I am surprised that we didn't get addicted to the mind control fruit. Nor suffer from withdrawal.
Tho I approve of eating it. We could very well become more magical.
Made me think right away that it was to control pets, like rabbits that get mutated or changed. And than those rabbits mutate or mind control the wolves and so on. Till she rules the whole ecosystem.
[X] Plan Going Defensive
[X][Potions] Surely a few doses won't make much of a difference there, but they could save men here. (Will reduce casualties by 10% hunters 1, 5% footmen, and 5% skirmishers)
[X] Plan Going Defensive
-[X][Construction] Finish the Drydocks 44+2
-[X][Construction] Expand the moat around the new walls. There's very little cost involved, but it will be an enormous amount of labor. (6 actions remaining for defense bonus, increases cost of further expansion) 81+2
-[X][Construction] Build a new more advanced charcoal production facility that will also produce wood tar. This is a significantly more complex structure than just a charcoal mound requiring more workers and more infrastructure. 200 Denier cost, 1 unit bricks, 50 Denier upkeep, 100 Denier profit. Allows waterproofing. 89+2
Construction proceeds well this fall. The drydocks are completed, though the sand they're placed on is hardly a solid foundation, rather shifting in fact. Still it's enough for now to hopefully begin the work you already have lined up on Nicola's squadron.
Building a new charcoal facility to collect wood tar rather than letting it burn up in the charcoal production process goes nicely as well. Small amounts of wood tar now collect in a container beneath the kiln where charcoal is made. It will mostly be needed for servicing ships at your drydock, but you'll have at least some for other uses over time.
Expanding the moat around your new much larger walls begins, but it's a far larger area to cover. Right now it's essentially a short trench, and hard effective. A lot more work is going to be necessary to get it done. Hopefully once completed your defenses will be sufficient to render a quick storming untenable. You're a little worried about such a thing coming to pass.
-[X][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit- Shipwright 26 (lolz)
Your efforts to recruit a better shipwright team than the one your assistant came up with don't go very well. There are few enough in the duchy as it is with only a couple of real ports, and none of them are eager to move out to the middle of nowhere. It seems that such green groups are the only ones that are willing to move from the comforts of their current locations. It's not too surprising though. You may have simply underestimated the difficulties involved in this project. Maybe taking it on without doing a study first was hubris on your part. You suppose you'll find out soon what your real cost and income are likely to be like.
-[X][Personal] Spend time with Nerissa
--[X] Plant more Saints Blood (Replace Hypno Fruit)
You spend some of your time with Nerissa as payment for her growing more saints blood. As you'd rather anticipated her dog is growing larger than it normally would, though not as much as you'd worried it would.
"So what kind of dog is this, there's different kinds right?" she asked while rubbing its tan belly.
"He's a retriever, the sort bred to fetch birds and such. They're a steady sort and I figured you could maybe get him to carry stuff for you, since you can't go far." You had thought that rather clever. You're thinking this one is rather too spoiled already for that sort of thing though as he wags his tail happily.
"He's just the sweetest thing, isn't he?" With Nerissa unable to leave her grove, you thought it entirely believable it had been on the receiving end of hours of belly rubs a day. Plus you were well aware that he had free run of Nerissa's entire territory and was begging petting off all the workers that frequented the area, and Olivia was sneaking him treats as well.
"What did you name him?" Nerissa's good relationship with the dog didn't seem to have improved her relationship with the pegasus, which even now was sneaking up behind her.
"Bark, he likes it." You want to facepalm, but you conceal it by pulling her into your lap just as the equine tries to bite one of her leaves.
The dog barks.
"See, see!" Nerissa says obliviously. You're really not sure whether it's a plant pun or a dog one, or which is worse. You suspect that Leo gave her the name on that basis alone, but that's just wild accusation.
-[X][Levy] Guard 31+10 = 41
--[X] The base and sawmill
The Overgrowth was the quietest it's been in years, with the monsters within relatively placid according to your veterans. The green levies you set to guarding your base and lumberjacks offered a different opinion though. "Placid" should not include plants snaring you like a bug in a spiderweb and melting clothes and flesh. Your herbalist identifies them as a breed of Drosera, commonly known as Sundews, but considerably larger than any she's ever seen. Any of your more experienced units wouldn't have blithely walked into such dangers, but those were all needed on the front. Fortunately between the docility of the plant life this season and Julia's efforts, none of the injuries are fatal.
