The Weaving Force

Chapter 90
Chapter 90:


"Sooooo… what's going on here?"

It was actually somewhat obvious what was going on, but he wanted specifics.

He probably should have been more clear, especially when Vicky answered with:

"Training, what's it look like?"

"For him, or you?" he asked. Gesturing towards Iskt he had to point out the obvious. "He hasn't taken a single swing at you this whole time."

Vicky had the decency to give a semi-nervous laugh. "Yeah. I know it seems weird, but kind of the point, really."

He gestured - his hand making a circular motion - urging her to go on.

"Soresu is a defensive lightsaber style," she explained. "We're using it to build up mah boy's endurance." She gave a cheeky smirk at the rather exaggerated 'mah boy' she slipped in there.

"Trandoshans," Iskt hissed. "Do not have ample reserves of energy. We tire quickly. Focusing on Soresu against Master Victoria burns my energy reserves."

"So, hold on." He shook his head. "Are you telling me, you wailing on him with lightsabers and making him block isn't so much a strength exercise as its fucking cardio?"

"It can be both," Vicky chirped.

She wasn't wrong, but the way the Trandoshan teen's muscles had been straining, pushing against Vicky's saber, looked more like a whole damn body exercise.

Then again, he was effectively pushing against 14 tons of force. Or however much Vicky was using to match his 'puny mortal teenager' strength.

Sure, as a Trandoshan he was probably as strong as a young human adult right now, but 14 tons was still something he wasn't gonna reach even when he was fully grown.

Master and student turned back to their training. "Again!" Vicky cried, and this time floated up off the ground. "I'm aiming to hit you this time, not just tire you out."

Iskt, without complaint, nodded, bracing himself, his hands tightening on the hilt of his oversized saber. He'd grow into it, Dennis knew. Right now, it was about as long as a cop's nightstick, the boy's two hands comfortably resting on the neck and near the pommel with a solid two inches of space between his hands.

When Vicky moved this time, she moved fast, a flurry of lightning strikes. The lightsaber didn't exactly need force behind each swing, but a physics-breaking Brute like Vicky, who didn't need a lick of leverage or actual force momentum to apply her strength, was no doubt delivering rock solid blows with every single swing as she flew around him like an angry, blue flashing buzzsaw.

Iskt's saber moved quickly, tight and controlled, but Dennis could see the instances where his defense buckled, when the boy stumbled and light burns appeared on his arms and legs where Vicky's blade, set to a high stun, grazed him.

Some of the Mandalorian Royal Guards paused what they were doing and turned to watch the spectacle. Rugess wandered close with a bag of snacks that he offered Dennis a bite of, which he accepted very readily as Iskt lashed out, fast as a viper, very nearly catching Vicky in the face before she pulled away at the very last second.

"Good! Very good," she complimented the boy.

All in all, it was an entertaining distraction, pulling him away from the niggling concern that was Ventress's absence at the moment.

They'd been on Nar Shaddaa for the better part of three days now and he'd mostly been sticking around the ship and the hangar bay, not wanting to risk wandering outside and being recognized. Rugess had done the same.

Ventress checked in once every six hours on the dot without fail. But that was still six hours in which something could go wrong. She had a tracker on her and Vicky said that she would 'sense it' if something went wrong and Ventress needed help, but that was cold comfort. A blaster bolt to the back of the head would kill you a lot faster than Vicky could fly her ass on down to wherever in bum-fuck nowhere Ventress was fighting.

The Mandalorian royals had also sent out their own feelers. With six on the squad, two were willing to go and search for clues on the Death Watch; they likely had a history on Nar Shaddaa or some underworld connections. Very few Mandos with combat experience didn't have some kind of history as mercs or enforcers, even the Royal Guard.

So it stood to reason they had some strings they could tug on.

The Jedi were remaining much more low key, keeping to the hangar bay just like he was.

He was pretty sure it was because Nar Shaddaa made them uncomfortable. Something about the Force being too loud here or something.

Even so, he was worried, he couldn't help it.

This was the worst fucking place in the galaxy for him and his crew, and the sooner he was off this rock the happier he'd be.


It wasn't hard for her, slipping into the shadows of this wretched place.

In truth, it was like slipping on an old, well worn glove.

After… after Narek, after Rattatak, places like Nar Shaddaa were all she knew. All that was available to her.

Pirates, slavers, cutthroats, rapists and other monsters, they all found their way here, lured by the promise of money, violence, flesh or other vices. Nar Shaddaa and places like it had it all to one degree or another. You didn't even have to search very hard.

The Mandalorians though, Death Watch.

That was a more unique quarry.

Unique quarry, however, had unique 'wants'.

Dennis, given time, could no doubt find them. He played the fool well enough, but he was not a fool. She wouldn't be with him if he was.

The royal guards, however, were a hindrance. Too… loud. Too clumsy. Hannah would have been better off keeping her 'help'. They were dumb muscle at most. More likely than not their presence would give them away in a place like this.

Mandalorians stood out. Mandalorians with 'royal authority' even moreso.

Dallon… Dallon was another matter. The Jedi Master was powerful, of that Ventress had no doubt. She may have lacked subtlety, but she made up for it in sheer brute force. Even if Dennis hadn't regaled her with tales of what Dallon and Hebert could do back on his homeworld, the propaganda reels of her on the battlefront painted a good enough picture.

It rankled, admitting that she was outclassed by anyone, but Dallon… that was not a woman Ventress deluded herself into thinking she could defeat.

Still, Dallon's role was for later, when their enemies were finally found.

Her role came now. Finding them.

The Nikto Red sector was named such because the primary residents within this hab block were, in fact, Nikto. At least on the upper levels. A species corralled into an area, because the Hutts liked being able to find people easily if need be. If they needed a Nikto, they would send their enforcers here. And their slicers would hack into all other cameras if they tried to hide somewhere outside this sector.

A simple method for tracking people, but in a place so bloated with people like Nar Shaddaa, simple, blunt solutions were often times the most effective.

It also narrowed down her search area.

The Nikto, obviously, were not Mandalorian. That meant that the Mandalorians would stand out within this hab block to a laughable degree.

So, search around the Nikto sector. Its ancillaries, dependencies, the neighboring sub blocks and sectors.

Something had given Hannah a reason to send them here.

She continued her search, guided by her own deductions, instinct, and by the Force itself. Allowing it to guide her search.

If a handful of Nar Shaddaa's scum and imbeciles lost their teeth or use of their limbs along the way… well… that was just the cost of business, as the Hutts would say.

What Dennis and Dallon didn't know would hardly trouble them.

After almost three days, all of these things together led her inexorably towards the bowels of the hab block.

A place known simply as "The Grind".

A place where seemingly all the things even Nar Shaddaa considered 'trash' found its way towards. Falling down, down, down through the layers of grime and filth to settle amidst the rest of the detritus and filth - figuratively… and literally.

The Force shifted and shuddered in her senses. A disturbance. She didn't know if it was a warning or encouragement. It was too unclear, or Nar Shaddaa was simply far too loud to let her hear.

She held her comlink in her hand, contemplating calling Dennis and the others for the briefest of moments before pride stifled that thought.

How would it look, to call Dennis like a frightened child asking for an escort.

Her job was to find the Death Watch.

They were not found yet.

All she had was… belief

She shook her head, scoffing at her own idiocy. The Death Watch were no threat to her, even if they somehow discovered her. She could fight them and escape a handful of up jumped mercs.

Ventress pocketed the communicator and descended down into the depths of the crime moon, the Force churning around her.

Komari Vosa

"What's the problem with it?"

"Power requirements." The old Mandalorian answered, cigarra between his teeth as he quietly typed away on his computer station. "For something this… small, we can't fit a reactor big enough to power it indefinitely. Even the biggest one we can safely fit onto the frame will only give us ten minutes of active use."

