The Weaving Force

The wooden cup was smooth as glass. Wookiee woodworking was a marvel.
That it is.
"Hmm. In Coruscanti days, or Kashyyyk days?" She smiled cheekily

I let myself laugh a bit "Kashyyyk."


So almost four in 'normal' time.
Go back to sleep, Taylor, your math is failing you.
Shit. Did I look that bad?
You spent over two days in bed, so yes. Very.
An operating room?

Her fear spiked, the pounding of her heart punching the inside of her chest.

No. No no no! Not again!
Don't worry, Komari, it is not a familiar ceiling!
"I'd rather no one blast holes in my ship while we're in fucking hyperspace.
Yeah, that would be hazardous.
She could read emotions in others. Understand them.

And she could utterly control her emotions.
Simple power, but useful.
I shook my head. I didn't know of any parahuman powers that just had… well… a fucking off switch. God knows I could have used one every now and again for a good night's sleep in the early days.
Because that was the point back then.
Karla blinked. "Mr. Care Bear." She answered guilessly. Then she smiled. "Miss Vicky's bedtime stories, remember?" The girl said. "She told us that the Care Bears from your world helped people by making them feel good emotions! So, my power is like a Care Bear!"
"Mr. what now?"

Karla blinked. "Mr. Care Bear." She answered guilelessly. Then she smiled. "Miss Vicky's bedtime stories, remember?" The girl said. "She told us that the Care Bears from your world helped people by making them feel good emotions! So, my power is like a Care Bear!"
*snicker* Quick *snicker* send *snicker* a *snicker* medic *snicker* can't *snicker* stop *snicker* snickering *snicker*

Also fixed.
Karla shall be my finest student, this girl who gave herself to my teachings.

Like clay I shall gently mould her, and in the Light of the Force forge her. She will be of iron will yet ceaseless empathy.

In squeaky fungibugs shall I gift her and with the snarkiest wit will she be armed. She will be untouched by emotional distress, no thoughts will betray them.

She will have Thinker training, Force abilities and a lightsaber so that no foe can best her in battle. She is my bulwark against the Dark. She is the Defender of The Force.

She is my Padawan Para-Twi'lek and
she shall know no fear.


A Jedi with MANUAL & TOTAL control over their emotions/emotional state, is going to be downright terrifying for a Sith to face. None, absolutely none, of a Sith's usual terror tactics will so much as make her blink. Hell, hitting her with Force Lightning might do little more than cause injuries, but do nothing else as she'd be able to ignore her flight/fight response. Karla might well not even flinch. She'd know she was injured, how badly, and that it 'hurts', but be immune to panic.

For that matter, Karla might well be able to tap into some of the Dark Side abilities with little repercussions due to not falling into the emotional trap(s) inherent to it.

In the opposite, she'd be devastating against a Sith as she could be trained to know exactly where to exploit a Sith's emotional state. To poke and prod with words & actions in certain ways, until the Sith was completely lacking in emotional control, and not running on hate/rage, but a quivering wreck feeling sheer terror at her presence.​

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If I understood correctly, she can control her own emotions, not shut down others', so she can't just "yank the plug" from Sith she faces.

Given her emotional sensing though, a Sith infiltrator would have a hard time staying hidden from her (not that I'm advocating letting her anywhere within a ten-parsec radius of Palpatine).

She also hard-counters Dun Möch, I suppose.
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Doesn't this make her a hard counter for any Sith she meets?

Sheeve's been able to hide from Yoda for years, Karla's not going to pick up on him right off the bat.

It was an Omake where all those Sith artifacts that were under the Jedi Temple got destroyed, right? Karla WILL pick up on that though if it's real.
If I understood correctly, she can control her own emotions, not shut down others', so she can't just "yank the plug" from Sith she faces.

Given her emotional sensing though, a Sith infiltrator would have a hard time staying hidden from her (not that I'm advocating letting her anywhere within a ten-parsec radius of Palpatine).

She also hard-counters Dun Möch, I suppose.
She shouldn't be able to 'yank the plug', as you put it. OTOH, she should have 100% conscious awareness at all times of a Sith's emotional state. So if trained in how to manipulate via words, body language, and direct/indirect actions (psywar: causing little things to be 'off' just barely within her opponent's peripheral vision)??

She by rights should be able to mentally gnaw away at a Sith until said Sith is jumping at shadows (fear) or feeling utter hopelessness (anxiety). Or to use the other side of the scale, know exactly what to do/say to bring someone right to euphoria/bliss in thinking nothing can/has gone wrong, even to the point of being ignorant that everything IS falling apart. Or to use 'neutral' emotions, basically create scenarios/situations where she's effectively a living SEP Field, and the person(s) she's focusing on just doesn't care (apathy/boredom) about her or whatever they're doing.

On the positive side? Karla could be a hostage negotiator par excellence, with absolutely no equal - able to calm entire terrorist/criminal cells into throwing down their arms with no/minimal bloodshed. Or someone whom would be frighteningly good at the art of the deal in bartering. Not via Mastering them, but more of an empathic PtV in knowing exactly what to say to calm them and/or knowing their exact limits plus when/when not to push, and exactly how to. Or to sum up? She could bribe ANYONE if allowed to talk to them.

On the negative/semi-negative? She's basically Batman + a Yellow Lantern, who could cold read ANYONE and within a few sentences + shifts in body language, cause someone to be absolutely terrified of her or whatever she wants them to be terrified by.

It's just that it'll take time for Karla to do it, and she has to actually interact with someone at a face-to-face level in order to pull it off (either in person, or over comms that is still close enough to be in range of her Shard).

Another key point is that her new power works separately from the Force.

Which means she can use it on Hutts.
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It'd be embarrassing that Palpatine gets found out by some meddling kids, not the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

Admittedly the people they don't expect that usually get people.

If I recall correctly in Legends Palpatine at one point got exposed as being Sidious around the time, he had launched order 66 by Coruscant security forces and I don't think they were even on his radar as a threat of exposure.
If I recall correctly in Legends Palpatine at one point got exposed as being Sidious around the time, he had launched order 66 by Coruscant security forces and I don't think they were even on his radar as a threat of exposure.
They hadn't exposed him, but the Jedi and Republic Intelligence had narrowed this "Sidious" in somewhere in the 500 Republica (massive residential tower housing lot of the most powerful and influential of the Republic, including Palpatine) right before the Battle of Coruscant. As the battle raged on, the RI went to investigate, but were lead into a trap by Palpatine and killed.
Chapter 101
Chapter 101:


"Hmmm." Yoda nodded, rubbing at his chin. "Very carefully must we act. A challenge, these powers will be."

He… was not wrong.

We (as in the Jedi Masters) were all sitting in the shuttle's 'dining room'. As far as 'Council rooms' went, this was definitely one of the more slap-dash settings I'd seen.

Anakin was with Ahsoka and Karla, playing a videogame of all things.

I didn't even know the Jedi ships even had videogames…

Somehow it didn't surprise me that Anakin did know, and knew how to play it.

It was probably a racing game of some kind.

"A Jedi that can physically control their own emotions, unbound by the constraints of biology and psyche…" Master Plo mused aloud. "It could be a great benefit but could just as easily cause equal harm. Her psychological development is particularly concerning."

"It would not be the first time Jedi have dealt with species that have peculiar emotional processing." Master Halis winced. "Though… admittedly this is an extreme case."

"I… feel as though I must apologize once again." Master Bei-Shu admitted guiltily towards me. "I never imagined my words would be taken so literally."

