The Ten Thousand Fists of the Concrete Jungle

I was going to update, but the plans are tied. I'll leave voting open another 24 hrs (10:00 am PST), if there's not a vote breaker I'll flip a coin.
Chapter Three - BCs Courier Arc

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Chapter Three
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You met up with Weigh shortly after, meeting at Pedro's Bakery, where warm mole dipped donuts were easily available. Perhaps it was appropriate that Weigh was inbetween bites when he saw you with Rose in tow, otherwise you'd have thought he'd choke on his food. Regardless, Weigh nearly choked on his tongue seeing the woman, you'd learn shortly after when a rather shrill yell deafened your left ear.

"Weigh, you useless sack of fat! Why is it that I have to tied to you whenever there is an important activity to be done? Are you stalking me, or am I just graced by your incompetence?"

Rose whooshed past you to start to throttle your poor overweight friend, but lucky for him a rather angry Pedro started screaming at the two to get out of his store before he called the cops. Dejected and ejected, Weigh's head seemed to be filled with lead by how low it hung while the you, Rose, and him walked to the bikes. Allowing Rose to walk ahead of you, you retreated to where Weigh was and asked him what that was all about.

"Me an' Rose have a bit of a history. Back when the BCs actually were active with us, remember those days, yeah. Well back then Rose an' I dueled a bit, but when the peace came and the BCs retreated, I was lucky enough to be the main guy negotiating for the Dayers. Unsurprisingly, Rose was my other, and we didn't exactly get along. Besides the duels, she never found a reason to justify my weight, which was way less in those days, so she took a harsh tone. In fact, if it wasn't for Fuzzy himself, the BCs an' us probs woulda been still at war, or at least fighting. Fuzzy stepping in apparently embarrassed Rose to her brother, which saw her place within the BCs fall. Guess who she blames for that? Y

You snort, hearing essentially how Weigh got dealt the short stick with a very testy Rose. Ah well, seems he wouldn't be the only one in her cross-hairs for long. Knowing to avoid the subway but wanting to make to the meeting in time, you decided to take your bike. However given that you expected to move an object, and not a person, all that was on the bike was a basket. A knowing look of dread from Weigh was all that was needed before telling Rose the obvious. She was going to park herself in the basket as they rode across town.

"What do you mean sit in the basket? I'm neither a dainty lady nor a batch of books. I will not be humiliated in this way! You can't make me sit in that basket, I am a gosh darn chessboxer and I will kick you from here to the Dayers if you dared try anything."

You calmly inform her of the lack of other options, given the dangers undoubtedly on the subway and their lack of funds for a bus. It was either sit in the basket and deal with it or walk. Rose was about as red as her hair when she sat in front of you, the shocks of the bike squeaking unflatteringly with the added weight of another individual. Although it took a tad of a push, you manage to launch the bike and head to the far side of town.

Now, Clinton is a bit of a sprawling city, wrapped about the old harbour. The Dayers, BCs, Swannies, and Guff all resided off to the east of the harbour, still near the water. They mostly stuck to that area, although thanks to the arrogance of the Guff, sometimes they sent parties north of the harbour to the hills often called the Heights. There were numerous tiny, internecine gangs there, as the tenements were host to hives of unemployed kids and young men as well as a rotting education system. The Harbour was the hub of the real city, where the real people engaged in their everyday lives. Beyond that was the Far Side, where the BCs apparently had issue with this Dragon Clan. Not much is known of the Far Side outside of a scholastic sense, where football, baseball, and basketball teams competed in intercity competitions. This was where you were heading, cutting right through the Harbour, into the unknown.

It took a couple hours of solid pedaling to get to the designated portion of Far Side. Only stopping for a snack and washroom break in the Harbour (where Weigh inhaled quite a bit of food), you managed to reach the site without any big issue. On the way you saw more than a few roving gangs of youth, heads and hands wrapped in different colours of cloth, however none of them bothered you, too busy with their local foe.

Arriving at a place called "Mr. Tibb's Bar and Grill", you stowed your bikes (which took the noticeably exhausted Weigh a little too much time) and approached the guarded alley behind Mr. Tibb's. Young men with a crude dragon painted on plain t-shirts in red glared at you as Rose strode defiantly into the little square behind the restaurant. As you moved forward, you noticed white sheets painted in the same crude dragon hanging from the balconies, where the youth, mostly 16 and 17 year olds who formed the bulk of most gangs, sat chewing gum and trading banter. They quieted down as you and the gang approached a small ad-hoc throne.

On this throne, little more than a wooden bar stool spray painted in silver and mounted on a board with poles underneath for carrying, sat an impressive man. Unlike most individuals within the gang cultures of Clinton, this man was in his late twenties or early thirties, baring a full beard and a gold tooth. With a glinty grin, he stood from his bar stool and walked forward to greet the three of you. This is when you realised that the impressiveness of this man was a bit of an illusion, as he was a rather short fellow. Indeed, as you all approached, you saw that he was in fact shorter than Rose, although to be fair to Rose she was certainly tall for a woman, if still shorter than both you and Weigh.

