The Valkyrior (MCU Thor/Worm)

The problem with any numeration of Parahumans remains the continued digging up of more in the MCU.
Hulk was basically the only one at first. (I refuse to make Tony one in my headcanon)
Cap and red skull aren't really supposed to be ones, merely perefct humans.
Theoretically you also have Spidey (what with recent right to character developments), and Age of Ultron will have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
And theoretically (though not directly in the MCU at this time) all the Xmen probably. (since those rights may also at some point be discussed and deals be struck)
Point of Order: I don't think they ever specified that Cap was just "peak human" in the MCU and he does blatantly superhuman feats that Black Widow and Hawkeye never get close to.

Also, what the hell does "peak human" even mean? We find new heights of human physical achievement all the time. Is Cap just supposed to get a retroactive upgrade every time someone proves that what we thought were the limits, weren't actually the limits or what?
Point of Order: I don't think they ever specified that Cap was just "peak human" in the MCU and he does blatantly superhuman feats that Black Widow and Hawkeye never get close to.

Also, what the hell does "peak human" even mean? We find new heights of human physical achievement all the time. Is Cap just supposed to get a retroactive upgrade every time someone proves that what we thought were the limits, weren't actually the limits or what?

The stuff he took makes your outside reflect your inside. He is as strong as his will and as beautiful as his heart. The Red Skull took the same stuff the same way and, while is also has a strong will, his heart is ugly.
The stuff he took makes your outside reflect your inside. He is as strong as his will and as beautiful as his heart. The Red Skull took the same stuff the same way and, while is also has a strong will, his heart is ugly.

Okay... So now we have the explanation as to why it was never properly duplicated.

Erskine was a goddamn wizard and neither Bruce Banner nor Thunderbolt Ross understood his magic well enough to duplicate it without unfortunate side effects.

Okay... So now we have the explanation as to why it was never properly duplicated.

Erskine was a goddamn wizard and neither Bruce Banner nor Thunderbolt Ross understood his magic well enough to duplicate it without unfortunate side effects.

That also explains the Abomination!! He took a 'super' serum (mostly likely attempts to recreate the Erskine formula). And ended up with raised spines. Add a little Hulk blood and... Voilà!!

In all seriousness though. The Red Skull ended up with a red skull because he took the incomplete formula Erskine made before escaping Germany. He finished the process in the USA.
That also explains the Abomination!! He took a 'super' serum (mostly likely attempts to recreate the Erskine formula). And ended up with raised spines. Add a little Hulk blood and... Voilà!!

Freaking sorcery. :p

Though in all honesty, Ross' formula seemed to work fine until they did the second dose on Blonsky, but who knows what the long term effects would have been.

Barring long term effects though, Blonsky seemed about as buffed up as Cap, without any visible changes. I really gotta wonder why Ross was so unwilling to use it before...

In all seriousness though. The Red Skull ended up with a red skull because he took the incomplete formula Erskine made before escaping Germany. He finished the process in the USA.

Tell your kids to Just Say No to incomplete super-serums. :D
I'm just waiting until Taylor gets to meet the Avengers. Forget Valhalla, that is true paradise. Or as one TVTroper put it

It introduces Captain America with a lingering shot of Chris Evans' ass as he pummels a punching bag (and throws in a few more ass- or full-body-shots later on when he's dressed in his tight, colorful suit whose pattern immediately draws the eye to his shoulder-to-waist ratio); devotes a noticeable chunk of screentime to several unnecessary, loving pans over Chris Hemsworth's biceps, triceps, and deltoids and centers a large number of shots on his long, luscious, disheveled golden hair; has Jeremy Renner constantly posing and aiming a bow while in a skintight, sleeveless outfit that shows off his ass and arms pretty much every time he moves, and has a scene focusing on a completely naked, Carpet of Virility-sporting Mark Ruffalo whose only concession to modesty is a conveniently-placed bit of rubble in the foreground (not to mention all the earlier scenes of him with rolled-up sleeves and an open collar). And if you move from that baser titillation to the numerous tight closeups of Robert Downey Jr.'s dark, silver-streaked hair, dashing, neatly-trimmed goatee, and enormous brown anime eyes framed by lashes of extension-scale length and thickness; and a pale, piercing-eyed Tom Hiddleston in sleek black hair, wearing either an elaborate, elegant green-and-gold robe and helmet, or a ridiculously sharp suit and overcoat; and you've got one of the most eye-candy-heavy superhero movies ever made.
The problem with any numeration of Parahumans remains the continued digging up of more in the MCU.
Hulk was basically the only one at first. (I refuse to make Tony one in my headcanon)
Cap and red skull aren't really supposed to be ones, merely perefct humans.
Theoretically you also have Spidey (what with recent right to character developments), and Age of Ultron will have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
And theoretically (though not directly in the MCU at this time) all the Xmen probably. (since those rights may also at some point be discussed and deals be struck)
Re'ozul's post reminded me: MCU technically does not include mutants at this time because Fox currently has the rights to them. Marvel characters aren't even allowed to mention the word "mutant". But YOU ARE NOT MARVEL! :D

Also Spiderman. I just looked him up and apparently the MCU is expanding to take him in.

So, will you be including the Mutants and X-Men in your story? Or Spiderman? Avengers characters are awesome but there's so much more room to expand here because this is a fanfic and not any licence product.
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Re'ozul's post reminded me: MCU technically does not include mutants at this time because Fox currently has the rights to them. Marvel characters aren't even allowed to mention the word "mutant". But YOU ARE NOT MARVEL! :D

Also Spiderman. I just looked him up and apparently the MCU is expanding to take him in.

So, will you be including the Mutants and X-Men in your story? Or Spiderman? Avengers characters are awesome but there's so much more room to expand here because this is a fanfic and not any licence product.

