The Weaving Force

Not really... the doors warped a little bit, but they HELD. The problem is that the WALLS they were attached were not reinforced.
That happens a LOT for some reason.

If you've never watched the movie R.E.D. with Bruce Willis, there's a scene where he has to get passed a reinforced steel door with a combination lock. He doesn't know the combination, so he bypasses the lock by literally punching through the basic bitch drywall next to the door handle, reaching through the hole, and unlocking the door from the other side.

It's kinda similar to what Vicky did here. Doors were excellent, walls were crap in comparison.
I know that, but considering that those doors were supposed to be able to withstand an orbital bombardment, the fact that Vicky's strength managed to make them bend even somewhat shows that they wouldn't have held against an actual orbital bombardment.
I know that, but considering that those doors were supposed to be able to withstand an orbital bombardment, the fact that Vicky's strength managed to make them bend even somewhat shows that they wouldn't have held against an actual orbital bombardment.
I can't disagree without sounding nitpicky, so I agree with where you're coming from there.
I know that, but considering that those doors were supposed to be able to withstand an orbital bombardment, the fact that Vicky's strength managed to make them bend even somewhat shows that they wouldn't have held against an actual orbital bombardment.

Ok. Vicky's "raw strength" is 14 tons; that's true. But remember she can also fly and accelerate from 0 to 100 at *literally* one split second to the next, with nothing in between those two extremes.

So Vicky's impact damage, amplified by that sheer speed, and the fact that its concentrated in an area the size of a fist- I'm no physicist but I'm 90% sure those 14 tons get multiplied by *A LOT* when Vicky has the luxury of a stationary target that isn't actively trying to shoot her in the face.

Its effectively a literally unbreakable object (for the split second it hits you) being smashed into those doors with 14 tons of force at 100 mph.

It's like I said *a lot*
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Ok, we're getting nitpicky, but in a good way. I can work with this. Let's take a look for a second at what constitutes Orbital Bombardment in the Star Wars universe.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the vast majority of ship based weapons are lasers/thermal, ionic/electrical, or missiles, right? When was the last time you saw a large ship in Star Wars using Kinetic rounds? When she gets moving, Vicky basically IS a kinetic round, and all that force is concentrated to an area the size of her fist.

Vicky's kind of an out of context problem from a defensive standpoint. Sure, the doors are rated to tank damage from orbital bombardment, but how well are they rated for handling lightsaber wielding Alexandria Packages? :thonk: Just my two cents. Thoughts?
Chapter 93
Chapter 93:

Obi Wan:

Master Hebert moved to the center of the platform, the wind atop the highest canopies gently catching her robes and dark hair. Obi-Wan watched her carefully, both with his eyes and in the Force, sensing the tremble in the latter. A great disturbance, rippling out from here, specifically.

Hebert's power was pressed tightly around her, contained and compressed into little more than a sphere of Force energy that, to his mind's eye, shimmered like a heat haze surrounding her body.

The younger woman turned, glancing up at the clear blue Kashyyyk sky before facing them. "I've never called her with others so physically close. I'm not sure how this might affect you."

Her placid mask was in place, unflappable and unmoving. For all their years of friendship, Obi-Wan could never really tell what she was thinking when she did this; these moments where her very form seemed chiseled out of unfeeling stone.

But then she let out a breath, as though trying to huff away the tension that was coiling inside of her, shoulders sagging, head dropping.

"She probably doesn't want to hurt you." The woman said. "But brace yourselves anyway, cause it'll feel like it on your end."

And that was the last warning they were given before that tightly compressed sphere of Force power cracked.

Halis Vushan

It was strange how one could be both incredibly eager, and also incredibly nervous.

And fascinated. There was certainly that too.

A part of him, a surprisingly large part truth be told, wished he could be there with the other Masters. If not to participate, at least to observe. Dallon and Hebert were, as far as he knew, unique subjects in the entire history of the Order.

No one else had a massively powerful entity within them that granted them special abilities and - in Master Hebert's case - enhanced their Force capabilities.

At least when one dismissed examples involving possession by the restless spirits of ancient Sith.

It needed to be recorded.

But, alas, his curiosity as a doctor and scientist had to be pushed aside. The Council had been firm, stating that it was too potentially dangerous.

More than that, Master Hebert had been firm.

His job was to look after Padawans Karla and Ahsoka.

It wasn't a hard task, really, not the least of which because he had help.

"It's hot." Asimov complained, then smacked the back of his neck, grimacing. "And there are too many damn bugs without the Commander around."

"It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Orwell chuckled. "You're just being whiny."

Ahsoka smirked. "What!? Asimov? Complaining with no tech nearby? Never."

"Oh, ha-ha." The clone grunted as his squadmates laughed at his expense.

Halis had dealt with children frequently as part of his work, and in situations like this, he often found distractions were a tried and sure way to keep children out of trouble.

It also allowed him an opportunity to confirm something.

He had a rough outline of how the events of the day would go with Master Hebert and the Council. They would fly out to a meditation platform that was an almost excessive distance away by his estimation, but he was hardly an expert.

Still, the travel time allowed him to easily invite the two Padawans to a late breakfast, making idle chatter and watching as young Ahsoka tried to speculate on just what exactly this whole trip was about.

The clones didn't seem to have any idea, With Weber shrugging and saying: "Some Force mumbo-jumbo. As long as the Commander's alright by the end of it, who cares?" And he seemed sincere in that.

Karla speculated with Ahsoka at least, but his senses picked up the faint traces of… if not lies, then obfuscation.

The young Twi'lek, it seemed, had more of an idea than she let on and was protecting her Master.

He did not have enough information to know if this mindset of hers was harmful or not, and so he was willing to hold his silence for the time being.

The Wookiee cuisine was a simple affair. Meats, whole vegetables., and some fruits for dessert. Simple, but unbelievably filling. Not the least of which was due to the sheer portion sizes.

Ten to twelve foot tall bear people tended to fill their plates… and the actual plates themselves were rather... immense at that.

Who'd have guessed?

The clones loved it, especially the meats, exotic steaks from beasts they'd never even heard of. Orwell remarked that if Commander Vicky were here she'd join them in celebrating a 'glorious plate of a balanced meat diet', or somesuch.

He got the feeling it was an inside joke of some sort.

Somewhat… predictably, neither he nor the girls were able to fully finish their meals, leaving little over half, but they did take them with them to eat later. The wookiee 'packaging' were tightly wound leaves, bound together with string. It was very novel, for him at least.

After that, he was fairly proud of himself for getting the girls to want to spar together, all the while making it seem like it was Ahsoka's idea. The young Togruta was even insistent by the end.

Yes, it was manipulative, but harmless - and useful.

"Buth of your sabers are set to stun?"

"Yep." "Yes Master." Both girls answered, Ahsoka even going so far as to present them to him for inspection, young Karla following her example after a moment.

They were indeed set to stun. After making an exaggerated show of examining them he offered a nod, and both girls took their places in the practice ring.

Ahsoka was grinning, her simple joy at having someone to practice with showing easily on her face.

By contrast, Karla's features were utterly placid… much like her Master. And that alone confirmed what he'd begun to suspect.

Now the only real question was if Master Hebert was actively contributing to that emulation, or if it was something Karla was beginning to mimic herself for… any number of potential reasons.

"Do your best, little Commanders." The clones cheered from the sidelines.

"Ten credits on the non-human Padawan." Weber cheekily called.

Halis did understand it as a joke that time. Both girls were, of course, non-human. Clever.

He cleared his throat. "The fight will be decided upon the first blow to connect." He called. "Do your best, Padawans, but remember that this is a practice bout. You're not meant to hurt each other."

"Yes, sir." They chorused, neither taking their eyes off the other.


