullshit about something like this? You all know what Peter meant...means to me." She looked down and frowned. Past tense, present tense; which one was 'right'? "Look, it's-"

"Where is he now?" Glory interrupted, an eyebrow raised skeptically, "I think I'd like a talk with him...Peter."

"Glory, please, going mama bear really isn't going to help here." Gwen cringed. That was not a conversation she wanted to see, "As for Peter...well, after seeing the bigscreen we figured it'd be better if we went our separate ways till the heat died down, you know? He mentioned something about going to a fight club-"

"A fight club?" Glory interrupted again, her voice suspicious, "Right, that's totally normal behavior. Going to a fight club."

"Hey, Gwencent puts on tights and beats up Supervillains. Don't think Tiger's any different on that front." MJ shrugged, "Anyway, lets get down to the meat of it before we go anywhere else. Gwen, you did know that Peter was in love with you before, right?"

"Yeah..." Granted she only knew 3 years after the fact, but they didn't need to know that. Besides, did Spider-Man...Peter still have the same feelings? She didn't know. It wasn't like she could just ask him exactly how much he remembered of his life before this giant clusterfuck, "Why, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Gwen." Glory took a deep breath and Gwen frowned. There was that mom voice again, "Look, you're not an idiot, but when it comes to your friends you can be kind of...well, I don't have to say it." She tapped the cushion next to her nervously, considering her next words, "Alright, I'm just gonna say it straight out: Is the only reason you did what you did because of what happened with Peter 3 years ago? Because you feel guilty?"

She wanted to snap something back, but something kept her mouth shut. If he wasn't Peter - if it was someone else, a stranger, under the mask - would she have let herself be so open? What about him? If he didn't have memories of the time they spent together and he really was just an unrelated person from another dimension, would he have reciprocated? She couldn't say she was 100% sure...

"Hey, let Gwen do what she does. She can deal with it," Betty piped up, giving her a light grin, "Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass here, but she really doesn't seem like the type to sleep with some dude just cause he felt guilty. She didn't get together with Osborn or Gayle, so why's Pete any different? If he's an asshole then she'll kick his ass, end of story." She waved a hand through the air, "Simple, right?"

"Uh...yeah." Gwen found herself nodding in lieu of anything else. Was it really that simple? Not really. But she didn't exactly feel like going through this now with them, " change the topic, have I told you guys about the new alien/cancer cure I've got attached to me?" Glory and MJ gave her a pure 'WTF?' look while Betty suddenly looked far more interested than she had any right to be, "...What?"

"Really? Now I know you're talking bullshit," Glory rolled her eyes, "And don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not lying. See this new costume? That's it." She raised her hand and flexed her fingers, the surface of the suit moving in a dull rhythm in response, "It's...well, I got it when I was rescuing Peter with some other guys from these terrorists called S.I.L.K. Saved my ass, and it's been helping me out for a while now. Come on, Webster. Say hi."

'If Other is sure.'

Glory and MJ's eyes widened when a tentacle sprouted from her knuckles and made its way towards them leisurely, stopping when it was at front of them both. Betty looked up from her place on the floor with a shocked grin, muttering 'holy shit' under her breath excitedly, "Girls, meet Webster. Webster, meet the girls. I...guess this is the point where we all shake hands and make friends?"

Betty was the first to stand, grabbing the end of the tentacle and the firm grip and shaking it excitedly. Gwen heard Webster almost humming at the back of her head, 'Happy. Excited. Not scared.' The tentacle morphed into the shape of a hand - Betty's hand - and continued to shake properly, Betty giving an impressed whistle in response.

After a few more seconds of shaking it turned towards MJ and Betty again, the redhead staring at the offered 'hand' before she shook her head, " thanks." She stood up and made her way to the back of the couch, "No offense to your...friend, Gwencent, but I've read enough of my sister's fanfics to know where this is going, I'd rather keep as far away from any tentacles as I can, thank you."

"Y-Yeah, me too..." Glory mumbled, staring at the black appendage completely blank-eyed, "Just...make sure you keep 'Webster' on a tight leash, get me?"

"Yeah, don't worry." She retracted the tentacle back (though not before making it pet MJ in the head and getting a satisfying squeal and promises of revenge) and stood up, "It's pretty well-behaved, but he's pretty much the reason I've been stuffing myself with chocolate like Juava the Hatt for the past few days. He's a hungry little bastard..." She stared at the melted ice cream longingly, "...Look, whatever happened I just told you? None of it leaves this room. I still need time to explain things to dad and the Parkers, and it'd be better if I had some time to deal with this."