"What's done is done. I don't need apologies, I need ideas." I answered. I really was trying to… not be angry at him. He hadn't meant any harm and his words towards my passenger weren't anything… untrue. It really really wasn't his fault.

And he was coming to testify on my behalf towards the wider Council.

Me being angry didn't solve the problem any more than his apologies did.

"It doesn't… change the fundamentals of the situation, does it?" Adi ventured hesitantly beside me, allowing herself the smallest smile. "She is still your Padawan, the challenges in guiding them and helping them become good people have always been present, and they must've seemed as daunting as this when they emerged."

I groaned, leaning forward and placing my face in my hands.

"I know what you're saying… and it's to make me feel better, but…" I shook my head.

I suddenly really, really wanted Vicky here with me.

Master Gallia placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Well, there is one silver lining to all of this." Obi-Wan chimed in, raising his hands defensively as my eyes swiveled towards him with a glare. "The fact that it is so unprecedented and that the Council is aware of it, so we can all be on the lookout for any potential complications."

"All of you looking over my shoulder is a silver lining?" I asked drily.

"From a certain point of view." He defended.

"A Master should have authority over their apprentice. Padawans are not taught by… committees." Master Bei-Shu hedged, his voice ever so slightly admonishing.

"No. But a village it takes, to raise a child." Master Yaddle smirked.

Fair. But I could think of a few members of the 'village' I'd rather tell to fuck off than let anywhere near Karla, or Iskt.

Speaking of…

"How much longer before we make it back to Coruscant?" I asked. "Or more specifically when we reconvene with the Council so everyone can report what happened on Kashyyyk?"

Master Plo was the one who answered me. "Around nineteen more hours for our arrival. I suspect another day after to send a message and convene the other disparate Masters along their respective battlefronts."

So, two, three days tops.

That was fine. Good even.

Still, it was hardly our only problem. "Once we get back and all is said and done, Vicky will be taking command of the 707th, Anakin the 501st, and Obi-Wan the 212th. Will all of them be deployed?"

"Why wouldn't they be?" Adi asked, not maliciously, simply curious or surprised by the question. "The three legions have had time to rest and resupply by now-"

Honestly, I would request that we not." Obi-Wan cut in, crossing one leg over the other as he interlaced his fingers together. "Pors Tonith, the admiral captured on Ilum, has been held by the 212th on the Negotiator. This task on Kashyyyk has prevented me from questioning him, but such a long time period might make him more willing to speak with us. If he does, he might reveal operational secrets of the CIS. It would be important to hit such targets simultaneously, if possible."

"Will his information still be actionable after so long?" Plo Koon questioned.

"Manufacturing plants pumping out droids on the scale as the Separatists are don't just sprout legs and walk away. Even if some of his information is out of date, that at least he must still know."

"And you think you can get such information out of him so quickly? What if he doesn't cooperate, or he lies?"

"Well…" Obi-Wan paused, seemingly chewing on his next words. "We did, perhaps, just get the best empath the Jedi have ever known to fall into our laps." He looked at me pointedly.

Likely, with the very few bugs on the ship, I wasn't able to hide my expression as I normally would, so it wasn't a surprise that I could almost hear Adi Gallia wince somewhere behind me.

"You want her to help you interrogate him?"

"Only read his emotions. And you know that I will only ask questions of him, nothing more."

"Use your own empath abilities." I bit out.

"You know that someone this high up their chain of command will be trained in countermeasures for such. Muuns in particular can practically do mathematics in their heads as a hobby. He can obfuscate my senses, but I doubt he can do the same to her-"

"Obi-Wan." I took a deep breath through my nose, closing my eyes. "We're going to stop talking about this, and I'm going to calm down before I punch you."

The Soresu master held up his hands once more, conceding to drop the subject.

For now, at least.

Intellectually, I knew that he was right. Jedi empath or mind reading was a very soft thing by comparison to say, Lisa, or other shard based abilities. Shards could be fooled, Alexandria could attest to that, but not easily and not without exceptional circumstances.

Interrogating a Muun that could just run numbers in his head while holding a conversation wasn't going to get a clean read.

But with Karla there…

I could see the logic.

But she was still ten.

A ten-year-old that had already been made to kill people, to fear for her life, to trigger.

And Obi-Wan just wanted to ask her to walk into an interrogation like it was fucking normal?

She was younger than even I'd been when my past life went to fucking hell in a handbasket!

"Beyond the material concerns of manufacturing plants, fleets and tanks… I've also been growing increasingly concerned with what I sense." Master Plo confessed.

"Hmmm." Yaddle nodded. "Stronger, does the dark side grow."

"Ever more clouded our vision is becoming." Yoda's lip curled. "Blacker the shadows grow." He looked at me. "Strong, you and Dallon have become. A threat, the Sith are delving deep into their secrets to counter, to eliminate."

"Mired in this war, the Order is spread thin… to the breaking point." I could see that the admission cut Adi deeply. "We can't… we don't have the manpower to simply dedicate fully to tracking the source of this growing dark side strength."

"One of our own, see this threat coming, they did." Yoda said.

"Sifo-Dyas?" Plo Koon questioned, and I could tell by the tone that he was considering the possibility. "He's still held in prison. You would seek to have him released?"

I raised an eyebrow, surprised at my old Master. "He did give us the clone army that's letting the Jedi and Republic even survive right now. Are you opposed?"

I could almost feel Plo Koon's frown. "I wish to approach all things with an open mind. But I will admit, in this case I have… reservations. Serious ones."

"How so?" Obi-Wan asked, and even Yaddle and Yoda turned to the Kel Dor with curiosity.

Master Plo sighed "Yes, the clones are invaluable to our war effort. They are good people and I'm grateful for their service… but Master Dyas went behind the backs of the Council, the Jedi and the galaxy at large to create…" He hesitated and I could almost feel the bile in his throat as he choked out the next words. "What he intended very much to be a slave army. It may have been his goal to save the Jedi and the Republic… but the ends cannot always be used to justify the means."

"I agree." Master Bei-Shu answered with a careful nod. "But… if he can help track down the Sith with his gift of foresight…"

"It might bring this war to a much faster close." Obi-Wan nodded. "While the Sith aren't proven to be the driving force behind the Separatist movement, the fact is that they are, at minimum, taking advantage of their resources, and the Separatists of the Sith's capabilities."

Yoda rubbed at his forehead, clearly trying to stave off a headache. Even I was a bit torn on the decision.

Not that it was my decision to make, of course, I wasn't part of the Council.

But my own experience with precogs, useful as they undoubtedly could be, wasn't exactly… great, to say the least.

There was no guarantee Sifo's predictions would do the Jedi as much good as they thought.

Yaddle seemed to take pity on the fellow member of her species. "A discussion, the matter of Master Diaz for the Council as a whole, to be discussed." She said.

Obi-Wan nodded. "I concur. Doubtlessly the action would necessitate our going to the Chancellor and the Senate. A political mess, to say the least, one we might not be capable of navigating effectively with so much of our attention, resources and efforts spread so thinly."

"Astute as usual, Obi-Wan." Adi nodded, sighing.

"Rest for now, we all should. Convene with the Council properly, we soon will." Yoda said, hopping off his seat and beginning to hobble out the door.

"Taylor," Obi-Wan called, as I moved to stand up. "May we speak privately?"

I glared at him.

"It has nothing to do with Karla's abilities, I promise." He hastily reassured.

I kept glaring for a moment longer for good measure before retaking my seat. The sudden request had drawn some curious looks, but Obi-Wan was a well respected member of the Council, so no one really did much more than offer some mildly surprised and curious looks before marching out the door with polite farewells and goodbyes.