I think the Spider-man movie is in 2017. Let's hope it's not yet another reboot origin story. So sick of those.

Regarding Mutants and Spider-man: there's already tons of characters involved in the MCU where I can write a handful of stories without needing more, but I'm not taking them off the table. I can say that this point I don't have any plans on including them, but I know me well enough to know the outline I have planned out already will change (they always do.)

I do plan on using what is already shown in the MCU in one way or another. It might take a while to get around to Rocket Racoon (because everything is better with Rocket) and the gang, but yeah, everything I can.
Taylor isn't likely to piss Tony off the way Thor did just from lack of opportunity if nothing else, and Thor is the only hero Tony has actually had a fight with as opposed to a mutual bitchfest like he had with Cap.

Tony - So... Valkyrie eh? Chooser of the slain... Warrior Goddess...
Taylor - I will hit you very hard if you dont get out of my personal space.
Tony - *Holds his hands up* Im back... *Wigggles a metal stylus around near her face* See, not touching you...
Taylor - *Sigh* Tony, you have five seconds to stop or you get a surprise colonoscopy.
Tony - *Cackles* Try me.
Taylor - You asked for it.

*later in the infirmary*

Fury - Tell me again why I keep you around?
Tony - My dashing OWWW!
Nurse - Did that hurt? *Grins*
Tony - Your nurses could really SHIT FUCK ME! AIEEEE
Nurse - You were about to say, need a raise right?
Fury - *Looks between them* Just dont piss off any more women with sharp tools Mr. Stark.

I'm just waiting until Taylor gets to meet the Avengers. Forget Valhalla, that is true paradise.

Natasha - Welcome to the Helicarrier.
Taylor - Thanks for having me... who is that? *Drools slightly*
Natasha - Oh him... Thats Captain Rodgers.
Taylor - He can Rodger me anytime....
Steve - Hey Natasha... is she ok?
Natasha - Seasick probably.
Steve - Anything I can do to help?
Taylor - Hold me... I feel faint... *Falls*
Steve - *Catches her* Woah.
Taylor - Woah yourself...
Natasha - Welcome to the Helicarrier.
Taylor - Thanks for having me... who is that? *Drools slightly*
Natasha - Oh him... Thats Captain Rodgers.
Taylor - He can Rodger me anytime....
Steve - Hey Natasha... is she ok?
Natasha - Seasick probably.
Steve - Anything I can do to help?
Taylor - Hold me... I feel faint... *Falls*
Steve - *Catches her* Woah.
Taylor - Woah yourself...
Taylor and Darcy Lewis must never meet.
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Hmm. Are Asgardian insects stronger than Earth varieties, like Asgardians themselves vs humans?

I have this vision of ants stealing a car Nac Mac Feegle style - one under each tyre.
I think the Spider-man movie is in 2017. Let's hope it's not yet another reboot origin story. So sick of those.

Regarding Mutants and Spider-man: there's already tons of characters involved in the MCU where I can write a handful of stories without needing more, but I'm not taking them off the table. I can say that this point I don't have any plans on including them, but I know me well enough to know the outline I have planned out already will change (they always do.)

I do plan on using what is already shown in the MCU in one way or another. It might take a while to get around to Rocket Racoon (because everything is better with Rocket) and the gang, but yeah, everything I can.
Hmm, that's fair. I was actually asking because the Mutants are probably the closest situation to Earth Bet's own Parahumans, so I thought Taylor interacting with them (and seeing how other people interact with them, in a word where the majority of known heroes are not Parahumans Mutants) would be interesting. At the very least, she'd be more familiar with their situation than with the Avengers cast.

Edit: or maybe not. thinking it over, Mutants and Parahumans are conceptually similar, but the situation is so different that the similarities are largely irrelevant. But the global prospect, at least, would be the same: normals are slowly being overtaken by powered individuals. At some point in the next few decades, normals will be the minority.

Edit the second: But even with the similar global situation, everything breaks down at that point I guess. In Worm, normal people triggered with powers. Except that they had the potential, there was nothing different between them and their classmates. There's nothing to really be afraid of, except the idea of so much destructive potential in a hormonal teenager. In Marvel, people are born Mutant or Normal. People are afraid that evolution is leaving them behind (which is incredibly stupid, because if two normals have a mutant kid then there was literally nothing you could do about it. Also, your kid has superpowers. That's awesome, not freaksome. Frigging dumbasses).

Edit the conclusion: I just completely invalidated the original reason I posted this comment (through Science Logic!). Yay.
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Taylor: So, what's your power?
Antman: I communicate with ants to make them do what I want. Also, I shrink.
Taylor: Is this what it feels like when people hear I'm a bug controller? No wonder everyone underestimates me...
I wonder how long will Taylor be able to work under authority of anyone, be it Odin or Fury, without seriously clashing with them, if not outright turning on them should a serious difference in opinions occur. Relying on loyalty to a leader is a completely wrong approach to ensure that she never turns on you, I believe.
I wonder how long will Taylor be able to work under authority of anyone, be it Odin or Fury, without seriously clashing with them, if not outright turning on them should a serious difference in opinions occur. Relying on loyalty to a leader is a completely wrong approach to ensure that she never turns on you, I believe.
Eh, Taylor is plenty loyal. The problem is going to be more that she's a natural leader, and when there's a disagreement her response will just be to do what she thinks is correct.
Except, you know, the part about him being bullied. The biggest flaw in Loki's character is that all the slights are imagined. His ego is such that anything other than fawning love is resented.

Depends. In the first Thor movie, it's made pretty obvious that Thor's friends treat him like crap and take shots at him when Thor isn't around. They don't go into intense depth, but it's a very fine line. His slights were his BROTHER is concerned are largely imagined... everyone else is another matter entirely.