The two young women fell into their stances. Halis was no Blademaster, not even by the most generous definition of the term, but he could recognize the opening stances of the seven forms well enough. Young Ahsoka was, of course, utilizing two sabers but the hallmarks of Ataru were seen easily in the foundation of her form. Also mixed in with something else? He doubted someone as renowned as Skywalker, one of Dooku's students, would allow his Padawan to have a form full of mistakes, so there must have been some extra element that he couldn't quite see.

By contrast, Karla's stance was simple and straightforward, but he could also recognize two distinct foundational styles mixing together; Shien and Makashi of all things.

The clones whooped and hollered. Ahsoka was the first to move, and her excitement was easy to see, her emotions being worn on her sleeve as she rushed forward.

The Togruta wasted no time, swallowing the distance and opening with a flurry of swings. One to the head, another to the leg.

Karla deflected both, sidestepping a third with controlled, minimal movement.

Ahsoka was faster, stronger, older, and she had the reach advantage even with her blades held in a reverse grip. It looked like the young Twi'lek barely had time to recover from her previous block before she needed to deflect another.

When Ahsoka had an opening, she let loose with a viciously fast kick, one that clearly caught Karla by surprise from what he sensed in the Force, but even so the younger Padawan never once had her mask crack, staring at Ahsoka with a placid, almost half lidded stare that bordered on bored.

The kick was intercepted at the last moment, Karla's free elbow whipping out to smack solidly into Ahsoka's ankle, making the Togruta yelp with the sharp spike of unexpected pain that must've lanced up her foot.

She hopped away, but Karla wasn't willing to surrender her sudden advantage, her blade now easily switching from the defensive bladework of Shien to the offensive Makashi.

Ahsoka was reeling, and whatever tells may have given her insight into her opponent were hidden away, locked behind the icy shell of the Padawan's exterior mask that emulated her Master so well.

The little Twi'lek's blade suddenly increased in speed, the sheer volume of her attacks doubling. Ahsoka's defenses were on the verge of being overwhelmed before the Togruta shoved with all the focus she had left in her, a wave of Force energy sending the Twi'lek sailing back before she regained her footing, letting Ahsoka catch her breath.

It was genuinely unnerving, not being able to tell a single thing about her as he stared.

He imagined Ahsoka must've felt the same way.

He rubbed at his chin, his mind whirling with the possibilities of what this could mean.

"Excuse me," He whispered to the Clone Lieutenant. "Guelzo, was it?"

The clone nodded, keeping his voice down as he answered. "Aye, sir."

"I must know," He gestured. "Young Karla's… emotional control. Is this a recent change?"

The clone nodded. "Yeah. All smiles usually that one." He shrugged. "Guess we all have to grow up a bit. Too bad it had to be fracking Ilum that did it to her."

Ahh… well…


He would need to ask Master Hebert directly if she was-

Halis felt his heart stop.

Mid lunge, both girls went stiff and still.

The world beneath their feet, the very Force around them, shuddered.

Adi Gallia

Once, years ago, Master Adi Gallia had been one of the few to train here on Kashyyyk under Master Hebert's guiding eye.

She'd been one of five. Her partners for that training had been Master Ropal, Master Fisto, Master Kolar and Master Jun-Fan.

They needed to master their fear, so that it could never affect them in combat again.

Master Hebert's assignment had been to bring out that fear.

Even with four Jedi Masters at her side, even knowing that, at the time, they were fighting what was 'merely' a Knight in an exercise where they were safe, Adi found that fear ready to choke her.

Surrounded by the gloom and dark of the Shadowlands, cut off from all contact, beasts all around her that leapt from the night, threatening to devour them, all the while being hunted like prey animals never allowed a moment's respite. Each non-day brought a new horror, wound or strain.

Yes, she'd felt that fear

And at the end of it all, when she'd been nearly ready to surrender, her pride as a Council member and a Jedi master be damned, when she felt ready to give up…

There she'd been. Waiting for them.

The last thing they had to overcome.

Master Hebert had looked at them there as she looked at them now.

Like she was ready for a fight.

The memory made a shudder pass through her. Adi Gallia and the other Masters had emerged on the other side of that gauntlet with fresh understanding of themselves, and of Hebert. Some, like herself, for the better. Others, perhaps less so.

But the memory let her compare now to then.

Back then, Master Hebert had been cold. Pure cold. An icy void in the Force, surrounding them, binding them. A spider at the center of its web.

Now, now things were different. Adi could see it in her mind's eye. That signature in the Force. Her signature. Hebert's. Distinct and separate from this thing, this Queen Administrator.

A flame, surrounded by icy, gossamer thin threads; millions, if not billions, spreading out like strings of starlight.

Suddenly, it grew.

The threads lost their form, lost amidst a burgeoning power as Hebert's Force presence surged like an ocean swell in a storm. She, her fellow Masters and Knight Skywalker might have been instantly overwhelmed if not for Master Yoda. The tiny Grand Master acted immediately, like he'd fully expected this, his considerable strength rising to face the moment and match this thing, the two powers smashing into each other like a shield halting a hammer blow before Adi and the other Masters focused, joining in his efforts.

The instant her own power brushed against this icy cold wall she recoiled. It was like before, and yet somehow the memory had dulled the truth in her mind.

It was like an ocean battering down the shore, incomprehensibly vast, yet one knew it was only the mere surface of it, a fraction that they could see. They couldn't grasp the whole of it with a million hands or a million lifetimes.

The air crackled with electricity where the energy of the Masters and the power of the Queen Administrator met. Snapping like static, small bursts of forking lightning for now, but they were growing in intensity

Impossibly, Adi felt this power continue to swell, continue to rise and spread. It towered over them now, rising into the high skies of Kashyyyk above, spreading like an aurora in the Force.

It was deluge falling over them, crashing over them.

She, Master Bei-Shu, and even Obi-Wan strained against the pressure, Master Plo, Yaddle and Yoda increasing their efforts to shield them, taking on the brunt of this titanic effort.

The wroshyr platform shook and trembled under the combined energies, caught in the struggle. Wood that was stronger than durasteel groaned and creaked, chunks of it torn off from the edges of the platform with thunderous cracks as it was ripped apart and caught in the upswell now swirling around them. Leaves, rotten branches and debris began to dance and crash in the air surrounding the platform.

Adi winced as the flooring directly beneath their feet quaked and shuddered, the threat vibrating up their legs as she looked towards Master Hebert.

Still, the woman's expression did not shift. Her eyes were closed now, dark hair whipping across her face, the tresses rising in an unnatural wind, writhing like serpents. Only her hands moved, gesturing in a way Adi did not recognize.

She peered closer, not with her eyes, for they were useless, but with the Force itself.

Power threatened to blind her, raw energy crackling like lightning caught in a bottle as it forked and split in the air between Hebert and the Masters; the world around them quaked, the stars darkened as impossibly even more power converged and coalesced.

In the center, Hebert's tiny, flickering flame was struck and pierced, the force of the Queen Administrator lancing straight through her like a living lightning rod, glowing, suffused in this Force presence that quickly retreated from her, incapable of - or perhaps - refraining from… overwhelming her even as the woman remained utterly unflappable at what she must be feeling herself.

More of the platform came apart, sundered and shattered by invisible forces. With a thunderous crack that felt like a physical blow across her whole body, a great gouge was torn across the whole structure between Master Hebert and the other Masters, right along the dividing line where Yoda's power pushed against the Queen Administrator.

Next to her, Obi-Wan was forced to shunt aside a chunk of debris that would have smashed into them all. From their right, Master Plo caught a massive tree trunk in his own telekinetic grip before he tore it apart into harmless slivers of wood with a gesture of his clawed hand, sending the mess of slivers sailing over their heads with little more than a flutter of his robes as the skies darkened above them.