Leaving the docks undefended might have been a mistake though. The remaining workers are demanding more money because of a few of them disappearing. They say something in the water is taking people off the docks, but no one has seen it clearly. Well in fairness there's lot of speculation, but no firm sightings when you press them. It might not be leaving the water at all. The thick algae conceals whatever is beneath the surface quite well though.
[][Dockworkers] Double pay
[][Dockworkers] Commit to defending them
[][Dockworkers] Something else?
-[X][Hunters] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by. .85*(20+5+2-5+10) = 27
-[X][Skirmishers] Shadow Footmen 1, try to get a drop on anyone who attacks them .80*(87+35) = 98
-[X][Footmen 1] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by. combat .90*(35+62 +10 -5) = 92
-[X][Olivia] Assist Footmen 1 16
-[X][Footmen 2] Shadow Footmen 1, try to get a drop on anyone who attacks them .9*(25 + 30 +10 +10) = 68
-[X][Captain] Command ambush troops, raising morale and effectiveness
The plan you laid out to have the surviving hunters and the first footmen behave as normal, while the second footmen and the skirmishers silently shadowed the soldiers seemed a decent plan. Leo even agreed it was competent enough plan and worth trying.
The orcs must have seen through the deception somehow though. Possibly their scouts were better concealed than you thought, or your units weren't as stealthy as you'd hoped. Most worrying is the idea their new leader might be competent enough to see through your plans. For all that you'd like to say something about human supremacy, and you do believe that humans are more intelligent than orcs as a general rule, the occasional one can be worryingly smart.
Rather than spring the trap directly, they hit your hunter scouts hard first, nearly wiping them out. You aren't sure if the goal was to blind your forces or just pick off the hunters in isolation. That they also destroyed most of your treehouse watchtowers has you lean towards thinking it was the former.
Your skirmishers were redeployed to screen your forces though as the hunters were eliminated to give you at least some warning of potential ambushes. The orcs didn't bother with an ambush as you had been worrying they were building towards though, instead simply bringing a nearly overwhelming number of troops of their own to the party. Really their reinforcement rate is scary, given they'd already recovered their losses and brought another unit of cavalry on top of it.
It was only the superior quality of your professional soldiers and an immediate judgment by Leo in the field that let them stage a well-organized fighting retreat rather than it turning into a slaughter as they were significantly outnumbered. The enemy pushing forward with such an all out attack cost them though, as at that stage discounting those Julia can get back in action, you likely inflicted more casualties than you took.
The enemy leader led from the front, speeding through your forces and slaying men with contemptible ease. Olivia failed to land a single blow against him, as he was definitely aware that he needed to avoid her despite her small figure. You aren't sure whether to be annoyed that he avoided her or grateful she didn't come to blows with someone that might well threaten her.
As Leo is concluding his first rapid report on the battle the door to your cabin slams open, and Olivia bursts through covered in blood, slowing her pace from a near run to a hurried walk. You don't really have time to compose a response to that before she ducks behind your chair.
Julia storms in just behind her clearly irritated, with a bloodstained frock of her own. "Let me examine you already!"
"None of the blood is mine, you don't need to," Olivia squeaks from behind you as you turn towards her.
"The sooner you let me examine you the sooner I can know that," Julia says with a no nonsense tone that clearly expects compliance. You're surprised Olivia didn't hop to obey.
"Don't you have other people to treat?" you interject, "Surely if she can run away she's not a priority."
"I just put a man's guts back together like a jigsaw puzzle, I know who I have to treat!" she shouts irritably, before pausing for a few seconds to compose herself after that outburst. "Everyone liable to die soon has been dealt with one way or the other, Tristan. Even if she has only a minor injury she could be making it worse and she's worth a dozen of the soldiers," Julia continues, rather bluntly for her. You don't exactly disagree with that valuation, though you wouldn't say it aloud like that. Julia's clearly rather frazzled though going by her usually meticulous hair's disarray.
