@Metrux , the income is negative because we recruited a second construction team and a herbalist but didn't get the extra income stream at the same time.
[X] Plan
-[X][Mina] Warn Nerissa not to trust Mina
-[X][Personal] Speak to your father. It might be a good idea.
-[X][Nerissa] Ask her to help organize her region of the overgrownth to produce vast amounts of food and herbs for both selling and local consupiton (Herbalist Helps)
-[X][Levy] Guard
--[X] The base and sawmill
-[X][][Hunters 1] Hunt for food, reduce upkeep by 50
--[X] Olivia Helps.
-[X][Hunters 2] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
Also, Mina's going to be a problem, best to just play it safe, be only as friendly as you need to satisfy her. Then we pray she leaves super quickly. But yeah, we should probably just stop spending money until we have a slight surplus to get us by in the future.
Though, if we got a dock, Nicola could come by to visit and we could maybe use his contacts as a ship captain to prepare sea trade coming our way.
@Saphrith the construction action "[][Construction] Reinforce the extended palisade (2 actions to complete)" doesn't cost any money, so your plan can do it without spending anything.
Also, how are we supposed to warn Narissa about Mina without tipping her off? She's going to be right on top of both Tristan and Narissa as soon as we take her to her, so it's not like we can tell her before they meet. If we do somehow warn her, you guys do realize that there's a good chance she'll tell Mina, right? Narissa is a child, and anything you tell a child (especially about someone else) they're liable to tell everyone else they see.
Also, how are we supposed to warn Narissa about Mina without tipping her off? She's going to be right on top of both Tristan and Narissa as soon as we take her to her, so it's not like we can tell her before they meet. If we do somehow warn her, you guys do realize that there's a good chance she'll tell Mina, right? Narissa is a child, and anything you tell a child (especially about someone else) they're liable to tell everyone else they see.
Well first you have to realize that Mina simple can't follow us around literaly 24/7 , that we don't need to bring the two together instantly and that even a basic excuse like saying we are going to warn the Driad about somene new beforehand is very beievable. Realy warning Nerissa is the easy part.
Now while Nerissa is a child she is innocent, not stupid, if we tell her to not show her distrust she should at least try, now of course she would be horrible at hiding her fellings and Mina would likely see trought it, wich is why my vote sugests that she act wooden, it is a very bad idea of hiding emotions and normaly Mina would see trough it straigh way, but due to Nerissa being a tree and Mina never having ever heard of driads before , remenber they are belived to be extinct, there is simple no frame of reference from wich she can say this isn't normal behavior.
Mina begins running her hands through Olivia's hair, lingering intensely on her neck with each pass, her eyes locking with yours with an unspoken message.
"His paranoia has really been getting to him lately though," she tsks as she finishes the braid with a loop that reminds you of a noose, despite being innocuous by itself.
Spooky, but do you have enough strength in your limbs to tighten that noose?
It's no wonder Tristan is scared of her; I've seen big animals run away in terror from kids half their size, just because the kids used to squeeze the little furballs who were half theirs back in the day. It's must be a habit at this point, and her occupation leans credence to her manner of communication.
However, we are talking about a woman whom we considered sending against an Overgrowth bear here... and we are at the edge of a civilized world where your titles mean surprisingly little. Sure Olivia would never think of harming the family of her beloved master, but that is directly tied to them being a family, and her blindness towards whatever is going on between the siblings. I don't know if it's arrogance on Mina's part, or if she is just that good, but I wouldn't push it too far in her shoes.
That little annoyance aside, she is alright. She brought us money! You can be the devil himself, and you'll still be fine in my books as long as you help this doomed expedition. I wonder if she can be worked into our plans somehow, what with her being a hero unit with a violent focus.
Not really seeing the harm of letting her and Nerissa meet. What is she going to do to our dryad - who is instrumental to her plans and is part of the reason she is here in the first place, too? Let Nerissa remain ignorant of the snake pit that is our family - like Olivia, she'll be happier for it.
Do you think it would've helped our lumberjacks if they knew about the trees that make they burn? Do you think there aren't other such plants, that Nerissa won't even know might be bad for us? Do you think we can't use some special herbs that might be near Nerissa or simply in the way? I mean, those are all usefull, and come from the herbalist, so even though she can't directly help with enchanting, she can probably make our life easier. Not the best use for her, I plainly admit, but it does give some help.
I ended up giving no bonus for it because the herbalist is strictly non-magical. While you're right there'd be some benefit in the Overgrowth in general, in Nerissa's grove she tends to keep things from touching you anyway.