"Um...yeah, about that." Glory coughed...why did she cough? "I...kinda told your dad you were here in the middle of your story. He was asking about you and I figured-"

"You what!?" Gwen screamed, glaring at Glory with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns, "What- how the- what made you think that's-"

Before Gwen could finish her (completely justified) rant the door opened with a slam and... "Oh, fuck..." Gwen winced at the sight of her father standing in the doorway, his expression not at all amused. She knew that face; it was the 'I'm gonna give you a lecture but it's for your own good and you're gonna like it' face. She rarely saw him like that. The last time was when he'd found out she was the 'masked menace' Spider-Woman, and even then Vulture put a kibosh to that.

And now here they were again without a Supervillain in sight.

Her dad took two steps into the apartment, both of them deafening, "Ladies, I'd like some privacy with my daughter." He coughed, giving them all a pointed look, "Now."

None of them stayed (traitors!) and only MJ turned back to give her a sympathetic look before her dad practically slammed the door behind him, his lips pursed in that 'not a scowl, but totally a scowl' way. The last time she'd seen that was when she'd snuck over to the Parker house for an impromptu sleepover and- oh, right.

"Look, dad, before we-"

"I saw you on the news, Gwendolyne." She flinched. Ouch, full name? That was reserved for the worst offenses, "Can you just...could you imagine what that was like? Looking up at the bigscreens and seeing your daughter...cavorting with a dangerous vigilante?"

"We weren't...cavorting, dad." She crossed her arms and looked away, her cheeks heated red. She suddenly felt like a kid again, arguing with her dad about her wanting a drumset instead of something more 'sensible', "And hey, you don't see me making (too much of a) big fuss with you screwing Jess. Don't I get the same benefit?" she asked, making sure to add a little judgement in her tone.

Judging by her dad's unimpressed stare it didn't work. Well, that wasn't a surprise; 30 years on the force and 20 being a dad tended to do that, "That's not the same thing, Gwendolyne, and you know it," he said. It was the same tone every parent used whenever they went for 'because I say so', "Jess isn't out there risking her life or doing even half the things Spider-Man is. How well do you know him, really?"

"You know who he is, dad. He's know, my best friend?" Her voice had taken on a harder edge despite her best efforts. She hated arguing with him, especially cause she almost never won.

"Is he?" He countered, "I remember a lot of things about Peter, but they certainly don't involve Spider-Man or half the things he gets up to."

"Don't believe everything you see on the news, pops. You already fucked up like that before." A painful silence settled over them at her words and Gwen gave a pained look. She'd gone too far, "...Look, I didn't mean it like that. It's just..." She sighed, "God, I know Peter's not perfect, but fuck neither am I, right? I'm not some fragile doll you guys have to watch out for, you know?"

"I...I know that, Gwennie." He let out a tired breath. At least he wasn't using her full name anymore, that was something, "But getting into a relationship with someone like him, as your dad I don't have to tell you why I'm not exactly happy, do I?"

"No, dad." She mussed up her hair and clicked her tongue, "Look, if it makes you happy me and Peter...we don't exactly know where we stand just yet, alright? I mean we kissed and all, but we were having a moment and...well, it's not as simple as 'yes or no' given everything that's happened. I promise I'll give you a heads up if anything happens, but just let me deal with this, alright?"

"...I guess." He sighed, "...You know, I'm getting too old for this nonsense. Superpowers and people coming back from the dead, all beyond my time."

"Yeah, I'll believe that as soon as you do." She gave him a quick embrace, the gesture doing a lot to relax her, "...Look, I'm sure you and Jess still have a case, so I'll see you later, alright? We can go to a cafe or something later, but right now I just need to crash and...think."

The two of them said their goodbyes before Gwen trudged to her shared room with Betty, practically crashing on top of the bed and jolting Murderface out of his place on the blanket, "Sorry, kit-cat." She turned around and stared at the ceiling, Murderface stalking over to her side before settling back asleep. Like PineCone he didn't have a single fuck to give at the best of times.

