Well, it was unfortunate that we couldn't find them, but at least it wasn't worse.

This is quite a bit more than I could have ever expected. I shall post a proper reaction post after I sleep and it isn't 2 in the morning.
Hey @Telamon if we attempted diplomacy with a faction/persons, would we need to take note of their own diplomatic bonuses/maluses, or would we only be using our own because the initiation of diplomacy with a desire for something is on our end, not theirs?


So, tell me guys: how bad were these youngest sons of Curufinwe?
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Things went well for the most part we now have a permanent settlement and new allies in the elven twins. The need to send troops to the siege means we should increase our food production as they will be recruited from our hunters. There are 6 questlines and we have 6 actions we can spend on them but some allow us to spend more then one action.

The only actions i am sure of right now are the free one from the wise, i like to use that once to try to recruit a bard leader for one more action next turn.
The other one is taking You have seen the massive herds of the House of Marach, for you are not blind. You would have herds such as these. You begin attempting to increase the size of your people's herds. to increase our food production.

For the petty dwarfs i prefer trade we have 4 wealth and a action that will probably give more(More elves have followed Finrod, seeking to interact with these new men and trade with you. You order the women of the House to make a concerted effort to sew and weave more embroideries and trinkets that they might wish to trade for. ).

For general leadership i like to take no food costing actions till we have a surplus once more and 'You attempt to construct a great Hall in your burgeoning village, to serve as your seat and the seat of your children.' might help if we invite the House of Marach to talk with us at our settlement.
Erm... Did you mean 15,000 people in total? Or 15,000 fighting men? Because if it's the latter then I can see why the Green Elves didn't want to mess with them and actively hid when they came roaring through.
So, the Greatest Fear. Which option do you guys think we should follow?

Personally, I am in great favour of Defiance but I know that that is quite possibly the riskiest path. On the other hand, it is the most human path.
If we send Belen for one of the options in The Old Ways quest will that take both of his actions for 3 turns?
If we send the wise does that take a leader?

[] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
Do it alone (May take longer)
Is this intended to still be here to expand our settlement and what are the benifits of a higher rank settlement?

How much do the land claimed by The Dark Elf overlap ours?
Thinking so more about it i would go with one of the horses options for the 3th general leadership as horses are not only useful in battle but also outside it to move messages and goods across the area of our house.
The stag stood panting and snorting in the middle of the clearing, the air steaming with his sweat and the force of his breath. He was massive, with a crown to rival that of any elven lord, and black eyes that flickered back and forth frantically as he stamped the snow. An arrow already sprouted from his hindside -- likely one of her fellow hunters had found him earlier and been unable to get the kill.

All the more pity for them, then.

Halbeth breathed in, hefted her bow took aim, and let fly. A moment later, her spear sprouted from the stag's neck and flowered out of the other side. For a moment, the king of the wild snorted with rage and turned towards her, eyes glinting. Then, as if he had suddenly realized his predicament, he heaved a final defeated breath and slumped down into the snow. The huntress stepped forward from the edge of the grove where she had been hiding and paced over to her prey, unable to stop a self-satisfied grin from spreading across her face.

As she neared however, Halbeth frowned. The second arrow which rose from the stag

"I am Halbeth of the Folk of Beor, called Curwen by Thingol's folk, and this boar is mine...my lords

Um I think a mistake has been made...isn't she supposed to be hunting a boar? Not a stag? Or is it the reverse?
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So, the Greatest Fear. Which option do you guys think we should follow?

Personally, I am in great favour of Defiance but I know that that is quite possibly the riskiest path. On the other hand, it is the most human path.
Think our elf buddies and Ents are likely the wrong kind of advice, given the fear's nature.
Either our own way or...the sons of Feanor, if nothing else, know how to hate oh so very very well.
So the response to the great fear quest should really be about what sort of faction do we want to have.

I am wary of the Sons of Fire option. The Dispossessed are cursed, and they might mess it up... Although... Its possible that if we form stronger ties with them, they will be less outrageously evil when the time comes.

Finrod is a good option because Finrod is always a good option. Also, I think it will be cool if we sort of try to be friends with everyone, and going to Finrod for advice will help with that.

Going to the Ent Wives will be interesting. I'm worried that we won't be able to appreciate their perspective though.

And of course, defiance. We go this way, we get Hurin and Turin levels of trouble. But we might get Hurin and Turin levels of Heroes.
Hope is knowing that living under the Shadow is not the truth of things, that life is not supposed to be a struggle cursed with grief and misery ending with a bitter, final death. The Wises in the Elves would perhaps be aware of Humans rejoining Eru after death. The Ents would know about enduring and finding joy and purpose in every little thing you do despite the Shadow looming above you. Defiance sounds like dying on your own terms, if the Enemy will forever hound you and you can't be free of his malice then strike him, even if you can't win. For the Feanorians, I have no idea what Hope could be like, their Oath is all about unrelenting revenge.

