There Is No Random Button

Nilbog is an S-class threat yes, but the combined forces that's been summoned so far, are enough to be a significant fragment of what's needed for an Endbringer battle, and the Endbringers are exponentially worse than Nilbog.

And it's not like Nilbog is getting curbstomped, he's just not instantly winning, and so is slowly losing, as the summon army is constantly getting reinforcements, while his army isn't.
That's not the concern.
Nihlbog isn't nuked or bombed for a reason. Nihlbog isn't attacked by the PRT en masse because while they might 'win', the world wouldn't, as you'd have all his dead man's switches go off. Also, Nihlbog's best matchup is a group of lower-leveled individuals with similar powers (like the village of people all having minor brute powers), especially simple physical ones.
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That's not the concern.
Nihlbog isn't nuked or bombed for a reason. Nihlbog isn't attacked by the PRT en masse. Also, Nihlbog's best matchup is a group of lower-leveled individuals with similar powers (like the village of people all having minor brute powers), especially simple physical ones.
Yeah but the reason Nilbog isn't nuked or bombed, is that it would risk releasing bioweapons, nothing he has done would release those bioweapons, and if Nilbog manually release them, then that lessen the hold Nilbog has on the PRT, as now they have more data for countermeasures.
Was the random function or the button removed. If you don't know the difference just reply, and I'll explain.

AN: Welp, I've finally posted this. Fun fact, I started writing this only a few days after the fandom wiki removed the Radom button. What are the odds? So I've been thinking about this one for a while. Originally, I was going to wait until I had a bunch of chapters ready before posting but that's what I always say and so far, I've yet to upload a single fic. So I figured I'd just upload it now and get it over with. On the bright side, the next chapter is mostly done now so it shouldn't take too long to finish.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it! And I'd love to hear any comments, questions, or critiques you all have!

I'm liking it, hopefully you continue till completion. One reccomendation, would be to introduce a cost system, if you're not already planning on it. Something like a mental cost if anything.
Nilbog is an S-class threat yes, but the combined forces that's been summoned so far, are enough to be a significant fragment of what's needed for an Endbringer battle, and the Endbringers are exponentially worse than Nilbog.

And it's not like Nilbog is getting curbstomped, he's just not instantly winning, and so is slowly losing, as the summon army is constantly getting reinforcements, while his army isn't.
Yea, and people forget. The prt and the protectorate didn't receive huge amounts of reinforcements due to cauldron.
I'm liking it, hopefully you continue till completion. One reccomendation, would be to introduce a cost system, if you're not already planning on it. Something like a mental cost if anything.
In most of these stories, the cost is that what you pull can be bad just as easily as good, it's not much of a problem in Ellisburg, but if he had been in a normal town, replacing a large part of it with a prison complex would be a problem.
I'm liking it, hopefully you continue till completion. One reccomendation, would be to introduce a cost system, if you're not already planning on it. Something like a mental cost if anything.
As said above, the cost is the randomness of the Power itself. You could easily get something or someone bad as well as good. One example would be to turn a military base your in into a perfect physical simulation of Raccoon City during the outbreak.
Wait. Toads have guns?!?! Are these like realistic guns or the cartooony ones?

Very realistic. Do remember, these toads came from a triple roll of Super Mario + Adventure Time + Tokyo Ghoul. So their version of the Mushroom Kingdom is a little different.

Okay, I think you're underestimating Nihlbog here.
He is an S-class threat. That means he would automatically require all three Triumvirate members to drop everything to deal with him, unless they were already dealing with an S-class threat.

Nihlbog is left alone because he isn't a biotinker, not really. Sure, he can create things, and said creations can be tailored to suit his needs, but that's part of what a trump can do. Yes, Bonesaw is scary, but is fundamentally limited by the rules of Tinkertech, and her specialty. Nihlbog isn't, and so his 'precautions' can't be countered through simple means like bonesaw's.

Dealing with him requires either a bunch of exotic effects and a lot of luck, or a good enough Thinker to tell you exactly what would get around his deadman's switches. And the U.S's Thinkers tried the latter, and failed.

He doesn't just make random goblins.

How strong Nilbog's army would be is something I thought about a lot when writing this chapter. In fact, in the first draft, Nilbog was winning. However, as I thought about it more and more the less sense it made to me. Don't get me wrong, the Nilbog's goblins are strong. They're all minor brutes with their own powers. And then there's the fact that there are a ton of them.

On the flip side, Jack's army (for lack of a better word) is kind of insane. Hector is an absolute powerhouse, his mom has magic, Ocho can play space invaders with the goblins, Bobert is a literal artillery machine, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. If Nilbog wasn't losing, it'd be strange. Honestly, I should probably go back and make it clear exactly why the toons are winning.

