There Is No Random Button

They may have a way out of there, but only if they aren't shot down by the PRT Teams assigned to guard duty...

Though considering that you have a Tower that can grant powers, they might let you leave if Nilbog is taken care of, and they can reclaim the area...
Mmm, there is too much to keep track of. Seriously, I don't even remember what the previous rolls were.

I hope the Informational helps with that.

They may have a way out of there, but only if they aren't shot down by the PRT Teams assigned to guard duty...

Though considering that you have a Tower that can grant powers, they might let you leave if Nilbog is taken care of, and they can reclaim the area...
That's a big maybe on letting them leave

The PRT is in a very peculiar position right now. On one hand, they don't want to just abandon the large number of people (how many of them would be considered such is up in the air) that are suddenly in Ellisburg. Partially out of moral obligation but mostly because they don't want Nilbog to get more "materials". On the other hand, they do not want to risk any of Nilbog's creations escaping. Maybe even by entering the body of one of the survivors. That is a very real, and very disastrous possibility.

Does Jam Song not work on the animatronics?
I believe Jam Song is bound to where he was standing when he got it, and the area didn't cover where the tower is. Also, the animatronics might view what they're doing as not violence, but helping you get back into your endoskeleton, so who knows if it would trigger.

The tower is within the Jam Song radius. However, and this is a slight spoiler, "dungeons" are considered their own space. So while the tower is in the radius, the insides technically aren't. They just didn't realize the song stopped affecting them due to the Imp effect it has.

I really like this, my only problem would be the lack of content and the large gap between chapters.

Yeah, I do apologize about that. I will be trying to get new chapters out sooner, but I can't make any promises.
Nice, now they have a way out, if they know how to drive the airship as I do not know if the crew of the airship was summoned. Also it does sound a bit unlikely for the PRT to let people out of the Nilbog containment zone.
I am sad that Emerald is temporary because she's basically the most prominent character so far.

So far this has been fun, but chaotic. 👍
Chapter 7: A Surprisingly Calm Discussion
Turns out I was right; making a way out did keep everyone from being upset! The Council (Brooke, Nicole, Red Toad, Shaman, and Emerald) still made me promise to at least give people a heads up first, though. Which is fair. There was some initial worry that the airship wasn't going to be big enough for the two-thousand plus people we have.

Stepping inside alleviated those worries.

"I know you said it was bigger on the inside, but this is..." Nicole trailed off.

"Incredible, Lord Jack." Shaman in particular was in awe.

"I was going to say, ridiculous, but that works too."

Ignoring Nicole, I answered Shaman with a vague, "Yeah…" I was in awe too, really. I know I've summoned some crazy things today, many of which have left me speechless in one way or another, but this was something else. The sheer blatant defiance of the laws of physics was as amazing as it was dizzying.

Turning stone to sand had nothing on this.

Of course, we couldn't spend all day marveling at non-euclidean spaces. Bringing us back to Earth was Brooke, who said, "This is perfect, Jack. I knew you'd figure something out. Thank you."

Caught off guard by the sudden compliment, all I managed to do was fumble out a thanks.

Nodding, she continued, "Alright, let's get to work. Toad, bring in a squad to explore this place. There's a lot of ground to cover and not much time to cover it. And get a team to rush through the tower while you're at it. We need all the strength we can get."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Nicole, start rounding up the townsfolk. We need to get people in here fast. Start with the kids and the elderly."

"I'm on it!"

"Shaman, have your villagers pull in as well. The outer defenses don't matter anymore. In fact, have them bring any remaining stone. We can use them as makeshift weapons."

"As you wish, Miss Brooke."

"And for you two," she pointed at me and Emerald, "follow me to the control room."

Not waiting for a response this time, she turned and just started walking. With no other choice, we followed after her while everyone else ran off to complete their tasks.

We walked in awkward silence. Awkward for me, that is. Brooke was unfazed and Emerald looked more annoyed than anything. Although I'm not sure why. Just as the silence was becoming unbearable, Brooke turned around and, very casually, asked me, "Do you know that I have a SQUIP?"

I can only imagine the face I made when she asked me that because whatever it was must've been hilarious because it made Brooke snort. "I'll take that as a yes."

