The Weaving Force

One main issue: how much food can be homegrown on Coruscant? How many convoys of huge freighters are needed to feed the planet?
One main issue: how much food can be homegrown on Coruscant? How many convoys of huge freighters are needed to feed the planet?

That would be 'an arbitrarily large amount' and 'an arbitrarily large amount but orders of magnitude more ships than all but a few scifi authors are comfortable imagining'.

Which is fine if that's what this author likes.
To clarify, the 1 Trillion as Coruscant pop is an estimation of the known population, which would consist of people on the upper levels.
One main issue: how much food can be homegrown on Coruscant? How many convoys of huge freighters are needed to feed the planet?
Coruscant has an artificial sea and a self-contained eco-system built in the buildings set all over the planet. But food is still one of the main imports for Coruscant.
To clarify, the 1 Trillion as Coruscant pop is an estimation of the known population, which would consist of people on the upper levels.

The 1 trillion estimate is an extreme low end one begrudgingly given so as to not be comically low. It's a 2 dimensional guess extrapolated from city density but covering Earth's entire surface.

A 3 dimensional estimate easily gets to quadrillions instead.

Quintillions just requires dialing up density and volume a bit more.
Last edited:
Just so we're on the same page here, your first statement was that a pop in the QUADrillions was realistic. A QUINTillion is 1,000 times larger than that, and that is the value that was stated in the quote from the chapter.

The 1 trillion estimate is an extreme low end one begrudgingly given given so as to not be comically low. It's a 2 dimensional guess extrapolated from city density but covering Earth's entire surface.

A 3 dimensional estimate easily gets to quadrillions instead.

Quintillions just requires dialing up density and volume a bit more.

The One Trillion number I always found *laughably* low. Like *ridiculously* low given the size and dimensions of Corruscant, not just the planet but its buildings and livable space.

So after looking up some things to get more specifics I found *rough* estimates between a quad and septillion so I met "in the middle"

One main issue: how much food can be homegrown on Coruscant? How many convoys of huge freighters are needed to feed the planet?

From my understanding *a lot* of Corruscant's food is grown in the buildings themselves with artificial sunlight/manufacturing processes. Very little of the food created in corruscant is "real" its mostly artificial and a huge chunk of the imports are for "real food" and those are still basically feeding the people on the uper high rises who can afford it.
The trillion is the voters that are on the official tax records.

That would require incredibly incompetent governance of Coruscant, so I could see that being the case in universe, yeah. Especially if The Senate controls Coruscant directly like Washington DC, so it's had literally thousands of years of mismanagement, neglect, and anarchy below the surface.
That would require incredibly incompetent governance of Coruscant, so I could see that being the case in universe, yeah. Especially if The Senate controls Coruscant directly like Washington DC, so it's had literally thousands of years of mismanagement, neglect, and anarchy below the surface.
Or a tax system that resembles feudal structures more than contemporary ones.
I find the whole population thing to be ridiculous. Not the estimate of the size based on the amount of livable space, but the thought of how they supply enough energy to produce all the food. It seems more like they would have to import vast sources of energy rather than large amounts of food.

I just have to remember that SW is Space Opera, not hard sci-fi, and take it with a very large grain of salt.
I find the whole population thing to be ridiculous. Not the estimate of the size based on the amount of livable space, but the thought of how they supply enough energy to produce all the food. It seems more like they would have to import vast sources of energy rather than large amounts of food.

This is a GNK Power Droid:

It's a dirt cheap and basic droid basically any shop or heavy vehicle on any backwater planet can be expected to have, or at least a knockoff of it.

It has a fusion reactor in it. The droid's job is to be a walking power supply as a backup for the actual heavy duty jobs, or just as a portable generator.
This is a GNK Power Droid:

It's a dirt cheap and basic droid basically any shop or heavy vehicle on any backwater planet can be expected to have, or at least a knockoff of it.

It has a fusion reactor in it. The droid's job is to be a walking power supply as a backup for the actual heavy duty jobs, or just as a portable generator.
It is easy to forget that in SW the standard source of powers for lot of smaller vehicles, power droids and such is a fusion or fission generator that can run on lot of things.
chapter 11
Chapter 11:


Vicky had never been good with goodbyes. No real way around it. When she was little she pouted, angry that someone was going away. And when she got older, she often went around in circles in her own head for days before the actual goodbye and then cried when it happened.

Saying goodbye to the Wookiees wasn't much different.

Yeah, she still couldn't understand a single goddamn word they said, but goddamnit, the fuzzballs had grown on her.

Hell, the momma Wookiee brought out Vicky's "biggest fan" for one more circuit around the wroshyr trees, and the fuzzy little limpet squealed as she hugged Vicky's neck like a sloth hugging a branch as they swooped and dove around the high canopies.

So sue her, she got a bit sentimental.

And that wasn't even mentioning the gifts the Wookiees brought over to see them off: A fruit she was fairly sure she couldn't lift without her Brute rating, and a ceremonial vambrace carved from wroshyr wood.

Taylor's gifts were beautiful: a gorgeously carved ivory necklace with teeth from some local predator, and a ceremonial Wookiee knife, its thick blade curved at the tip like a bowie knifeits wooden handle polished until it shined and the intricate engravings standing out like gorgeous calligraphy around the hilt.

She was pretty sure Tay got sentimental, too. Especially when she handed off Atlas-two to the Chief, who promised to take care of the 'hatchling'. (How exactly something the size of a freaking Volkswagen that Tay had ridden into battle was a "hatchling" while also being a bug she didn't know, but hey, details.)

Then the last round of goodbyes came, and the Wookiees gathered round to offer goodbye hugs.

As sentimental as she got, Vicky did not blubber like a little girl, and if Tay said otherwise, then she was a dastardly lying villain who lies… villainously!

Yoda waited patiently as they did all this, standing by his starship with a small, almost encouraging smile, seemingly delighted at the Wookiees' friendship with them.

But alas, it had to end soon. As the Kashyyyk sun rose high into the sky, so too did Yoda's ship, carrying Vicky and Tay on their way out to space.

That's when the next part of their eventful day started.

Because, you see… for all that she knew, intellectually, that they were in space, Vicky was fairly certain she could be forgiven for the act of pressing her face against the viewport of the ship they were riding in when they broke through the atmosphere…

And the first time they could see Kashyyyk from orbit…

And the first time they could see the system's sun in the void…

And the first time they saw other planets in general…

And the first time they went into hyperspace…

And the first time they dropped out of hyperspace…

Basically, Vicky had her face glued to the window of their ship ever since the fasten seatbelt sign had been turned off… or maybe, possibly, probably before that… you know, since she could fly.

Seatbelts were for those lowly non-flying peasant people.

Screw inertia.

She imagined she was much like a little kid on her first plane ride, but goddamnit this was so freakin cool!