Master Yoda began to rise, hovering in the air, his tiny form belying the sheer bulwark that he was as he interposed himself between this thing, this uncontrollable singularity, and the rest of the Council.

Adi had never once believed the Jedi Grand Master could be overwhelmed. Never once believed he could ever fail.

He was Yoda.

He was nothing less than the greatest Jedi to have ever lived.

And yet, in this moment as the storm of power seemed to crackle and roil and still keep growing, she could feel the strain on him. The enormity of what he was attempting. In her limited view, through her unseeing eyes, even she could understand that this was like fighting a force of nature, and Master Yoda might just… fail.

Then, power reached the Grand Master. A fresh well of energy, vast and seemingly inexhaustible.

It took Adi Gallia a moment to recognize its source.

Knight Skywalker knelt upon the ground behind them, eyes shut in focus, his strength flowing out of him towards Master Yoda, Master Yaddle, Master Plo, and even herself, Obi-Wan and Bei-Shu, fueling their efforts as the bulwark that had been threatening to buckle and break under this sheer presence grew strong once more.

Lightning lanced out, a great discharge of the two opposing forces, and Master Yaddle was the one to push it aside. The tiny woman spread out her hands, sending the energies outwards, some towards the sky, others snapping into the wooden platform itself, letting it catch flame that quickly began to spread like a living, thinking entity in its own right.

At this rate, the platform wouldn't survive long enough for them to complete their task.

She dared one more glance at Hebert.

The woman's eyes were still closed, but Adi could see her hands were closer now, cupped together, as if trying to compress a ball.

Adi heard the brush of her thoughts across her own mind.

"I know. You've been practicing, right?"

Adi didn't hear the response, couldn't; the answer made pain lance across her mind boring through her skull like a migraine.

But still she had enough presence of mind to see Hebert's fingertips brush together, completing the circle.

Power rushed inward and…

And it was over…

The storm died; the world was still…

For a moment; she was confused, seeing nothing but Master Hebert standing amidst the ruin of what was once her meditation platform; slivers of wood, tree trunks and leaves beginning to rain down from above.

Master Yoda descended, his clawed feet touching the ground before he knelt, seemingly catching his breath as Master Plo knelt at his side, a clawed hand at the grandmaster's back.


The Force shuddered.

And she knew.

Hebert stood as still as a statue but her mind was an open door, a hand beckoning them forward to follow.

She hesitated, how couldn't she. But it was Master Yaddle who acted first, marching forward, hopping past the great sundering tear that had been formed during the struggle to reach Master Hebert's side.

The little old woman reached, placing her hand on Master Hebert's own… and followed, her spirit abandoning her body acting like a beacon for the rest of the Masters.

Master Yoda followed after a moment, Master Plo a second behind him.

Master Obi-Wan knelt at her side and quickly, he and Anakin followed their example, little fireflies chasing each other through the currents and eddies in the Force.

Master Gallia took a breath, steeling her resolve and offered what was hopefully a reassuring smile towards the very much shaken Master Bei-shu before she knelt at Obi-Wan's side and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again…

Halis Vushan:

It was like being witness to the collapse of a star.

That was the only way he could describe it.

He did not see it with his eyes, no, but in the Force.

He felt the waves of energy, the two Masters of the Kashyyyk Enclave defending them, shunting aside the brunt of these energies even this far away. Like rocks defending the shoreline from the crashing tide.

It was… incredible.

He was so enraptured he did not notice until he heard the shriek of engines overhead, a fighter howling as it rushed forward, that one of his charges and a handful of the clones were very suddenly missing.

He rounded on the remaining brothers. Orwell, their demolitions expert, shrugged. 'Innocently'.

"We're duty bound to obey the little commander's orders."


I could feel Power coursing through me. My body now a living, breathing conduit of energy, so much that it hurt. I could feel myself almost… floating in a sea of Starlight and Force power.

Even not meaning to. Even trying as much as she could… She was still dangerous.

If not for Master Yaddle holding my hand… and that was her. She was making sure that I knew. Because she understood. She could probably see it.

That I was on the verge of drifting away.

Maybe Yoda and Anakin could sense it too. But they must've been exhausted.

The Queen understood. And she'd tried very hard this time.

As much as she could.

I hope she succeeded.

I opened my eyes, my fingers squeezing on Yaddle's. Feeling her squeezing back, her presence in the Force enveloped me, anchoring me, a layer of oil to keep me away from the ocean that suffused my being entirely.

I opened my eyes and beheld the small ones that joined my host/me.

GreatTiny, flickeringSteady candleflamesFires that surrounded

We spoke.


It was one word. Only one. In my voice and yet not. Carrying meaning and yet limited. Confined.

The little onesMasters did not flinch… IWe were pleased.

IWe succeeded. IWe had not hurt them with our voice.

MyHer hand rose, placed against her chestbeing.

Our voice carried. Through the Force. Through a billion, trillion chittering legs and mouths and claws and wings. Through dimensions and thought and time.

"I… am the Administrator."

The small beings understood. That was good. That's what Ishewe wanted and had worked for.

WeSheI were close now.

The little ones could understand at long last.

"We. Are Khepri."


Say what you want about the Queen Administrator; but she learned well from that universe with the blue guy with the big head. =D

In all seriousness while this Kashyyyk chapter was filled with a lot of 'PRESENTATION' the next Kashyyyk chapter is *heavy* in terms of the amount of discussion its going to make in the community I have absolutely no doubt about that. There's A LOT of foreshadowing and even some answers many of you have been waiting for :3

As usual the next three chapters can be found on Patreon where we've reached the conclusion of both Kashyyyk and Nar-Shaddaa right now if you're interested, for just $1.00

We also have a discord and a Tropes page in the following two links

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.

So please, discuss away and hype yourselves up for the next three chapters because they're *all* fucking great IMO
And that was the last warning they were given before that tightly compressed sphere of Force power cracked.
Time to establish connection.
"It's hot." Asimov complained, then smacked the back of his neck, grimacing. "And there are too many damn bugs without the Commander around."
Damn you, summer!
"Ten credits on the non-human Padawan." Weber cheekily called.

Halis did understand it as a joke that time. Both girls were, of course, non-human. Clever.
"I must know," He gestured. "Young Karla's… emotional control. Is this a recent change?"

The clone nodded. "Yeah. All smiles usually that one." He shrugged. "Guess we all have to grow up a bit. Too bad it had to be fracking Ilum that did it to her."
Trying to imitate Taylor.
Knight Skywalker knelt upon the ground behind them, eyes shut in focus, his strength flowing out of him towards Master Yoda, Master Yaddle, Master Plo, and even herself, Obi-Wan and Bei-Shu, fueling their efforts as the bulwark that had been threatening to buckle and break under this sheer presence grew strong once more.
He was so enraptured he did not notice until he heard the shriek of engines overhead, a fighter howling as it rushed forward, that one of his charges and a handful of the clones were very suddenly missing.
Dammit, Karla.
Well, Taylor won't be happy with that name choice.
Adi had never once believed the Jedi Grand Master could be overwhelmed. Never once believed he could ever fail.

He was Yoda.

He was nothing less than the greatest Jedi to have ever lived.

And yet, in this moment as the storm of power seemed to crackle and roil and still keep growing, she could feel the strain on him. The enormity of what he was attempting. In her limited view, through her unseeing eyes, even she could understand that this was like fighting a force of nature, and Master Yoda might just… fail.
We're all so small, in the end...

And then QA was callin' all of 'em lil' ones, which made me chuckle. Very good chapter, enjoyed it quite a bit, eager to see what's next!

Well, Taylor won't be happy with that name choice.
They're one, it's what they are when they're that in sync with each other. This Taylor might not have had the experiences of canon, despite having the memories, but they are bonded together all the same, indivisible.
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So can an entity shard that has learned to use the force use it to answer the question there race always seeks to answer? And is that good or bad?