While admittedly this is true to a degree, it's also wrong to a degree. They were thought extinct, but not extinct in the sense of dinosaurs where no human ever encountered one. They're more a species that went extinct while humans were around. So there's the occasional ancient tome with information. Though much of civilization in this setting has rebuilt upon the ashes of the society that collapsed when magic did, so there's not a lot of information left on the things before.
Kaleb was mean obviously. Edgar was a charmer but she had Tristan. Adolphine (considering changing her name to Adeline because I originally popped this out of a name generator but now that I'm using it more I don't like it for reasons that might be obvious) was very scandalous, but also kind of sappy. Mina is just so nice. Nicola was a fun child, but then he fell into crazy unjustified paranoia and she doesn't want Tristan to go that route!
Spooky, but do you have enough strength in your limbs to tighten that noose?
It's no wonder Tristan is scared of her; I've seen big animals run away in terror from kids half their size, just because the kids used to squeeze the little furballs who were half theirs back in the day. It's must be a habit at this point, and her occupation leans credence to her manner of communication.
However, we are talking about a woman whom we considered sending against an Overgrowth bear here... and we are at the edge of a civilized world where your titles mean surprisingly little. Sure Olivia would never think of harming the family of her beloved master, but that is directly tied to them being a family, and her blindness towards whatever is going on between the siblings. I don't know if it's arrogance on Mina's part, or if she is just that good, but I wouldn't push it too far in her shoes.
Well she wouldn't have actually tried that sort of thing against Olivia. She was just getting a rise out of Tristan. She braided Olivia's hair a lot when they used to all live in the family castle. It's not like Tristan had no reason at all for unsanctioned magical experiments.
That little annoyance aside, she is alright. She brought us money! You can be the devil himself, and you'll still be fine in my books as long as you help this doomed expedition. I wonder if she can be worked into our plans somehow, what with her being a hero unit with a violent focus.
And that was a large part of what she was doing. She was giving you the carrot and showing you the stick.
Also really want some new ideas for construction because I'm kind of drawing a blank. Bearing in mind you have to import all metal bits as you have no local smithy and no source of ore anyway, and that you have no access to stone because no local quarry or stonemasons. But anything that would be primarily wood or earth construction you can suggest.
[X] Plan Wait for Income
-[X][Mina] Let Mina introduce herself
You ultimately can't bring yourself to represent Mina in a positive light, but you don't dare to antagonize her either. That's a good way to end up dead after all. So you compromise and simply let Nerissa know your sister wants to meet her and let Mina handle it.
After their meeting, through which you waited with dignity in your home and crossed your fingers, Mina only stops by for a moment before heading out again to do whatever she does when you can't see her.
"Quite the dutiful child you have there Tristan, far more so than you ever were," she says as if you were the difficult one. "It doesn't seem there's any cause for concern, and I'll inform father of such, as well as the opportunities of course." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as she leaves.
You of course immediately went to speak with Nerissa, worried about what twisted nonsense Mina might have told her.
As you enter her inner grove Nerissa greets you with a firm finger poke to the stomach. "Bad Tristan! Worrying your family like that." Then she hugs you and continues guiltily. "You should have gone to see them right away. Your sister was worried sick." You freeze for a moment before awkwardly patting her on the back, taken off guard by that.
"She didn't do anything to you right?" you ask hesitantly. "Mina can be a bit scary."
"No she was really nice. She just explained how worried your family was, and that your father wants me to make a few more of those fruits so that they can test them. See if there's anything they need to worry about. I told them the elder had fixed you right up, but she said it would really help them feel better if they could examine them themselves. So I'll make a few more for them." She nods vigorously.
"Well I'm glad she wasn't too tough on you at least. My father wanted me to ask that of you but I didn't really want to pressure you especially just after having you move for me."
"Well it's the least I can do after what I did…" she trails off guiltily. "And your sister gave me some food to show there wasn't any hard feelings. I didn't even know humans made food for plants," she continues more excited.
That makes you a little suspicious, and you eye the bag Nerissa indicates. Opening it up there's some powdery light brown substance, but you don't recognize it. "I'm glad you're getting along at least." At least that was one less thing to worry about.
Later that week a letter arrives with a merchant from your father warning you to prepare for your sister's arrival… very helpful. Then again merchants really aren't that fast at carrying messages.
