The Web of Peter Parker

At a guess. Museum, and a little bit of Omnitech?
I was talking more about what you said in the Infamous part. That's the most clearly wrong and you know it.

If I can't make moral decisions difficult down every route then I have failed as a writer in the superhero genre. The Infamous route is not particularly special in a moral sensibility.

I suppose you're right about the overarching plot thing though in the sense that, yeah, fixing the city is a pretty large overarching plot. Thought you were talking about something different there.

As for the rest


I'm sorry, I can't remember anything else I was gonna say. I got distracted by some of the story lines that I've been cooking up and trying to figure out if it would work better with the city as it is post-Infamous event or without the Infamous event.

I need to go meditate on this right away.

Oh, man, I forgot how cool some of these idea's were. I mean, some of them are pretty silly/gimmicky/contrived and I might not use them, but some of these are gonna be a lot of fun.

Well, I hope they'll be a lot of fun.

Scuse me, I need to go fantasize scuse me daydream scuse me, ahem, "Plan out the story lines some more".

Yes, that's what I'm doing.


I really wish I had some action figures right now.
I was talking more about what you said in the Infamous part. That's the most clearly wrong and you know it.

If I can't make moral decisions difficult down every route then I have failed as a writer in the superhero genre. The Infamous route is not particularly special in a moral sensibility.
Ah, I meant that in the sense that morality would influence powers (like the games). Not that it would stand out morally from the other routes.

I'm sorry, I can't remember anything else I was gonna say. I got distracted by some of the story lines that I've been cooking up and trying to figure out if it would work better with the city as it is post-Infamous event or without the Infamous event.

I need to go meditate on this right away.

Oh, man, I forgot how cool some of these idea's were. I mean, some of them are pretty silly/gimmicky/contrived and I might not use them, but some of these are gonna be a lot of fun.

Well, I hope they'll be a lot of fun.

Scuse me, I need to go fantasize scuse me daydream scuse me, ahem, "Plan out the story lines some more".

Yes, that's what I'm doing.


I really wish I had some action figures right now.
Good good. let the ideas flow through you.
Well, I'm gonna call it 2 or so hours, but if it changes anyone's mind the Infamous option will have at least a little bit of Jet Set Radio in it.
Alright there's about a half hour left before lucky said he'd call it so I'm just going to say one more thing to try and get people to switch from future fair to Infamous Spider-Man.

Just because the Infamous choice isn't as obviously tech-based as the Future Fair choice doesn't mean that Peter won't have the chance to perform scientific experiments. He'll still be a genius who can build various gadgets to improve his capabilities, and the, let's call it a "Pulse", will give him a chance to develop something that is completely new and is wholly his.

Furthermore, by developing our own stuff based on the "Pulse", we may be able to establish Peter as an innovative and genius inventor before he ever meets some of the names on the Future Fair list, which will allow him to be considered a pioneer in a new field, and someone who is in general worth listening to.

Basically, the Future Fair may get us connections, but the "Pulse" will get us the world.
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Why does SV likes science so much?really its getting kinda silly how they always vote for the obvious science option.
Why does SV likes science so much?really its getting kinda silly how they always vote for the obvious science option.
If it was just a matter of 'SV always picks the SCIENCE! option' I'd probably be less annoyed, I usually like that too after all. My main issue is that I don't want everything I read to be that. Plus none of the Future Fair voters have made any attempts to convince us that their choice is the best beyond petty stuff like "I want to become friends with 'Person X'" or "SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE!!!", which could probably be done in most of the options if we put some effort in.

Plus it also seems like no one was interested in any of my reasons for voting the way I did because I don't think anyone has changed their vote since I posted them. And I worked really hard on them too :(
[x] First day back in High School after summer break. Chance for me to turn my life around, make some friends, maybe even get a girlfriend. Then the city exploded.
I think that everyone who provided actual reasons for their vote should have them count as 2
It's not actually wrong to make decisions casually in this type of setting. Weighted votes would alienate casual players.

Plus it also seems like no one was interested in any of my reasons for voting the way I did because I don't think anyone has changed their vote since I posted them. And I worked really hard on them too :(
There's got to be a fallacy that says people are less likely to change their minds once they have expressed them. Can't remember what it's called thou.
Fact is it's a lot harder to get people to change their minds than it is to persuade them before they do.
So the score is now 12-14 with the horrible, boring future fair having a slight lead over the Incredibly Awesome Infamous Spider-Man of Coolness. Anyone who wants to change their vote, or cast their vote if they haven't already, should probably do so pretty quickly.

