The Strongest Lifeform II: Walk Forward Young Champion [ToG/Campione]

magnetism is avaliable to us.. let the fun begin iron sand, railguns, oh we can probably make ourselves effectivly immune to any metal based attack with an electromagnetic forcfield to redirect approaching metals away from us with enough research
012345 said:
Question, could we possibly create pokeballs and stuff into them divine beasts or artyficial pokemon?
We've got something like that;
Bowl: an item to store Shinheuh. The higher the rank, the greater and more numerous the Shinheuh it can contain are.
A S rank Bowl can contain three S Rank Shinheuh, or 21 A rank Shinheuh.
A A rank Bowl can contain three A Rank Shinheuh, or 21 B rank Shinheuh.

And so on. Without one you can't begin creating them. Plus, if you want to deploy them in battle, unless they can move on solid ground (be realistic here: they need to have paws or something) you will need the "Sea God's Domain" techniques to create a pool of dense Shinsoo.
Regrettably, unless we get a serious craft booster, we wont have time to make a good Bowl, or a Shinheuh worth the effort.
Nervaqus987 said:
Regrettably, unless we get a serious craft booster, we wont have time to make a good Bowl, or a Shinheuh worth the effort.
Funny, because I thought people would have loved for Roberto to sick a Pikachu on Godou with a pokeball.

...I just realized something: we're gonna troll the Japanese so hard.
Alexander89 said:
Shinsoo Ki: The reserves of mystical energy that is produced by all living things and the Planet itself. Also known as Qi, Chi or simply Lifeforce, it is the source of many supernatural phenomenon like Western Magic, Eastern Daoist Arts and many high level martial arts techniques. Its strength's limits are decided at birth, but can be increased by training one's physical fitness and will or by extraordinary circumstances.
  • A- (70) Your reserves of magical energy are close to a Campione's.
Did you forget about also updating our Shinsoo Resistance or is it still at A--?

Also is there some reason why Shinsoo Resistance is listed under skills rather than stats?
Alexander89 said:
Funny, because I thought people would have loved for Roberto to sick a Pikachu on Godou with a pokeball.

...I just realized something: we're gonna troll the Japanese so hard.
Oh yes. OH YES. I actively was semi-serious about making that a giant robot out of Shinsoo just so we could "greet in the traditional way for foreignors".
Graig said:
Did you forget about also updating our Shinsoo Resistance or is it still at A--?

Also is there some reason why Shinsoo Resistance is listed under skills rather than stats?
No, it's still A--: it follows a different growing curve. a good point. Look at that, I overlooked it all this time...
OrionRevenant said:
Continuously being unoriginal and stealing things from anime and manga is going to get boring fast.

Just dicking about with a Shinsoo forged Giant Robot and firing off a Kamehamaha would be enough. Anything more and it's obvious that we're fucking with them, and more obviously fucking with someone requires more dickishness than just setting a Pikachu on a Japanese guy or it isn't as funny.
While being original is a good thing I don't think Bright Stab makes much sense. Heat transfer is not a very effective way to do damage quickly (and Enryu will be trowing punches very fast). For example you won't be hurt much by quickly moving your hand through an open flame.

[X] Hell Stab
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Heat is one of the benefits.

There is also, however, just plain smacking or stabbing a person with an electrified hand. And it will hurt coming from us.

Also, drake plain put more effort into his idea and Enryu continuing to plagarise anime and crap because he's not coming up with his own is yawn-worthy.

Last, apparently we can use bright stab with the middle finger and up Unaware Troll a rank. Nuff said.
The description focuses pretty much on the heat part. Also causing damage with a continuous current suffer from the same problem. Yes Bright Stab is more original (which is a very good thing) but the downside I mentioned is to large especially when the description contains something like this
When Shinsoo comes into play, Roberto's will can trump physics.... But playing along with physics has it's benefits.
So, now that he has lightning manipulation could Roberto theoretically go Palpatine on someone?
HymnOfRagnarok said:
I am not seeing a problem. Without straight up touching the arc of electricity, yes, it's just a shitload of heat. Once it touches, it's an electric stab. Why do you take issue with this, just because a good chunk of description is dedicated to heat? I don't blame drake, it's hard to punch up a lightning stab thingy that doesn't rip off something.
You might as well go and straight up make it into a electrolaser. A laser by stimulating the emissions by use of Roberto's lightning manipulation and maybe also fire shinsoo.

It is even more original, increases the range, damage done, overall versatility and effectiveness of the move.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
I am not seeing a problem. Without straight up touching the arc of electricity, yes, it's just a shitload of heat. Once it touches, it's an electric stab. Why do you take issue with this, just because a good chunk of description is dedicated to heat? I don't blame drake, it's hard to punch up a lightning stab thingy that doesn't rip off something.
If you remove the heat part it just becomes something like a standard lighting stab attack (something that we can probably do already with our lightning skill).

I think that the description should make more sense for a skill that purportedly works by "playing along with physics".
Graig said:
The description focuses pretty much on the heat part. Also causing damage with a continuous current suffer from the same problem. Yes Bright Stab is more original (which is a very good thing) but the downside I mentioned is to large especially when the description contains something like this
...I'm not sure why suggesting that playing along with physics is smart is a bad thing when we're spacebattles and we like railguns and other sciencey things. Not only is efficiency a thing, making your hand an arc welder is neat.

I focused on the 'heat' aspect of the Bright Stab because... Well, it's modeled after a plasma arc welder. And they are unbelievably hot. Fire alone cannot compare. The average house fire is roughly 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of the sun is roughly 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A conservative temperature for the arc of a plasma welder is 36,032 degrees Fahrenheit. Perhaps it will sound more impressive to say that Roberto's finger will become three times hotter than the surface of the sun.