"Ah, the courier, delivering exactly what is desired. I see that Freckles bent a knee to me as I knew he would. What a weak man, he never deserved to become leader of the BCs. They will soon be mine, as will all of Clinton." Taking Rose's chin, the man roughly grabbed brought her face down so he could better see it. "Yes, Rose, you will make a fine addition to my clan. You will drink the elixir and become one of us."

The man snapped his fingers, which brought forth a young ganger from the shadows with a bottle containing some sloshing purple liquid. You were shocked at what was occurring, none of it to your expectations, when Rose did what Rose was going to do. Bringing her head back and letting out a mighty roar, Rose swung her head down to the short, gold-toothed man, crashing with a mighty crack. As the man fell swearing about how his nose was broken, the Dragon Clanners converged out of nowhere.

Looking to a wide eye'd Weigh, you had to make a choice and quickly. This was going to be a [FIGHT]!


[ ] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.

[ ] Join the Clan; Rose has just broken the truce no doubt carefully brokered by Freckles. You need to fix this and quick if you're to be paid. Join the Clanners and take Rose down.

[ ] Run; This isn't your fight, you've done your job. Go home and get your rightful coinage.

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QM Stuff
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Give Rose a Ride won by a coin-flip. I'm sorry about the pacing of my updates, sometimes there'll be a bit of a wait, but I always update.

Remember, vote in plans, no moratorium this week, I don't really think there is a need.

[x] Give Rose a ride - 7 (coin flip)
-[x] Rose; A red-headed and feisty individual, this is the older sister of Master Freckles. Rose is loud, powerful, and a well known Chessboxer, that exceedingly rare and esoteric martial arts known to few.
-[x] Bike over; A much slower but a much safer (relatively) route to the meeting area. It's assumed the Dragon Clan, whoever they are, aren't all too patient, so it could be a risk. However, excepting a particularly nasty roving band of gangers, there's no reason to assume you'll be attacked on the way there.
-[x] Don't steal the Package; Greed is one of those vices that you can't indulge in, at least not yet. Perhaps a different time, or perhaps never.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.

Path of Righteous. This is Wuxia but always seek the path of Xianxia. Becoming Immortal Heroes.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.

While I'm generally not a fan of breaking truces...I'm also not a fan of roofieing people sooo...
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides....
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
[X] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right.
Just informing everyone that my laptop charger died while I was on vacation. The quest will continue, but it'll be done slowly.
Chapter Four - BCs Courier Arc

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Chapter Four
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You look back at Weigh quickly with a glimmer in your eye and a wry smile, what is the point of having martial arts skills if you're not going to use them? With a HYAH you jump into the fray. Well jump into the fray is a bit of an understatement, as you actually send your knee careening into this short creepy guy's face, knocking out one of his gold teeth and in turn sending him flying from his kneeling position, he was out. This brought out the various Dragon Clanners from throughout the alley, jumping from their spots in the window sills with a puff. You go back to back with a slightly confused Rose and a fairly winded Weigh, but that did nothing to alter your large smile. This is what you were born for.

Perhaps it was just you, but the calm before the fighting was always unnatural, as for a precious few seconds the Clanners circled you, gathering their numbers. And then they were upon you.

Two come at you immediately, and all you see are red headbands and angry fists. Your Slip-Not Palm is key, as their powerful punches (too powerful, what is this?) miss you with directed misdirective slides. To the first you deliver a knee to the nose after an overly aggressive punch leaves an obvious opening, to the second a knee to the gut as he winds up for a haymaker. They may be powerful boxers, but their power is backed by little fighting smarts. That said, they bring themselves close for the attack, making it difficult for your knees to make their needed strikes, requiring you to rely on your Slip-Not Palm in order to hold off until you make enough space.

As those Clanners fall, they are replaced by another, who is less of a challenge with the increased space. One punch manages to make a near-hit to your shoulder, nearly dislocating it. If that had been a direct hit you would've been reduced to a single arm, which is a terrifying thought as you make an emergency roundhouse kick, which makes a satisfying crunch as you break the Clanner's orbital. His scream cuts short as he loses consciousness, which gives you enough of an opening to take a quick look behind you, seeing if Rose and Weigh needed help.

Rose obviously doesn't need any help, as her chessboxing proves decisive against sloppy enemies. It's impressive to see, even if you don't have the time to do anything less than take a passing glance. You do notice she seems as if in deep concentration, but without physical exertion. You think back to those old and wizened grandmasters who play chess in the park and suddenly have a small insight to why it's called chessboxing.