"Tay, we're in space!" she gushed, turning to look over her shoulder with a brilliant, megawatt bright smile.

Tay shot her an irritated glare, lifting up her pad.

"I know… might be nice to see it."

Vicky blinked, wondering what Tay was talking about when she realized that their little passenger cabin had only the one window…

She winced, offering an apologetic smile and a nervous chuckle. "Ahh… well why didn't you say anything?"

Taylor's glare was flat and unimpressed.

Deciding to forgo an opportunity to stick her foot in her mouth again, Vicky "scooted" to the side by quietly floating out of the way.

Tay's eyes followed her, then darted over to the window before she peeled herself out of her seat to go and look.

Vicky hung back, letting her take it in and seeing the silent girl's eyes take on a look of quiet wonder.

"I've never seen so many stars, either," she commented to fill the silence. "Light pollution and all that I guess."

But up here… up here the stars twinkled in countless glimmers, little sparkles of diamond brightness in the black.

Taylor nodded, then quietly typed something on her pad. "I wonder how many of those stars have worlds like Kashyyyk. People. Cultures." She fingered the ivory necklace, smiling a bit. "Arts and Crafts?"

Vicky smirked, one finger tapping her vambrace. "Like the lovable fuzzballs? I don't think too many are like them. But who knows? Maybe we'll see some really neat other cultures and stuff… or beat them up."

Taylor huffed out a laugh, pulling back to settle in her seat.

The ensuing silence was calm, even comfortable.

But, never having been the most patient of people, the stillness soon drove Vicky's mind to wander. She couldn't help it; her thoughts drifted back to what was said yesterday.

"Hey, Tay," she began. Taylor's head didn't move, but her eyes shifted in their sockets to look at Vicky out of the corner of them. "Little Green said… he said you saw something in the future, and I… don't know about…" How should she even phrase this? "My present? Our present?" She shrugged.

Taylor didn't move, her body going eerily still. Vicky pushed on before she could lose her nerve.

"What happened to us? Do you know? Or maybe just… what happened to me? Who screwed with my head?"

Taylor's usual stoic mask slipped, cracking like glass as her head hung low.

Vicky's eyes widened. "You know something!" She wasn't sure if it was realization, or accusation in her voice.

Taylor's features scrunched up, expressive in a way she'd never seen while on Kashyyyk.
She reached for her pad, and her attempts at typing out a response was a thing of restarts and quick, harried edits.

Finally, she seemed to settle on something.

She turned the pad around.

"If these Jedi guys can't help you, I'll tell you."

"What!? Why!" she asked, standing up, "Someone screwed with my head. You know who and you're keeping it a secret!?"

Taylor turned the pad around to quickly type out her reply.

"Who says what I know is accurate? My head got screwed with, too."

Vicky opened her mouth, then shut it, sucking down a breath through her teeth. Fuck. That was actually a good point.

But she was fairly sure…

"That's not the reason," she challenged, staring at Taylor, eyes narrowed. "It's a good reason but it's not your reason. You're hiding something."

Taylor's jaw worked, seemingly chewing on the words she couldn't or wouldn't voice.

"Either way, the result doesn't change. We wait. And if we have no other options… I'll tell you everything I think I know."

Vicky glared, but Taylor glared back, refusing to back down on her stance.

Then the door opened.

"Hmm. A Jedi I need not be to sense the tension in this room. Hmm?"

Vicky turned, glaring at the small green alien for interrupting. He just smiled like an amused grandfather.

She considered, for a moment, asking him to leave again, but it wouldn't do to be rude to the guy who was supposedly gonna help them get back home.

So she changed the subject, "How long before we get to your temple?" If Tay's condition was finding out if the Jedi people could help or not well… now she wanted to get there even faster.

"Patience you should have," Yoda chided, hobbling forward. "But not long. Hours. Meditate you should. Time will pass quicker that way."

She smirked. "Aha!" she cried triumphantly from several feet away! "I knew your 'meditating' was just another way to say nappin-"


"Ahh- what the hell?" she stumbled, glaring- wasn't this coffee table like half a foot to the left a second ago?

Yoda harrumphed, hobbling past them. "When 'meditate' I say, meditate it is."

She glared at the little green troll crossing her arms. "So you gonna go 'meditate' now?" she could hear her own finger quotes.

"No," Yoda chuckled. "To sleep I go. Long day it has been."

Vicky heard a sound. It took her a second to realize Tay was chuckling beside her.

"Oh, don't you freakin' start!" she demanded.


When they arrived at their destination, Vicky had to remember to leave Tay enough room to look out through the viewport.

She was glad that she did. It made the reality of what she was seeing far more… acceptable.

"Wow…," she breathed. "You're seeing this too, right? It's like… a whole city. The whole planet."

Taylor nodded.

"Large, Coruscant is," Yoda said behind them, his little legs dangling off his seat. "Home to trillions it is. Center of the Republic, and home to the Jedi."

"How many species?" she asked with open wonder.

"Hmm." Yoda rubbed at his chin. "Recognize and know twenty million sentient species existence, the Republic and the Jedi do. Exist on Coruscant, many will. But not all."

Twenty million

"Jesus," Victoria breathed. "On Earth, we don't even have that many nationalities and ethnicities! And that's just one planet. How do you keep it all straight!?"

"Difficult it is. Missteps and mistakes… often they occur. But to learn to live and compromise together, the foundation of the Republic it is."

Beside her, Vicky heard Tay release a breath through her nostrils, almost a snort, but too quiet to be called such.

She looked at the brunette, the former villain's eyes taking on a calculating, analytical look. It looked like she didn't buy the pamphlet speech.

Vicky shrugged. She would wait and see. Who's to say aliens couldn't pull it off better than humans?

A voice chimed in through the ship's intercom. "Master Yoda," it sounded mechanical, a droid or the ship's computer. Did ships have computers? "We are on our final approach to the Jedi temple."


Much like a plane back on Earth, Yoda's ship didn't have any forward facing windows they could use, so Vicky and Tay had to make do with the side window they'd been using. As such, they never got a good look at the Jedi temple itself on their approach.

So when they stepped off the ship, perhaps they could be forgiven at their awe at the sheer size of it.

To put it simply, it was huge.

The slanted, ivory white stonework, the sharp angles, the massive wide open courtyard, the gleaming tower at the top.

She felt like an ant, standing in the shadow of a colossus.

Yoda hobbled ahead of them. Little Green was surprisingly fast for a guy that was two feet tall and walking around everywhere with a cane.

They started to follow as he reached the stairs. A bald, black guy was waiting at the top for them.

"Master Yoda," The man smiled. "It's good you've returned."

"Greetings, Master Windu," Yoda answered, his cane coming up one step, then his foot, then his cane, then his foot, then his cane…

Tay's hands smacked Vicky back down to her side. Her fingers itched to pick up the little gremlin and place him at the top of the stairs.

