The Silmarillion Quest

The Silmarillion Quest
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There was little peril in the lands and hills; and there new things, devised long ages before in the thought of Yavanna and sown as seed in the dark, came at last to their budding and their bloom. West, North, and South the children of Men spread and wandered, and their joy was the joy of the morning before the dew is dry, when every leaf is green. But the dawn is brief and the day full often belies its promise; and now time drew on to the great wars of the powers of the North, when Noldor and Sindar and Men strove against the hosts of Morgoth Bauglir, and went down in ruin.

Here is told the deeds of those days -- of the Noldor, and the Silmarils, and the mortals that became entangled in their fate.

Here is told the Silmarillion.
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