Having said all that, you are right, his deadman switches are a problem. One that Jack doesn't have a solution to.

I'm liking it, hopefully you continue till completion. One reccomendation, would be to introduce a cost system, if you're not already planning on it. Something like a mental cost if anything.

As others have said, the randomness of the power is a fairly big cost in itself. Technically there is a mental cost to pulling but it's only there to prevent him from pulling every second. It's only happened once back in chapter 1 when Jack pulled the Wagasa and The Jam song right after the other. If he had kept pulling, the "sharp pain" would've started getting worse.
He may not have a solution, but it really all depends on the rolls. Nilbog's failsafes are only as dangerous as long as the RNG doesn't negate them, and how much it does so as well...
i don't know why but the bayblade tinker power made me think of a special vehicule that would be basicaly a gian spining top but not the very top that would spin in the other direction countering the spining of the bayblade and be used with a seat on it
Chapter 4: "Negotiating" With Toads
The Toad from before, a red one, repeated, "I said, put your hands in the air!"

Doing as his squeaky voice commands, I said, "Listen. I know this looks bad-"

A blue Toad on my left scoffed. "What do you mean it looks bad? There's a war going on out there!"

"I know! I know. I'm trying to stop it."

"You? How are you planning to do that?" A yellow Toad questioned.

"... I don't know. But I have powers. And they told me I'd find a solution here." Probably. That's probably what my power is telling me. I really hope I'm right about that.

"Powers?" A purple Toad perked up. "Like a power-up?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

The green Toad added. "And it pointed you here? I've never heard of a power-up like that."

"Me either. Can a power-up like that even exist?" Agreed, the only Toadette.

Purple Toad thought for a moment before saying, "... It's possible. All kinds of strange, never-before-seen, power-ups can pop up in a New World. And we are in a New World."

How can you all talk so casually while pointing a gun at someone?! I know you won't shoot me since we're in the Jam Song's radius, but still!

Hearing his comrades' discussion Red Toad seems to have come to a decision. "Where's the thing you're looking for?"

Yellow Toad cut in before I could say anything, "You actually believe this guy?"

Looking towards Yellow, Red answered. "Considering the circumstances? I'm keeping an open mind." Turning back towards me, he asked again, "So? Where is it?"

Mustering up my courage, I say, "Can you please lower your guns first?"

Everyone turns their attention to Red. For a second, I think he's going to say no, but eventually, he relents. Lowering their guns, I feel a wave of relief wash over me.

"Thank you. Now, I don't know exactly where it is. But-!" I quickly add, "-I know it's deeper inside. At least a few floors down."

Blue rescinded, "A few floors down? The only things down there I can see being of use would be…"

"The Koopalings." Finished Red.

Yellow jumped in, "There's no way we can let them out!"

"Yeah! They probably won't even agree to help! And if they do, it'll be so they can backstab us later!" Toadette added.

"I can keep that from happening." I don't know if I'm actually being pointed towards the Koopalings, but the more people fighting Nilbog the better.

Purple asked, "How? Is it another one of your power-ups?"

"Yes. Sort of. Essentially, I have the power to summon anything." …As long as it's from a piece of fiction. "But it's completely random."

"And that helps how?" Questions Toadette.

"I was getting to that! As part of that ability, I can control any person I've summoned. It's not something I want to use, but this is an emergency. So, I'll command the Koopalings to cooperate."

The Toads were silent as they processed what I had just said.

As the silence stretched on I started getting nervous, so I added, "I can command the other prisoners too?"

The guns came back up.

"Woah! Why-" It wasn't that bad of an idea!

"So it's your fault we're here." Blue coldly said.

Oh. They're mad about that, not the prisoner thing. "Well, yes. But-"

Purple asked, "Can you send us back?"

I was starting to think The Jam Song was keeping people from freaking out. "I don't know, I-"

"You're saying we're trapped here!?" Toadette screamed.

Is this seriously happening now? Right now of all times? When everyone's life's on the line? "Listen-"

Yellow was hysterical. "We're all gonna die!"

I don't have time for this. Opening my mouth, I commanded, "Stop."

And so they did.

The instant the word left my mouth, the Toads… froze. Their shouts transformed into an oppressive silence as the words died in their unmoving throats. Stopping, just as I told them to. So all they did was stand there, lifeless. Like statues.

I didn't like it.

But I liked having guns aimed at me less.

"Lower your guns." They lowered them. "Okay. Now listen to me. I'm sorry I summoned you, I'm sorry I'm putting your lives in danger, and I'm sorry I'm controlling you. I really, really am. If it was up to me, none of this would be happening. But unfortunately, it is. So we have to deal with it.

