There Are Only Three Levels

If you got in a fight with someone over a clash of ideals, what would you do next time you saw them?

  • Apologize and try to make amends

    Votes: 28 6.6%
  • Mock them to prove the folly of their beliefs

    Votes: 26 6.1%
  • Give them the silent treatment

    Votes: 33 7.8%
  • Be respectful but remain firm in your ideals

    Votes: 290 68.6%
  • Punch them in the face on sight

    Votes: 46 10.9%

  • Total voters
Voting is open
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then grill it ironically.
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then grill it ironically.
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then grill it ironically.
Unusual success requires people to be trying to do things they don't really know how to do - even though they know that they can't trust themselves to be able to do even those things they know backwards and forwards.
I believe that, much as there are "practical" jokes, there is also practical sarcasm. Like... "Oh, you think that your old guide could have done better?! Why, of course! I can see it now! It is only a million tonnes of rock! Why, I'll just shove the landslide out of the valley and pat the roads smooth! It'll be easy! *shoves* *massive rumbling noise* Uhh... *pat pat* *massive creaking noise* Uhh... okay, I guess that works..."... . I mean, I could imagine it going unnoticed or excused, but I would very much expect that a studious society would notice that something was up, and attempt to understand it...
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then grill it ironically.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then ironically grill it.

[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then grill it ironically.

[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
[X] Take the Bar & Grill sign, then ironically grill it.
[X] Explain the rolls to Estelle. She knows you're a part of this already, and it's important.
Vote Complete (8-22-22) [The backend]
I update, therefore I am
Scheduled vote count started by carni on Aug 8, 2022 at 4:48 PM, finished with 33 posts and 27 votes.
Based on the rules laid out in the previous post up there, carni did not update, therefore it cannot be said that she is

However, I have heard from the grapevine that the statement "carni is" remains true despite this catastrophic failure to demonstrate her existence by posting an update to this game

Uhhh I mean
OTL will return
Well, looks like your last post here was early December last year. Since then, Mary has found a rival to her musical ambitions...
There's also a level two Swordemon guarding a treasure chest and the west door and OH NO.


Even at level one, it's the most dangerous enemy type in Lori's Keep. If it notices you and gets aggressive, it can sing Doom Song, starting a counter that goes up by one every round...
...who overpowered Mary's songs...
[X] Reprise your hit single "La Dee Doo" to force the Soothslayer's song out of your head.

...forcing Mary to resort to brute force to overcome the enemy idol.

Mary, still crazed: —then I'll turn my Doom Timer into a BOOM TIMER. I HAVE the power.

Well, control over the source code of reality also helps.
Mary does get musical revenge on the Soothslayer, though!
As those two execute your plan, you whip out your secret weapon: HIGH SPEED POETRY.

Mary, shaded shades: So now you're trapped within my... Uh... You're trapped. Yeah.

(Intimidation: 8) Damnit. Should've got Bingus to back you up with a synthesized chorus or something.


The Soothslayer is not at all intimidated by your funked-up rap, but she notices something you mentioned: her path is blocked! (Doom Song: 8) She's so panicked from this realization that she forgets to drop her doomsday beat this turn.
Well, part of it is musical.
Anyways, new musical rival...
The Oothslayer finally gets off an Oom Song (despite having no mouth to sing with).
...who we defeat 100% legitimately.
(Oom Song: 13-5 Adjust Result)

I see.

You're so desperate that you would even use my power directly.

I can't stop you, of course, any more than I can stop Lori from using me.

Still, I must remind you, Mary, that you will fail.

You're going up against someone with with all the power in the universe.

Do you really think you can stop Lori?

Will her last flames of compassion keep you safe as you journey downward?

The whims of other species may be alien to me, but personally...

...I doubt it.

(Oom Song: 1!) Seeing as her last attempt failed, the Oothslayer once more attempts to inflict Estelle with an Oom Timer.