"I don't want her to see me Tristan, you know why," Olivia whines quietly behind you. Her clothes nicely concealed her scales, and the beginnings of tiny wings on her back. You're a bit surprised that Julia hadn't already found out. Why had Olivia even been hiding it from her? She hadn't bothered disguising it from Leo. Speaking of him, at some point Leo snuck out of the room, and you hadn't even noticed.
[][OJ] Have Olivia let Julia examine her, it's for her own good really, and it's not like there's any point in hiding her nature. She shouldn't be so insecure.
[][OJ] Olivia doesn't need to be examined if she doesn't want to be.
-[X][Assistant] Recruitment? Footmen and Skirmishers to full (180 and 120 for 300) 65% Hunter 1, 15% Hunter 2 (160 total)
Your assistant manages to recruit replacements for this summer's losses, though it's barely enough to patch over the losses of this season in turn. The extra 30% of a hunter unit sent by your father helps a bit, though you're still well under strength. The war turning further against Revaria is going to make it very difficult to get the replacement soldiers you need in the future though. You might have to directly recruit peasants and train them yourself at this point, which would be highly irritating.
[X][Potions] Surely a few doses won't make much of a difference there, but they could save men here. (Will reduce casualties by 10% hunters 1, 5% footmen, and 5% skirmishers)
Your father sends you a rather harsh letter on the matter, and you think that Florian is the one that sent it given the jaunty salute he gives you from his imaginary horse. Your father does include a rather more in depth view on the ongoing war than what you had been previously privy to. It's rather tighter than you'd thought, and any edge at all is needed. A few more lives on the front can make a difference, and while he agrees in the longer run when additional groves are available it will be better, in the short run the loss of the hypno fruit and the intelligence he could gather using it is significant.
War Results
Carried by special courier you receive a packet of information about the war front. It's not all that comprehensible to you, partly because of terminology, partly because your grasp of geography is rather poor. Leo helps break it down for you.
Revaria's forces have largely been pushed back to the pre-war borders, with a few of the better fortified positions still holding out beyond that. Your Duchy's defenses are further along the fortress side of the fortifications vs palace spectrum of castles though, even the cheaply built wooden ones. So it's expected that the primary defensive line along the Delismond river will hold significantly better. Most of them are expected to resist sieges for at least a year and have the stores to do so. However casualties in the past two seasons have been high enough to impair long term combat.
While casualty ratios remain in the Duchy's favor by a significant margin, Tedora simply has far more bodies to throw. It's estimated their ability to raise troops is at least ten times that of Revaria. While the troops invested in the castles that were taken served their purpose in stalling the enemy's advance, they were effectively sacrificed with little chance of extraction in doing so. Kaleb's unit is the only one that can operate behind enemy lines effectively, moving quickly enough to avoid being pinned down by overwhelming enemy forces. Even so its combat effectiveness is rapidly degrading.
Setan has had some impact on the war, with much of Tedora's forces now being redirected to contain their landing site. They've had little success in expanding their beachhead though, being fully encircled and locked down. They also aren't known for being the most reliable of partners, so if things turn against them there's danger that they'll pull out entirely. Your father's working on getting other nations involved in the war, but with no luck so far. He suspects Tedora is using its own resources to counter, and that some of the neighboring countries are waiting until those currently involved have exhausted each other to come in unopposed.
Your father's biggest concern right now though is that one of the barons along the southern border might see advantage in turning coat. If one of them opens a hole in the border defenses for the enemy armies to pour through there would be few forces in position to stop them short of the walls of the capital. While he still believes that it was the right choice to preemptively strike, and the only chance of getting anything resembling a victory, it was not uniformly approved of. There's also some unrest from the barons about how it was Nicola who started this with destroying a cargo of contraband and imprisoning a Tedoran noble transporting it rather than just letting it pass.