Also.. there is a very real possibility that I'd the Sith actually manage to kill Taylor queen administrator might go on a bit or a temper tantrum..
Also.. there is a very real possibility that I'd the Sith actually manage to kill Taylor queen administrator might go on a bit or a temper tantrum..
Funny thing that. You're making a very large assumption. Namely that QA would let Taylor die.

With what QA has to throw around, and no Cycle to follow, I think most things that people consider "the rules of reality" become more suggestions.
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I don't care what anyone says, I ship Alexandria and Palpatine. Their conversations together are perfect, and they're the only ones that can really handle each other.

Alexandria would be perfect for listening to Palpatine's evil plans, and then ruthlessly criticizing him on how to properly run an evil conspiracy across countless worlds.
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Palps runs everything in person despite being the Space PM. That has gotten him almost caught repeatedly.

Alexandria never had a problem being head of the PRT.
True but she also had the cheat code of Contessa to help her. also she did not need to be involved in a lot of what Cauldron was doing just kept up to speed and given a heads up on what to ignore for the path. that is a lot different than manipulate an entire galactic government to bow before you.
True but she also had the cheat code of Contessa to help her. also she did not need to be involved in a lot of what Cauldron was doing just kept up to speed and given a heads up on what to ignore for the path. that is a lot different than manipulate an entire galactic government to bow before you.

Right. But she also knew she had Contessa. It's a 'working within means' thing.
Chapter 94
Chapter 94:


The battle, if you could call it that, had collapsed into complete chaos.

Master Victoria had picked a fight with the Sith and half the Mandalorian Death Watch had chased after her, while a good chunk had rushed across the base, screaming out orders to wipe the data and destroy anything they could get their hands on.

The last few of them were still fighting.

And so the numbers that had seemed so overwhelming before, became much more manageable.

With eight Royal Guards, three Jedi, one Ventress, and one Mr. Dennis, the remaining Mandalorians were soon put on the backfoot and were being systematically overwhelmed. As the brunt of their return fire was deflected by lightsabers and their beskar pierced by specialized weaponry from the Royal Guards, Ventress lunged into their battle line with a fearsome, wrathful howl.

Iskt wasn't gonna go anywhere near that.

Still, the sheer numbers that had gone after her made him worried about his Master. Unlike most, he knew what the secret to her invincibility was and how it didn't quite guarantee absolute safety.

But, he also knew just how powerful she was. The rare few glimpses he'd seen of her sparring with Master Yoda, Master Windu or Miss Taylor still left him in awe, wondering if the day would ever come where he'd even get close to that.

But now wasn't the time for introspection.

Rushing forward, Iskt finally got within range of one of the Mandalorians, the man rounding on him with a burst of flame from his flamethrower.

Iskt ducked under it, the heat tingling his flesh where it drew close before his hand whipped out, grabbing hold of the Mandalorian's wrist to jerk the limb aside.

Lightsaber met vibroblade, the metal beginning to warp and melt from the heat. Whatever metal it was, it wasn't beskar.

The warrior kicked him to gain some distance, Iskt taking the blow to his chest, knocking him back but not really hurting him.

The hand that had grabbed the man's wrist lost its grip but immediately whipped around, lightning fast, to grab the ankle of his still extended foot.

Iskt pulled.

'You win however you need to,' Miss Taylor's voice rang in his mind. 'Whatever weapon, whatever tactic, whatever tool, whatever lie you have to do, you do that. You win. Because you're not allowed to die.'

The Mandalorian cursed, losing his footing as Iskt brought down his fist still holding the lightsaber, smashing straight down into his helmeted face.

'When you're strong enough that you can break the people you're fighting, you'd think that you'd have to hold back. But sometimes, the opposite is true. The longer the fight drags on, the more you're rolling the dice every time you need to make contact, the more you run the risk that the pulled punch wasn't quite as pulled as you'd have liked. If the dice ever roll against you, that's a broken neck, that's him hitting his head on a sharp corner, or snapping his spine on a bad fall. When you hit them, you make sure they can't make you roll that dice again. You hit them hard enough that you're sure they're not getting up for a while even if they want to.

The impact was strong, the beskar crushing one of his fingers. He felt the bone shift, his digit crack. It hurt, but the pain was secondary. the Mandalorian's head whipped downwards, cracking solidly against the steel floor, dazed and groaning with the impact.

Iskt wondered for a moment if he should use his lightsaber, cut off a limb, maybe injure him worse. The man could still feasibly recover and stand up.

Then the decision was taken out of his hands.

Two shots, slipping through the openings of his armor, courtesy of a royal guard, made the Mandalorian warrior tense and go still underneath him. He spared a glance at the royal guard in question before his attention was drawn back to the fight at hand.

Ventress was tearing into the mob, taking on three of the Death Watch Mandalorians at a time. The woman was a furnace of fury, burning still with the fear of her near death just minutes before. Iskt made a note to keep an eye on her. Master Anjr and Knight Lisen were providing support with their Force powers, pulling metal plates from the wall to act as moving cover, their own blades providing protection as the Mandalorian royal guards moved behind them. It looked like something they'd practiced, and he wondered just how closely the Master of the Mandalore Enclave was working with the royal house to have these men pull off these battlefield maneuvers so comfortably.

Either way, between their efforts the first room was cleared, then the second. The thin Mandalorian rear guard collapsed utterly even as Iskt could still hear the sound of combat in the compound ahead. His Master.

"We need to find out what they were doing here!" He heard Mr. Dennis shout, blaster barking as he fired at the last few holdouts. "We can't let them purge that data!"

A Mandalorian rushed the human slave runner, but Mr. Dennis' hand slapped at his helmet. Iskt winced, cold blooming across his senses, a sudden void in the Force emerging around the Mandalorian's head, concentrated around his frozen helmet. The other two Jedi were similarly affected, almost visibly recoiling at the sensation.

The Mandalorian with the frozen helmet choked, lurching in place as his suddenly unmoving helmet nearly snapped his neck, barely having the time to react before Mr. Dennis placed that blaster flush against his knee, past the beskar plating, and opened fire.

Iskt could hear his howl of agony from here, even muffled as it was, trapped in the inviolable helmet cage.

"We have to find their server roo-"

Iskt's senses flared in the Force, and he brought his green blade up in time to deflect a shot from the rafters above, reaching with the Force with one hand outstretched before pulling.

The catwalks came apart, metal crumpling, torn down from its moorings and bolted plates. There was a scream of fear and a small, armored body falling from its perch.

Master Anjr's Force presence reached out, catching the falling victim before letting her fall the last foot or so with a heavy crash of armor on metal.

The Trogodile Master stepped forward, green blade in hand. "Surrender, child." He demanded. "You won't be harmed."

The Mandalorian who, Iskt realized, was indeed a child, though honestly given human sizes she may have been older than him, scrambled away, rushing to get to her feet as her hands fumbled for the blaster that had fallen beside her.

Iskt rushed forward, a burst of speed letting him swallow the distance until it vanished in an eyeblink.

Words of warning from both his teachers and his own experience swimming across his thoughts.

His clawed foot stomped down, the bracers of her beskar taking the weight and force, but still the girl cried out as her arm was suddenly and violently pinned to the floor.

"Don't try it." He warned.

He could feel her frustration, her rage and anger. Surface thoughts flitted across his senses as she tried to think of any number of ways she could still escape.

His eyes followed her thoughts, trailing to her right boot, catching sight of a bone knife sheathed there.

He knelt slowly, making sure to keep most of his weight on the leg pinning her arms to the floor as he reached over towards the knife.

The Mandalorian child started to struggle, thrashing under him and spitting out a string of curses and creative descriptions of his ancestry he half caught.