The Oothslayer sings too quietly for Estelle to hear, though, and instead inflicts herself with an Oom Timer. The Oothslayer's beautiful face is rendered BLANK.
Mary keeps trying to sing her way past problems, but she never rolls well enough for it to work.

(Sing: 9) You try to serenade your way into the door's heart. Unfortunately, this world's Retroactive Ontology means that, because this door did not fall off its hinges to your song, now it never will and never would have in the first place, and you are/were/always would have been mistaken for thinking it could. You'll have to try something else if you want the door.

Mary, rolling eyes: Please don't make fun of me. I may not be a Red Bar right NOW, but—

Bingus: *quietly singing the best song you've ever heard in a capella*

Mary, angry: Pipe DOWN, Bingus. Can't you see we're trying to solve this problem with SONG?

Bingus: *instant silence*

Mary also shared definitely-non-autobiographical backstories with Estelle...

Estelle, shocked: Seriously? Shouldn't you be in college or something?

Mary, disappointed: Failed high school. No GED. Lori worked and went to school while I just played.

Estelle, annoyed: I didn't go to college either. My parents told me to just work like they did instead.

Mary, smug: Wow, we've got a workaholic over here. What do you do for fun? Excitement?

Estelle, exasperated: Exciting's just another word for stupid and dangerous.
...exposition with the readers...
Even before the Levelocalypse, the outside world was in chaos. It had partially settled by the time you left Lori and set out on your own, but there was still so much chaos. Prisons were no longer effective thanks to every criminal having cool powers of their choice, leading to a rise of vigilante "heroes" like yourself who used their Class Skills and cool items to uphold justice. The very concept of mortality was brought into question. The downsides of all this were as huge as the upsides.

Weirdos like you had a chance to be on top of the social ladder for once. You can't imagine how someone like Estelle, who seems pretty "normal," must have felt. Then again, after finishing school, you kind of hated "normal" people. They caused you so much suffering growing up.
(Red Round: 18, 2+1) The economic ramifications of Levelite have been far-reaching. At first, world economies held onto traditional systems of value such as money, but people quickly learned that anyone could upgrade their level one dollar bills into level three suitcases full of cash, rendering the old world order untenable. There was an attempt to strip cash from the economy and go all-digital, but after the notorious hacker "Eight Chin" reduced security systems on multiple banks' websites to level zero, even the concept of digital banking was thrown into question.

(Slashem: 14, 5) With currency stripped away, humanity was reduced to the barter system. Favors, trades, and protections became all-important. Every day was now Flea Market Day, and you had better bring something of your own, 'cause those Benjamins in your inventory were now worthless. The adaptability of humanity under extreme circumstances has always been impressive like that.

Oh, right. Estelle and Bingus kill the Ordemon dead. Whatever.
,,,met Lori again...
The level one sun is setting over the mountains outside.

Estelle, shocked: (THIS is "Lori?" I was expecting someone a little more, um...)
...broke Estelle...

Estelle's Disillusionment is now level two.
...helped her out of her funk...
Mary, smug: It's gouda brie okay, Estelle. Lori's colby jacked with magic power.

Estelle, annoyed: True as that may brie, I'm not exactly cheesed with myself.

Mary, smugly happy: I'm sure we'll get to confront her again. That crazy lady's feta's sealed.
...broke her again...

Estelle, worried: "Self sacrificing"...? Like the thing where she worked while you played?

Mary, smug: Yup. She did exactly what everyone asked of her. Sound familiar, mousey?

Mary: (Should I tell her)

Bingus: (NEGATORY)
...supported her ambitions(?)... into another fight...
...stayed positive...
[funny gif but I am way over the image limit here]

Zoro interprets The Cheese as an offering, but before he can smash it to bits against his mouthless face, Estelle leaps into action and tries to grab it from his grubby paw. You think about how this is the party you're taking with you to fight the final boss of the planet. You decide not to dwell on this.
...made compromises...
Since this worked out perfectly, you decide not to rile the upper class by discussing unionization. Yet.
...and overall, kept focus on what's important in this dungeon.
[X] Consider the serious problem of bi-erasure, Mary.
-[x] What? A more pressing matter at the moment? Nonsense!