The black guy, Master Windu, raised an eyebrow, and Vicky offered a nervous smile back at him, hoping he hadn't noticed her little… moment.

"I see the Wookiees have sent us two guests," he said, taking a few steps down the stairs to offer them his own greetings, hands clasping theirs. "I am Jedi Master Windu. Leader of the Jedi High Council."

Vicky smiled, shaking his hands. "Oh! Hey, we get to meet the guy in charge on the first day. This is much better than the bureaucracy back home, eh?" She elbowed Taylor, whose features had gone stoic again even as she politely shook the Jedi Master's hands.

"Master Yoda sensed a disturbance in the Force when the Wookiees contacted him. I sense now that he was correct," Windu intoned, eyes narrowing. "The Force flows… strangely around the two of you."

"Yeah, Little- I mean, Yoda said that too." Vicky answered, catching herself before she went and called Yoda "Little Green" outside of her own head in front of one of his buddies. Or him for that matter. She was within arms reach of that stupid stick after all. "Not really sure what this Force thing is all about, though."

Master Windu, for the briefest moment, looked surprised, before the look was gone so quickly she wondered if it was there at all.

"Time enough for that, there will be," Yoda said. "Get you settled, we should. Rooms, and food. Safe in the Temple, you are. Our guests you will be."

Windu nodded. "Master Yoda is right of course. We can speak more and determine how the Jedi can assist you once you've been shown to your rooms and rested from your long journey," he ushered them forward. "Please. Follow me."

Vicky nodded, smiling as Mace turned to lead them into the temple. After they waited for Yoda to finish getting up the stairs, of course.

She tossed a look towards Taylor, but the brunette's eyes had a far away, distracted look, like she was focusing on something in the distance. Vicky shrugged, figuring she was back to doing her thing of listening to make sure people weren't gonna slit their throats in their sleep or something.


Somehow, the inside of the Jedi Temple seemed larger than its outside. Massive towering hallways, swooping grand archways, looming statues of ancient heroes, vast mezzanine walkways and rows upon rows of what Victoria could only assume were their equivalent to books in bright blue racks.

There were, indeed, thousands of people here. If they were all Jedi, then the order was as extensive as Yoda had said.

Nearly everyone they passed by greeted Yoda and Windu. Vicky and Taylor drew more curious stares than anything, but no one really stopped to comment on them.

The rooms to which they were shown were small, but comfortable. The host droid specified they were meant for guests who intended to remain at the temple "for some time". The suite had a private bathroom, two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen - not that Vicky knew how any of the appliances worked, but it was nice to have it!

"Well, this is nice," she said, turning to look at the still-distracted Taylor.

She elbowed the villain in the side, bringing Tay's eyes to her. "Whatcha listenin to?" she guessed.

Tay shot her an irritated look, typing out a quick reply.

"We don't know if the room is bugged."

Vicky shot her a bright smile. "I see what you did there."

Taylor rolled her eyes.

"I'm listening to everyone I can," she answered. "The Temple is so big I can't cover it all. It's… irritating. And the surrounding city… It's a lot."

Vicky silently boggled.

That's right, Tay's bugs weren't just in the temple. To be listening to everything, or at least as much as she could reach, in a city this massive must have been a daunting task.

"Christ, are you even gonna be able to sleep?" she wondered, then frowned. "You are going to sleep!" she scolded. "Even if I have to freakin' drug you, you're never doing that ten day shit again!"

Taylor didn't look like she was looking forward to the prospect, but she did, haltingly, hesitatingly, nod her head.

"Don't try to cover it up with makeup, either. I'll know."

Again, Taylor rolled her eyes, tap-tap-tapping away her response. "Where would I even get any?"

"I'm sure the girls in this temple have freaking makeup!" Vicky dismissed.

"They're a bunch of pseudo monks, why would they?"

"Beauty concerns are the same on every planet, Tay."

Taylor's look was deadpan and flat.

"I didn't see a Wookiee with makeup."

"They called it war paint," she chimed. Reaching forward, she poked Taylor's ivory fang necklace with her vambrace covered arm, smiling smugly. "And accessories!"

Tay facepalmed.

Vicky's smile was cheeky. "Well, I'mma hit the shower. Catch you in a bit," she practically skipped into the bathroom.

Everyone had their travel rituals. Vicky needed hot showers and good shampoo, Tay needed to make sure no unwanted stabbings took place. Habits.


Mace Windu:

Seeing their guests to their rooms was a simple thing, for which Mace was grateful. It allowed him a rather quick opportunity to speak with Master Yoda.

The large and vast hallways granted them a sense of privacy, if only by providing ample distance between the two Jedi Masters and any others passing through.

"Master Yoda," he began, a question in his voice.

His old Master could hear it, without words.

"Hmm," the ancient Grandmaster grunted, urging him to continue with a small smile on his face.

"What did I sense, Master?"

"Hmmm. Strangely the Force flows around our two guests. Unusual eddies and currents. Discern the nature of these turbulences, we must."

Mace nodded. "I assume you have some idea of what it is? Or at least what we should do?"

Yoda's smile widened just a bit. "I do."

And Mace knew he'd fallen into something of a trap from his old Master.

"An idea you'd rather not tell me."

"Gone, I will be one day. To whom then will you turn?" Yoda chided gently. "Good experience this is for you, as possible future Grandmaster. The mysteries of the Force, endless they are. Present themselves so cooperatively as this, rarely they do. Learn from this you will. Intervene if needed, I will."

Mace's feelings at this were conflicted, truth be told. It made sense, but it was still somewhat humbling to recognize he still had so much to learn. For so tiny a being, the old Master left him such dauntingly large shoes to fill.

"I understand," Windu said. "Regardless of the strangeness of our guests, I did come to meet you for a reason, Master."

"Uneasy, you are," Yoda said. "Unlike you, this is. Troubling, this news must be."

He never could hide much from Yoda.

Mace took a breath. "Count Dooku has returned to the temple from Serenno. He was searching for you. He's… inquiring once again over Master Qui-Gon's death," Mace hesitated. He rarely told Yoda what to do, but the look in his old friend's eye… "While he is no longer a member of the Jedi Order…" He hesitated over his next words. "I do not believe it's right to… obfuscate the details further insofar as the Count is concerned. He has a right to know, Master Yoda."

He saw the Grandmaster's features crumple. The decision to suppress the fact that Obi-Wan and his Master had confronted the Sith had been Windu's and Yoda's together. But to lie to a Master-even a former one-over the death of his once-Padawan must have troubled the Grandmaster deeply. With Dooku having been Yoda's Padawan, it couldn't have made it any easier, either

If Dooku did something regrettable because of that decision… Mace knew better than most the depth of devotion Yoda held for his students.

"Speak to my former Padawan, I will. Consider your words carefully, I shall."