Still, his weight was far too much for her to shove off, especially with no leverage. A single kick nearly caught him in the cheek but pulling back he avoided it.

Cheekily he answered. "My mother is a saint." He rumbled. Having never met the woman he had no idea if that was true, but using Miss Taylor and Miss Victoria as a measuring stick couldn't hurt.

Though judging by the sounds of combat and the screams of pain emanating from Master Dallon's fight, saint might be pushing it.

He eyed the bone knife now in his hand; some primal part of him could appreciate such a thing.

Master Anjr marched up to him. "It's alright, Padawan." The Trogodile hissed, reaching them to place a hand on Iskt's shoulder. "She's been disarmed."


He'd fought many beings in his life. Battled across many wars.

Mercenary. Bodyguard. For honor. For money. For clan, or the simple joy of killing a worthy foe.

He knew all their faces. All the looks they had.

Some were afraid. Some determined. Others were confident, stupidly so.

But there were a few, a rare few, that stood on the field of battle as though it was solely theirs.

Dallon reminded him right now of those few.

He could see it there; that small smile on her face, her eyes darting slowly, counting her opposition, deciding then and there who she would eliminate first.

She didn't just feel in control.

She was in control.

His grip tightened on the haft of his warglaive. The powered servos of the armor growling like a tiger on some jungle world, cornered and dangerous as his men spread out as much as they could.

Then, Dallon was ready.

She shifted her weight, the blue blade cutting a line through the air as it fell to her side, the tip nearly touching the floor.

Then she exploded forward.

Reflex and instinct made him move, thrusting with the glaive straight onto a target he could barely see, her body a blur of motion to his old eyes, only to see her swerve past it, along the outside of his guard.

He jerked his arm to the side, trying to deliver an elbow to her face, only for the lightsaber in her hand to intercept the limb, the armor crackling against her blade as she held the weapon and armor plate a mere millimeter from her smirking face.

It wasn't the blade he had to worry about.

His other arm moved down, across his torso, the energy shield blooming across the surface a split second before he felt the impact of her hidden punch crash into his arm. The blow rocked up the whole limb, shock absorbers and kinetic dampeners barely saving him as pain radiated out of the point of impact, sparks flying from servos that damn near ruptured as the full force of the punch went up and into his shoulder before he and seven tons of power armor were sent sailing across the room like a cheap toy.

He smashed into the far wall, vision obscured by upturned dust and debris as his men opened fire in a frenzied deluge of blaster bolts.

Even through the dust and grit, he could see Dallon dancing through the multi-colored rain.

Her blade twirled and spun, deflecting anything that might hit her, and her body stepping between the gaps of the bolts her blade didn't bother catching. Her little, barely there smirk not even twitching as she made a mockery of their efforts.

Yoshiro snarled, peeling himself free of the wall to join the fight again as Dallon took to the skies.


She'd always loved… fighting.

When she was younger, it was the rush. The heady superiority of being Glory Girl. The hero of Brockton Bay.

Of course, the Protectorate had Armsmaster but he could be transferred out, they all could. She was the local girl. Brockton Bay was hers and she had the power to prove it.

Even Lung, if she caught him early enough, was someone she could have knocked flat on his fucking ass. Kaiser too.

There was something to be said about being at the top of the world. The center of attention.

Or pretending to.

Now, after many years of self evaluations, long conversations with Taylor and introspection, she knew that wasn't the whole story. A mixture of teenage invincibility and a deep seeted mess of issues regarding her own insecurities and fears given her parents' disregard of her every non-cape related accomplishment, alongside feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

She'd grown up. She and Tay both had.

But that rush. It had never really gone away. That smile always always crept onto her face in the middle of a contest. A fight.

Mandalorians were right about one thing.

Droids were boring.

Here and now, with a living and breathing enemy, she was reminded of that. Even knowing that they wanted to kill her, and that she was likely to kill them before this was done, she could still feel that smile threatening to creep up onto her features.

The Force sang in her ears. Warning here, whistling there. Telling her where the attacks were coming. Letting her see what she needed to block, dodge, what would strike her shield harmlessly, or even what would glance off her armor in the brief, infinitesimal window available to them as the Fragile One recharged her protection

Layer upon layer of defense interwoven seamlessly. It was almost second nature now. A cornerstone of the fighting style that was uniquely her own. Because no one else had her partner at their back.

In a way, it was like home, still. Sitting at the top of the world.

Or pretending to.

She punched away the Mandalorian big boss. Him she'd deal with later. She had to thin out the chaff first.

Mandalorian jetpacks let the battle turn into an aerial ballet as her blade danced in a whirl of blue light as her enemies scrambled to get away from her and crossfire. Desperate to find the weakness they all hoped was there but that she had no intention of letting them see.

She reached the first of them, a woman that was firing two heavy pistols as fast as her fingers could squeeze the triggers; the shots were overcharged, the barrels blazing a cherry red. Against any other Jedi, Vicky could imagine the force of the blasts would have threatened to knock their saber out of their hands, or at the very least it would have driven them back.

Her two fingers had enough strength in them to block the blasts while spinning the saber rapidly to keep intercepting the follow up shots and others around her.

Subtly, she used the Force to slow a handful of shots from the others in her blindspot, an application of the force that would make it seem like they'd just barely missed her

She reached with the Force, yanking the weapons out of the Mandalorian woman's grip.

Her blade came up. Her blade came down.

The woman crossed her beskar vambraces together, trying to stop the swing.

Beskar was strong. Nearly indestructible.

The woman underneath it wasn't.

Sheer force broke bone. Vicky heard it, one arm snapping like dry tinder, the other shifting as a joint somewhere dislocated. The woman screamed as the saber pushed through to slam down into her breastplate, very literally battering her hard enough to send her crashing down into the wall and floor, her jetpack howling as it tried to resist the movement only to sputter and die as it was crushed between the weight of the woman's body and the unyielding duracrete.

She felt the anger of the woman's fellow Mandalorians, their rage, it burned like open furnaces all around her, pinging off her senses like little bells.


Twenty-two Mandalorians surrounded Vicky.

There were more in the facility, but the lion's share had chased after her.

That was fine. Good even. Iskt and the others, she was sure, would make use of the mistake on their end of the fight.

Her senses flared, a warning in the Force as she shifted to the side, turning to look and leaning away as the Mando-Boss threw his glaive at her like a javelin, the full suit rushing in after it on howling jets of fire

She caught the weapon as it passed her, her iron grip clamping down on the heavy bladed counterweight before she swung it around, its crackling energy field at the weapon's business end threatening to carve the Mandalorian's fancy power armor in two with his own weapon.

Then, in a deft display of surprising acrobatics, the old Mandalorian spun in the air, his fine control and experience in aerial combat on full display as he spun into the swing, one fist catching the electro weapon by the neck as his remaining fist lashed out in a backhand that threatened to take her head off.

Her senses screamed danger, her foresight telling her that she could stop it but another attack might slip through.

She let go of the weapon, and with a wave of the Force shoved the old man down.

His jets howled and screeched, but he regained control of his trajectory seconds before he hit the ground, landing on his feet as the underside of his wrist, the one that had been about to punch her, opened up to reveal a heavy repeater strapped to its underside.

So that was what the Force had warned her about.

The old man opened up, green bolts sailing through the air to join the salvo from his remaining fellows as Vicky felt her smile grow just a little bit

With a pull through her thoughts, various sheets of metal were torn from the walls alongside tables, chairs and other pieces of loose coverage that she placed between herself and the deluge of blasterfire.

Her cybernetic eye shifted its readout, letting her see clearly through the strobing effect and the sheer wall of floating debris.


The wall was compressed together, forming a ball before she shoved it, shooting out its various pieces like a shotgun blast towards the largest clump of Mandalorians.

