The Strongest Lifeform II: Walk Forward Young Champion [ToG/Campione]

Mithril-blade said:
Alexander, be straight up with me please. Are widely compatible Devils not a viable branch of research for us?
I will. Widely compatible Devils don't exist. They are called Devil for a reason. Their nature is to be artificial, formless parasitic creatures without intellect, but ferocious instincts that will devour and assimilate all the Shinsoo it can get. In ToG only two people out of 9999 were deemed fitting to house a Devil. Half of it each.

They were Enryuu's greatest accomplishment, but also one of his worst mistake.
Mithril-blade said:
Thanks. In that case, is it not possible to specifically craft a Devil to a single person so that it's compatible with that person?
That is possible, but the person still needs to have a certain amount of talent. However it raises the probabilities of survival of a noticeable amount.
Mithril-blade said:
Thanks. In that case, is it not possible to specifically craft a Devil to a single person so that it's compatible with that person?
That is possible, but the person still needs to have a certain amount of talent. However it raises the probabilities of survival of a noticeable amount.
DawnGazer said:
For now I'm against Devils for anything other than ourselves. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make future hypothetical minions more useful, but you ought to realize that this setting has very few characters that break the mold to close the gap(s). In Campione! there's only one human in Gadou's group that could challenge the Gods, and she was a big exception. Just about everyone else in his entourage is either worthless up to a certain tier of power, or fulfills a niche that assists him in some way. Trying to figure a bandage application that will universally make our minions better won't be a thing. We'd be better off measuring on a case by case basis and going from there, if at all.
I for one am somewhat puzzled with the obsession with implanting Devils in people to instill greater shinsoo ability when we know for a fact that there IS a much faster and safer alternative that was used in the Tower of God - wands.

They should work with... Well, just about anyone. And if they don't, nobody should die.
drake_azathoth said:
I for one am somewhat puzzled with the obsession with implanting Devils in people to instill greater shinsoo ability when we know for a fact that there IS a much faster and safer alternative that was used in the Tower of God - wands.

They should work with... Well, just about anyone. And if they don't, nobody should die.
For me, it's the hesitation that they'll be stolen, meaning we'd have wasted the time making them (I mean, I don't think we could put in "must have been freely given, with no form of coercion" as an ability of the wand... though if we could, that'd be nice).
...Of course, that was before we knew that dark elves could help with Shinsoo items, which changes quite a few things.
Krain said:
For me, it's the hesitation that they'll be stolen, meaning we'd have wasted the time making them (I mean, I don't think we could put in "must have been freely given, with no form of coercion" as an ability of the wand... though if we could, that'd be nice).
...Of course, that was before we knew that dark elves could help with Shinsoo items, which changes quite a few things.
Check 'Shinsoo Tracker' on the first page under special techniques. It works on objects and lasts indefinitely.
Enryu spent a lot of time on his shinsoo skills in the Tower. Making devils was one of his greatest achievements. He might very well have spent decades or more on it. Also he would have had access to much more resources for his research than what he has now.

It might be possible to further develop some of our shinsoo skills but that is a long term project.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Interesting idea Hymn. Most are OP things that I can't allow right now, but they are good for long term projects. Transhumanism by messing with biology (less metal) is something that Enryu could approve and work to. Granted it will take time and resources, and you will not see great results in the immediate future, but they make for good narrative.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
I think the armor idea is feasible, by having a passive and active mode: in the first the armor is formless shinsoo kept inside Enryu's body, in the second it's compressed and materialized outside. Something like this?
An armory like that it's an armory anymore, but a full laboratory. Possible with a bit of help but I'm sorry to inform you it will be useless in battle: too slow.

