.....BAHAHAHA!!!! Ya hear that lads, we got a big bad southern milk sop in front of us. What can ya do to us? Shoot lighting from your arse? That would be a feat wouldn't it boys? A full grown man dropping pants and shitting lighting.

Ya know what, that's what I'll call ya now, lighting shitter CAUSE THAT'S A FITTING NAME FOR A SKINNY, "I AM BIG AND SCARY" MILKSOP LIKE YOU!!!!

An indivdual steps forward. Calmer and more mellow than the warrior in front of him.
Please know that what he means to say is that although we respect these shores, we cannot leave until our leader gives the order.

The officer withdraws, or rather, is half carried away by sailors. In his place steps in a Magister -not that the Norscan would know that- but his rich robes and decorated armor, alongside the elegant staff clearly mark him as someone with authority.

"Then do call this leader of yours. Let him speak for you and yours before we both are moved into committing some rather regretable acts."
"Then do call this leader of yours. Let him speak for you and yours before we both are moved into committing some rather regretable acts."
The more mellow individual speaks before the more brawny man could say a few more "Norscan Compliments"

"We will speak to our leader Wulfrick. May I ask who sent for him and if it would be possible for him to meet on your ship as ours aren't exactly the most accommodating."
The more mellow individual speaks before the more brawny man could say a few more "Norscan Compliments"

"We will speak to our leader Wulfrick. May I ask who sent for him and if it would be possible for him to meet on your ship as ours aren't exactly the most accommodating."

"Tell him Magister Valentian Erinmond calls for his presence to treat under the banner of truce."
"Tell him Magister Valentian Erinmond calls for his presence to treat under the banner of truce."
"We will get right on that. Thank you for letting us give you this message. We will assure you that NO ONE will get hurt." The individual says with a smile that makes the Magister very uncomfortable. As if something cold touched his neck before fleeing.

(Take this to RP?)
The Aldmeri Dominion

2E 586/ Turn 1

The Aldmeri Dominion, was an empire founded by Queen Ayrenn in 2E 580, in the midst of the Interregnum. It was conceived after Ayrenn assumed the throne of Alinor. Having traveled Tamriel extensively before returning to the Summerset Isles, she was aware of the dire threats menacing the world and saw it as the proper duty of the Elves to put things right. At the same time, the Bosmer and Khajiit were facing troubles of their own and in need of allies. Consequently, the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and Elsweyr signed the Elden Accord and joined together to form the Dominion, which by the end of 2E 580 had entered the Alliance War to claim Cyrodiil's Ruby Throne and control of Tamriel, as well as to prevent the rival Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact from doing the same. The First Dominion's ultimate goal was to usher in a new age of Elven rule across Tamriel in order to protect the land from the careless actions of the younger races.
(taken from uesp.net)

Important Persons:
  • Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri:
    • Queen of Alinor, High Queen of the Summerset Isles and Queen of the Aldmeri Dominion. Queen Ayrenn is perhaps the youngest High Queen of the Summerset Isles for quite some time, assuming the throne at only twenty eight years of age. Nimble, quick witted and keen to adopt the unorthodox, The young Queen broke tradition by forgoing the usual rituals and procedures by leaving the Summerset Isles at the age of eight to explore Tamriel on her own. The young queen would travel across Tamriel, studying under various masters and learning a great deal about Tamriel and its various peoples. It was only the death of her father that caused her to return to the Summerset Isles. Quickly assuming the throne, Queen Ayrenn formed the Aldmeri Dominion with the combined powers of the Wood Elves of Valenwood and the Khajiit of Elsweyr.
  • Grand Warlord Sorcalin:
    • This tough, no nonsense Altmer commands the entirely of the Dominions Military as Grand Warlord of the Aldmeri Dominion, with a talent for command acquired and refined over a century of war. Currently the Grand Warlord herself is personally commanding the Dominions forces in Cyrodiil against the Pact, Covenant and Daedra alike.
  • Sapiarch Larnatille:
    • Sapiarch Larnatille or Larnatille of Lillandril is the leader of the Sapiarchs, a sagely order considered by many to be Summerset's foremost scholars and finest magical minds.
  • King Camoran Aeradan:
    • King Aeradan is the current Camoran monarch of Valenwood, His rule has been firm but just. However the outbreak of war and chaos across Tamriel has led to the Bosmer King becoming one of the earliest supporters of the Aldmeri Dominion. The Bosmer King truly believes in Queen Aryenn's cause, for this loyalty Queen Ayrenn would name the Valenwood city of Elden Root as the capital of the Dominion.
  • Silvenar Indaenir:
    • Honorable, Courageous, heroic, in his prior life Indaenir was the very epitome of a true hero. With his noble sacrifice to save the heart of Valenwood from falling to blight by drawing the corruption of the Shade of Naemon within himself, he was revived by the god Y'ffre itself to be the latest Silvenar. As the Silvenar, he represents the Bosmer people legally, physically, and emotionally. He reflects the state of the Bosmer people in his way of thinking, his health, and even his gender. But no Silvenar can be without his Green Lady...
  • Green Lady Gwaering:
    • Strong, Brave, Adventurous, in her prior life Gwaering was a skilled archer and master hunter. For these qualities the god Y'ffre choose Gwaering to serve as Valenwood's latest Green Lady and as per Bosmer custom, she would be wed with the Silvenar. The Silvenar has a mystical connection with the Green Lady, like with all Bosmer, only much deeper. While the Silvenar represents the civilized nature of the current Bosmer, the Green Lady has the raw physicality and passion of their primal past.
  • The Wilderqueen:
    • Not all of Valenwood views the Camoran King or even the Silvenar as their leader. In the Jungle region of Greenshade, the secretive entity known as the Wilderqueen rules as God Queen over the local Bosmer tribes. The entity possesses a power over nature that approaches the divine. As such, she is responsible for keeping the balance of nature in Valenwood. Each Wilderqueen must always be mantled by a mortal. The current mantle was once an Altmer known as Aranias, the Rock Witch of Silatar.
  • Mane Shazah:
    • The spiritual and political leader of Elsweyr and the Khajiit, Mane Shazah or Mane Shazah the Wise, is the latest in the long line of Manes of Elsweyr following the resignation of the prior Mane, Akkhuz-ri and the noble sacrifice of her twin sister, Khali. So far her reign as Mane has not seen the erosion of her studious and reserved character but only strengthened her abilities as a brilliant and talented Mage and gift for oratory. Shazah is very much the peoples Mane as she spends her time travelling across Elsweyr tending to the needs of her people to the best of her ability, leaving much of the governance of Elsweyr to her speaker, Lord Gharesh-ri.

Diplomatic Ties/Ongoing Treaties
  • At war with:
    • The Ebonheart Pact
    • The Daggerfall Covenant
    • The Cyrodilic Empire
  • Trading with:
    • County Mir
  • Non- Aggression Pacts with:
    • County Mir
To: Magisters of the Tevinter Imperium @Bandeirante, Wulfrik The Wanderer @Napolean_Barca
From: Ghabakh Quarter-Brass, Envoy of the First Sorcerer

The Dawi Zharr are come to this land, manlings, and would treat with you. Each send to us one who can speak for your rulers.
To: Wulfrick the Wanderer @Napolean_Barca
From: Count Noctilus of the Dreadfleet

Norscans, I did not expect to see your kind in these waters. The winds must be smiling upon me for I have use for your strength, come join your fleets with my own and we shall ravage these coasts.

I promise you, join your fleets with my own and you will gain Blood and Plunder the likes of which you could scarcely imagine!
To: Magisters of the Tevinter Imperium @Bandeirante, Wulfrik The Wanderer @Napolean_Barca
From: Ghabakh Quarter-Brass, Envoy of the First Sorcerer

The Dawi Zharr are come to this land, manlings, and would treat with you. Each send to us one who can speak for your rulers.

To: Ghabakh Quater-Brass, Envoy of the First Sorcerer
From: Archon Davan

I shall send you an envoy, name the time and place.

(We continue here or take this to RP?)
The skink emissary cocks its head, then looks to the side... no, back at the Slann upon its palanquin. For a long minute nothing happens, utter silence falling over the lizardmen as they wait for their mage-priest to render judgement. Then the Slann's oily hide takes on a touch of blue amid the more vibrant green, and the skink bobs its head up and down in acknowledgement.

"The Holy One extends greetings to Finubar of the Elves, Phoenix King of Ulthuan," it says, this time addressing the actual ruler of Ulthuan, "It is the wish of the Holy One to communicate appreciation for the manifold efforts of the Elves in safeguarding this world, in defending the nodes of the geomantic web and staunchly contesting the forces of Disorder that would seek to destroy it."

You are quite certain that the Slann said nothing of the kind, but then it would hardly be the first time a functionary or ambassador has intervened with more diplomatic language on behalf of a head of state.