Plans for Winter: (Base costs shown, decrease 5% for port)
You have 3 construction actions. (Space 15/48) (0 units of bricks available)
[][Construction] Build an inn so you don't have to house guests in inadequate housing. Granted it won't exactly be profitable right now, but maybe as you get more people passing through it will be better? (1 action, 200 denier, 1 space)
[][Construction] Expand the moat around the new walls. There's very little cost involved, but it will be an enormous amount of labor. (1/6 actions, increases cost of further expansion)
[][Construction] Reinforce the new walls with earthen berms, another huge labor cost. (6 actions)
[][Construction] Build a training ground for your personnel. Some targets, some dummies, and obstacle course, and a big area set aside to practice on. Grants a bonus to training. (1 action, 50 denier, 2 space)
[][Construction] Rebuild your treehouse watchtowers in the Overgrowth (50 Denier)
[][Construction] Build a second forge to increase the local production available. (200 denier construction cost, 40 denier upkeep, savings of 10% on up to 1000 denier per turn of purchases or upkeep)
[][Construction] Build a larger amount of housing so that you won't run out for a while. Increases housing capacity. 400 denier, 2 spaces
[][Construction] You don't need a steady supply of bricks for your current operation. But you do have a number of things you could use them for. Produce a unit of bricks.
[][Construction] To keep your rabbits trapped will require bricks it seems. A brick lined rabbit pit could improve your output though. Maybe enough to sell furs as well. (Requires 1 unit of bricks, +50 denier in food, opens tanner, uses 1 space.)
You can do 2x 1d100 or 1d100 +25
[][Personal] Being blind to the world around you is proving really irritating, you suppose you should find out at least the publicly available information about the neighboring nations.
[][Personal] You could produce some basic enchanted gear for one of your units. Sharper blades and harder armor are staples for a reason. (100 Denier in needed materials)
-[] Specify a unit.
[][Personal] Have Leo give you a bit of training. However much you hate it, being better at fighting will help a lot if something is trying to eat you. (Must be taken with appropriate Captain action)
[][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Enchanter, Elite, Healer, Potioneer, Expert Horse Trainer, Civil Engineer) These units need special persuasion or negotiation so can't be hired in bulk. (Note this will involve traveling to them)
[][Personal] Investigate what's happened with your siblings.
[][Personal] Spend time with Nerissa
-[] Plant more Saints Blood
-[] You wonder what other fruit she could produce
-[] Could she make a custom designed plant?
[][Personal] Spend time with someone in your camp
-[] Who?
[][Personal] Write-in
(1 Hunter unit available)
[][Hunters] Hunt for food, reduce upkeep by 50
[][Hunters] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Hunters] Scout the orc side of the border to see what forces and structures they have, maybe do some opportunistic raiding too.
[][Hunters] Explore the forest, collect flora and fauna samples.
[][Hunters] Train
[][Skirmishers] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Skirmishers] Scout the orc side of the border to see what forces and structures they have, maybe do some opportunistic raiding too.
[][Skirmishers] Explore the forest, collect flora and fauna samples.
(2 footmen units available)
[][Footmen] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Footmen] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action)
[][Footmen] Guard
-[] The base and sawmill
-[] The docks
[][Levy] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
[][Levy] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action)
[][Levy] Guard
-[] The base and sawmill
-[] The docks
[][Captain] Command troops, raising morale and effectiveness
[][Captain] Train unit (must be taken with appropriate action)
[][Captain] Train you (must be taken with appropriate action)
[][Captain] Train Olivia
[][Assistant] Recruitment? Specify what kind, full military units at 3x cost multiplier and possibly unavailable, peasant grade at 2x (no longer guaranteed success)
[][Assistant] Recruit Specialist: Specify what kind.
[][Purchase] Unit of bricks (250 denier)
[][Purchase] Fill warehouse with supplies (350/1000)
-[] How much?
[][Contact] Any one you know
314 starting -1233 upkeep this turn +0.95*(-200 construction) -460 recruitment +600 season payment +400 sawmill +200 Wood Workshop +200 charcoal +400 herb sales = 231
Upkeep next turn: (1603-100 forge-50 rabbits)-5%: (100 you +100 leo +50 assistant +200 sawmills + 200 construction crews+160 footmen +85 skirmishers +78 hunters +50 levy +50 herbalist +100 woodworkers+50 harvesters+150 charcoal burner +40 forge +40 Nerissa +50 docks +100 drydock)
Income next turn: 600 base stipend + 400 Sawmill profit +200 Wood Workshop +300 charcoal and tar +400 herb sales +?400? drydocks
AN: Slow update for slow votes. More votes would have made a faster update (from more motivation). The plan was actually decent, and so the roll for whether it would succeed was weighted in your favor. It went badly despite that. (Because you know... these dice.)
should we contact Nicola and tell him to return that noble and ask for truce? also why the aversion in hiring an elite Ranger to lead our hunters in the forest?