Now, thermal transfer is a thing. Flesh will tend to burn and boil away nigh-instantly, almost explosively. Even so, that's a lot of heat and armor-piercing power to add to an electrical move. The light could also be helpful to blind just about anything. It'd eat steel gods for breakfast.

Basically, anything but a sun god will not like this move. Even they still get electrocuted.
I don't like Bright Stab if I think about it.

It feels more like something that would be child's play to Enryu for something he discovered when first playing with new abilities.

On the other hand being his own human LASER show emitter would be much more fun. He could even shoot RED LASERS.
drake_azathoth said:
...I'm not sure why suggesting that playing along with physics is smart is a bad thing when we're spacebattles and we like railguns and other sciencey things. Not only is efficiency a thing, making your hand an arc welder is neat.

I focused on the 'heat' aspect of the Bright Stab because... Well, it's modeled after a plasma arc welder. And they are unbelievably hot. Fire alone cannot compare. The average house fire is roughly 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of the sun is roughly 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A conservative temperature for the arc of a MIG plasma welder is 36,032 degrees Fahrenheit. Perhaps it will sound more impressive to say that Roberto's finger will become three times hotter than the surface of the sun.

Now, thermal transfer is a thing. Flesh will tend to burn and boil away nigh-instantly, almost explosively. Even so, that's a lot of heat and armor-piercing power to add to an electrical move. The light could also be helpful to blind just about anything. It'd eat steel gods for breakfast.

Basically, anything but a sun god will not like this move. Even they still get electrocuted.
Wow that hot? Neat.
drake_azathoth said:
...I'm not sure why suggesting that playing along with physics is smart is a bad thing when we're spacebattles and we like railguns and other sciencey things. Not only is efficiency a thing, making your hand an arc welder is neat.
It is not a bad thing by itself but it becomes a bad thing if the physics part don't make much sense.
drake_azathoth said:
I focused on the 'heat' aspect of the Bright Stab because... Well, it's modeled after a plasma arc welder. And they are unbelievably hot. Fire alone cannot compare. The average house fire is roughly 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of the sun is roughly 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A conservative temperature for the arc of a MIG plasma welder is 36,032 degrees Fahrenheit. The elect

Perhaps it will sound more impressive to say that Roberto's finger will become three times hotter than the surface of the sun. Now, thermal transfer is a thing. Flesh will tend to burn and boil away nigh-instantly, almost explosively. Even so, that's a lot of heat and armor-piercing power to add to an electrical move.
Sure it is very hot and in a fight between normal humans that would be somewhat impressive (though a short contact is still unlikely to be immediately lethal so something like a bullet would probably still be more dangerous). But the foes we will be facing will almost always be much tougher and contact times are likely to be much shorter than what is the case for normal human pushes.
Tecom123 said:
I'd rather be trapped in a house fire then have something around 20,000 Degrees Celsius touching me...
There are many situations in which you can survive something like that touching you. Take lightning bolts for example they can have even higher core temperatures than that and people regularly survives getting hit by lighting (and heat transfer from the air is not a large part of the danger from that).
Alexander89 said:
It is not actually that impressive. Normal lighting bolts can have core temperatures of more than 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
I like Bright Stab too, but last I checked Hell Stab was winning two to one. Anyway I forgot this:

"Magia Elysian" ("Hikari no Maho": "Light Magic")
Rank: C > B

"In principle it was Void. From the Void first came forth Akasha, also called Aether. From Akasha all things on Heaven and Earth were formed. Thus everything came from Akasha and will one day return to it. That time is now!"

A spell that fuse another spell with the body and soul: the caster gain a boost to his physical parameters and the spell's properties for a short period of time, at the cost of hurting the body. It works on the concepts of "Compatibility" and "Synchronization". The more the caster understands the Spells he tries to assimilate in himself and can redefine the differences on the fly, the more efficient Magia Elysian is. At this rank is possible to absorb spells of B-rank and lower and complex Multi-elemental energy. If the spell absorbed is particularly complex it's possible to gain new powers from the fusion.
This sounds a bit like a weaponized arc flash to me. Maybe add a coin or something so we can produce some nice metal plasma to enhance the arc blast effect.

This is not something you want to be hit by, especially if Enryu can somehow make the effect continuous. An arc flash in electrical equipment can flash wires to plasma fast enough that the explosion can knock down walls.

From that wikipedia article:
As an example of the energy released in an arc flash incident, consider a single phase-to-phase fault on a 480 V system with 20,000 amps of fault current. The resulting power is 9.6 MW. If the fault lasts for 10 cycles at 60 Hz, the resulting energy would be 1600 kilojoules. For comparison, TNT releases 2175 J/g or more when detonated (a conventional value of 4,184 J/g is used for TNT equivalent). Thus, this fault energy is equivalent to 380 grams (approximately 0.8 pounds) of TNT. The character of an arc flash blast is quite different from a chemical explosion (more heat and light, less mechanical shock), but the resulting devastation is comparable. The rapidly expanding superheated vapor produced by the arc can cause serious injury or damage, and the intense UV, visible, and IR light produced by the arc can temporarily and sometimes even permanently blind or cause eye damage to people.
Cool, we can wreck modern infrastructure.

Still would like versatility of laser light manipulation. For example if he doesn't like something he can imitate a laser printer and graffiti over that shit from a distance.

Also, playing kitten laser fishing. But with people instead of kittens and holographic projections instead of a red laser dot.