"How did you know?"

She raised an eyebrow and, in a very matter-of-fact way, answered, "I have a supercomputer in my head."

"... That's fair. Well, no, it isn't, having an AI is like the opposite of fair, but yeah, that makes sense."

That was when Emerald chimed in. "Wait, I'm so lost. What are you two talking about? What's a SQUIP?"

On theater nerd instinct, I answered, "It's short for Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. They're AIs that help you act 'correct-ly'." I couldn't help myself.

"And Brooke has one?"

The blond nodded.

Emerald looked back and forth between us, then slowly asked, "Is that a bad thing?"

There really was no nice way to say it. "SQUIPs tried to take over the world once."


Okay, maybe there was a nicer way to say that.

Brooke jumped in. "Listen, I know SQUIPs can be bad, especially with the whole 'world domination' thing-"

"Are you not going to explain that?" Emerald interrupted.

"-But mine is different! She's so cooperative, she doesn't demand things from me, and she can't control me. I can't even give it permission to! She's perfectly safe."

"I know."

This time, Brooke was stunned. "… You do? How?"

I let out a deep breath. "I have the ability to see the 'skills' of things and people I've summoned. One of yours is called: SQUIP (Tamed). I wasn't sure what that meant before, but I guess I know now."

Which is such a weight off my shoulders. Knowing she won't go Skynet on everything as soon as we get out here is a major relief. I mean, she knows about my ability now, but that's not much of an issue. I'm not good at pretending to not know things anyways.

"So that's why my SQUIP has been so helpful. Did your ability modify it while summoning me? Do I have any other skills? Maybe one related to physical fitness?"

I shrugged, "If your SQUIP wasn't tamed before, then, yeah. It's probably my power's fault. And-" I pulled on her again, "-yes. You have a skill called Peak Human."

"So that's why my muscles have muscles now."

"Uh, sorry about that."

She shook her head. "It's… not alright. But I'll be fine. There are worse fates than being fit."

Emerald cleared her throat. "So Brooke's not going to take over the world?"

"Probably." I elaborated, "I mean, her SQUIP won't, but Brooke could still try on her own. Not that I think she will! I'm just saying."

"Very reassuring, Jack."

Brooke gave a rye smile. "He's not wrong. I could do that. That's why I'm here, putting all of my cards on the table." She looked me in the eyes. "I want you to trust me. I want you to know, me and my SQUIP are on your side."

"On my side" is a little hard to believe. Not even because I don't trust her, which I kind of don't, but because I literally kidnapped her. Personally, that would be a pretty big deal-breaker. And sure, she sounds genuinely honest. But she also has an AI in her head that's designed to manipulate people. Being doubtful is a given really.

I smiled and accepted her little pledge at face value.

It's also completely useless to doubt her. I can't outsmart an AI. I can't control social interactions like a SQUIP can. I can barely manage social interactions at all. So even if she turns out to be working against me, there's nothing I can do about it besides command her. Which she'll probably have a plan to prevent. So there's no point in worrying about it. And if I change my mind, I'll… give her an order. Much as I'd rather avoid it.

We decided to move on after that small intermission. Thankfully, the control room was thankfully close by, so we didn't fall into another awkward silence. I, jokingly, asked Brooke if she had timed that on purpose. Turns out she did.


Entering the spatially expanded cockpit, I learned something very important. Airships are complicated. In hindsight, it should've been obvious. They're practically planes, but worse because a gust of wind can send them careening if you're not careful.

Oh, and we're not sure anyone will know how to fly this thing.

Brooke said she should be able to figure something out with her SQUIP, but that isn't guaranteed. If not, I could try to make an AI for it, but we'll leave messing with unknown machinery as the last resort. Not knowing what else to do, we started looking around. Who knows, maybe we'd find a manual.

We didn't, but Emerald found something far more valuable.

A radio.

AN: A shorter chapter this time. I tried cutting it down to only 1000 words to get this chapter out sooner at it really worked. The only reason I didn't get it out last week was that I was particularly busy at the time. So I'll be uploading shorter chapters from now on. I tried to fit the following radio conversation but I realized if I did, this chapter wouldn't be ready for another week or two.

