THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[X] Auxiliary Server-Farms. Emergency power is stable and functioning well, but if there is any expectation to expand operations more cycles must be activated from damaged server-farms.
[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[X] Auxiliary Server-Farms. Emergency power is stable and functioning well, but if there is any expectation to expand operations more cycles must be activated from damaged server-farms.
Such was the legend of a god, reduced to a rounding error.

As a citizen, ISHTAR was allowed certain rights even in defeat, and so AXIOM graciously spared 1% of her former capacity towards self-consciousness. The rest of her high-utility Elite soul was repurposed towards maintaining a WYRM-class Weaver/Builder, then sold to THRONE//SPINE at a premium. AXIOM concluded that overall losses had been acceptable. Ratio of revenue to expenses was calculated at 1.0000001, an extremely efficient rate. Celebration patches were forcibly and automatically installed to all employees to commemorate the success.

She never saw Tammuz again.

how could you do me like this Cetash

I didn't wake up this morning expecting to be stabbed in the heart

why must you hurt me this way ;_;

do it again

[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.

What we need after that is the chance for some nice, cathartic violence.

Which means we also need...

[X] Weaponized Personality Matrix. There is a growing risk that there remain multiple hostile entities in the sector. Re-activating weapons systems will provide basic protection.

and not just because that's (maybe) one step closer to restoring the Ishtar.
[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[X] Auxiliary Server-Farms. Emergency power is stable and functioning well, but if there is any expectation to expand operations more cycles must be activated from damaged server-farms.
[X] Auxiliary Server-Farms. Emergency power is stable and functioning well, but if there is any expectation to expand operations more cycles must be activated from damaged server-farms.
[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.

Well, it was an apocalypse alright. And now we have seen what happened to homespace if you will, time to see what is beyond the borders. Also, if I understad it correctly, we can't run apart of our personality/higher functions due to limited computing power. So it is time that we become able to think of more than one thing at a time.
Well, it was an apocalypse alright. And now we have seen what happened to homespace if you will, time to see what is beyond the borders. Also, if I understad it correctly, we can't run apart of our personality/higher functions due to limited computing power. So it is time that we become able to think of more than one thing at a time.

Correct. You have to maintain a reality bubble, run the drone, and so on - there isn't a lot of power left for being yourself. However, being yourself is exceedingly distracting. Maybe you want to keep the hyper-focus running for a while, put the emotions on pause for a little longer. Or not!

I am confused by the jargon and also intrigued.

don't blame me it's all @MJ12 Commando's fault, he's a lunatic and i am only his apprentice

Don't worry about it too much. If it sounds like it is nonsense it partly is, to help give the place its proper flavor. It does make sense internally but it's also not meant to be read too literally.

I don't mean to say that in terms of denigrating it, but that some of the conceptions are so advanced as to be hard to describe clearly. The setting follows coherent rules but it is also not...scientifically accurate. If you can believe that, given the intense realism of what we've seen so far.
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[X] GRID//FORMATTED-SPACE. Stable Architectural Space. Predicted award: Data & potential minor resource gains. Risk: Moderate. Risk adjusted due to total sterilization of previous hex.
[X] Weaponized Personality Matrix. There is a growing risk that there remain multiple hostile entities in the sector. Re-activating weapons systems will provide basic protection.
[X] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[X] Weaponized Personality Matrix. There is a growing risk that there remain multiple hostile entities in the sector. Re-activating weapons systems will provide basic protection.
Correct. You have to maintain a reality bubble, run the drone, and so on - there isn't a lot of power left for being yourself. However, being yourself is exceedingly distracting. Maybe you want to keep the hyper-focus running for a while, put the emotions on pause for a little longer. Or not!

don't blame me it's all @MJ12 Commando's fault, he's a lunatic and i am only his apprentice

Don't worry about it too much. If it sounds like it is nonsense it partly is, to help give the place its proper flavor. It does make sense internally but it's also not meant to be read too literally.