Ten minutes. That was an eternity in a fight, but considering Dallon could fly at nearly a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour, just reaching her might take ten minutes. And if she ever discovered the weakness, then it was as good as useless.

Yoshiro breathed out, a cloud of gray acrid smoke wafting out in front of his face. "We sent the specs to the Geonosians. The bugs have some engineering capabilities of their own. Apparently, they've found a solution from what I've heard. Not quite applicable to us, though."

"Oh? How so?"

His left hand reached out, clacking hard on a few keys before the image on the screens shifted. "Take a look." The old man grunted, not bothering to look up from his own work.

Komari leaned forward, reading over the schematics.

"Hah." She couldn't help the startled laugh. "A rather… unique solution. I can see why there aren't many of your men volunteering."

The old man huffed out a sound that might have been a laugh. "If the tech is out there, we'll find it. If it isn't, then we'll just fucking make it."

"You're planning on revolutionizing portable power technology on your own? You and your merry band of soldier rejects?"

"Too ambitious for a weekend side project?" He answered drily.

She snorted. In the few days she'd been here, she had to admit, she'd grown to enjoy the old man's dry wit. It was far more straightforward and… easy, compared to what Sidious enjoyed or found humorous.

She gave a closer eye to the schematics, reading the specifics the Geonosians had delivered in their blueprints.

"It says here they've only put one model in production."

"In all likelihood," The old man drawled, breathing out another plume of smoke. "They want to see if it even works first. No reason to dump that many resources in something untested."

True. The project was expensive. For the same amount of money the Geonosians could probably build an entire ship. Or another ten thousand battle droids.

A tingle ran down her spine…

She felt herself straighten.

The old man noticed. "Something wrong?" He asked.

She didn't answer for a moment.

Then, she stood up.

"Unlikely. We simply might have to deal with a pest problem."

He finally looked up from his work, eying her.

"Hmm. Take two of my men with you."

"That's not necessary." She shook her head, turning to leave.

She heard the charge of a blaster behind her, the high pitched whine ringing in her ears, and wondered if she could turn and slice off his head before he pulled the trigger.

"That wasn't a request."

She chuckled.

She was right in her original assessment. He would have made a fine Sith.



The Grind was everything she imagined.

Filthy, run down. Forgotten.

If she were like these Mandalorians and she wanted to hide, she might have chosen this place too.

It didn't take her long to discover a trail. Whispers and rumors floated like a bad scent in the air.

One word caught her attention, however.


A Jedi had been here.

And that Jedi had killed quite a few people already.

Ventress tried to expand her senses, to see if she could find the culprit, but it was useless. Nar Shaddaa was too loud, too oversaturated with life and all its flows and currents. Too much to shift through. It was deafening, blinding.

But she was not quite so blind as to not notice someone following her before too long.

She pretended not to notice. She moved through the streets and the filth laden crowds. Moving through the bazaar, she bought food, a meat skewer of some kind in the stands. She could smell the alcohol, cheap and harsh, likely made with engine fuel in the bars nearby. Twi'lek slave girls shaking their asses for credit chips, hoping that a good groping was the worst of their nights.

And she kept pretending.

Walking, she chose her engagement place well. Somewhere open, somewhere she could maneuver if need be. Somewhere they thought they'd have an advantage.

When her hand snaked out, lightning quick, her prey barely had time to grab his blaster in surprise.

"Now, look what the cat dragged in." She purred, her saber lighting up with a snap-hiss. "So stupid." She laughed, a smirk crawling its way onto her lips as she slid her knee forward between his legs, like she was ready to knee him in the groin. "I should just get that bounty myself if you're going to make it this easy, you know. Before someone else cashes in instead."

Dennis smiled under his mask. "You'd miss me too much."

She brought her lit saber close to his face, leaning close to the other side to whisper in his ear. "Not at this range I won't."

He took the opportunity to fully pull the blaster out of its holster, and let a whisper caress her ear too. "You've got a tail, by the way."

She placed the tiniest kiss on his cheek, right by his ear. "I know."

Then she threw her saber.

Her blue blade spun through the air like a discus of light, sailing through the yellow lit alleyway, cleaving through durasteel walls before it impacted something, bouncing off armor as a startled cry and a chirp of a blaster rifle went off, her stalker falling down off of the high rise catwalks with a crash as his jetpack sputtered too late to stop his fall.

At the same time, Dennis drew his blaster, the barrel lining up perfectly as he took his shot and struck true, the green bolt scoring a direct hit onto a hidden attacker's helmet, blinding him.

People screamed and she heard the sounds of footsteps running quickly away. The two attackers screamed something she couldn't make out, their voices scrambled as they leaked out of their helmets, calling for backup.

One stood and as she lit her green saber, she found the iconic T-shaped visor of a Mandalorian staring back at her.

Looks like she'd found the Death Watch.

A split second, just enough to take a breath, and the alley was a storm of blasterfire.

She yanked her blade back, the blue lightsaber falling into her hand as she deflected bolt after bolt. Behind her, Dennis yanked a strip of cloth that had once been the curtain for a merchant stall, freezing it in place and exchanging fire with the Mandalorian on his side.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded.

"You missed your check in." He hissed.

Had she lost track of time that badly?

It was likely. The lower you got in Nar Shaddaa, the less and less you could tell time. Even in the upper city where perpetual night was the norm, the neon lights did a fine job of telling you when happy hour was.

Dennis fired his blaster, ducking behind the frozen cloth as a bolt nearly brained him before he pulled his slugthrower free instead, the shotgun roaring as the armor piercing rounds struck the beskar plate much harder, making the Mandalorian howl in pain as a pellet founds it way through a joint . "Got worried about you, sweetie!"

She snarled. "Call me that again and you'll live to regret it!"

He clicked his tongue. "Promises, promises, pumpkin."

She didn't know what a pumpkin was, but she was going to enjoy making him swallow the word when she was done here.

With a snarl she lunged forward, trusting that he'd check the one behind her as she advanced on the Mandalorian. She heard garbled words bark out of his helmet, his jetpack activating as he tried to flee on wings of fire.

She reached out, the Force extending from her hand to grab at his body, gripping him tight as she pulled.

He lurched in the air. More garbled speech, but she recognized the tone, a curse in Mandalorian, as he extended his wrist and spat out a glob of liquid fire in her direction.

She cursed, backpedaling quickly as the flames spread through the alley in front of her, tossing her green saber as the Mandalorian lurched and gained control of his direction again. The green blade struck his vambrace, making the flame canister explode violently, tongues of fire now snaking up and down his arm as he roared in pain, crashing once more as he lost control.

She smirked, satisfied with the damage as she moved to stalk after him.

"My my. So vicious. You're no Jedi, are you, love?"

Her senses screamed at her, danger suddenly blooming at her back. Impossibly close.

How? How could they have hidden like that!?

She whirled around, panic blinding her further. She didn't know where the attack was coming from, she only knew she needed to turn around now.

She turned, the flash of red blinding her. She heard Dennis calling out her name; the barks of the gun, the chirps of the blaster, it was all too fast and too slow. She could see her own end approaching millimeter by millimeter, even as Dennis tried to level his gun for a shot she knew would be deflected anyway.

And suddenly, like an arm coiling around her waist, she felt someone yank her. The air exploded out of her lungs as the presence coiled their Force energy around her stomach and midsection so powerfully she felt it might have broken her ribs as she was suddenly sailing back, the tip of the red saber scoring a glancing slice above her eye that had her face sing with agony as she in turn screamed in pain.

She fell against someone, her back impacting hard against softer flesh, her right eye closed tight with the pain of the saber cut throbbing at her brow.

But even so, she saw the reptilian arms of the Jedi Padawan holding her up, the Force presence uncoiling itself from around her body as the Sith Assassin tensed suddenly, a very real fear now emanating from her troubled thoughts as Dallon marched around Ventress, right out of her blindspot to place herself between Ventress and the Sith, armed and armored like a Jedi of old myths.