"The Event has damaged the web. Many nodes are broken, or simply absent. The Holy Ones have observed your efforts to stabilise it, and wish to provide assistance."
"You dare.." Tyrion half-snarled, his charming visage twisting into something red and murderous as his hand drifted to Sunfang, the elegant script running along the blades length shining bright in preparation to be drawn.

"I thank the emissary of the Slann for their offer of aid between allies against the great foe of all." Finubar stated, overruling his champion's retort with a voice that held no little amount of steel beneath the friendly tone. "And I am certain with such an exchange and combination of lore and skill, there is very little our two peoples cannot achieve should immediate action be required." He said continuing, a gesture to the assembled Loremasters nearby, their eyes alert at the sensation of power almost crackling the air with the taste of ozone.

"With the defense of our most valiant Champion and of course your own retainers, any threat that seeks to waylay us will pay for their foolish malice, of that I am certain." Continued the Phoenix King, as though was had not been about to erupt a mere handful of heartbeats before..
Turn 1 Events (Part III of V)
Turn Events (Part III of V)

The Great Elven Confusion

Ever since Glorfindel made the outlandish claim that the undying lands ascended into a metaphysical plane, the normally quiet and reserved race of Elves of Middle Earth went into their equivalent of a panic. The last fully maned Elven fleet sailed into the West to search for the undying lands, only to find miles upon miles of ocean with no sight of the mystical straight road. For a moment they had hope when they spotted land, only to discover that these Isles they discovered where not the undying lands at all, but what the locals called the "Summer Isles". The locals were friendly enough, as they have not seen people or ships of such make that rivaled their own Swan ships.

It might be fortune that another fleet made it's way to the Summer Isles. Corlys Velaryon, the lord of the tides and his bride Rhaenys also arrived at the Summer Isles. One by sea and one by dragon. During their diplomatic mission they found the Elves of the Kingdom of Lindon, much to the surprise of everyone involved.
(Diplomacy between Westeros and the Elves of Middle Earth unlocked)

Battle of the Mountains of Mirkwood

The Dragon Emperor of the Easterlings made it very clear that he was going to attack the Kingdom of Rohan as he headed with not one, but two armies. The army led by the Dragon Emperor made it safety towards Rohan. It was here were he was supposed to rendezvous with his other army led by the Lord of Blades himself.

The fate of his second army was less successful than the other. Upon arriving near the entrance of the Old Forrest road by way of the Celduin River (Or River Running), they would be met by the armies of the Dwarves of Erebor, reinforced by their allies that of the free people of Dale and some token forces of the Woodland Realm.

The army of Rhun attempted to use their river ships and pikemen to their advantage. It would normally have worked, had it not been the dwarves of Erebor that they were fighting against who excelled at the type of combat that was taking place. After a brief pitched battle, it was clear to the lord of blades that this was not a battle that could be won. Perhaps had he been in command with the full force of Rhun, could they achieve victory, but as it stands, there was no hope of victory here. With that in mind, the forces of Rhun made their retreat.

Sans Wizard.

Meanwhile the forces of Rohan did not sit idly by. Prince Theodred led a harassing campaign against the Dragon Emperor. Targeting their supplies and their scouts. The Easterling army had no hope of launching a successful campaign. Not at half strength and against an expecting enemy. The people of Rohan would sleep soundly tonight.

Though deep inside Rohan did Grima Wormtounge plotted. Using the vacuum generated by the absence of Prince Theodred and Eomer, Grima Wormtounge has ingrained himself in the royal court of Rohan. His influence spreading by the day.

The Arrival of the Lizardmen and Tevinter

Soon after the battle along the Mountains of Mirkwood. A giant pyramid commanded by what looked like giant reptiles was seen on the horizon by the victorious army. Elf, Men and Dwarf alike were very confused by this development, and went forward toward this giant anomaly. For good or ill.
(Diplomacy unlocked between the Dwarves of Erebor and the Lizardmen of Lustria)

Hailing from the lands of Tevinter, a small number of ships made their way towards the new continent that was discovered. It was there that they made contact with mainland Rhun and the multiple Easterling kingdoms that resided there.

(Diplomacy unlocked between the Tevinter Imperium and the Easterlings)

The Days Grow Dark in the Shadow of Mordor

The days grow short, as the power of the Dark Lord returns. The armies of Orcs and worse gather in the lands of ash, fire, and shadow. Unbeknownst to the Free People of Middle Earth, the armies of Mordor grow and the power of the Lord of the Rings return, but the threat of Mordor is not the only thing that keeps the Gondorians awake at night.

Privateers from Haradan and the Corsairs of Umbar have also made their presence known. They have begun harassing and killing the navy of the Sea Lords of Gondor. Leaving great destruction and murder in their wake. And it is not only the sea that they have raided, but in the land as well. As more and more raiders from Haradan raid Southern Gondor. So much so that Gondor is currently mobilizing their forces to counter and bring relief towards their southern provinces, under the command of Boromir, son of Denethor.
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Turn 1 Events (Part IV of V)
Turn Events (Parts IV of V)

The War for the Imperial City.

For the people of Tamriel, the giant shouts that went across the Towers of Tamriel did not compare to what was going on in the Imperial City. Within the city, Molag Kena continued her quest to find the Sublime Brazier in order to bring Tamriel into Oblivion. All three alliances stood ready to invade and take the Imperial City and remove it from Daedra influence. Of these factions, the Ebonheart faction stood above the rest in the way of numbers. Their entire might was concentrated on this task. At the start of the conflict, they outnumbered the Dominion 3 to 1, and 2 to 1 the Daggerfall Covenant. This was helped also by reinforcement sent by County Mir, a previously unaligned buffer state.

The Ebonheart Pact also sent their navies to try to keep the other factions from crossing into the Imperial Isle, but the Deadra where ahead of them. With their destruction magic and their daedric ways, the forces of Molag Kena blew up the bridges that went into the island, slightly slowing down the advance of the invading armies. It was then that the Ebonheart pulled a fast one on the Daedra as the army cast their spell of water walking, and walked straight into the Imperial Isle. Bypassing the bridges altogether.

On the Dominion side, they didn't expect the bridges to not be operable, so they sent their forces into the imperial sewers, to try to gain access into the city. When they saw the waterwalking tactic the Ebonheart Pact used, they quickly tried to copy them, but they didn't count on the Pact's fleet blocking that avenue as well.

At the end of the day, the Ebonheart Pact would emerge victorious after heavy fighting in the Imperial City. Molga Bal has been vanished by the hero known as the Vestige, now known by all as the savior of Tamriel. Said hero has also vanished without a trace.

While the Ebonheart Pact won the day and the Imperial City, they sustained significant casualties as they were the main force, and sole attacker of the Imperial City. Only time will tell what the Ebonheart Pact will do with the Imperial City under their grasp, and what would this mean for the state of the three banners war.

Unlike the Ebonheart Pact, the Dominion focused on other military targets besides the Imperial City. They moved to conquer territory in the Gold Coast. Their armies moved to Kvatch and where able to negotiate a surrender of the city from Count Carolus Aquilarios of the same city. They also moved to capture and take by storm the port city of Anvil, that was currently under unofficial occupation by a pirate group called Red Sails.

Of note, there was also a minor exploration made by the Dominion. Three ships sailed West on an exploration mission in an effort to emulate a famous Aldmeri explorer called Topal the pilot. But what they found was not land, but a ship manned by what looked like rat men that were immediately hostile. With some kind of throwers that looked like they spewed green fire, they destroyed all but one of the exploration ships. After escaping from the ratship, the battered Aldmeri returned home, with tales of this new species and the possible dangers of these new waters.
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The Iron Throne
Court of King's Landing

The Small Council

The Small Council is the principal body of royal governance and policymaking of the Seven Kingdoms. Traditionally composed of seven counselors, one for each aspect of the Seven (or so the Septons claim), the Small Council was formed by trial and error over the last hundred years. The offices of the Small Council each head their assorted departments of the royal bureaucracy and are always in close contact to the King on the Iron Throne. The Hand of the King leads the Small Council, even standing in for the monarch and sitting the Iron Throne when he is unavailable. He commands the Grand Maester, the Master of Laws, the Master of Coin, the Master of Ships, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the Master of Whisperers, although the lattermost seat has been vacant since Jaehaerys I rose to the Iron Throne, given the black reputation of the ruthless spymasters under his predecessor Maegor the Cruel. The Small Council is directly appointed by the King; it is considered a great honor and privilege to serve, which also comes with a great deal of prestige and influence. The blood of the dragon frequently attends the Small Council, most of all King Jaehaerys and his son and heir, Prince Baelon Targaryen.