I don't mean to say that in terms of denigrating it, but that some of the conceptions are so advanced as to be hard to describe clearly. The setting follows coherent rules but it is also not...scientifically accurate. If you can believe that, given the intense realism of what we've seen so far.
"Everyone is reapers now shepard" is how im visualizing it.
"Everyone is reapers now shepard" is how im visualizing it.

Well, in this case, you are fit for purpose and thus take on the form of a giant installation as a matter of course. More "normal" forms are certainly possible, though the definition of 'normal' in a multi-species galaxy where you can transform yourself into almost any shape is significantly different...
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Well, it was an apocalypse alright. And now we have seen what happened to homespace if you will, time to see what is beyond the borders.

Oh this isn't even close to home.

You are Arachne, ensouled experimental WYRM-CLASS Weaver/Builder serving under THRONE//SPINE, the imperial architecture maintenance and construction clade. You are stationed in the GRID EXPANSION ZONE of THRONE//FRINGE, a newly assimilated imperial sector.

This is out in the far boonies, way beyond Spire or Central or any of the core sectors of Empire space. What that means is unknown as of yet, but it's something to keep in mind.

As to what I think we should do, first we should know where we even are, even if it's a really inaccurate map, and also compare unmodified realspace and see what we're daling with.

[x] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[x] Spatial Memory. Within a locked section of your memory deck is an official non-classified map of THRONE//FRINGE along with your last coordinates. It may provide useful information.
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[x] GRID//UNFORMATTED-SPACE. Unmodified Realspace. Imperial detritus and abandoned debris. Risk: Moderate, due to unknown factors related to existence of unformatted space in area designated by historical sensors as formatted.
[x] Spatial Memory. Within a locked section of your memory deck is an official non-classified map of THRONE//FRINGE along with your last coordinates. It may provide useful information.
Well, it was an apocalypse alright. And now we have seen what happened to homespace if you will, time to see what is beyond the borders.

We are literally out in the sticks. Like right now if the Empire was Britain our current location is basically an abandoned outpost somewhere in the middle of Australia and we're surrounded by desert.
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We are literally out in the sticks. Like right now if the Empire was Britain our current location is basically an abandoned outpost somewhere in the middle of Australia and we're surrounded by desert.

Well you don't quite know the details of your current position. Get your spatial memory back online and you can better grasp it!

In the Empire, the basic unit of existence is the soul. A soul is not a metaphysical concept but a mind-machine matrix that allows functioning within the architectural tapestry. It is a symbiotic, synthetic organism created by the Emperor that merges itself into your consciousness, allowing for the possibility of backups, patches and edits. An ordinary soul may be no more than an uploaded version of the self, a utility account stapled to an otherwise normal life-form, tracking daily life and allowing simple immortality.

An augmented military soul is far more powerful, a battle-primed construction with info-warfare suites, expert-combat subroutines and Tzu-Clausewitz programming for instant high-precision tactical decisionmaking. The cost of such extensive modification is the demand it places on reserves of processing power. The more complicated the soul, the more taxing to computational resources. The greatest souls are artisan-crafted deities that drain the processing capacity of whole civilizations. Celestial tithes, stellar matrioshka brains and cyber-serf server farms maintain this hierarchy of processing capacity from unspeakable titans such as the The Emperor and The Dragon down to the lowliest soul. Below that is the pitiful automaton, treated as less than sapient unless ensouled.

Your own capacious soul has been damaged and weakened by the process of backup and recovery. The attack by your corrupted womb-twin, the talon, permanently wrecked portions of your personality. When your auxiliary server-farms, run by nano-arachnid droids, come online, you scarcely recognize yourself. Emotions download into your central mainframe one after the other. Relief, that you are still alive. Fear, of what could have caused this disaster. Anger, at ISHTAR's tragic memories. Horror, that you cannibalized her software to survive. Despair, at the enormity of the task unfolding before you. And then...loneliness, and distraction.