"Are you alright?" The Trandoshan boy asked as Ventress heard multiple blasters priming behind them.

The Mandalorian royal guards.

She straightened, trying to open her eye, the light blinding her with more pain.

Did the saber damage nerves? Had the blade been close enough to damage her eye itself?

Frak, she hoped not.

She snarled, gripping her sabers tight even as the Sith backed away, cornered and afraid as she looked at Dallon like she was the only one in that alley.

"Oh," Victoria's voice carried a malicious glee unbefitting of a Jedi. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this."

Dennis - idiot that he was - practically ignored the Mandalorian still alive behind him, standing straight up to make sure she was alive.

When he saw her, she felt the relief almost burn through him like a brushfire, but you'd never know it from his voice as he let out a hateful laugh, glaring at the silver haired Sith woman that had nearly killed her.

"Sorry, bad guys. My backup's just plain better than yours."

The Mandalorian she'd wounded, the one with the burned arm, staggered to his feet, groaning in pain.

His voice was still scrambled, but she was close enough that she could just make out the words warbled under his helmet's speakers.

"She's here. I say again, Dallon is here!"

Yes. Dennis and Ventress are totally platonic why on earth would you think otherwise?

Also, yes. Vicky the Raid Boss has arrived :3

I'm gonna have *so* much fun over the next few chapters with her!

As usual if you all like what you've seen here and you want to get the next chapters in advance three of them are available on Patreon ahead of time right now for just $1.00 along with exclusive artwork, polls and access to my own original work, link is down below.

We also have a discord LD's corner club and a TV tropes page for anyone who would be kind enough to expand its tropes pages.

"So, hold on." He shook his head. "Are you telling me, you wailing on him with lightsabers and making him block isn't so much a strength exercise as its fucking cardio?"
Spoken like someone who liked to ditch during cardio.
She shook her head, scoffing at her own idiocy. The Death Watch were no threat to her, even if they somehow discovered her. She could fight them and escape a handful of up jumped mercs.

She snorted. In the few days she'd been here, she had to admit, she'd grown to enjoy the old man's dry wit. It was far more straightforward and… easy, compared to what Sidious enjoyed or found humorous.
Very true.
True. The project was expensive. For the same amount of money the Geonosians could probably build an entire ship. Or another ten thousand battle droids.
But they already have lot of those. So they'd want something more... special.
My, my! But Dennis does like to live dangerously!

By which I mean that, in the last three fics I've read where he was prominently featured, in one he hooks up with a Callidus assassin, in the second he goes steady with Taylor, and now this!
My, my! But Dennis does like to live dangerously!

By which I mean that, in the last three fics I've read where he was prominently featured, in one he hooks up with a Callidus assassin, in the second he goes steady with Taylor, and now this!
Ah, the Weaver Option.

Probably one of only 5 Worm fics I think deserve re-reading.

This is one of them.
Chapter 91
Chapter 91:

Nerhart Wren

Nerhart considered himself a simple man.

He liked simple jobs for simple pay. Doing simple things that were easy and uncomplicated.

For the last few years he'd been living the dream.

Fight on Ryloth, kill slavers, save Twi'lek slaves.

Simple. Uncomplicated. The pay was good and, as a bonus, anything they took off the slavers they could keep and sell for their own side profits later.

He understood on the surface why clan Wren was acting here, unofficially. He found it stupid. Everyone knew Mandalore had sent them here. Everyone knew the Duchess, and the Vizier, wanted to give the Hutts a headache.

But they just pretended like they didn't know.


But still, their stupidity was his gain. It let him and his clanmates get filthy frakking rich off the backs of Hutt morons.

And the Twi'lek girls were another great bonus. A very grateful bonus.

As such, he was understandably irritated when some frakking moron had to go and flip over the blue milk cart.

Really. Kidnapping Jabba's kid?

As stupid as the Hutts were, being that stupid took the bloody cake.

The instant they got word of that, their orders were changed right quick.

Shut up, lay low, wait for new orders.

Of course they came from "The Boss" but everyone knew who that was, either the Duchess or the Vizier.

So that's what they did.

They shut up, ducked their heads and didn't shoot anything for a solid week.

It was good advice, too.

Seeing as how a whole frakking fleet showed up overhead.

Not the clones. And not the droids, either.


Pirates, raiders, slavers, cut throats, murderers, bandits and every scumbag and lowlife in Hutt space brought together with the promise that whoever got back Jabba's kid would be paid ten times their weight in credits.

The very literal army of bastards fell on Ryloth like cannoks on a carcass, and the results were bloody obvious.

He'd be surprised if there was a single un-collared or un-raped Twi'lek left on the planet within a month.

Clan Wren laid very, very low.

A few of the Twi'leks sought refuge with them.

Clan head said no to all of 'em.

Too much heat.

Only exceptions were four lil' ones.


Their parents couldn't protect 'em. They knew that.

So they gave 'em up.

Nerhart wasn't sure if that was the bravest thing he'd ever seen… or the saddest.

Still, they kept watch, and through the week they managed to discover the army of scumbags weren't just a disorganized rabble.

They had commanders.

Like people their bosses were answering to.

There was a hierarchy.

The Hutts, or Jabba at the very least, went and cobbled together an army.

A flimsy one.

But an army.

That wasn't something you could do over a few days. The Hutt had been busy before this.

Then, of course, something else happened.

Another fleet.

He and the rest of the boys stared up at the skies, hidden in the canyons and crags of the Ryloth deserts.

"Those look like Pub ships." Cannuk said.

"Yep." He answered.

"Dropping dangerously close to the Hutt merc fleet.?"


"Think they're gonna blow each other up?"

He took a second to think about it.

"Nah." He shrugged. "Got a feeling the Pub side boys actually know what they're doin' on this one."


"Sirs… the enemy fleet is hailing us." The comms officer said, a note of hesitation in his voice.

The hesitation was, perhaps, understandable when one looked at the bridge with the two 'officers' glaring daggers at each other, the button to accept the hail glowing between them.

Palpatine gestured towards the button. "This is your mess, you should accept responsibility."

"So that if things turn bad you can say the Republic had nothing to do with any of it and expel Mandalore formally?" Alexandria shook her head. "Your schemes are transparent. You accept it."

"Sirs…" The comm officer called again. "They're hailing us on more frequencies…"

"So that you can sabotage the operation and try to get me thrown out of office with a vote of no confidence?" He scoffed. "You're not half as clever as you think."

"They're beginning to charge weapons." The comm officer did not whimper.

The two didn't even look as though they heard him.


I… have always loved Kashyyyk.

Even when we first arrived, in the depths of my near delirium, the insects I was surrounded with were a comfort deep in the heart of the Shadowlands where all things fear to tread.

And then in the world above, with the Wookiees and the canopies of the Wroshyr branches, I felt… calm. It was so different from home. Earth Bet. The Bay. Somehow, this world that most would consider a death world in this galaxy, where the surface was all but uninhabitable to all but the fiercest creatures, it felt more peaceful than home ever was.

I don't know if that said more about me or home, really.

Still, that feeling, whether it was just… me deluding myself or if it was somehow real, it brought me comfort as we arrived, even knowing what lay ahead and its possible consequences.

The ship touched down on the landing platform the Wookiees had built for the Jedi Enclave. Five massive plates that could almost rival the hangar bays of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Say what you want about Wookiees. They built big.

The vessel touched down, and all of us left as etiquette dictated. Master Yoda and the High Council members in front, myself and Master Halis right behind them and lastly, Anakin and our two Padawans behind us.

The ceremony would have been frivolous, if not for the people waiting for us as we arrived.

