Maybe I wasn't clear. I know you didn't say that, but the vote that you were voting for had her in there. I was just frustrated because I felt that while it seemed your position was not consistent with either my vote or the other vote yet you where focused on me changing mine. I guess that should be a flattery? That you wanted to focus on improving my vote? But in the stress of the voting period ending soon I guess it didn't feel that way. Sorry for getting wound up over it.
No worries, we all get invested when we write a plan vote. I know I certainly do.
I'll say that I think the demons restrictions on travel are way too harsh. She'd be traveling by ship at best if she decides on Essos, and would have no clues other then the agents last know location. Which we learned several years ago. I think it should be 5 years instead of 3, and maybe the periodically returning to Westeros should be changed too because that's a lot of travel.
I added a note to make the time period for that restriction negotiable, I figure we can lean on IC knowledge to make sure the number is reasonable.
I'm letting you guys know I'm changing to the harsher plan so we don't kill the demon immediately. Some of you are voting for my name.

I'll say that I think the demons restrictions on travel are way too harsh. She'd be traveling by ship at best if she decides on Essos, and would have no clues other then the agents last know location. Which we learned several years ago. I think it should be 5 years instead of 3, and maybe the periodically returning to Westeros should be changed too because that's a lot of travel.

She could search for years an not find the guy until he started ramping up for the Others return, if she does at all. That's why I said it was a long shot and wanted to make a trading expedition out of it, both as a cover, as a legitimate investment, and as an excuse to give her resources which she could use to track him down.

P.S. Oh wow... you were all voting for my name. Sorry, but it change my vote or never or kill her immediately. I want to see more of this character. If she's legit, maybe she can contact the Children.
I agree that the terms are way too harsh and too akin to enslavement for me to be comfortable with. Not to mention, I don't think we need to be or should be deciding where she's going or what she's doing right now -- if we're going to force a separation, I'd rather impose a one-year trial period where Faelora can demonstrate her skills & utility, and her commitment to abiding by our rules by having her in our court, under our & Dawn's watchful eyes (and Aelora can "detox" and decide after the year's up if she wants to reunite or not) and then we can figure out the best use for her later. Hammering everything down right now feels unrealistic and railroad-y besides the which.

I'd try to design a plan that balances firm oaths with flexible assignment futures, but there's not enough time left.
Now meanwhile, it would be good to give a resume of everything she have said, right?.

There this entity the weaver, who for what she said is the creator of demons(or whatever name they call themselves), who left, die, disapear of probably anything or nothing of the sort kinda sorta at the same time the empire of the dawn come from, right? right.

Acording to this there is two kind of beings, gods and elemental, granted the diferent between one and the other may be blurried(as the great scholar from colchis said onces "the diferent between demons and gods largely depend of were you stand from") and she said Dragon are fire elementals, now this would probably conect to canon in that most magic is elemental and acording to some fan theory(which vocalist have make a habit of canonizing here) there are point were elemental magic is stronger: asshai in the shadow, valyria(or whatever it remains in valyria), rhyonar(or whatever the hell it remains in rhyonar), beyond the wall and probably sorthyos.

If I have to speculate and I fucking love to do so, I will said that:
-The church of the starry wisdom is whatever remains of empire of the dawn and is super duper clark third tech shit, probably with sweet lovecrafnian stuff in good mesuring.
-The used to be a bigger landmass back in the day in pyke that was sunk and there is were the deep ones remains.

Now one point is intersting....she call seven both false gods and daevas and daevas are usually bad guys in iranian mythos(but good one in indian get weird) so there is a cross enemy faction here?.

Maybe we should send faeora to children? granted that could mean taking to bloodraven and I dont want to be shank by our own sword again(bonus point, is probably that bastard actually remenbers that).
Cool, vote called. Plan: Demands wins. Please imagine Rhaegar drafting a page-long contract for the demon to swear to. Next chapter will be a check-in on Aelora (sans demon this time) and Matarys, then finally back to Westeros.