Hand of the King

The Hand of the King is the chief adviser to the King of the Seven Kingdoms and the executioner of his will, in practice serving as his all-powerful chief minister. The Hand of the King has the authority to raise and command the King's armies, to draft the King's laws and to dispense the King's justice. The Hand may serve as a de facto regent when the King is incapacitated or otherwise unavailable, e.g. when he is on progress, sick or outside the capital. The Hand is the only authority allowed to sit the Iron Throne in the King's absence, a privilege not even reserved for the Queen or the Prince of Dragonstone. A common saying is "the King dreams and the Hand builds". The current Hand of the King is:​


Born in the Reach as a blacksmith's son, Barth was initiated in the Faith of the Seven at an early age and consecrated as a Septon upon completing his training, first serving at Highgarden. He first came to the royal court in 50 AC as the keeper of the royal library at the Red Keep, thanks to his brilliant mind. Barth quickly rose to become one of King Jaehaerys' closest friends and counselors, advising him in the matters of faith as well as those of state. Barth is credited with most of the work in the formulation of the Doctrine of Exceptionalism, which pacified relations between the Faith and the Iron Throne, and would later become one of the chief minds and makers behind of Jaehaerys' Great Code, which unified all matters pertaining to law and justice in the Seven Kingdoms. Septon Barth was named Hand of the King in 57 AC. For nearly forty years he has successfully served as the King's Hand despite his low birth, overseeing a realm of growing peace and prosperity. Over the years, King Jaehaerys has become inseparable from his loyal friend and Hand.

Aside from his duties as Hand of the King, Septon Barth is also a scholar and, some whisper, an occultist, of renown. He is the foremost expert of the Seven Kingdoms on dragonlore, having authored Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History. Barth's Unnatural History has proven itself a controversial work, often most accepted among Maesters than Septons themselves. Over his long life, Septon Barth has proven himself invaluable to King Jaehaerys and House Targaryen.
Grand Maester
The Grand Maester is the head of the Order of the Maesters. Tracing their establishment back to the Age of Heroes under the patronage of House Hightower of Oldtown, the Order of the Maesters is the ancientest institution of Westeros, alongside the Night's Watch. They are an autonomous and neutral order of learned men devoted to philosophy, philosophy of science and simply science headquartered at the Citadel, at Oldtown. Each respectable lord has a Maester in his service, who serves him as an all-around adviser, healer and teacher to his children. The Grand Maester is designated by the Citadel to serve in the same capacity at the Small Council, as a repository of wisdom and knowledge and as court historians. Notably, the Maesters also control the Westerosi communications network, being the breeders, carers and trainers of ravens. The current Grand Maester is:​


Grand Maester Elysar has been serving the Iron Throne for nearly forty years. He is considered an outspoken and opinionated man, and is sometimes known as a critic of King Jaehaerys, especially in family matters. Nevertheless, he remains a trusted adviser and counselor.
Master of Laws
The Master of Laws, also known as the Lord Justiciar, is the chief adviser to the King on the Iron Throne in legal matters. He is at the head of the royal bureaucracy related to the administration of justice, herding a small army of justiciars and reeves in his service. He also nominally commands the city watch of King's Landing, although their commander often answers directly to the King. The Master of Laws may not dispense justice in the King's name or draft laws of his own accord. The current Master of Laws is:


Ser Otto Hightower is the younger brother of Lord Hightower of Oldtown, hailing from a family as noble as they are ancient, as wealthy as they are renowned. Ser Otto is considered a man of great learning, as well as haughty, blunt and domineering. The incumbent Master of Laws is also famed for being a very methodical man, a trait which suits the office he currently occupies to great capacity. Ser Otto is accompanied at court by his daughter, the fair Lady Alicent, and his young son Gwayne. He is one of the newer members of the Small Council.
Master of Coin
The Master of Coin is the King's lord treasurer and his chief financial adviser. His duties include keeping account of receipts and expenditures, supervising the collection of royal taxes and custom duties, borrowing money, managing the treasury and supervising the three royal mints. Out of all Small Council members, the Master of Coin is the one who commands the largest bureaucracy, being in charge of all matters financial and administrative. The current Master of Coin is:


Lord of Honeyholt

Lord Lyman is a man short of fifty years of age and a new appointee to the Small Council, having been recommended to the King by Septon Barth, as well as his royal daughter, the former princess turned septa Maegelle Targaryen, who serves at Oldtown and was an acquaintance of Lord Lyman. House Beesbury is sworn to House Hightower in the Reach. Lord Lyman has been serving competently during his tenure and is particularly known for his loyalty and his sharp tongue.
Master of Ships
The Master of Ships is the commander-in-chief of the royal navy and the overall commander of Westerosi naval forces in times of war. He is in charge of the royal fleet and the royal shipyards, being responsible for fleet maintenance and construction, including managing crews and military appointments. His foremost defense duty in times of peace is keeping the peace in the Narrow Sea, especially in Blackwater Bay. The current Master of Ships is:


Second son of Lord Manfryd Redwyne, who served King Jaehaerys as Master of Ships for thirty-nine years before passing away from old age. Ser Rickard, a former tourney knight, was knighted by King Jaehaerys' own hand in 55 AC and knighted Prince Baelon Targaryen in return two decades later. He has been serving as Master of Ships since 90 AC, when Lord Corlys Velaryon resigned the office in protest of the disinheritance of his wife, the Princess Rhaenys, from the succession of the Iron Throne. The office of Master of Ships was by tradition held by House Velaryon, which provides the bulk of the royal fleet and is of Valyrian heritage and kin to the Targaryens, but the admiralty has been held by House Redwyne for nearly half a century by now. Ser Rickard, despite being a relative newcomer to the Small Council, is regarded as part of the King's old guard.
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is the foremost sworn shield of the King on the Iron Throne and one of his most trusted and intimate advisers. He is largely in charge of military security and defense in the Red Keep and may lead the King's armies. Due to the nature of the office of Lord Commander and that of the Kingsguard, it is often said that the Kingsguard speak with the King's authority, although that is based on custom rather than strictly law. The current Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is:


Third son of Lord Manfryd Redwyne and younger brother of Ser Rickard, Ser Ryam has been serving in the Kingsguard for nearly forty years. He has been Lord Commander for merely a fraction of those, however, since the death of his predecessor Ser Gyles Morrigen. Nevertheless, Ser Ryam is considered by one and all the paramount knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a paragon of virtue and honor and the ideals of chivalry, and is still fearsome with the blade and the lance in spite of his old age. Due to his long years of service and the natural intimacy of the Kingsguard with the royal household, Ser Ryam is regarded by King Jaehaerys as his most trustworthy and reliable counselor, seconded only by Septon Barth himself.

The Kingsguard

The Kingsguard is a sworn brotherhood of seven knights sworn to defend the King and his family with their lives, to guard and shadow them at every turn and to keep their secrets. The knights of the Kingsguard are sworn to a life of celibacy and service, being forbidden marriage and holding lands and titles. They serve until death. They often speak with the King's authority and may lead the King's armies in battle. The Kingsguard is a highly prestigious order into which only the deadliest and most virtuous knights of the Seven Kingdoms are allowed. The knights of the Kingsguard are the ideal models for knighthood and chivalry in all of Westeros. Only they are afforded the right to dress all in white, in gleaming white armor and cloaks, for which they are often known as whitecloaks or as the white swords. The current composition of the Kingsguard is​

Lord Commander








Although the Kingsguard and knighthood are restricted to males, not all sworn shields in the service of the Iron Throne are men. The sole and greatest exception is Jonquil Darke. The Scarlet Shadow, as she is known, was born a bastard daughter to Lord Darklyn of Duskendale, who allowed her to train in arms under the master-at-arms of the Dun Fort. Jonquil first caught the royal court's attention in the tourney known as the War for the White Cloaks, which would select the new members of a depleted Kingsguard. Jonquil had entered the competition as a mystery knight called the Serpent in Scarlet. Although she was eventually defeated and unveiled, Jonquil won the love of the masses and the grudging respect of many knights for her prowess and charisma. A few years later, Jonquil Darke was summoned to court to serve as Queen Alysanne's sworn shield after the Queen had suffered an assassination attempt in a bath reserved to womenfolk, where the Kingsguard could not enter. Alysanne realized she needed a female Queensguard, and so had the Serpent in Scarlet sent in from Duskendale. Jonquil Darke has guarded her Queen for more than fifty years. So close did she guard her lady that she became known as the Scarlet Shadow. Although Jonquil is long past her prime, she continues to serve Queen Alysanne as her sworn shield and is one of the most renowned and trusted courtiers in the Red Keep, a Kingsguard in all but name, the Queen's chief confidante.


Lord Aeric Greyjoy, @Wade Garrett

In the name of Jaehaerys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, you are hereby summoned to King's Landing to come before the Iron Throne and provide explanation for your acts of war in Dorne and your failure to seek royal sanction for said acts.