As the door shut behind Master Halis I sat across from Obi-Wan, admittedly curious as to what exactly he might want.

We were friends; I'd even go so far as to say good friends, but in my memory I don't recall Obi-Wan ever asking for a straight up private word.

Uncharacteristically ,'The Negotiator' hesitated, his jaw moving like he wasn't quite able to make it work enough to speak.

In fact, he opened and closed his mouth several times.

"Taylor." He finally said. "Can you… tell me what the 'Warrior' was?"

I felt something inside me grow cold, and I didn't even need my swarm to school my expression into utter stillness.

'Where did you hear that name?' I wanted to ask, only for my brain to catch up before my mouth wasted time on stupid questions.

My passenger was the only one that could have said anything…

And Obi-Wan at least had done me the courtesy of keeping whatever she said a secret.

"Let's start with what you know and go from there." I said. Better to not stick my foot in my mouth.

"I'm aware that Khepri named it her creator."

Scion was the administrator's creator, but semantics.

"And I'm aware that Khepri credits your help in being able to kill it."

I felt relief run through me. "Is that all?"

"The 'important' things', I suppose."

I took a breath. "Alright… So, what is it that you're actually asking?"

"Well…" He cleared his throat. "Frankly, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. We've seen Khepri, the Administrator. The sheer power it wields. It's… hard to fathom whatever created her and…"

"And me killing it." I finished for him.

"Yes." He agreed. "Killing even the Queen Administrator alone… would be a tall order. Perhaps even for the whole Jedi Order… Like I said, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it."

I shook my head, turning away from him. "It's not a nice story, Obi-Wan… and it's not one I want to relive."

He took a breath, closing his eyes. "I… well… I'm a bit disappointed, but I'll respect your privacy if it truly is that bad. But can you answer me one thing at least: What was the Warrior?"

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine." I offered. "Why keep what you've learned from the rest of the Council?"

"You've always been a private person for as long as I've known you, especially regarding your past and the shards." He answered with a shrug. "As your friend, I wished to respect your privacy, and trust your reasons for it."

"I…" I swallowed. "Thank you."

He nodded.

He waited patiently for me to gather my thoughts. To think of a way to answer his question.

"We didn't know him as the Warrior." I said after a long moment. "His name was Scion. To us…"

I took a deep, slow breath.

"Think of Master Yoda." I finally pushed through. "The best Jedi. The one that you know… when he shows up, everything's ok. That you have a hope. That he's come to save everyone. To fight the monsters…"

Because that's what he'd been. The Golden Man. The first parahuman. The greatest parahuman.

The man that finally killed an Endbringer.

"And imagine… " I said. " finding out one day that Master Yoda was never there to save you. Never there to help you. You were amusement. A distraction. And one day he figures he can get more amusement out of killing you… killing everyone."

I could feel the disquiet my emotions caused. The terrible feeling of unease and dread that suffused him as he imagined that scenario.

"You make it sound like he fell to the dark side in a way."

I scoffed.

"No, Obi-Wan." I shook my head. "He didn't fall. That's the worst part. It had never been anything more than a lie."

I finally turned, looking at him. "We never had hope to begin with."

"So. You found nothing then?"

"You make that sound like an accusation, Master Bulq." Master Billaba said pointedly. "The Council members that went to Kashyyyk went there to examine the Queen Administrator for possible dark side corruption.. Not confirm a predetermined conclusion.

The Weequay's features could have been chiseled out of stone, but the minor curl of his lip told me exactly what he thought about that.

Master Ausar turned his attention towards Master Bei-Shu, who held an honorary place on the Council for the meeting, sitting at Master Yaddle's left.

"Master Bei-Shu." The Nikto nodded. "You were present for this examination, I understand."

"I was, Master." He answered with a calm nod.

"What was your assessment?"

"Well." He hesitated, just a bit, then offered an almost apologetic smile. "It was… terrifying. But fascinating, really. Finding an entirely new life form." He nodded. "I believe… yes, it is dangerous, but not inherently more than any sentient creature can be. We could learn a great deal from its kind."

Ausar's lip curled. He was not pleased too much, either, but he did not protest. Openly, at least.

"If Master Yoda has determined that there was no dark side corruption," Master Halcyon nodded, "I have no reason to doubt his findings. " He raised his hand. "I move that the Council formally settle this matter, and allow Master Hebert to continue her place as Crechemaster and commander of the Noble Team task force."

"I am in agreement,
" Master Tsui Choi said. "To be frank, we cannot afford to continue with this division and suspicion. So many Jedi Masters committed to one location even for such a short time." He pressed a button on his chair, bringing up a holo map with… significantly greater swathes of CIS red across the galactic map than what I remembered.

The point was made.

I could tell that several of the Masters that had been against me last time we gathered weren't happy. Ki-Adi-Mundi's features were blanker than mine when I shunted my expressions into the swarm. Master Tiin's eyes were closed, not looking at anyone. Master Piell was glaring at… everything.

And if Sora Bulq's eyes could kill me, I'd be dead on the spot.


With the five votes I had, Master Billaba, Windu, Halcyon, and Tsui Choi throwing their weight behind, if not an acquittal then moving on to the issue of the war, they were outnumbered.

So… through grit teeth and grumbled agreements, they went with the greater consensus.

Yoda nodded. As the final vote was cast.


For what it was worth.

"Go now you should, Master Hebert." Yoda said. "Much the Council has to discuss."

I offered a bow towards him and the others, turning away. Master Bei-Shu, his contribution to the conversation now concluded, similarly stood up, and offered a bow before following me out.

As I listened with my bugs, after we left, I could hear the Council discussing the next steps in the wider strategy of the war, their next troop deployments, updated defensive lines, breakthroughs and redeployments.

I finally felt I could breathe again.

Then, of course, something had to sour my mood.

"My legion has finished its task here. I will be returning to the Temple to resupply and rearm."

"Understood, Master Bulq.

I let out a slow breath.

I missed Vicky.

I returned to my creche the next day, much to my crechelings joy… and mine…

Siri had taken good care of them, as I knew she would, but she was happy to return to her chosen role as my assistant.

I checked in on the 707th, finding Aras and my squad training the newest of the Shinies so Vicky's Legion would be ready for her return.

I did my duties. I became Crechemaster Hebert again. And I was so… so glad for it.

But I was still… counting the days.


I knew ahead of time… Of course I did.

But even so, I couldn't help it when I walked a little faster. Made sure I was maybe a bit earlier than I had to be.

I couldn't even be mad when I saw Stalker and remembered its namesake.

I actually smiled.

'The Stalker' making me smile…

Who'd have thought?

The ramp lowered and Iskt was the first one I saw, as did Karla. The little red Twi'lek squealed in happiness as she made her way forward and gave the older boy a big hug.

I walked closer.

When I finally saw Vicky and she saw me… I saw her smile light up her whole face as she flew towards me.

I smiled back. "I missed y-"

She didn't let me finish, her lips crashing into mine. I tasted mint and strawberry.

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close. I wasn't exactly holding my flying girlfriend up, but it felt like it as I had to crane my neck up to keep in contact.

Finally, she pulled away; we both had to breathe, unfortunately. She looked at me with that sunshine bright smile.

Then she winked… very cheekily. "I know."

I huffed out a breathy laugh, giving her a subtle pinch that was hidden by the folds of our robes… somewhere less than appropriate.

She stiffened but didn't... exactly protest, judging by her smile.

"Idiot." I muttered with warm fondness.

