The Steep Path Ahead [Familiar of Zero AU]

Where did you get that Saito was lying to Louise? I figured he was just not giving the full story right now and would inform her once she recovered her composure. Saito's an idiot, not stupid.
They are paid in exp and scrap as every other reasonable adventurer in the history of rpg
might have something to do with the fact that the louise was 5 seconds away from vaporizing saito for not keeping their 'secret' mission a secret, or it might have something to do with the fact that saito saw somekind of water monster burst out of his body and tear apart a person or it might just be that saito doesn't want to set his permanently over angry partner on attack mode against the cute princess who helped him more then once

take your pick
Except it would be far better to tell Louise now and let her cool off in the travel time before they can actually see Charlotte? I'll call a drama llama when I see one. Saito has no real justification for lying at this point, and it's a strong contrast to how he's been shown to motor-mouth secrets for most of the arc.

Not really, in fact it just shows how fragil that bond is due luise inability to trust other people, Saito included

yeah no, that is simple the result of luise never thinking thinks really through, I mean 'let's explore the vastness of my willpower during a zombie apocalypse while the others fight for their life' sure that sounds like a real smart idea

Luise is always jumping conclusions and once she reached them she won't move away from them unless it is shown to be the opposite, so does it really surprise you that Saito doesn't want to paint charlotte in a negative light and have crusader luis come out again ?
I get the strong impression you're just ranting about Luise, because none of this has anything to do with my post.

Where did you get that Saito was lying to Louise? I figured he was just not giving the full story right now and would inform her once she recovered her composure.
If he had simply not mentioned Sheffield and the water spirit, he technically would not have lied. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

But he did specify, so it does indeed qualify as a lie.
Saito's an idiot, not stupid.
:facepalm: Those words are synonymous.
Except it would be far better to tell Louise now and let her cool off in the travel time before they can actually see Charlotte?

Yeah no, think again, that is luise we are talking about, a cynical young woman with incredible trust and agner issues, she wouldn't cool off, no it would be quite the opposite, she would grow angrierer and angierer and convince herself more and more about the rightness of her opinion,

Luise is clearly not type of person who can think well or think at all when she is angry/scared(angrier)/worried(really mother fucking angry), and would most likely jump to the conclusion that charlotte used them and since Saito lacks both proof against it and/or good arguments against such a theory in order to convince her otherwise he keeps quite about it, especially since he himself hasn't the slightes clue about what really happened there
Not to mention Saito is viewed by luise as too trusting and naive so most of his arguments would probably be dismissed by her anyway

I get the strong impression you're just ranting about Luise, because none of this has anything to do with my post.

I do not, all I do is pointing out her faults and flaws both in person as in thinking, I would do the same with Saito (in fact I do, like when I pointed how saito wastes away his knowledge and understanding, by simple ignoring it) but most of his faults and flaws are pointed out by either luise or are shown by shade through saitos actions,

And it had something to do with your post, because you said this arc undermined her strong bound, while I say it is quite the opposite, because it shows how despite all this time their is bound is not quite that strong at all

Sure they care for each other (that is the foundation of their bound afterall) but they do not really trust fully each other,
Luise doesn't trust Saito with not messing up, or keeping a secret or not perving on woman
while Saito doesn't trust Luise with keeping her calm and not blowing (them all) up

this shows there are still quite a few barriers between them and most of them come from luise, or rather the cynical, distrustful, violent and angry part of her that she uses both as a mask and as a defense mechanism for when she is scared or uncertain
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-One

The Royalist flag fluttered in the wind as the ship made a gentle landing just outside the fortress city of Newcastle, landing on the dirt and sinking deeply within it. A group of flying dragon knights made their way quickly from the city's fortified walls towards the fallen ship, and as they began to circle it, a lonely knight detached itself from the rest.

"Hark! Who are you!?" the man's voice was boisterous, and in the silence that followed, it was Louise who spoke first.

"We are Knights of the North Parterre!" she said with the manliest of voices, her mask firmly set on her face. "And assorted adventurers, and civilians, and orphan children," as if to enunciate the point, the children behind Tiffania all waved cheerfully upwards. "We come from Londinium-"

"The city was beset by the Undead," the Knight replied, landing its white dragon on the deck, and descending nimbly. "It was a given that all those that could have escaped headed for the countryside, and the Reconquista would not allow a ship to escape their blockade this easily."

