Winner: Plan Talking and Sneaking
Number of Votes: 3
OOC: Once again, sorry about the "missing" update. For those of you who saw it, I went back and fleshed out the text to be... better. I was in a hurry to get to work and had to kind of rush through things I didn't want to rush through in order to get the update up. Ironically, because of that, instead of posting it as a new post as I intended
to do, I posted it as an edit to my 'vote's closed' post and nobody got the notification for it. I am VERY
sorry about that. I now understand how the notification system works and I'll it better from now on. *laughs* As part of my apology, Vilina is going to have a little extra luck during this update.
Before long you feel the familiar buzz of Kid Omega in your head, and he begins speaking. "OK, kids; we should all be connected now. Spider-man, you here?"
"Yup, I'm here. I'll contact Mr. Stark if we need his help, but I think we got this one."
"Sure as hell not gonna be a repeat of last time," Bling snarls.
"'Specially not with
me here," Rage grins and pounds his fist into his palm, "I can't wait to knock the snot outta that shockwave creep."
"Yeah, well, knocking snot is plan B," mentions Speedball, hopping in place to softly build momentum, "Iron Man wants us to try to avoid a fight, so let's see if we can manage that."
"I'm cool with being Plan B," shrugs Rage, holding his hand up for a high-five with Bling, which she reciprocates.
"I could try to phase him out of his gauntlets... or phase them off of him," suggests Shadowcat, "it's hard and it doesn't work all the time... but if I could get them off of him it'd make fighting him a
lot easier. Or... y'know, maybe he'd just surrender."
"If somebody's sneaking in, I can help with that," suggests Spider-man. "Lemme go find any security cameras and web 'em up for you real fast."
"That's a good idea," you agree, "so is stealing the gauntlets, but if it doesn't work we risk
really making him mad. So I don't think that should be our first course of action."
"I feel like Operation : Beat His Ass is slippin' to a hard Plan C, and I don't know how I feel about that," warns Elvin. It's a friendly warning, but you can tell he'd really like to hit something.
"As cathartic as it would be to just bounce into him a few times and have done with it, Fortune's right," interjects Speedball, "someone should try talking to him first while Shadowcat sneaks in behind him. If talking doesn't work, she can try to gank his gauntlets or something. Maybe... disable some of his other tech or something, if there's any lying around?"
"I can do that," nods Kitty.
"OK, so who should do the talking?" asks Bling, "Kid Omega?"
"Hi, Bling, I don't know if we've met, but I'm kind of an asshole. I don't think I'm the best choice to talk someone
down... maybe to rile them
"Who, then?"
"Fortune should do it," Quentin responds.
"Yeah, she's probably the most personable of all of us," agrees Robbie.
"All right," you agree, "we have a plan, then. Let's... let's get in there."
You had
excruciatingly little trouble sneaking in to the warehouse. With a little help from Spider-man breaking the lock to the door, you sneak carefully through empty shipping containers and toward a relatively small, well-lit workstation. Herman Schultz is standing at a table with a few monitors, webbed-up security cameras on several of the screens. His shock gauntlets are on, but his arms are heavily bandaged.
"I know you're out there!" he shouts suddenly, startling you, "just... just back off. Get the fuck outta here! I haven't done anything illegal, or... or I
wouldn't have if you'd just
left me alone!"
Well... it's now or never. You pop out from your hiding place with both hands in the air.
"Technically, Herman, you
have done something illegal. A few things, actually. 'Finding' Mr. Stark's tech doesn't mean you get to keep it. You're also running guns and violating several of Mr. Stark's patents--"
"Ah, man, not the crazy lady..." Herman aims one of his fists at you, grimacing as he tracks your movement with his arm.
"I'm not a crazy lady. I'm
trying to help you."
"Yeah, you sure
helped me a lot a few weeks ago, siccing Spider-man on me. You cost me a lot of money, man! And some irreplaceable tech!"
"I would be more apologetic, but you hurt my friends. You could've
killed me."
"Aw, man, I'm sorry..." Remorse crosses his face and he looks away for just a second, but seems to remember himself and looks back. He straightens the fist pointed at you, wincing a bit as he does. "I didn't wanna fight you guys, man. I just wanted to go back to my life... I'm so close to being finished! And now everything's
"Herman are... are you OK?"
"NO, I'm not OK!" he sweeps his arm across part of the desk, knocking several items off of it in a crashing clutter. You can see Shadowcat behind him, in position part-way through a storage crate and ready to grab if things go poorly. "These gauntlets need stabilizing, or... dampening or something! But I don't have the materials... every time I use them it's WRECKING my nerves... aw, I probably have permanent damage..."
You chance a few steps closer, and notice he's sweating a lot. The closer you get, the more you notice he isn't looking so good. "You're so smart, Herman, you're a
genius. You've done amazing work copying, modifying, and upgrading Stark Tech in what amounts to a
garage... why not try working
with Mr. Stark--"
"You don't think I
tried!? I couldn't pass his
fucking background checks! I didn't smoke dope or... even take no-doze for
months just so I could have a real shot... and I get knocked out of the running 'cuz of some petty theft charge from when I was a
stupid kid!"
He's frazzled, frustrated, and getting sloppy. You're not sure how much he's slept... or maybe he's taken too many painkillers. His eyes aren't focusing well. He's barely even pointing his shockwave-fist at you anymore...
Now is the Time...
[ ] Tell Shadowcat to go for his gauntlets.
[ ] Convince him this will go easier for him if he surrenders.
[ ] Tell him you'll talk to Mr. Stark and see if he can work something out. (Lie?)
[ ] Write-In