And here's this weeks chapter.
As usual Chapters 12, 13 and 14 are available on Patreon for just $1.00 per month, and chapter 14 has a fairly big development for Militia, Dennis and Alexandria :)
Read, review and all that good stuff.
This has brightened my day
I felt this chapter appearing through the Force))
For a moment when Vicky shared the view of stars I believed what she and Tay hugged
They both really need those hugs

I hope Yoda will say the truth, what his point of view was changed by his contact with Taylor
Yeah, she still couldn't understand a single goddamn word they said, but goddamnit, the fuzzballs had grown on her.
Wookiees have that effect on people.
its thick blade curved at the tip like a bowie knife, its wooden handle polished until it shined
As sentimental as she got, Vicky did not blubber like a little girl, and if Tay said otherwise, then she was a dastardly lying villain who lies… villainously!
Learned that from your mother, did you? :V
"Tay, we're in space!" she gushed, turning to look over her shoulder with a brilliant, megawatt bright smile.

Taylor nodded, then quietly typed something on her pad. "I wonder how many of those stars have worlds like Kashyyyk. People. Cultures." She fingered the ivory necklace, smiling a bit. "Arts and Crafts?"
Many. Very many, Taylor.
"That's not the reason," she challenged, staring at Taylor, eyes narrowed. "It's a good reason but it's not your reason. You're hiding something."

Taylor's jaw worked, seemingly chewing on the words she couldn't or wouldn't voice.
Because you won't like the answer, Vicky.
She smirked. "Aha!" she cried triumphantly from several feet away! "I knew your 'meditating' was just another way to say nappin-"


"Ahh- what the hell?" she stumbled, glaring- wasn't this coffee table like half a foot to the left a second ago?
Truly mysterious are the ways of the Force.
She glared at the little green troll crossing her arms. "So you gonna go 'meditate' now?" she could hear her own finger quotes.

"No," Yoda chuckled. "To sleep I go. Long day it has been."
To put it simply, it was huge.

The slanted, ivory white stonework, the sharp angles, the massive wide open courtyard, the gleaming tower at the top.
Yeah, it is very impressive piece of architecture.
There were, indeed, thousands of people here. If they were all Jedi, then the order was as extensive as Yoda had said.
Not all, but most.
"I'm sure the girls in this temple have freaking makeup!" Vicky dismissed.

"They're a bunch of pseudo monks, why would they?"

"Beauty concerns are the same on every planet, Tay."

Taylor's look was deadpan and flat.
Taylor got you there, Vicky.
Mace took a breath. "Count Dooku has returned to the temple from Serenno. He was searching for you. He's… inquiring once again over Master Qui-Gon's death," Mace hesitated. He rarely told Yoda what to do, but the look in his old friend's eye… "While he is no longer a member of the Jedi Order…" He hesitated over his next words. "I do not believe it's right to… obfuscate the details further insofar as the Count is concerned. He has a right to know, Master Yoda."
Yeah, this will be a rough conversation. Especially since OOC we know that at this point Dooku was already in cahoots with Sidious.
Chapter 12
Chapter 12:


The spaceship–and it was a spaceship; he'd pressed his face to the tiny, porthole-like viewport long enough to definitely confirm–looked like the interior of a passenger ferry.

It had long multi-seat benches; they lined the walls and filled the interior cabin like aisles. A menagerie of various species, including quite a few humans, filled every corner of the small vessel.

It was… banal. Almost boring, if he were being honest. And that, in and of itself, was a marvel.

How advanced did technology have to be for things to be… like this?

People just walked in. No space suits, no fancy equipment. They sat down like they were taking the bus, or a commercial flight back home.

What did their really advanced tech look like? What could they do if they pushed themselves? A high enough tech level to kill Endbringers… or worse?


But hell, Just a handful of these ships could probably give Earth the tech it needed to let people escape the Endbringers. Leave them on a barren rock, like Sphere intended before he went crazy.

It was… an odd feeling that came with the realization. A bitterness that these people were just… here, away from everything that happened. All the destruction, all the deaths and the creeping dread that came with knowing they were all going to die to one monster... or another.

But intermingled with it was a wild, desperate sort of hope; like a drowning man seeing an island in the distance.

He had to get back home.

Dennis closed his eyes, turning his attention away from the inner cabin of the transport back towards Rugess, Miss Militia, and… Alexandria.

The Bith was using his damaged, padded hands to scroll through some sort of learning app on a pad, holding it out for the three of them to see.

An image appeared and a soft, feminine voice drifted outward.


Splashed at the bottom of the screen were letters in Galactic Basic, spelling out the word itself in phonetic sync with the recording.

Then Ruggess said what Dennis could only assume was how his species said speeder, in slow, enunciated vocabulary.

They must have looked utterly ridiculous, two grown women and a teen using what must have been the equivalent of a Blues Clues children's learning app to "pass the time".

Dennis did try to pay attention, he really did, but he really wasn't cut out for learning like this. Hell, he doubted anyone was. But Miss Militia had drive, and Alexandria… well…

The Triumvirate member sat still as a statue, one leg crossed over the other, one hand cupping her chin, finger obscuring her mouth. It was anyone's guess where her eyes were, but he doubted they were solely focused on Rugess.

He wouldn't be surprised if they were watching him, truth be told. He certainly hadn't done himself any favors with her with his comments.

After a moment, Miss Militia groaned, leaning back in her seat to straighten her spine. "The grammatical structure seems fairly similar," she hedged, looking to Alexandria for confirmation.

"Galactic Standard is," the woman confirmed. "Rugess's language is altogether different, though. More akin to Japanese structure than anything else."

That startled the Bith, who spat out a rapid fire… something… in reply.

"Partially," Alexandria replied to Rugess. "A few more days, a week at most, and I should be able to understand you as well as Skywalker could."

Rugess shook his head, babbling out something else.

"I listened." Alexandria answered.

Dennis decided to raise his hand. "Ahem. Yeah. While following this one sided conversation is really fun and all, what're our plans once we reach Mandalore? Just… find a library card to do internet research?"

"In effect, yes"

He stared.

She couldn't be serious.

Whatever expression he wore on his face must have drawn her attention, because after a moment she turned her head to look at him directly. He knew exactly where her eyes were this time.

"Our first order of business is finding room and board. After that, an adequate credit source. Thirdly, a source of information. Hopefully, priorities two and three can be packaged together but if not, we need, more than anything else, information. Galactic technology, policy, dangers, customs… anything and everything. Tatooine was a desert in more ways than one. The Hutts control the flow of information, a standard practice for a society run on slaves. Hopefully, Mandalore will be more… accessible."

"And if it's not?" he asked, and if there was a bit of challenge in his voice… he couldn't help it.

"I know things are uncertain, Dennis," Miss Militia cut in, apparently misinterpreting his tone. "But we're all running a little blind here. We can only play things by ear until we find a way home."