[x][Dockworkers] Commit to defending them
[x][OJ] Have Olivia let Julia examine her, it's for her own good really, and it's not like there's any point in hiding her nature. She shouldn't be so insecure.
[x] Plan Continue with Walls, treehouse and rabbits
-[x][Construction] Expand the moat around the new walls. There's very little cost involved, but it will be an enormous amount of labor. (1/6 actions, increases cost of further expansion)
-[x][Construction] Rebuild your treehouse watchtowers in the Overgrowth (50 Denier)
-[x][Construction] To keep your rabbits trapped will require bricks it seems. A brick lined rabbit pit could improve your output though. Maybe enough to sell furs as well. (Requires 1 unit of bricks, +50 denier in food, opens tanner, uses 1 space.)
-[x][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Enchanter, Elite, Healer, Potioneer, Expert Horse Trainer, Civil Engineer) These units need special persuasion or negotiation so can't be hired in bulk. (Note this will involve traveling to them)
--[x] Ranger (elite)
-[X][Personal] Spend time with Nerissa
--[x] Could she make a custom designed plant?
---[X] Plants that can specifically attack or repel orks
-[x][Hunters] Train
-[x][Skirmishers] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[x][1st Footmen] Guard
--[x] The base and sawmill
-[x][2nd Footmen] Guard
--[x] The docks
-[X][Levy] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action)
-[x][Captain] Train unit (must be taken with appropriate action)
--[x] Levy
-[X][Assistant] Recruitment : Replenish loses as far as financially possible.
[X][Purchase] Unit of bricks (250 denier)
[X][Contact] Any one you know
-[x] your financial wizard sister, ask regarding the war and its financial side. Send her a copy of our finances and expenditures and if she has financial advise for our settlement. Also, if she knows any willing investors businesses that may be interested.
-[X][Skirmishers] Shadow Footmen 1, try to get a drop on anyone who attacks them .80*(87+35) = 92
-[X][Footmen 1] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by. combat .90*(35+62 +10 -5) = 87
The enemy leader led from the front, speeding through your forces and slaying men with contemptible ease. Olivia failed to land a single blow against him, as he was definitely aware that he needed to avoid her despite her small figure. You aren't sure whether to be annoyed that he avoided her or grateful she didn't come to blows with someone that might well threaten her.
The enemy hero unit, huh. Given that they act as a force multiplier, we might want to take some risks.
Currently the idea is to mask Olivia's figure by giving her additional armor or something, and maybe have someone of small enough stature play her part on the battlefield? Try to catch them with the basic decoy ploy, it's not like there is much time to look closely once the combat begins.
That will likely have to wait until we replenish the losses. Thankfully, it's Winter now, so combat intensity will be low.
Can't think of much we could do to help the war. It is also sad to see that we are underusing out Contact options.
[x][Dockworkers] Commit to defending them
[x][OJ] Have Olivia let Julia examine her, it's for her own good really, and it's not like there's any point in hiding her nature. She shouldn't be so insecure.
[x] Plan Continue with Walls, treehouse and rabbits
-[x][Construction] Expand the moat around the new walls. There's very little cost involved, but it will be an enormous amount of labor. (1/6 actions, increases cost of further expansion)
-[x][Construction] Rebuild your treehouse watchtowers in the Overgrowth (50 Denier)
-[x][Construction] To keep your rabbits trapped will require bricks it seems. A brick lined rabbit pit could improve your output though. Maybe enough to sell furs as well. (Requires 1 unit of bricks, +50 denier in food, opens tanner, uses 1 space.)
-[X][Personal] Spend time with Nerissa 1d100 +25
--[x] Could she make a custom designed plant?