Your lady sister the Captain of the Iron Fleet, Lady Jolinn Greyjoy, is likewise summoned to King's Landing to do the same.

You and your bannermen are commanded to cease any and all attacks against Dorne until then.

Until your arrival Galen Harlaw and his retinue are to remain in custody at the Red Keep.

Safe travels,

Septon Barth
Hand of the King

Lord Tymond, @Orwelans III

The Ironborn have stirred and broken the king's peace. Your services as Warden of the West may be required soon. I urge you to mount and improve your defenses along the coast, fortify the harbor of Lannisport, strengthen your war fleet and monitor the Ironborn as they sail along your shores to return the Iron Islands. Their raiding may not be done yet. Whatever the outcome of this insurgency is, rest assured that King Jaehaerys and his dragons stand behind you should it come to bloodshed.

Signed under the Light of the Seven,

Septon Barth
Hand of the King
Turn 1 Events (Part V of V)
Turn Events (V of V)

Imperial Diplomacy

After what some would say passive aggressive diplomacy, the newly elected Emperor Karl Franz had enough of the situation surrounding Marienburg. Coming of his recent election, Karl Franz had no problem summoning the elector counts (sans Averland due its count having recently passed away) to bring back Marienburg into the Imperial fold under a Van der Maatch.

After hearing that Emperor Karl Franz was moving against Marienburg, the Directorate brushed it aside as a matter of not much importance, as they began the process of hiring free companies and other mercenaries to reinforce their armies like they always have done whenever the Empire came knocking. Unfortunately for them... almost all of the guns for hire have found themselves preoccupied due to anti pirate raid from one of the Dwarf holds. This sent the Directorate into a panic.

Due to this, Karl Franz had no trouble defeating the forces of Marienburg that were only slightly reinforced by said mercenaries. It was due to this that the city of Marienburg is as of recently, about to be under siege unless some negotiations can be made. The white flag from the Directorate is being flown above the battlements to the city, as the members of the Directorate attempt to make the deal of their lives. Perhaps literally.

From Sylvannia with Love

In the dark lands of Sylvannia, a dark call was made to all loyal vampires sworn to Carstein. Vlad von Carstein has risen again, with renewed purpose, he has gathered all loyal vampires to his side, as Sylvannia prepares to experience a civil war for its cold undead heart.

Black Sails, Grey Metal

Upon seeing the change in the landscape, none saw it as well as the dwarves of Barack Var. They immediately went to work by sailing their ironclad navy and use it to try and lay siege to the Pirate Island of Sartosa. What followed was a fierce naval battle that saw moderate losses to the Iron fleet of Barack Var, though they managed to remain victorious in the first couple of engagements. Soon news reached the many mercenary bands that called the Island of Sartosa their home. Banding together, the many pirate fleets soon united under one banner.

As it currently stands, the Dwarves of Barack Var would need to find allies fast in order to defeat all the pirates and mercenaries that have banded together in defense of the island, or concentrate all of their efforts toward this campaign.

The dwarves of Barack Varr also set up a small resupply post south of Araby. It is hoped by the Dwarven engineers that this could serve as a repair and supply station. They also rammped up their recruitment propaganda at numerous dwarf holds.

High Situations

After a difficult meeting with the lizardmen, Tyrion was tasked with the defense of Ulthuan, speaking to its respective princes and helping them solidify their defenses. It was a common sight to see Tyrion training and preparing the troops of the High Elfs in this tumultuous time. All of this while his brother went on a journey with the mercenary band of Gotrek and Felix. Currently in Ferelden and about to face a Vampire invasion. It was hard to know for sure who had it worse. Also, Alith Anar continues his raids into the lands of Nagarythe.

Cold Blooded, Cold Receptions

It seems that the time of the reclusive Slanns were no more. With a reinvigorated vigor, the armies of the Lizardmen went to reclaim their lost temples and magical sites. The Geomantic web must be repaired, at all cost. And in this they were mostly successful. It is not something that could be fixed in a year, but progress has been made. It would be a long time before the Geomantic web is ever something resembling what it once was.

The Lizardmen of Lustria have also explored their lands to the West. Using the Winds of Ghyran and the lore of life spell book. The Lizardmen attempted to cover the paths their Lizards used to more easily go West, with some success. After clashing with some horse lords, they have begun to draw the attention of other city states in this new continent. Specifically they drew the attention of a Westerosi exploration fleet that had stopped at Qarth.

Dark Wings Dark Words

The Dark Elves were not ones to stay idle while all the world got expanded. Malekith himself set up an expedition fleet, and the Dark Arks sailed, but this time they sailed West. During their travels and they captured a variety of human specimens. Among them they captured a small stocky and very haired people from one of the Islands.

They also engaged with some strange fleets from a place their new slaves called "Bravos". From the captured sailors the Dark Elves learned a lot of this new world they discovered. Ibbenese

They also got raided by Alith Anar. Despite their best efforts to defend against the Shadow King, yet again.

In fair Gashnag, where we lay our scene

A new play just came out of the Border Princes, from a quite and innocent castle, who's lord is as charming as he is cursed! This play plays up the drama of having a foreboding curse and how the heroic count strives to be ever heroic! Based on true events!

Anyways, the rising of Prince Gashnag has risen in the Border Princes. It has become the go to place in the art world. Even the other Princes were very impressed.
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Domihaus the Bloody-Horned

Domihaus could feel the heat of the forge long before he entered it. It was an oppressive heat that hung over the entirety of the Bloodroot Forge, weighing down on it's inhabitants with unrelenting force. Such was it's presence that it was no wonder that the Dreadhorns all but worshipped it, sating it's endless hunger with the blood of all those that the clan captured.

And it was no wonder that it was at the heart of that heat that the Dreadhorn Patriarch, Gherig Bullblood, kept his council. Here, deep within the heart of the Bloodroot Forge, the Patriarch seemed to be at his most powerful. Standing at the centre of the forge, surrounded by lava and faithful warriors, Gherig seemed almost as grand as he claimed to be.


Hooves clacking against stone, Domihaus stepped out onto the platform and advanced towards Gherig. "We must speak, Gherig. I have spoken with your warriors and they say that our attack on Falkreath is to be delayed, again. Why?"

"Because it is not yet time to attack it. The Hag Mother has divined the will of Hircine and it is that patience must be had. We must continue to stalk our prey, to watch and to wait as a good hunter ought." Gherig answered without so much as sparing the minotaur a glance. "And because I am the Patriarch and my will here is law."

"Their Jarl is weak, the Skald King is busy in Cyrodiil, the King in Solitude is powerless. There will never be a better chance than now to attack Falkreath. If we wait any longer, this opportunity will slip through our fingers, never to be had again."

Reluctantly, Gherig glanced up at Domihaus. "Patience. The Hunt-Father has dictated that it be so and so you shall grant me patience, Horn Lord. What you were promised, you shall have when Hircine dictates and not a moment sooner."

"No, I have given you patience enough, Patriarch-" the ground shook at Domihaus growled out the title. "-and you shall have no more of it. I have no intention of waiting any longer for you to act."

If Gherig felt the venom in Domihaus' words, he showed it not. The Patriarch simply looking up at the minotaur impassively as his men stood around them nervously. "And yet wait you shall, for such is the Hunt-Father's will. Much has changed; Oblivion has expanded as the Aedra have contracted. The Lord of Brutality has been bested and Nirn remains beyond his grasp. This and more demands patience, something you would know if you cared to heed Hircine's wisdom."

"I have no care for waiting. I have waited enough. If you will not take Falkreath, if you will not uphold your end of the bargain, I will leave this place and take my kind with me."

"You will not leave, Bloody-Horned. Hircine's plans have been made clear, the Hag Mother has seen it. You will sooner meet your own end than you will defy the will of the Hunt-Father," Gherig warned. "The pact has been made, only death may see it broken now."

Domihaus snorted at Gherig's words, his nose ring rattling at the sudden gust of wind, before straightening himself out. Twice the size of any Man, of any Mer, the Minotaur towered over Gherig who seemed but a child in his presence. Despite his bovine features, the annoyance, the sheer disdain, he now felt towards Gherig was as plain to see as it would on a fairer form.

"Be careful with your words, Bullblood. I am not some calf who can be beaten into submission with harsh words and open threats. Threaten me again, fail to guard your tongue but one more time, and I shall show you why your hags so desperately sought my service."

"And you be careful with yours, Horn Lord. The Hunt-Father has made clear his plans for you, the Hargraven has seen you impale the Twin Moons upon your horns. You defy his wishes at your own peril, manbeast."

Snorting, Domihaus stepped towards Gherig. "Did I not just warn you about your threatss, Patriarch? Have the fumes dulled your senses so much that you do not know danger when you flirt with it?"