Now, I'm going to let you move again. I don't want to force you to help. I barely want to force the prisoners to help. But I need you to understand something. If we lose out there? If the goblins manage to turn things around? Nilbog will kill us, all of us. And then he'll use our corpses to make even more goblins. Understood?"

They didn't react.

"You can move now. Don't attack me."

I know the last part was probably redundant due to the Jam Song, but I'm not in the mood to take chances right now.

Just like before, the command went into effect immediately. Their stiff, unmoving, bodies shuddered back into motion. Yellow and Toadette fell to their knees the moment they regained control. Blue and Green were visibly shaking. Red was stoic and unreadable. The only one who seemed unaffected by the whole experience was Purple. He looked more curious rather than anything.

Giving them, and myself honestly, some time to recover, I decided to do a quick pull-
Trace: Undertale
Summon: Hush Puppy
Result: 17
Description: The Hush Puppy is a consumable item obtained by giving a Hot Dog to the dog behind the rightmost door in MTT Resort.

Effect: When consumed the person who ate it will be fully healed and become immune to dog magic. Leftover Hp grants minor regeneration until it's all used up. The healing is less effective the more the person has killed.

-and got a hot dog?

Hush Puppy

Heals 65 HP
Grants: Dog Magic Immunity

A magic hot dog! Or rather, a Hush Puppy. Which is a weird name for a hot dog. Should I save this? I don't really have anywhere to put it… and I am pretty hungry. Is sixty-five HP a lot? Because in a lot of games it isn't. Is the dog magic immunity permanent or temporary? Does it even matter? When would something like that even come up?

Screw it. I haven't eaten since lunch. Taking a bite- I instantly finish the hot dog. I would've been disappointed at how fast I finished it if it wasn't for the warm feeling that came over me, washing away my exhaustion.

Feeling revitalized I figure it's time to continue.

"Alright, so what's the plan? Are you willing to help me?"

Red stepped forward with an intense look on his round face. There were so many emotions in his beady eyes. He looked like he wanted to say a lot of different things. But eventually, he looked back at his companions and said, "Yes. We'll help you fight. You've made it clear we don't have any other choice."

Green timidly added, "But can we make one request?"

I nodded.

"Don't control us again. Please."

"I'll… I'll try not to." That's all I can promise in this crazy world.

Things moved pretty quickly after that.

The Toads, after asking me a bunch of questions I didn't know the answer to about how my control ability works, led me to an intercom room. Using that I ordered every inmate to, "Not harm the guards in any way and to follow their orders unless it conflicts with the first."

After making sure my commands were working, Red told the guards to free the prisoners and for everyone to come to the entrance hall. Which took some time because they have seven-hundred inmates and three-hundred guards! I had no idea prisons held that many people.

With nothing else to do but wait for everyone to get organized, I did another pull.

Trace: Naruto + Sonic the Hedgehog + JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Summon: Exploding Tree Spear + Reindeer Girl + Chapter 581
Result: 9 + 19 + 9 / 3 = 12
Danzō unleashes roots that sprout from his arm to attack the opponent.

The Reindeer Girl[1] is a character that appears in the Sonic Boom series. She is a young anthropomorphic reindeer who lives on Seaside Island.

Diavolo Surfaces, Part 2 (ディアボロ浮上 その② Diaboro Fujō Sono 2), originally Where's the Boss?! (ボスはどこ!? Bosu wa Doko!?) in the WSJ release, is the one hundred forty-second chapter of Vento Aureo and the five hundred eighty-first chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.

Effect: Reindeer Girl is permanently summoned with the stand Rip Rip Woodchip. A stand that can unleash roots from its arms and when the roots are touching another person, Reindeer Girl may choose to switch bodies with that person.

This time, a reindeer girl appeared.

She was a little confused at first, but after I explained what was going on she was surprisingly accepting of everything. Apparently, this isn't the weirdest thing that's happened to her. Which is concerning. But not as concerning as her skill sheet.

Reindeer Girl

Stand: Rip Rip Woodchip

Ignoring the fact her name is literally Reindeer Girl, she has a stand. I assumed that meant she was from JoJo. Which would be a little weird, but it's JoJo. An animal person wouldn't be that out of place. Except she's clearly from some sort of Sonic The Hedgehog series. Not only based on her appearance, but also because she knows about characters like Eggman and Tails.

But she has a stand.

Eventually, I just bit the bullet and asked her about it. Maybe it was something my power gave her? For some reason? Like with the Villagers and their super strength. But no, according to her, she's had it for months. Got it during one of Eggman's experiments with a meteorite.