I hope you all enjoyed the new format! And I'd love to hear any comments, questions, or critiques you all have!
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Brooke jumped in. "Listen, I know SQUIPs can be bad, especially with the whole 'world domination' thing-"

"You can't just gloss over that!" Emerald shouted.
Actually, considering that Emerald is also in a group bent on world domination, I'm pretty sure she doesn't get to complain about it. And, besides, she's temporary and is out of here in a few days... Unless Jack gets a new perk that makes her permanent.
Chapter 8: Negotiations
Excited, we gathered around the radio and watched with bated breath as Brooke started going through the frequencies. As she did, she told Emerald, "Go find the others. We're going to want everyone here for this." She hesitated before adding, "Actually, don't get Nicole. Tell her to keep bringing people in."

With a sharp nod and a quick, "On it," Emerald was gone.

That just left me, standing there awkwardly while Brooke fiddled with the radio in silence. Standing there for a minute, and not wanting to bother Brooke, I pull-

Trace: RWBY
Summon: Tentacle Grimm
Result: 15
Description: The Tentacle Grimm (unofficial) was a possession-type Creature of Grimm that first appeared in the manga.

Effect: A Tentacle Grimm is permanently summoned. Due to being a 15, its possession abilities have been upgraded, it can now possess any organic creature, however, it can only merge creatures of the same "type".

-and get a creepy skull-looking thing with black tentacles and three pairs of eyes. Eyes which were completely focused on… something north. Confused I pull on it-

Tentacle Grimm

Grimm Anatomy
Emotion Detection (Negative)
Possession (Organic)

-and immediately order it to stop moving. And not a moment too soon either, its whole body swerving in my direction, looking ready to pounce the second I realized it was a Grimm. The second I was afraid.

"That… could've been really dangerous."

Still working, Brooke asks, "What did you summon?"

I took a breath. "A mind-controlling tentacle monster."

Brooke stops, seemingly processing what I said, before looking back at me, then to the Grimm, and then back at me. And after a long and tense moment… she shrugs and gets back to work.

"I kind of thought you'd be more worried about it."

She gave a small laugh. "It's not like I have to worry you'll use it on me."

I can't tell if that's a vote of confidence or her pointing out I can already mind-control people.

She continues, "Please keep it away from me though. As useful as it might be later, I've seen enough… well, you know the saying."

I laughed at that. Chuckling, I order the Tentacle Grimm to stand against the wall. We'll deal with it later, and by we, I mean I'll probably just let Emerald handle it. Although, Brooke could probably find a good use for it. Hopefully, one that doesn't involve mind controlling me?

…Yeah, I'll just let Emerald kill it. Just in case.

With that wonderful thought, I decided to take a seat and not make any more pulls just because I'm bored. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long as a minute later Emerald, followed by Red Toad and Shaman, came through the door.

I barely got to say hi before Emerald jumped in front of me shouting, "Grimm!"

Shaman and I just stared at her in surprise. Red Toad meanwhile followed Emerald's lead and drew his gun… and Brooke just kept working.

"Uh, yeah. I summoned it. Don't worry about it." She looked at me like I was crazy. I quickly continued, "I ordered it to stay still."

She visibly relaxed a little. "That'll make this easy then." Taking aim, she was just about to fire when the radio suddenly crackled to life, a rough voice spilling out mid-sentence.

"-pulling away from the wall. Begin rotation."

Everyone snapped to attention. Completely forgetting about the frozen Grimm we all quickly gathered around the radio and listened. It was primarily military chatter that I could barely understand but I didn't need to get much to get an idea of what was happening.

The others got a lot more than me.

Red Toad was the first to share their thoughts. "Nillbog is planning another attack. A big one this time."

"Damn." It makes sense. From what I got the goblins have been pulling away from the walls and gathering north of the "sand zone" which I guess is what they're calling this place. Still, I can't help but ask. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Without a doubt. And based on what you've told us of his powers he's probably making something specifically to fight us. That would explain why he's gathering his troops in one place instead of surrounding us."

"How long do we have?"