---[X] Plants that can specifically attack, target, hinder or repel orks
-[x][Hunters] Hunt for food, reduce upkeep by 50
-[x][Skirmishers] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[x][1st Footmen] Guard
--[x] The base and sawmill
-[x][2nd Footmen] Guard
--[x] The docks
-[X][Levy] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action)
-[x][Captain] Train unit (must be taken with appropriate action)
--[x] Levy
-[X][Assistant] Recruitment : Replenish loses as far as financially possible.
[X][Purchase] Unit of bricks (250 denier)
[X][Contact] Any one you know
-[x] your financial wizard sister, ask regarding the war and its financial side. Send her a copy of our finances and expenditures and if she has financial advise for our settlement. Also, if she knows any willing investors businesses that may be interested.
-[x][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Enchanter, Elite, Healer, Potioneer, Expert Horse Trainer, Civil Engineer) These units need special persuasion or negotiation so can't be hired in bulk. (Note this will involve traveling to them)
--[x] Ranger (elite)
Please look at our budget for this turn, and the one after.
We don't have the money for this. And not in the 'there are better ways to spend them' sense, either, but in the 'it's completely beyond our current capabilities' one.
They can't train without the captain, and he is already training the levy?
Please look at our budget for this turn, and the one after.
We don't have the money for this. And not in the 'there are better ways to spend them' sense, either, but in the 'it's completely beyond our current capabilities' one.
I am surprised that we didn't get addicted to the mind control fruit. Nor suffer from withdrawal.
Tho I approve of eating it. We could very well become more magical.
Made me think right away that it was to control pets, like rabbits that get mutated or changed. And than those rabbits mutate or mind control the wolves and so on. Till she rules the whole ecosystem.
The noble was already returned. The war started based on the insult anyway. Turning Nicola himself over might have stopped it before it started, but that wasn't acceptable, and now that the war is ongoing it's not likely to stop it anyway.
Hmm not to worry checked my spreadsheet, correct numbers were entered there, will edit those. (Was a result of not accounting for the lives saved with the potions the first time, but then later fixing it.)
Hmm, I could maybe see letting him train two units at once, but they'd have to be the same type I think. Training hunters and spearmen is too different to do at the same time.
No. Those are actually a fairly modern invention.
You were thoroughly addicted and too entranced to know it. The elder dryad purged all the negative effects and bypassed the withdrawal.
The noble was already returned. The war started based on the insult anyway. Turning Nicola himself over might have stopped it before it started, but that wasn't acceptable, and now that the war is ongoing it's not likely to stop it anyway.
Hmm not to worry checked my spreadsheet, correct numbers were entered there, will edit those. (Was a result of not accounting for the lives saved with the potions the first time, but then later fixing it.)
Hmm, I could maybe see letting him train two units at once, but they'd have to be the same type I think. Training hunters and spearmen is too different to do at the same time.
can we negotiate with the dryads to help us with the orcs? do the dryads leave them alone when they march through their groves? do orcs talk to the dryads? can we capture orcs by the way?
Can we build training grounds that would allow the captain to train more units simultaneously, and do it better?
And find some peasants who can be trained into levies.
can we negotiate with the dryads to help us with the orcs? do the dryads leave them alone when they march through their groves? do orcs talk to the dryads? can we capture orcs by the way?
Unlikely. Most of the dryads live in the inner circle of the Overgrowth and thus no one passes through their groves, as that's a far greater death trap than the main portion of the forest. They usually don't talk to anyone.
Can we build training grounds that would allow the captain to train more units simultaneously, and do it better?
And find some peasants who can be trained into levies.
I'm not too sure what you'd put on it besides the basic wood dummies and targets that you can just set up as needed. Empty space to drill on is pretty available as it is since most of your bailey is empty right now.
Recruiting some peasants and giving them basic training might be an option, but they don't exactly grow on trees. You'd have to negotiate with some other noble to give up some of their peasants. Keeping in mind those that they can spare for war are already spared. Then probably six months of basic training to even reach the level of +0 levies that you buy. And they'd still need equipment. You can definitely make savings on that, but probably not as dramatic as you're thinking.