I wasn't counting the days anymore.

My Vicky was back.


And here we go, a nice lovely little reunion between our protagonists to go along with some full on always fun Council meetings :)

Next chapter we go into a bit more setup and building blocks for 'Da Big One' (We also have what is probably my absolute favorite Anakin Scene in this whole fic)

Now you might ask what I mean by 'Da Big One' I mean the "last" major battle. The "Gettysburg" or "Watterloo" of the CIS and Republic War. The big battle where we're going full 40k scale up on this thing.

Its a comin, (and its reveal is specifically on chapter 104 if you wanna find out where it is :p)

Not much more to say on this one really. Though I will say that I think this scene with Tay and Vicky is probably my personal favorite one :)
"It doesn't… change the fundamentals of the situation, does it?" Adi ventured hesitantly beside me, allowing herself the smallest smile. "She is still your Padawan, the challenges in guiding them and helping them become good people have always been present, and they must've seemed as daunting as this when they emerged."

I groaned, leaning forward and placing my face in my hands.

"I know what you're saying… and it's to make me feel better, but…" I shook my head.
Welcome to being a responsible adult, Taylor.
"A Master should have authority over their apprentice. Padawans are not taught by… committees." Master Bei-Shu hedged, his voice ever so slightly admonishing.

"No. But a village it takes, to raise a child." Master Yaddle smirked.
Very true from both of them.
"Hmmm." Yaddle nodded. "Stronger, does the dark side grow."

"Ever more clouded our vision is becoming." Yoda's lip curled. "Blacker the shadows grow."
Out of balance, the Force is, darkness growing stronger.
"Sifo-Dyas?" Plo Koon questioned, and I could tell by the tone that he was considering the possibility. "He's still held in prison. You would seek to have him released?"
"And imagine… " I said. " finding out one day that Master Yoda was never there to save you. Never there to help you. You were amusement. A distraction. And one day he figures he can get more amusement out of killing you… killing everyone."
Horrible, horrible thing.
I did my duties. I became Crechemaster Hebert again. And I was so… so glad for it.
A moment of reprieve.
I felt the cold power coil inwards, turning back in on her, touching her mind now, and Karla's emotions went… still. Unnaturally still. Unnaturally quickly as she sniffled, wiping at her eyes, recomposing herself in a way I'd never seen before.
She could read emotions in others. Understand them.

And she could utterly control her emotions.
That's a worrying power and not one I expect the Jedi are happy to see. Despite some fans misunderstanding the Jedi argue for controlling your emotions not denying the as Karla currently is. It makes sense though that a Shard with only imperfect understanding of Jedi beliefs. emotions, or indeed organic life in general would hand a power like that out trying to be helpful not realizing how harmful it could be.

That said its also nothing special for Jedi any trained Jedi Master worthy of the name should be able to do the same and even most Knights and Masters though admittedly probably not on the same level.

The hate seethed within her. A twisted, corrupting, black poison coiling around her heart.

But it didn't give her power.
Ah so Komari has finally realized the truth of the Dark Side I suppose it's not surprising since she has been enslaved by Palpatine rather than joining the Sith willingly, that would tend to remove certain delusions that the Sith typically cling too.

You're… still a kid, Karla, and emotions are… complicated, even for adults. Sometimes people are upset but want to hide it. Sometimes they're happy but need to pretend and there can be…" I threw my hands up. "Any number of reasons. This is…" I sighed. "It's a huge burden that's now on your shoulders."
Honestly, I think this is Taylor's own bias talking because any trained force sensitive with even a bit of training can sense and understand others' emotions assuming they are not shielding, it's interpeting what the emotions mean that's the big difficulty.

It's the ability to control her own emotions without necessarily mastering them that is the problem. The big concern is that Karla skill at sensing others emotions and controlling her own now is probably equal to the average Jedi Master without the experience and mastery of self that has come by that rank meaning that she risks sabotaging her progress as a Jedi as she relies on her power as a crutch.

"Because emotions are necessary!" I said, and I could taste the irony of someone like me saying that. "Having full control of them… It can really hurt you in ways I can't even foresee!"
It's not the control it's the fact that she doesn't understand her own emotions but can still manipulate them that is the problem.

"W-well… I can at least turn it off and on."
At least Queen Administrator has learned something namely the benefit of having an off switch to a power something every other parahuman has wished for at times.

"It would not be the first time Jedi have dealt with species that have peculiar emotional processing." Master Halis winced. "Though… admittedly this is an extreme case."
The advantage of the Jedi being thousands of years old and having members of multiple species they are experienced in dealing with different species with different biology and thought processes and still helping them become Jedi.

"Well…" Obi-Wan paused, seemingly chewing on his next words. "We did, perhaps, just get the best empath the Jedi have ever known to fall into our laps." He looked at me pointedly.
Honestly, I don't think they need Karla any Jedi Master worth the name could do the same thing, I think this is more to evaluate Karla.

"What he intended very much to be a slave army. It may have been his goal to save the Jedi and the Republic… but the ends cannot always be used to justify the means."
I am surprised he is even this generous since for a Jedi the ends never justify the means. Also, as others have noted relying too much on visions can be very dangerous but I suppose the Jedi are getting desperate.
Thank you for sharing fun updates with us!

I didn't even know the Jedi ships even had videogames…
Even's doubled in the sentence, it might flow better without the first one. And there's no ignorance, Taylor, there is knowledge.

Somehow it didn't surprise me that Anakin did know, and knew how to play it.

It was probably a racing game of some kind.
'Now this is mod racing!' Because he wouldn't play the base/vanilla version of the game. That nerd.

"All of you looking over my shoulder is a silver lining?" I asked drily.

"From a certain point of view." He defended.
From my point of view, the Jedi are ev il aluating me!

"Sifo-Dyas?" Plo Koon questioned, and I could tell by the tone that he was considering the possibility. "He's still held in prison. You would seek to have him released?"
Is this an AU element I missed? In the OTL, IIRC, Sifo Dyas was dead/on ice in Dooku/Sidious's clutches. Anyone recall when they established he went to space jail?

"A discussion, the matter of Master Diaz for the Council as a whole, to be discussed." She said.
Oh, he's Latino? They shouldn't have racial profiling in space, especially pre-empire. Space racism? Spracism?

"Taylor." He finally said. "Can you… tell me what the 'Warrior' was?"
Imagine God, and he mad at you.

The big battle where we're going full 40k scale up on this thing.
Is that a promise of word count? (I know it's a reference to a different thing. In terms of it being 'the last big battle,' does that mean this timeline's version of the clone wars only ladts a few months?
Last edited:
Chapter 102
Chapter 102:


"A counter?"

Vicky offered a quiet nod, still lying across from me on the bed, one of her fingers playing with a lock of my hair.

She wasn't meeting my eyes and I didn't need to be Lisa to know that there were complex emotions playing out behind that averted gaze.

We've discussed it, wargamed it. I made damn sure to hammer home that people were going to come after us. And she knew it.

But no one had ever seriously gone after her before. Not like this. Not doing weeks or months of research, crunching numbers, analyzing footage.

It was old hat for the life I'd lived.

But as strong of a front as she put up, the reality of it had disquieted her, unsettled her.

What I felt was altogether different.

It wasn't anger, nothing so base as that. It was something deeper. Something worse. I could feel it writhing inside of my chest like a hissing snake, and I made a conscious effort to push it back down.

I didn't want to become what I'd been on Ilum.

"You could stay." I said. "In the Temple, or Kashyyyk. Train people on how to whack others with a glow stick really, really hard."