"I see only an instrument of Hircine's will. Defy me, manbeast, and you shall see why the Hunt-Father favours me."

Pausing for a moment, the minotaur considered Bullblood through curious eyes before spreading his arms wide. "You can try," he warned as Gherig reached for his sword. "But know that if you do, all I shall leave of you is ash."

With a snarl and a curse, Gherig drew his blade, un-slinging the wicked thing from his back, and lunged forward. As sharp and as a skilled as ever, he quickly cleared the ground between the two of them, and struck out with murderous intent; the old man bringing the blade forward with blinding speed, all in the hopes of bringing the bout to an end with a single blow.

In an instant, the sharpened steel struck into Domihaus' side, biting through fur and hide as he let out a pained cry. His eyes widening, his blood boiling, the Minotaur grabbed at the sword before Gherig could pull it free, his grip tightening around the blade until it might well have been embedded in stone for all that the Reachman could move it.

"You should have aimed for my head, Bullblood."

With a bellowing roar, Domihaus pulled the blade free of his chest. Blood pouring from the wound, Domihaus glared down at Gherig, giving him a murderous look that sent his knees weak and forced the blood from his veins. In one fluid motion, the minotaur pulled the sword free of the Reachman's grip and then rammed it, hilt-first, into his skull. The Patriarch's body going slack as the bone handle entered his head through one eye before bursting out of the back of his skull in an instant. Only Domihaus' iron grip upon the blade kept Gherig's body upright as blood and bone sprayed free of the hole in his skull and his soul slipped out of the gaping wound.

"Is there anyone here who would avenge him?" He cried out his, gaze shifting across the two dozen or so Reachmen arrayed upon the outside edge of the platform, their eyes wide in shock at the unfolding scene. "Is there anyone here who would challenge me?"

A lengthy silence followed, one punctuated by the bubbling of lava and the sound of blood dripping onto stone. None seemed willing to say or do anything, sheer terror rendering them inert, until at long last, one began to move and then another. Courage and loyalty finally winning out over terror and sending each and every one of the Reachmen charging towards him.

For their courage, he would grant them a good end. Letting go of the sword, Domihaus lowered his head and matched their charge; knocking several to the side as he thundered forward before goring another on his horns.

Twisting on the spot, he then flung the body free of his horns, sending it flying into several of the Reachmen, before striking out with monstrous hands. Chests collapsed and bones snapped as he fought with them, matching each blow from their pitiful weapons with mighty blows from his fists. One fell and then another, blood and gore spraying everywhere as his fists passed through the weakest of them and pulverised the rest.

"Come and be trampled!" Domihaus roared as one Reachmen obliged him, having proven unfortunate enough to fall to the ground where a hoof could stamp upon his skull. "Is this all that you have?"

With a bone rattling cry, Domihaus drove the survivors back, having reduced them to half their number already. Made wary by the losses sustained, they slowly circled him, blood having granted them the wisdom that they had previously lacked.

One lashed out at him and then another, the Reachmen now taking care to strike from all angles, forcing Domihaus to turn constantly on the spot, his hooves constantly knocking against Gherig's corpse, as he tried to anticipate their attacks. His breathing grew heavier, his movements angrier and more forceful as the battle wore on all while the Reachmen's confidence grew with each successful blow.

Yet if they thought they were winning, they would soon realise just how sorely they were mistaken. Having let them taste victory, Domihaus finally threw his all into the fight. Flames began to dance up his form, the ground snapped and broke beneath his hooves, and for an instant, the minotaur seemed Morihaus Reborn as flaming wings burst free of his back and drenched the platform in flame.

"Earth and fire obey!"

Rising up off the ground with a single beat of his wings, Domihaus slammed himself back down onto the earth, sending fire and rock flying outwards into the remaining Reachmen. Several proved lucky enough to die from the impact, another managed to weather the blow entirely, while the rest filled the chamber with their screams as they were knocked into the lava.

"You have fought well, little man," he growled as the last remaining Reachman tried to keep his distance. "For that, if you grovel before me, I shall let you live. Refuse and only ash will remain of you."

The Reachman considered the offer for a moment, his form faltering as his comrades' screams continued to sound, before his resolve turned to iron and he pointed his blade at Domihaus. Fire dripping from his snout, he snorted approvingly and spread his arms wide.

"Come then, meet your end."

Letting out a bestial roar, the Reachman charged forward, axe raised high and a curse in his throat. He would make it no more than two steps before Domihaus reached down and picked Gherig's corpse up by the neck and swung it at him. Flesh and bone colliding as the minotaur batted his last opponent clear of the platform, sending him flying into the lava with one last tortured cry from the beaten warrior.

Sparing Gherig's body one last glance, Domihaus threw it into the lava with the rest. "You were warned, Patriarch," he snorted before bringing a hand down to the wound in his side. "And now you are ash..." He grunted, his eyes fixed on the blood that now coated his hand. "But at least you made your death a good one."

Domihaus snorted again in quiet amusement as he turned to leave. "Patience. What need have I for that?"​
Gotrek and Felix

"Okay. Vampirates. I can deal with that."
- Felix Jager, preparing for the battle ahead.


Rulers: Gotrek, the Worst Slayer, and Felix Jager, wielder of Karagdhul. Gotrek is a terror on the battlefield, and wields an incredibly powerful rune-axe, that was actually once wielded by Grimnir himself! Its magicks have made both Gotrek and Felix more than mere dwarves or men, granting them power, speed, and longevity beyond their physical forms. Felix, while not as skilled as Gotrek, is still a master swordsman. Such a swordsman has a fitting sword, and his Karagdhul never rusts, never dulls, and is incredibly sharp. Furthermore, it was forged to slay dragons; and thus wards away dragonfire and grants Felix greater strength when facing such a foe. Of course, Felix's first vocation was never that of war, it was of poetry. He is an eloquent man and serves as the diplomatic side of the equation.

Other Important Persons:
Malakai Maisson:
The Slayer-Engineer, who has built the Spirit of Grungni, a fine airship fit to sail the skies, the infamous Goblin-Hewer, an incredible device that flings volleys of axes upon the foe. He has even begun making a strange crank-operated 'machinegun'. His love of innovation is only matched by the danger of his creations.
Maximilian Schreiber: A powerful and talented Light Wizard, who has journeyed with Gotrek and Felix before.
Ulrika Madgova: A kislevite noblewoman turned vampire, who struggles to resist her hunger. Also a talented fighter.
Snorri Nosebiter: A drunkard even by dwarf standards, and a Slayer. Harbors a terrible secret.

Dwarves and Men who set off into the exotic lands alongside these great heroes. The Dawi are disproportionately Slayers seeking a glorious death in battle. Still, there are plenty of stout armored Dawi Warriors, Longbeards, Engineers, and even a Runesmith or two among their ranks. The Men too come from all walks of life, from Tilean Mercenaries to Bretonian Sailors to Imperial Nobles. No matter who they are or what race they belong to, they are armed to the teeth with fine handguns and weapons. They lack cavalry, of course, being sea-bound, but they excel at ranged combat and in the scrum of melee.

THE EXPEDITION FLEET: It is a magnificent fleet of dwarven and human vessels. In the skies, the Spirit of Grungni sails along with a squadron of Gyrocopters, while on the earth, a pair of Dawi Ironclads spearhead the fleet of otherwise human vessels.

- Gotrek Gurnisson

Asides the Ferelden armies the Expedition marches. Along the way, Gotrek and Felix give the men crash-courses in the battling of the Undead, teaching them of the many horrors they are about to face. From the terrors of zombies wielding gunpowder, to the Depth Guard Vampires, to the towering Necrofex Colossi with their cannon. They formulate a battle plan, prepared to face the Vampirates on the field or at siege.... And far above, the Gyrocopters and the Spirit of Grungni fly proudly.
The Dreadhorn Clan

Faction: The Dreadhorn Clan
Year: 2E 584

Ruler: The Horn Lord, Domihaus the Bloody-Horned
Heir: N/A

While they share no blood with them, the way in which the Minotaurs manage their private affairs closely mirrors that of the Orsimer. Rather than keep to a codified succession, each Minotaur "Herd" determines who shall be the new Chieftain based on matters of strength and brutality. Typically this entails challenging the current Chieftain to a duel for the position, one which ends in the death of one or the other, or, should the old Chieftain die unchallenged, with all those claiming the position fighting to the death to determine a new Chieftain.

Therefore, in spite of the Dreadhorn Clan ostensibly being a Reachman group, any hoping to succeed Domihaus as Patriarch must either challenge him to single combat - a prospect that is as doomed as it is foolhardy - or pray that the Bloody-Horned dies by other means allowing them to fight more beatable opponents for the position.