Brooke was the one that answered this time. "Anywhere from ten minutes to ten hours. There's just not enough info to work with."

Red Toad responded, "Then let's hurry up and get an evac."

Considering what I know about the PRT… "I don't think it's going to be that simple."

"We won't know until we try," Brooke says. "I'm making the call. Stay quiet."

Brooke took a deep breath and pressed down on the receiver.

"Hello? Can you hear us?" Her voice carried an emotional tinge that was completely at odds with her still expression.

The response was immediate. "Who is this? How did you access this? This is a secure channel."

"I am one of the survivors within Ellisburg. We need help."

"There are no survivors in the containment area."

She frowned. "It's… complicated. We got here because-" she glanced at me, "- of a Parahuman. Please, we need you to help us get out of here."

There was a brief moment of silence before the voice asked, "Are you one of the entities that appeared in the sand zone?"

"I'm one of the people that have been teleported into a strange mini-desert, yes."

The voice came back and, without a hint of emotion, said, "Are you with the Parahuman right now?"

This time she answers without missing a beat, "No. They're helping people organize a defense right now. Should I call them?"

"No need. We just need you to answer some questions first."

Her voice quivered, 'Alright, but can we please hurry?"

What followed was the weirdest interrogation I've ever seen. And it was an interrogation. That was obvious even to me. The trooper wanted to know who Brooke was, how she contacted them, who I was, what my powers were, what we were planning, what we ate that day, literally everything you could imagine. Seriously, they asked some weird questions. If it wasn't for the fact that they were obviously doing some sort of Master/Thinker test thing it might've been kind of funny.

Maybe not. No one was laughing anyways.

When the questioning finally ended, Brooke once again asked, "Are you going to help us?"

There was another pause.


I expected that but… it's still hard to hear that we won't be getting any help.

"Why not?" Brooke's voice cracked even as her expression only shifted to one of frustration and not sadness.

While waiting for a reply Brooke turned to me. "What's this guy's deal? He barely says anything that isn't practiced or so short I can barely get any info out of it."

I frown. "That's… probably because that's how the PRT deals with Thinkers. People with intelligence-gathering powers I mean. Deny them as much information as possible. Don't even speak to them if at all possible."

Do they know she's technically a Thinker? Or is this just standard practice?

Brooke looked like she was going to ask more but stopped as the radio crackle to life. "We do not have the resources to aid you."

I can't even tell if that's a lie or not.

"Fine. Then we're going to use the airship to get out of here. "

Another small pause. "Airship?"

"Yes, the one I'm sure you were already aware of. It's not exactly small."

"We can't let you leave. The risk of one of Nilbogs' creations escaping is too high."

"Please don't shoot us down. We have women and children with us!"

"…I'm sorry Ma'am, but nothing is worth the risk of infection."

"Not even a tower that grants powers?"

Everyone turned to me. Brooke looked exasperated.

"I was going to bring it up before but I got sidetracked by the whole radio thing."


A female voice with a heavy accent comes on the radio. "This is Dragon. Let's talk."

AN: Welp, it's been a while. Sorry about that. Life's been busy. I'm still working on this fic (in addition to a couple of other things) but it's a bit hard to find the time. Not super satisfied with this chapter either but I had to get it done now that I'm a bit motivated or I probably never would. I hope you enjoyed it either way. As always please point out any mistakes and I'll try to fix them as soon as I can.
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We literaly live in a inherently non-euclidean space.

I never understood why sci-fi writters always rely on words like non-euclidean to write mumbo-jumbo about impossible things. It just shows they didn't pay attention in geometry.
lovecraft poisoned the well, with his rampant xenophobia and general terribleness
I've only ever seen non-euclidean spaces used in a "this is impossible" or "bigger on the inside" context so that's interesting. I'll probably leave it as is simply because that's what Jack would call it. If it ever comes up again maybe he'll probably get corrected. Maybe.
tinker fugues are fanon
I actually am aware they don't really happen. But I decided temporary Tinker powers will cause them depending on how low the roll is.
That the ship is bigger on the inside is probable not really a dice effect, Skull is the cloud Arcobaleno multiplying space should be easy for him
I am almost forgot about this fic.