-[X][Construction 1] Reinforce the extended palisade (2 actions to complete) 89+5-5
-[X][Construction 2] Reinforce the extended palisade (2 actions to complete) 87+5-5
Reinforcement of the wall proceeds without a hitch. Your two construction crews manage to get it done with time to spare despite the needed ground probing. You're feeling rather safe behind your walls right now.
(Due to high rolls +20 to next construction project to represent it being started earlier.)
-[X][Hunters 1] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by. 51+5+3-10+10
-[X][Hunters 2] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by. 20+5+3-10+10-5
-[X][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by. 17-10-15+10+10
-[X][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
Your scouts take a bit of losses this turn as the forest wakes from winter and the orcs push another offensive. Your footmen recognize the jungle cat from before by the scars they inflicted upon it, but it's considerably more cagey now, picking men off and retreating rather than getting into a protracted engagement that it would lose.
There's never any one decisive engagement, but between the orcs guerilla warfare and the forest your men suffer gradual losses, and orc raiders manage to slip through to harass merchants on an ongoing basis.
-[X][Levy] Guard 33+15+20-10
--[X] The base and sawmill
The wolves seem to have resumed hunting in your area, but they can't enter Nerissa's grove, which greatly reduces the areas that your men have to defend against them. Without her it's likely there might have been a few casualties.
-[X][Personal] Experiment on the effects of enchanting within the Overgrowth. 5+10
--[X][Herbalist] Help with enchanting experiments
--[X][Nerissa] Help with enchanting experiments
Enchanting within the Overgrowth is much like you imagine trying to wrestle a snake would be like. Normally you're just grasping at motes of magic with a sort of metaphysical limb and putting them in a storage space. Collecting enough motes for whatever you're doing is time consuming but not ultimately that difficult, mind numbing really.
The magic within the Overgrowth is far more available, but it definitely feels alive rather than inanimate. Each bit of magic is a struggle for control as it squirms within your grasp. Nerissa does what she can to 'calm' it, but it's not enough. Even when you manage to hold onto enough magic to do something, it's more like trying to smash it into the general shape you want instead of gently sculpting a work of art. The results are poor, energy inefficient, and break down in rather short order. And that's when they do what they're supposed to at all instead of defaulting back into their original pattern.
The daily efforts leave you mentally exhausted in a way you haven't felt since you were starting to learn magic. Olivia fusses over you each time, having refused to let you be alone with Nerissa again, though you're certain it would be even worse if Nerissa wasn't exerting some degree of restraint upon the local magic. Olivia often glares at the quartet of fruits growing upon Nerissa's tree throughout the season, and you admit there's some degree of forbidden temptation there.
You notice one day at the end of the season the fruits are all gone, and Nerissa explains that Mina came by and picked them up. You aren't sure whether to be glad she didn't stop by and see you or upset about it.
Later you get a letter from your father detailing that Mina had delivered the three fruits he requested, and that he might simply use her as a go between in the future since you seemed more inclined to speak with her.
(Sawmill no longer rolls for success each turn due to Nerissa's protection. Woodworking upkeep and profit negated this turn, full profit next turn.)
Plans for Summer: (Base costs shown, increase 10% for merchants issue)
You now have 2 construction actions:
[][Construction] Improve the wall with guard towers offering some protection from ranged weapons and a higher vantage point. (50 Denier)
[][Construction] Build a rabbit pen? (25 Denier)
[][Construction] Build route to the sea. (Unknown cost without survey)
[][Construction] Write-in
2x d85s or 1x 1d100.
[][Personal] You could produce some basic enchanted gear for one of your units. Sharper blades and harder armor are staples for a reason. (100 Denier in needed materials)
-[] Specify a unit.
[][Personal] Have Leo give you a bit of training. However much you hate it, being better at fighting will help a lot if something is trying to eat you. (Must be taken with appropriate Captain action)
[][Personal] Speak to your father. You suppose it's no longer urgent for the original reason, but you might not want Mina coming around either.
[][Personal] Recruit basic units. Specify what kind.
-[] Replace losses, 173 denier
-[] What units?
[][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Enchanter, Elite, Woodworkers, Healer, Potioneer) These units need special persuasion or negotiation so can't be hired in bulk. (Note this will involve traveling to them)
[][Personal] Write-in
You might want to start spending time teaching Nerissa again. You're starting to feel a little bad about it, though she hasn't suggested anything yet herself.
[][Nerissa] Spend a personal teaching her.
-[] Have her and the herbalist work together to come up with profitable goods that she could grow. Might take a hunter assignment to go looking for samples as well.