But Alexandria stared at him. Her smooth, featureless helmet obscured too much for him, or anyone, to read her.

"Hannah. Rugess. Perhaps you might go get a drink of water for a moment," she finally said. "The dispenser is on the other end of the cabin, if I'm reading that sign correctly."

Dennis tensed.

Militia's eyes darted from him towards Alexandria beside her. "Ale-"

"It'll be fine, Hannah," she cut her off. "You can trust me."

Can she? He wanted to ask, but bit his tongue.

Miss Militia looked unsure, and Dennis almost wanted to tell her not to go, but figured that inside this tiny ship, surrounded by people, Militia herself not being too far away and at least the potential threat of what lay outside the ship or rather the promise of what didn't lay outside in the vacuum of space… he couldn't really ask for a "better" place than right here and now.

Did she want him to think that?

With his silence the tension grew, and soon Militia stood, looking at him as if she was asking him to say something so she could help. Rugess, unsure and subdued, meekly undid his seat belt and followed the Heroine out of their little cubicle of booths towards the water dispenser.

Dennis could hear the voices of the other travelers, the hum of the air conditioning system and, what he assumed, was the engine.

The metal bench he was sitting on felt cold and it was a struggle not to fidget in place as the silence stretched on.

Alexandria was still as stone.

After a moment, he steeled himself, finding his nerve again.

Even if it wasn't real… it felt real enough, didn't it…

So he'd faced worse–far worse–than Alexandria.

He turned to look her dead in the eye.


The word made him twitch. "What?"

"You," she answered. "The change is equal parts subtle and drastic. One part, scared and unsure, the other… well. The other is someone who can confidently call me a killer to my face."

He didn't wince or cringe. Instead, he forced a smile.

"Was I wrong?" It was confidence he didn't have that drove his tongue. False bravado and, perhaps, sheer spite that made him say that.

Alexandria stayed quiet, staring him down, and he got the feeling she could see right through him.

"I asked you before to tell me what you think you know," she began, "but you're not even sure yourself…" Her head tilted, ever so subtly. "Certain things aren't lining up. And if one thing isn't true, why would the others be true?" she mused.

Dennis stayed quiet, for all the good it would do.

"You don't trust me," she continued. "You believe you shouldn't trust me, but you're not sure… Hmmm. Needling then. Trying to test me, push my buttons. Seeing where I fall on your personal scale."

He didn't want to admit she was right.

So he didn't.

"Telling me that isn't something you'd do." He forced another smile. "You'd keep it a secret that you know. Play the good role. Make me let my guard down. That's your MO, right?" he pressed, regretting the last part even as he said it. Then he pushed on, "Or maybe you just want to 4-D chess this, knowing I'd give you that answer so you are playing me with reverse psychology… Or maybe I'm just overthinking things." He shrugged. "Who can say?"

"You want to talk." She answered, ignoring his spiel. "But you neither trust me to talk with me, and you don't seem to think Militia can help you. And yet you do trust her." One hand rose, rubbing at her chin.

He leaned forward in his seat, rubbing his hands together in a fidgeting movement. "Honestly, you and me," he gestured between them, "We can keep going in circles 'till they come back from the water break, go for a bathroom break, land and take our next trip to the next library planet."

"I am being very direct," she countered, "as you noted earlier. You on the other hand are being quite evasive. Or fumbling bravely in an attempt of it."

"Right." He nodded. "Good talk."

He moved to stand, ready to leave the cubicle until they reached Mandalore, but her hand caught him in the chest.

Not hard, mind you, it just halted his standing motion so he fell back into his seat. Still didn't stop him from feeling he just jabbed his sternum into a concrete slab, knocking the wind out of him.

"Whatever is inside your head could be important to actually getting back home," she insisted.

Dennis rubbed at his chest, wincing, wondering if there would be a bruise there tomorrow.

Regardless, he laughed.

"Doubt that. I'm still half convinced none of this shit is real."

"It is real," She answered, and he got the impression she was raising an eyebrow. "Why do you think otherwise?"

He looked at her, the words at the tip of his tongue before he caught them between his teeth.

Because you're still breathing… and so am I.

She must have seen some form of answer on his face, because the moment her body went still this time, there was no mistaking the cold dread that must have crawled down her spine.


Satine Kryze

"It's quite impressive."

Satine wasn't one to gush or offer false praise. So, when she said this, the light of pride in Korkie's eyes shone all the brighter, and she could see her young nephew was genuinely trying to keep his composure and not beam with joy and happiness that would be… unbecoming of one of his station.

With a click of the remote in his hands, the holo-presentation turned off.

"The young Master has been working on this project for weeks now," Old Doval, Korkie's tutor said, with no small measure of pride in his own voice and tone. "He'd hoped that the subject would please you."

"It most certainly does. I believe he's even taught me some things I didn't know about our history."

And that was the crux of it, wasn't it? History. Their people had a long, storied past. One of the oldest and blood drenched in the whole of the galaxy.

She couldn't erase history, nor should she try. All they could do was acknowledge it and move forward, forswearing the methods of the past for those of the future. New Mandalore had to be better.

"The idea of focusing on the figures that unified clans after the various civil wars of Mandalore was an inspired choice," she conceded.

Her nephew had done extensive research for this project, going far, far back into their past. Both verifiable history and legends.

Mandalore the Preserver, Mandalore the Vindicated, Mandalore the Endurer, Mandalore the Binder, Mandalore the Uniter. On and on they went.

None of them were pacifists. None of them were responsible for anything less than thousands of deaths in their own rights, but the general through line of the presentation was that each had accomplished more in peace than they had in war.

That their names survived through the ages because of how they'd led their people away from senseless, self-destructive conflict. Or even picked them back up from the brink of extinction when previous Mandalores had led them to ruin.

It was a way to show even the conservative members of the Mandalorians that New Mandalore had its seeds sown throughout their blood drenched history.

They were not an aberration… rather they were the ultimate promise of what only a culture like theirs could be. Warriors that had learned that peace was greater than any short lived "glory" to be found in killing other beings.

Korkie smiled up towards her, and she smiled back.

"I will be presenting it before the academy in a week's time. It's an open conference, Auntie Satine."

The smile on her face froze.

"You will come see it, won't you?"

She knew the question was coming, and it was like a knife through the heart, knowing she would have to disappoint him.

There were times - many times - that Duchess Satine Kryze privately wished she could escape her duty. Just for a little while. Just a single day of peace and quiet that she could have for herself.

But always there was a crisis on her hands, always there was some problem that needed dealing with.

Her father had made it look so easy, so natural. She wondered how he did it. How he always seemed so steady and steadfast, while she could barely keep herself from drowning.

To take a day, even a single day, to go to the academy…


He knew her answer already, she could see the disappointment already beginning to bloom behind his eyes. Bracing himself, and yet willing to accept it with all the grace a boy shouldn't have at his age.

