The Strongest Lifeform II: Walk Forward Young Champion [ToG/Campione]

So, set up a perimiter with golems, clear out a building for Annie and be ready to stop and divert any attacks from doing collateral damage.
Vlad III said:
So, set up a perimiter with golems, clear out a building for Annie and be ready to stop and divert any attacks from doing collateral damage.
Why use golems? Just use thick stone walls to contain the animals and Shinsoo Restrain if they manage to get up over the walls.
I would like to ask a open question. Do Campione and Heretic Gods have a way to effectively combat opponents that fight like early Naruto ninja? I am talking about the ones that use layers upon layers of deception, misdirection, stealth and cunning. If they can't then this would be a good area to explore and train which would help in defeating enemies without it being necessary for Roberto to have a higher power level than his adversary to defeat them.

If they can't hit Roberto in the first place not even the biggest powerlevel won't help in beating him.
Vlad III said:
I would like to ask a open question. Do Campione and Heretic Gods have a way to effectively combat opponents that fight like early Naruto ninja? I am talking about the ones that use layers upon layers of deception, misdirection, stealth and cunning. If they can't then this would be a good area to explore and train which would help in defeating enemies without it being necessary for Roberto to have a higher power level than his adversary to defeat them.

If they can't hit Roberto in the first place not even the biggest powerlevel won't help in beating him.
AoE attacks for most, Eye of the Mind for others, with the worst having both.

The Authority that Annie usurped from Artemis is one that has enough destructive force that if used all out will destroy a landmass the size of California(or set it on fire for a week, one or the other). If Artemis uses that, we're gonna be in trouble.

That aside, I would question the idea that using deception, stealth, and cunning would be enough considering that Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt.
Nervaqus987 said:
AoE attacks for most, Eye of the Mind for others, with the worst having both.

The Authority that Annie usurped from Artemis is one that has enough destructive force that if used all out will destroy a landmass the size of California(or set it on fire for a week, one or the other). If Artemis uses that, we're gonna be in trouble.

That aside, I would question the idea that using deception, stealth, and cunning would be enough considering that Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt.
I didn't mean right now, but how many animals do you think there are that can teleport, make copies of themselves, cast illusions etc. and have the intellect and experience of a 900 warrior?

Any this was more a idea against Voban when we had enough time to train this style of fighting especially in case he had a Authority which if it hit would instagib Roberto no matter how powerful he became. He already died to someone that had a cheap unbeatable power so it makes sense in the world where instant death moves are rare, but still exist he would defend himself against them.
She might just not agree with it; given she's descended upon the world, we shouldn't expect her to be sane or anything.
She has a Campione *right here*. She wouldn't go off to the other side of the world for this.

Nah, its not a good idea and it wouldn't work.
Let's take control of the animals and order them to sleep. Then pin them in a box of fortified shinsoo to keep them from interfering. Then we go see annie.
noahgab1133 said:
Let's take control of the animals and order them to sleep. Then pin them in a box of fortified shinsoo to keep them from interfering. Then we go see annie.

We haven't put any effort into relearning Anima since we reincarnated.

Alex said that we can learn skills via write in, but it would have to be a fucking awesome write in.

tl;dr: Need bitchin write in for animal control.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
You know what? I'll give it a try. It's something similar to what I'd have used on Voban, but if Artemis can control animals then I have something up my sleeve.

Now, an important point: would Artemis have dominion over all animals, or just wild ones? If so would us controlling an animal make them no longer wild and be a good loophole to screw her over. I am not making this an official vote because I think this can be tweaked further. Also, if it needs to have sufficient awesome, we should get lots of opinions first.
Wild ones primarily, but domesticated(for certain values of "domesticated") hunting animals such as hounds may also fall under her domain.
If we enter combat, we should deploy Domain of the Sea God on a wide scale so as to incapacitate every bystander caught by the Heretic Gods actions. Best to reduce civilian incidents where possible.

Hell, we should do it anyways. Nothing like painting the world Red before a fight while protecting as many people as we can.
Question -- How much is too much and would interfere with John Pluto Smith's solo battle with a Heretic God?