"My partner burned down their palace," Louise said roughly, gesturing at Saito. "And defeated the Necromancer involved with those blasphemous acts against the Gods," she added. "If you don't believe us, then send someone to spy on the capital, and tell if their palace still stands or not."

The knight narrowed his eyes, staring at Louise first, and then at Saito. "You expect us to believe this tripe?"

"I expect you to verify it before calling it tripe," Louise snapped back, a hand rested at ease on her swordwand. "We are Knights of the North Parterre, and with the ascension to the throne of Lady Charlotte, royal knights sworn in her service! If you wish to question our word, then do so at your own risk, Sir!"

"Peace, peace!" the Knight replied with a hand raised. "If your words are the truth, then they are most welcomed, Sirs. Our scouts have yet to report on Londinium's status, but if your words ring true, then perhaps Reconquista's back has been broken, and with it, everything they wanted to obtain."

The man sighed, "The fortress has little to offer, it was under siege until just a scant week ago, but with the countryside cleared we have begun to recover what provisions we could. It also helps that the blockade has indeed been lifted."

"You were testing us," Louise said hotly.

"I was merely making sure you were whom you said you were, Knights of the North Parterre," the knight answered. "I am Sir Lohrac Vale, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. But please, have patience just a little bit. We have to check the ship from scaffolding to anchor before allowing it to dock properly."

"Fine," Louise huffed, "We'll wait. Captain Bleu? Lower the boardwalk. The children could use some running around in the fields, unless they are dangerous criminals in the eyes of Sir Vale?" Louise added, giving a dry smile at the knight of Albion who simply chuckled, and gestured for his men to descend.

The children were quite happy to touch solid ground after a long time spent confined in the ship itself, and as they ran around cheerfully, the rest of the men proceeded to check the ship from top to bottom, spending most of the day tapping on the wooden walls or opening up crates and boxes.

When the Albion knights were done, and felt confident enough that there wasn't a secret Reconquista army inside the ship, they allowed them to embark and follow them to a proper docking pier within the fortress city itself. Disembarking for the second time, Saito scratched the side of his head at the amount of people pressed into the city. While there weren't nearly as many beggars as there had been in Valier, those who were indeed watching them felt as if they had seen true horrors, and survived to speak the tale.

"It helped us that most of the country saw us as nearly defeated, and backed in a corner," Lohrac spoke at Saito's inquiring gaze, "We did not have much in the way of provisions, and mostly only those loyal to the Crown of Albion and their families kept following his Highness. When the army broke, we were pretty much resorting ourselves to a final charge," the man sighed, "It would have been glorious, but again, if the Gods did not wish for it, then so be it."

"The Gods don't want men to waste their lives away," Louise said dryly, "Not when they can serve the Founder better by being alive."

"We would have died anyway, killed by those traitors!" Lohrac said while spatting to the side. "The Undead plague was the answer we needed from the Gods as proof of their unworthiness! Let us see them now convince the commoners that they'll bring food to their tables! Let us see them, their bodies eaten alive by the dead, speak the same!" he lifted a fist to the air. "The Gods have spoken! The Crown is the sole rightful ruler of Albion, and let those who claim the opposite meet their end passed by the sword of justice!"

"Long live the King of Albion!" one of the knights nearby said.

"Long live His Highness, Wales Tudor, By the grace of the Gods, King of Albion!" a few other knights soon joined in cheerfully. The procession stopped in the halls of the castle, where only the two Knights were allowed to proceed further in order to meet with the King in person.

"We'll be fine, Sir Saito, Sir Louis," Josette said cheerfully, "Captain Bleu said he'll need a hand preparing the ship for departure once more anyway-so we'll help him!" she waved them goodbye like an over-excited kid, right in the middle of a group of knights who could not help but chuckle at the affectionately childish display.

Jeanette blushed lightly as she waved goodbye, "Sir Saito-thank you once more for your kind words," she made a prim and proper curtsy, before averting her gaze quite shyly.

Jacques was a simple man, so he simply nodded his head towards Saito and raised his thumb up, as if approving whatever was in his head concerning the boy and Jeanette. This did make the Japanese splutter, but also smile warmly at the faint sense of praise and approval he was receiving.