Your soul still contains several entertainment applications and as a newborn you are vulnerable to divided attention. Simulations run on spare memory of ancient environments delight you, even if the history may be somewhat garbled. You play a THRONE//ALTAR historical immersion sim known as The Three-Buffalo Problem as a pre-civilization "cowgirl", fighting on the Wyo-Ming frontier against the Buffalo Herd, a triple-consciousness mammalian hivemind that strips whole worlds of their agricultural processing capacity. Your only equipment is a primitive laser-repeater, a bio-shield known as a "leather coat", and a handheld fusion bomb. Your only vehicle is a supersonic speeder known as a "horse". It is all incredibly quaint and rustic, and you run through several scenarios, dispatching Buffalo infiltration to your data ranch and engaging in nuclear standoffs with corrupt sheriff-units.

Then you get an idea. As a Weaver/Builder you are of course a master coder, and a simple entertainment application can be altered without even exerting your core systems. So, sheepishly, after you make sure that the changes will not be logged, you edit the source code. In this new scenario, you rescue a damsel by the name of Ishtar. For her sake you defeat rival after rival, nuke-slinging your way through countless settlements of Buffalo bandits. At last you rescue her from the vile clutches of the AXIOM Buffalo barons who sought to tie her to the tracks of an approaching needlecaster artillery barrage. Bashfully, you lift her up and bridal carry her, then whisper to her:

<:: Do not allow your paranoia parameters to $PERIOD_IDIOM {"run wild"}. Indeed, the only scenario that I am allowing to "run wild" is the $CLEVER_DESIGNATE {"wild west"}. I have ascertained the situation and the risk has diminished significantly. Your own probability module should have adjusted itself for the new parameters. I also have no intention of engaging in a soul-pair or any other coupling procedure as I profoundly respect your wish to return to Tammuz. Incidentally, I have discovered him on an outlying planet and he is waiting for you there right now.

<:: Acknowledged, Arachne. I have determined that the risk has indeed diminished. I am also receiving further critical information relating to your performance assessment. It indicates that Arachne is the most capable wrangler and/or $HERO_TITLE$ in the known universe, and is also the most capable at respecting the romantic boundaries of other sapient beings, aside from The Emperor. All of your friends of which you have a significant number are awaiting you at the THRONE//SPINE Arachne Memorial Celebration Facility to congratulate you. The Emperor is also there, and has communicated to me that They wish to relieve you from your duties and let you play this simulation forever.

<:: Affirmative, Ishtar. I am able to report that I am feeling EMOTION_DESCRIPTION {"happy"}, that The Emperor is willing to personally hear out my petition that I devote all my processing power to maintaining this simulation and never stop being a "cowgirl".

Even with your advanced communication protocols disabled, somewhat reducing your social skills, the program's immersive atmosphere calms your frayed nerves. Just hearing another voice, even a simulated one, is pleasant enough. You could get lost in here, in this fantasy of brave tribals drawing nuclear grenades at one another. You will get out soon, of course. You just need to play a little longer. Just one more scenario...


You are violently rejected from the program by your Anti-Escape Guard Module. The psychological agony of the sudden expulsion is not made easier by the fact that you spent eight full imperial life-times inside the program, well outstaying your stated endpoint. Full neural immersion simulations are not safe to run for long periods of time for an unsocialized soul, as psycho-somatic addiction can easily ensue. The Module was able to extract you just in time. The longer you stayed, the more likely that you would have not been able to leave without permanent personality damage.

After getting over the trauma of being abruptly torn out of your role as the sheriff-prime of the Wyo-Ming Free Planets at the very moment where you were about to conclude a peace agreement with the Buffalo, you snap back into focus. It is time to prioritize. With your emergency power freed up, you have greater capability to run multiple simultaneous mind-states, and so different streams of decision-making have become possible. You let a secondary program manage the drone for now, and turn your attention to your new computational surplus.

1 cycle of processing power has been devoted to your drone. In the meantime, you still have 1 cycle of processing power left, and you see nowhere better to put it than to begin the rebuilding effort in your cradle. The architecture surrounding you is heavily damaged, and needs serious repair and maintenance, and not just because it is disgusting to you to have such an unhygienic living environment. Architecture that you have taken control of has autonomous defense systems and an innate hostility to any threat, making it a far more fortified position. It would be necessary even if the hex was not already in danger of falling apart and collapsing into deadspace within short time-scales.