The tired Superhero pulled out her phone and stared at the speed-dial. They'd both agreed not to call one another at least until tomorrow, but damn it she didn't know if she could wait that long, "...Hope you're having better luck than I am, Pete." She turned to the side and closed her eyes, letting Murderface's purring lull her into an uneasy sleep.

Fighting in a cage for the amusement of others. Sometimes Peter wondered what was wrong with him if this was his idea of downtime.

Most of the fighting rings around the city had a sense of rules and regulation, if only for the sake of pragmatism. It was hard to keep a low-profile when people died and getting rid of bodies was annoying and complicated with the new cameras planted everywhere. That and a beaten man came back for more, either to regain his pride or to try and get back some of the money he'd lost. Dead men weren't good for anything except causing a stench.

Not this place, though.

"Kill 'im! Stab 'is foocking eye out!" An Irishman from the crowd screamed, the people around him screaming and cheering in agreement.

The name of the club was Underworld, or at least that's what it was the last time he'd checked. The owner tended to change the name as soon as she was bored or the cops started sniffing too much. The fighting ring in the back was probably the worst in the city: No rules, no standards and the only definition for a win was making sure you were the last one standing. Didn't matter how you did it, though at the very least guns weren't allowed; couldn't even pretend to be fair if you had that, after all.

Peter was on the Deathwish list: 5-on-1 odds, any weapons allowed, and the crowd had free reign to make fun of his mother. Apparently he'd been the first to take the damn thing in months. Only for the best or the stupidest, the bookie'd said. Right now he couldn't tell which he was.

The thin Negro with the shiv came at him first, his swings erratic and wide. A junkie by the looks of him; his eyes were bloodshot and his veins were practically pulsing out of his skin with every move and arc he made. Signed up for some easy money most likely, "Not today, pally." Peter grabbed his outstretched arm and twisted, the junkie giving a pained scream before he slammed him to the floor hard enough to knock him unconscious.

He eyed the weapons on the rest of the contestants: A broken bottle, two crowbars and a folding chair. Not exactly the best, but it wasn't like anyone came here to be rich, "Who's next?" He spat out a small amount of blood and waited for them to come closer.

They all looked at one another before they all suddenly charged, some a bit faster than others, 'Gotta make a show of it...' He dodged the crowbars easily enough, but the edges of the jagged bottle slashed across his bare chest before he felt the chair smack onto his left shoulder, 'Should've picked the other arm, pal.' He ran up the wall to put some distance between them before he jumped, smashing his fist against the chair-using punk's face with a dull crack as he landed.

That's what this all was: A show, an attempt to 'relax' because he couldn't just go for a drink or spend time with friends like a normal person. A part of him liked to think it was training, that maybe one day it'd help him if he ever got into a tussle if and when the Spider-God decided it wanted to stop being his patron, but he knew it was a white lie. Maybe he was just insane...

The two with the crowbars fell, leaving the Chinaman with the bottle for last. It only took him a second to decide to forgo the makeshift weapon altogether and jump at him, latching onto his back like a damn tick. Peter grimaced and grabbed his wiry arms; powers or no the bastard had a tight grip, and it was enough to make him wonder if he might have lost if he didn't end it soon.

Peter backed up and slammed him against the wall of the cage, the linked metals rattling with every hit. Once, twice, three times...his grip finally loosened when he hit the cage a fourth time, 'Finally.' Peter turned around and smashed the smaller man's head against the chains, leaving a trail of blood and snot on the way down. He didn't expect him to last past the second hit.

'Ah...damn it...' He traced a hand through the cuts on his chest and he grimaced. The wounds were deliberate, but that wasn't much relief for the parts of his body that had to suffer for it. He pressed his both arms and his head against the cage and panted. The place smelled repugnant; a mix of blood, sweat, vomit and the alcohol they sprayed everywhere pathetically to try and mask it all. It didn't help.

And when he closed his eyes he heard every voice in the crowd: Every cheer, every boo, every insult and curse. Another one of his new gifts from the Spider-God, one he'd had mixed luck trying to turn off. It made sleeping without noise-cancelling headphones a nightmare, especially in a place like Hell's Kitchen.

"...Who else wants to try their luck?" He yelled, voice barely carrying through the crowd. Already the 5 unconscious bodies were being dragged out, money exchanging hands either with the bookie or with one another in the crowd. This was his fourth run, and at this point even the skeptics were starting to regret placing their bets on the quantity over quality. 20 people down and he was still the start of a bad penny dreadful.