Captain Bleu simply pulled his foppish hat off his head, and then made a nice, flourished movement with it. "Till we meet again, Sir Saito, Sir Louis!"

"I'll be glad to have something better than salted pigeon in my stomach," Marteau said with a chuckle, waving his goodbye too. Tiffania simply bowed as gently as she could, still slightly fearful as she clutched her hat tightly. It was what she did when she was afraid, which simply made her look all the more cuter with the way her elbows ended up pressing against her two noticeable qualities.

"Keep a spot for us," Saito said. "We'll need a brave captain to sail us back to La Rochelle."

"Of course!" Bleu said with a smile, "I'll be waiting for you, Sirs!"

And that was that.

When Saito stepped inside the great room that had been prepared specifically for the King to grant them audience, the first thought that crossed his mind was that the King was quite a sight. He had blond hair, blue eyes, a serene smile and seemed to be holding up pretty well considered what had happened across his lands just a short while before.

The Knight that had led them here -and sent a messenger ahead to relay their story- stepped aside at the entrance and declared with a loud booming voice, "You stand at the presence of His Grace, the Most Rightful King-"

"Enough Lohrac, enough," the King said with a soft chuckle. "I am sure they are tired from the trip, and the search, and would probably love nothing more than a good bed for the night," his eyes moved on to them both, and then he smiled. "Also, do leave us alone, Lohrac." He stood up from his throne -which was simply a slightly bigger chair than the others around the room, and as the knight bowed once and left, closing the doors behind him, the King of Albion drew close enough to both Saito and Louise that it was apparent he had recently bathed in some form of peppermint-scented bath.

"Well," the man said. "Tell me, strong Knights of the North Parterre," Wales had a hint of a smile on his lips now, "How fares my beautiful cousin Henrietta?"

"Henrietta? What Hen-"

Two things happened in quick succession. The first was that Louise's hold on Saito's neck made the boy slam down on the ground faster than the King himself could blink, and the second was that she actually shot him a glare deadly enough to silence him in a split-second. "Kneel you moron!" Louise said in a hiss, "And we apologize, your Highness, but as Knight of the North Parterre-we serve the Queen of Gallia. We have-"

"Everything is all right, Lady Louise," Wales said with a small smile, making Louise catch her breath. "The Cardinal warned me you and your partner would come by," he chuckled. "But you have nothing to fear. Your secret is safe with me," he added with a wink. "Just like I hope mine is with you?"

"The letters were destroyed," Saito said. "I-I saw to it," he added.

The King smiled, and lifted the boy's left hand with both of his own. "I see," he said with a small grin. "No reason to doubt your word, Sir Saito. You did me, and the country of Albion, a great service in also taking care of the Undead from what I am to believe?"

"It was mostly Louise," Saito said, embarrassed. "She took out the majority of their army outside the city. I just-I just cut the head off the snake."

The king nodded, letting the hand go, "I understand," he added. "Still, such acts must be rewarded. I would see you titled, give you land-but you are a Knight of Gallia and a noble of Tristain I am to believe? That does make me wonder on what I could possibly gift you," he tapped on his scepter with his left hand, the right one holding on to it.

"Your highness-if I may be so blunt as to ask," Louise began speaking, and to Wales' nod of the head, she continued, "The Cardinal exchanged letters with you? You, the King of Albion, were supposed to be"

The King smiled, and then chuckled for a little bit before answering, "Of course, the Cardinal has...a history, of aiding me and my cousin-well, now that is quite the improper thing to say to a Lady of your standing so I shall refrain, but there is little the Cardinal wouldn't do if Henrietta were to ask him, in turn, it is just proper that for her happiness I would do anything, even allow for the proof of our eternal love to be burned rather than recovered. Why wouldn't I? I have been offered the chance to marry her."

"Sorry to bother-" Saito said, "But-well, why didn't the Cardinal just say it outright that we had to reach Newcastle to find his 'like-minded men'?"