Your Devil's Assimilation ability only work on Devil. To be clear when devouring the shinsoo they're made of not everything is converted into pure food, it keeps the skills.
HyperionTW said:
Would it be possible to have one of the Armor's abilities be adaption in response to our needs in combat? For example if we needed to be stronger, creating additional muscle or increasing the efficiency of our strengthening technique.
A limited automatic response to certain threats, like increasing fire-proofing if hits with fire, it's possible, but I advise about giving it free access to Enryu's body, lest it ends with modifications that may be problematic.
HyperionTW said:
I figured that the ability would be aimed towards small but permanent changes to the armor, the idea that armor is working towards perfecting itself.
This is a great idea and I support it.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Not sure if it's always energy. I think Armor for ToG would normally be in the Armor Inventory, but I think it's lumped under Arms Inventory here. So it can be popped on. I'd have to check though. Or Alex rules.
A normal ToG Armor is like an Arms Inventory, it has an invisible mode and put up when needed. So they are similar but with different functions (storage and defence).

For the minions: many of you only consider the fighting part of the job. Have you forgot about paperwork, or how Enryu, while being capable of detecting when someone is bullshitting him unless the other is very, very good, he isn't so good at diplomacy? Think of the roles Godou's girls have (beside the Harem): Erica is a diplomat, Yuri has the Spirit Vision, Liliana as a witch has some neat tricks while a powerhouse. The thing is, sometimes the head-on approach is not the most convenient one. Or do you want Enryu to deal with politics, with information gathering, with handling the aftermaths of his battles all by himself? A secure method to tire oneself out.
Pipeman said:
Positions I'd like to fill are the folllowing:
1. A Divine Ancestor for bringing a decent amount of power that can be used seperate from us to the table and the fact that they posess "insider knowledge" of the gods. Being a moderately powerful one would not be enough to qualify. (Could technically be replaced by having powerful other minions and having a very good minion to fill position 3.)
2. A very skilled mage specializing or at least very proficient in the fields where magic still has advantages over what we can do.
3. Someone with extremely detailed and basically encyclopedic knowledge of heretic gods, so we can easily identify what we're up against.
4. Someone with sufficient connections to Magic Associations to keep them off our backs or deal with them whenever we have to. (Has some obvious possiblities to be combined with 2 and/or 3 into one or two positions.)
5. Someone with sufficient connections to the underground to easily track down cults or artifacts. (Grandfather's organization would be a decent recruitment avenue to find someone for this.)
(Note that, if we find someone who can fill more than one position, I'd have no problem with that whatsoever, but, if we can't find someone good enough to add much to the team, we're better off leaving the position empty until we can.)
This is a very good list. A Divine Ancestor as ally isn't impossible, difficult but not impossible. There may be a suitable occasion, but I will leave the recruiting speech to your guys. Such a prize it's worthless if you don't work for it.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
Will we be able to use our new Enchantment boosts to learning speed and the like to do more each year? We could always use more slots to get shit done and move things ahead of schedule, like Memories of the Void.
Yes thanks to them many fields are now moving way faster.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
How noticeable? A full percent is a noticeable amount if the original odds were sufficiently low. And as I understand it, they'd still have to worry about the Devil rebelling because unlike us, they don't have that perfect control.

And does making a 'compatible' Devil essentially fill an Ability Slot? If so that means it needs to be C-Rank, minimum, and even higher for extra abilities like Regeneration. I imagine a Devil gets harder to control the higher rank it is to boot. The most valuable aspect of it is probably the baangs and myun it bestows. Annie is probably the only person who would get appreciable use out of in the near future and....

Well, I can't help but imagine a Devil being stuck in her, and it licking its metaphorical chops at the bounty before it. Still the best chance, but it's still not striking me as a smart idea. Unless she turns out to count as an Irregular of some kind. Then all bets are off.
It changed from one in a thousand to one in an hundred. I repeat those showed who have a Devil (Enryu, Baam, Horyang) were special.
No it doesn't fill an Ability Slot.
Annie may have more possibilities, with her skills right now the probabilities are still low. It wouldn't kill her, but the bond will fail. And don't think she would be okay with it if the thing isn't safe and secure. Which is not.
HymnOfRagnarok said:
And speaking of Items, a sneaky cheating idea may have occurred to me. Alex would have to confirm whether we could do it but if we can.....hoooo boy, this could be grand. And unfair, but what else is new?