"Grand Master." Master Judd, the head of the Kashyyyk enclave bowed low, his fellow Kashyyyk Council members and Masters doing the same.

I remembered Judd. The only Jedi that had been in the running for leadership of this place against Master Tapal.

I didn't… begrudge him surviving Corellia. Of course I didn't.

But seeing him here did make me wonder how things might be different if Tapal stood in his place. If my friend was at the head of this particular enclave, rather than this… near stranger.

"Master Judd." Yoda himself bowed just as low, a differential sign of respect that I had no doubt Judd must've appreciated.

Judd may have been the overseer of this enclave, but Yoda was still Yoda.

Both Mastersstood, though I noticed that Master Judd made sure to straighten a split second after Yoda himself.

The large blue alien looked to the rest of us. "Your rooms in the enclave have been prepared." He nodded. "After you have rested from your journey and settled into your accommodations, I would request that the High Council meet with us to discuss what is to take place over the coming days."

Translation: he wants to know if this communion might cause… complications.

It was a fair question, honestly. Judd had never been here during my previous visits. In fact, of the three Kashyyyk Council members present, I didn't recognize any of them from my time here previously.

No doubt the war had something to do with the turnover rate.

"Of course." Master Yoda answered, nodding as he marched forward on his tiny legs.

Before he could get very far though, we were joined by another, very happy group of Wookiees.

I recognized chief Attichitcuk, the massive white furred chieftain roaring a delighted greeting, marching forward, flanked by several of his sons and other family members.

"Attichitcuk." Yoda greeted, his voice equally delighted as he reached up. His tiny claw was comically small next to the literal bear paw that reached down to grasp it, the four foot nothing Jedi Grand Master looking like a muppet next to the towering, ten foot tall Attichitcuk. "Good to see you it is, my old friend."

Attichitcuk huffed and rumbled, shaking Yoda's hand, and in one fell swoop reached down to pick the little green man up, placing him on his shoulder.

The act reminded me of Vicky, and judging by Yoda's pleased smile, I could fathom that he and Attichitcuk were as close as Vicky was with him.

Or, maybe it'd be more accurate to say, Vicky was as close to him as Yoda was with Attichitcuk .

Wookiees lived for centuries. The oldest of them could reach upwards of four hundred years. Yoda must've known the chieftain far, far longer than nearly everyone else left in his life.

Some of the other Wookiees came forward, greeting Master Yaddle and Master Plo just as enthusiastically. One particular one came up to me, and I couldn't help but smile as he did.

"Hi, Chewie." I said.

I could always recognize Chewie by the almost smile on his face and, of course, his short stature. Short for a Wookiee, that is.

He was still a full head and shoulders above me and most humans.

He rumbled out his greeting, offering me a quick hug that I returned before he reached up and ruffled my hair like I was a child.

I always gave him an annoyed face when he did.

And he always laughed.

This time it was no different.

I rolled my eyes before straightening my hair.

He chuffed, definitely smirking, amused and delighted with his own harmless mischievousness before I decided to make some introductions.

"Karla." I called, and my Padawan stepped forward, staring wide eyed at Chewbacca.

Whether that was because Chewie had just treated me like a youngling or because he was a Wookiee, I couldn't really say.

"Karla-" I nodded. "-this is a friend of mine. Chewbacca. Chewie, this is Karla, my Padawan."

"Nice to meet you." The girl said, extending a hand to shake.

Chewie, for his part, seemed delighted to meet her too, and in my rather limited understanding of Shyriiwook, I was pretty sure I caught the rather distinct mistranslation of daughter somewhere in his little rumbling babble before he reached down and plucked Karla off her feet, to place her on his shoulders.

Karla's squeal of startled fright rather quickly turned into one of delight, grabbing hold of fistfuls of Chewbacca's hair, her legs dangling forward.

Angelica wriggled down, skittering across Karla's body to crawl onto Chewbacca's head and then his face, as if ready to examine this new thing to hug.

Then, in true form, she rather happily hugged Chewie's face, Much to the Wookiees muffled confusion.

I tried not to laugh, reaching up to pry the hug bug off him.

Its little legs were latched rather firmly, but with a quick tug Angelica was off, crawling up my arm to settle on my shoulder, nuzzling against my cheek.

"Hey, Master," I heard Ahsoka tease behind me. "Where's my Wookiee friend? To put me on his shoulders?"

"I'll be sure to find one just for you, Snips." Anakin snarked back.

Ahsoka sighed with obvious melodrama. "Honestly, you invite me on a trip and don't even have a Wookiee friend prepared in advance. The things I put up with."

"Not all Masters can be as amazing as me, Ahsoka." I decided to tease.

Anakin sniffed, crossing his arms and tossing his nose in the air. "See if I introduce you to any of my friends. Like say, upstanding politicians in the future."

"Don't resort to myths, Anakin." I smirked, following as the other Masters and Wookiees began marching off the platforms.

"Yeah, I heard it when I said it." He chuckled, and there was an undercurrent of something in his words. I could feel it in the Force, but couldn't quite pin down what it might have been.

Later that night, seated in one of the grand Wookiee huts (there were simply too many of us to fit comfortably in the comparatively small Kashyyyk Council Chambers) on large pillows - or soft carpets - warmed by the fires that would have done a fine job of keeping the insects away if I wasn't doing it myself, the meeting with the Kashyyyk Council convened in tense atmosphere.

The three Council members didn't know what to expect. I'd had previous visits, previous communions on Kashyyyk, but I'd always tried to… limit the collateral as much as I could. And the Council had never had reason to suspect that the Queen Administrator might be hostile. Not like they did now, wondering if perhaps my partner had fallen to the dark side.

They were bracing themselves for a potential fight.

And if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing, honestly.

"What is the risk to the enclave itself?" Master Judd questioned. "While we do not have many Padawans here, we do have some. Recent recruits, just beginning to tap into the Force." The Master said. "Should we consider sending them offworld?"

Obi-Wan was the one that answered him, his voice carrying a calm steadiness that was reassuring, even if I could tell it was with half-fake confidence that he said it.

"The High Council has come specifically to both examine, and if need be help contain the entity known as the Queen Administrator." He said. "While I will not pretend to speak for my fellow Councilors, I believe the Kashyyyk Enclave is under minimal risk given everything that we know."

It wasn't a lie, not exactly. But the answer was a prepared one.

If the Jedi Council could contain it, then Obi-Wan was right. The risk to the enclave was minimal.

If, for whatever reason, they couldn't, then frankly everyone had much much bigger problems on their hands.

As such, they'd decided it was best not to prematurely add to that by inciting, if not panic, a definite sense of unease that would fuel the dark side and potentially weaken the Jedi themselves through that same doubt and disquiet.

Master Judd rubbed at his chin, reptilian features scrunching up in thought.

"Master Hebert." One of the three Kashyyyk Councilors, a human man named Bei-Shu, called. "You have communed with this entity before; it is, in fact, part of you. Can you tell us what your honest assessment of it is?" He asked.

His demeanor was… open. Neutral. Either he was a good actor or, unlike the members of the Corruscant Council, he genuinely didn't have an opinion of me one way or another. A rarity. Usually, even those who hadn't met me had some impression, if only through rumor alone.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to me, and I began to think even as I formulated my response.

"I haven't communed with the Queen Administrator since the war began." I answered. "Things might change in six months, but that having been said," I took a moment, thinking as honestly as I could. Both for him, and for me. "The last time we spoke, there was one thing she wanted. In her words, understanding."

"Of what?" Judd asked.

"Me." I said, then shrugged. "Or, more specifically, us. Organics. Mortals. Sapients."

"Why?" The last of the Kashyyyk Councilors, a Chagrian named Thrull, demanded.

"That I can't say." We hadn't gotten that far in our conversation. Or, more specifically, she couldn't communicate what exactly she wanted well enough yet. "I…" a moment's hesitation, examining my own intuition. My own… feelings. "I don't believe she's hostile. But just because she's not hostile doesn't mean she isn't potentially dangerous, even by accident."