Family Tree:

Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, Born 2E 561
  • Thirteen Wives and Three Sons

A Minotaur of the Dreadhorn Clan

When the Minotaurs first allied themselves to the Reachmen of the Dreadhorn Clan, it was out of necessity. Despite their critical role in the establishment of the Alessian Empire, in spite of their descent from Alessia herself, the Minotaurs had been treated like animals by the Civilised Peoples of Tamriel. Adventurers hunted them for sport, trading their hides for coin, whilst Mages used their organs for potions and spells. Their homes had been put to the torch before they were driven into the wilds of Tamriel, forced to hide themselves away from the world for fear of persecution. By the Second Era, the Minotaurs had been hunted to near extinction, their existence rendered fraught and perilous by declining numbers and a hostile world. Thus, when Gherig Bullblood offered to grant the Minotaurs safety in his lands in exchange for their support, the Minotaurs jumped at the offer.

Under the leadership of Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, a young Minotaur of such size and strength that he is seen by some as the reincarnation of Morihaus Breath-Of-Kyne, the Minotaurs lent their strength to the Dreadhorn Clan to great effect. Their enemies were swept away in short order, the Nords were forced back behind their high walls for fear of confronting the Horn Lord, and the prize the Reachmen offered seemed tantalising within reach. Yet, as is always the case with the Minotaurs, that which was offered was not so easily attained.

Claiming that "Oblivion had expanded whilst the Aedra had contracted," Gherig Bullblood delayed his assault on Falkreath. Patience was required for a while longer, a quality which Domihaus lacked. Chafing against Gherig's inaction, Domihaus lashed out and, in a fight that will be spoken of for generations, slew Gherig and two dozen of his personal guard in the heart of Bloodroot Forge. In the hours that followed, the Minotaurs turned on the Reachmen, following their leader in slaughtering a great many of their number. No longer content to follow in the footsteps of Men, Domihaus resolved to make himself master of the Dreadhorn Clan by force and shacklee the remaining Reachmen to his will.

For who better to lead than the Blood-Of-Alessia? Who could challenge the right of the Bloody-Horned to rule? None, as it would turn out, for all who dared confront Domihaus that day would perish, done in by their own hubris.

When the dust had settled and the fighting was done, the Dreadhorn Clan would assemble to find the Horn Lord seated upon a throne of bones in amidst the ruins of the Bloodroot Forge. With his wings unfurled, his blood matted with the blood of the dead, Domihaus cut an intimidating figure, his image every bit that of the conquering King. One by one, the surviving Reachmen knelt to him, pledging their loyalty to the Horn Lord and thus, in turn, earning their lives back from the Minotaurs. Now the new Patriarch of the Dreadhorn Clan and the Warlord of the greatest gathering of Minotaurs since the early days of the Alessian Empire, Domihaus made clear his plans to his followers and began to ready them for the days ahead.


Herd Mother Melzhara

His first act of business would be to lay down new laws for the Dreadhorn Clan, both to lift the Reachmen out of the savagery and to bring Reachmen and Minotaur in line with one another.

Worship of the Daeda would be restricted to only the Good Daedra, these being, in no particular order, Hircine, Azura, Orkey, and Meridia. Among the Aedra, Kyne would be elevated – for the Minotaurs see themselves as kin to her – and Morihaus introduced, though the latter would not receive much attention among the Reachmen. To emphasise this union of pantheons, Domihaus would build a shrine to Kyne before the Bloodroot Forge and instruct all of the Dreadhorn Clan, Reachmen and Minotaur, to make an offering of their own blood to her.

Next, Domihaus would go about restructuring the innards of the Dreadhorn Clan. Under Gherig Bullblood, the Reachmen and the Minotaurs had remained separate, each race operating in separate units, only ever cooperating when needed. Deeming this to be woefully inefficient, the Horn Lord would instead create three Houses into which Reachman and Minotaur alike would be organised. A House of Steel for the warriors, a House of Iron for the craftsmen, and a House of Silver for everyone else. Though the Herds of the Minotaurs and the families the Reachmen would not be disturbed, all would be assigned to these Houses so that they might be better organised and put to work for the Clan.

After this came the Hargravens with whom Domihaus had a personal grudge. Considering them little better than witches, ones who had sold their souls for more power, Domihaus bade the Reachmen put them to death. Despite personal reservations, fear of Domihaus won out and in an orgy of blood, the last of the coven that had guided the Dreadhorns were put down. In their stead, the Reachmen would be instructed to take advice from the Shamans, the wisemen and women of the Minotaur who also weaved their magic. Led by the greatest of Domihaus' wives, the Herd Mother Melzhara, the Shamans would step forward as the spiritual advisers of the Clan and the greatest and most stalwart of Domihaus' supporters.


Tyzeus Steel-Chest

With all of this done, Domihaus finally bade the Dreadhorn Clan depart. With Tyzeus Steel-Chest, one of the greatest of the Minotaur Lords, as his new right hand, the Horn Lord began to lead the Clan not towards Falkreath but northward. Acting on the advice of his Shamans, who claimed to have seen Kyne striding into the Sea of Ghosts, Domihaus would move towards Solitude. There, Domihaus hoped either to find Kyne herself or, failing that, yet further dreams from the Shamans that might guide his next step.​
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Your Faction name: Arkhan the Black, The Liche King
Year/Turn Number: 5003 (Nehekharan Calendar)/Turn 2
Flag or Image associated with your faction:

Introduction to who you are or what your faction represent, as well as a small history, can vary from turn to turn:

Arkhan's Journal: 5003 NC

I seem to have stumbled into a bit of a war.

That in itself is not a particular problem. I am no stranger to the battlefield after all. Prime recruiting ground really. However it does make exploring this island somewhat more of a chore than it needs to be. Several times I have encountered roving patrols from one or another of the native factions. They mostly reacted the same way, calling me a 'revenant' before attempting to destroy me. Suffice it to say they failed. No survivors left, all neat and tidy.

I suppose technically I am a revenant, but it seemed oddly specific. Some study and communion with the spirits of the recently departed patrols revealed that what passes for undead in this strange land are for the most part little more than daemon-possessed corpses, though why a daemon would bother doing so is beyond me. A revenant is supposedly one of the more potent of these warp-ridden corpses. I suppose I should be flattered.

Anyway, back to the war. I don't see much benefit in recording the intricacies of what I have observed thus far, but suffice it to say that the two major powers squabbling over this misty realm appear to be a human empire known as Tevinter and a quasi-religious state that calls itself Qunari, which appears to be dominated by some breed of civilised beastman.

Civilised beastmen. Bit of an oxymoron really. I suppose I must get used to encountering new things.

The principle bone of contention between the two factions, besides prosaic notions of territory, seems to be the status of mages. The Tevinter raise theirs up as their leaders whilst the Qunari shackle theirs like wild jackal-dogs, only unleashing them when needed.

I write 'mages', but I can't say I've encountered one worth a damn since my arrival. Those with the patrols I encountered wouldn't trouble the lowest hedge witch, let alone the Right Hand of Nagash.

Nagash is still quiet by the way. I remain somewhat troubled by that.

Back to the mages- amusingly they all seem to supplement their meagre power by huffing potions made of something called Lyrium, which I gather is a stone akin to the warpstone so beloved by the verminous ratmen. I swiftly came to the conclusion that these people clearly didn't know how to properly manipulate the Winds of Magic and were instead drawing power from less potent sources.

Resolving to approach one of the sides and judging the Tevinter more likely to listen to wisdom I set out toward their fleet on my steed (which I suppose I should give a name to), which is where I saw them.

Northmen. A fleet of their longships, drawn up beside the Tevinter, and not in battle, but in parley.

If the Tevinter are willing to parley with the agents of the Ruinous Powers then they clearly aren't long for this world, Qunari or no.

There can be no compromise with the gods of the north. Chaos is the enemy of life and death both.

I suppose I should see what lies beyond this island. There wasn't much of interest here anyway.

Notable Associates Past and Present:

Arkhan's Master: Nagash, The Great Necromancer, The Ur-Death, the Undying King, The Supreme Lord of Undeath. Presently discorporated and sort of dead.

Arkhan's Waifu: Neferata, The Beautiful Death, Queen of Lahmia, Queen of the Silver Pinnacle, First of the Vampires. founder of the Lahmian Vampire Lineage. Arkhan hasn't actually seen her for quite a while.

Arkhan's Waifu's Ex-Husband: Vashanesh. AKA Vlad von Carstein. Founder of the Von Carstein Vampire Lineage. Currently not as dead as would be expected.

Arkhan's Executioner: Abhorash, The Dragon Slayer, The Scourge of the Greenskins, The Blade Immortal, The Lord of Blood, Chopper-off of Arkhan's Original Head. Founder of the Blood Dragons Vampire Lineage. Arkhan literally hasn't seen him in millennia.