So, a Pocket can interface with us and translate for us, yes? Function much like a computer.

Suppose we made a high level Pocket....and devote its Ability Slots to decoding and recording Memories of the Void.

It probably can't link directly, but Enryu can. All it has to do is grab everything that flows into Enryu's head, decipher it, store it.

If it is possibly, it'd probably be pretty damn hard and would require lots of 'samples' from us to make good 'translations' although these terms probably aren't the terms to use. Frankly, it probably can't catch everything, going by the sheer value of 'What the flipping fuck' going through Enryu's head. But who knows. Maybe it'd be just good enough and help us pick info out and recall it more reliably.

And best of all, we PROBABLY don't need an S-Rank Pocket to do this. We can set our sights lower and likely have enough Ability Slots to burn.
For that the Lighthouse would be better, but I see what you mean. Its functions can be tweaked to work like that, but expect a lot of trials and errors before making something worthwhile . Many of the information from The Memories of the Void are difficult to put into words.
serapheus said:
Uh, that's a possibility. But yes time and, like said, cavies.
Mithril-blade said:
To end the sort of back ad forth between myself and Hymn, do you mind anwsering the following?

-Can diagnostic tools to measure compatibility and the probable survival of any potential Devil infusees be made?
- This is an aside, but can we upgrade our Devil making skill?
- Does costumising Devils to an individual hightens the rank of said Devil?
- And finally, can we make devil Infusion through laborious costumization reasonably safe?
No because they don't exist yet. To make them data from multiple experiments is needed, and Enryu doesn't have it. Horyang and Cassano's bodies were forcefully changed to a more adequate state. If Enryu stay close during the procedure he can senses the changes and interrupt it if things goes south.
-Sure, but it will take time. Years even.
-No, only the possibilities of forming the bonds. Upping the rank up decreases those possibilities.
-Not in the immediate future.

Please understand: Enryu isn't a scientist. He is intelligent enough and has enough Shinsoo control to imitate one and work on things of which he has the, already tested, projects. But he isn't a genius or mad scientist that can make breakthroughs in months or days. For all this things he needs years. Years.

Other questions you think I didn't answer?

I will first post the Sheet update before the actual chapter, to avoid dumping everything into one place.
Also, can someone please post the details of the "Bright Slap" technique (it was called like that?) that I don't find it anymore?
Do you mean 'Hell Stab'?
Here is the details for Hell Stab. Also there is a wiki description.
Tazered said:
The Hell Stab is a Nukite, (a strike with the tips of the fingers, usually directed at soft areas like the eyes, throat or groin). It's something that Enryuu's grandfather might have taught him. In this specific case it's augmented by lightning. In the Naruto manga there were two factors hat made it dangerous.

First was that by flowing lightning chakra through the body the user augmented their strength, speed, reflexes and general durability. Second, was that the nature of lightning chakra flow through an object, caused said object to experience an increased piercing ability by breaking down the material being penetrated using high frequency vibrations, (think of a hammer drill). All of that power was combined at the users finger tips. Probably also electrocutes the victim.

The Four and Three-fingered Hell Stab focused lightning chakra on a progressively smaller area, until the One-finger Hell Stab created what Raikage called 'The Strongest Spear' a technique with such piercing power the Third Raikage nearly killed himself when he fell on his own hand while using the technique and carved into his chest.
Not sure about the version posted here, but the original is basically:
  1. Surround yourself with lightning to boost your speed, strength and reflexes.
  2. Charge at your opponent with arm outstretched, and a varying number of fingers pointed to make the 'stab'.
  3. The speed of movement, high energy and frequency of the lightning, and small contact area allow the blow to pierce through nearly anything.
That. Uhm, I also remember a version were two fingers are used to create an electrical arc, on the case that the shorter it is the more powerful (read hot) it is, creating a two fingers nukite that pierce by burning and generate a light so intense it blind the opponent.
Alexander89 said:
That. Uhm, I also remember a version were two fingers are used to create an electrical arc, on the case that the shorter it is the more powerful (read hot) it is, creating a two fingers nukite that pierce by burning and generate a light so intense it blind the opponent.
This one?
drake_azathoth said:
It's interesting that this came up, because I was thinking about a move a bit like this. Mine was different in that it didn't work with the whole 'vibration' thing. It's pretty simple, I guess.