She snorted. "Please. As if I could let Anakin take hold of the propaganda spotlight and get one over me in the popularity polls." She joked.

It was a pipe dream, I knew that. She was too important. Even more than me. When Vicky showed up on the battlefield, everyone knew that they were going to win. That they were going to be ok. Even if it wasn't true, Jedi and clones believed it to be true. And that was power in its own right.

We were both valuable. But if I had to make a purely objective call… there was no contest in terms of morale between her and me on the frontlines.

"It's ok." She promised. "Still… Karla." She said pointedly, and it probably wasn't just to change the conversation. "She's a para… twi'lek now."

I nodded. "She is… her trigger wasn't like ours though. Thank God. Queen just… gave it to her."

Vicky stared, frowning. "Am I a bad person for somehow being… bitter about that?" She asked.

"We both are to a degree, I guess." I shrugged. "But… we'll get over it."

She nodded. "Power testing?"

"I did some." I admitted. "She's a Thinker. Two or three, for now at least. Specifically, she can read and understand people's emotions. Has to be line of sight, within about a hundred feet. Doesn't seem to work through electronics, at least in the tests that we conducted."

"That's all?"

I shook my head. "No. She can control her own emotions. Shutting them off or cranking the intensity up. Like a lot of dials in her brain. I'd like to conduct some tests of that with you specifically later."

Vicky raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Why me?"

"Cause combat wise," I began. "You're one of the best precogs in the Order right now… and I'm pretty sure her ability can just flatly counter you."

Vicky raised an eyebrow, and then let the smile that'd been tugging on her lip spread just a little bit.

"Oh, really? Heh. Bet."


It was sort of an impromptu rule, at least between Miss Taylor, Miss Vicky and them. Them of course being himself, Karla and Noble Squad.

Out in the field, you did your job, whatever it was. You did it right, without complaint, without excuses.

They'd never told them that, never demanded it, but that very quickly became what he understood to be expected. From his Masters towards them and they, in turn, towards the two Jedi Masters.

Outside the Temple, as Noble team said, they were 'on the clock'.

But within the Temple… things were different.

Again, they never said it, but he could remember the differences before the war and now. Very rarely did Miss Vicky or Taylor ever demand something of any of them. They asked.

What would you like to do today?

Is there anything in particular you need help with?

Day's yours, kid, have fun.

The days in the Temple were easier, from the conversations he'd had and overheard from various clones. R&R, shore leave, downtime.

The concept was simple.

High stress situations, if not alleviated even for a short while, could cause burnout… even for Jedi.

The Temple was the place where it could be alleviated.

Where they were safe from surprise attacks, artillery barrages, the threat of the Sith, the death of friends.

So in the Temple, they didn't have to do anything. Or, to be more specific, they were allowed to do what they wished… within reason, of course.

He was pretty sure Knight Skywalker still wasn't allowed to do swoop races in the halls.

Granted, the Trandoshan was confident that the Knight hadn't been serious when he pushed the idea as a fun sporting event for the clones…

But Iskt was only confident... not sure about that.

But either way, the point stood. By and large, they could do whatever they wished, to a certain extent.

This was their downtime.

So, it was both notable and a little unusual that Miss Taylor and Miss Vicky had requested they present themselves in the training grounds today with Master Drallig for 'special training'.

And it was a special training that wasn't just for them, but for all of the senior Padawan's and Knights.

As in those actively seeing combat on the frontlines.

The halls were filled relatively quickly, with old crechemates and friends finding each other and beginning to catch up and gossip. Iskt and Karla themselves found several of their old crechemates too, now Padawans to other Masters, like Zai and Zaisk with Master Allie, Ten-Hu with master Poof. Decimus and other friends joined them, too. Ahsoka, Barriss, Cal and Trilla, all gravitating around them with their own brands of stories and well wishes.

It was… good. Odd, since they hadn't all really had time to interact with each other since… everything, but it was good. To see all of his friends were still alive and doing well, given the circumstances.

Master Drallig made his way to the center of the arena as the other Masters gathered behind him. There were less of them than the Padawans and Knights, of course, but they too seemed to be mingling together. He spotted Miss Vicky and Knight Skywalker.

But not Miss Taylor though. Odd. He wondered where she was.


"I want you to know that I do not approve of these inquiries you're making."

"I know." I answered, offering an apologetic smile towards the older woman. "And I appreciate your help regardless, Master Nu."

The old woman sniffed, a very small set of glasses now resting on the bridge of her nose, looking like she'd been extracted from the classic films from Earth as a snooty librarian. "The only reason is because I have heard of this… development with your Padawan."

"Of course you did." I thought but didn't say. "Jedi gossip like highschool girls.''

She looked down at the datapad. "All of the information here is, of course, part of the public records. For anything more specific I will require nothing less than Council approval, even for a Master."

"I understand." I said, taking my own datapad. "I just need to know how many abilities exist out there that can outright manipulate emotion."

"Most of the abilities of that nature stem from the dark side." The head librarian said with clear disapproval, even though she didn't look up from her reading. "That isn't something either of you should be delving into just for idle curiosity of experimentation!"

"We're fighting a war." I answered… or maybe reminded. She was the librarian. One who rarely left these archives. "Karla's already encountered a Sith once… who's to say if she finds another, one that might have access to some of these techniques?"

"I am aware." The old woman snipped. "It's why I've given you access to everything we have on the subject in the public archive. But you-" She said that last word very pointedly. "-are rarely satisfied without pushing some form of boundary."

"Sometimes they need to be pushed a little." I answered. My voice was deadpan but there was an inflection I didn't quite manage to suppress.

Vicky really was a bad influence.

Master Nu sniffed, returning her eyes to the datapad to continue scrolling.

"The only Jedi Master who has any sort of proficiency with techniques similar to what you're asking for are our healers…"

Makes sense… at least to keep people calm.

"And Master Poof."

I blinked. "Wait, Master Poof?"

She nodded. "Indeed. He's always been drawn to esoteric techniques. I understand you based your fire techniques off of that candle trick of his, did you not?"

I nodded, a fist rising to my mouth "I did, yeah." Hmmm… Poof wasn't my ally on the Council, but he wasn't an enemy either. He, like Rancisis (at least before Ilum), were the true neutrals on the Council.

He even had one of my crechelings, Ten-Hu, as a Padawan.

I think it was safe to say I could at least ask, when I was done with my inquiries and research here.

Hell, he might've even accessed some of the non-public archives to learn these techniques of his.


"These droids are not like the B1s and B2s." Behind Anakin loomed a large, projected holo-image. "The EG-5 Jedi Hunter." He said very clearly towards the assembled Padawans and Knights. "That's what the Separatists have named these things. The name should give you a clue on what their job is."

The holo-image shifted, now showing the droid in motion, fighting a phantom enemy, rather than simply T-posing.

"The combat data we've gathered," He continued. "Puts each of these droids roughly on par with some of our Jedi Knights."

He saw some fear beginning to seep into the crowd at that, muttered conversations, worried glances.

"SO!" He shouted, his voice going off like a gunshot in the halls, bringing all eyes snapping back to him. "We're going to prepare you all for the possibility that you might run into these droids." He said with a pleasant smile, the holo-image once more shifting to a T-pose, but now highlighting several of the droid's features.

"Starting from the feet," He said. "You'll note that the droid's feet are four pronged talons or hooks. This makes it very hard to knock the droid down and gives it a great deal of stability. So don't be surprised if your standard Force Push doesn't actually move it at all." He said. "If you want it to move, you need to actually lift the droid first and then push. In that vein, the droid's weight is approximately one hundred and fifty two kilograms, so practice lifting that much weight here in the Temple safely before you attempt it in the field."