He'd never been here before, at least not as a competitor. He'd scoped the place out already, checked to see if the place was on the up-and-up as far as street standards went. It wasn't, not by a longshot, but shutting it down was pointless. Near as he could tell there weren't any slaves here; everyone that got into the ring did it because they wanted to. If they were going in the grave then they'd dug their own hole, and he wasn't going to go out of his way to stop them. They'd just find some other way to kill themselves if if he did.

Surprisingly, the people in the crowd seemed to have finally caught some sense. The cheering had stopped and most of them looked at one another, goading their neighbor to try the luck and getting their jaw smashed against the cage.

No one did.

'...That's it?' He scoffed and made his way to his discarded shirt. He'd expected more from a place even Bullseye told him he should watch his back for, but he shouldn't have been surprised - The gutters were the gutters, little matter how much someone tried to dress it up as being worse than the others. Oh well, at least Father Martin would be happy; he'd earned a good purse from 4 consecutive matches-

"I'll try it."

...He knew that voice.

Turning around, Peter scowled at the sight of the silver haired singer entering the ring, her face bare save a thin black mask that did little to hide her features, "Hardy..." He tossed the shirt back and wiped away the last traces of blood on his lips. The popstar stuck out like a sore thumb in her designer jacket and leather pants, and the heels of her fancy boots were distinct to the other stomps and hoofs of everyone else in the crowd. All in all she couldn't have looked more out of place if she tried, but the confident smile on her face was definitely sincere.

No words were exchanged. No hello's, no explanations or a 'how the hell did you find me?'. Instead she charged forward and delivered a wide sweeping kick aimed for his head that he blocked with his uninjured hand, 'She gave me that one.' He stepped back and shook his arm, the cheering of the crowd and the exchange of money starting up again. A new challenger on the ring, another chance for him to lose his new spot.

The next two punches were fast, though not enough for him to avoid grabbing her outstretched arm and twist it behind her back, "How did you find me?" He whispered into her ear, voice rough. Her only response was another cocky smile before he slammed her into the walls of the cage, "Did you come here just to pick a fight, Hardy?" He could hear more people in the crowd booing, rooting for the new underdog, "I'm not in the mood."

"You never are, Spider." His spider-sense rung right before she swung her head back and hit him right in the nose. Peter stumbled back while Felicia ran up the wall, flipping over him gracefully before landing on his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his neck in a vice-grip, "It took some effort to find you, but you're not as subtle as you think when people know what to look for." She tightened her stranglehold on his throat, "Next time, answer your phone."

"I was busy..." He backed up and slammed her against the cage, Hardy giving a grunt of pain before she jumped off, "And last I checked, we weren't supposed to meet for at least a couple more days..." Peter rubbed his neck and winced. He definitely needed to stop taking hits near his head.

"What can I say, I got worried after your little show with you-know-who." She rose up to her full height and goaded him forward with two fingers, "Any explanation for that, by the by?"

He didn't answer. Instead he focused on the fight, on countering her blows and giving some of his own. Powers or no Hardy wasn't an easy opponent to fight against:Every move was graceful and measured, so much so that he almost forgot she'd taught herself how to fight rather than studying under someone more experienced. Revenge was as good a motivator as any, he supposed, and the results spoke for themselves.

And that was before she pulled out the whip.

Peter grabbed onto the tight leather coiled around his neck and grit his teeth, falling on his knees while Felicia said something behind him that he couldn't make out. He heard a few more vulgar cheers from the crowd about horse riding, but he ignored it. At least the thing wasn't made of fiber wire like it usually was, 'Enough's enough.' He was done playing games.

Sucking in a pained breath, he grabbed at the main body of the whip and pulled, ripping it out of Felicia's grip. Without missing a beat he untangled the whip from his neck before he twisted it around and smacked the handle against the side of her jaw, "...Ow." She glared up at him, but it quickly turned into a smile even when he all but tackled her to the ground, one hand around her neck while the other was raised into a fist.

They stared at one another in silence - or at least as much as they could with the cheers and boos of the crowd made - before she raised her hands and laughed, "...Alright, Spider, you win."


Some of the crowd cheered, most of them booed, but the Bookie was practically grinning when he handed the fat envelope full of bills to him along with an invitation to come back whenever he wanted...yeah, like he'd ever come back to this place. He had no idea what the hell he was thinking going to a place like this for, especially given that someone like Hardy could find him so easily.

