Winner: +1 Aptitude
Number of voters: 5
OOC: So... funny story. I was looking into how to write up the "spidey-sense" power and I realized... we already have it. It's called Fortune-Favored. It's Vilina's default power. I just sublimated using this ability so hard that I completely forgot it was something I was doing. It didn't even occur to me to check to see if it was a power we already have. Like... I don't give you guys bad choices not only because that's not the kind of game I want to run, but also specifically because Vilina wouldn't even consider options she feels would be more trouble than they're worth. By the same token there's never any "best" option to pick from, so I considered enhancing the existing power in the spirit of Oshha's suggestions by making the options more visible to give you guys a bigger feeling of agency. But... I'm not sure how to do that aside from... inventing new, terrible options for you to take and pointing out that they're terrible. That seems like a waste of time for all of us. If you guys can think of a better way to make you feel like your choices matter as much as they very much actually do, please let me know and I'll take it under advisement.
So, I'm just gonna ask for a re-vote on the power. Sorry.
In the ensuing weeks, things are hectic. Scaleface is healed of her wounds, but you decline Healer's offer to fix your own. Perhaps Loki can finish what he started later... or perhaps you'll simply suffer through the consequences of the fight. Perhaps it will build character. Speedball returns unscathed, but he ended up bouncing all the way back to a working subway station and gave several commuters quite the start. The Marauders go to jail; there's no real way around it. Marrow and the feline mutant who's name you learn is Thornn are stuck with a longer sentence. She's remorseful. Thornn, not Marrow. Marrow has no remorse. Marrow has to be taken out of the courtroom during her trial. And the ensuing arraignment. Marrow does not go quietly, and specifically states that is her intention several times. But Thornn... they make it a manslaughter charge because Samson's death was ultimately accidental, but there is still an extended sentence. The Morlocks who weren't accounted for are mostly never found. A woman matching the description of a Morlock named Mother Inferior who has a telepathic connection to rats is sighted in a few different alleys and subway stations, but the ones known as Hump, Brute, Sack, Ape, and Bertram are never found. Callisto ends up taking a job with the Young Avengers Initiative. Off-campus. Mr. Stark hires her to help talk to potential recruits who are physically different or outcast by society, as many of the Morlocks were. She told you as much herself, and thanked you for your help. You're not sure where she or Leech going to be living, but you think that omission might've been intentional. They also might be on the road. Maggott is living in the Fellowship Suites for now, though he's been offered a chance to matriculate into the Philip J. Coulson Memorial Academy in the fall of 2019.
Trailing Dr. McCoy or the mysterious 'X' is proving far more difficult. The blood left in his room was either not viable enough for testing or didn't lead to any conclusive results, save that it carried the X-gene. What research you and the police can muster say that he was born in Dundee, Illinois and has been an obvious mutant since birth, though his appearance altered even further from simply being a burly baby and child to the furrier, more animalistic man you encountered in the tunnels. He attended Bard College and earned two PhDs in biochemistry and biophysics there. Since leaving the college, he has dropped entirely off the map. This is, apparently, not uncommon for mutants for some reason. Quentin tells a tale of a sort of mutant boogeyman who snatches up capable mutants for some... nefarious purpose or another. But, these are only stories and rumors perpetuated by online conspiracy forums and wild imaginations. No substantiated details seem to exist outside of several insistent 'firsthand sightings' and the like.
Speaking of Quentin, he is incredibly grateful you took the time and effort to help him handle his growing issues with his new friends. At the end of the day, he really can't interact with any of them anymore, save for Maggott and Annalee... but things could've ended much, much worse and he knows it. You have a suspicion he and Callisto keep up via text. You hope they do, anyhow. You and Gwen met for that coffee, and much like your lunch with Felix it was nice to get away from campus, even if just to grab a drink with a friend. Because it takes so long to get anywhere, the two of you made a day of it and did a special Saturday workout, jogging through a few parks and enjoying the scenery. Before November ends, you discover Kitty and Robbie have started dating. She informs you they're trying not to go too fast, but they also hang out in each other's rooms a lot. You think better of prying. You and Kitty have plenty of other things to talk about, anyway, especially since she's taking her role as a crime-fighter that much more seriously since the events with the Marauders. She doesn't want to see bad things happen to good people again, and she doesn't want to see other mutants taken advantage of like that by anybody.
The winter months are overall light in terms of super-villainy or twisted plots. Crime is crime and you and the rest of the Young Avengers continue to fight it, but there's not much to report otherwise. Through it all, you manage to keep pretty busy until the winter holiday break comes and you get to enjoy some time back home with your family.
How Else Do You Spend Your Time From November to January? (Choose FOUR)
[ ] Keep up with your schoolwork.
- Worrying about your grades continues to not be an issue.
[ ] Make a point to build the relationship with your squad.
- Guaranteed relationship increase with all squad members.
[ ] Keep up your workout routine with Gwen.
- Guaranteed relationship increase with Gwen.
[ ] Spend time with X.
- Guaranteed relationship increase with one non-squad character.
- Please write the character's name instead of "X".
[ ] Meet New People/Attend Social Functions
- You will learn the names, code names, and powers of other students at the school.
- I will make a small write-up about the school social functions you attend.
[ ] Write-In
- Several other threads could be investigated, or characters followed up on that I don't personally currently consider 'plot critical'.
- This will tell me you find these concepts worth further exploration, and will grant some sort of benefit upon selection, depending on the choice made.
Power Re-Vote
[ ] Improvement: Just Lucky, I Guess - Enemies are less likely to target Vilina and a target she is directly interacting with. For example; if she is tending to a wounded ally or ushering civilians to safety.
[ ] Improvement: Tilt the Scales - Vilina can use this ability over greater distances, though the more she is aware of their circumstances, the greater success the power has.
[ ] Improvement: Fortune-Favored - If Vilina must roll a check to take an action that was determined by a vote that had at least 8 voters for it and she fails, I will re-roll that check and take the better result.