Many of the Padawans and Knights were listening with rapt attention. There were still some mutterings, people discussing things with one another, but each of them were giving the lecture their full attention.

"Moving upwards, we can see that these models have six thruster ports. Two on the sides of the chest, where its rib cage would be," The hologram highlighted the two aforementioned thruster ports. "Two on its back," Again, the holo shifted. "And two on the soles of those clawed feet.

He caught bits and pieces of some of the conversations happening around him. Some of the more experienced in combat, be it Knights or Padawans, were beginning to piece together the implications.

"This, as you can probably guess, gives it a high range of mobility." He confirmed. "They can keep up with most normal displays of Force assisted acrobatics. Furthermore, their software has been uploaded with comprehensive data on all seven forms of lightsaber combat, with an algorithm designed to predict the movements of Jedi by cross referencing their stored data and normal biomechanics. It isn't perfect by any means as far as we've determined, but if you're using very standard textbook styles, unless you can outpace its raw numbers, it will not end well for you."

Now came the worst part.

"Furthermore," He cleared his throat, the holo behind him shifting again to specifically highlight the armor plating. "These droids have an outer shell of cortosis."

Many, but not all paled at the revelation. It was mostly the Padawans that were ignorant; many of the senior Knights looked very, very concerned, even ill

"For those of you who don't know, cortosis is a relatively rare metal. It is extremely resistant to energy based weaponry, including lightsabers. Not only will your lightsaber fail to cut through it, it will cause a feedback loop that will temporarily short out, if not outright damage, the inner workings of your lightsaber."

Now the panic set in. Not only did many people begin speaking, turning the previous silence in the room to a forlorn memory, but some outbursts couldn't be contained.

"Are you saying that if we hit them at all we'll be completely disarmed!?"

"How are we supposed to fight that!"

"Do we leave it up to clones then?"

"I bet Miss Vicky punched one to beat it."

That last comment, he noted, came from Zai, a Nautolan girl sitting next to Iskt and Karla, one of Taylor's old crechelings.


Master Drallig's voice carried through the auditorium, drowning out the din and clamor with a single thunderous shout. The man was calm, just loud.

As the quiet returned to the hall the Battlemaster offered Anakin a nod, letting him take control once more.

"I understand this is alarming, but I didn't come here to just say how screwed we all are." He promised with his 'winning smile', as Padme called it.

"The Jedi Hunter droids have no less than three exploitable weaknesses." He reassured. "Just like we're scrambling to field more clones, the CIS is scrambling in their own way with hastily designed weapons. Engineers on a time crunch sometimes have to cut corners to meet the deadline."

The hologram shifted. "One of these cut corners is the cortosis itself. Yes, it's very resistant to energy based weaponry and lightsabers, but it is an overall weak metal. Pure kinetic force can dent the treated folds and outright snap the untreated variants of it. So in short, one of the easiest ways to take one down would be carrying a slugthrower with you." Some, but very few of the assembled Jedi, didn't outright cringe at the notion.

Blasters were genuinely frowned upon in the Order, Anakin knew. There were many reasons for it, from optics to culture, to pride and everything in between. A slugthrower - an even more barbaric weapon - Anakin wasn't surprised that many were just reflexively turning their noses up at it.

It wasn't his job to single handedly change their minds. The war would do that. Or it'd kill them first.

He moved on. "Second, droids, like all machines, build up a lot of heat. All of that heat has to go somewhere." The holo shifted to the droid's back, just over its back mounted thrusters, where there were no less than eight vents. "Each of these vents has an almost laughably thin layer of plating. Even your bare fist can probably punch through them, though you're likely to get cut. Punch a shiv, or an ion spike, through it and that droid will take crippling, if not outright catastrophic, damage."

At this many of the Jedi were nodding, no upturned noses this time. Anakin still thought they were either underestimating the droid or overestimating their own abilities; getting behind a resisting combatant for such a clean shot was not easy.

"Lastly," he highlighted the central column of the machine, its 'spine'. "As you've probably noticed, the Jedi Hunter droid has a very thin waist. This is to keep its weight down to help with its mobility. That waist is also covered in cortosis but is filled to the brim with all the wiring, servos lubricant, cooling tubes and… well… everything the droid needs to function properly." He nodded. Your lightsaber won't cut it, but even simple blows can start damaging its inner workings."

"Like hitting someone in the stomach with a sledgehammer." He recognized Ahsoka's voice.

Anakin nodded with a small smile. "Yes, exactly. Generally speaking the Jedi council advises the use of Force techniques to damage this part of the machine."

For a demonstration, he lifted three objects, two solid plates of armor plating and one, very large cast iron orb.

With a flick of his fingers the orb sailed towards one of the plates like a cannonball, smashing into it with enough force that the sound alone made him wince, and sent echoing bangs through the entire room with the equivalent decibel of an artillery shell.

The armor plate was completely folded in on itself.

"Obviously, using something in your environment is possible but if you find yourself without a suitable object to use well-"

He clenched his fist.

The second armor plate was crushed like a metal paper ball.

"The Force itself will do." He shrugged, returning all three items to their place on a small table at the edge of the arena.

"Any questions?"

Several people raised their hands.

"Yes?" He called pointing towards… well… Cal Kestis. Call him biased, but Anakin knew the boy well enough to know that he usually had a decent head on his shoulders and he wouldn't ask stupid questions.

"You said earlier that those using 'basic lightsaber forms' would need to outpace their raw numbers. What are those numbers?" The boy called.

Anakin nodded pleased. "An excellent question…"


Vicky didn't realize Anakin had a hidden talent for teaching. He fielded the array of questions very well, especially for a first timer.

He was one of the Jedi's foremost experts on droids and engineering in general as far as she knew, and he had been the one to capture the EG-5 intact. So he'd been picked to give the lecture.

It'd been pretty short notice, too; they only just got back from Kashyyyk a few days after Vicky's own return, after all. Taylor said he'd been nervous and had asked her for tips.

But honestly… yeah. The kid was a natural.

"In light of the particular danger of these droids, the Jedi Council has decided that special precautions and preparations must be undertaken. All of you have been divided into five categories." Anakin continued after the questions had been fielded, holding up his hand to very clearly show his five fingers. "These categories roughly translate to your level of combat skill, as judged by Master Drallig and your respective Jedi Masters who consulted with us for this training. It's our hope that before any of you step onto the battlefield again where you might find these droids that all of you will be at a minimum of rank three, preferably having surpassed the fifth rank."

Vicky could hear a few mutterings going around, people beginning to wonder, of course where they were placed.

"Your ranking-" Anakin said clearly, "-is not a mark of shame, or of pride. It is merely a sign of how much you'll have to work, and how much you can help others to get to where you are. Conduct yourselves as such." He nodded as the large holoplinth lit up with a billboard of many names, each divided into five columns.

As expected, ranks five and four, overseen by Keto and Secura respectively, were the most populous of the five columns, filled to the brim with Padawans.

Mostly group five was going to test whether the Padawans in question even could use the Force to crush the metal at all under ideal conditions. And if they couldn't, then by God was everyone gonna work to find them a way to do it. Four would add certain conditions: a time limit, light distractions, irritations and so on.

Rank three, Anakin's group, was where you had a more even split, no doubt to the shock of many Knights who may have thought they were pretty hot shit, or Padawans who didn't think they were that good. He would be the one to start implementing active combat into the exercise. They needed to focus enough to crush the metal in combat.

