These are the Voyages (Star Trek)

It does say several instead of indicating a universal belief, so it is probably a debate among Vulcans on whether pressing or not pressing an unknown button is more logical.

Well, one potential argument may go a bit something like this:
On a Vulcan-only vessel, the logical thing is to complete the translation of the alien language before pushing buttons without knowing what they will do.

On a Starfleet vessel, the logical thing to do is to press the button after getting permission from the higher-ups, as the probability of some human simply pushing the button without any warning will steadily increase over time to 100%, so we might as well get it over with.
There are at least millions, probably billions, of Vulcans.

"Several" Vulcans could mean a narrow sliver of the occupants of a Vulcan mental hospital. :p

The destruction of Vulcan in the Kelvin timeline wiped out 6 billion Vulcans, so there are likely at least that many.

That said, I find the idea that killing six billion Vulcans would render the species in danger of extinction when they have been a space-faring species for thousands of years to the point where one of the main Alpha Quadrant powers are Vulcans who decided to make their own civilization (with hookers and blackjack) just reeks of Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale. To me, it would be more like if someone nuked Seoul. You just gutted the cultural, economical, spiritual, industrial, martial and demographical heart of South Korea, but there are still plenty of South Koreans out there.
So I can tell that people are paying attention to the new cypher, but beyond that, what did people think of the update?
It is interesting to see gravity shenanigans. And this does get a good feel of exploring an abandoned station in.
let's go

nevermind it was 34 not 32. still this is getting weird
Rovos threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 32
32 32
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Episode 2 'The Derelict' Part END - A distant signal
Pressing a hand against the computer terminal causes a series of free floating holograms to appear before him.

On the main screen in front of him, there are a series of lines of text, all but two of them are highlighted in red.

The first of the ones marked in green is '⎍⌖⋏⊑ ⎍⎍⏚⎎ ⌇⌰⋉☊ ☌⎍⌰⎎ ⊑'

The second is '⍾⋏⋏⌰ ⎍⎐⟒⎎ ⍜⟊⟟⏃'

Then there are the ones that are marked in red.

'⋉⟟⏃⊑ ⌖⍀☍⎍ ⍀⋏⍀⋏'

'⎍⌖⋏⊑ ⎍⎍⏚⌇ ⌰☍⎅⌰ ⋔'

and finally '⎍⟟⟒⌰ ⋔⟒⟊⊑ ⟊⋉⎅⏚ ☌⏚☍⎅ ⏚⍙☊⏃ ⍜⟊⍾⏃ ⋉⌰⟟⌿ ⍙⊬⌇⟟ ⟊☍⏚'

The Lieutenant Commander doesn't have an idea what any of these options do, but as several of the Vulcans on the crew would say, 'the most logical thing to do with a button is press it.'

"Commander Kyyrecht." The lieutenant says as he taps his commbadge. "I think I've found the center command of the station. Or the core or something. There is an active computer here, and options for me to press. Notably, these aliens seem to use Red and Green the same way the Federation does, as we saw with the airlocks. I've got options that are in Red. I am about to activate them."

"Proceed." The commander gives his permission, and with that, the Lieutenant Commander does just that. Hitting the first of the switches.

Raising a hand, the Lieutenant Commander pauses for just a moment. He has no idea what any of these buttons do. What if one of these things is like, the stations Self Destruct system. Why a station would have a self destruct, the young man doesn't honestly know, but it's a staple of holovids and Holosuite novels, so the thought of it being a thing is something that he finds himself thinking about.

Only for a moment however, as there is one simple thought that manages to push though. Even if there is some kind of crazy self destruct system among these options, He is an officer of Starfleet, the rest of the Hestia are members of Starfleet. It is their purpose, and their mission to go and find new things, and then poke 'em with a stick. If something goes wrong, well, then the Hestia will find a solution. Even if it is sprinting out to the airlock and them leaping out into the void so that the Hestia can transport them back afterwords.

With that thought in his head, Lieutenant Commander Nathan Auld takes a deep breath, and presses his finger against the first of the buttons. The one marked '⋉⟟⏃⊑ ⌖⍀☍⎍ ⍀⋏⍀⋏'. The moment he does, the computer in front of his gives a sound that definitely sounds like a cheerful chime, and then the reactor in front of him bursts to life.

Sure, yes, before it gave out enough light for the young man to see by, but it was still dim in this center room, but now?

The reactor flashes a blinding blue, the light so bright that the EV suit's automatic dimming filter kicks in, the light is blinding for a long moment before a pair of metal pieces rotate into place, keeping the majority of the light contained. All at once there is a deep thrum that echoes through the room.

The nearly flickering holographic interface of the computer flickers once more before becoming stable and strong, there are still these obvious lines that run across it, but the hologram is of much higher quality than it was before.