Master Judd nodded. "A fair point." He turned his head towards his two colleagues. "Then I mo-"

"Forgive me for interrupting," I cut in before they could continue. "But I have a suggestion."

That caught a few people off guard, not the least of which were the five Jedi High Council members.

I glanced at Yoda out of the corner of my eye, hoping the little green Grand Master would get the proverbial hint.

"I would suggest," I began, before gesturing towards the man. "That Master Bei-Shu join the High Council members in their task.."

The man blinked, clearly taken aback. "Ahh, might I ask why?"

"You've had no contact with Queen Administrator." I said. "Many on this Council have, even by proxy. A completely neutral opinion, and perspective, could be invaluable in the Council's assessment."

I caught the briefest flicker of emotion in not only Yoda, but in Master Plo Koon, Gallia, Kenobi and Yaddle.

Sora Bulq had accused Yoda of rigging this examination in my favor.

Having even one completely neutral voice might very well void those protests.

If he found in my favor, that is.

Yoda rubbed at his chin, his tiny claws scratching at the hairs there.

"Hmmmm." The old Grand Master considered, then nodded. "Agree I do, with Master Hebert. If willing you are, Master Bei-Shu, then most welcome you will be."

The Kashyyyk Master looked momentarily stunned before he seemed to gather his composure.

He looked to his contemporaries, each of which offered a nod, and that seemed to be the last bit of encouragement he needed.

The Master bowed respectfully, his hands folded into the billowing sleeves of his robe. "It would be my honor, Grand Master Yoda."

It was a gamble. He might very easily be scared of Queen Administrator, much like Adi Gallia had been during her first brush with my partner, and might decide against me just off of that.

But, if he wasn't there, that would just give fuel to Bulq's accusations. He and others like him, Tiin, Mundi and Piell, would never shut the hell up, and after a while that might cause even more problems.

I'd learned long ago not to just meekly sit and wait for the other shoe to drop.

That kind of allowance wasn't peace… It was a lie.

The skies were still gray when we approached the grand platform that had served as my communion space.

It was still as I remembered; the Wroshyr wood could withstand the test of time. In a hundred years, even if no one maintained it, it would still be standing.

And the Wookiees weren't poor custodians.

The supplies were fresh, the shadings and banners recently swapped out, snapping in the breeze with the orange and green colors of the city of Rwookrrorro.

Our shuttle touched down and all of the Jedi Masters, plus Anakin, stepped out, a nervous charge thrumming through the air.

I took a deep breath, and tried not to shudder. "How are we doing this?" I asked. I didn't care who answered.

It was Yaddle who spoke. "In the center, you must be." She said, "Meditate, you will. Commune, you must, as you have before… follow your path in the Force, the Council will."

I still didn't know how they would. Or really, what she even meant. But if my job was just to commune… I could do that.

I'd done it before.

It's why this place was built.

So why was I so nervous now?

I felt my hands trembling, my whole body standing stiff.


Why did this feel different?

A hand reached up, placing itself on my shoulder.

I turned. Master Plo was there.

"Don't worry." He said, soft flows of warmth and reassurance passing through his touch and into me.

"We're here." Is what he said.

'I'm here' Is what he meant.

I stared at him, this man who was my teacher.

And I nodded.


It's nice to see that the situation on Ryloth is well in hand, being dealt with by the best of professionals

And hey, Chewie makes a cameo

And there are no other little bits of foreshadowing hidden in this chapter.

Nope. None at all.

Move along :3

As usual, the next chapters all deal with Vicky on Nar-Shaddaa and of course the events here on Kashyyyk with the Queen administrator. Three advance chapters are available now on Patreon for $1.00
As such, he was understandably irritated when some frakking moron had to go and flip over the blue milk cart.
No longer a simple job.
The Hutts, or Jabba at the very least, went and cobbled together an army.

A flimsy one.

But an army.

That wasn't something you could do over a few days. The Hutt had been busy before this.
If given reason, Hutts can project a lot of power, and not just economical.
"Dropping dangerously close to the Hutt merc fleet?"
I… have always loved Kashyyyk.
It is a great place.
Both Masters stood, though I noticed that Master Judd
"Hey, Master," I heard Ahsoka tease behind me. "Where's my Wookiee friend? To put me on his shoulders?"

"I'll be sure to find one just for you, Snips." Anakin snarked back.
"That I can't say." We hadn't gotten that far in our conversation. Or, more specifically, she couldn't communicate what exactly she wanted well enough yet. "I…" a moment's hesitation, examining my own intuition. My own… feelings. "I don't believe she's hostile. But just because she's not hostile doesn't mean she isn't potentially dangerous, even by accident."
That is very true.
So why was I so nervous now?

I felt my hands trembling, my whole body standing stiff.


Why did this feel different?
Because you're afraid what you might find.
"Don't resort to myths, Anakin." I smirked, following as the other Masters and Wookiees began marching off the platforms.

"Yeah, I heard it when I said it." He chuckled, and there was an undercurrent of something in his words. I could feel it in the Force, but couldn't quite pin down what it might have been.
Is that the Force throwing nudges about Sidious and his plots...
Thanks for the update!

"Sirs…" The comm officer called again. "They're hailing us on more frequencies…"

"So that you can sabotage the operation and try to get me thrown out of office with a vote of no confidence?" He scoffed. "You're not half as clever as you think."

"They're beginning to charge weapons." The comm officer did not whimper.

The two didn't even look as though they heard him.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the comms channel: "These delaying tactics, they know we cannot be the first to open fire. Truly, the Republic types are shrewd. Do you think they have sent the Negotiator himself?"

That kind of allowance wasn't peace… It was a lie.
Looks at first line of Sith Code, then back to text.


Tay and Vicky's sabers
Now, ladies and gents without further a due I will present to you all-

Here's some of the design philosophy and though process behind both sabers

So; Vicky's Lightsaber design was a lot of fun Anti the artist did great work here like she did for all the other pieces

I know its hard to picture here given no point of reference, but if you go to Vicky's own image you'll notice very quickly that Vicky's Saber is a LONG hilt saber, almost double the length of a normal Lightsaber hilt. Lore wise this is done for 2 reasons-

1) The metal her saber is made out of is extremely durable so it can handle her obscene grip strength and thus, the material itself doesn't particularly "like" being shaped into anything significantly smaller than the particular length of the blade hilt as it is.

2) Vicky favors a two handed style of combat, her flight and acrobatics combined with Jedi speed can be *very* disorienting just through sheer vertigo, even if she is accustomed to it even the best of people can have lapses, as such she prefers to have both hands on her weapon as a means of centering her attention and also being able to move the blade wherever she needs to at a moments notice to complement her Jedi Pre-cog defenses Left or Right doesn't matter, both hands are *always* on her Saber.

This hilt is perfect for a high speed, high acrobatic fighting style that's always airborn like her primary style of Ataru and her "backup" style in Juyo also benefits from the two handed grip given its level of aggression and need for blade control.

Now as for the design itself; I think it reflects Vicky's personality very well IMO.

Its beautiful, but also functional and pragmatic. When push comes to shove; the persona she employs of an "air head" is just that a persona. The person beneath that is very intelligent. Ergo she wants something that will do its *job* not necessarily look pretty on her hip. Any beauty aspect is just a bonus.

In terms of its functionality; Vicky's entire powerset/mindset is all about versatility and a long saber hilt reflects that by giving her more options on where she grips it and how she fights with it as opposed to most Jedi hilts that are so short they're barely more than a hand and a half in length, if even that given all the knobs and "clutter" along the length of them.

