These are the Voyages (Star Trek)

[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green

More science plz. The sooner we understand eezotech and the mass effect the better, so I'm all for opening up more research options until we find it.

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting

Anomalies are fun.

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers

Useful for interacting with both Quarians and Geth.

[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference

We've been assuming the interference comes from the mass effect, so we're definitely going to have to deal with this again going forward.
In all likelihood, once it clears sickbay to make sure it doesn't have any unknown pathogens on it, T'Lainia will give it to the next child she sees on the ship
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[X][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
- [0/???]

I have no strong, or any, opinions on where to go next.
but these seem like good things to research asap.
[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
@Lunaryon actually since we looked over the entire system, what planets are in it?
System is a single F-Class Star orbited by:
2 Class B semi-molten planets. One appears to have tectonic activity, while the other does not.
1 Class H desert world that has a notable deposit of Iron and copper
1 Class J gas giant which the station in orbit of
An asteroid field that is high in lithium and dilithium deposits. It's odd that the field hasn't been mined, but since this territory seems to be claimed, the decision has been made to not mine it due to it belonging to another polity
finally there is a single Class P Ice world.
[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Advanced Grav tech Application
Like he said, safe isn't exactly in the job description. And since they are all still in EV suits, even turning off life-support won't be an issue.
[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green
- Chance of discovering a new research option
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
- Arrive at the unknown system in about four days, have chances to encounter anomalies
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
System is a single F-Class Star orbited by:
2 Class B semi-molten planets. One appears to have tectonic activity, while the other does not.
1 Class H desert world that has a notable deposit of Iron and copper
1 Class J gas giant which the station in orbit of
An asteroid field that is high in lithium and dilithium deposits. It's odd that the field hasn't been mined, but since this territory seems to be claimed, the decision has been made to not mine it due to it belonging to another polity
finally there is a single Class P Ice world.
The dilithium is to be expected, but the lithium makes me think that the Old Quarians were new here and they hadn't prospected the system yet before the Morning War, or that ME sensor tech is much worse than Starfleet standard issue even without the whole "all ME sensors are slower than light while ours aren't" thing.
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Go straight there
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Broadcast
[x][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[x][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[x][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
Interesting. Either the quarians ripped out only some of the system's internal systems and neglected to remove the significant central computer core, valuable Element Zero core, and station VI or as T'Lainia earlier speculated the station was unfinished. The station being incomplete seems to be the likelier option but the presence of an Elcor plushie suggests there may have been children aboard and you wouldn't bring kids aboard an installation that is still under construction.

The presence of a VI is additionally strange if this were a quarian facility that was evacuated during the Morning War. The lack of damage from weapons fire suggests that those aboard the station should have had sufficient enough time to delete the VI before they left. It is possible the VI is indeed a Geth though unintelligent due to the lack of other programs to interface with and or reset to factory defaults but that seems unlikely given the nature of the fighting during the Morning War. The fact the station's VI wasn't purged combined with the presence of an Elcor plushie makes me think this might not have been a quarian station at all but a Citadel aligned one instead.

If you take a closer look at the translations made of the discovered text then you'll realize that there's nothing that outright states the station is quarian.
1: evacuation order given. 2: citadel council refuses to render aid. 3: geth platforms begin to rebel across local worlds. 4: station central command.
The Citadel could have been the ones to order the evacuation. The worlds the geth are rebelling on aren't referred to along the lines of 'our worlds' but as the more dispassionate local worlds. The second translated sentence is the closest to implying that the writers are quarian but even that on further reflection can be interpreted as a statement of fact of the Citadel's reaction to the ongoing crisis. Alternatively it could be that the Citadel was stating they would not aid in the evacuation of the station itself which would explain the rather hastily and incomplete strip down of the station.

All that said I still find it odd that station's life support systems were active as was it's artificial gravity when it was discovered by the Hestia crew. Why weren't they shut off and how were they running without maintenance and resupply for possibly centuries?