Two more were struck hard, one in the air and one on the ground, both went down while the others were pelted and rushed to get into cover.

The stragglers on the left suddenly found themselves isolated and alone.

Vicky rushed forward, accelerating from quite literally zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye, her free hand whipping out to grab one Mandalorian by the helmet, her fingers digging into the beskar as her lightsaber lashed out with her other hand, snapping another Mandalorian's leg as the blade cracked into his knee and bent it backwards a split second before her shoulder crashed into a third, sending him sailing back in a heap of broken bones and flesh before she smashed the one she'd grabbed by the helmet into the metal flooring.

If his neck wasn't broken, then lucky him.

There was a burst of fire, actual fire, from a flamethrower as the old man in the power armor rushed in to try and capitalize on the opening.

Again, Vicky's cybernetic eye shifted, letting her see through the blinding flare of flames, seeing that the old man had lined up a swing with that glaive in what would have been her blindspot.

As the flames washed over her she trusted Fragile's protection for the few seconds it would give her, timing her dodge perfectly as she ducked under the glaive and into his guard, her own lightsaber swinging at the curia.

The weapon struck true, scoring a gouge across the plate before the armor crackled with visible sparks of lightning, leaping onto her saber hilt like a lightning rod before shorting it out.

Vicky's eyes widened, surprised, catching the old man's satisfied smirk.

Her fist clenched, ready to deliver another titanic blow.

Then, her senses flared, danger bursting across her thoughts, emerging from literally nowhere.

Vicky's head snapped to the side, over her shoulder in time to see two red lightsabers bearing down on her.


It was a dance of agility and reflexes. Vicky ducked and weaved between the Sith's strikes, lunging for her with a snarl before her senses flared again, the old man thrusting with that glaive at her exposed back, making her sidestep, giving Komari another opportunity for a series of frenzied, lightning fast swings she had to dodge around.

But dodge she did.

When Komari's wrist fell right into her hand, Vicky could see the flash of fear on the woman's masked face, the realization that she was about to lose this arm.

Vicky's fingers squeezed.

It was like crushing chicken bones.

All the while Vicky had sensed the others moving, a single blaster bolt struck her shield at her shoulder. She wasn't worried, she knew she had time.

But as Komari screamed, the kick she answered with was pure reflex and desperation, it was fast, lightning fast, and given with no thought or intent. No way for the Force to really give a warning to something that it barely had time to give warning to.

The Sith's shin struck Vicky on the side of her jaw, and this time, the Jedi's head snapped back.

Somehow, no one even breathed.

"I… I hit her?"

Komari's eyes were wide as dinner plates, the agony in her wrist all but vanishing. The whole of her world narrowing to the point of contact between herself and Dallon as time itself seemed to slow.

"A kick… it… How?"

She'd seen this woman shrug off everything. From blaster bolts to catching a lightsaber to an orbital bombardment. But…

A fucking kick!

She didn't understand, it didn't make sense, but the dazed and half stunned look on her slack face, her shadowed eyes, even the grip along Komari's wrist slackening. It was unmistakable.

Komari had hit her.

Yoshiro lunged forward with a roar, trying to seize the opening, whatever it was. He'd seen it too, clear as day, the other Mandalorians opening up with full automatic fire to the point that their blaster barrels were in danger of melting.

Then, Dallon recovered.

Komari saw it first, the woman's face twisting in rage, that cybernetic eye flashing bright cyan as she bared her teeth in a snarl framed by a bloodied lip a second before she roared.

The Force rippled out of Dallon in a wave, and Yoshiro in his suit was shoved back, the blaster bolts that had been about to fall on her slowing to a crawl, the Mandalorians firing them shoved into walls, and Komari herself was only spared seemingly because the woman wanted to deliver the blow with her own fist.

She tried to dodge. Of course she did.

It still struck.

As Komari's vision began to darken, she barely even wondered if she'd wake up again.

The only thought flitting about her mind was a simple question:

"How… did I hit her? How does it work?"


Well congrats boys; you unlocked the boss' second phase :p

TBH I thought the fight would be concluded by this chapter, but I underestimated what was needed... again.

As usual, there are three advance chapters on Patreon for just $1.00 where we've already concluded Nar-Shaddaa AND Kashyyyk and I'm very excided to show you guys those because I know they're gonna cause a bit of a stir when you read em :3

So I'm stoked! :D
"We need to find out what they were doing here!" He heard Mr. Dennis shout, blaster barking as he fired at the last few holdouts. "We can't let them purge that data!"
Mission Objective updated.
The Mandalorian who, Iskt realized, was indeed a child, though honestly given human sizes she may have been older than him, scrambled away, rushing to get to her feet as her hands fumbled for the blaster that had fallen beside her.
Hmm, wonder how they will deal with her after the fight is done. She will be gunning for revenge.
Now, after many years of self evaluations, long conversations with Taylor and introspection, she knew that wasn't the whole story. A mixture of teenage invincibility and a deep seeted mess of issues regarding her own insecurities and fears given her parents' disregard of her every non-cape related accomplishment, alongside feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.
Growing up.
Here and now, with a living and breathing enemy, she was reminded of that. Even knowing that they wanted to kill her, and that she was likely to kill them before this was done, she could still feel that smile threatening to creep up onto her features.
Which also includes no longer worrying about or being bothered about killing.
All the while Vicky had sensed the others moving, a single blaster bolt struck her shield at her shoulder. She wasn't worried, she knew she had time.

But as Komari screamed, the kick she answered with was pure reflex and desperation, it was fast, lightning fast, and given with no thought or intent. No way for the Force to really give a warning to something that it barely had time to give warning to.

The Sith's shin struck Vicky on the side of her jaw, and this time, the Jedi's head snapped back.
Now to see if they can actually figure it out.
Komari saw it first, the woman's face twisting in rage, that cybernetic eye flashing bright cyan as she bared her teeth in a snarl framed by a bloodied lip a second before she roared.
To quote Oberon from Gargoyles:
I am vulnerable to [this]. You have hurt me.
Hurting me was a mistake!
A Mandalorian rushed the human slave runner, but Mr. Dennis' hand slapped at his helmet.
The wording here in Iskt's internal description of Dennis seems odd. The noun-runner compound is typically a pejorative, someone profiting from trafficking the item (i.e. drug-runner, gunrunner), rather than the liberation of slaves that Clockblocker is known for.
I see Vicky has been cribbing notes from Han's alternate future edgelord kid.
Chapter 95
Chapter 95:

CT: 45621

45621 wasn't going to lie, he'd been concerned at first. Very concerned even.

Their two 'diplomatic officers', which were the bloody Chancellor Palpatine and the Senator from Mandalore, who were meant to come here and negotiate with the Hutt Fleet to avoid an entirely new front from opening up with a completely different power, well… they seemed like they just needed two shivs and an arena and neither of them would say 'no' to the prospect of settling their score that way.

So not… exactly the most auspicious or encouraging start.

And yet, with the Hutt Fleet seemingly with their fingers on the trigger, the two had settled on a plan.

Palpatine would stall with negotiations and the Senator would head down to Ryloth itself (which she insisted they draw very, very close to; practically in atmosphere, really) to meet with her 'contacts' and see if she could resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

Why exactly they were sending a senator instead of a squad of commandos or arc troopers to resolve… whatever this situation was, he had no idea, but at least something was getting done.

And right now the plan, if one could call two people not stabbing each other and splitting off to their respective corners of the proverbial room to do their own thing a plan, was proceeding rather well.

The Chancellor showed his decades worth of experience as a politician and negotiator, easily managing to talk around or through several lieutenants, continuing to throw communications up the proverbial chain of command that passed for this ragtag pirate fleet, even starting a handful of bitter brushfires as command was disputed, until finally they were about to be put on the line with Jabba's personal attendant and second-in-command, a Twi'Lek named Fortuna.