-[] write-in request
[][Nerissa] Just ask something of her.
(2 Hunter units available)
[][Hunters] Hunt for food, reduce upkeep by 50
[][Hunters] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Hunters] Catch a bunch of rabbits for the rabbit pen. (Requires rabbit pen.)
[][Hunters] Explore the forest, collect flora and fauna samples. Attempt to map out the notable locations
[][Hunters] Survey the coast for a potential way to the water and a place to build a docks. Keep in mind the coast is a cliff.
[][Levy] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Levy] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action, is not advised at this time)
-[] Upgrade to footmen, 200 Denier upfront, 50 upkeep
[][Levy] Guard
-[] The base and sawmill
-[] The construction crew
-[] The merchants that bring your supplies (eliminate 10% modifier)
[][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Footmen] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action, is not advised at this time)
[][Footmen] Guard
-[] The base and sawmill
-[] The construction crew
-[] The merchants that bring your supplies (eliminate 10% modifier)
Herbalist changed to simply add a bonus to all actions where herb lore would be useful automatically.
[][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
[][Captain] Train Olivia
[][Captain] Recruit new units. Specify what kind.
-[] Replace losses, 173 denier
-[] What units?
[][Captain] Train regulars (must be taken with appropriate action)
[][Captain] Train you (must be taken with appropriate action)
113 starting -842 upkeep this turn +600 season payment +200 sawmill profit = 71
Upkeep next turn: 862+10% (100 you +100 leo +100 sawmill + 200 construction crews +97 hunters + 45 levies +70 footmen +50 herbalist +100 woodworkers) - 200 Sawmill profit -200 Wood Workshop
AN: Late and a bit short, but I really want to get this out. Hopefully next update will be back to a better length.
[X] Plan Economic Set Up
-[X][Construction] Improve the wall with guard towers offering some protection from ranged weapons and a higher vantage point. (50 Denier)
-[X][Construction] Build a rabbit pen? (25 Denier)
-[X][Personal] Try to create an enchanted map linked to your men, so you can track their relative positions when they're away from the camp, and more importantly, know when they start disappearing so you can raise the alarm.
-[X][Nerissa] Spend a personal teaching her.
--[X] Have her and the herbalist work together to come up with profitable goods that she could grow. Might take a hunter assignment to go looking for samples as well.
-[X][Hunters] Explore the forest, collect flora and fauna samples. Attempt to map out the notable locations
--[X] Olivia helps
-[X][Hunters] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Levy] Guard
--[X] The base and sawmill
-[X][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
Finish off the wall upgrades and see about that rabbit pen. We can catch some for the pen once it finishes for meat income.
Woodworkers to take advantage of sawmill and possibly dryad.
The rest is the usual Staying Out Of Trouble stuff
So let's do the tally, the snake got her hooks in and there may be nothing we can do to change that, and to help things up now we may have to deal with her even more, Olivia and the Herbalist spent three months doing nothing usefull, we had negative income and just to rub salt on the wound enchanting was a disaster, just as I was expecting, I am starting to wonder if this means something.
[X] Plan Moving On
-[X][Construction] Improve the wall with guard towers offering some protection from ranged weapons and a higher vantage point. (50 Denier)
-[X][Construction] Build a rabbit pen? (25 Denier)
-[X][Personal] Speak to your father. You suppose it's no longer urgent for the original reason, but you might not want Mina coming around either.
-[X][Nerissa] Spend a personal teaching her.
--[X] Time to teach her some politics and etiquete, including why most of your family isn't realy to be trusted, Mina specialy. And if Olivia calls you paranoid just use her as an example of how insidious your sister is, becasue at this point she is ignoring evidence.
--[X] Have her and the herbalist work together to come up with profitable goods that she could grow. Might take a hunter assignment to go looking for samples as well.
-[X][Hunters 1] Explore the forest, collect flora and fauna samples. Attempt to map out the notable locations
--[X] Olivia helps
-[X][Hunters 2] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Levy] Guard
--[X] The base and sawmill
-[X][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
@inverted_helix I was wondering :
Does that failure means we just can't enchant in the forest or was that just a temporary setback ?
Is ther any reason we can't build more sawmills and workshops ? Do we even need a second workshop efore recruiting more woodworkers ?
How is that we don't have a smith, wouldn't one be part of the camp folowers for basic manutention be nescessity? What is stoping us from getting one or building a quarry be the mountains ?