"The Cardinal...probably did not trust you with that knowledge," Wales said. "The fact that I am in contact with him, and in turn my cousin Henrietta, might be dangerous fuel added to the scorching fires of Germania's ire, were they to be raised. You might have been captured trying to pass the blockade-or perhaps ended up too drunk during a night of revelry, such knowledge could not be allowed to so casually slip out-"

"But we didn't know where to even start looking for the letters! I found them by luck!" Saito exclaimed, only for Louise to stomp his foot and glare at him.

"You're in the presence of royalty, Saito! You don't question -or interrupt- royalty!"

Wales blinked, and then awkwardly coughed in the palm of his left hand, closed into a fist. "Well, he...probably did one of his 'box within a box' thing. I do not fully understand how the man thinks. Perhaps he has forgotten how he thinks too. He might have suggested you a place to start your research from? He was so sure you would acquire those letters, he wrote he had already begun mobilizing the royal navy of Tristain in his last missive-"

Saito stared at Louise.

Louise stared at Saito.

"No?" they both said at the same time, actually interrupting the King once more, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Well," Wales said, "You will have to ask him yourself then. We have a meeting arranged at La Rochelle a week after Reconquista's hold on Londinium has broken, together with my dear Henrietta to discuss our upcoming marriage," he smiled. "But before that, I still need to reward you for the service rendered to the Crown of Albion."

Saito broke his silence long enough to actually ask for something that couldn't be, in any way, shape, or form, a bad thing.

Louise pretty much asked for the same thing.

As agents of the Crown, glory and honor were everything they needed.

As adventurers, gold was a good enough substitute.
Huh, you know I think this is the fist ever FoZ story I've read where Reconquista fails in Albion and Wales survives. Gotta say, I'm loving all these AU elements.
Am I the only one who wants to punch Cardinal Mazarin in the balls?
...It's really getting hard to play devil's advocate for a man who, whether he knows it or not, keeps screwing over the protagonists of the story. I mean, there has to be a limit. Either he's incompetent, which I doubt. Or it's deliberate action. I count at least three occasions of him screwing over Saito and Louise... so yeah, a holy nut slugging may be upon us in the near future.
Yeah no, think again, that is luise we are talking about, a cynical young woman with incredible trust and agner issues, she wouldn't cool off, no it would be quite the opposite, she would grow angrierer and angierer and convince herself more and more about the rightness of her opinion,

Luise is clearly not type of person who can think well or think at all when she is angry/scared(angrier)/worried(really mother fucking angry), and would most likely jump to the conclusion that charlotte used them and since Saito lacks both proof against it and/or good arguments against such a theory in order to convince her otherwise he keeps quite about it, especially since he himself hasn't the slightes clue about what really happened there
Not to mention Saito is viewed by luise as too trusting and naive so most of his arguments would probably be dismissed by her anyway
Do you have any evidence for your assertions? Louise forgave the Cardinal instantly when she found out he ruined her life, and from the start one of the key differences from canon!Louise has been that she is far more reasonable. This Louise actually listens to Saito's explanations and stops being angry if they make sense. Furthermore Charlotte is both royalty and her boss, and it has become exceedingly evident that this Louise will not question or criticize those she considers above her.

I do not, all I do is pointing out her faults and flaws both in person as in thinking, I would do the same with Saito (in fact I do, like when I pointed how saito wastes away his knowledge and understanding, by simple ignoring it) but most of his faults and flaws are pointed out by either luise or are shown by shade through saitos actions,

And it had something to do with your post, because you said this arc undermined her strong bound, while I say it is quite the opposite, because it shows how despite all this time their is bound is not quite that strong at all

Sure they care for each other (that is the foundation of their bound afterall) but they do not really trust fully each other,
Luise doesn't trust Saito with not messing up, or keeping a secret or not perving on woman
while Saito doesn't trust Luise with keeping her calm and not blowing (them all) up
The first 50-odd chapters of this fic were dedicated to developing the bond between these characters. I don't think you can legitimately argue that the bond was still weak at this point, furthermore the characters have done the very things you claim as evidence multiple times before this arc.
Luise doesn't trust Saito with not messing up, or keeping a secret or not perving on woman
while Saito doesn't trust Luise with keeping her calm and not blowing (them all) up
Louise trusts Saito to protect her life without messing up, and she has followed his lead when he wanted to chose the next quest. And initially she was right not to trust him with women, since he doesn't start trying to being trustworthy about that until she explains why its a bad idea for him to date locals. Same story with keeping secrets, he has not been displaying trustworthiness in that area. Also I fail to recall any instances of this Louise blowing people up outside of combat, as I said before she is notably less volatile than canon!Louise.