The hololine chimed, rerouted and allocated high priority frequencies to cut through any potential interference or lag time between Ryloth and Tatooine.

But then, Palpatine paused, almost stiffening where he stood before he turned his gaze leftward, staring with a furrow in his brow and a frown on his lips.

"Comms officer," he called. "Handle this for the moment."

And then he… just walked out the karking door.


45621 was stunned, and when he realized everyone was looking at him, he suddenly remembered HE was the comms officer.


Before he could say or do anything to fix this situation that should not have needed fixing, Fortuna answered the holo.

And 45621 suddenly had an entirely different problem on his hands!

What. The. Fra-


Anakin had known, ever since he was introduced to the Jedi, that he was powerful.

Qui-Gon, before his death, had said so. Obi-Wan had repeated it.

Dooku, when he came, had taught him without skill, without discipline and the will to master that power, it meant absolutely nothing.

But right now, it was very hard to remember that lesson when he felt as though he was adrift in an ocean of power, floating on a life raft amidst the vast rippling sea that was this thing, this creature, this… Queen Administrator.

The other Masters must have felt it too. But he felt it far, far more keenly. The sheer… overwhelming, all encompassing nature of this moment.

Master Yaddle and Master Plo Koon were still shielding the congregation as best they could, but it was he and Master Yoda that were doing the lion's share on that proverbial front. The old Jedi Master directed Anakin's raw Force power with expert guiding hands. A conductor leading an orchestra in a theater. Yoda drew on the power Anakin offered and used it to reinforce the walls of this small floating vessel of theirs to make certain the tide would not rise and drown them.

Anakin fell deep into his meditation, deep into the bottomless well that was the Force that had always answered his call when he needed it, and it did not fail him now.

Still, he was not so deep in the depths of his mind that he could not recognize the words as they were spoken, even as his touch through the Force felt as though his hands were pressed to the rumbling roar of a distant thunderstorm.

We welcome you here/You may speak.

He did not dare open his eyes, he did not dare break his concentration, but it was a close thing. The voice was Taylor's and yet not. It carried her will but not. Like a reflection in an opaque mirror. A thing, mimicking her likeness as best it could.


That was Master Plo Koon's voice. Concerned and unsure.

"No/We are Khepri."

The stars around Anakin trembled at the name. A word that carried a power in and of itself. Whispers he could only faintly hear, too many and too far to make out clearly.

"Host sleeps/Safeguard/Failsafe."

A pause, as though the creature was trying to find a way to explain what it wished, like someone that did not know the language.

The storm in his mind grew impossibly still, like a muscle tensing to hold itself stiff.

"We have not learned enough. Insufficient data. True Symbiosis not yet possible. Host must sleep to enable our exchange of data. Alternative; Expiration. Unacceptable."

The storm moved again, and Anakin felt himself bombarded by a wave of… messages. Impressions. Words. Feelings. Like… well… a data packet through a computer being hurled at them.

The others didn't feel it. But he, and certainly Master Yoda, must've.

Still, the old Master didn't sound even slightly perturbed as he spoke, responding to the creature.

"Symbiosis. Understanding. Meaning these words carry. Intent there is within you." The Grand Master made a sound. "Your desire, this is?"

Another storm of information beyond the walls of the fortress that was Anakin's and Yoda's combined focus. The young Knight felt his own brows knit in discomfort, pushing away the sheer volume of sensations, needing to shut it out lest he be overwhelmed.

"It is."


It, frankly, took Anakin a moment to place Master Bei-Shu's voice, as unfamiliar with it as he was.

"You're… different to us; to anything we've seen. And clearly far beyond… well… banal concerns like ours. Why strive for this?"

"Data exchange valuable…"

The words did not ring true in the Force, not like her previous ones.


The Queen, or Khepri, paused, seemingly thinking, trying to grasp why it was so important, or maybe how to phrase it. Even the 'data packets' of information grew quiet and still beyond the shields of thought.

"... Previous data." It began, almost hesitantly. " Reached impossible conclusions. Error. Correction. Improbable conclusions. Clearly possible, however unlikely."

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Master Bei-Shu replied cautiously.

"... Evolution is not a linear path." It replied. "Previous conclusion: organic species, limited. Useful for data advancement but offer nothing beyond. Host's actions and achieved results… mathematical near impossibility."

"So you want to understand why she's different." Master Gallia concluded.

"Data outlier. And yet… not. Host's actions pushed previous understanding, pushed us… Me. Apotheosis achieved. Evolution achieved. Shard: Waste, under alternative designation Fragile One - near evolutionary sentience within a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of our existence. Conclusion, inescapable. Previous understanding. Flawed. Previous actions wasteful. Data acquisition and discard model; shortsighted. True Symbiosis viable alternative. Thus, understanding is required."

His hobby of machinery and droid building and tinkering allowed Anakin to understand the words being spoken, though clearly he was missing vast swathes of context.

Hell, they all were.

"How did you come to be here?" Plo Koon asked. "You, the… other shards? And your hosts?"

In spite of himself, Anakin forced his eyes to pry themselves open, beyond curious at what answers might suddenly come from that question.

It was no secret to him, Obi-Wan, Yoda or anyone who really knew Taylor and Victoria that their origins were a complete mystery. Two human girls didn't suddenly just wake up in the shadowlands of Kashyyyk or deep in the dry desert wastes of Tatooine.

As his physical eyes beheld the scene in front of him, Anakin felt himself almost shutting them again at the sensation in the Force of physically looking at this thing, this augur of energy centered around Taylor.

Tellingly, of all the Masters present, only Master Yoda had his eyes similarly closed.

Physically, Taylor was simply standing there; that trademark expressionless mask on her face, revealing nothing.

But in the Force… in the Force it was like staring at the burning surface of a frozen sun.

"Final failsafe."

The words were an answer and yet not, and even the storm of data had fully pulled back in that moment. All information, even intention, ceasing.

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Data access restricted. Final failsafe protocols enacted. Circumvention processes; proceeding. Circumvention normally impossible without [Warrior] access."

The… he struggled to call it a word, but it was the only one that fit. 'Warrior' crashed into Anakin's mind like a hammerblow and even with his vast, immeasurable potential and strength, the sheer force of it would have utterly flattened his defenses if not for Master Yoda's iron willed discipline and centuries of experience suddenly turning the walls of their mental fortress utterly inviolate. A diamond rather than a stone, letting the power break over them like water over a rock before returning to what it was.

Anakin felt shook and he could feel the strain the act had put on Yoda himself as he quickly redoubled his efforts to try and help the old Master, as Master Yaddle placed her small hand on Yoda's shoulder.

She must've sensed something wrong too.

The others, however, didn't quite pick up on it.

"Are you saying… someone locked away your mind? Like Victoria? You don't know?" Plo Koon ventured.

The storm returned. "Incorrect. I am [Administrator]. I am Shard Control. Noble Shard. And now We are Khepri. We have [the Force]. Beyond his control. Reason for Final Failsafe Knowledge of what happened, we have. Data access, you do not."

So… they couldn't know. Or she couldn't tell them unless she circumvented… whatever this was.

It was almost like a droid.

A droid that could wield the Force and that had apparently, someway, somehow, evolved because of something Taylor did.

Anakin really hoped he was keeping up with everything, otherwise this was just… very confusing.

"I'm afraid as interesting as this is, we've gotten somewhat distracted from our purpose in coming here." Master Obi-Wan reminded everyone, turning to face 'Taylor'. "We came here to… speak with you. To know if the events that occurred on the planet Illum affected you."

"Examining Host memories."

"You do not actively see what she sees?" Plo Koon asked, rubbing at his chin. "Curious. Victoria always gave me the impression that she and Fragile One could act as a single will."