Whatever the young man has done, it has just massively increased the amount of power flowing through the station.

"Ow." The young man says blinking, because while the dimmer has done it's job, it isn't ever quite enough to kick in before a little bit of the flash gets through. "...Okay. That one... That one did a thing." He mutters. Before he can say anything else however, there is a chirp from the young man's commbadge.

"Lieutenant, are you alright?" Commander Kyyrecht asks, his voice firm, but not unkind.

"Yeah." The young grouses out. "I think I just turned the main power back on." He says, "Central reactor flashed me when I did though."

On the other end of the line, the commander sighs. "Alright. We'll need to get you checked out in Sick Bay when all of this is said and done."

The lieutenant sighs, nodding even though his commanding officer can't see it. "Understood sir." He huffs out, "Shall I continue hitting the rest of the switches?"

"If you think it's safe." The commander says, a statement that causes the young man to chuckle.

"Sir, we're Starfleet, safe isn't exactly in the job description. Exploring new worlds and pressing unlabeled buttons however..." Nathan says as he presses a finger against the second of the buttons, which is marked '⎍⌖⋏⊑ ⎍⎍⏚⌇ ⌰☍⎅⌰ ⋔'. There is another flash of light, blindingly bright and activating the dimmer on the suit again, however this flash isn't just in the reactor room, as lieutenant Auld can hear shouts of surprise from outside the room.

All the lights on the station have come on line, blindingly bright if only in comparison to how dark the rooms have been up to this point. "Found the lights sir." Nathan reports, drawing a snort from Kyyrecht.

"I noticed." The horta says dryly, drawing a chuckle from the lieutenant.

There is only a single button left on the terminal, at least of the options that have been turned off. The one marked '⎍⟟⟒⌰ ⋔⟒⟊⊑ ⟊⋉⎅⏚ ☌⏚☍⎅ ⏚⍙☊⏃ ⍜⟊⍾⏃ ⋉⌰⟟⌿ ⍙⊬⌇⟟ ⟊☍⏚'. The lieutenant commander has no idea what the text means, so with a careful hiss of breath, he presses a finger against the glowing hologram.

There is a long moment of near silence, the only sound the strange blue reactor's hum, and for that singular moment, Nathan can't help but wonder if the button didn't work. Nothing seems to have changed, and then, off to one side there is a flicker and a glowing orb appears.
"Thuget salshu Mahseal. Tran soot thusi keterat das Matetsi Totaatu" The glowing orb says, it's voice simple and modulated in such a way as to be obvious that it isn't organic in the least, but that doesn't help the lieutenant have any idea what the machine in front of him has just said.

"Commander Kyyrecht." The young man says as he quickly taps his Commbadge. "I've... uhh. I've got something here. Some sort of... program? It's speaking to me. What do I do?"

"Chikai Matetsi, dal thu ner qontroi. Ahjhal mon desi ablut toq." The machine responds to the young man's words, its response picked up by the commbadge.

"Just continue trying to speak with it." The voice of Commander T'Lainia calls over the badge, causing the machine to repeat what it has said once again. "I am on my way down one of the shafts to the center of the station now."

"Understood commander." the lieutenant says, nodding.

"Chikai Matetsi, dal thu ner qontroi. Ahjhal mon desi ablut toq." The machine says again. Back and forth the young man continues to speak to the machine, never getting a different response from the machine. It doesn't sound angry, even with it's highly synthesized voice, instead sounding almost curious. Yet, even the curiosity sound artificial in nature.

The lieutenant isn't sure if that is a limitation of the machine's capabilities, or if there is a reason that the machine intentionally sounds fake. There have been species among the federation who have religious reasons for making sure that their machines never come across as 'too' organic.

Whatever the reason, the young man continues to do as he is ordered, trying to talk with the machine. All together, he is getting the feeling that he is speaking with some kind of automated system, not a machine intelligence of any kind, but more a digital assistant.

Thankfully it doesn't take too long for the Commander to enter into the room. Immediately, the first thing that the lieutenant notices is the fact that Commander T'Lainia has something small and furry clipped to the front of her EV suit.
"What is that?" The lieutenant asks, pointing at the... the stuffed animal.

"Cute, isn't it?" The commander says off-handed, her voice flat. "I originally thought it was an egg when I found it in the dark. Not sure if it is an example of the natives of the station, or perhaps that of some kind of pack animal, or a pet of some kind."

Climbing up to the same platform that the lieutenant is standing on, T'Lainia turns an eye towards the glowing orb floating there. "So... this is the program you found?" She asks.

"Chikai Matetsi, dal thu ner qontroi. Ahjhal mon desi ablut toq." The machine says in response.