They were out of the building and in the alley before she spoke, "...For a second I thought you were going to kill me back there," she said, her voice teasing.

"I don't kill people for being annoying." He took out five painkillers and swallowed them whole, Felicia giving the drugs a skeptical look before she shook her head, "...Look, why are you here? You obviously went through a lot of trouble to find me, and you even put on a show back there entering the ring. What was the point of that?" He took out two cigarettes and offered one to her.

"I could ask you the same, Spider." She took the offered coffin nail and let him light it with a quick flick of the lighter, "Those people inside, you could have taken them down easily and yet you go on a charade and let yourself get hurt. Those wounds..." She traced a hand through his long-sleeved shirt, fingertips grazing the fresh cuts lightly, "Not even a bandage. Are you a masochist or something?"

"Not even in your dreams, Hardy." He slapped her hand away lightly and leaned against the wall, "Look, you came here for something. Spill it."

"Alright, if you insist." She took a slight inhale of the coffin nail and blew it upwards, her movements precise, "Spider, anyone with a pair of eyes and ears knows about what happened a few hours ago. You and Spider-Woman...people are calling out for your blood, you know. Jealousy or spite, I can only assume."

"Half this city already hates me, what's your point?"

"Alright, to continue then: What's the deal with you two? And don't tell me 'it's complicated' or I'll shove that entire pack of cigarettes down your throat." She smiled sweetly at him.

"...It's complicated." He gave her a wry smile of his own and took another drag of the cigarette, "Look, we kissed. It wasn't like we declared our love for one another or made wedding vows. Pretty soon no one but the tabloids are gonna care about a couple of freaks in masks swapping cash." She gave him a raised eyebrow and he sighed, "Means exchanging kisses." God, what was with the language in this place?

"I'm less interested in what you did as to why you did it." She threw away the half-spent cigarette and ground it under her boot, "I insinuated before, but how much control does Spider-Woman have over you? Does she-"

"She doesn't know about our plans for the warehouse and for Murdock. Trust me, no amount of favors would make her agree to kill someone in anything other than self-defense." He sighed, the plume of smoke coming out in a thick wave, "If that's all you're worried about, then you don't have to stay up at night. My lips are sealed, trust me." He traced a hand across his mouth and mimicked a zipping motion, "Capisce?"

"Understood..." She looked down with a slight smirk before looking up again, " you love her?"

...He shouldn't have shared that cigarette with her.

"Why? Jealous?" He gave her a strained smile, but the smirk on her face only widened. She had him and she knew it.

"Just curious is all," she said, shrugging her shoulders in exaggerated casualness, "Last I checked you were trying to court Stacy, and now you're 'swapping cash' with Spider-Woman. What happened to the two of you, by the way? Did it not work out? A shame if it didn't, I quite like her."

"Not exactly..." He took a final drag of the cigarette before following her example and crushing it underfoot, "We're still friends, but a relationship's off the table." Keeping up the lie was annoying, though maybe it was because he wasn't wearing his own mask to compensate, "As for I said, it was just a kiss. We didn't exactly have time to talk considering what happened afterwards..."

"...You know who she is, don't you?" It wasn't a question, not really. Peter narrowed his eyes at her, but she continued on without a care, "You know, I'm curious: Is she as self-righteous without the mask or is she different without it to hide behind?"

"There a point to this, Hardy?" Peter glared. He didn't agree with Gwen about everything - and God knew they'd had their share of arguments - but he wasn't going to take Hardy's bait, "You don't like her, I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual on her end."

"How I feel about her doesn't matter right now." She scoffed. A half-lie, though that was obvious even without his spider-sense, "I'm more worried about you, Spider. She's changing you." He opened his mouth to give a rebuttal, but she put her hand up to stop him, "I'm not imagining it. You play the part, but if push comes to shove can you still pull that trigger? Can you end someone's life if it means disappointing her?"

"...You're worried I'm going to stop you from killing Murdock because of Spider-Woman." She didn't do anything but tighten her smile, but it was obvious enough that she might as well have been screaming, "Look, Hardy: Ever since I got here Murdock's been using me as a pawn in a chessboard, and I haven't exactly forgotten his pajama brigade cutting my damn hand off. So no, when we find him if you don't wanna kill him then I'll put a bullet in him myself. Are we clear?"