He was always too good for her.

The rejection died on her lips and she reached behind her for the datapad holding her schedule, hoping there was something she could rearrange. Something she could move around and fix so that she could avoid disappointing him… again.

Even if he never said it, she knew it was so. And she owed the boy better than that.

As her eyes raked over the datapad, her heart clenched. Meetings, functions, events. Dates that she had little control over. Promised appointments scheduled months in advance… how-

An idea struck her then. And she looked towards Korkie, the tentative hope in his eyes, making her all the more determined.

"Let me make a call," she said, smiling. "If all goes well… then I will surely make time."

The boy beamed even more than he had when she praised his work. The mere promise of her presence lit up his face like the sun.

She would call Tal'Merrick. He could arrive planetside in an afternoon. She could meet him in the spaceport and discuss everything that would be needed for the scheduled date.

He could handle things, she was sure.

She'd call immediately, and meet him at the spaceport when he arrived.


Here is this weeks chapter.

I'm sure many of you who recognize the name Tal Merrick can sort of guess what's gonna happen next :p

On another note, Dennis and Alexandria finally "having at it" was VERY fun to write.

On Patreon Chapters 13, 14 and 15 are available right now for just $1.00 per month and I have to say, Chapter fifteen has me so *freakin hyped* we're starting to seriously lay the groundwork for the major changes of the story by that point. I'm honestly gonna try to write all the way to chapter 18 as quickly as I can so I can post it here, the reaction amongst the whole readerbase is bound to be... pretty fun :D

Anywho, read, review and all that fun/good stuff :D
This continues to be very good and I do like how Alexandria is able to tell something's off about Dennis but the truth that he's from her future is reasonably beyond her.
The spaceship–and it was a spaceship; he'd pressed his face to the tiny, porthole-like viewport long enough to definitely confirm–looked like the interior of a passenger ferry.

It had long multi-seat benches; they lined the walls and filled the interior cabin like aisles. A menagerie of various species, including quite a few humans, filled every corner of the small vessel.

It was… banal. Almost boring, if he were being honest. And that, in and of itself, was a marvel.
I'm pretty sure people felt the same way when first busses became a thing.
But hell, Just a handful of these ships could probably give Earth the tech it needed to let people escape the Endbringers. Leave them on a barren rock, like Sphere intended before he went crazy.
Unfortunately, Scion would have something to say about that.

Splashed at the bottom of the screen were letters in Galactic Basic, spelling out the word itself in phonetic sync with the recording.

Then Ruggess said what Dennis could only assume was how his species said speeder, in slow, enunciated vocabulary.

They must have looked utterly ridiculous, two grown women and a teen using what must have been the equivalent of a Blues Clues children's learning app to "pass the time".
Hey, it is good to learn.
Dennis decided to raise his hand. "Ahem. Yeah. While following this one sided conversation is really fun and all, what're our plans once we reach Mandalore? Just… find a library card to do internet research?"

"In effect, yes"
Your ability to stop time is insignificant next to the power of libraries.
Miss Militia looked unsure, and Dennis almost wanted to tell her not to go, but figured that inside this tiny ship, surrounded by people, Militia herself not being too far away and at least the potential threat of what lay outside the ship or rather the promise of what didn't lay outside in the vacuum of space… he couldn't really ask for a "better" place than right here and now.

Did she want him to think that?
Dennis, Dennis, down that road of paranoia lies current Taylor.
She must have seen some form of answer on his face, because the moment her body went still this time, there was no mistaking the cold dread that must have crawled down her spine.
Yeah, as he said, good talk.
Mandalore the Preserver, Mandalore the Vindicated, Mandalore the Endurer, Mandalore the Binder, Mandalore the Uniter. On and on they went.
Lot of familiar names and few OCs.
"I will be presenting it before the academy in a week's time. It's an open conference, Auntie Satine."

The smile on her face froze.
She would call Tal Merrik.

Chapter 13
Chapter 13:

"Gladdened, I am, to see you well."

"For a given definition."
The voice was smooth, measured, like a perfectly aged brandy or polished oak. "I never intended to return to the Temple, but circumstances and a clear and blatant manipulation of the truth has brought me here."

"Now, who can tell me what is the AgriCorps?"

A hustle, small voices murmuring, hands rising.

"Yes, Solena?"

"The Agri-Corps, or the Agricultural Corps, is one of the four branches of the Jedi Service Corps. It is the largest of the four corps."

"And, Dakken, can you tell me what its primary functions are?"

A stuttering, hesitant response.

"Ahh, well… the AgriCorp… farms?"

"Johena. Give us a better answer."

"They plant edible plant life across various worlds, and also conduct research which is filed into the Jedi Archives. Members focus on cul- cu- cultivation skills that help in plant growth. Their research focuses on botany, geology and the study of fauna and xeno-ecosystems.

"Where are the AgriCorps facilities?"

"Ukio, Taanab, Marfa, Bandomeer, Salliche and Dilonexa."

"Dilonexa Twenty-Three. Thank you Jacen."

"... Angry, you are."

"Disappointed. And dismayed at the state of things," came the retort. "That I must come here to ask the truth of you in person… I've found, outside the bounds of the Temple, that one can have the right to be angry, my Master."

"Hmm… dangerous, such thinking is."

"But it is the truth."
There was a conviction there. An immovable wall that would not back down.

Silence settled between the two men.

"What happened?"

"Have you ever felt like you've made a terrible mistake, and yet you do not know how to take it back, Master Koon?"

"It is never too late to correct mistakes, Master Gallia. Come. Sit with me. I assume this has to do with the recent… developments around young Tachi."

"Do you disagree with our decisions?"

"I cannot help but feel I've made a terrible error, Master Koon."

"Know what happened, you do. To Naboo your Padawan went. Involved in the fighting he became-"

"I know what the reports say." The retort cut off the ancient speaker. "And I know what they don't say. I see no autopsy report, I see no identity of the one who slew him, no testimony from Padawan Kenobi. I see censored reports from other witnesses, classified documents around the time the party of the Queen separated from Qui-Gon and Kenobi. I recognize when the Senate and the Order wish to sweep some… undesirable facts under the rug."

The sound of sobbing, hidden away in the corners of the Temple.

"Now what is this? Why these tears? Hmm?"

"M-Master Yaddle!"

"There is no reason for tears, little one. Come, sit with me, and better we will make things."

More sniffles, small hands wiping at a runny face.

"I'm not going to become a Jedi, am I, Master?"

"Hmm? Know this, do you?"

"I'm twelve, Master Yaddle… Twelve. And no Master has ever come and shown even a little interest! I'll be thirteen in just one year. I'm about to fail!"

"To age is to fail? Master Yoda and I, the greatest failures of the Jedi then we are."

"You know what I mean, Master! I'm going to be sent to the Service Corps!"