I'm not too sure what you'd put on it besides the basic wood dummies and targets that you can just set up as needed. Empty space to drill on is pretty available as it is since most of your bailey is empty right now.
Recruiting some peasants and giving them basic training might be an option, but they don't exactly grow on trees. You'd have to negotiate with some other noble to give up some of their peasants. Keeping in mind those that they can spare for war are already spared. Then probably six months of basic training to even reach the level of +0 levies that you buy. And they'd still need equipment. You can definitely make savings on that, but probably not as dramatic as you're thinking.
We certainly can do spear/axe&shield levies - and as for "What would be there"... Well, aforementioned dummies and targets. Some sort of armory to hold training equipment. Cots and a nurse on-site, for inevitable accidents. Maybe some sort of obstacle course and/or wooden prop of a fortification.
And as for peasants... No refugees from war-torn areas of Tedora went north?
So lets se, people trew away the hypno fruit, used the potions, wasted time trying for better shipwrigths, we still don't have a horse trainer and the military action was pyrrhic.
I often wonder if the most frustanting thing is the poor rolls or decisions.
[X][Dockworkers] Commit to defending them
Is simple cheaper than paying double
[X][OJ] Have Olivia let Julia examine her, it's for her own good really, and it's not like there's any point in hiding her nature. She shouldn't be so insecure.
[X] Plan Finaly Flying
-[X][Construction] Rebuild your treehouse watchtowers in the Overgrowth (50 Denier)
-[X[Construction] You don't need a steady supply of bricks for your current operation. But you do have a number of things you could use them for. Produce a unit of bricks.
-[X][Construction] To keep your rabbits trapped will require bricks it seems. A brick lined rabbit pit could improve your output though. Maybe enough to sell furs as well. (Requires 1 unit of bricks, +50 denier in food, opens tanner, uses 1 space.)
-[X][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Expert Horse Trainer)
-[X][Personal] Investigate what's happened with your siblings.
-[X][Hunters] Train
-[X][Skirmishers] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Footmen 1] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
--[X] Olivia Helps
-[X][Footmen 2] Guard
--[X] The docks
-[X][Levy] Guard
--[X] The base and sawmill
-[X][Captain] Train unit Hunters
-[X][Purchase] Fill warehouse with supplies (350/1000)
--[X] 150
-[X][Assistant] Recruitment? One Levy (400) and replenish one Footman(180)
The important thing her is finaly getting the horse training so we stop wasting a flying scout, learning what our siblings are doing so we can talk with then, somethin that already helped us a lot, and get another Levy since we will need someone to sit on the docks full time and that would be a waste of footman.
Ah, a tangible problem we could try to solve with Nerissa. We need a tree that gives peasant fruit.
Also Tevaria is losing this war because our ancestors forgot the key to survival: blob moar, or be out-blobbed. It works in CK2, it would have worked in TWE I'm sure.
@inverted_helix you didnt answer my questions regarding orcs and if we can capture any for interrogation.. can they speak our language by the way?
Anyway, my previous turn plan is basically the same as this plan,. I didnt vote for the winning plan the previous turn since i thought my plan was a good one. Also i wont give up on that elite Ranger.
If Nerissa can do that we might as well try for wood golems.
I think we should invest in a horse trainer ASAP to actually make use of the pegasus. It will probably take some time to train it anyway and it is a lot cheaper than the ranger.
I am more worried about what to do to keep our units intact with the amount of forces brought to bear against them. As it is, we can't go on patrols for fear of being picked apart.
[][Stance] Dispersed as you were, keep raiding as suppressed as possible, highest casualties.
[][Stance] Concentrated, fewer stronger patrols, raiding more prevalent, moderate casualties.
[][Stance] Whole units only, raiding almost unhindered, low casualties. Are you even doing your job?
[X][Dockworkers] Commit to defending them
Is simple cheaper than paying double
[X][OJ] Have Olivia let Julia examine her, it's for her own good really, and it's not like there's any point in hiding her nature. She shouldn't be so insecure.
[X] Plan Finaly Flying
-[X][Construction] Rebuild your treehouse watchtowers in the Overgrowth (50 Denier)
-[X[Construction] You don't need a steady supply of bricks for your current operation. But you do have a number of things you could use them for. Produce a unit of bricks.