The ergonomic, minimalist nature has made her miss out on some features that some other Lightsabers enjoy, like an adjustable blade length or a precise power setting feature. Most Jedi have a *range* of power settings. Going from light sting- to stun- to "damage" to "hack off a limb and atomize the insides" Vicky's only has 2 settings. Light stun or full on murder-blade. There's nothing in between for her, returning thus- again to the whole "She needs to control herself and her blade"

The wings at the cross guard are not "functional" in the sense that they're going to block a sliding lightsaber. Its the one piece of decoration she allowed herself to "splurge" on.

The wings are white and gold, reminders of her past self as Glory Girl and are also in a sense, a stylized V for her own name. Its clever. No matter what Tay says

Taylor's saber is something that I wanted to reflect a few things about her, just like Vicky's saber reflects a few things about Vicky.

Similar to Vicky, Taylor wants *function* in her Lightsaber. Unlike other Jedi who see the saber as an expression of one's inner self, Taylor wants a *tool* that does its JOB and does it properly.

The curved hilt is of course a signature of the Makashi Lightsaber fighting style, something that Taylor *has* dabbled in and does have a fair degree of skill utilizing. Not as technically advanced as say Obi-Wan or Dooku of course, but it IS one of the "bedrock" foundations of her own hybridized style along with Shien and Djem-so.

Unlike Vicky's Taylor's saber is only meant to be used in one hand, leaving the free hand capable of focusing on Force manipulation, or just using another weapon like a blaster, a second Saber or just her bare fist if need be.

Taylor like Vicky- due to the simplicity/minimalistic nature of her saber build/design only has a light 'sting' setting for training her younglings and a murder blade setting on her saber with nothing in between.

To compensate for this, there is a very heavy "pommel" at the back of the hilt.

This she can use to bludgeon her oponent/victim in the event that a less lethal option is necessary. And no its not because she likes punching people in the face no matter what Vicky says!

There are more exclusive images and posts like this on Patreon and one with Hannah and the family just dropped today. But I figure its time our girls weapons of choice get shown to the public

(Just incase here are the relevant links)

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The metal of Tay's saber reminds me of marble, the veins running over it, I mean

Its meant to actually; I wanted "metals" that weren't similar to metals on earth, and so a look of "marble" which is definitely NOT something you want on your weapon) was the thing we decided would work best :)
Sooner or later I'll eventually find a fic that has a lightfoil + lightdagger combination.

Lightfoils ARE canon btw.

Lightdagger = shrink a lightsaber down until the hilt isn't much bigger than your average Sharpie marker/small highlighter pen, with a beam only about 14-16in long, and functionally works like a Main-gauche. Isn't even half the size of a Shoto lightsaber. Only canon, tmk, in Legends, from the Jedi Academy/Young Jedi Knights novels, and only one character at that, using a tiny crystal shard.

Edit: or, as was just pointed out to me, via PM, possibly from one of Eyrie Productions loooooong running shared megacrossover fics, which has a character make one. So it might be entirely non-canon. Its been too long for me to quite remember.
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Chapter 92
Chapter 92:


He could hear the alarms blaring across the facility, his eyes darting in their sockets as the cameras and security feeds they'd sliced into months ago were booted up, giving him instant and total coverage of the entire Grind.

His men didn't need orders; he could already hear boots pounding across the metal floors, commands being barked, roll calls being made.

They'd be fully armed and armored within two minutes at most, armed and in position for a fight in three or four.

His men did not concern him. They were Mandalorians.

In any other circumstance, he'd be more than ready to leave no survivors.

In any other circumstance, he was sure he'd succeed.

Forty skilled, veteran Mandalorian warriors in full wargear, against a paltry six royal guards, a handful of mediocre Jedi, and a smuggler?

It wasn't even a contest.

But this wasn't 'any other circumstance'.

It wasn't 'any other enemy'.

"Sir, we're retreating, enemy in pursuit!"

He answered the call, fingers gripping the handheld holo harshly. "Can you divert them!?" he asked. "We need more time!"

A crackle, the chirps of blaster fire and the howling of jetpack engines. "Already trying! She's coming in too fast!"

He switched the camera feed to the helmet cams of the two men.

There she was.

Flying after his men, Dallon looked like a Jedi legend ripped straight out of an old holovid. Dressed in white robes and armor that stood out all the more resplendently amidst the grime and filth of Nar Shaddaa, she flew like a gleaming lance, straight and true.

Her saber deflected the blaster shots of his two men with contemptuous ease, when she even bothered with that. Some shots she just ignored; those fell away from her like water droplets on stone.

He ground his teeth together, fingers clutching the holo.

What was it? What was her weakness?

But he didn't find it there and within another second, Dallon caught up to one of his men, her armored fist tearing through his jetpack to send him careening in an out of control spin. His armor might survive, but the man inside would not.

The other man rushed her, reversing his momentum mid flight to go on the offensive, drawing a beskar knife that she avoided with the mere tilt of her head before a lazy backhand struck the Mandalorian soldier in the stomach so hard that his whole body folded like cheap tin. The inside of his helmet was suddenly covered in blood, the interior camera awash with red.

"Open this frakking door!"

The scream did not come from his holo, but from the intercom. He recognized who it was without even needing to look.

The Sith.

Right outside his door.

He snarled. "You led them right to us!" he roared into the receiver, furious, his hand hovering over the automatic defenses.

His men had managed to draw away Dallon. It had bought them at least a few more minutes to prepare, to purge data and do anything else that could feasibly be done.

And this dumb schutta had just thrown their sacrifice away!

"They know you're here anyway," She hissed, looking over her shoulder. She was fast, fast enough that she'd managed to gain some distance on her enemy, but they were closing fast. Thirty seconds, according to the cameras he still had tracking them, maybe less.

"Open the gate!' she demanded. "She's going to bust in there, and neither of us has a chance alone."

She was right.

His weapon wasn't ready. Not yet. Even if he were to deploy the prototype, chances of success were low at best.

A Sith, even this one, might prove invaluable.

But Sith were notorious betrayers. There was a trick here, an angle being played that he didn't have the time to suss out.

Furthermore, the question remained: how had they been found? None of his men would do it. Which left her as a suspect, along with whoever their benefactor was or was connected to.

She hadn't wanted to take his men with her. But, then again, she didn't need to return either.

"There she is!"

It was one of the Jedi that gave the call, pointing with his green saber, the bootlicking royal guards and other Jedi rushing to join him. Komari cursed as she brandished her sabers.

Yoshiro ground his teeth, indecision racking him.


She bared her teeth at the approaching opponents, both blades lit and held defensively in front of her.

She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, her senses spread out. Dallon was still nearby and beginning to approach. She shone like a sun in the Force, burning bright amidst the filth of Nar Shaddaa.

She'd rushed here, almost in panic. But she really had no choice, not yet. If she tried to run right now, alone, chances were she'd just be chased down by the bitch that could fly.

Regardless of how fast her legs were, she wasn't quite so fast that she could escape someone who could ignore terrestrial obstacles, bust through walls too high to go over, and potentially sense her even if she hid.

So no, she couldn't run. Not yet. Not without a distraction.

Luckily, forty or so Mandalorians would do quite nicely.

Now… if they'd just open the frakking door!

A shot rang out, and she deflected the bolt back towards the one that fired it, only for one of the Jedi to lunge forward. His green blade saved the man, shunting the shot aside into the wall where a steam pipe burst instead of her intended target's head.

The group inched forward, fanning out. The soldiers had their weapons trained on her, the Jedi at the front of the formation to intercept her. Komari's eyes darted towards the Trandoshan boy, gauging whether or not she might be able to overwhelm him more easily than the other two. He was still a Padawan, after all.

If she could take him hostage… it might be her only chance.

Then, with a hiss, a blast of cold air washed over her from behind. The thick blast doors were inching open!

She didn't waste any time, lunging for the door and squeezing through to reach the relative safety of the interior.

