[X] Wait for Mask and Japhris

A few slightly superhuman combatants are irrelevant on the scale Dorian operates at with the King in Crimson on. The Braves appear to be an 'all downside, minimal upside' option. Hamid would be valuable with his Barakah on the table but I'd rather not owe him anything.

We have something like 67 + 17 = 84 in all physical stats before factoring in temp Viscerality buffs or Barakah with the King in Crimson on, plus quintuple Viscerality emotional onslaught due to Crimson King.
It also wastes our stats. I think that diplomacy is a very powerful option with how powerful our social is right now. Almost 20 cha plus social Barakah plus Linneas buff might let us get some crazy stuff.
We can also summon the Lions via Crimson King remote biokinesis if we need even more Barakah firepower; the social complications can probably be smoothed over with Dorian's 20+ Wits and Cha plus peak-human social skills from the Cloak. In fact, I'm surprised Dorian hasn't been using Crimson King to communicate with Mask and Japhris rather than rely on messenger falcons.

The primary benefit of Recruiting Braves, on second thought, would be the chance to Pawn some of them and thus gain access to more utility effects. But the situation with Carrasco is delicate enough that wasting the chance for diplomacy seems unwise. We can get Pawns from almost anywhere, given our ability to cure virtually any biological malady our subject Pawns suffer, as well as reshape people cosmetically and functionally at a high level. And that doesn't even account for our Ring of Blood-esque comprehensive boost granted by King Crimson... which we should immediately apply to Linneas, Japhris and ideally the Lions when they get here.
I'd think that leading the Braves as a visiting lord would help with developing our Kingship, in addition to the added firepower. It may even give us a couple more barakah, as the visiting lord story has already granted us some.

[X] Recruit Village Braves
If we're going combat, there's no reason not to recruit the braves, if we're not going combat, we just wait, honestly as simple as that lads.

Especially given Recruiting them loses us absolutely nothing but maybe a tiny bit of reputation with the locals.
Its a minor boost, and we are just sacrificing the power of social for that minor boost. There is a big range of really high roll outcomes if we manage to diplomacy successfully, so I very much prefer just keeping that flexibility.
If you want to start your amassing with couple of country bumpkins, as it were, we can wait a couple of hours after we resolve the issue of Lieutenant Carrasco to start recruiting.
I'd think that leading the Braves as a visiting lord would help with developing our Kingship, in addition to the added firepower. It may even give us a couple more barakah, as the visiting lord story has already granted us some.

[X] Recruit Village Braves

We can't upgrade our Kingship without fulfilling the pre-requisites of Crimson King anyway, so the Barakah bonus is the only relevant factor. But I don't think the Barakah gains of such local-scale action are remotely worth risking Musurov's life for. We still don't even have a good plan for successfully ambushing her while securing Musurov (besides 'rely on Mask,' which the unsubtle Braves have explicitly been called out as possibly fucking up), so the veneer of diplomacy is necessary to accomplish our primary goal here.
Man I'm so interested in how the door thing plays out. Even if we end up killing Lieutenant we still might preserve the door and negotiate with Orbital Command. I'm sure they would love to have a connection to another world. But what is the potential fallout? Perhaps Hierarchy doesn't appreciate worlds being linked and triggers the things beneath us? Perhaps technological difference would bring up a conflict between the two? Perhaps mana from Taure would rush to Providence and cause yet another massive increase in plant life? Perhaps door have limited charge?

While there are many potential gains for us here(tech, relics, Dwindlings, info etc) there are many potential things that could go wrong with trying to connect the world. It is just so very interesting.

I'm noticing relative lack of headphones in last few chapters. It would seem you are getting bored of it Birdsie. Could we add the "spend Import to combine earphones and Oracle" since we have some time and we are grinding that mask anyway?
Although it is also possible we don't get anything special from doors either. That's fine too.

Anyway, we have three months in this world. Ignoring any overarching plot that may take up our time, we can do the following things:
  • Grind Viscerality: 50% training bonus and stage elevation make it a great value
  • Grind Containment: We have a number of potentially powerful techniques we could work on i.e. transforming emotions, energy, bodies, Fixation etc.
  • Grind Masks: We can make copies of Masks and then use Hammer to fuse them to increase overall Potential
  • Grind Kingship: Do big stuff to get more Pawn space for Mask and Musurov
  • Collect buffs: Seems that Barakah allows people to buff us, so it might be useful to get some
  • Grind Street Attunement: Just travel around, getting it to 6 or 7 would be great
  • Heal Dreamless: CK has in build way to heal this with time, so just hanging out with guys would be helpful
  • Grind Other skills
If you had to pick three or so, which ones would you go for? For me - well I think I'd just do a bit of everything here. I value most of these in equal measure. If I had to pick, I'd probably go for Contamination, Masks and Attunement to max out of Street stuff and figure out Fixation manipulation.

e: also forgot "Grind Barakah". Since it is world specific it will probably take precedence over most of these, and with little luck we could get it to upwards of 1000. A plan where we travel around grinding Street Attunement, collecting buffs, grinding Barakah and Kingship wouldn't be the worst.
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