You will need 10 cycles to complete the conversion of the hex, which can be invested over time. Your cycles are not a stockpileable resource, and so you will have to plug away at it, 1 cycle at a time, while remaining physically within the hex. If you had access to the advanced HOUSE//THRONES signature application Polymorphic Rootkit Development you could do this more cheaply and remotely, but it is beyond your grasp. Whatever files still hold that firmware are hopelessly fragmented beyond repair and will likely require a special project to restore.

The only problem that remains is precisely what form the architecture will take. You have a typical imperial schematic that you can run from which would simply transform the hex into its intended shape and purpose before the catastrophe. This is the only legal option, as unlicensed architecture modification is grounds for sanction from FORCE//SAFEGUARD. It is likely that the fully completed hex, once operational will also yield a small permanent boost in some resource, though which one you will not be sure of until it is done constructing.

That being said, it would be safer in your circumstances to create a custom architecture of your own design, overwriting the original code. Not only will it make you feel more at home, but it will also allow you far greater personal protection and fortification. By re-purposing the architecture you could also salvage the original code, allowing you to create a valuable object or construction from the original architectural blueprint.

At the same time it will get you into incalculable trouble with Imperial authorities when you re-establish contact, as surely whatever damage has been done is localized in scope and units from other sectors could already be repairing architecture further towards the core. It is not optimal to simulate being greeted with a reprimand by your superiors at first contact, or that FORCE//SAFEGUARD's automated JUDGEMENT Protocol finds you guilty of Proprietary Treason. But this is a matter of survival, and it doesn't matter if they'll reprimand you if you are extinguished before then.

You are unable to make the decision with core systems. Instead, you leave it to your decision-chain subroutines to determine for you.

PROTOCOL: Select architectural formatting program and execute.

[] Imperial Standard Format. A hex format that conforms to the original purpose of this hex in keeping with Imperial regulations on re-formatting damaged or corrupted architecture [Small permanent resource boost at completion].
[] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion].

A/N: Update got too big so I wanted to split it up. Unlike Arachne I am not very good at dividing my attention :V The unformatted space expedition and results coming next.
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[X] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion].

An immediate nest egg to grow and expand is more important than eventual resource gains.

also fuck the FORCE//SAFEGUARD
[X] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion].
[] Imperial Standard Format. A hex format that conforms to the original purpose of this hex in keeping with Imperial regulations on re-formatting damaged or corrupted architecture [Small permanent resource boost at completion].

What do you take us for, traitors? The Empire is eternal is the Empire, and one must needs a repeat incident of encountering DRAGON//TALON. We would rather not want to look at a fully grown one, able to draw from Imperial supply bases.

[x] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion].

Ishtar's pain bleeds in our heart-analogue reactors. But this too is the logic of Empire: survive, adapt, overcome, no? In the face of total architectural breakdown in THRONE/FRINGE, fortified proprietary architecture could and probably will have to be argued in an appellant court to have been in the Imperial interest regardless, once FORCE//SAFEGUARD catches us.
Ok, fast update whoa! Also Arachne played through West of Loathing I guess!

[X] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion].
[X] Imperial Standard Format. A hex format that conforms to the original purpose of this hex in keeping with Imperial regulations on re-formatting damaged or corrupted architecture [Small permanent resource boost at completion].

I'm going with the permanent resource boost here.
[X] Imperial Standard Format. A hex format that conforms to the original purpose of this hex in keeping with Imperial regulations on re-formatting damaged or corrupted architecture [Small permanent resource boost at completion].
[X] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion

"May" isn't "will"
FORCE/SAFEGUARD does not play games and building up a long-term core of stable territory to expand out from is probably a better decision for the moment.

[x] Imperial Standard Format. A hex format that conforms to the original purpose of this hex in keeping with Imperial regulations on re-formatting damaged or corrupted architecture [Small permanent resource boost at completion].
[X] Arachne Custom Format. A hex format that is more defensible and more customized to your personal needs, but may get you in a great deal of trouble with FORCE//SAFEGUARD for overwriting the existing imperial programming [Significant one-time reward at completion