this shows there are still quite a few barriers between them and most of them come from luise, or rather the cynical, distrustful, violent and angry part of her that she uses both as a mask and as a defense mechanism for when she is scared or uncertain
Actually she uses a literal mask + "manly persona" for that in this fic. You are bitching about character flaws that do not appear in this AU.
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I keep seeing characters raise praise to the "Gods." I was under the impression that the canon (heh) brimiric faith was a monotheistic religion. Brimir being the prophet of the Almighty, bringing faith to the humans of Halkeginia. An odd mishmash of the three major prophets of the judeo-christian religions, filling the roles of leader, savior, and crusader

Apparently in this AU the brimiric faith is polytheistic? I feel like I'm missing something important.
I keep seeing characters raise praise to the "Gods." I was under the impression that the canon (heh) brimiric faith was a monotheistic religion. Brimir being the prophet of the Almighty, bringing faith to the humans of Halkeginia. An odd mishmash of the three major prophets of the judeo-christian religions, filling the roles of leader, savior, and crusader

Apparently in this AU the brimiric faith is polytheistic? I feel like I'm missing something important.

Back to the Basics Thread Number 6 at Space Battles, seek out 'Religion in Halk' for answers to your query.
Wales blinked, and then awkwardly coughed in the palm of his left hand, closed into a fist. "Well, he...probably did one of his 'box within a box' thing. I do not fully understand how the man thinks. Perhaps he has forgotten how he thinks too. He might have suggested you a place to start your research from? He was so sure you would acquire those letters, he wrote he had already begun mobilizing the royal navy of Tristain in his last missive-"
Hmm, could be telling whether or not the navy actually is mobilized...and for what purpose if it is.
He was so sure you would acquire those letters, he wrote he had already begun mobilizing the royal navy of Tristain in his last missive-"

Saito stared at Louise.

Louise stared at Saito.

"No?" they both said at the same time, actually interrupting the King once more, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Well," Wales said, "You will have to ask him yourself then. We have a meeting arranged at La Rochelle a week after Reconquista's hold on Londinium has broken, together with my dear Henrietta to discuss our upcoming marriage," he smiled. "But before that, I still need to reward you for the service rendered to the Crown of Albion."


Ok, let's say that the Cardinal knew the letters would be destroyed because of a PLOT* of his or something. HOW did he also know that Londonium would fall, and that the Reconquista would be severely weakened? WHY does it matter that the letters are destroyed if Reconquista have been beaten off? Surely breaking their hold on Londonium would have been enough?

*actually a plot of Charlotte's? Methinks they are in cahoots.

The letters are a blackmail threat to get Germania after Tristain if they're revealed, right?

"The leader of Reconquista managed to get his hands on some letters written by the Princess," the cardinal said as his hands clenched against his knees. "Some compromising letters which, if revealed, could prevent the marriage with Germania. We need that marriage," the cardinal sucked air in sharply. "With the death of the king of Gallia-his body hasn't yet gone cold, we need that marriage to safeguard us when the Gallian army will come knocking for answers."

Right. So then why is Wales suddenly convinced he'll be the one marrying Henrietta instead? What's the point of destroying the letters if the marriage to Germania doesn't matter?

For that matter, why not just send Karin if he knew about the undead plague already? It's not like you need plausible deniability when everyone is already dead.
Hmm, could be telling whether or not the navy actually is mobilized...and for what purpose if it is.
Remember what he told everyone after Joseph was ganked?
As the staff he held that was a symbol of his office slammed on the ground, the floor trembled as it repaired itself, removing all traces of the knight in armor from having ever stepped inside the ballroom. "The Crown will act against this grievous offense from Reconquista," the Cardinal continued, his voice easily reaching across the entire room.
underline mine.

Edit: However if he's in cahoots with Charlotte and knew Reconquista's backer was about to be taken out, he may just be planning to conquer Albion.