"A failing that is?"

"It means I can't be a Jedi. It means I don't have the Force. Not like you or the other Padawans."

"Hmm… I see." A shift in the seat, drawing closer.

"A promise I will make you."

"What, Master Yaddle?"

"Regrettable, the events involving senator Dagonet were. Contest that, I do not. Much pain they caused you. But the same, this is not. Raxus… This. Is. Not."

"But it is the same outcome. The Order has mistaken cooperation for servitude, and assistance with blind obedience. What senator sent my Padawan to his death? Whom is the Order protecting this time?"

"You must learn to feel the Force within yourself. Mind your feelings. They'll only serve to distract you."

A helmet is pulled off and clatters to the floor. Frustration colors the voice that replies, "But Master, this doesn't make sense! You want me to focus within, but when I do that what I'm focusing on are my feelings! I can't just focus inward and think blank thoughts, Master!"

"I-" A scoff of frustration. "Anakin-"

"Know you do, that such an act the Jedi would not commit."

"Then answer my question! I am asking you. No one else. Not the Council. Not a committee hearing or an inquiry. You. My master. What happened to Qui-Gon? What happened to my Padawan?"


On and on the information came, a steady stream of names, places, concepts, ideas, frustrations, doubts, joys. On and on she listened. She could close her eyes and hear it all, rapidly gathering all the goings on and happenings within the temple walls.

A tap on her shoulder almost yanked her back into her body. She'd been so focused on the Temple and people around her. She breathed sharply through her nostrils as she came back to herself, blinking before she turned to see Vicky smiling at her.

"Hey, I wanna explore this place a bit," the other girl said. "I think we're allowed. Wanna come with?"

A part of her wanted to say no, to remain here and focus on everything. The other part didn't actually want Vicky to head off alone in this strange place. These were not kindly Wookiees. Far more races. Far more secrets. And secrets sometimes meant danger.

Vicky could take care of herself, but that was no reason to risk her one friend here in this strange Temple full of strange people.

Taylor nodded, gesturing for Vicky to wait so she could shower and change.

The Dallon heroine smiled brightly.



When they exited their rooms, it was in the clothes offered by the Temple. Like the clothing from Kashyyyk, Vicky didn't recognize the material, but it was thick like wool and sublimely soft as high thread-count cotton, warm but somehow breathable enough so as not to be suffocating.

She preferred the Wookiee fabrics, but that dress was being cleaned right now, so Jedi "guest clothes" would do fine for the time being.

Taylor had chosen simpler clothes from those provided, going for a much thinner shirt and pants combo, grays and blacks, colors that did not help her pale complexion at all. It made her look too pale. And not in the goth girl way either.

Vicky was starting to get the distinct impression that Tay didn't know how to use colors and fashion to her advantage at all. If in a few more days the former villain didn't start wearing more complementary clothes, Vicky was gonna have to take drastic measures!

It was gonna be fun!

But for now, glorious nosin- err… exploration! For great Justice!

All jokes aside, the Temple was impressive. Like… walk-through-the-Vatican impressive. It was so grand it made her feel small, and walking through the halls where all the other Jedi were either talking, reading or "meditating" (though she was sure more than a few were just napping) made the place feel warm, almost like a college campus.

She and Tay drew curious looks, especially from the older Jedi who seemed to do genuine doubletakes at the sight of them. You'd think they hadn't seen new people in the Temple before.

But she didn't let that bother her too much; exploration was today's objective, so explore she did.

Surprisingly, Taylor led the way most of the time. Following her, they found classrooms for kids, Jedi training rooms where other kids were practicing martial arts, gardens, a gorgeous room with hundreds or maybe even thousands of fountains, a library and reading rooms (and Vicky did note those longing glances Tay was tossing those particular rooms as they left), balconies that offered gorgeous views of the immense, impossibly sized city, and even a freaking museum. She made a note to visit that place later. It'd be good to know some history about this place.

Moving through the halls, Vicky only just noticed Taylor's arm snake around her wrist, trying to stop her from moving when-

"Oh my!"

Vicky's other wrist smacked into something, a clatter of plastic impacts on the marble floor making her reel back.

An alien, looking like a cross between a baboon and a parrot was there, a collection of pads scattered across the floor in front of him.

The alien, who seemed like an old man to her untrained eye, smiled, his eyes closing with a kind look to them. "Forgive me. These eyes aren't what they used to be."

"No, no, I'm sorry, totally my fault!" She apologized, moving quickly to start picking up the pads. "My head was in the clouds. I wasn't looking where I was going!" Tay had seen the man approaching from around the corner, how out of it did Vicky have to be?

"It is quite alright, no harm done," The wizened Jedi assured, kneeling down ever so slowly to pick up a single datapad by the time Vicky had gotten all of them stacked up in her hands.

Seeing the old Jedi move, Vicky offered a tentative smile. "Well, sorry again anyway. I'm Victoria Dallon. And this is Taylor." She gestured with her head towards the brunette.

The old alien bowed. "I am Master Sinube. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Dallon."

She nodded. "Were you taking these somewhere? I can carry 'em for you. Me and Tay were just exploring, so we're not really busy."

"Exploring?" Sinube blinked. "Oh, you are Master Yoda's guests. Silly of me, I should have known."

"Huh." She blinked and turned her eyes to Taylor.

The brunette caught her look and then mimed with her hand "talking" and signaled around them.

So people had been talking about them.

"Word travels fast," she guessed.

Sinube huffed a laugh.

"I'm afraid nothing moves faster in our temple. We should be dedicated to the Force, but it seems the younglings prefer gossip over their studies," he said, beginning to walk.

Vicky smiled, following after him, sensing something of an opportunity.

"You know," she began hesitantly, hoping she wouldn't step into some sort of taboo, super sensitive question, "I've been hearing you guys going on and on about the Force, but no one's given me a straight answer on what exactly it is yet."

At that, she noted Tay's increased interest behind her.

"Hmm." Sinube seemed surprised, but not outraged at the statement. "Oh? Well, we'll have something to discuss on our way to the library, then."


Mace Windu

Contrary to popular belief, the Jedi Council did not sit on lofty thrones all day discussing matters of the Force to the exclusion of everything else. Masters had duties to attend, and the presumptive future Grandmaster of the Order even moreso.

Reading reports from the four Jedi Service Corps and clearing new tasks or granting priority was one such duty, managing the finances of the temple another.

Reviewing MedCorps reports on all Jedi Knights, Masters, Shadows, Temple Guards and others that required their assistance, along with mission reports, was yet another.

As a Grandmaster, Master Yoda woke up before the sun rose and dedicated the whole of his morning to overseeing these menial tasks.

