We can also summon the Lions via Crimson King remote biokinesis if we need even more Barakah firepower; the social complications can probably be smoothed over with Dorian's 20+ Wits and Cha plus peak-human social skills from the Cloak. In fact, I'm surprised Dorian hasn't been using Crimson King to communicate with Mask and Japhris rather than rely on messenger falcons.
The primary benefit of Recruiting Braves, on second thought, would be the chance to Pawn some of them and thus gain access to more utility effects. But the situation with Carrasco is delicate enough that wasting the chance for diplomacy seems unwise. We can get Pawns from almost anywhere, given our ability to cure virtually any biological malady our subject Pawns suffer, as well as reshape people cosmetically and functionally at a high level. And that doesn't even account for our Ring of Blood-esque comprehensive boost granted by King Crimson... which we should immediately apply to Linneas, Japhris and ideally the Lions when they get here.