There were some startled shouts from her pursuers, a handful of curses, but there was no time for them to react beyond a single shot that bounced off the heavy door before she was through to the other side, the door slamming shut behind her.

She found herself facing a wall of gun barrels staring her down.

"I don't think you can grasp just how tempted I am to give the order right now, Sith."

Her blades were still lit, but she didn't dare raise her hands because she could feel the truth of those words. The old man really was tempted to gun her down.

"Why let me in then?" she ventured to ask, if for no other reason than to stall for time.

"Can't shoot you when you're outside the door," the old man drawled.

"We should kill her," one of the Mandalorians cut in, hands tightening over his weapon. "None of us leaked our location. She's the only one we can't factor out."

"Sith don't work with Jedi," she hissed back, feeling cold sweat trickle down her temple.

The old man chuckled, but she couldn't tell what it meant.

Then, the door at her back shuddered.

She could feel the Force being extended, stretching out from the Jedi beyond to pry open the heavy locks, the metal groaning and straining as physicality struggled against Force mysticism.

It was almost a reflex that made her turn, her hand stretching out, the Force answering her will as she began to combat their efforts, pushing against their weaker wills.

The guns at her back charged, danger screaming in the Force.

"I'm the only thing keeping this door from snapping open right now!" she barked at them, turning to glare at the array of Mandalorians before turning her gaze towards the old bastard standing at the catwalks above.

"That so?" Yoshiro, damn him, seemed utterly unimpressed and uncaring, staring down at her as if she were a roach he was contemplating crushing under his boot. "Seems to me like you're just buying time."

"Seems to me like you're wasting all of it," she snapped back. "If you're going to shoot just get it the hell over with."

He laughed again, the smoke of his cigarra floating around his head as he kept standing there, thinking.

The bang that suddenly rang out from the metal door deafened them, like a cannon going off in their ears. The air in her chest shuddered. The building around them trembled, and the ground quaked.

Everyone went utterly still.

A second passed. Then another bang, and the metal door groaned, like it was in physical pain.

When the third impact came, and she heard something snap inside the door, Komari realized what was happening.


Dallon was punching the door down.

"There's no damn way," she heard someone mumble behind her. "That door could survive an orbital bombardment. No way she could knock it down."

"Be sure to tell her that after she walks through what's left of it," Yoshiro snarled, biting down on the cigarra. "Alright, ignore the Sith. Get ready to fight." The old man turned, beginning to hobble away, his bum leg making clear and distinct noise along the catwalk.

She doubted he was running.

Another titanic blow against the door and, this time, she could see the metal visibly warp and move.

She inched back, away from the barrier, closer to the Mandalorian firing line as the men moved into designated positions, getting ready for a fight that, no doubt on some level, they'd been mentally bracing themselves for however long they'd been stuck here.

She doubted many of them felt ready.

Another strike, and the walls began to crack. She stepped further back.

Another blow, and light snaked its way through the central slit. She was far enough away now that she could safely say she was standing amongst the Mandalorians, not in front of them.

When the final blow came, to their credit, it wasn't the doors that shattered…

It was the walls holding them up.

The two starship grade slabs of steel crashed onto the floor, duracrete and masonry falling with them in crumbled heaps.

The hole made by the collapse was almost half again as large as the door itself. A dust cloud billowed out as sickly yellow light spilled in from the outside world.

And there she was.

Obscured by the dust and light, Komari could only see her silhouette, the blue of her blade shining alongside the cyan blue of her cybernetic eye.

"OPEN FIRE!" someone shouted; she wasn't sure on which side.

Blasters lit up the space between the two groups. Red, green and blue bolts of particle fire darted across the expanse. The thick steel blast doors lurched upwards, held aloft by the Force to serve as impenetrable shields, and Komari could no longer see the other enemies, only Dallon standing there between the two slabs.

The Mandalorians shifted their fire, focusing on the only available target before the doors were launched forward like steel battering rams.

Men scrambled out of the way, lunging, diving, activating jetpacks. Trying to escape any way they could before the crushing weight smashed into the walls, tearing through duracrete, steel and glass like cheap paper.

The Mandalorian royal guards charged in, energy shields that covered them from neck to knee bloomed across their arms, blasters barking.

The Jedi fanned out, charging into the disorganized fray, even the smuggler and Rattataki woman.

Komari saw it all, a fraction of a second turning the organized Mandalorian line into pure bedlam.

But her eyes were fixed on Dallon, who's gaze similarly had never left Komari, not even for an instant.

The only warning she got was the woman's two hands taking hold of her long saber hilt.

The Force screamed at Komari, howling a warning as the so-called 'perfect Jedi' lunged forward. The distance between them very literally vanished in less than an eyeblink.

Suddenly, the woman was there, already mid-swing, one foot cratering the ground where she stomped, putting her full weight into the blow. The wave of air pressure was almost a physical blow itself, as it smashed into Komari ahead of the woman's strike.

The dark apprentice knew, beyond a shadow of any doubt, she had no chance to stop that swing.

She backpedaled, nearly losing her footing entirely in the hasty, panicked movement. The blue blade swung so close to her eyes that the flare all but blinded her, and the force of that titanic swing sent another wave of air that pulped stone to scatter like dust all around them.

Reflex and years of training made her body move on its own, lunging for the presented opening only to see the backswing already coming her way, threatening to bisect her.

She crossed both blades together, not daring to risk trying to do something as stupid as block with a single blade.

The impact was bone rattling. Every muscle in her arms felt as though it would tear, despite all of the Force reinforcement she could muster bolstering them. She was quite literally knocked off her feet, launched clear across the room.

She tumbled and spun through the air, disoriented and struggling to determine which way was up and which way was down, before she righted herself barely in time to land on stumbling, unsteady feet.

And she could tell she was in danger. No time to think, no time to assess, she swung her blades almost blindly, just barely seeing Dallon, already on top of her, reverse her forward momentum with an impossible ease that made both blades miss by mere millimeters.

Blasters fired and Komari saw Dallon move again, stepping around, minimal effort given, barely even looking as she all but danced between blaster shots.

She wasn't even bothering to use her saber.

A metal grate was torn from the wall, smashing into one Mandalorian. A grenade on the bandolier of another burst in his chest as the pin was telekinetically pulled.

Komari struck again, trying to seize an opening, a frenzy of harried, desperate strikes that Dallon didn't even bother blocking with a mocking, vicious smirk on her face that she made certain the Sith apprentice could see very clearly.

It burned. Her rage was like an inferno, her fear even moreso, fueling the dark side that coursed through her body like a living conduit of power.

And it wasn't enough.

Dallon suddenly sped up, her speed literally impossible to track as the next thing Komari felt was the woman's fist grab onto her chestplate, pushing her off balance and down as Komari lost her footing entirely before she was smashed into the ground. The flooring collapsed under her back as she felt the air once more explode out of her lungs.

Her vision swam, and she didn't even get her bearings before Dallon threw her across the room like a cheap doll, her body crashing into the far wall, steel and duracrete stopping her with the sound of crumbling rock and groaning metal. Wires burst with electric discharge and lights flickered; it was all she could do to keep hold of her weapons.

She opened her eyes in time to see the impossibly fast Jedi slam into her, her full body and shoulder crashing into Komari's diaphragm, sending her through the remains of the wall as blood flew from her lips. Something broke inside her chest as she fell in a boneless heap on the floor.

The edges of her vision darkened. Pain pulsed with every beat of her heart.

She could barely feel her weapons in her hands.

"That," the Jedi spat, "was for what you did to Taylor." Her voice was distant, barely managing to break through the foggy haze in Komari's head as Dallon stepped through the hole the apprentice's body had made.

"Get up," she demanded with a sneer. "That was high school. Now I'm going for the degree."

If Komari had the strength to smile, she would have.

'Revenge isn't like the Jedi', she wanted to mock. If only she could breathe.