BRIGHT STAB - Plenty of people are familiar with a welding arc. Electricity is one of the best possible ways to generate heat, but the electric arc has to remain fairly small in order for the amperage to be strong. When Shinsoo comes into play, Roberto's will can trump physics.... But playing along with physics has it's benefits.

The Bright Stab relies on a powerful current routed along a plasma arc between the index and middle finger to create an enormous amount of heat. Electrical Shinsoo is used to create the current, and Fire Shinsoo is used to sustain greater heat and protect the hand. It is 'bright' because, like a welding arc, immense light is created along with immense heat. When supported by the other fingers of the hand, it is a spear hand strike that drills and burns into an opponent, or it can be used to slap someone and create a shallower and broader burn.
What are the relative advantages/disadvantages of the two variants?
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Strength: Power, physical strength for attack or defense, it also determines how much weight you can carry or throw.​
  • B--- (39) You have the strength of an average Divine Beast.
Endurance: Your stamina as well as your durability. How much damage you can get hit with and continue: this stats also affects how long you can continue to work.
  • B--- (39) You have the endurance of an average Divine Beast.
Agility: Speed, precision, reflexes. This stat determines how fast you are in general.
  • B--- (39) You have the speed of an average Divine Beast.
Shinsoo Ki: The reserves of mystical energy that is produced by all living things and the Planet itself. Also known as Qi, Chi or simply Lifeforce, it is the source of many supernatural phenomenon like Western Magic, Eastern Daoist Arts and many high level martial arts techniques. Its strength's limits are decided at birth, but can be increased by training one's physical fitness and will or by extraordinary circumstances.
  • A- (70) Your reserves of magical energy are close to a Campione's.
Enhanced Condition Supernatural Condition: The user is glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over his parent race because his capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making him immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal members of his species can achieve by any method of training.
  • B The user is immune to almost all contaminants, physical needs like sleep and hunger are greatly reduced and has supernatural agility, awareness, balance, athleticism, combat, dexterity, durability, endurance, flexibility, intelligence, lung capacity, marksmanship, swordsmanship, memory, reflexes, senses and wisdom.
Shinsoo Strengthing Cloak: A skill to increase the density of the Shinsoo inside one's own body to stimulate physical parameters and growth.
  • C > B Constant use of this skill for an year will increase all physical parameters by four points (+4). The rank of this skill doesn't depend on your ability to control Shinsoo, but the maximum amount of Shinsoo your current body can endure.
Elemental Shinsoo (Earth): You can channel your Shinsoo through earth and other minerals to mold them.
  • A You have complete control over the element. You can create soft but elastic mud or stone hard and keen like a diamond.
Elemental Shinsoo (Lightning): You can change your Shinsoo into lightning.
  • A You have complete control over the element. The electric current generated easily reaches the 30.000 amperes, the amount of a true lightning bolt.
Shinsoo Magnetism: You can generate and control magnetic fields.
  • B+ Your abilities in this skill are noteworthy. Truly delicate manipulations aren't easy, but you compensate with raw power.
Shinsoo Magma: By combining earth and fire you can create and control magma.
  • A This skill is a pure destructive ability so finesse isn't necessary. You can also create eruptions by controlling the magma under the surface.
Earth Golem Creation: The ability to mold earth and other minerals into animated shapes.
  • B You can create over a hundred golems. Note that the more you control simultaneously, the smaller they need to be or they will crumble. Only one can reach seven stories tall, all of them aren't much bigger than a normal person.
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