Of course, given replicators, I'd expect to see copies of the thing popping up before too long

It's funny to imagine every child aboard the Hestia eventually having their own Elcor plushie and the reactions of the Citadel races to that revelation.

The dilithium is to be expected, but the lithium makes me think that the Old Quarians were new here and they hadn't prospected the system yet before the Morning War, or that ME sensor tech is much worse than Starfleet standard issue even without the whole "all ME sensors are slower than light while ours aren't" thing.

Most likely the former, ME sensors should be enough to pick up notably high resource concentrations. If they weren't at the time of the Morning War they should be by ME's 2180s.

Given the limitations of Mass Effect's method of FTL travel it is not unreasonable for local resources to have gone unexploited. Any mining operation in the system would have necessitated regular traffic to and from it and thus warranted the presence of a fuel depot. Finding out what purpose the station served will help answer this question. For example if the station was a lone research outpost then it explains why there was no mining done in the system as it alone wouldn't have been able to support such a presence.
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference

why is our crew so suicidally reckless? I can only imagine the depths of fear that a Nuclear Engineer would feel at seeing someone untrained running through a reactor control room pushing buttons would have.

Also there was the update at the start of this with the choice to turn off the main deflector while at warp just to save 5min of time. Why was that a thing?

@Lunaryon is there a time crunch that is missed to explain all this?
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I look forward to every child on the Hestia having an elcor plushie and the elcor reaction to this. :D

Ain't no deadpan like elcor deadpan.
why is our crew so suicidally reckless? I can only imagine the depths of fear that a Nuclear Engineer would feel at seeing someone untrained running through a reactor control room pushing buttons would have.

Also there was the update at the start of this with the choice to turn off the main deflector while at warp just to save 5min of time. Why was that a thing?

@Lunaryon is there a time crunch that is missed to explain all this?
Maybe I didn't explain it well in that update, but the general thing was that the Sensors managed to pick up something but they weren't sure What, and by dropping out of Warp, they were able to adjust the Deflector Dish into being more like a Telescope, and using it to scan ahead better than they could normally and see what was there before arriving in system.
Maybe I didn't explain it well in that update, but the general thing was that the Sensors managed to pick up something but they weren't sure What, and by dropping out of Warp, they were able to adjust the Deflector Dish into being more like a Telescope, and using it to scan ahead better than they could normally and see what was there before arriving in system.
no no i got that part, you communicated that fine, i just don't understand the reasoning behind taking the risk on the Captain/crews part. A pebble can smash the windscreen of your car traveling at 100kph, the same pebble hitting your starship at warp 9 is a lot more catastrophic.

the most recent update was the same in that why would the crew risk pushing the wrong button on the Alien reactor when they could just wait a bit in order to let the Universal Translator chew on the language samples and maybe make a more informed decision?

in both the cases i could understand the risks being taken if there was a time crunch in place, say a distress call forcing them to act fast so they could go save people but in the absence of one its knocking my suspension of disbelief about to see well trained starfleet officers being needlessly reckless.

they've got 5 years for this mission, i dont think they need to rush yet.

p.s. I am enjoying the quest, just a bit confused.
Well, that's why they dropped out of Warp in order to do that check instead of turning off the shields while in Warp.

And you do have a bit of point when it comes to the Lieutenant Commander being a bit enthusiastic.

Honestly, the best answer I can give is that I am still managing to get my handle on these characters. Maybe chalk it up to first mission hype. This is a big deal, and a huge step for them, and so everyone is a bit more on cloud nine than they should be right off the back. Hopefully the more sedate bits of the next few updates will give me a better chance to slow down and really get some less 'Headstrong' writing in.
In light of that it's doubly good the first thing the Hestia's crew encountered wasn't a ship full of Reaper artifacts. Imagine the kind of trouble they might have caused by fiddling with inactive Dragon's Teeth or a device like Object Rho.