It seemed the perfect Jedi wasn't quite so perfect.

Even so, she felt her ire rise.

"You think…" She wheezed, forcing her limbs to work, for her body to move again. "You want revenge." She hissed. "You're the cause of this. It's all your fault!"

Dallon stepped closer, that blue blade humming, and Komari had to wonder, again, what it was. What it could possibly be. That weakness. That one thing that had given her that cybernetic eye that even now glowed faintly blue in its socket.

Then Dallon stopped, her head snapping to the left as she held out her hand, a rocket exploding mere millimeters from her outstretched palm.

Komari rolled, using what little strength she had, to try and crawl away.

"Heh." She heard Dallon behind her. "Fucking Tinkers."

There was a crash, the sound of machinery whirring, and Komari knew what she'd find before she even deigned to look. She heard the howling of several Mandalorians on jetpacks touch down alongside Yoshiro as the old man rumbled forward, clad head to toe in the prototype they'd been designing for the better part of six months.

The prototype made to kill this 'Perfect Jedi'.

The Mandalorian veteran's weapons powered on, the high pitched whine of its systems coming online.

He'd better make it count.

He only had a few minutes before that suit became a very expensive coffin.

"Only gonna ask you Death Watch chuckle-fucks once. Surrender. And I won't have to repeat what I did to you on Corellia."

"Nice offer." She heard Yoshiro's voice boom out of the suit's helmet speakers as he drew a weapon from his back. A massive, crackling glaive.. "But I'd rather find out if all this work was worth the effort and just kill you."

Dallon huffed, reaching behind her before she pulled the Jedi robe off herself, leaving only her armor as the Mandalorians leveled their weapons, rallying around their commander.

"Guess I'll be decking out my whole clone legion in beskar by the time I'm done with all of you!"


I'm having fun

Are you guys having fun? Cause I'm having fun :D

Little factoid for all of you; Komari is actually fairly strong for this era. I'd say she's a better Sith assassin than even Ventress was (canonically) at this juncture. But Vicky is in an entirely different league; not necessarilly strictly as a Jedi but Fragile One is giving her such a MASSIVE advantage that they're not even in the same zip code.

And you can even see (or at least I hope you can see) in this chapter how Vicky has hyper honed her Jedi training to cover up her weaknesses; letting the Fragile One keep doing what its always done; thus amplifying its strengths with what is functionally now, very little drawbacks.

So yeah; I'm having *a lot* of fun with this fight :)

A fight who's conclusion we're about to reach on Patreon if you wanna see how all this ends ahead of time *Wink-Wink* *Nudge-Nudge* :p

Anyway that's it for this week my friends I'll catch you all in the next one :)
You should be very satisfied with this chapter. It's the high-octane summer blockbuster we've all been waiting for! Great work, please send more our way soon! :lol:

His men didn't need orders; he could already hear boots pounding across the metal floors, commands being barked, roll calls being made.
So, like roll call just makes me think of a classroom, which made me chuckle.
"Dave?" "Present!" "George? ...George? Where's George?" "I think he's taking a tinkle." "Screw it, we'll kill her without him! Let no one say they caught us with our pants down!"

Forty skilled, veteran Mandalorian warriors in full wargear, against a paltry six royal guards, a handful of mediocre Jedi, and a smuggler?
Who are they calling mediocre? They shoulda brought more guys. Maybe some of the Jedi can hang back to make things more fair?

The bang that suddenly rang out from the metal door deafened them, like a cannon going off in their ears. The air in her chest shuddered. The building around them trembled, and the ground quaked.

Everyone went utterly still.

A second passed. Then another bang, and the metal door groaned, like it was in physical pain.

When the third impact came, and she heard something snap inside the door, Komari realized what was happening.


Dallon was punching the door down.
So, I don't know if you ever played the, good God, rather old Justice League Heroes game, but there's a bit where Superman's ticked off after Darksied is getting up to his usual shenanigans, and the cinematic, which I couldn't be arsed to find, has him strolling up to the guy's fortress as the rest of the League rallies, with him talking up the defenses and doors as being some of the toughest material in the universe. And then he punches through the doors, telling Wonder Woman et al to 'keep up' as he flies into a charging horde, towards the next set of doors. And the following level is you just racing after him, trying frantically to keep up with his pace as you fight off all the enemies trying to take him down. Anyway, this reminds me of that. Good times.

Get ready to fight." The old man turned, beginning to hobble away, his bum leg making clear and distinct noise along the catwalk.
Oh, old timey guy, headed deeper into the lair? I swear as I was reading this that, I thought, 'oh, he's getting his Armsmaster- I mean ForgeMaster- I mean, Battle Ready Armor- I mean, his Batman V. Superman exoskeleton.' But, like, what did he think the rest of these ninnies were doing before he said that?

When the final blow came, to their credit, it wasn't the doors that shattered…

It was the walls holding them up.

The two starship grade slabs of steel crashed onto the floor, duracrete and masonry falling with them in crumbled heaps.

Obscured by the dust and light, Komari could only see her silhouette, the blue of her blade shining alongside the cyan blue of her cybernetic eye.
Okay, this is the cinematic bit of scene building that needs a commission, or like, one of those sketches in the concept art books of the movies. Because it sounds rad as heck.

But her eyes were fixed on Dallon, who's gaze similarly had never left Komari, not even for an instant.
Awww, that's so sweet. Also, should this be 'whose' as it's talking about her gaze, in the possessive sense?

Komari struck again, trying to seize an opening, a frenzy of harried, desperate strikes that Dallon didn't even bother blocking with a mocking, vicious smirk on her face that she made certain the Sith apprentice could see very clearly.

It burned. Her rage was like an inferno, her fear even moreso, fueling the dark side that coursed through her body like a living conduit of power.
Everyone else: I really like this nuanced view of Victoria as she's grown and matured.

Dallon suddenly sped up, her speed literally impossible to track as the next thing Komari felt was the woman's fist grab onto her chestplate, pushing her off balance and down as Komari lost her footing entirely before she was smashed into the ground. The flooring collapsed under her back as she felt the air once more explode out of her lungs.
Some Dragonball Z, here! Vicky flash stepping and punching people through walls, that anime breath/blood forced out of the mouth with the force of the blows... good stuff.

"That," the Jedi spat, "was for what you did to Taylor." Her voice was distant, barely managing to break through the foggy haze in Komari's head as Dallon stepped through the hole the apprentice's body had made.

"Get up," she demanded with a sneer. "That was high school. Now I'm going for the degree."
Professor Pugilism here for your first lesson. Kicking ass is her profession, and class is in session. This is giving me Dire Worm vibes in the best way.

Someone was laughing. I glanced to my side, found Tattletale doubled over, hand clamped over her mouth, shaking as she leaned on a nearby lightpost.

Sporadic gunshots, a heavy WHUMP as another bomb went off. The stranger with the loudspeaker voice continued without missing a beat.

"Open the gate!' she demanded. "She's going to bust in there, and neither of us has a chance alone."
She does have a point.
"There's no damn way," she heard someone mumble behind her. "That door could survive an orbital bombardment. No way she could knock it down."
Seems like you got cheated and sold an overhyped piece.
It seemed the perfect Jedi wasn't quite so perfect.
She never was.
Seems like you got cheated and sold an overhyped piece.
Not really... the doors warped a little bit, but they HELD. The problem is that the WALLS they were attached were not reinforced.
That happens a LOT for some reason.

If you've never watched the movie R.E.D. with Bruce Willis, there's a scene where he has to get passed a reinforced steel door with a combination lock. He doesn't know the combination, so he bypasses the lock by literally punching through the basic bitch drywall next to the door handle, reaching through the hole, and unlocking the door from the other side.

It's kinda similar to what Vicky did here. Doors were excellent, walls were crap in comparison.