Artemis has some animals with her as a sort of personal guard or safety measure and presumably will throw those at JPS. Do we ignore those or what? Or would it be acceptable to Pandora if we kept even those animals away from JPS?
drake_azathoth said:
Yeah... Frankly, we were given three free moves we were supposed to get that were based on Roberto's understanding of scientific principles rather than anime or manga or whatever crappy media he is a fan of. I frankly do not understand how Hell Stab even qualifies as that, or how it differs from 'punching someone with Magia Elysia and Lightning Element absorbed', but if someone else can come up with another move that is based on Roberto's understanding of science and is superior, I'd love to hear it.
It differs from punching someone with Magia Elysia with the lightning element absorb cause its designed to pierce through someone. Magia Elysian with lightning absorb won't do that with just punching someone. Not that that won't do insane amounts of damage to someone. You would be hitting someone with a punch that breaks the sound barrier. Also the fact there going to be getting the crap shocked out of them. Been meaning to post this in response. I had just forgotten about it.
I'm in favor of playing the support character this round. We've already established our concern for the victims of those of great mana Shinsoo power in this world so it makes sense for us to do what we can for these poor transformed people.

On a side note is Catherine McDonald an OC or someone mentioned in Campione! proper?
As long as we do not, directly, attack Artemis, we should be doing fine, right?
Because I'd really prefer not to mess anything up for Annie here, she's been extremely good to us (like, incredibly so).

So I'd prefer just to lock down the animals, and let Annie go all out while we clear out buildings and such for her to destroy.
I realize this is a bit off topic to the battle at hand, but longterm it may be important.

The Unintentional Trolling Campaign.

Now that Roberto looks like an adult, we have a priceless opportunity.

Flirting with Anne.


Because he can. Enryu seems the type that cares little for other peoples opinion and might just flirt with the pretty redhead just because he can. Might not even be romantic, just friendly, just for fun flirting.

The funny part? Anne might in one moment flirt back in kind, then stop when she realizes Robertop is technically 13 years old.

Then Roberto is seen with John Pluto Smith and sees little reason to not keep on flirting.

Cue questions about Smiths sexual orientation.

Especially if Enryu is also seen flirting with Anne.

A sordid lov triangle?! How indecent!

By this point, Anne might just try to crawl into a bottle.

But it gets better. When people hear about Robertos age.

So Anne is seen as a pedo, and Smith as someone that might have a thing for little boys.

Enryu, of course, doesn't care about any of it. Because he's actuall 900 years old, John is Anne and thus a girl and he initiated it all anyway, so what?
DakkaMania said:
I realize this is a bit off topic to the battle at hand, but longterm it may be important.

The Unintentional Trolling Campaign.

Now that Roberto looks like an adult, we have a priceless opportunity.

Flirting with Anne.


Because he can. Enryu seems the type that cares little for other peoples opinion and might just flirt with the pretty redhead just because he can. Might not even be romantic, just friendly, just for fun flirting.

The funny part? Anne might in one moment flirt back in kind, then stop when she realizes Robertop is technically 13 years old.

Then Roberto is seen with John Pluto Smith and sees little reason to not keep on flirting.

Cue questions about Smiths sexual orientation.

Especially if Enryu is also seen flirting with Anne.

A sordid lov triangle?! How indecent!

By this point, Anne might just try to crawl into a bottle.

But it gets better. When people hear about Robertos age.

So Anne is seen as a pedo, and Smith as someone that might have a thing for little boys.

Enryu, of course, doesn't care about any of it. Because he's actuall 900 years old, John is Anne and thus a girl and he initiated it all anyway, so what?
He's more around 800.
I'm not sure I want to mindfuck the closest thing he will ever get to a healthy romantic interest.
Garlak said:
And I'm not sure if I want our friend or her superhero persona to get smeared with the reputation of a pedophile.
Then keep the 'official' age a secret and just let the awkward and embarassing implications go.

It's not even intentional, just the amusing (to the players) side effect of them interacting. Might even lead Anne to get over her hangup because Roberto is ancient. He just doesn't look like it. Over time, she can rationalize it as the same as someone getting de-aged by some weird magic.
Nah, better not. Keep those thing on private, besides it's only three years before we become legal.
DakkaMania said:
Then keep the 'official' age a secret and just let the awkward and embarassing implications go.

It's not even intentional, just the amusing (to the players) side effect of them interacting. Might even lead Anne to get over her hangup because Roberto is ancient. He just doesn't look like it. Over time, she can rationalize it as the same as someone getting de-aged by some weird magic.
That would require us to tell her our how old we are actually are. I don't think she knows yet.