She regarded him quietly before finally letting out a soft laugh, "Fine then. We're clear." She pushed herself off the wall and stuffed her hands into her jacket, "But a word of advice, Spider: Don't let her in too close. She makes a show of caring about everyone, but as soon as she finds something that doesn't fit in her fairytale view of the world she'll turn on you faster than you can blink. Remember that."

"Thanks for the advice, Hardy." He scoffed and pulled out another cigarette, "I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Count on it."

Finding his way back home was almost weirdly simple and undisturbed, though the same couldn't be said for his cellphone. As soon as he'd turned it on he was bombarded by a wave of messages: Bullseye wanting to talk and ask what the hell was going on, Winters badgering him if he could ask 'his pal Spider-Man' for an interview for a special journalist friend of his...and even a single message from Castle that contained nothing but a single phrase: 'You better know what you're doing, kid.'

'Why does everyone care so much...?' He trudged up the steps to the apartment with a sigh. Did he know what he did with absolute certainty? Definitely not. He'd gotten caught in the heat of the moment, but those kinds of things happened. Now everyone was on his case and acting like the two were bolted at the damn hip or something. They were still themselves, this wasn't a damn fairy tale where true love's kiss changed the world - Crime was still happening, Peter was still Spider-Man, Gwen was still Spider-Woman and nothing changed...

"I love Gwen, Harry! How could you do this to me!?"

"Shut up..." He opened the door to his apartment and wasn't even surprised to find Lana sleeping on the couch, arms and legs splayed about while she snored softly, "Least the Storms are gone..." He grabbed a blanket from the cabinet and draped it over her, causing her to snort and blink her eyes open blearily.

"...Huh? Wuzza...Pete?" At his nod she sat up, rubbing her eyes lazily before looking up at him, eyelids half-closed, "Hey...didn't think you'd be back..." Her gaze drifted from to the dried blood and slowly forming bruise at the right side of his lip, "Shit, that looks nasty."

"Worse than it looks." He sat down next to her with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling blankly, " saw the news?" Maybe he'd be lucky and she was asleep the entire afternoon or something.

"You mean you and your girlfriend making out on in the middle of town? No, of course not. Totally didn't see it." She grinned up at him, completely ignoring the annoyed glare he gave her, "Trust me, it was the highlight of the day. Taking down two gangbangers holding some celebrity hostage isn't as interesting as you'd think; shit, I think those guys were going to pay us to take him back cause Johnny was so annoying."

"So he's alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Took the two teenyboppers to the hospital and gave em back to their manager. They're in safe hands." She waved a hand through the air lazily, "Sue even exchanged numbers. Dunno, guess the Princess thinks this makes us friends or something."

"Considering how we met, that's par for the course..." He let out a soft laugh, "So...not gonna ask? Everyone else has been getting on my case lately. Hell, I half expect Moon Knight to barge in here screaming something about a prophesied joining of two totems or whatever."

"Nah." She punched him in the shoulder lightly and whistled, "Always figured you two were together and you were just denying it cause everyone else you know except Moon Knight hates her guts." She shrugged, "Me? I'm cool with it. I mean she's not exactly my 'favorite Superhero evar!' like just about everyone else in this fucking city, but I can't help but think she'll be good for you, you know? Maybe he'll make you less of an ass."

"That's something you need more than me, Lana." He rolled his eyes. Maybe Gwen should go out with her instead; maybe she could do something about that potty mouth of hers...then again given Gwen's own lack of a filter, maybe not, "Anyway, we're not going out."

"Yeah, sure you're not." '

"She and I kissed, Lana. Last I checked that didn't mean much, or was I mistaken and the one you gave me means we're now engaged?"

"Don't be an ass." She slapped his shoulder lightly, a slight tinge of red in her cheeks coming and going, "Look, Pete, I'm telling you as your friend: Don't fuck this up, you hear me? Trust me, I went out with someone once and that shit cuts fucking deep. First breakups are hard."

"What makes you think I haven't been in a relationship before?" Thoughts of Felicia from back home came and went before he shook his head. That wasn't a relationship; that was sex, pure and simple.

"You saying you have?" She curled her lips in a wide smirk and leaned back on the seat when he didn't answer, "So yeah, don't fuck this up. Cause I don't want to come here and see you crying in your bed and listening to Linkin Park while cutting your me, I've seen friends go through that and it's not as funny as those movies make you think. Mostly it's kind of sad, then it gets annoying."