"That is the only thing that it says." Lieutenant Auld confirms. "I'm starting to think that it's more like an answering machine than an actual machine intelligence."

T'Lainia pulls out a Tricorder, and quickly begins to scan the machine. "Alright let's see... Ah. A holo-interface port." She mutters, quickly typing away at the screen of the tricorder as the commander does... something. With nothing else to do, the young man continues to stand there, waiting to see what happens next. Eventually, the orb flickers once, twice, and then vanishes. Commander T'Lainia closes the tricorder, before pulling out an evidence bag and placing the tricorder within it, and placing the bag in a compartment.

Now, there is a simple decision to make.

[ ][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green
- Chance of discovering a new research option
[ ][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
d100 == 32
Now, while the away teams had been making their way through the station, exploring and finding the scraps and refuse of an apparently long gone civilization, the Hestia had been out and about, scanning the planets of the system and looking for anything that might catch their attention.

The never managed to find something. Or, perhaps it would be better to say that the Hestia heard something.

Roughly half an hour before the away teams were ready to return, the Comm station caught something. A radio signal, warped and degraded by it's travel through space, the actual message is all but lost.

"ex...loo tb...lo ...kd md...kzsn... rk...sdh m...a qb... pv...hzn az...dri fk...zqg ...lm vkhed... ...kmk... yf...u x...w...i... szw... f...b kq... ...sp gnl... ...ed... bay... ...zk vk... ...ggg... hqk... q...c ...grl au...chp xnuho"

It's pretty much impossible to get even the slightest bit of meaning out of the mess of sounds, so broken up by solar winds that there is almost nothing left. However, for all that the message itself is unintelligible, it is possible to get at the very least a direction. And even better, there is a system right about twelve light years in the direction that the signal seems to be coming from.

It is not only possible, but in fact likely that that system is the one from where the signal came from. On your old ship, that would have been nearly a four day journey, but the Hestia could make that in a day and a half.

Of course, you can't leave your away teams, and it isn't long before they are ready to be picked up.

Now, your first decision is what to do about that system...
[ ][System] Go straight there
- Arrive in roughly a day and a half
[ ][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
- Arrive at the unknown system in about four days, have chances to encounter anomalies
[ ][System] Ignore the unknown system
- Do not encounter the source of the signal, have chances to encounter anomalies

The next thing that you need to decide is what you want T'Lainia and the science division to focus on.
[ ][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[ ][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
- [0/???]
[ ][Sci] Study the Language of the Broadcast
- [0/???]
[ ][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
- [0/???]
[ ][Sci] Advanced Grav tech Application
- [0/???]

And with that, you give a last look to the strange station, the first evidence of intelligent life that you have found in the Kappa quadrant. With a jaunty wave, you smile before turning back to the Helm. "T'Makk, Engage Warp."
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
[X][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
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[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.

[X][System] Go straight there

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Broadcast

Interesting update, more mysteries more questions. Turning off the things that were already on feels like a bad idea, and my gut feeling is that the broadcast is some kind of distress signal so going straight there feels prudent.
Also Languages for the universal translator!
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
Wait for the freaking translation before pressing buttons.

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
The signal is 12 years old. No reason to rush.

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
Translation first, everything else later.

[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
Our transporters are one of our biggest advantages.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
- Arrive at the unknown system in about four days, have chances to encounter anomalies
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Broadcast
- [0/???]

let's take some time exploring while we hopefully make a breakthrough in understanding the languages we find so that we can communicate with the new aliens we are finding
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.

[X][System] Go straight there

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green
- Chance of discovering a new research option

They must be gravity and life support, but they have EV suits, so it should be fine.
Poke away.

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
- Arrive at the unknown system in about four days, have chances to encounter anomalies

There is no indication that we need to rush. It could be anything.

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[X][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
- [0/???]

If we take our time with the broadcast, we can focus on the the station stuff first.
Besides atm it is so garbled translating it will be nigh impossible, it'll be easier the closer we get.

The program could very well be a stupid geth, because it is running with few or one program(s).
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[X][Decide] Try out the two buttons that were originally green
I am very pro-science.

[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
Translation! Talking to people is very important.

[X][Sci] Try to develop a platform that the captured program can run on
I think we might have a set of Geth runtimes? Or maybe a station VI. Either way I want to talk to it.

[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
Eh, why not.
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[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
- [???/???] Gained a small bonus from breaking my very basic cypher
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference
- [0/???]
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference

That elcor plushy is adorable.
[X][Decide] You've explored as much as you can for now. Return to the Hestia.
[X][System] Check the two systems that are along the way for anything interesting
[X][Sci] Study the Language of the Papers
[X][Sci] Transporter 'Cypher' to get through the unknown interference