The Strongest Lifeform II: Walk Forward Young Champion [ToG/Campione]

Biologically body is about 18, mind is over 800... so safe territory in the same vein as year old clone with adult body and adult mind is safe-ish territory... that said in-text jokes about instantly make it unsafe territory as far as mods go - it's allowed to tread borders, it's not allowed to talk about that and point that publicly. And as that jokes are already there I wouldn't want to risk that...

Especially because I'm against pursuing romance yet for entirely different reason - there are too many interesting things to do without yet, another romantic comedy would be very dull story to read in comparison.

PS. To clarify a bit - the same scene can be written as smut, comedy, tragedy and several other things - how it's written would decide what it would be. And situation is already decided as "squicky (pre)teen/adult sex" by what is already written. It could've been written differently with emphasis on hero being over 800 years old and his body already being adult and it would've been totally acceptable, but it's too late for that as for many situation would've be seen through the tainted glass of what is already written. And mods on SB take the side of caution - and given some things I kinda see where they are going from.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Chibi got away with Azula/Zuko stuff.
Chibi from the get go worded it as POLITICS!!!111 (TM) and Serious STUFF (TM). Here it was jailbait jokes from the get go. That's exactly where difference lies most of the time for border treading as far as I remember bans and non-bans. Most of borderline stuff bans were for HOW and not for WHAT. So I would've wait character reaching 15-16 and without any jokes about matter in between...

... and I still think there are tons of better stuff to do.
al103 said:
Chibi from the get go worded it as POLITICS!!!111 (TM) and Serious STUFF (TM). Here it was jailbait jokes from the get go. That's exactly where difference lies most of the time for border treading as far as I remember bans and non-bans.
The thing his he isn't jail bait. Everyone who views him as jail bait in story doesn't know his true age. That's he probably older than anything that's not a god and some divine beasts.
Nightblade said:
The thing his he isn't jail bait. Everyone who views him as jail bait in story doesn't know his true age. That's he probably older than anything that's not a god and some divine beasts.
No, mods EXPLICITLY said that excuses like "she is really 600 years old" DO NOT work... at least as long as story concentrates on "loli body" and not "600 years old" aspect. And this story treated this subject from the get go as "LOL JAILBAIT" - so mods would also treat it like that.

Yes, it could have worked with adult body and adult mind... if taken seriously from the get go. It wasn't.
al103 said:
No, mods EXPLICITLY said that excuses like "she is really 600 years old" DO NOT work... at least as long as story concentrates on "loli body" and not "600 years old" aspect. And this story treated this subject from the get go as "LOL JAILBAIT" - so mods would also treat it like that.
Didn't know that the mods ever said that. Nice to know.
I remember some discussion about "N was banned for a simple joke! What a outrage, M get away with more serious stuff all the time!!!!!1111111"... well it seems to me that's exact reason for many mod actions: you joke about serious stuff (or just don't take it seriously) = you get banned, you write serious stuff as serious stuff = you don't get banned.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Yeah. Jokes. Comedy always has some form of exaggeration.

Oh it could definitely look worse than it is from an incomplete view, but neither person is pushing to have it happen. Frankly aside from that one joke in their first meeting? There's been pretty much nothing, and that first joke was essentially one person running away screaming and drinking themselves into a stupor while shouting that they don't deserve to live.
That was a long and IIRC multi-update joke so I'm not sure as if it counts as just one... and it definitely put specific coloring to this aspect of interactions.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
If that counts as creeper, I don't know what the word means anymore.
"ROFL, see how her guts are all over the window" is creeper, "it's a tragedy that she died such gruesome way" is not. For sexual relationships it would be about same difference. A joke is joke as long is nothing really happened, then it becomes creepy. So you either joke about something (that is serious stuff) or write that something in story... but not both.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Jesus untwist your panties already. Alex made it pretty damn clear Enryu does not look his age to the point where it was a complete surprise to Annie. Unlike lolis, he has a mature body and the mental age. It's the technical physical age that's the source of comedy and it hasn't even made a recurrence in the story yet.
*sigh* As I said I don't see problem with situation. But it could (and as Murphy law says WOULD) be taken wrong. And moderators work on the basis of said could.
al103 said:
*sigh* As I said I don't see problem with situation. But it could (and as Murphy law says WOULD) be taken wrong. And moderators work on the basis of said could.
Al. Shut up. You keep painting it in a negative light for no reason but too. You want to complain about people acting like creepers and getting this quest shut down then do it too the people who are making the inappropriate jokes.
Mithril-blade said:
I would personally still say no to "love triangles" as they are convoluted things that authors like to put when they can't think of anything better to put as drama. They literally serve no purpose except add tension to a story, and not even interestig tension at that.
I concur and think that discussing how to avoid bad literary tools is a better line of discussion than possibility of bringing down or not the wrath of the intolerable ones due to a technicality used for laughs.
noahgab1133 said:
In other news any idea on how to revert the people back to normal?
They either can be cured with some time and efort after the fight, hope Annie gets the Authority to change them back or go balls to the wall and do a epic writein that has Enryu subverting and absorbing Artemis Authority before Annie kill her.
Vlad III said:
They either can be cured with some time and efort after the fight, hope Annie gets the Authority to change them back or go balls to the wall and do a epic writein that has Enryu subverting and absorbing Artemis Authority before Annie kill her.
She doesn't.