"...You just want something to hold over me, don't you?"

"Oh yeah, no doubt." She laughed shamelessly and spread her arms on the cushion, "Trust me, I'm already thinking of ways I can use this. Here's one: You walked right into her parlor, huh?"

"...Go to sleep, Lana. I'll see you in the morning." He stood up and ruffled her hair - she hated it when he did that - and walked into his room, not even surprised to find Dog (he really needed to come up with a name for the guy) curled close to his pillow, "God, it's been a long day. " He shucked off his boots and practically collapsed on top of the bed, looking at the cellphone one last time. He and Gwen had agreed not to call one another until at least tomorrow, but he was halfway expecting her to break that rule.

"Hope you're having better luck than I am, Gwen..." He placed the phone on the table and lied on his side, letting Dog's soft breaths lull him into an uneasy sleep.

And done. Nothing much happened - particularly on Noir's end - but whatever: At least we can get to the PGH arc now - I was tempted to split it in two, but I didn't want to extend this beyond the minimum. So yeah, both of the Spiders are mostly unsure and have no clue on what to do, especially with everyone around them being a judgmental hardass and telling them that the other's no good for them.

Anyway, this chapter went through some changes: Gwen's segments are pretty much the same, but Noir's went through some shifts - We got Felicia instead of Bullseye, Peter was actually supposed to fight Matt Murdock in the fight club (took out for possible later use) and - probably the biggest one - I considered the idea that Noir kissed Gwen to deceive her and keep her in the dark about his plans with Felicia and the others. I took that out because I can't see Noir being that big of a wad, even if he does have his arguments with Gwen, so now they're both equally conflicted.


So I'm curious, how many of you guys think this pairing can actually work and not end in a hilariously dramatic break-up meltdown? I have my doubts, but considering I never thought I'd write a chapter like this in the fic it shows how much I know...

A more serious query: Similar to the question on 616 Peter, do you guys think this story would've been better with the actual canon Noir? By that I mean none of this memory seep bleeding effect BS, so he'd just be purely Spider-Man Noir and have absolutely no ties to Earth-65: No memories, no Lizard serum infection, nothing at all related to Earth-65 besides sharing the same face and genetic structure; you know, the same dead 65-Gwen deals with whenever she jumps to 616.
Probably my favourite chapter so far. Good laugh.
And if Noir was going be as angsty as this guy I would probably have preferred what you've done instead.
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I think it's better the way you've written it. If Noir had no ties, he'd have no stake in Gwen's life and would eventually drift away. It's a big world.

Well...big city, but same gist ;) But yeah, that was definitely one reason; without it he doesn't have much reason to stay near her or for them to keep involving one another in the other's problems. At least not anymore than what Kate does to Spider-Woman.

Probably my favourite chapter so far. Good laugh.
And if Noir was going be as angsty as this guy I would probably have preferred what you've done instead.

Wait, the new Ben Reilly comes across as angsty to you? He seems kind of wacky to me, particularly with that constant smile on his face. Certainly much cheerier than Noir, whose idea of a good time is to go to a cage fighting ring and getting his face caved in and getting whipped by Felicia.
Wait, the new Ben Reilly comes across as angsty to you? He seems kind of wacky to me, particularly with that constant smile on his face. Certainly much cheerier than Noir, whose idea of a good time is to go to a cage fighting ring and getting his face caved in and getting whipped by Felicia.
No, I meant more along the lines of saying that your "Dark Spider" does.

The Spiderman Noir in Shattered Dimensions at the very least wasn't quite so angsty so I assumed that there was creative leeway there.
No, I meant more along the lines of saying that your "Dark Spider" does.

The Spiderman Noir in Shattered Dimensions at the very least wasn't quite so angsty so I assumed that there was creative leeway there.

Oh, well yeah :) Noir in SD was still at home rather than the Madhouse that is Earth-65 (described by Jessica Drew as death by a thousand spitballs) and he was toned down in the game to keep to the rating; most notably he no longer has his gun. In the fic he's grim, though much less so in the recent chapters due to the influence of Gwen, Lana and Bullseye.

...Also, don't call him Dark Spider. He doesn't like that :cool:

Lana and Noir are tight, shes the only one who can call him a motherfucker and get away with it.