Arkhan's Nominal Overlord: Settra
Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King :( , Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds
Arkhan currently pays him lip service to avoid having to fight.

Akhan's Zombie Kitty Cat: Bastet, The Shadow of Death, The Reaper of Mice.

Diplomatic Ties/Ongoing Treaties:

Arkhan currently recognises Settra as King of Kings and Ruler of Khemri, mostly to ensure the latter leaves him alone.
From Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, Horn Lord of the Minotaurs, Patriarch of the Dreadhorn Clan, Man-Bane, Blood of Alessia, Champion of Kyne, the Winged Lord, King of the Ashes, and Fear of Men and Merr
To the King of Western Skyrim
As Delivered by a Terrified Nord Peasant

You do not know of me but I know of you. You are the Half-King, the Lord of the Torn Map, Master of the West of Skyrim. I have heard many a song of your exploits; of how, when the Snow Demons came to Skyrim, you hid behind the walls of Solitude and bravely refused to do battle. Countless songs have been written in your honour, each one a testament to your cowardice and your impotence. Among my company, the Reachmen crow at how you are the lesser of the two High Kings, praising your wretchedness when compared to the nobility of your counterpart.

Know that I and mine march north, to take to the Sea of Ghosts in pursuit of Kyne. When I arrive at the Dragonbridge, you shall meet me there with enough ships to carry my people on our voyage and shall grovel before me, as your reputation dictates that you shall do so, in the hopes that I shall do no more than cuckold you before all of Skyrim and leave you less than a man after my passing.

For if you do not, I will kill you. I will kill you and your children and your children's children. I will defile the barrows of your forebears and smash the walls of your great Solitude. If you do not do as I command, I will ensure that generations from now, your name shall be a curse spat at the mad and the foolhardy. I will shackle your soul to the earth and forever deny you a place in Sovngarde.

This, I, Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, Horn Lord of the Minotaurs and Blood of Alessia, promise to you.

You have until I knock on your gates to make up your mind.


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A raven is dispatched from the hall of Winterfell south as quickly as it can fly to King's Landing and Kings Jaehaerys of House Targaryen @ByzantineCaesar

Your Grace,

I write this with a heavy heart and utmost haste. The Great Enemy, The Others, have returned after all these years. They now engage the Night's Watch as their wintery touch moves south, but there is another force out there as well, fighting the Others and best described by a Ranger as "Chaos". By all reports, and they are few, they fight with beast and I dear say magic and it is clear they are not from our lands.

I have no means to know what this means, but it is a threat we can not ignore. I aim to mobilize the North and defend the Wall along the Night's Watch and pray to the Gods that we are blessed by them. The North will stand true, but we shall need all help we can receive to survive this threat.

Signed, Your Loyal Servant,

Lord Ellard Stark
Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, Warden of the North
Ravens are sent to all Lords of the North @EliudFS1

The feared return of the Others has happened. Even now they engage forces north of the Wall and the the Night's Watch readies to fight them. Yet they can not do it alone. I hereby am asking all Lords to raise your Banners and begin to assemble forces to move towards the Wall and safeguard our realm. Begin stockpiling supplies, food, and other means that might see us through these times. Winter has come, but the North shall stand strong!


Lord Ellard Stark
Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, Warden of the North
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Grey Wardens
25 Dragon / Turn 2

To King Cailan Theirin of Ferelden @EliudFS1

It is with great sadness that we have heard of the undead attack on Amaranthine , and our hearts are with the victims and the displaced.
Your call for help has also been heard , and to join you in the coming battle to protect your realm and your subjects from these dark forces is something that we would be pleased to do , if not for our most sacred duty.
Though the ravages of a Blight can seem distant and unlikely after so much time has passed since the last one , they remain an ever present menace and we have sensed an increase in darkspawn activity recently , with sightings of new creatures roaming in the Deep Roads too.
While we need to prepare , our numbers are few in Ferelden and many of your vassals still distrust us.
We cannot afford the risk of wasteful losses , and while these demands may appear to be motivated by greed they are truly motivated by necessity : if we are to participate in this war , we request that a fortified place be ceded to the Ferelden Grey Wardens to serve as our headquarters , to live and train in it , as well enough donations that we might refurbish and maintain said headquarters. If these demands are accepted , we would be able to field one army of Grey Wardens with reinforcements from Orlais.

Signed Duncan , Warden-Commander of Ferelden

To: Heads of the foreign expedition @THatWhichWillBe
I have heard of your recent arrival in Thedas as well of your offer this undead horde , of which you seem to know enough to fight effectively.
I am the local commander of an order of warriors dedicated to the fight against another destructive horde , and i would like to meet with you to hear more about where you come from , as well as to share any information you might want of our continent.

From: First Warden of the Grey Wardens
To: the Carta , the Dwarf Merchant's Guild , any and all adventurers and mercenaries of the Anderfels @EliudFS1

A (moderate) bounty is posted for the delivery to Weisshaupt of corpses in good condition of the unknown rat-like creatures spotted in the Deep Roads and the Anderfels , with further rewards for samples of their tools and weapons , as well as precise obeservations of their tactices movements and behaviour.
Your Grace,

I write this with a heavy heart and utmost haste. The Great Enemy, The Others, have returned after all these years. They now engage the Night's Watch as their wintery touch moves south, but there is another force out there as well, fighting the Others and best described by a Ranger as "Chaos". By all reports, and they are few, they fight with beast and I dear say magic and it is clear they are not from our lands.

I have no means to know what this means, but it is a threat we can not ignore. I aim to mobilize the North and defend the Wall along the Night's Watch and pray to the Gods that we are blessed by them. The North will stand true, but we shall need all help we can receive to survive this threat.

Signed, Your Loyal Servant,

Lord Ellard Stark
Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, Warden of the North​

Lord Stark,

There is no denying that our world has undergone severe change over the last weeks. The dragons stir, seven moons litter the night-sky and the Fourteen Flames spit out the Doom once more. What you write is certainly possible, but I counsel you not to jump to the most outlandish conclusions for a phenomenon which may very well be natural rather than supernatural. It would not be the first time a ranger sees shadows that frighten him in the Haunted Forest. Nonetheless, I have heard your plea, and when the wolf calls the dragon answers. Her Grace the Queen Alysanne has agreed to make a second journey to the North on the back of Silverwing. She shall be accompanied by Jonquil Darke and Ser Clement Crabb of the Kingsguard, and shall soon be joined by a retinue of men-at-arms bound to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea by ship. She shall hear your concerns and journey to Castle Black with you.

Winter is not yet here, my lord,

Jaehaerys Targaryen, the First of his Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
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House Redwyne
98 AC (Year 2)

The Arbor in it's glory

A map of the Arbor and the surrounding Islands

History of House Redwyne

Once the Kings of the Arbor, House Redwyne's illustrious past has given way a less acclaimed present. Like the many powerful Houses of the Reach, House Redwyne is said to be descended from the legendary Garth Greenhand, though they are through his younger son Gilbert of the Vines who would go on to teach the secrets of wine-making to his own descendants. When the Andals invaded millennia ago, House Redwyne and House Hightower worked together to hold back those mighty warriors with their own famed fleets. And before Aegon Targaryen began his conquest, House Redwyne is said to have hosted the proud Valyrian King on their isle.

When the last King of the Arbor was lost at sea, House Redwyne returned to the fold of the Gardeners and when King Aegon Targaryen ended the fabled line, the proud Lord Redwyne found himself subservient to an up-jumped steward known as Tyrell like the rest of the Reach. Now the Year is 96 AC and many events have come to pass, from Lord Manfryd Redwyne serving as the Master of Ships of under King Jaerhaerys to Ryam Redwyne becoming a member of the Kingsguard and eventually known as the most talented Knight of his generation.

The future has yet to happen, but with their mighty fleet often considered the finest in Westeros alongside the location of the Arbor, the fortunes of House Redwyne will not be brought to ruin. Across the Kingdom of Westeros, Manfryd and Ryam have ensured the prominence of the Redwyne name while the other members of the House tend to their duties and obligations
Turn 1 (Year 97 AC)
The Year is 97 AC and a great mystery has occurred. The world has been utterly changed and winter forcibly enacted upon the people of Westeros. Unprepared, underequipped many suffered from such an event. Over the course of the year House Redwyne prospered, the ever-present Summer of the Reach while suitably quelled still remained and for the Arbor, it was simply business as usual.