I'm sure no dramatic events happened in Rhaegar's absence. :D
Terms of the Desire Demon's Binding
Terms were written by @Elder Haman, with some edits by the QM. I re-organized it and closed some of the loopholes.
  1. This oath shall apply to the demon currently (at time of agreement) possessing Aelora Brightflame, henceforth referred to as "Aelora." It shall continue to apply no matter what form, alias, or body she wears.
  2. All terms applying to Rhaegar Targaryen shall also apply to his heir.
  3. All terms applying to Arthur Dayne shall also apply to other wielders of Dawn.
  4. When in Westeros, Aelora may not enslave anyone in any way (this includes enslavement via mind control), take any noble title that involves rulership over land, or feed from the same person twice.
  5. Rhaegar Targaryen is willing to help her hide her nature as a demon as long as he can maintain deniability. He makes no promise to stand against the church if she should be discovered, though he may help her to "escape" to Essos.
  6. When in Essos, the restraints are less onerous. Aelora may not enslave anyone from Westeros in any way (this includes enslavement via mind control). She may not feed from the same person before their soul has recovered fully from the last time. If she chooses to leave Westeros, she must within the next three years travel to Carcosa and work to eliminate the Others' agent there.
  7. Regardless of her choice of location she must send monthly reports (using code or other appropriate secrecy measures) of who she has used magic on, and interactions with any being of magical power. She must report to King's Landing at least once every three years (negotiable) in person, with a full account of her travels and interactions, until the person (selected by Rhaegar) she has reported to is satisfied.
  8. Under no circumstances should she feed on someone beyond their ability to heal, unless given permission by either Rhaegar Targaryen or Arthur Dayne.
  9. For the rest of her existence she must never give aid to the Others or their agents, with the sole exception of Rhaegar Targaryen son of Aerys, and the revenants whom he has personally raised.
  10. She must never do harm to a member of Rhaegar Targaryen's family, his retainers, or his vassals, without permission from either Rhaegar Targaryen, Arthur Dayne or Oberyn Martell.
  11. Aelora will not reveal any information of this agreement to those other then Rhaegar Targaryen, Arthur Dayne, Nenya Brightflame, Elia Martell, Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, Oberyn Martell, Malora Hightower, Jon Connington, and Ravana Reyne without the permission of either Rhaegar Targaryen or Arthur Dayne. These people shale henceforth be referred to as "Confidants". Nor may she speak any falsehood to any Confidant.
  12. Rhaegar Targaryen and Arthur Dayne may add names or remove them from the list of Confidants at will.
  13. This oath shall last until the Others have been repelled from an invasion south of the Wall, at which time Aelora shall not harm the Confidants for the rest of their lives.
This oath has been sworn to by ice and fire, by earth and water. This oath has been sworn to by the Wheel and the Weaver on the Wheel. Aelora swore this by her names and all the secret names of God. Upon her authority, this oath was entered into divine Law.
Yeah, I just noticed/realised some of the problems with 13: "an invasion south of the Wall" is pretty flexible terminology to be using with a demon who's just been arm-twisted into a wildly unfavourable accord. "Shall not harm" also doesn't necessarily preclude "allowing to come to harm".

Mrrmf. Best we were gonna get, I guess.
Ugh... that feeling you get just before the knife slides into your back...

Well at least you actually put some some of restritions on how she'd act instead of a series of ever lenient "conditions" that ended with "do whatever you want but pwetty pweze stick in Essos and dont tell anyone you're a demon?" with no downside for even refusing that nothing burger of a demand.
Sorry this update is taking so long, guys. Every day, I say to myself, "It will get done today!" And then I progress so slowly and the finish line remains ahead. But today, I added Aelora and Matarys to the character sheets.
Sorry this update is taking so long, guys. Every day, I say to myself, "It will get done today!" And then I progress so slowly and the finish line remains ahead. But today, I added Aelora and Matarys to the character sheets.

No problem, I understand writer's block. Also, I think you made a small mistake on the character sheet, and Benjin Stark is now nested inside Matarys' spoiler.
I am kinda curious about some of the finer details of Aelora's sheet -- like, if her max MP is 26, but she can extract 40-90 MP from more vigorous souleating, how does that manifest? Is she, like, brimming over with magic?

Also, if at all possible we should get her to transcribe those languages she knows, 'cause holy hell.
Sorry this update is taking so long, guys. Every day, I say to myself, "It will get done today!" And then I progress so slowly and the finish line remains ahead. But today, I added Aelora and Matarys to the character sheets.
so long as you're not going 3 months between updates you're fine <.<
I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time with Anenue as someone else with a delicate soul.
We might actually want to reassign her to him -- it'd definitely do her some good to be away from Cersei, and it'd do him some good to have someone with zero hidden agenda (not to mention zero guile). Like, I'm sure there's something to be said for being around his big sisters, the same time, Nenya's a Cloudcuckoolander & a fan of violence, and Aelora's two-faced on a spiritually literal level & likely being sent away from Westeros besides which.

Oooh, if not reassigning Anenue to him, maybe sending him to Monford would be a good idea -- someone who is unquestionably loyal, appreciates art, and is a profoundly decent soul, would likely be very helpful for Matarys.
I am kinda curious about some of the finer details of Aelora's sheet -- like, if her max MP is 26, but she can extract 40-90 MP from more vigorous souleating, how does that manifest? Is she, like, brimming over with magic?
Good question! Actually MP can't go over the maximum, but she only has a maximum in the first place because she's limited by a human vessel. An unbound demon has no maximum, which makes nomming down entire souls much more useful for them. It's helpful for them to be able to build up a big reserve, because they burn MP at twice the rate of a demon with a vessel (one point per day instead of one point every two days).

Oh, and imagine a demon more suited to combat: entering a battlefield, tearing through a few guys and eating their souls, then using the MP to go absolutely nuts with high-level magic. This is the shit that made Andal crusaders shit their pants. Not that you'll have to encounter one of those, right?
@Vocalist, Benjen's Character Sheet is inside Matarys' Character Sheet.
Fixed that.
Oooh, if not reassigning Anenue to him, maybe sending him to Monford would be a good idea -- someone who is unquestionably loyal, appreciates art, and is a profoundly decent soul, would likely be very helpful for Matarys.
A good idea! Unfortunately Monford will kind of be on Rhaegar's shit list after next chapter. I actually thought that Matarys would do very well with Queen Rhaella. She needs someone to dote on right now.
This is the shit that made Andal crusaders shit their pants. Not that you'll have to encounter one of those, right?
*suspicion intensifies*
A good idea! Unfortunately Monford will kind of be on Rhaegar's shit list after next chapter. I actually thought that Matarys would do very well with Queen Rhaella. She needs someone to dote on right now.
Any bets on what he did or didn't do?

My first thought is also probably one of the worst options -- he's lost Serra and/or fAegon