We also to help Mary feel better...
[X] Metaphysically pat Mary for all the trauma she has gone through. Should have done this earlier.
...but it doesn't help much.
Especially since we keep breaking her.
Huh? Hyperlink?

Wait, are the voters from the internet? Like, your internet? Here? On Earth?


They mean like Reddit or something? Wait, naw, "an internet forum" isn't even even the craziest part of this. It's the idea that the voters both 1) are from a world with the same video games and stuff and 2) it's not the same world.


A... writing forum...?

So it's not even a game or a show, but they're seeing you as, like, some kind of creative writing project?
You sure do not enjoy imagining how the mouse girl will react when she finds out 95% of your actions are being coerced by a peanut gallery from the internet, apparently!

And carni gave us some nice, subtle advice.
Man. You really should level the Character Sheet to level two so that you have some actual stats. Failing half the time at everything is way too painful.
By the way, if you're enjoying OTL, check out my cute girlfriend @RunicRhythm's Pokemon fanfic, Human Heartstone! It just updated to chapter two!
We actually follow it!
[image of the better character sheet]

You spend one of the level two Levelites to finally upgrade your character sheet to level two, unlocking a core game mechanic: STAT BONUSES.

You gain +4 CAST, +2 SHENANIGANS, and +2 REPAIR!
Estelle gains +4 CARRY and +2 DODGE!
Bingus gains +4 GUARD and +2 BLADE!

Some of these stats might not seem immediately useful. For example, "CARRY?" However, in your experience, all stats have a use, and they often hint at useful or interesting things that you can do under this SYSTEM.
You combine all the remaining Levelites into a level three Levelite and use it to bring the character sheet up to level three.

[image of the best character sheet]

You gain the final character sheet feature: RUBRICS. These titles describe your role in life at present, interpreted by the game system. Each title grants certain stat bonuses. Currently, you have:

Mary the Atoner (+3 ASSIST)
Estelle the Peacemaker (+3 PERSUASION)
Bingus the Follower (+3 LOYAL)

Depending on your actions and growth from here on out, you may be prompted to SWITCH RUBRICS at the end of an update. Switching rubrics will grant you a different stat bonus than the one you had before.
Chapter 1:
Ten Years Old

In the Pokemon world, a kid's tenth birthday is the most exciting thing ever. It's the age where they break free of parental shackles and the whole world finally opens up to them. Finally, after ten years of admiring Pokemon and their Trainers, they get a Pokemon partner of their own.

It is not, normally, the age when they stand in front of their bathroom mirror, putting on peach-colored makeup, blue contacts, and prosthetic feet.

Toma snaps out of her daze as she hears her name called, by Arie. She glances at her, then her dad. His face is shocked pale, as if he's unsure he heard her right. Toma is getting more confused with the second.

"Huh? What, Arie?" She shoves her hands back into her pockets, and frowns a bit. "Did you pick your Pokemon or whatever?"

Arie closes her eyes and smiles sweetly. Toma gets a sick feeling in her stomach, for some reason.

"Oh, you must have not heard me."

She claps her hands together, and chills run up Toma's spine as she begins to repeat herself.

"I choose you, Toma!"

…oh no.

I hope this summary was as fun to read as it was to write (if we ignore the bit where I had to remove half the images). But it probably wasn't informative, or accurate, or anything like that. So I recommend reading the quotes posts (if only to see the images I had to delete), and maybe the rest of the thread too. Or at least the threadmarks. And maybe Runic's fic, too.
Well, looks like your last post here was early December last year. Since then...

This was the mid-season recap episode I needed. Just enough info to jog my memory of what happened, while being sparse enough to put into context how crazy the journey has been from an outside perspective. Bravo, bravo.
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