Mace tried to follow his example as much as he could. However, Yoda knew and had trained many of the people who reported to him, so he could very easily speed read through most of his reports unless something truly urgent was occurring, simply because he knew how his students "sounded" when they were distressed or pleased in their work. This was an advantage Mace currently lacked, so he had to read much more carefully.

In short, despite his best efforts, Mace was having trouble filling Master Yoda's shoes administratively. As well as in every other aspect, he felt.

But such a thing was expected; he'd known that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to live up to Yoda's easy mastery of his role as the Jedi Grandmaster.

He was not frustrated by this, but he did at times feel dismayingly overwhelmed.

A feeling he knew the other Jedi Council members were experiencing as well, facing their own increased workloads as Master Yoda retired by steps, withdrawing more and more to prepare the Temple for his eventual passing.

By the time he broke away from the swamp of reports, finances, medical recommendations, and other such necessary administrative actions, he realized it was just a little before noon, and Master Yoda's guests still needed to be interviewed and examined by the Jedi council.

Making his way out of his office, he was pleased to find Master Plo Koon.

"Ahh, Master Koon. Good day."

"Master Windu," Koon nodded, bowing politely, "I was hoping I might have a moment of your time."

"Of course," he answered, gesturing for them to walk and talk. A Council meeting was scheduled in less than an hour; whatever this discussion was, Koon seemed to wish it to remain private.

"I believe we need to revisit the Council's decision regarding Siri Tachi," Master Koon began.

Windu took a breath. "Her Master consented. Siri herself consented," he argued. "While it is… distasteful, we are monitoring the situation. You know that we wouldn't simply throw her to the wolves."

"I understand," Koon said, his voice polite but carrying that firmness that told Windu his fellow Master would not back down. "But I'm afraid I must bring it up again and protest it again. The decision was made out of expedience, not careful consideration. Siri's age, the danger it presents-"

"She is almost a fully fledged Knight," Mace pointed out. "These can and will be her trials."

"I would not subject a Master to such a trial!" Koon countered. "Undercover work in a slaver ring for one so young is not something I can condone, and I fear the precedent we are setting if I don't protest!"

"Master Galia believes her to be ready." He understood Koon's objections–truly, he did–but Master Galia knew Tachi better than anyone.

"Can it really be called consent, Master Windu, if it was felt that there was no choice at all?"

Mace opened his mouth, then shut it again, a grim line overtaking his features. "We did not pressure their decision!" he protested.

"Not intentionally. But you know as well as I that when the Council asks, it is difficult for the dutiful to say 'no'."

Mace couldn't, in good faith, disagree.

"We will bring this up at the Council meeting," he conceded.

Master Koon bowed. "Thank you, Master Windu. That's all I can ask."

Mace had a feeling the Kel Dor Master could and would ask for a lot more than that. But he couldn't begrudge him. Koon was an exceptional Master, and if Mace were honest, in some ways a better candidate for Grandmaster than even himself. His opinions, even those he disagreed with, were worth listening to.

As he reached the guest wing of the Temple, Mace felt that it was empty before he even reached the door.

Closing his eyes, he spread his senses.

Luckily, the oddity that was the signature of the Temple's guests was easy to find, and luckily not too far away in the library.

"Ahh. Master Yoda's guests," Plo Koon guessed. "I assume that is what we will be discussing in the Council meeting."

Mace nodded. "Yes. Their situation is rather… unique. Master Yoda believes the Council can help."

"Have you met them?" the Kel Door asked.

"I have, briefly," Mace admitted. "Human, young. One seemed kind enough. The other…" He trailed off.

What he'd sensed from the dark haired girl had not been kindness. In truth, it worried Windu deeply. A tightly coiled augur of anger and pain. So much pain…

Yes. He was very worried indeed, when it came to the dark haired girl.

"Do not judge a Joor-ei by its scales," Master Koon posed, a light amusement in his tone.

Windu wouldn't beleaguer the point arguing that those emotions weren't just "skin deep".

Reaching the library, they found the two girls they were searching for with none other than Master Sinube.

"So from what you're describing," the blonde girl–Dallon–put forward hesitantly as she slid a datapad back into place on the library archives, "is that this Force thing is like… an intelligent mystical energy that surrounds us, is inside of us. And gives you superpowers if you're special enough?"

"Correct!" Master Sinube answered, delighted.

The other girl–Taylor–seemed intrigued by the discussion, though as ever, she was silent.

Master Windu found the explanation rather crude, but… fundamentally not incorrect, strictly speaking.

Then, Miss Dallon continued.

"Huh… that kinda sounds like a really weird combo of a stalker, sugar daddy, and Santa all in one. It could at least buy me dinner first!"

Mace nearly tripped over a chair. He was fairly sure Master Plo somehow choked on his own breathing, and Master Sinube coughed and wheezed something that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.


I did say I would find a way to use that description of the force when a user posted it :p

Anywho, them butterflies are starting to flap their wings :D

As usual, the next chapters (14,15,16) are available on Patreon right now, with chapter 15 (Tay and Vicky's next post) being a particularly big chapter :3

So head on over there if you'd like to find out more

As always, read, review and let me know your thoughts and feedback right here, its always fun.
"The Agri-Corps, or the Agricultural Corps, is one of the four branches of the Jedi Service Corps. It is the largest of the four corps."
And so few people actually know of the Service Corps.
"But it is the same outcome. The Order has mistaken cooperation for servitude, and assistance with blind obedience. What senator sent my Padawan to his death? Whom is the Order protecting this time?"
While his words are not without merit, Dooku is being extreme hypocrite, considering he is in league with Palpatine.
On and on the information came, a steady stream of names, places, concepts, ideas, frustrations, doubts, joys. On and on she listened. She could close her eyes and hear it all, rapidly gathering all the goings on and happenings within the temple walls.
Taylor sees everything.
When they exited their rooms, it was in the clothes offered by the Temple. Like the clothing from Kashyyyk, Vicky didn't recognize the material, but it was thick like wool and sublimely soft as high thread-count cotton, warm but somehow breathable enough so as not to be suffocating.
Jedi prefer simple, yet comfortable and utilitarian clothes.
"I'm afraid nothing moves faster in our temple. We should be dedicated to the Force, but it seems the younglings prefer gossip over their studies," he said, beginning to walk.
Just lime in schools.
But such a thing was expected; he'd known that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to live up to Yoda's easy mastery of his role as the Jedi Grandmaster.
Those are really big shoes to fill. Funny because Yoda doesn't wear shoes.
"Huh… that kinda sounds like a really weird combo of a stalker, sugar daddy, and Santa all in one. It could at least buy me dinner first!"
Hah! :lol:
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I'm always interested how SW fics use Mace Windu, most of them portray him as a conservative and deeply traditionalist man who, when faced with an Outside Context Problem, will do things the way they've always been done and generally acts as a foil to Kenobi who is the more open minded Jedi in contrast to him.

I do like how you've portrayed this version of the Council though, looking forward to more.