There's got to be a fallacy that says people are less likely to change their minds once they have expressed them. Can't remember what it's called thou.
Fact is it's a lot harder to get people to change their minds than it is to persuade them before they do.
I like to think that a well reasoned argument can convince a person to change their mind, especially if it isn't one of their most firmly held beliefs. You just have to figure out what the best argument to convince them is.
Not arguing that it is impossible.
Only that it is a lot harder once they already have a opinion.

Not to mention that convincing people supposes that everybody reads every post.
I don't do that on every quest I play at.
[X] First day back in High School after summer break. Chance for me to turn my life around, make some friends, maybe even get a girlfriend. Then the city exploded.
Really? Wasn't it 12-14? With the latest change it's a tie aldready.

If I made a mistake in counting I'd love to hear it, but by my count it was 12-14 after Timaeus' super-cool vote, and edmantgoog's super-awesome vote brings it up to 13-14...

Now if you'd like to switch your vote to the Infamous option then it'll still be 13-14, but in a way that would make me and many others very happy :)
I'm curious about your style of gaming but we will see I suppose.

Future Fair, with the best and brightest minds in the planet. All the big shots are gonna be there. Charles Xavier, Norman Osborn, Curt Conners, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Otto Octavius, Tony Stark, Hank McCoy, and dozens more. There's even a section for people who registered ahead of time, like me, to show off some of the things they've worked on.

By the way, are the avengers or the x-men have been around for long at this timeline? I liked that 616 Spider-Man was one of the first ones in the business not taking anyone's crap.

[X] Some of the pictures you've taken are being exhibted in the MET.

When in doubt,go with what you think you know.

I would vote infamous but it reminds me of too much "Freak accident,responsibility so can't actually decide to be better myself" Peter.

Unless,the count is wrong or some other thing, 13-13 now.
[X] First day back in High School after summer break. Chance for me to turn my life around, make some friends, maybe even get a girlfriend. Then the city exploded.

Because Infamous! Peter is infinitely more interesting to me than the Science Fair option.
[X] First day back in High School after summer break. Chance for me to turn my life around, make some friends, maybe even get a girlfriend. Then the city exploded.

Because Infamous! Peter is infinitely more interesting to me than the Science Fair option.

Does anyone have that gif of that guy from spongebob screaming YES!? Because that's how I feel right now.
[X] Some of the pictures you've taken are being exhibted in the MET.

When in doubt,go with what you think you know.

I would vote infamous but it reminds me of too much "Freak accident,responsibility so can't actually decide to be better myself" Peter.

Unless,the count is wrong or some other thing, 13-13 now.
Actually i do not really think that will happen, first of all the way its described Peter is in no way responsable for the explosion....directly as far as we know, and when you have to protect your friends and family and scrap as much as you can to survive while still trying to hold on to your ideals then there really shouldnt be much time available for Guilty Parker fest, besides its all about how you play his characterization no? if you choose to have his guilt or focus on the here and now....
Much relies on how much Lucky wants write angst. (I am hopeful)

Also SV does tend to vote for "woe is me" options occasionally.
Somehow non-angsty is equated with unmoral.
I'm also not a fan of fallout or prototype style of gaming for Peter. But whatever.We will see. By the way,Parker guilt doesn't need Peter being guilty of anything. That's why it's called Parker guilt.
[X] Future Fair, with the best and brightest minds in the planet. All the big shots are gonna be there. Charles Xavier, Norman Osborn, Curt Conners, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Otto Octavius, Tony Stark, Hank McCoy, and dozens more. There's even a section for people who registered ahead of time, like me, to show off some of the things they've worked on.
So the score is now 12-14 with the horrible, boring future fair having a slight lead over the Incredibly Awesome Infamous Spider-Man of Coolness. Anyone who wants to change their vote, or cast their vote if they haven't already, should probably do so pretty quickly.

I like to think that a well reasoned argument can convince a person to change their mind, especially if it isn't one of their most firmly held beliefs. You just have to figure out what the best argument to convince them is.

I chose the science fair because it sounds like it'd give us a pretty sure shot at a diverse array of superpowers. Additionally, there's a high chance of crossover with other marvel titles, which would allow us to explore the marvel universe outside of New York.

I didn't choose the explosion option because I don't really care about infamous. I've never played the game and don't have the emotional connection some people have to it. The city being destroyed might be interesting, but I'd really rather go with the superpower roulette and the chance to explore the greater marvel universe.