-[X][Construction] To keep your rabbits trapped will require bricks it seems. A brick lined rabbit pit could improve your output though. Maybe enough to sell furs as well. (Requires 1 unit of bricks, +50 denier in food, opens tanner, uses 1 space.)
-[X][Personal] Recruit one Specialist unit (Expert Horse Trainer)
-[X][Personal] Investigate what's happened with your siblings.
-[X][Hunters] Train
-[X][Skirmishers] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Footmen 1] Patrol, reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[X][Footmen 2] Guard
--[X] The docks
-[X][Levy] Guard
--[X] The base and sawmill
-[X][Captain] Train unit Hunters
-[X][Purchase] Fill warehouse with supplies (350/1000)
--[X] 150
-[X][Assistant] Recruitment? One Levy (400) and replenish one Footman(180)
We certainly can do spear/axe&shield levies - and as for "What would be there"... Well, aforementioned dummies and targets. Some sort of armory to hold training equipment. Cots and a nurse on-site, for inevitable accidents. Maybe some sort of obstacle course and/or wooden prop of a fortification.
And as for peasants... No refugees from war-torn areas of Tedora went north?
I suppose I can add a single action thing for building that. Guess it would take a little time to make that stuff.
[][Construction] Build a training ground for your personnel. Some targets, some dummies, and obstacle course, and a big area set aside to practice on. Grants a bonus to training. (1 action, 50 denier, 2 space)
People displaced would head further into their own country, not into the enemy's.
Also Tevaria is losing this war because our ancestors forgot the key to survival: blob moar, or be out-blobbed. It works in CK2, it would have worked in TWE I'm sure.
Ah I thought you were having that question in reference to getting a dryad to catch one for you. Catching someone alive is far more difficult than killing them. You can try to capture one, but it will be pretty difficult. In terms of language they do speak a different one, but that isn't an insurmountable problem.
By the way, can we contact our bro for a repeat performance in the winter and book our other bro for moving bro into position?
Or hiring some veterans (Or detaching veterans from our formations) - not healthy enough for combat would do - to form a group dedicated to training peasants into levies and, eventually, footmen/skirmishers?
Also, since we got port & drydock... Can we invest into fishers?
By the way, can we contact our bro for a repeat performance in the winter and book our other bro for moving bro into position?
Or hiring some veterans (Or detaching veterans from our formations) - not healthy enough for combat would do - to form a group dedicated to training peasants into levies and, eventually, footmen/skirmishers?
Also, since we got port & drydock... Can we invest into fishers?
Alright, i'm not convinced with the other plan regarding the use of a horse trainer to train the pegasi as a scout from the sky, for the reason that the forest is that dense and the trees move. If this was a plain or if there is a clearing, sure i'll vote for it. But for now, better ask our dryad on how to make the forest work for us against the orks... or just hire an elite ranger that can not only train our hunters in woodland warfare but also as a new sounding board for our plans in the woods.
Edit: as to the war, well, the only way that we can help is making sure that our father does not worry about our border here. If we somehow by some sort of miracle managed to hire the orcs to attack the neighboring nation or to make an orkish invasion seem like a real possibility to other nations then they may allow us to sue for a better peace.
Alright, i'm not convinced with the other plan regarding the use of a horse trainer to train the pegasi as a scout from the sky, for the reason that the forest is that dense and the trees move. If this was a plain or if there is a clearing, sure i'll vote for it. But for now, better ask our dryad on how to make the forest work for us against the orks... or just hire an elite ranger that can not only train our hunters in woodland warfare but also as a new sounding board for our plans in the woods.
If there is any pattern to how the trees move, it would be best seen from the air. We can also spot abnormalities like clearings.
However the best use of the pegasus is to recon the enemy base like in most RTS. We should be able to observe the orc encampment from above the edge of the forest if we have to.
The orcs have clearly been using their intel on our forces to great effect, we should use this opportunity to get good affordable intel without the risk of a Ranger hero getting an arrow to the vitals. Dense forest helps here because orc scouts in the forest may not detect the pegasus, let alone hit it.