King Arthur
The Once and Future King
I was talking more about what you said in the Infamous part. That's the most clearly wrong and you know it.
If I can't make moral decisions difficult down every route then I have failed as a writer in the superhero genre. The Infamous route is not particularly special in a moral sensibility.
I suppose you're right about the overarching plot thing though in the sense that, yeah, fixing the city is a pretty large overarching plot. Thought you were talking about something different there.
As for the rest
I'm sorry, I can't remember anything else I was gonna say. I got distracted by some of the story lines that I've been cooking up and trying to figure out if it would work better with the city as it is post-Infamous event or without the Infamous event.
I need to go meditate on this right away.
Oh, man, I forgot how cool some of these idea's were. I mean, some of them are pretty silly/gimmicky/contrived and I might not use them, but some of these are gonna be a lot of fun.
Well, I hope they'll be a lot of fun.
Scuse me, I need to go
Yes, that's what I'm doing.
I really wish I had some action figures right now.