Wild speculation: five letters implies the affair may have gone on longer. If Henrietta is pregnant, the Cardinal may be trying to arrange a totally-not-shotgun wedding.
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Wales blinked, and then awkwardly coughed in the palm of his left hand, closed into a fist. "Well, he...probably did one of his 'box within a box' thing. I do not fully understand how the man thinks. Perhaps he has forgotten how he thinks too. He might have suggested you a place to start your research from? He was so sure you would acquire those letters, he wrote he had already begun mobilizing the royal navy of Tristain in his last missive-"

Saito stared at Louise.

Louise stared at Saito.

"No?" they both said at the same time, actually interrupting the King once more, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Well," Wales said, "You will have to ask him yourself then. We have a meeting arranged at La Rochelle a week after Reconquista's hold on Londinium has broken, together with my dear Henrietta to discuss our upcoming marriage," he smiled. "But before that, I still need to reward you for the service rendered to the Crown of Albion."

huh, he might have. as fire is a cleansing/purifying element magically/symbolically, as well as a way of dealing with plague in canon and historically IRL. The Londinium, which had the letters stored within it, needed to be cleansed of undead. the cardinal might have been hinting that Londinium was in fact where they needed to go.

I keep seeing characters raise praise to the "Gods." I was under the impression that the canon (heh) brimiric faith was a monotheistic religion. Brimir being the prophet of the Almighty, bringing faith to the humans of Halkeginia. An odd mishmash of the three major prophets of the judeo-christian religions, filling the roles of leader, savior, and crusader

Apparently in this AU the brimiric faith is polytheistic? I feel like I'm missing something important.

try the English god as Japanese Kami, as Kami is used for nature spirits as well as gods. Or as the Back to Basic thread says it might be more along the lines of Hinduism, where all the gods are portions of one greater god worshiped in different ways/aspects like the greek athena/roman minerva where they took away war athenas war and worshiped Minerva as patron of the arts and sciences, or the greek kronos(/Chronos/Chronus)/roman Saturn where Saturn was worshiped more along the lines of changing of seasons than titan king
Ok, let's say that the Cardinal knew the letters would be destroyed because of a PLOT* of his or something. HOW did he also know that Londonium would fall, and that the Reconquista would be severely weakened? WHY does it matter that the letters are destroyed if Reconquista have been beaten off? Surely breaking their hold on Londonium would have been enough?
Because the Cardinal is a hypocrite, and wanted Louise and Saito to die so Karin would suffer.
@sidestory You aren't very familiar with tiered computer support, are you? No shame in it, but the car mechanic metaphor only goes so far in this case. Well, I suppose I could liken it to the car owner taking the car to the mechanic in order to have the mechanic turn on his turn indicators for him? I digress... The vast majority of the education that Saito would have as an average underachieving Japanese student would be absolutely worthless in Halk. Hell, even the more practical parts of the majority of his science and mathematics education would barely rival the commoners in charge of breeding horses or artillery, respectively. Most of the infrastructure necessary to use his education isn't in existence, and he doesn't have a clear enough understanding to make even the most basic of tools.

On his education, Japan's history classes have a surprisingly large outline on the capabilities and names of their country's (and in part, the US's) weapons. Even an average student would be able to recognize an RPG or Zero fighter, even if they can't remember everything about them.

The cardinal's behavior really mirroring his namesake. Additionally, I am seeing more parallels with our actual history. Shade, are you a history buff yourself?
So I've thought about this and...

1. Henrietta is engaged to the Emperor of Germania.
2. Reconquista obtains the letters and threatens to wreck the marriage if Tristain acts in support of Albion. e: The reason that Henrietta must marry the Emperor, given by the Cardinal, is that Gallia will be after Tristain, but that reason didn't apply until the King was assassinated, literally minutes before. There is probably another hidden reason the blackmail was damaging, or else it never actually applied in the first place. Note that the canon reason, that Reconquista would come after Tristain next, doesn't apply under an active blackmail attempt.
3. The King of Gallia is assassinated along with an attempt on the Queen of Tristain.
4. The Cardinal publicly promises action against the Reconquista.
5. Saito and Louise are given the mission to destroy the letters.
6. The Cardinal begins to act as if the mission has already succeeded, in accordance with his promise. This includes military mobilization and exchanging correspondence with Wales implying military help is coming. This is despite the extremely vague instructions he gave Saito and Louise. The only guidance that Saito and Louise got was from Charlotte / Josette and from the water spirit Charlotte implanted in Saito.
6a. Corollary: The Cardinal knows the mission will succeed, or the Cardinal believes promises to Wales mean nothing, or the mission doesn't actually matter.
6b. It's possible the Cardinal is cooperating with Charlotte.
7. The Cardinal may or may not have already known about the undead plague (what caused this? the death of the Gallian King = Sheffield loses control? or loses her marbles?)
8. The Cardinal may or may not have already known that the Reconquista would be weakened by the undead plague.
9. Wales believes he will be engaged to Henrietta, likely from his correspondence with the Cardinal.