You already have recruited them, it seems it was unclear. The low rolls before meant there was delayed startup so it didn't go this turn but next. Next turn woodworking will be at full capacity and give +200 income +100 upkeep.
How is that we don't have a smith, wouldn't one be part of the camp folowers for basic manutention be nescessity? What is stoping us from getting one or building a quarry be the mountains ?
One that is not how that works, Two that is a contradiction in terms, three we simple can't afford a elite unit no matter how you look at it, four the better couter would be to increase passive recruiting, wich means talking with father, at wich point you may as well suport my vote.
Realy ? Considering how we had no problems regularly visiting Nerissa I didn't expect then to be that far away, unsles I missed something and all that brow in the map isn't usefull stone ?
One that is not how that works, Two that is a contradiction in terms, three we simple can't afford a elite unit no matter how you look at it, four the better couter would be to increase passive recruiting, wich means talking with father, at wich point you may as well suport my vote.
I've considered adding one to the recruitment list. Thinking it would offer a discount on most things, and have steady upkeep cost in return. Just not sure on pricing the startup since there's a lot of expensive stuff involved in setting up a new forge.
Realy ? Considering how we had no problems regularly visiting Nerissa I didn't expect then to be that far away, unsles I missed something and all that brow in the map isn't usefull stone ?
That's about twice as far, and you weren't dragging blocks of stone. You can't build a road through the Overgrowth so dragging a heavy cart would be near impossible.
Also really want some new ideas for construction because I'm kind of drawing a blank. Bearing in mind you have to import all metal bits as you have no local smithy and no source of ore anyway, and that you have no access to stone because no local quarry or stonemasons. But anything that would be primarily wood or earth construction you can suggest.
What about brewery or, really, anything to process the goods collected from the Overgrowth?
That would, of course, depend on what we find there, which we'll need surveys for... but talking to Nerissa would be the start, I suppose.
I don't suppose working crews could be made to help woodworkers or something when they aren't building things?
Elite [Character]: More than any normal human, a single elite can turn the tide of a battle in the right place. And when dealing with monsters, you might need that. They are expensive though.
Cost 500 Denier, Upkeep 200 Denier
Income next turn: +600 season payment +200 sawmill profit +200 wood workshop
Upkeep next turn: 862+10% (100 us +100 Leo +100 sawmill + 200 construction crews +97 hunters + 45 levies +70 footmen +50 herbalist + 100 woodworkers) = 948?
Given that our upkeep has risen to about a 1000, it might be prudent to send some of our forces to guard the merchants, and save on the costs that way. Even at the expense of some other stuff.
That's about twice as far, and you weren't dragging blocks of stone. You can't build a road through the Overgrowth so dragging a heavy cart would be near impossible.
I wasn't realy thinin of tryin for the mountains in the Overgrowth, more that to go around it would be some 4 times the distance to the grove, and if said grove was close enought for us to go there and back on foot trough the thich magical forest in the same day then it should be to far to cart stone.
Also just checking but are the rock formations inside the Overgrowth as covered with vegetation as everything else ?
What about brewery or, really, anything to process the goods collected from the Overgrowth?
That would, of course, depend on what we find there, which we'll need surveys for... but talking to Nerissa would be the start, I suppose.
It's not a problem he's encountered before. I could add a personal to go back to the capital library and spend some time seeing if there's even any lore on the subject (subject to roll), but he doesn't have any ideas right now.
They seem to be missing?
Income next turn: +600 season payment +200 sawmill profit +200 wood workshop
Upkeep next turn: 862+10% (100 us +100 Leo +100 sawmill + 200 construction crews +97 hunters + 45 levies +70 footmen +50 herbalist + 100 woodworkers) = 948?
I wasn't realy thinin of tryin for the mountains in the Overgrowth, more that to go around it would be some 4 times the distance to the grove, and if said grove was close enought for us to go there and back on foot trough the thich magical forest in the same day then it should be to far to cart stone.
I wasn't particularly clear but you weren't going there and back on the same day. You were going there, spending the night, and coming back.
Building a quarry outside and going around though does make more sense. It would at least be possible. You'd have to build a road though as carts carrying stone don't do off-road. Plus the quarry and the stonemasons. The trip would still be a couple days for the carts. I don't see you having nearly enough funds right now for it, but I'll see about what cost I want to put on it.
With vegetation clinging up the sides, but a fair bit of rocky cliff as well. Not a perfect image, but gives a sort of idea. There are some extreme cliffs in in this area. (Cliffs like this are rather rare in the real world, but this is a fantasy world.) The coastline is similar cliffs.