Anakin wouldn't be going full Dooku's/Obi-Wan's/The Sith Slayer's Apprentice-mode on them, but they'd definitely have to bring their A game.

Master Drallig's examinees on rank two were pretty much all Knights, and the Battlemaster would be pushing them hard.

Honestly, Vicky was pretty sure Anakin could do a better job on that front if they let him get creative, but far be it from her to say anything. No need to hurt anyone's feelings. Cin wasn't a bad guy.

Rank one, her group, had just nineteen examinees. Three Masters, fourteen Knights…

And just two little Padawans.

Plenty of people would no doubt cry foul but neither Tay nor Vicky cared.

Their tiny terrors could do it.

Vicky wasn't gonna raise a finger to fight anyone, after all.

She waved happily towards the two Padawans who both looked at each other, a whole conversation passing between them like she and Amy had back when they were kids, before they both shrugged, beginning to march down towards her column.

"Okay!" Vicky said after a few moments where her nineteen were arranged in front of her on one of the five practice areas. This one filled with gentle, warm white sands.

She clapped her hands. "I'll be your instructor for the day." She promised before reaching down towards a crate beside her. Three little drones were inside but she only activated one.

The floating orb rose up, activating before she reached over and held it in her hands, placing it in front of her stomach.

"These droids all have pressure sensors to detect when they're under the estimated necessary pressure. I have spares here just in case someone gets gun happy, but not too many so lets keep calm." Vicky smiled, wiggling the droid. "We all know that each of you has the strength to destroy the metal in question with your raw Force power."

"So we're going to fight you?" One of the Knights, a Nautolan, asked, black eyes splayed wide open. "No offense, Master Dallon, but that seems like… how would you say… overkill? You are certainly much more powerful than these droids."

"Aww, I like you." She laughed, shaking her head. 'Nah, I'm not gonna fight you. No point in that. We all know your respective combat records. Each of you has been under fire and had your lives threatened on the battlefield before. You were able to keep your cool under combat so we're not here to test that.

One of the Masters cleared his throat; the others were curious now, but she could see her Padawan had an inkling of what was about to happen.

"Then, what are we testing, Master Dallon?" Her colleague asked.

"How well you guys can keep a hold of your shit when you're actually afraid." She answered, raising a finger. "I have an ability. It's not very well known because it's useless on droids, but I can make people afraid. The effects of course are temporary and I'm not exactly looking to turn you into a nervous wreck, but in this controlled environment it's the closest we can get to what people feel during genuine 'mortal panic', when you feel like you might genuinely die." She nodded. "Most likely very few of the test takers will get here. That's why the benchmark for acceptability is rank three with Anakin. But the Jedi Council has deemed the experience a good one for those they're confident can handle it."

"That technique." Another of the Masters, a Cathar, spoke. "It sounds as though it is of the dark side."

"It isn't." I assured, and she wasn't lying. Her aura had nothing to do with light or dark. "But it's definitely not something you're gonna find just lying around, either. For those of you who'd like to back out, you're allowed to. There's no shame in it whatsoever."

Each of the men turned, looking at one another before one of the younger Knights stepped up. And, through pride or peer pressure, the others followed his example.

Iskt and Karla didn't even look like they'd given the offer a second's thought.

Vicky nodded, smiling. "Ok. We'll start with you"

Her aura uncoiled from her body, affecting each of the examinees one by one. It took a bit for her to find the right level of intensity, but not so long for anyone to get an easy trial.

She could see it. The signs weren't the same, but they were universal.

Humans broke out in cold sweat, trembling. Sometimes they stared at her, sometimes they backed away.

Nautolans changed color, their black eyes shrunk. The Cathars' hackles were raised, their ears pinned back.

She could see it. The fear.

With her eyes and in the Force.

One by one they came in front of her, into the range of her aura.

The Masters tried to master themselves, falling back onto calming techniques that muted her power, but didn't stop it. Like someone trying to smother an electric stove with a blanket. Her power kept working, kept rewiring the meat parts of the brain, even as their experience told them to push it out.

Eventually, desperation made them lash out.

The droid chimed.

Some of the Knights were not ready.

Their defenses crumbled. A castle without guards. Gates without bars. She walked right in and they never even noticed, struggling just to keep it all together and not just fall into panic.


She whispered it in their minds and run they did, the spell breaking once they were out of range, much to their shame.

Some, she didn't mind trick.

She just grabbed her saber like she was about to draw it.

That was enough.

Fear is the mind killer.

It's one of Taylor's favorite quotes for a reason.

Iskt, her Padawan, knew her power, but that didn't stop it from affecting him.

He hissed like a crocodile. A deep, rumbling growl vibrating the air around him. He glared at her with eyes that were slit like a cat's. Mouth open, baring his fangs, muscles bunched in fight or flight responses.

He chose fight.

Iskt lunged, and even as he raised his fist Vicky knew he'd never hit her, merely punching with all his considerable strength dead center of the droid to smash it to pieces between her hands.

She let the destroyed remains fall with dull thumps onto the sand, a sliver of metal having cut the boy's knuckles as he pulled away.

"We'll work on that." She promised with a wry smirk.

Iskt wasn't happy about his loss of control, she knew him well enough to know that.

But hey… he understood the assignment at least.

He nodded, stepping back to join the others.

Finally, it was Karla's turn.

Vicky had been looking forward to this, but she ramped up her power slowly. Karla was, after all, the youngest one here.

She spread her senses out in the Force, brushing the girl's surface thoughts, seeing with two sets of eyes how it was affecting her as it took hold, the first signs beginning to show and then…


Karla went completely blank, almost corpse-like in her 'feel'.

The girl brought up her hand, and the droid beeped. Announcing that the threshold had been met.

Vicky smiled.

Looks like Tay had been right. So far, at any rate.

Karla's power trumped hers in this field.

"More Data?" She heard Fragile whisper at the back of her mind, the image of an impish smile imposing itself on her thoughts.

Vicky smiled.

More Data.


It was hours until the testing was done, and by the time it was, many of the examinees and their instructors gathered around the expansive training grounds, speaking with each other. Sharing training advice and notes, as it were.

Anakin listened and watched it all; few of the students marching up to him not just to regard the exercise itself, but pick his brain for sword techniques.

It was… a nice experience, really.

"Perhaps I should be looking over my shoulder. Soon I might be out of a job, Knight Skywalker."

Anakin blinked, turning towards the voice, finding Master Drallig making his way closer to him, hands clasped behind his back, a kind smile on his face.

Anakin laughed just a bit, shaking his head. "No, never, Battlemaster, you're far better at the task than I am."

"You're selling yourself short. You have an unexpected talent for teaching." Cin reassured.

Anakin didn't quite preen under the praise… but it was nice to hear. Though watching several of the Knights step up towards Victoria, still trying their hand at the assigned task, he noted something odd.

Iskt, who'd been standing patiently at the side of the arena, waiting for his Master to finish, was being hastily dragged away from his corner by Karla, who was pulling the large Trandoshan boy closer to Anakin.

Anakin raised a slender eyebrow, spreading his senses towards her as he half carried a conversation with Drallig beside him.

He was surprised indeed when of all things, his brush across her surface emotions carried… a very real fear.

A fear that did not abate until she was standing beside Anakin and Master Drallig.

"O-one moment, Battlemaster, please, excuse me. I'm sorry." He cut in hastily, smiling apologetically at the Battlemaster.

Cin, though blinking in obvious surprise and curiosity, nevertheless nodded. "There's no need for apologies, by all means."