Motherfucker...*snrk* :whistle: Ironically enough Lana doesn't know Noir slept with her mom; and I'm not sure whether she wouldn't care and take it in stride or she'd get pissed and yell at him for it. Though in his defense there wasn't actually a point where he could have admitted it...
I've seen cosplay of these two before - more Spider-Gwen than Noir - but hey, appreciated nonetheless....also giving me idea for some lighthearted segments given Gwen's rabid in-universe fanbase.
So, general writing question: Anyone here have advice on how to write fight scenes? They've always been a weakness of mine, and while I've been told they suffice more often than not I can't help but feel like I can do better. So...anyone have anything? I dunno why but whenever I write combat it always feels wooden and stiff when I read it, and more often than not I can't help but think they come across as anti-climactic and short; Gwen and Kate vs Typhoid Mary spring to mind, especially compared to Castle and Peter vs The Russian which is much longer and involved, even if not by much.

I'll accept anything you guys can give me, but I'm most curious about a few things: How to make the combat writing seem more free-flowing rather than 'turn-based' where the characters take turns fighting? Should I keep adding dialogue - I know comics take advantage of the still picture medium to put in some good zingers - or not? Are the fight scenes I have so far too short, and if so how much longer should they be to feel appropriately climactic? How much narration am I allowed before it detracts from the fight (in particular Noir's fight against Vulture was almost entirely narration with some movements sprinkled in)?

This is pretty much my glaring blindspot. I can do talking and narration scenes just fine, but the second I have to just describe physical movement in continuous flow my writing screws up and I'm left feeling unsatisfied with the finished product; and I'm sure at least a few others are as well. Help would be appreciated very much.

Side note - Any tips on adding humor as well? I'm not a very humorous person and the few times I do put in jokes they tend to be biting or of the gallows variety. While this makes enough sense for Noir, this has left Gwen oddly mum during fighting when as a normal Spider-Totem she should generally be joking up a storm even when the jokes aren't funny.
My advice for writing a fight scene is to seek out better advice than what me and other readers can come up with. Many of us are on the same boat.

I try to avoid writing about fighting, even while writing a fight scene. I write the dialogue, the location, the planning, and the changing conditions of the involved parties, but I leave the actions up to the imagination of the readers. Whether that works for them or not - I don't know as I don't get any feedback on that, just advice on how to make a better character.
My advice for writing a fight scene is to seek out better advice than what me and other readers can come up with. Many of us are on the same boat.

I try to avoid writing about fighting, even while writing a fight scene. I write the dialogue, the location, the planning, and the changing conditions of the involved parties, but I leave the actions up to the imagination of the readers. Whether that works for them or not - I don't know as I don't get any feedback on that, just advice on how to make a better character.

That's already what I do for the most part, but I have no clue if it works or it's found lacking. Especially given that this is a Superhero, where there's a lot of fighting.

For those who read the Spider-Gwen comic, here's a match-up question: Do you think Noir in his current state would be able to take down Harry Osborn assuming he didn't have his gliders? While I'm unlikely to have a full-on brawl, I can very easily see these two coming to blows given everything Harry's done and Noir's personality. Here's some examples of him in combat:

Also something interesting:

One thing I found notable in the bio - Apparently the dislike between Harry and 65-Peter was reciprocal rather than one-sided like it was shown. While Peter tried to drag Harry down to his level out of jealousy, Harry in turn shifted between feeling kinship to Peter and resentment for being grouped with a 'weakling' like him; this might prove interesting to tackle given how Noir is by comparison and with Gwen trying to have the two make peace with one another.

SHIELD also screwed him over; they recruited him for the explicit purpose of only taking advantage of his connections to Oscorp, assigning him a desk job the second they got their hands on him. While it in no way excuses or justifies what he did to their agents, it does explain why he used said agents as test subjects for the serum - They took advantage of him, he took advantage of them

Final note: We finally get some true info on what happened that night at prom. Specifically, it's mentioned in the bio that Gwen's attacks pushed 65-Peter to the physical and emotional breaking point and this caused the serum to overstimulate his heart, meaning it wasn't the outside physical trauma but rather something akin to a heart attack that killed him. So yeah; Gwen is definitely responsible, albeit indirectly at best since she had no clue that would happen and it's still 99% 65-Peter's fault for injecting himself in the first place. This limitation might prove useful in the story as well given that Noir's still infected and will be for some time.
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