Paying homage to the past and the fortune of Corlys Velaryon, House Redwyne sought to make a grand trading voyage - one of unparalleled numbers and success. But it was for naught, whatever change that had been brought about also disrupted the geography of the world itself. Gone was Yi-Ti, gone was Leng, those far-off places mentioned only through rumors and such. Replacing them was the grand unknown and rumors, of new lands and monsters. In the harbors of the land claimed by Quarth the grand trading voyage of House Redwyne mixed with the Houses Hightower and Tarth sit contemplating what shall be done. The people of Quarth speak in whispers of monsters being sighted within their lands, fighting Dothraki and even their own scouts occasionally. Further to the West lies a winter hell-scape and land, but are the men of Westeros - of the Arbor willing to approach something that could be their ruin?

Closer to home House Redwyne took inspiration from Alys Whitehill better known as Elissa Farman and sought out the isles known as the Targaryen Islands. Sending out a small expedition they made preparations for establishing a military encampment and outpost upon the land, ensuring that these new islands would be their next leap forward for any expeditions and allow them to build up yet another branch of House Redwyne and the might of the Arbor.

At home much would be done, much had to be done. With a resurgent Ironborn fear would drive many actions for the various houses of Westeros. None more then House Redwyne who like the Riverlands and the Shield Islands had once felt the painful rule of those dreadful scum. Seeking to secure their shores, their land, and their lives House Redwyne would invest their power, time, and money into reform of the island's defenses. The island would be safe from harm, from invasion. It's own Watch for the towns and harbors expanded and given greater equipment to achieve their task. It was nothing to note for the rest of the world, but it was something visitors of the Arbor would see as they bore witness to the might of House Redwyne sunk into such material things.

Family Tree of House Redwyne:

Lord Manfryd Redwyne* (20 AC - 89 AC) - The father of Robert Redwyne, Rickard Redwyne, and Ryam Redwyne. Former Master of Ships and Lord of the Arbor, now resting in House Redwyne's crypts.
Lady Alysanne Redwyne nee Hightower (22 AC - 92 AC) - A former Hightower lady, who was betrothed to Manfryd at age 16, with her husband dead she joined him shortly after grief-stricken and heartbroken.

Lord Robert Redwyne** (38 AC - present-day) - The current Lord of the Arbor and Admiral of the Redwyne Fleet. An old Knight, who has turned away from his glory days and has taken to ensuring House Redwyne's continued prominence and prosperity.
Lady Jeyne Redwyne nee Grimm (41 AC - present-day) - The wife of Robert, and the mother of three children. A daughter of the Shield Islands, her marriage to Robert would bind the Arbor and the Shields closer together.

Ser Desmond Redwyne*** (58 AC - present-day) - Yet another Arbor Knight, this Redwyne though capable of fighting is far more concerned with the monetary matters and administrative proceedings of the Arbor Isles
Lady Erayna Redwyne nee Goldwyne (60 AC - present-day) - A daughter of the cadet branch of the Redwynes, her marriage to Desmond was one of love and continued support of their own vassals.

Ser Donnel Redwyne**** (70 AC - present-day) Like his father and grandfather, Donnel is an Arbor Knight but unlike them young Donnel has taken to traveling through Essos and negotiating various deals with the Essossian Merchants regarding the various prices for the Arbor wine and more.
Horas Redwyne**** (80 AC - present-day) - The youngest son of Ser Desmond, Horas has taken to martial pursuits like his Uncle Gyles, serving as the Redwyne Knights squire as he travels throughout the Reach he's taken part in a great many tourneys and borne witness to many bandit hunts.

Ser Gyles Redwyne*** (59 AC - present-day) - A true Arbor Knight, Gyles travels through the Reach attending Tourneys and hunting bandits abound, martial pursuits are all he seeks.
Lady Celesse Redwyne***(62 AC - present-day) - A proud daughter of House Redwyne, Celesse took to her lady duties like a duck to water. Now she rests as the wife of Lord Hewett once more ensuring the Shield Islands and the Arbor alliance would stand.

Ser Rickard Redwyne** (39 AC-present-day) The often overlooked middle-child of his generations Redwyne children, the Knight who was knighted by King Jaehaerys and in turn knighted Prince Baelon, Ser Rickard has turned his attention to the ships his own family was famed for. With the knowledge of navies and war at sea, Rickard would serve as a capable Admiral for his house.
Lady Elenai Redwyne nee Tarth (42 AC - present-day) - Serving to foster ties outside of the Reach with yet another naval power and important port within the Stormlands, Elenai and Rickard were wed.

Ser Tylan Redwyne*** (72 AC - present-day) The first child of Rickard and Elenai, Tylan has earned his spurs not in the Arbor but with his relatives upon the isle of Tarth. Like his father, Tylan has taken to naval pursuits and is quite the adept sailor often sailing with the Tarth fleet in its pursuit of pirates and protecting their merchant ships.
Acolyte Meylen Redwyne*** (73 AC - present-day) The second-born, Meylen was quite academically gifted and focused on learning. When the time came he joined

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Ryam Redwyne** (40 AC - present-day) - The most famed Knight of his generation, now serving as the King's Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Loyalty and vows are strongly upheld by him, chivalry is what he breathes. Just don't let him rule the realm, politics and administration aren't his strong suit. One might say he'd make for the worst of Hands.

First Generation
**Second Generation
***Third Generation
****Fourth Generation

House Redwyne count themselves as some of the chief Bannerman of House Tyrell, and as a loyal vassal of the Iron Throne. They currently are closely entwined with Hightower and the Shield Islands alongside an alliance of sorts to Tarth.

Breakdown of Ties:

Bannerman of House Tyrell
Vassal of the Targaryens
Economic, Marriage Alliance - Family with House Hightower
Economic, Marriage, and Military Pact - Family with House Grimm and Hewett of the Shield Isles
Economic, Marriage Alliance - House Tarth


To the newly uncovered land and society known as the Ebonheart Pact (@JuliusNepos),

Allow me to extend upon you greetings and provide such an august body with a gift to demonstrate that my people come in peace, seeking trade and warm relations with your land. We have no designs for conquest, aside from mayhaps ensuring the world knows the fame of our grand wine, but that's neither here no there. We wish to open relations with you, we merely desire to see both of us prosper through trade between such lands.

The gifts we have brought you are some of our finest wine, both flavors Gold and Red. But more then that are the fine tapestries, silks, spices, and more from our fair land we've sought to provide you with. May this be taken as the first of many steps in what could be a wonderful venture.

Signed Lord Robert Redwyne, Lord and Knight of the Arbor


To those who rule over the inhabitants of the continent to the West (@Maugan Ra),

We know not your land, nor your people, but let it never be said that House Redwyne will in poor taste not extend any greetings to the unknown civilization before us. We come in peace for war is never something to be desired, nor sought. If you find yourself not wishing to establish any relations rather then murder and swords, inform us through words for we shall politely leave you be. Peace and trade, so I suppose peaceful trading is what we desire and all we really ask you to allow between us.

As this messenger hopefully greets you and yours, we also send gifts with them. Some casks of our fine wine, spices, silk, and more. It is in my hopes that such things are appreciated and that you, in turn, will show us of your own splendors as we demonstrate ours to you.

Signed Ser Donnel Redwyne, Knight of the Arbor and Head of the Westerosi Trading Voyage


To the Kingdom of Lindon (@EliudFS1),

We are glad that another land has been uncovered that it's people are not only fine of looks, but of demeanor too. It is wonderful to meet yet another group who would seek peace before war. I write to you in hopes of seeing trade relations established between your land and my own. It would only be natural that we do so, after all, would it not be grand for our people to learn of each other and your own splendor be seen by us as we allow you to witness our own?

With this messenger comes gifts, casks of our fine wine - some bolts of silk, spices, some tapestries, and more. It is my hope that you appreciate the gift and in turn allow us to enjoy all you might provide for peaceful traders as House Redwyne.

Signed Lord Robert Redwyne, Lord and Knight of the Arbor

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To the newly uncovered land and society known as the Ebonheart Pact (@JuliusNepos),

Allow me to extend upon you greetings and provide such an august body with a gift to demonstrate that my people come in peace, seeking trade and warm relations with your land. We have no designs for conquest, aside from mayhaps ensuring the world knows the fame of our grand wine, but that's neither here no there. We wish to open relations with you, we merely desire to see both of us prosper through trade between such lands.

The gifts we have brought you are some of our finest wine, both flavors Gold and Red. But more then that are the fine tapestries, silks, spices, and more from our fair land we've sought to provide you with. May this be taken as the first of many steps in what could be a wonderful venture.

Signed Lord Robert Redwyne, Lord and Knight of the Arbor


To the men of the Arbor beyond the Padomaic Ocean

Your thoughtful gifts are considerate, cautious and considerate, fine virtues all.
The center of Tamriel is a battleground, we have troubles enough without troubling realms far away.
We reciprocate with gifts of our own. Mead, sujamma Ebony Blades , Mammoth Tusk, and more from our hearty lands.
Let there be peace between our peoples, and profitable trade besides. Respect our laws in our lands as we will respect yours