Hearing that left me with so many questions about her world, about my power, about everything. But I'll try to find an answer for them later when I'm not getting ready for battle. So what I did instead, was ask if Reindeer Girl was willing to help fight. She was.

After Reindeer Girl settled in, I wanted to do a few more pulls but-

Trace: Worm
Summon: Interlude 13.5 (Donation Bonus)
Result: 19
Description: Interlude 13.5 is the third chapter of Snare and the first interlude chapter. Some of Aisha's home life is shown. Imp tries and fails to kill Bonesaw; Cherish suggests that she and Imp strike a deal.

Effect: The Jam Song is permanently upgraded. People will no longer remember The Jam Song or its effects when outside of it. People can become resistant to this effect through repeated exposure.

Trace: Civilization
Summon: Beach
Result: 8
Description: Beach is a type of terrain in Call to Power II. Crabs and Pearls can be found here.

Effect: The desert is expanded by another two blocks for 3 days. In this time, crabs and pearls will randomly spawn from the sands.

Trace: Doki Doki Literature Club
Summon: Act 4
Result: 16
Description: Act 4 is the fourth and final act of Doki Doki Literature Club!. In this act, everything in the world seems to be back to normal, with the exception of Monika's absence. The protagonist decides to join a club by his own volition and, encountering Yuri and Natsuki's friendly disposition to one another and Sayori, convinces him to stay and fill the quota needed to make the Literature Club official.

Effect: The Jam Song gains an additional effect. There is now a low chance the song Your Reality will play instead of The Jam Song when looping. When this occurs everyone within the area of effect will suddenly be plagued with intense existential dread.

-all I got was a series of duds. That, and a painful headache. Both of which are a pretty clear sign that my power wants me to stop pulling. The pain didn't take long to go away, but I was still disoriented long enough for the Toads and Koopas to finish lining up.

Armed Toads stood at attention on either side of a vast and varied crowd of Koopas. There were Koopa Troopas, Hammer Bros, Lakitus, Spikes, Kameks, and those are just the ones I knew! There were tons of others I didn't know the names of. Standing at the head, was the Koopalings.

Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig.

At least, I think those are their names. My brother's much more of a Nintendo fan than I am. They haven't exactly introduced themselves either and the Toads have only referred to them as a group. But I have bigger issues than figuring out their names.

My compass was still pointing down.

The Toads are not going happy about this.

AN: Finally done! Sorry this took awhile, I was busy with college stuff. This chapter was actually finished on Thursday, edited and everything... then my laptop broke down on me. It really has been a rough week. Either way, what did you think of the chapter? I hope Jack's reaction to his control ability wasn't too bad. I just wanted to make it clear the how he feels about it. Not that it's going to keep him from using it, whether he means to or not. Also, does anyone have a better name for Reindeer Girl's stand? I couldn't think of anything better.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it! And I'd love to hear any comments, questions, or critiques you all have!

Edit: I've changed Reindeer Girl's stand from Exploding Tree Spear to Rip Rip Woodchip. It's a much more fitting name and I just thought it was funny. Also, I edited the description of Act 4 to better fit what I envisioned for it.
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for a better stand name, they usually have to do with song names. so maybe a song that has to do with trees and stuff? or maybe something that would reflect her personality.
You had a chance to summon Monika and didn't? either as flesh and blood or an AI? for shame, or any of the other girls, feels like throwing away so much potential both for side stories and omake's
An interesting chapter, I'll wait for the next one.

The name of the Stand is quite appropriate, given that the world itself has allowed the existence of the name deer girl.

But the effects of the songs at the end seem rather far-fetched to me.
So since it's none of the Prisoners, it must be the confiscated gear they had on them. Either that or the Prison Fortress isn't just for containing people...
So since it's none of the Prisoners, it must be the confiscated gear they had on them. Either that or the Prison Fortress isn't just for containing people...
Wel, iirc Bowser was also imprisoned in the prison so it could be him.

I checked and it seems my suspicion was indeed on the right track:
Effect: The five blocks around Jack are permanently converted into World 23. A desert district that contains The Kaizo, a max security prison for koopas. Threat level ranges from normal koopas (Brute 1) up to Bowser (Brute 6). The guards are composed of elite Toad guards.
Yeah, but he would have been front and center, making a hammy speech. So it's not him. It's most likely one of the Koopalings Wands, or some other dangerous Power-up.
Could be one of the wands or power-ups, but logically if you think about it, Bowser should be locked up furthest down in the prison, where the MC has not visited yet. Honestly though, we have to wait and see :)