The actually confusing part is why Wales thinks he will be marrying Henrietta when Henrietta is promised to the Emperor of Germania, and the given reason for the marriage (protection against Gallia) still applies.


Wardes. The assassination of Wales from canon. We never figure out who Wardes is working for in this AU. If Wales is assassinated or an attempt is made in the upcoming updates?

Because the Cardinal is a hypocrite, and wanted Louise and Saito to die so Karin would suffer.

Certainly possible, but he should not have mobilized Tristain's fleet in that case, as the blackmail would still apply.
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"Everything is all right, Lady Louise," Wales said with a small smile, making Louise catch her breath. "The Cardinal warned me you and your partner would come by," he chuckled. "But you have nothing to fear. Your secret is safe with me," he added with a wink. "Just like I hope mine is with you?"
Right -- we must keep your relationship with Princess Henrietta secret so that she can marry the Germanian emperor...

"...I have been offered the chance to marry her."
...that's a terrible way to keep your relationship with her a secret.
It was what she did when she was afraid, which simply made her look all the more cuter with the way her elbows ended up pressing against her two noticeable qualities.
all the cuter with the way

Wonder if Tiffania shall be coming back with our adventuring duo to Tristain? Tristania? However you spell the country.
Meh, just cousins. Between Japanese cultural mores and the standard inbreeding of nobility it's hardly weird.

First paternal cousins even in many cultures where cousin marriage is normal that's tends to be not permitted and in spite of the sterotype inbreeding wasn't common amougnst medival and early modern nobles other than the main line of the hapsburg family who famously inbreeded themselves out of existence. There were religious and cultural Bias against even the marriage of second and third cousins without religious approval during the high middle ages to the early modern period in Europe . Of course it wasn't common even in the roman empire though there was no cultural bias then though it would eventually be banned by Imperial law in both the western and eastern halfs of the empire.

It was even stricter during the early middle ages when it was forbidden as incest to marry your fifth or sixth cousin without the premition of either the pope or a Patriarch.
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First paternal cousins even in many cultures where cousin marriage is normal that's tends to be not permitted and in spite of the sterotype inbreeding wasn't common amougnst medival and early modern nobles other than the main line of the hapsburg family who famously inbreeded themselves out of existence. There were religious and cultural Bias against even the marriage of second and third cousins without religious approval during the high middle ages to the early modern period in Europe . Of course it wasn't common even in the roman empire though there was no cultural bias then though it would eventually be banned by Imperial law in both the western and eastern halfs of the empire.

It was even stricter during the early middle ages when it was forbidden as incest to marry your fifth or sixth cousin without the premition of either the pope or a Patriarch.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there may be more to the whole marriage thing beyond the incest issue. Isn't the basis of the royal lines in Halkegania that they were descended from the children of Brimir, and that it's only in those lines that the Void element can appear? I don't know if that's common knowledge (it may be limited to church higher ups and royals), but it would give basis for the royal families to encourage first or second cousin marriages just to keep the line "strong" and increase the chances of a Void mage being born while at least reducing the chances of issues with the resultant child. To note, I don't know if that's accurate or not. I don't know enough about FoZ canon to make the call but I think it's accurate.

Honestly, it may be somewhat pointless to try and draw comparisons between our middle ages and Halkegania's middle ages, since aside from the superficial differences, it's in every significant way a different world. It's like saying a tuna is like a shark. Technically they're both fish, but that's about it. There could be a lot of reasons for why incest would be way more acceptable in Halk than it is here, with no small amount of blame being laid at the feet of Magic.