Sam had such a great way to put it
"There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tower high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach."
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Its interesting that there's a mystery box option for upgrading the Dream lore:
[] You tell Belen and the Wise to study the arts of the Valar themselves, and perhaps find a path that even the elves have not walked. (???)
I suspect this is because Men, unlike Elves, don't have a fixed Fate so the Sight must work differently for us than for them, which makes me curious about the trait we can gain from that option. Maybe if we succeed we'll gain more Fate-defying traits? Honestly, the encounters with Ambarussa, Eöl, and the Petty-Dwarves make me think the World itself is nudging us to make bigger ripples in the Story.
Maybe speaking with either Finrod or the Twins would be best in relation to handling the Fear would help. I am leaning towards the twins and sending the Bow-Maiden, given how close she and one of twins seem to be. In addition to quelling our Fear, we might be able to form a great diplomatic beachhead with the Dispossessed by forming a closer bond with the Youngests. But we should definitely send the Bow Maiden for that option.

Edit: Typos and such.
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Shit, eol. That's not good. Eol is a crazy good Smith, allies with the dwarves and a vassal of thingol, a master of magic... and inarguably evil. Ordinarily, i'd say stay away from him, but if I remember my timelines correctly the arrival of the Marach means we have 3 more years before he goes all kidnappy over Aredhel, and if we can get friendly enough with him we might be able to notice and notify the Noldor, which if we pull it off will stop the canonical fall of Gondolin - potentially an enormous payoff if it comes to that.
The question of Hope is a big part of Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, so we can attempt to recreate it early. But I am not sure we could.
[] The Defiance: Mayhap you cannot lift the shadow from their hearts, but you may be able to turn them against it. Your people did not give in for a dozen lifetimes of the Great Flight -- why should they succumb to fear now that it is ended. The Enemy has followed us here -- so what? The Enemy is master of the world -- so what? We will spit in his eye all the same, and go grinning to our deaths. (???)
--[] Leader (write-in)

Can I just say I love this option, because it fits so right for the race of Man. The world is unfair, but there are beautiful things worth protecting, worth dying for. They need estel , the concept not the Man( since he won't be born for many years).

Hope of a better life drove them West and now that at long last they've arrived, they finally understood that the Shadow is everywhere. But why should they ever stop hoping that perhaps one day they will be free of it? Or at least capable of spitting in its face?

Also I think we should send someone(Baran?)to the Green Elves to act as an envoy between the House of Marach and them. I am so sad we failed the roll with the men of the House of 'Haleth'. But yay, for Ent-wives.

Erm... Did you mean 15,000 people in total? Or 15,000 fighting men? Because if it's the latter then I can see why the Green Elves didn't want to mess with them and actively hid when they came roaring through.

The House of Marach crosses into Beleriand in three series of 2000 men. So there were some 6000 totally who arrived, but they came a year apart, if I remember right.

Edit: Also @Telamon shouldn't
(Hunter Legend) Baran of the Deep Wood: Your skill as a woodsman is exemplary among the children of Men. It may well be the stuff of stories. (6/10 to Rank I)

change to
(Hunter Legend Gained!)
Baran of the Deep Wood:
Your skill as a woodsman is exemplary among the children of Men, and will be the stuff of stories in later times. (Rank I: +10 to all Woodsmanship Rolls)
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Ooh la la, we met Amrod and Amras! Perfect, just in time to prepare for settling our debt with Doriath. Taking the Forge this turn and the Sword the next will help so damn much to increase the odds that not all of the people we send are automatically dead. Couple that with the Starmoon, Defiance and an alliance with the Marach and we might even actually matter in a fight against the Shadow.

I agree that appeasing Eol could net us a chance to butterfly away the canonical reason for Gondolin's fall (can't discard the possibility of it being fated to fall).
[] The Defiance: Mayhap you cannot lift the shadow from their hearts, but you may be able to turn them against it. Your people did not give in for a dozen lifetimes of the Great Flight -- why should they succumb to fear now that it is ended. The Enemy has followed us here -- so what? The Enemy is master of the world -- so what? We will spit in his eye all the same, and go grinning to our deaths. (???)
--[] Leader (write-in)

This reminds me of something:

"If the Enemy is master of the world, and even the mightiest have battled him and lost, then man has only a fool's hope.

But that is hope enough. It is hope enough to kindle the light of humanity, which burns brightest when immersed by the deepest shadows. It is hope enough to alloy with desperation, to forge unity, to draw forth the strength of the defiant.

If Man is to end, let us end
in glory. Let us end screaming defiance against the storm, as we have each time it demanded we lie down and die. Let us end fighting for a world where the weak can laugh and live and smile. A kinder world. A better world. A more deserving world than one where only the strongest survive."
@Telamon does Eöl count as a Leader of Thingol's faction? If so, could we get his stats? It would also be great if the Dwarves get an info post too, since (I think) they have a kingdom as well and are pretty relevant.
@Telamon does Eöl count as a Leader of Thingol's faction? If so, could we get his stats? It would also be great if the Dwarves get an info post too, since (I think) they have a kingdom as well and are pretty relevant.
Eöl hasn't been one of Thingol's people since he left to Nan Elmoth. He doesn't really answer to him or anyone. And while he's aptly named Dark Elf, he's also a Dwarf-Friend and a skilled craftsman and great sword-smith. If we could somehow learn from him...

I mean the man made an entirely new metal that blade and arrow couldn't puncture, galvorn. Maybe get our new named possible leader Barachor apprenticed to him?