That makes you a little suspicious, and you eye the bag Nerissa indicates. Opening it up there's some powdery light brown substance, but you don't recognize it.
We should have the Herbalist look at this Stuff. I'm curious what it is and if Nerissa likes it if we can get it ourselves.
Reinforcement of the wall proceeds without a hitch. Your two construction crews manage to get it done with time to spare despite the needed ground probing. You're feeling rather safe behind your walls right now.
We really should get rid of the giant Moles. If only to lose the -5.
The magic within the Overgrowth is far more available, but it definitely feels alive rather than inanimate. Each bit of magic is a struggle for control as it squirms within your grasp. Nerissa does what she can to 'calm' it, but it's not enough.
I wonder if we can make a Room that "calms" Magic inside it.
We could make a Room that keeps Magic inside but it would be expensive. This would be more like stabilising or slowing the Magic inside.
Olivia often glares at the quartet of fruits growing upon Nerissa's tree throughout the season, and you admit there's some degree of forbidden temptation there.
Later you get a letter from your father detailing that Mina had delivered the three fruits he requested, and that he might simply use her as a go between in the future since you seemed more inclined to speak with her.
Now this is interesting. We should start writing more Letters if we don't want Mina to show up again.
I think Tristans Father would like to know that Mina "lost" a Fruit on the Way back.
Given that our upkeep has risen to about a 1000, it might be prudent to send some of our forces to guard the merchants, and save on the costs that way. Even at the expense of some other stuff.
I still think we could avoide the extra Upkeep from the Merchants by building a Port and getting Stuff shipped in. Getting Gold from fishing and building Ships too.
This isn't the sort of thing that takes an action, but was something that required players asking about. The herbalist identifies it readily as a mixed fertilizer of some sort though the exact mix can't be easily identified. She thinks it's mostly a mix of bone meal and blood meal, though there might be other additives.
I wonder if we can make a Room that "calms" Magic inside it.
We could make a Room that keeps Magic inside but it would be expensive. This would be more like stabilising or slowing the Magic inside.
The issue he has is that it's not a problem he's ever heard of anyone having to deal with. A room to keep magic in is useful to enchanters in general, and so though too expensive for most to own one, it's well known that they exist. (Kind of like a million dollar luxury vehicle, most people know they exist even if they can't ever afford one.) This on the other hand he's never heard of this problem before, and certainly never heard of a solution to it.
Now this is interesting. We should start writing more Letters if we don't want Mina to show up again.
I think Tristans Father would like to know that Mina "lost" a Fruit on the Way back.
I still think we could avoide the extra Upkeep from the Merchants by building a Port and getting Stuff shipped in. Getting Gold from fishing and building Ships too.
-[X][Personal] Try to create an enchanted map linked to your men, so you can track their relative positions when they're away from the camp, and more importantly, know when they start disappearing so you can raise the alarm.
The catch on Mina grabbing a fruit for herself convinced me it's worth talking to Dad.
Also, @veekie , between our upkeep and the 75 denier in expenses for building stuff we're already at a net negative for this turn (losing 27 denier), and enchanting stuff costs money for materials. The map is probably cheaper than wargear, but we don't really have enough of a cushion to spend. Like, we've got 44 denier left over before we go into debt, and materials costs have increments of 25, so only the very cheapest possibility would leave us in the black. This isn't a modern world so maps probably aren't that cheap. We may have to idle our construction teams next turn anyway(no action, but they pay for their upkeep) just to build ourselves a cushion again.
--[X] Time to teach her some politics and etiquete, including why most of your family isn't realy to be trusted, Mina specialy. And if Olivia calls you paranoid just use her as an example of how insidious your sister is, becasue at this point she is ignoring evidence.
So I've started looking at the currently winning vote (though sad because only a third the votes I had last time). I have to wonder what evidence you think you have?
There's no evidence of anything wrong here. Giving Nerissa a gift is evidence that Mina is nice.
Also there's a sort of default conversation with Father planned, but if people want to make requests or something you can write that in as a subvote.
So I've started looking at the currently winning vote (though sad because only a third the votes I had last time). I have to wonder what evidence you think you have?
The letter, everyone know how much was growth, and we know how much arrived, so we effectively have solid evidence she kept one for reasons she told no one.
Also I am convinced half the reason she gave that gift was to answer the question of how to assasinate a tree.