Anakin hastily nodded and half bowed to the man before swiveling on his heel and kneeling down beside Karla.

Iskt too looked curious, leaning a bit closer as Anakin whispered.

"Hey, Karla." He whispered as quietly as he could. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, lips pressed together into a thin line.

Anakin frowned, spreading his senses out even further, not just towards her, but to the surrounding grounds. He subtly checked everyone in the area, especially near where Iskt had previously been standing.

There was a moment, a brief snapshot of something that made his insides twist that he couldn't quite catch as Anakin began to look with his eyes, not just the Force.

Nothing stood out.

"Karla." He pleaded again. "Come on." He nodded. "Use your power on me if you want; whatever it is you know you can tell me."

Karla shook her head. "No. We can trust Mr. Anakin." She said and he had to stop himself from smiling at the surety he heard in her voice.

Still, "Then what happened?" He asked.

She hesitated, her eyes darting somewhere to the right and Anakin tried to follow her gaze before she reached up, tugging at his robe at the shoulder to pull him close, whispering in his ear.

"I don't want Iskt standing there." She said.

"I got that, but why?" Anakin insisted.

One last time, the girl hesitated. "Master Bulq… he doesn't feel very nice."

Anakin's eyes widened a bit and turned to look, finding that the Weequay Council member was indeed standing by the spot where Iskt had been. Almost behind the boy, if memory served.

The Council Master was now staring at Dallon instructing the last of her examinees, his face the picture of stony stoicism, revealing nothing.

As subtly and as carefully as he could, Anakin stretched a tendril of his senses towards the Council member.

He very deliberately placed a reassuring hand on the girl's head, standing up to stay beside them, and let Karla take his hand in hers as he turned and smiled at Master Drallig, resuming their conversation as if nothing at all was amiss.

Sora Bulq

"Ahh, Master Bulq!"

The call surprised the Weequay Master, though he recognized it.

Turning to find that Anakin Skywalker was indeed jogging up behind him to catch up was still surprising.

"Knight Skywalker." He nodded, turning to face the young human as the boy smiled widely.

"Glad I caught you." Anakin said. "Forgive me for wasting your time like this, Master."

At the words Bulq ground his teeth together behind closed lips just a bit. He indeed did not enjoy having his time wasted, much less by an open ally towards Hebert and Dallon, but the pretense of politeness was still needed here.

"Not at all." He shook his head. "What did you wish to discuss?"

"Well," Skywalker's smile turned sheepish. "You enjoy a reputation as one of the Order's greatest swordmasters, Master Bulq, so I was wondering what you thought of the lesson. If there's something you'd improve on for the future."

It was indeed a waste of time. Many of those Padawans and most of those Knights were hopeless as warriors. Niman practitioners and diplomats. Even a hundred years wouldn't bring them up to par. Much less Drallig, the poor excuse of a Battlemaster.

"It was more than adequate." He lied. "Perhaps you will take Master Drallig's position as Battlemaster when the war is done."

The Knight certainly couldn't do any worse than the pitiful excuse the Jedi of today called Battlemaster.

Anakin laughed. "He said the same thing. Thank you, Master. I was nervous, it being my first time giving a lecture like that and all."

He nodded, trying not to show his impatience. "You had nothing to be nervous about. If that is all-"

"It's so nice to have a Master who doesn't let his personal feelings affect his treatment of any of the Padawans present. Isn't it, Master?"

Bulq paused mid step, his brain stuttering for a moment even as he heard the edge that had slipped into Skywalker's voice.

He straightened, turning slowly to look at the still smiling Knight, his thoughts hidden behind a sharp fang and deceiving glibness.

Bulq's eyes narrowed. "Are you implying something, Skywalker?"

"Nothing at all, Master." Skywalker said. "Just you know, It'd be a shame if there were any Masters who would… I don't know, threaten or hurt any of those Padawans because of personal feelings." He shook his head, lips forming the mockery of a frown as he shrugged with a deep breath sucked in through his nostrils. "I might just… have to leave them choking on their reputation as a swordmaster… ya know?"

Bulq felt his features twist; most species considered Weequay's ugly, and he could only imagine the wrathful curl of his lips did little to disprove that notion as Skywalker's features, still holding that insufferable smile, hardened.

Before anything more could be said another voice cut in.

"Hey, Annie?"

Bulq felt his fury rise, Anakin turning his head ever so slightly to glance down the hall but keeping one eye on the Council member too as he smiled at Dallon. "Yeah, Vic?"

The so-called 'Perfect Jedi' frowned, one eyebrow hiking up to her forehead as her eyes darted between Anakin and Bulq. The three children, Trandoshan, Togruta and Twi'lek, were at her side. "Something up?"

"Nah." Anakin laughed, one hand rising up to clap lightly on Bulq's shoulder like they were old friends. "Master Bulq was just giving me lesson tips!" He walked back, not turning around as that damnable smile of his remained etched on his face. "Good talk, Master, thank you. Maybe we'll talk again." He promised, the words allowing him no less than five paces distance before he finally turned and finished making his way towards Dallon and the Padawans.

The woman, children and Knight marched down the hallway as Bulq's fists clenched so tight his nails bit into his skin.


I am very very happy with Anakin's character/development right now :3

How bout you guys?

As usual we still have three advance chapters available on Patreon right now where everything is finally coming together *beautifully*

Its gonna be so epic :D
It wasn't anger, nothing so base as that. It was something deeper. Something worse. I could feel it writhing inside of my chest like a hissing snake, and I made a conscious effort to push it back down.

I didn't want to become what I'd been on Ilum.
Very good.
High stress situations, if not alleviated even for a short while, could cause burnout… even for Jedi.

The Temple was the place where it could be alleviated.
Leave is important time, especially during war.
"Starting from the feet," He said.
Raonoke Gaming would be proud.
"The Jedi Hunter droids have no less than three exploitable weaknesses." He reassured. "Just like we're scrambling to field more clones, the CIS is scrambling in their own way with hastily designed weapons. Engineers on a time crunch sometimes have to cut corners to meet the deadline."
They're capable, but not without weaknesses. When you know how something functions, you know how to counter them.
"Nothing at all, Master." Skywalker said. "Just you know, It'd be a shame if there were any Masters who would… I don't know, threaten or hurt any of those Padawans because of personal feelings." He shook his head, lips forming the mockery of a frown as he shrugged with a deep breath sucked in through his nostrils. "I might just… have to leave them choking on their reputation as a swordmaster… ya know?"
"Whaddaya say, bestest buddy?"
You might be overdoing it with Vicky's aura?

After all regular capes could fight her fine for the most part.
And for them there's certainly a lot less mental discipline and more trauma than in the average Jedi Knight.
You might be overdoing it with Vicky's aura?

After all regular capes could fight her fine for the most part.
And for them there's certainly a lot less mental discipline and more trauma than in the average Jedi Knight.

Sort of yes and sort of no.

Capes have an "advantage" in the sense that they've always dealt with "fear" and can act "past it"

Jedi however have always been conditioned to repress/release their emotions into the Force.

Vicky isn't "letting them" do that.

She's yanked away their main "coping" method and left them with the relatively atrophied one of "normal" people.

Its an example of a Jedi being "too reliant" on the Force, as Kreia would say.
Vicky didn't realize Anakin had a hidden talent for teaching
Ah. A teacher.
So that's how he burns in this continuity!

Burning out still counts, right?

I imagine though that Obi-Wan would experience unholy levels of enjoyment if teacher Anakin ever had to go through a "Listen here, you little shit!" moment with a pupil.
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