The Authority Annie usurps is one of mass destruction(ie, can destroy California), not animal transformation.
Okay, the discussion about romantic pursuits and flirting? Please stop it.

There is a reason you haven't seen those kind of allusions since the time Roberto met Annie. You know why? For Roberto there is nothing more exciting that discovering new things. From the moment he was shown the bag of shinies that is the magical world he dived wholeheartedly and relegate everything else in second place. So don't expect him to start again unless he gets bored or he meets a strong girl and decides to engages in a little banter.

For reverting transformed people back, there are a couple of possible ways. Which do you think they are?
I wonder what Roberto's reaction to Mars would be...
"You mean there's a planet of nothing but red? Why the hell aren't we living there!?"
Alexander89 said:
So don't expect him to start again unless he gets bored or he meets a strong girl and decides to engages in a little banter.
I like the fact that you are implying that even a Campione is not strong enough, which makes it clear that only SB's 'Shiny' addiction is all that stands between Enryu and romance. So we can be assured that nothing in that vein will happen in this quest.
Fictiondevourer said:
I like the fact that you are implying that even a Campione is not strong enough, which makes it clear that only SB's 'Shiny' addiction is all that stands between Enryu and romance. So we can be assured that nothing in that vein will happen in this quest.
...No, I wasn't implying that. The thing with Annie is that Enryu grew used to her, so their relationship is now less formal. Plus he knows she likes to be all strict and business-like so he, as a good friend, goes along with it.
Fictiondevourer said:
I like the fact that you are implying that even a Campione is not strong enough, which makes it clear that only SB's 'Shiny' addiction is all that stands between Enryu and romance. So we can be assured that nothing in that vein will happen in this quest.
Implying Annie is the strongest possible female Campione. Prepare for Luo Hao to break the fourth wall over your face.
Selias said:
I wonder what Roberto's reaction to Mars would be...
"You mean there's a planet of nothing but red? Why the hell aren't we living there!?"
"What do you mean it can't sustain life because its a frozen barren wasteland?"

"What do you mean there's not oxygen on it?"

"What do you mean we can't reach it?"

"This is a load of hog wash. I'll just do it myself!"
fallenblades643 said:
"What do you mean it can't sustain life because its a frozen barren wasteland?"

"What do you mean there's not oxygen on it?"

"What do you mean we can't reach it?"

"This is a load of hog wash. I'll just do it myself!"
You know, Seeing that he is an 800 Year old 'Fuck your conceptions of possible' kind of guy he might succeed in that.
He would have to make the needed plants and animals out of Shinsoo though.
Ahra said:
You know, Seeing that he is an 800 Year old 'Fuck your conceptions of possible' kind of guy he might succeed in that.
He would have to make the needed plants and animals out of Shinsoo though.
Domain of the sea god at an A++ or higher rank, An Enraged status, and a full tank at its max. Then we light the world up in red and warm things up a bit. Heat the planets core up, stabilizes a magnetic field. Heating the core and creating a magnetic field allows the planet surface to warm up and for it to hold an atmosphere. The water thaws out and then its all a matter of seeding it with red life with Shinsoo and ensuring the ecosystem will be self sustaining. We might need to make a devil to do it for us.

In fact, we can just make a devil and let it do all the work ourselves while laughing at others supposed impossibilities by proxy.