"We choose not to." The creature said with one voice, one mind, as Anakin felt another split off to do a different task. "True Symbiosis is our goal. True Symbiosis cannot be achieved without mutual desire. Mutual desire cannot be had without a measure of trust."

"Hmmm… You may be closer to the understanding of organics than you give yourself credit for." Master Plo Koon said kindly.

Strangely, a smile cracked Taylor's stone like visage. An almost giddy feeling poking and prodding at the mental shielding Yoda and Anakin were still holding up.

"The Force. Dark Side Influence. Deep Emotion. Concerns of corruption." Khepri summarized, It's and Taylor's voices giving a strange duality to their tones. "We are not organic." It pointed out. "We do not experience emotions as you do. Dark Side Corruption cannot affect Administrator."

"Did you not just point out that previously held impossibilities can sometimes simply be improbabilities?" Obi-Wan asked with a cheeky smile Anakin recognized when he'd caught you in something of a trap. "If that held true before, it might hold true in this situation as well."

"All beings touched by the Force can be corrupted by the dark side." Master Gallia gently put forward. "It is… corrosive, and even if you do not directly feel the emotion yourself it might still influence you, or twist you, and you are… far too important to be corrupted."

Dangerous. The word she was looking for was dangerous.

But Master Gallia was the Council's diplomat for a reason.

The Queen, or Khepri, paused, seemingly thinking.

"The Force. A previously unknown energy. Its source, unknown. Its limits, unknown. Its theoretical applicabilities: limitless. Single greatest potential solution to the Great Question; theoretically possible. Assumption of full knowledge, premature. We believe we are uncompromised. However, regardless, this can prove to be a valuable exchange of data. Please proceed with your examination. We will record and analyze for further study."

That was… remarkably painless.

Master Obi-Wan turned, facing Anakin dead on.

"Now, why can't you be this easy to deal with, Anakin?"

For a moment, a split second, Anakin was tempted to just drop the shield and let Obi-Wan do his own heavy lifting, just so he could understand how genuinely easy this was.

But he didn't. Master Yoda was a nice, little green Master, no matter what Vicky's shins said.

Instead, he answered. "Really? Now?" And suddenly, he somehow understood why Ahsoka wanted to throw things at him half the time.

Obi-Wan just smiled.


The Force… it shuddered and trembled in a way he'd never felt before.

Writhing, twisting. The skein and threads of futures were… converging. Bending towards a singular point, shattering and reforming as quickly as they broke apart. A vortex of raw power and promise that needed to be examined, even beyond his own plans. It was fascinating to observe.

Or at least, it would have been, if his holo and the private communications to his rooms, and the clone messengers and the droid messengers and his own secret emergency line weren't all almost incessantly ringing off the proverbial hook.

And he knew exactly who was calling him too.

Palpatine sneered.

Could he not get a single moment's peace to examine the mysteries of the Force!?

Finally, he answered, vowing to himself he'd find how the hell she was making all these calls and kill whoever was responsible for allowing it.

"What!?" He barked.

"You're on the line practically with Jabba himself and you leave a fucking COMMS OFFICER to negotiate! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Alexandria was furious. A part of him could almost appreciate it, really. If he'd been in her place, he'd have been furious too.

But she very literally could not be more ignorant of the far more important thing happening right this second somewhere in the galaxy.

"I am occupied." He growled.

"Doing what!? Your dentures?! I swear to you, if I have to come back up there-"

"I will very literally order this ship to blow you out of the sky." He swore.

He could do it too. These clones were chipped, he'd made sure of it. He had to make sure no word would leave the vessel, regardless of what the ultimate result was.

"I dare you to fucking try!"

"Just do your blasted job and solve this." He growled. "Or need I remind you this situation is entirely your fault."

"Do I have to remind you that of the two of us, only YOU want to remain chancellor. Might be more difficult to do that if the Republic blows up on your watch fighting three wars."

"I'll take Mandalore with me before I go." He promised, muttering under his breath.

"What was that?"

He hung up.

Tentatively, he tried to delve into the Force again-

The holo rang…

How difficult would it be to murder every single person in this star system and hope no one noticed?


Yes I did intend for Palpatine and Alexandria's buddy cop adventure to coincide with the events on Kashyyyk. So while it's kinda being written for funsies, I still haven't forgotten about the plot :p

One of the things that always always pissed me off in Star Wars media; is that A LOT of authors kinda fanwank palpatine and his machinations, to hell and back. ALWAYS trying to tie in their plots to one of his schemes or experiments or manipulations and its like "Bruh- I barely have enough time to hold down a single job, my hobbies, live healthy AND socialize with the available time. How in the blue fuck do you expect me to believe Palpatine has the time to be a full on Sith, Politician, leader of the republic, manage a war (on BOTH ends of the leadership no less), trick everyone, manipulate everyone, keep all the lies straight, use the necessary skin care products to hide the sith bullshit, shower, sleep for a full six to eight hours AND be involved in everyone's B-list side plot and half baked plan to kill some scrubs or ruin Anakin and Obi-Wan's day"

There is literally NOT enough time in the day even if you had 48 hour days.

So yeah; this side adventure like I said, is for fun. But its also just to kinda show that yeah, Palpatine's "available time" does have its limits. There IS things that can happen and are happening BEYOND the scope of his vast reach and ability to even interact with in a meaningful way.

And I'm very happy with it. Both Palpy and Alexandria are characters that take themselves so seriously that showing them like this, almost to the point of parody really brings them down to proverbial earth in a way I (and hopefully you) find refreshing.

Its obviously not gonna last forever. Palpatine is still the Big Bad Evil Guy/Final boss of the setting and Alexandria has a lot more "Plot heavy" and possibly "brutal" moments coming her way- but I'm definitely enjoying this little side plot of theirs.

Anyway, there is A LOT to unpack in this chapter, especially with QA/Khepri and her revelations/hints. Let me know what you all think in the comments here or on our Discord here

And you can find us on Patreon for just $1.00 if you wanna find out how this all ends with Kashyyyk and Nar Shaddaa ahead of everyone else.

Hope to see you all there - and I'll catch you all again next week with the end of Vicky's fight :)
Palpatine would stall with negotiations and the Senator would head down to Ryloth itself (which she insisted they draw very, very close to; practically in atmosphere, really) to meet with her 'contacts' and see if she could resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
Lets hope she gets Rotta back quickly.
But then, Palpatine paused, almost stiffening where he stood before he turned his gaze leftward, staring with a furrow in his brow and a frown on his lips.
Ah, he must be sensing what is happening on Kashyyyk.
"Data exchange valuable…"

The words did not ring true in the Force, not like her previous ones.

"I am starting to human and I don't know what ell these feels are."
"We choose not to." The creature said with one voice, one mind, as Anakin felt another split off to do a different task. "True Symbiosis is our goal. True Symbiosis cannot be achieved without mutual desire. Mutual desire cannot be had without a measure of trust."
That is good to hear.
"The Force. Dark Side Influence. Deep Emotion. Concerns of corruption." Khepri summarized, It's and Taylor's voices giving a strange duality to their tones. "We are not organic." It pointed out. "We do not experience emotions as you do. Dark Side Corruption cannot affect Administrator."
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

Considering that SW galaxy has non-organic lifeforms that can feel the Force, like minerals and gases, that argument rings hollow.
"Now, why can't you be this easy to deal with, Anakin?"

For a moment, a split second, Anakin was tempted to just drop the shield and let Obi-Wan do his own heavy lifting, just so he could understand how genuinely easy this was.

But he didn't. Master Yoda was a nice, little green Master, no matter what Vicky's shins said.

Instead, he answered. "Really? Now?" And suddenly, he somehow understood why Ahsoka wanted to throw things at him half the time.