Turning to Weigh, you make a quick decision to help. Weigh was tired from the journey and obviously not prepared for a fight. He was not in the form of either you or Rose, and it was obvious from his bruised and swelling face. Weigh always was a tank, but you worried for your best friend as he was beset by three Clanners, who seemed like hyenas after a weakened and wounded gazelle. With a loud cry and a flying knee, you send one crashing into another, which surprises the third enough for Weigh to kick him the groin then again in the chin, giving a rather sickening crunch of broken teeth. You raise an eyebrow but Weigh shrugs, not a particularly honourable way of fighting.

Rose gives a cry as you step back over fallen Clanners, some unconscious and others attempting to stand up on wobbly legs. "Guys, let's leg it to our bikes, we need to get out of here." As the Clanners who weren't down, seemingly innumerable, gathered to make a great advance on you, you quickly assented, as did Weigh. Thus, the three of you gave a hearty yell of defiance to the Clanners, before booking it back to your bikes, the sound of too many shoes padding behind you.

Your bikes were neither locked or stolen, so as Rose gave a flying punch into the confused guard, you and Weigh got on. Rose awkwardly standing on the back (given how unstable it'd be with her in the basket) you hightail it out of there with bottles and garbage crashing around you, thrown from the enraged Clanners.

As you pedal, huffing and puffing, you really need to decide what to do [NOW].

- - Enemy Stats Gained - -

Numbers defeated: x4(ish, depending on who's counting)
3 - 4 -- Strength
1 - 3 -- Dexterity
1 - 2 -- Intelligence
1 - 2 -- Lore
3 - 4 -- Qi

Martial Skills
Dragon's Fist [Unknown] - A powerful punch, delivered with great inner force. How could these weak kids hit so hard?

? -- Strength
? -- Dexterity
? -- Intelligence
? -- Lore
? -- Qi

Martial Skills


[ ] Recap Cafe; What just happened? You need to process this, pull over at a safe looking coffee shop and figure out what to do. The truce was done, but Rose seems appreciative and you no doubt can figure out some insights to the fight you just had.

[ ] Back to the Dayers; You have no idea what was suppose to happen, but you know the BCs are probably going to be pissed. Go back to Dayer HQ and explain what just happened, Rose'll come too because why not.

[ ] Back to the BCs; You need some answers, as you obviously were giving this not insignificant fighter as a hostage (gift?) to the Dragon Clan. You need answers and you need them now. No doubt Rose wants them too.

[ ] Go Home; Abandon Rose somewhere safe and go home, you helped the girl out and now you're done. This is too deep, and you've got a wounded shoulder to tend to.

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QM Stuff
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Good news, I fixed my laptop. I'm awfully sorry to keep you waiting so long, I swear I haven't abandoned this. Now that we're back I can start putting updates out quickly as opposed to slowly.

Shout out to @DocMatoi for his music suggestion for this update! As long as the music falls within the idea of either 1980s/90s or hip hop, I'm more than willing to throw it up during updates. Just PM me or post in the thread as a recommendation. If I have more than one I'll subvote it or go first to last based on appropriateness for the updates.

Character sheets will be updated shortly.

[x] Join Rose; Whatever this little man was going to do, it wasn't good. Rose may be a bit of a handful, but right now she seems to be in the right. - 11 (coin flip)
well, we bit into this rotten apple, now to find out whos face to throw it into
[X] Back to the BCs; You need some answers, as you obviously were giving this not insignificant fighter as a hostage (gift?) to the Dragon Clan. You need answers and you need them now. No doubt Rose wants them too.
love this quest, but we gotta process wtf just went down.

[X ] Recap Cafe; What just happened? You need to process this, pull over at a safe looking coffee shop and figure out what to do. The truce was done, but Rose seems appreciative and you no doubt can figure out some insights to the fight you just had.
[X ] Recap Cafe; What just happened? You need to process this, pull over at a safe looking coffee shop and figure out what to do. The truce was done, but Rose seems appreciative and you no doubt can figure out some insights to the fight you just had.
[X] Back to the BCs; You need some answers, as you obviously were giving this not insignificant fighter as a hostage (gift?) to the Dragon Clan. You need answers and you need them now. No doubt Rose wants them too.

We need answers. Maybe, it would be better decision to process what happened, but I feel that it would be right to go back to the BCs. Maybe, I am wrong.
[X] Recap Cafe; What just happened? You need to process this, pull over at a safe looking coffee shop and figure out what to do. The truce was done, but Rose seems appreciative and you no doubt can figure out some insights to the fight you just had.

Lets get the story straight first
[X] Recap Cafe; What just happened? You need to process this, pull over at a safe looking coffee shop and figure out what to do. The truce was done, but Rose seems appreciative and you no doubt can figure out some insights to the fight you just had.